Debbi stories archive

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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and Carol's Full Monty

Carol was sitting at her kitchen table when her daughter Charlotte bounced in. "Hi Charlie. Good day ?" she enquired. "Mega" replied Charlotte. "We've been planning for Red Nose Day in a few weeks." Red Nose Day was a major charity event in the UK, run across all platforms of the BBC where celebrities, comedians and members of the general public engaged in all manner of silly stunts in order to raise millions for charitable causes.

"Has that come round again ? I always have a laugh at that" said Carol. "So what plans did you come up with ?" she asked, wanting to show interest in her daughter's college career though only half listening. "Brilliant ones. Ravi, Sean and Jay-Ra are going to do the Full Monty !" Charlotte explained excitedly. Carol's interest was immediately raised several notches. The thought of those hunky friends of her daughter's letting it all hang out stimulated her recently reawakened libido ! "Wow, that's something I've got to see!" she exclaimed.

"Glad to hear that mum, 'cos the thing is, everyone thought it'd go much better if there were some females taking part too" Charlotte continued. Carol's demeanour immediately changed and she turned into a stern, matronly mother figure rather than her daughter's best friend. "Now see here Charlotte Rose. No daughter of mine is going to go prancing about on stage in the altogether" she insisted. Charlotte laughed. "I knew you'd say that mum. That's why I volunteered you and Debbi !"

Carol could never refuse her beloved only child anything. And she remained intoxicated by the idea of seeing the willies of Charlotte's young friends ! But she was far from confident enough to parade her own less than perfect body, dancing in front of a crowd. She had hoped that her husband Derek would put his foot down and stop her but to her chagrin, he seemed all for it. "You just want to see Debbi strip don't you ?" she challenged him. The flush on Derek's face belied his denials !

Carol's final hope of escape was her former boss, now business partner. But Debbi was also amenable to the idea. "It's for a great cause" the sultry brunette said. "Aren't you bothered about half the town seeing you naked ?" Carol argued. "Half the town already have, some more than once" Debbi laughed. "I used to be mortified but once the worst had happened once, I learned to just sort of go with the flow which is what I do now" she continued. "What about the copper ?" Carol persisted. She was talking about Debbi's policeman boyfriend. "He doesn't rule my life and anyway, he's broad minded with all that he's seen in his job" said Debbi. "I don't know what you're worried about. We're all the same naked !"

"It's alright for you. You can be in a scruffy t-shirt and jeans with no makeup and still have the men drooling" Carol accused her, some of her old resentment towards Debbi coming to the surface. "Oh shush" scoffed Debbi. "Don't do yourself down. You've still got a lot going for you." She grabbed her phone and began scrolling. "Leave it to me. We've still got a few weeks. We're going to give you a total makeover !"

"First we need to sort out that bush of yours" was Debbi's initial comment, which was why Carol now found herself naked and perched on top of the salon treatment table on all fours and with her bum in the air ! Debbi was along for moral support and advice. Carol's bush had already been dealt with and the beautician, who knew Debbi as a regular customer, had momentarily left them to get some more wax strips.

Carol had not experienced such pain since she had given birth to Charlotte 18 years ago ! She had envisaged leaving a small landing strip but both Debbi and the beautician had advised that it should all go. Carol had never shaved in her life, it wasn't the fashion in her teen days and she had not bothered to keep up. She had looked down at her fleshy labia, now so starkly revealed. She knew it stood in marked contrast to Debbi's neat little coin slot as displayed for the month of August. "No worries, everyone's different" Debbi had assured her.

Carol had thought that would be that but the others had insisted that the short hairs around her anus had to go as well. Which is why she had assumed the position awaiting the beautician's return.

Debbi's phone chirped. "Oh, hi, we're out of the office...Carol's getting her bush waxed, look !" The garage owner, who had called with a software query, was confronted by a full screen view of Carol's asshole ! "Debbi" screeched Carol in protest. "What ?" asked Debbi innocently. She was in a mischievous mood. "Roy's seen your bum before" she reasoned. "Not that much of it" countered Carol, only too aware of the view she must be presenting. "It's OK, Roy says he doesn't mind" answered the frisky Debbi.

Nevertheless, she moved to one side as she resumed a business like approach and answered Roy's query. Meanwhile, the beautician had returned. "Owwww !" There was a piercing scream. "What was that ?" Asked Roy. "Oh nothing, just finishing off Carol's waxing" giggled Debbi, who went on to explain their upcoming participation in Red Nose Day !

"Strip off, let's see what we've got to work with." Carol was standing in front of a statuesque Polish girl in a deserted dance studio. This next step in Debbi's itinerary for her was with a personal trainer Debbi sometimes used. "We don't expect miracles Sonia, just a little bit of tone if you can" Debbi had instructed her friend.

"Everything off, it's only us girls here" Sonia had continued as Carol had remained standing awkwardly in her bra and pants. She discarded these and felt even more embarrassed displaying her newly waxed state. "OK. So not too overweight but I see what Debbi meant when she said you could do with a little more muscle tone" remarked Sonia, pinching the skin around Carol's hips. "Try a few jumping jacks. I need to see how much wobble there is." Sonia never spared her clients' feelings !

Carol began jumping, which immediately sent her ample tits flying in a circular motion and threatening to bash her on the chin ! "OK. OK, stop" cried Sonia. "That's not going to work with those melons. Best put your bra back on." The older woman was happy to do so, even if it seemed to only accentuate her remaining nudity. Sonia had her do some more jumps, stretches and pushups. "I think we can come up with a program but we only have three weeks, so I'll need you here twice a week and also working out at home every other day" Sonia declared. Carol cursed Charlotte and Debbi !

Carol was feeling a mixture of disappointment and relief. Disappointment because Sean and Ravi had chickened out on baring all and so the boys were going to be wearing posing pouches rather than going the Full Monty. J-Ra had been more than willing to display his impressive cock but Sean in particular had felt somewhat inadequate and had got cold feet. This disappointment was eased for Carol by the relief that she and Debbi need also only strip down to their G-strings. Carol had even lobbied for keeping their tops on but Debbi had agreed with Charlotte that the sponsoring audience needed to get something for their money !

"Don't worry mum, you look great" Charlotte had reassured her. The final part of Debbi's makeover of Carol had involved a trip to the hairdressers, where she had been given a feather cut and blonde highlights. It would be an exaggeration to say that it took ten years off of her but it did all help to give a more up to date appearance. Carol had even lost a few pounds under Sonia's workout supervision, though her body remained top heavy and that of a MILF, rather than the fox that was Debbi. But hey, variety is the spice of life.

The two women had done a brief run through with the boys in the college hall, stripping down to their own bra and knickers while the boys retained their boxers. There wasn't any dance routine as such, just a few moves to the music and working out how to discard their clothes without looking too awkward and ungainly. Part of the fun for the audience would be that these were obviously not professionals. The art department were going to provide costumes with special Velcro fastenings for both sexes, to speed up the ease of taking them off. They'd also produce the boys' pouches and sparkly sequinned G-strings for Debbi and Carol. Things were all set for Friday !

"What on earth are you doing ?" asked Carol. Debbi was standing on tiptoe and trying to look back over her shoulder into the full length mirror that had been installed in their makeshift dressing room. All that she was wearing was the sparkly red and black G-string. "I'm just trying to get some idea of what the punters are going to see" answered Debbi. "I'd rather not know" countered Carol, who was already dressed in the full length evening gown that was to be their initial costume.

"Don't be daft, you look great" said Debbi. "I don't know how I'm going to get this off smoothly though" Carol continued, gesturing at the gown. "These Velcro fastenings were supposed to rip off easy but the girls have put them at the back.

Debbi considered the problem as Carol turned around. She had yet to put on her own gown. "Maybe we strip each other ?" she suggested. "Huh ?" said Carol. Debbi giggled. "Well, we haven't got any particular dance routine have we ? You can strip off my gown and then pretend to run away and I'll chase you and eventually strip you too !"

"I'd rather you didn't catch me at all" admitted Carol. "What ? After all the trouble I went to with your makeover ? Let's rehearse now !" Debbi closed in on Carol who tried to run but there was no space in the cramped dressing room and Debbi was soon tearing at the Velcro strips. The gown was down to Carol's hips and her ample bosom was on display when Charlotte entered the room. "Having fun you two ?" Carol's daughter laughed. Debbi explained the problem and her solution. "Should be a hoot" agreed Charlotte. "We go in ten minutes."

"Have we got a good crowd ?" wondered Debbi, glancing at the poster on the wall.

'The ( almost ) Full Monty; featuring our very own J-Ra, Sean and Ravi with special guest appearance from famous local Calendar Girls Debbi and Carol !'

"Full house" confirmed Charlotte. "We thought it'd be mostly women to see the boys but there's a fair percentage of blokes too. Dad's been spreading the word and that guy from the garage !"

"Is there a ban on photographs ?" Carol asked her daughter as they made their way to the side of the stage. "No" replied Charlotte. "It was mentioned but we thought it would be too hard to police and would spoil the atmosphere if we tried." Carol was disappointed but let it slide.

The three boys were already on stage strutting their stiff to raucous female accompaniment from three hen parties in the audience. There was little attempt to avoid the cliched and so Do Ya Think I'm Sexy had segued into I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt, by which time J-Ra, Sean and Ravi were topless, though still clad in their Velcro fastened slacks. This was the cue for the music to change to You Can Keep Your Hat On and for Debbi and Carol to make their entrance.

The pair sashayed on stage in their evening gowns and heels, topped off by Fedoras that Charlotte had obtained. The crowd's enthusiasm and excitement increased exponentially. All five began moving around the stage to the music and interacting, the two women caressing the boys faces while the lads planted their hands on the women's butts. Finally, on a signal, the three college boys broke away and in one swift Velcro assisted gesture whipped off their trousers, to the accompaniment of delighted female squeals. The posing pouches they were wearing covered the essentials but otherwise left little to the imagination and a quick twirl revealed them to be virtually backless.

The atmosphere became more intense and rowdy as the boys thrust their hips at the audience while Debbi and Carol posed and gestured, discreetly losing their Fedoras at the same time. "What about the girls ?" a loud masculine voice cut through. This seemed a good enough incentive for Carol to move in behind Debbi and in a move only slightly less practiced than the boys, open up Debbi's gown and sweep it to the ground.

This was greeted with cheers from both sexes in the audience as her perky tits and bum were revealed, together with the sequinned G-string. Debbi smiled broadly and moved to the centre of the stage to join the boys as they danced, turning her back to reveal a full moon ! "What about the MILF ?" called out the same masculine voice that sounded suspiciously like Carol's husband Derek ! Debbi took this as the opportunity to pursue her colleague around the stage, allowing Carol to elude her briefly before getting a sufficient grip on the gown to deftly remove it from the older woman. The pair then resumed positions with the three boys, Carol resisting the temptation to cover her tits with her arms.

The song ended and with it, the planned performance. The five of them linked arms, moved to the front of the stage and bowed low. They then turned round and repeated the manoeuvre in a cheeky display ! This was met with wild whoops and thunderous applause but as they all waved and made to leave the stage, an insistent chant began from the hen parties that was taken up by the entire audience. "All the way, all the way !"

The noise of the chanting became thunderous and just went on and on. The five dancers stood around perplexed towards the back of the stage, their way out blocked by Charlotte and her cohorts.

It was J-Ra who broke ranks. He had always had no qualms about stripping off completely, it was the other guys who had chickened out, especially Sean. The confident black stud strode to the front of the stage and with a flourish, divested himself of his posing pouch. The hen parties were ecstatic as his impressive member was revealed. Charlotte shoved Ravi forward and he too was soon naked. Carol craned her head to try to get a glimpse of her daughter's boyfriend's willy but to her frustration they had their backs to her. She had instinctively taken to standing there with her arms crossed over her chest but Debbi was oblivious and stood tits out watching the boys.

Meanwhile, the hens were calling out Sean. The peer pressure on the poor Irish lad was immense and eventually he was also nude, his stubby button cock nestling in a mass of red curls explaining his reluctance to go all the way. The boys paraded briefly, giving Carol the chance to finally compare their attributes. She would have been in her element if she had been down in the audience rather than up on stage with them wearing only a G-string !

Debbi smiled and clapped enthusiastically, that was until she heard the chant change at the instigation of the men from Roy's garage. 'Deb-ee, Deb-ee' began to ring out. Surprisingly, the hen parties took this up too. Why not share the fun around ? Although initially disconcerted, Debbi had originally assumed that she was going to be naked anyway when she had agreed to take part. What the hell, she thought.

Debbi came forward, waved, turned her back while looking coquettishly over her shoulder, before bending down and removing her G-string. She teased them for a moment before turning to reveal her neat little coin slot in a 'Ta Da' pose !

All sections of the audience were now in a state of heightened excitement. Carol tried to discreetly edge offstage but Charlotte pushed her back on. "No you don't mum" she insisted. "Don't be silly Charlotte, let me through" Carol hissed but Charlotte and her friends were having too much fun and remained blocking the exit. Debbi's attention was drawn to the kerfuffle behind her. "Oh no you don't. You're not getting off that lightly" she laughed as she made her way towards Carol !

The now totally naked Debbi set off to chase Carol around the stage. As far as Debbi was concerned, this was a playful continuation of the earlier plan where they had stripped each other of their gowns. Carol, however, was no longer in a playful mood and was determined to hang onto her final shred of dignity in the shape of her black and red G-string !

Carol's ample tits began to fly wildly in all directions as she ran, which made a marked contrast to Debbi's more pert and compact body. After a couple of fruitless circuits of the stage, Carol turned to face the audience ands confront Debbi. "Stop it Deb. I'm not taking this off." Caught up in the moment as she was, Debbi failed to read Carol's change of mood and continued to reach for the inadequate waistband of the G-string.

Their chase around the stage had been made all the more comical by the fact that they were both still wearing heels and it was these heels that caused Carol to lose her balance and topple over backwards as Debbi lunged forward. Debbi landed on top of her with her arms around her and her legs straddling either side of Carol's body, which left Debbi's bum spread wide open and displaying all of her charms to the delighted audience !

"Look, she's winking at me" yelled one of the females from the hen parties. "Starfish alert" called another. Roy the garage owner was standing with Carol's husband Derek. "Er, do you think we should intervene? " he wondered, not because he wanted to but because it seemed to be the right thing to say. "What on earth for ?" asked Derek. He had hoped to maybe see Debbi's tits in the flesh as opposed to just in those calendar photos but was now relishing seeing a whole lot more of her than he had anticipated ! Plus, he was quietly proud of the attention his wife was getting.

Meanwhile up on the stage things were developing into a full blown catfight, with all the old rivalry between the pair bubbling up to the surface again. Debbi realised by now that Carol had no intention of willingly relinquishing her final item of clothing, while Carol had heard the calls from the audience and was determined to prolong Debbi's embarrassing exposure as she clamped her arms around Debbi's back.

"Let me go"

"No, not until you get off me"

"How can I get off you if you won't let me go ?"

"Then stop trying to strip me"

"No !"

Carol began trying to spank Debbi to get her off ; not easy while Debbi was lying splayed on top of her ! The audience was being royally entertained by this extra impromptu spectacle. The two entwined women began to roll across the stage, slapping and grappling all the while. Carol retained the minimal covering of her G-string but Debbi was continually flashing glimpses of all her charms !

"Truce ?" cried Carol after a few minutes of this. "Truce" agreed Debbi. Carol released her bear hug and Debbi broke away to sit on her knees, breathing heavily. Carol rose unsteadily to her feet, tits wobbling. Suddenly, Debbi lunged forward, grabbed Carol's G-string and hauled it to her knees and then swiftly to her ankles and off ! Carol screamed as the audience roared.

"You said truce" Carol yelled. "I lied" laughed Debbi. Carol's instinct was to reach down and grab the garment but on Charlotte's instructions, the three lads moved forward to link arms with Debbi and Carol and lead them to the front of the stage for one final communal bow, all five now totally naked ! "Some judicious editing should be able to cut out most of the boys" Roy grinned, as he showed Derek what he was recording. "Once more, a huge thank you and round of applause for our five brave strippers" called Charlotte over the PA. "Please contribute generously if you have not already done so. The lines remain open for several hours yet" she encouraged.

"That was out of order" Carol fumed at Debbi once they were finally backstage again. "Oh phooey, I ended up showing a lot more than you anyway when we were fighting" replied Debbi. "Oh mum, you looked great" said Charlotte. "And I saw dad laughing" she added. "Hmph" Carol was partially pacified, seeming to forget that she was still standing there naked as well wishers began to mill around. "But I'm still going to have something to say to you and your father when we get home !"
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi the college mentor ; aka Miz No-E ; Part One

Jeff had called Debbi into his office to discuss another of his schemes to raise the profile of the company and garner more positive PR. "There's so much talk from the government and media about how important it is to make sure the next generation has the skills necessary for an information based economy. What we need to do is get involved and be leaders in this field." Debbi nodded dutifully. "You're an outstanding example of someone from a modest background who is really making a mark in life" he flattered her. "So I'm delegating to you Deb !" Why am I not surprised ? Perish the thought you'd do any work yourself, she thought cynically. "I want you to organise a project with the local college, encourage the girls especially to go for a career in I.T. Maybe mentor a small group, act as a positive role model. You have all the attributes !"

It was an order not a suggestion and Debbi knew that she would have to run with it. It might only be a gap of eight years separating her 26 year old self from the 18 year old college students but she realised it could still seem a chasm. She would do some research however and felt that it was something she could handle. She'd do some delegating of her own and get Carol to set it up. The company would donate some laptops or something in exchange for the good publicity.

Debbi was not particularly pleased that Carol chose the college Debbi herself had attended eight years ago. She immediately felt herself regressing to her less confident younger self on entering the familiar surroundings but she told herself this was silly. There had been a turnover of staff and she did not recognise the science and technology teacher who greeted her after the initial introductions from the college principal. "It's great your company is taking an interest in these kids" the teacher enthused. She was a somewhat harassed looking individual, maybe ten years Debbi's senior. "Everyone's so quick to consign them to the scrapheap but honestly, there's so much potential."

Miss Johnson, the tutor, explained that a group of nine had signed up for Debbi's sessions, since the college had wanted attendance to be voluntary. "That's great, I was hoping to get to know and mentor a small group" said Debbi. "Some of the nine I expected to be interested, a couple were a surprise but I'm hoping this will be a turning point for them" continued the tutor. Debbi thought that this sounded a little less promising but let it pass !

As they entered the lecture room, Debbi was immediately greeted by a wolf whistle from the back. "Settle down, you should be too mature now for that sort of thing" Ms Johnson shouted. Debbi was dressed immaculately in a business suit but for some reason which she was now regretting, she had selected a skirt option today rather than trousers. She hadn't worn this skirt for a while and it was a little shorter than she remembered, sitting just on top of her knee. She had on a pair of sheer navy blue tights. Ms Johnson briefly introduced Debbi and then left her to it.

The nine students comprised six girls and three boys, an even mix of black, Asian and white, reflecting the multi-ethnic makeup of the area. "I'll try to remember all your names as soon as I can over the coming weeks" Debbi said, studying the cardboard name plates on each desk. "But you can call me Debbi. I'm not your tutor and there's no need to be formal." She smiled but met a largely stony response. Ho hum, she thought, let's just plough on. "That's Debbi with no 'e' " she continued, writing on the white board 'Debbi - No E'. One of the white girls, Lynne, immediately piped up. "But there's an 'e' between the 'd' and the 'b' ?" she queried. "Well, yes" Debbi admitted, blushing. "But no 'e' at the end !" Lynne now applied her logic to this. "Then shouldn't it be 'Debbi - No E at the end' ?" Debbi kept blushing. "Er, of course, yes, you're right" and to giggles from the class she amended her note on the board.

"Look" said Jody, a powerful looking black girl who seemed to be the alpha of the group. "Why don't we just call you Miz No-E ? Sounds like a rapper ?" the class laughed and began to chant "Miz No-E, Miz No-E !" Debbi was already wrong footed. "Er, yeah, sure, fine if that's what you want." She didn't want to come across as bossy and aloof. "Yeah, right ! Miz No-E. I'll write a rap for you that you can do for us next week" Jody asserted. "Um, er, ok yeah, sure fine." Debbi bumbled. Jody grinned. A plan was already formulating in her mind. She got up confidently and strode to the board to scrawl 'Miz No E' !

This hadn't started quite how Debbi had envisaged. She had thought the students might be more mature in their outlook, they were 18 after all and this project could be useful to them in pursuing a career, maybe even with the company. But Ms Johnson had warned her that some of the participants might be a bit difficult and were not those who might have been expected to sign up for Debbi's sessions. I guess kids are just different now from my day she thought, even if 'her day' at college was only a few years ago.

She set up her laptop to display on the screen via the overhead projector and began her introduction again, ignoring Miz No-E written on the board. But there still seemed a barrier between her and these kids. "This all seems too formal" she said to them. "I feel cut off here behind this big desk" she explained. "Come and sit up on the desk, you'll be closer and more like one of us" suggested one of the black boys. "Good idea" agreed Debbi , moving around to the front of the desk.

As she sat on top, her skirt rose a few more inches. She decided it would be more comfortable crossing her legs, which revealed a long expanse of thigh encased in sheer blue nylon. Debbi was oblivious to this but interest immediately perked up, especially among the boys ! She was happier with this less formal set up. The kids seemed to be paying more attention and looked more engaged. She told them a little about her career path, how she had been at this self same college and how hard work and aptitude went a long way in the I.T. world.

Debbi needed her remote to change the screen, which she had left on the far side of the desk. She was sitting with her right leg crossed over her left and as she leaned across to her left at full stretch with her right hand, the skirt rode up even more, almost to her bottom ! She still remained oblivious since she was not used to wearing this skirt, nor indeed to wearing a skirt this short in general. But she was provoking a physical response from the boys and the girls already had her pegged for a tease. Though she returned to an upright position clutching the remote, she was now sitting with virtually her entire right thigh on display, well beyond where the material of her tights changed colour at the gusset.

Debbi was pleased that the students remained attentive for the next few minutes but then the boys became more interested in their phones and were joking and chattering among themselves. She thought that she needed to re-engage with them quickly but all she could think to do was to try the approach of one of her old teachers that she remembered. Not wanting to sound too authoritarian but nevertheless doing so, she said to the Asian boy "Maybe you would like to share what's so interesting with all of us Saeed ?" The three boys laughed. "We have wi-fi here, I can transfer it to your laptop to display on the screen if you like ?" was Saeed's confident reply. Debbi was impressed by the boy's technical proficiency. "That's just the kind of thing that would get you on in a company like our's Saeed" she said encouragingly. "Go ahead."

After a minute or two, Saeed said "OK, you can click on it now." As Debbi did so, the class students collapsed into helpless laughter. Displayed full size on the screen was a photo of Debbi leaning across to grab the remote and showing the entire length of her legs to the class ! Debbi felt like she was losing control. She looked down and for the first time noticed the expanse of thigh that she was still displaying. She hastily shifted and adjusted her skirt. "I'm so sorry, I'm not used to wearing this skirt" she stumbled as she clicked the remote to get rid of the demeaning photo from the screen, to the accompaniment of boos from the class !

Jody strode to the front of the class again. "No need to apologise No-E. You can't suddenly go all coy on us. What do you prefer boys ? Legs or no legs ?" she asked. "Legs !" was the obvious answer that was shouted out by all. "If you don't know how to sit, just lift your skirt up around your waist, let them all have a good look" bullied Jody. The powerful black girl seemed to tower over Debbi. "I don't think that would be appropriate" stammered Debbi. Jody mimicked her scornfully in a mock posh voice. "I do not think that would be appropriate. Listen to Miss Snooty ! Well, we all agree it is most appropriate and would be very motivational for us as well, don't we guys !" There were enthusiastic cries of agreement. "Just hitch up that skirt for us and then we can let you carry on with your 'oh so interesting' presentation !"

Debbi was now sitting with uncrossed legs and found herself feeling for the hem of her skirt. It was a pivotal moment where she had lost control and Jody observed this with satisfaction. She was practiced at being the dominant female and well used to getting her way. Red faced, Debbi began to inch the skirt upwards. "All the way. Clear of your bum, right up to your waist" Jody ordered. Debbi lifted her backside off the desk to free the tight skirt as she complied with this command. She was now sitting with the entire length of both legs in view, encased in the sheer navy tights. The white triangle of her brief knickers could be clearly seen.

Jody sat back down and Debbi tried desperately to pick up the thread of her planned presentation. To her surprise, there even seemed a glimmer of interest from some of the students. But after a further ten minutes, the more disruptive elements decided to have some more fun with her. Joel complained that he could not see Debbi's legs well enough. "Would it be better if she took the skirt off ?" Jody asked him. Joel agreed that it would. "Take it right off No-E and stand to the side of the desk" Jody continued. "What if someone comes ?" Debbi panicked. Jody was gratified to observe that she had not dismissed the idea out of hand but was merely worried about being discovered.

"You're safe for another quarter of an hour. Unless we decide to complain about you of course !" Jody still thought it worth adding a little threat to the situation. Debbi hopped off of the desk, momentarily allowing gravity to cover some of her legs. But she soon found the zip fastener and stepped out of her skirt, which she placed on the desk. This action was accompanied by more catcalls and wolf whistles. "Give us a little twirl" shouted Jody and Debbi did so. "That jacket's hiding too much" Joel was still not completely satisfied. "Yeah, take that off too No-E" said Jody. The tails of Debbi's blouse still afforded some cover but it was a strangely sexy sight as Jody made her parade up and down the two aisles of the lecture room.

The students then settled down again to allow a few more minutes of the presentation before there was the noise of activity out in the hallway. "Better put your skirt back on No-E" Jody laughed and Debbi scurried to do so. "Hey, that was more fun than I expected" Lynn remarked to her crony. "Oh don't worry, I've already got plenty of ideas for next week" Jody laughed. The students began to make their way out as Debbi confusedly gathered together her things. "I'll write that rap ready for you to perform next week" Jody called to her. "What ? Er, oh, yeah OK" said the flustered Debbi !

The following week, Debbi had hardly entered the lecture room before she was surrounded by Jody and Lynn. "No-E, we've got your rap all ready for you" Jody enthused. "What ? Er, I'm sorry, I'm not with you." Debbi was confused. "Don't say you've forgotten ? You said you'd do a rap for us if I wrote one ?" Jody reminded her. "The Miz No-E rap !" she pointed at the board, where MIZ NO-E was emblazoned in large letters. Debbi did remember now and how she had not wanted to come across as stuffy and stand offish to the students. "Oh yeah, right, fine" she said. Lynn and Jody stepped back and looked at the formal business suit Debbi was wearing, complete with a significantly longer skirt this week. "But this is no good, we have to get you looking like a rap chick" Jody decided. "Let's get this skirt off !"

"No, stop, wait, what're you doing ?" Debbi protested but Lynn had already deftly unzipped the skirt which was now pooling at Debbi's feet. "Ugh, tights again, that's no good either" Jody continued her assessment of Debbi's attire. "No, stop, wait" Debbi repeated but Lynn already had the pantyhose down around her knees ! The other seven students were just looking on in amusement. "Nice knickers" Jody at least approved of Debbi's white lace thong. Before Debbi had a chance to catch her breath, the makeover was complete as her jacket was removed and her blouse tied up in a bow leaving her midriff bare. "That's a lot better" Jody concluded !

"Now, up on the desk. Saeed's created a kind of karaoke screen with the lyrics." In less than five minute since entering the room, Debbi was now standing on the desk in front of the students, dressed in only her knickers and an abbreviated blouse, peering at the lyrics she was now expected to perform ! "OK, off you go" said Jody. "We'll clap out the rhythm." Debbi awkwardly began to chant....

"Look at me, I'm Miz No-E

Dancin' in my knickers for the world to see

Ev-ery-body's lookin' at me

Look at me, I'm Miz No-E

Look at me, I'm a girl on a mission

Standin' on the desk, showin' y'all my kitten

I used to be a big exec

But then I thought, oh what the heck

What you see's what you get, ain't nuthin' fake

Look at my booty, look at it shake

Everyone watch while it gyrate

Wiggle and a wobble like jelly on a plate

Look at me, I'm Miz No-E

Dancin' in my knickers for the world to see

Ev-ery-body's laughin' at me

Look at me, I'm Miz No-E

Miz No-E, touring all the cities

Standin' on the table shakin' my titties

Miz No-E, Miz No-E, ev-ery-body lookin' at me

Dancin' in my knickers, dancin' in my knickers, dancin' in my knickers for the world to see !"

"Well, that was a bit crap wasn't it ?" was Jody's verdict, as the rest of the class was collapsed in laughter. "Surely you've seen rap videos on MTV ? Do it again. But now you know the words, let's have some attitude, really shake that ass !"

"Dancin' in my knickers, dancin' in my knickers, dancin' in my knickers for the world to see !"

Red faced and panting, Debbi finished her second run through of the Miz No-E rap. She had put a lot more action and dance moves in this time as instructed. Most of the students were by now helpless with laughter, almost on the floor and holding onto their desks for support. Jody and Lynne stood to the side and remained straight faced, however. "Much, much better" was Jody's verdict. She handed Debbi a printed sheet with the lyrics. "Here you are. You can learn them off by heart and practice at home in front of the mirror, ready for your future performances" she said. "Future performances ?" Debbi was alarmed. "Yes, well, it's much too good to keep to ourselves. Anyway, you can hop down off the desk now" Jody continued, brushing off Debbi's implied question.

"Can I get dressed now ?" Debbi asked. Jody was gratified that the successful older woman was actually asking for her permission to get dressed again ! "Ooh, don't know. What do you think guys ? Fully dressed or knickers ?" Jody addressed the class. "Hands up for fully dressed ?" One of the girls began to tentatively raise a hand but swiftly put it down again on seeing the lack of support. "Hands up for knickers ?" A forest of hands were raised. "Knickers it is then No-E. I'll give you these back in plenty of time" Jody said, returning to her seat carrying Debbi's business suit.

Dressed in just her white lace thong and midriff baring blouse, Debbi struggled to retain any dignity and to present the lecture she had prepared but somehow she got through. As the lesson neared its' end, Jody was as good as her word and returned the remainder of Debbi's clothes. Debbi decided against the hassle of trying to put on her tights and stuffed them in her bag, prepared to go back to the office bare legged.

As the other students made their way out of the lecture room, Jody and Lynne once more approached Debbi. "We're having a sleepover at Lynne's on Friday and we'd so like you to come. A kind of bonding session" Jody began. "What ? Um, er, I'm not sure I can manage that" a surprised Debbi stammered. "Oh I see. Too good for the likes of us eh ?" Lynne pretended to take offence. "No, no, of course not" Debbi backtracked, anxious not to appear struck up and to alienate the students. "I'll see what I can do" she conceded. "Great" said Jody. "Here's the address, see you at six. Lynne's parents will be away !"
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi as Miz No-E Part Two ; The Sleepover

Now that Debbi had more time to think about it, there was no way that she was going to go to this sleepover. Sleepover ? Huh ! What was this, the Disney Channel ? These girls were 18 for goodness sake. So it was with some irritation that she received a text from Jody on Friday afternoon reminding her. She still didn't want to come over as some kind of snob. I'll just pop in straight from work to say hi but make some excuse that I can't stay overnight, she thought.

"Where's your overnight case No-E?" said Jody accusingly, as Lynne opened the door to Debbi at her parents house. "You weren't thinking of sneaking off were you ?" The large black girl always seemed to be able to catch Debbi off guard despite the excuse she had rehearsed. "No matter, I'm sure Lynne can find some things for you" she said, ushering Debbi into the room where the Asian girl Shahida was also present.

The three girls all seemed enthusiastic about Debbi staying and it soon became established that she probably could stay. Jody and Lynne had been making tentative plans about how they could have fun with the gullible older woman but had yet to come up with anything concrete. But as they were sitting in the kitchen eating microwaved ready meals, inspiration struck Lynne. Looking out of the window, she spotted her pet cat Pretty installed in her favourite spot at the end of a branch overhanging the garden pond. And adjacent to the tree, she saw the rickety old stepladder her dad kept forgetting to throw out, the one that always collapsed as soon as you put your foot on the fourth rung ! She quickly whispered the plan to Jody, as Shahida looked on, sensing they were up to something.

"Oh God No-E, our cat Pretty's got herself stuck up the tree" she pointed out the window. "Do you think you can get her down for us ?" Debbi was an animal lover and was naturally inclined to help recover the beloved pet, though she couldn't work out why it had to be her, especially dressed as she was in her business clothes. "How can I do that ? I can't climb a tree in this skirt" she answered reasonably. Lynne pointed to the stepladder. "Can't one of you climb the ladder ?" said Debbi. "We all suffer from vertigo, it's one of the things that bonds us together" Jody thought on her feet.

They all made their way into the back garden and Lynne placed the ladder precariously on the edge of the pond, underneath the branch where Pretty sat unconcerned. Lynne's parents had no interest in this garden feature they had inherited when they bought the house and the pond was particularly rancid ! With some difficulty in her business skirt, Debbi began to climb until she reached the fourth rung. Then...

Creak..., splinter..., topple..., screech..., splash !

Creak, splinter, topple, screech, splash ! Debbi went completely under the water. She emerged spluttering with weed in her hair, slime on her clothes and soaked to the skin. Jody was exultant. She's actually crying, she thought, though Debbi's tears were those of frustration and anger. "Look at the state of me" wailed Debbi. "I've got newts in my knickers !" Lynn could not help laughing at this. "There, there" comforted Jody. She may have risked putting an arm around Debbi had the water not been so rancid. "Jody will sort everything out" she continued as she led Debbi back towards the side of the house.

"I can't let you go through the house in this state but there's a wet room at the side here where you can go and shower" said Lynn. "But my clothes ?" whined Debbi, sniffing. "Poor old No-E" said Jody sympathetically. "Leave them outside the door" she ordered. "The local Indian store runs a quick turnaround 24 hour dry cleaning service. Mum uses them all the time. Your clothes'll be as good as new and ready later tonight" Debbi perked up a little. "But what about in the meantime ?" The girls pretended to ponder. "Hmm. Mum keeps the bedroom door locked when she's out. You're not my size but I'll see what I can find among my old things" Lynn suggested. "Oh, the poor cat ?" asked Debbi. "Would you believe it ? She seemed to get down by herself during all the commotion" Lynn reassured her.

The wet room was more a utility room with washing machine and dryer but a shower had been installed, mainly for when Lynn's older brother had been home and returning from rugby practice. It was an open space with no door, situated between the kitchen and the side door to the garden. Debbi felt exposed in this layout as, with some difficulty, she peeled off her wet and soiled clothing. But she understood where Lynn was coming from regarding making a mess all over the house. Muddy water was still pooling at her feet. She had just got naked when Lynn and Jody came in. Debbi frantically covered up. "Oh come on No-E, it's just us girls here" Jody laughed. "We've got to get these clothes to the cleaners. I've called the Indians and they'll be over to collect them any minute." Shahida joined the group in the wet room and scooped up Debbi's knickers. "I'm just going to put these newts back into the pond" she announced. Shahida always had great consideration for wild life !

"There's shampoo and shower gel there, we'll leave you to it" said Lynn cheerfully. "I'll put any clothes I find just outside !"

The water took a little while to run hot but soon Debbi was luxuriating under the shower, intent on warming up and getting rid of the slime, filth and pond weed resulting from her ducking. She paid particular attention to her hair, which was fully lathered up with shampoo. She closed her eyes to stop the suds from getting in them. Then she heard the side door opening. "Is Miss Lynn here ? She said she had dirty clothes for laundry" an accented masculine voice asked. "She should be through there in the kitchen" Debbi called out, before remembering that the wet room was open plan and totally visible to anyone entering via the side door. "Eek !" she cried, as she opened her eyes to see a young Indian man gazing at her nude body !

Debbi belatedly tried covering with her arms but was now distracted by the shampoo running down and stinging her eyes. "Aah" she cried, turning her back on the laundry man to retreat under the shower and ease the stinging, all the while presenting a perfect view of her peachy bum ! "Oh hi Majid" she heard Lynn say. "Don't mind Miz No-E, she's just cleaning off some pond weed" The young Indian was thoroughly confused but Lynn thrust a bin bag containing Debbi's soiled clothes into his hands while explaining the circumstances of the accident. "Can you please give me a little privacy ?" Debbi yelled from under the shower. Lynn just laughed. "I've left some things outside for you No-E" she called as Debbi was finally left alone to finish up her ablutions.

"Lynn, have you got a towel ?" Debbi shouted at the end of her shower, on realising that the wet room seemed devoid of such an item. Silence. The girls must have gone to another part of the house. Debbi peered around the corner of the wet room wall into the empty kitchen. All that was available was a small hand towel over by the sink. Debbi hurriedly trotted across the floor to grab that, hoping she wasn't leaving too many wet footprints. Back in the wet room, she wiped off the worst of the excess water and performed a few jumping jacks to try and air dry as best she could. She only hoped Lynn would let her use a hair dryer.

Now to discover what clothes the girls had left for her !

To her surprise, after a few minutes of jumping up and down to air dry, Debbi felt sufficiently dry to get dressed. She still needed a hair dryer but would get dressed before finding the girls and asking Lynn for one. Cautiously, she looked around the wall and scooped up the clothes that had been left for her. It was a disappointingly meagre bundle ! It seemed the girls were intent on playing games. All that Lynn had left for her was a sawn off crop top and a pair of brief pink panties designed for a child and with a cartoon cat on the front. Very funny thought Debbi, thinking of the cat up the tree that had landed her in this predicament.

Debbi realised she had to wear these initially before she could confront Lynn to be more reasonable. She would be a sport and show she could take a joke and then move to reassert her authority. The tight crop top accentuated her nipples and only just avoided showing under boob. It left a great expanse of bare flesh down to her navel. Debbi tried pulling on the panties which she had to wriggle up her thighs and peel over her buttocks. They gripped her bum firmly and she realised they must have left quite a lot of cheek exposed. At the front they were equally tight and distinctly low rise ! There was no mirror in the wet room but Debbi wondered how much of a camel toe they revealed.

Debbi felt extremely self conscious as she slowly walked out from the wet room, though the kitchen and into the living room where the girls were sitting watching music videos, if you could call what they were listening to music. "My but you look adorable No-E" cried Jody. "Such cute little panties and itty bitty top ! Were those yours Lynn ?" The white girl laughed. "Six or seven years ago but that was all I had that I thought might be her size" she explained. "Oh but they fit perfectly" Jody lied. Debbi thought it best to endure this teasing until she had been able to dry her hair. "Is there a hair dryer Lynn ? I'm still dripping."

The girls saw the chance for more mischief as Lynn ran to get a dryer. "You sit there and I'll sort out your hair, I used to work Saturdays in a hair dresser " said Jody. The hot blast of the dryer quickly dried Debbi's hair but Jody insisted in twisting it into two plaits tied up in absurd pink ribbons. She showed Debbi a mirror. Her lengthy and thorough shower had removed every trace of makeup from her face. She looked ridiculous. Her black hair which fell just to her shoulders ordinarily, was not long enough to suit this style properly, even without considering how childish a style it was. "There No-E, don't you look pretty ?" Jody asked rhetorically.

"Don't you have anything better I can wear ?" Debbi risked asking. It was hardly the forceful demand she had planned and she was painfully aware of a whiny quality in her voice. "But Lynn's already explained and you look absolutely fine as you are" Jody brushed off the question. "The Indians said they'd try to get your clothes back tonight" Lynn informed her. "Try ?" cried Debbi desperately. "Well, they were so filthy they thought they might need to run them through more than once" Lynn explained. "Don't worry about that all now, we're going to have so much fun !" Debbi felt something soft and furry brushing against her bare legs. "Look, Pretty's come to thank you for being so brave and trying to save her" cooed Lynn disingenuously.

Debbi looked down ruefully as the furry creature circled her legs. She was happy the cat was now safe but would much rather it had not been at the expense of her falling in the pond and temporarily losing her clothes ! "Smile" she heard Jody say. Debbi looked up to see their phones pointed at her. "No, no photos of me like this" Debbi protested. "Oh shoo, what's a sleepover with no photos ?" Jody asserted. "You look so cute, we have to have mementos !"

"I'm getting bored with these music videos" Shahida sighed. "Let's play a game" said Jody. "I know, I've got twister, I haven't played it for years" laughed Lynn. Debbi stood back, trying to merge into the background while the three 18 year old girls seemed to revert to childhood as they enthusiastically cleared a space and set the mat of different coloured circles on the carpet. "Come on No-E, you can go first" insisted Jody. "Er, no, that's OK. I'll just watch" replied Debbi. "Oh no, you can't be a party pooper all evening" answered Lynn as she dragged Debbi towards the mat.

In her minuscule panties and tiny top, Debbi hardly felt appropriately dressed for contorting her limbs as the game required but for the three girls, that just added to the fun and was indeed the purpose for choosing to play. Jody had no interest in playing the game legitimately and relying on the random spin of the counter. She simply called out the circles that would be most difficult for Debbi to reach and which required the maximum bending, stretching and indeed twisting.

They refereed strictly to make sure that neither knee nor elbow touched the floor. Debbi felt the material of the tiny child's panties straining to contain her adult rear. The camel toe at the front was becoming ever more pronounced and there was a developing wedgie at the back. Shahida had her phone on record for sharing later. In one position, as Debbi had to stretch and bend forward with her bum in the air, the loose top slipped forward to her shoulders, baring her breasts completely ! Twice Debbi failed and twice the girls insisted that she play another round. She was beginning to tire significantly when they were interrupted by the door bell !

"That must be the laundry. They were quick. Go and answer it No-E" said Lynn.

Debbi was inclined to argue why it had to be her that answered the door but she figured it wasn't worth the hassle, all she wanted was her freshly laundered clothes back. Sure, being seen in these pink girly panties and tiny top would be embarrassing but the Indian boy had already seen her naked in the wet room. On opening the door, however, it wasn't the Indian boy but a much older Asian man. Debbi was further disconcerted by the fact that all he seemed to be carrying was a disappointingly small package.

"Hello sweetheart. Is your mummy or big sister there ?" the man asked. Lynn had followed Debbi and burst out laughing at this. "She's not my little sister, she's the lady whose things you're cleaning !" The laundry proprietor was most apologetic. "I am sorry madam. I was confused by the way you are dressed" he addressed Debbi but then instinctively turned back to the fully dressed Lynn. "I thought I had better come round myself to explain and apologise" he continued. "As you know, we pride ourselves on our quick turnaround. But these garments were so soiled that even after running them twice through our cleaning processes, they were still not cleaned to a satisfactory standard. So we've had to send them off to our heavy industrial unit" he explained. "They should be back on Monday !"

Debbi was crestfallen. "We were able to wash the ladies underthings to our standard though." The man handed Debbi the small package he had been carrying. "You've got your thong back No-E !" Lynn said delightedly. "We perfectly understand, that pond water was filthy" she reassured the proprietor. "But what am I going to wear ?" Debbi wailed after the man had left. The other two girl had overheard the discussion at the door and now came out. "We told you, you're fine as you are" Jody insisted. "Unless you want to swap to your own knickers ? We'll take you shopping for something to the mall tomorrow." Debbi was temporarily pacified, the implication of the last remark not yet sinking in !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi as Miz No-E ; Part Three; Sleepover - the Next Day

Debbi's inclination was to risk driving home, however scantily clad she might be. But the three girls would not hear of it, stopping just short of being bullying with their insistence and persuasion. And Debbi still wanted to avoid seeming arrogant and stand offish to the students she was supposed to be mentoring.

She slept in a sleeping bag on the upstairs landing. It wasn't that comfortable but it was warm enough and she was rather relieved not to be part of the raucous behaviour she could hear going on late into the night in Lynn's bedroom. She slept in the nude, having declined the offer of an undersized onesie that Lynn must have worn when she was about 12. She normally slept nude anyway and didn't want to lie there all night with the pink little girl panties biting into her flesh. Debbi woke once in the night to find she was sharing her sleeping bag with something warm, soft and furry ! It was Pretty the cat and Debbi did not find the sensation altogether unpleasant. Good job she wasn't allergic though !

In the morning, the three girls were monopolising the master bathroom and the en suite in Lynn's parents' room. So Debbi decided to use the downstairs loo and shower in the wet room again. All of which was perfectly satisfactory until, cursing, she realised there was still no towel down there. By the time she had air dried the girls were settled down to breakfast in the adjacent kitchen, all looking immaculate in tight fitting Lycra sports gear. The contrast with Debbi, wearing her own knickers and the crop top from yesterday, was telling. Her hair was still dripping wet from the shower. "Oh, we must fix your hair again No-E" exclaimed Lynn, jumping up from the breakfast table.

Once more Debbi's hair was blow dried and tied in childish bunches with the pink ribbons. With her freshly scrubbed makeup free face, she could almost pass for a tween. Almost. Her sexy lace thong was out of place in that context ! "Grab yourself some cereal quickly No-E, we're all going out for a jog" Jody announced. "Er, I'll just stay here and wait for you all if that's OK ?" said Debbi. "Nonsense, you could do with some fresh air and exercise" Jody replied. "And I'm not sure mum would like me leaving you alone in the house" Lynn countered. "But how can I go out running dressed like this ?" Debbi protested, gesturing to her attire.

"That's not a problem, I've got some old sneakers your size" answered Lynn. "But I can see those knickers might cause a bit of a stir" admitted Jody, considering the ass baring thong that was also slightly see through. "I know, I've got just the thing" Lynn said, disappearing upstairs. Debbi was relieved that the girls seemed to be getting a bit more reasonable but that impression was shattered on Lynn's return. "Here you are No-E." She was holding out another pair of her old childhood panties with an identical kitten motif but this time fluorescent yellow ! "How can I run around outside in these ?" Debbi tried to object. "Oh shush ! They're perfectly respectable and nobody will take the slightest notice of you. If they do, we'll just say that you're ahead of the curve with the latest style of running kit !"

Embarrassing as they were, Debbi realised that the fluorescent yellow kitty panties would cover slightly more than her own lacy thong. She reluctantly changed, forcing herself again into the child sized underwear. She almost had second thoughts, noting how low rise they were on her and also how they bit into her cheeks at the back. But the girls were now preparing to hit the streets, Debbi's continued arguments that she really couldn't join them like this being brushed off. She quickly put on the hideous yellow sneakers that Lynn had dug out from the back of her wardrobe. At least these were Debbi's size.

The whole thing was a nightmare. Debbi never exposed herself to running in the street, though she did use the treadmill at the gym and so hoped she could keep up. She didn't know how athletic the girls were, though they looked impressive in their designer sports gear. Debbi still hesitated at the door. "I can't run in public like this" she squealed. "I'll get arrested and people will see me." Jody was dismissive. "Don't exaggerate No-E, you're perfectly respectable for a young girl getting healthy exercise. And it's only seven thirty on a Saturday morning, there won't be many people about !" The three students hurried the mortified Debbi out of the front door and into the street.

They set off at a brisk pace. Damn these girls for being so fit, Debbi thought. But she forced herself to keep up. Being left stranded by herself dressed, or rather undressed, like this would be an even worse option. She became acutely conscious of the bounce of her thighs, boobs and buttocks as she ran. The streets were indeed quiet but not exactly deserted. A few cars passed and they ran into an elderly gent walking his Jack Russell terrier. "Well, well. Good morning Lynn. Running with chums I see ?" He was a neighbour of the family. "Who's this charming little thing ?" he enquired of Debbi, who was trying to persuade the dog to stop sniffing her crotch. "This is Miz No-E. She's a lecturer at uni" Lynn explained. The neighbour was none the wiser with this information. "Well, have a lovely run won't you" he said, continuing on his way.

The girls giggled as they set off again and headed for a busier street. Debbi's stomach began to knot. Who might see her here ? If anything her appearance was deteriorating the more she ran, with hungry bum syndrome eating her panties at the rear, exposing more and more of her bum cheeks and creating an even more pronounced camel toe ! There were other people on the sidewalk now and heavier levels of passing traffic which generated hooting horns and indecipherable shouted comments, the content of which Debbi could only imagine. She kept her gaze fixed stoically ahead, looking for the turning back towards Lynn's parents' house.

Debbi's relief when they finally made that turn off the main highway and back into the residential streets was short lived, as they ran into a group of black youths that Jody knew. "Hi Jody, girls" called the leader of the group. "Yo Deacon" Jody replied. "Whoa, who's the chick in the panties ?"asked Deacon. Debbi had been noticed !

"This here's Miz No-E. She's a rapper" replied Jody in answer to Deacon's question. Deacon studied the white girl in the little kitty panties and tiny crop top who was trying to cower behind Lynn and Shahida. "Huh ? Don't look like no rapper to me" Deacon decided as his three cronies laughed obligingly. "No ?" said Jody. "Well what about this ?" She scrolled through her phone and Debbi cringed to hear the tinny tones of The Miz No-E Rap emitting from the device !

The four black youths eagerly grabbed the phone to enjoy the footage taken of Debbi up on the desk in the lecture hall. "Damn, she sure is a rapper ain't she boys ?" Deacon laughed. Jody explained that Debbi was in fact a visiting lecturer at the uni but that she was also something of a rebel who liked to adopt an alternative lifestyle. Debbi remained silent at this partial distortion of the truth, hoping to get back to the relative privacy of Lynn's parents' house as soon as possible. "Say, get her to do her rap here for us now. She's certainly dressed for it" Deacon suggested !

His friends and the three girls all thought this was a great idea. The only dissenting voice was Debbi's. "Now don't go showing me up in front of my friends" warned Jody. There was something vaguely intimidating about the tall black girl's manner that always made Debbi nervous. She was not scared exactly but was certainly cowed. Jody began pushing Debbi forward. "You can get up on this garden wall here so we can all see." Debbi found herself stepping up onto the three foot high brick wall that Jody had decided would be her makeshift stage.

The seven younger students began clapping out a funky rhythm to accompany the recital. Debbi just stood there nervously. "Come on No-E. You know the words" Lynn encouraged her. Debbi reluctantly began. "Look at me, I'm Miz No-E; Dancin' in my knickers for the world to see" and so on and on ! It wasn't exactly the whole world watching but the spectacle was beginning to attract a little crowd of passers by, as well as Jody and Deacon's crew. Debbi was part way through a second run through that Deacon had insisted on, when there was a furious banging on the window of the house behind her. "Get down off my wall. What do you think you're doing ?" yelled an angry elderly woman as she opened the window. "I'll set my dog on you all !" The loud barking of what sounded like a rather large canine could be heard !

Debbi hastily jumped down from the wall and the laughing group began to walk slowly back towards Lynn's place. "She cool" Deacon approved of Debbi's performance. "Cheesy and kind of white girl dancin' but I like her attitude !" Debbi tried to hide herself from further public view within the confines of the group, as the crowd that had gathered began to disperse. She wished that they would recommence jogging so that they would get back quickly but the chatting crew had adopted this leisurely pace, occasionally stopping altogether. "So what you doin' today ?" asked Deacon. "We've got to get back and freshen up but we're going to the mall later if you're around ?" Lynn replied. "Cool, might catch you there" said Deacon !

As Deacon's crew peeled off down another side street, Debbi was relieved that the girls commenced jogging again. At least this meant they reached the cover of Lynn's parents' house that much sooner, even if Debbi's provocatively bouncing buttocks elicited a few more honking car horns ! They had all worked up quite a sweat by the time they were inside. "We're just going upstairs to shower again No-E, you know where the wet room is" said Lynn. "Then we can all go shopping in the mall, maybe get you a nice new outfit" Jody added !

"But really, come on girls. How can I go to the mall like this ?" Debbi gestured once again to the tiny kitty panties and crop top she was wearing. "Surely there's something else you can find for me ?" she appealed to Lynn, who considered the situation. "You really do make such a fuss No-E. You looked perfectly fine out jogging with us and nobody took the slightest bit of notice of what you were wearing" she lied. "But I guess you might have a point that we need something a little more appropriate for going in and out of shops on a spree" Lynn conceded. "You go and take your shower and I'll see what I can find."

Debbi was so grateful to receive this promise of some sort of reprieve that she forgot to ask for a towel and so was once again reduced to flapping her arms and attempting to air dry when the freshly showered Jody and Shahida returned downstairs. They were immaculately turned out in designer gear that was almost certainly cheap imitation but which nevertheless looked very chic. "Look at the state of your hair No-E. Sit down and I'll fix it again for you" Jody insisted. The naked Debbi sat on the kitchen stool. "Has Lynn got anything for me to wear ? At least get me a towel" she pleaded. "Fuss, fuss, fuss. It's just us girls here. Lynn's still looking" answered Jody, ignoring the complaints as she blow dried Debbi's hair for the second time that morning. "Not the bunches and ribbons" moaned Debbi. "But they really suit you" Jody laughed as she tied the bows.

Debbi was only too aware of how the girls were discretely made up while she remained with a face freshly scrubbed from the shower. Just as Jody was finishing fixing her coiffure, Lynn bounded into the kitchen. "I remember I used to love wearing this in the hot weather years ago. I'm sure you'll be able to fit into it No-E." Debbi stared in horror at the garment that Lynn was holding up !

Jody and Shahida stifled their giggles when they saw what Lynn had chosen for Debbi to wear. An eleven year old girl might just have been able to get away with wearing it but it was going to be a hoot seeing it on a sophisticated 26 year old woman ! "Surely there's something else ?" Debbi wailed. "All I could find" replied Lynn decisively. "It's not my fault we're such different sizes." The naked Debbi rose from the chair where Jody had been fixing her hair and reluctantly took the one piece garment that was being held out.

It was a garish fluorescent yellow and comprised a jumpsuit with thin spaghetti straps. The bottom half consisted only of what looked to be an alarmingly abbreviated set of shorts. I'm not going to be able to squeeze into this thought Debbi. She looked around expectantly. "Where are my panties ?" she asked. Not that she particularly wanted to squeeze back into the kitty panties. "I put those old things in the wash, they seemed all sweaty after jogging" answered Lynn. Debbi remembered with relief that she now had her own knickers back, all that had so far been salvaged of her own clothes from the Indian laundry. Or at least she thought she had them back but the girls laughed when they all discovered that Pretty the cat had taken a liking to them as a toy and they now lay in shreds in a corner of the kitchen !

"Looks like you're going commando No-E" laughed Jody. "It won't be a problem, I'm sure nobody will notice" Lynn agreed. By this time, the bemused Debbi didn't even think to ask if one of the girls would lend her a pair of their knickers. She began to try to clamber into the jumpsuit which had button fastening at the back above the shorts section which she had to step into. As she slipped the spaghetti straps over her shoulders and struggled to tug the bodice up over her tits, the shorts began to rise disturbingly high at her crotch !

Debbi had petite perky breasts and was used to not wearing a bra and indeed preferred it. But that didn't mean she was flat chested and her tits complained at being stuffed into the restraining bodice, stretching the material and even producing a noticeable cleavage. But of more concern were the shorts ! Debbi felt around behind her and was sure that half of her bum cheeks were bare. Worse still, the cut of the shorts was slightly flared which meant there was a danger of them gaping at the front. When Debbi tried to adjust them downwards, her left tit escaped the confines of the bodice, much to the amusement of the watching girls. She was going to have to be very careful !

There was the usual to-ing and fro-ing between Debbi and the girls...I can't go out wearing this...But you look so pretty...before Jody and Lynn succeeded in bustling Debbi out onto the street once more. Shahida seemed quiet but the Asian girl was the official chronicler of events during this sleepover and was forever taking photographs. She already had quite a collection of embarrassing and compromising photographs of Debbi that she hoped to keep adding to !

Debbi was not a shorts girl. She would happily bare all on a beach or while sunbathing in her back garden and she would regularly forego a bra. But her legs usually remained covered while out in public. She wasn't even a fan of overly short skirts, only owning a couple that verged on being minis. And now, for the second time that morning, she was parading about with the full length of her legs on open display, not to mention the rear view she feared she was presenting !

Debbi's first ordeal was the bus journey into town. While walking to the bus stop, she had tried to ignore a couple of whistles aimed in her direction. And at the stop, she tried to hover behind the other three girls and not take any notice of the curious stares from those waiting in the queue. As bad luck would have it, one bus was cancelled and so consequently, when one did finally turn up, it was full up downstairs. "We'll have to go upstairs girls" said Jody, leading the way. Debbi reluctantly made up the rear and it was her rear that was garnering most attention from the people on the lower deck watching her ascend the stairs !

"Yo girls" they heard a cry as they arrived upstairs. It was Deacon, who along with his crew was sprawled across several seats of the crowded bus. Lynn, Jody and Shahida quickly occupied the only remaining empty seats, leaving Debbi standing. "Here girl, you can sit on my lap" offered Deacon. "Interesting outfit" he added, studying the jumpsuit.

Debbi had no intention of sitting on Deacon's lap but as the bus began to move forward with a sudden lurch, she had no option but to tumble over on top of him ! "There, you get comfortable now girl" he commanded as Debbi tried to right herself. When she had fallen, Deacon had succeeded in hooking his fingers into the hem of the slightly flared shorts at the back and he now slyly slid them up to bare her bum almost completely. Debbi was aware they had probably ridden up but not to that extent. She endured the rest of the relatively short journey into town, listening to the inanities of the gang and with one of Deacon's arms around her shoulder and the other hand resting high up on her bare thigh !

The noisy bunch of students jumped up to get off the bus as it arrived outside the mall. As Debbi extricated herself from Deacon's lap, the right leg of her shorts fell back into place, not that it covered much anyway. But the fabric of the left leg had become creased and stuck where Deacon's fingers had hiked it up, leaving Debbi's entire left buttock bared ! By now she had become used to her appearance eliciting giggles and comments and so she took no notice as they exited the bus. And none of the girls or Deacon's crew were going to inform her of her heightened exposure.

Debbi was focused on getting to a clothes shop to buy some more appropriate attire. She wasn't keen on spending unnecessarily but her current predicament did represent a necessity and she thought she would get some use out of whatever she bought eventually. The three girls did not seem to be in any hurry to get to a shop, however. Deacon and his gang drifted off with a vague promise to meet later, while the girls were idly window shopping in jewellers and shoe shops. Shoes were some way down the priority list for Debbi just now. Her fervent hope, as she skulked along warily with the girls, was that she would not bump into anyone she knew. Sadly, this hope was not to be realised.

Debbi looked up to see Karen, the head of H.R. at the company, rapidly approaching. Unfortunately, the pair made eye contact before Debbi could manage to hide herself. "Debbi ?" Karen asked incredulously, eyeing her appearance. "Oh, er, hi Karen" Debbi stuttered. "What on earth are you wearing ?" Karen could not help but blurt out. "Er,um, it's..." but then Debbi was interrupted by Jody. "Miz No-E here is getting into the swing of things for our Rag Week" she announced. "She's going to be going around doing her Miz No-E rap to help boost our charity collections !" This was the first that the horrified Debbi had heard about this.

"Miz No-E ?" queried Karen. "That's what we call her after she told us that it's Debbi with no 'e' " said Lynn. Karen laughed. "Oh, of course. We all know all about that missing 'e' " she chuckled. "These are some of the students I'm mentoring" Debbi felt obliged to explain. "Wonderful. I'm delighted the scheme's going so well" chirped Karen, who had been involved in setting it up from the company's end. "Oh, No-E's really popular with us all and great fun. So inspiring too" confirmed Lynn, as the girls began to move off. "I'll be sure to spread the word about the No-E rap so we can help swell the coffers of your collection" Karen called after them. She laughed openly as she caught sight of Debbi's rear walking away from her !

Debbi tried to hurry the girls along. "Can't we go and buy some clothes for me now ?" she whined. "There's plenty of time for that, you worry too much" retorted Lynn. "Look, nobody's taking any notice of you and those that are, are just jealous 'cos you look so cool and sexy" she added, trying not to laugh. "All that jogging'a made me hungry. Let's go and get a burger" suggested Jody.

With great reluctance, Debbi trudged after them towards the busy burger bar. Her shorts were slowly regaining their shape after Deacon had adjusted them on the bus but they still revealed a generous portion of her lower cheeks. The girls insisted on charging up to the upper level of the burger joint, which meant that Debbi had to negotiate an open plan staircase, affording anyone who wished to watch a further display of her bum. The queue to be served moved much slower than Debbi would have liked but eventually they all purchased their meals, Debbi settling for a frugal plain burger and no fries. She wasn't particularly hungry.

Whether by accident or design, probably the latter, Debbi ended up perched on a stool overlooking the downstairs seating. She found she could only get comfortable by lifting her left foot onto the second rung of the stool while leaving her right leg trailing. She was aware of the expanse of leg these shorts were revealing but what she failed to notice was that this position had the effect of causing her slightly flared shorts to gape at the crotch, thus flashing her pussy to the entire room !

Eager to get to the clothes shop, Debbi quickly scoffed her burger but the other girls remained in no hurry and in fact, went back up to the counter to get coffees. Debbi was oblivious of a group of boys nudging each other and shifting in their seats so that their eye-line provided a clear view up Debbi's gaping shorts. But she was not oblivious to the arrival of Karen, who now had another familiar face from the company with her, Gilbert the elderly security guard. Gilbert may have been in his sixties but he was decidedly lecherous and gave Debbi the creeps !

"I saw Gilbert in the town and told him about meeting you and all about the Rag Week and the Miz No-E rap for the charity collection" gushed Karen. "He's the perfect person to spread the word at work" she continued. "Brilliant" said Lynn with a grin. Yeah, just great thought Debbi irritably. "And now it's so lucky we've bumped into you again. Take a seat Gilbert and I'll get you a coffee" said Karen, making her way to the counter.

Gilbert sat down opposite Debbi, sinking into an armchair that placed him at a much lower level than that of Debbi perched on her stool. The first thing that he had noticed as they approached were the legs. Debbi always wore trousers or modest skirts to work but now here was the full length of her legs displayed in those tiny shorts. The next thing he noticed was her face, with the lack of makeup and the weird hair in bunches. As he gazed at her face Debbi assumed he was looking at her tits, since that would be his usual style. So she self consciously tugged at the bodice of her one piece outfit to minimise the amount of cleavage on show. Unfortunately this had the side effect of hiking her shorts even higher, widening the gaping leg hole and giving an even clearer view of her pussy !

Fuck me it's her pussy, the astonished Gilbert suddenly became aware of, his eyes popping out of his head ! She's showing everyone her pussy and she has no idea ! It's a very nice one too; clean shaven, neat little coin slot ! He couldn't take his eyes off of this sight, which in his wildest dreams he had never expected to ever see. Karen returned with coffee but remained standing and so was not getting the same view that Gilbert had. Jody was sitting just off to the side, however, and smiled to herself at Debbi's intimate exposure. "Have you got a phone with you Gilbert ? We'd love you to take a group photo of us all" she asked mischievously.

The elderly security guard needed no second bidding as the three girls arranged themselves in a group around Debbi's stool. He was concerned that Debbi might shift her position and obscure what he most wanted to capture but when she did shift her bum a little on the stool, she did so in a manner that accentuated the gaping leg hole even more if that was possible. Gilbert was over the moon with the resulting photo as he quickly inspected it. But he was aware enough to realise that it wouldn't be suitable to email to the girls as a memento. "Er, it's not quite clear enough. Maybe one more girls ?" he suggested. "Perhaps if you crossed your legs Debbi ?" Much as Gilbert hated to lose his view of the I.T. manager's pussy, he now had a permanent depiction of it and that was the main thing. The more anodyne photo could be the souvenir while he would blow up the first photo and put it on the wall of his private cubicle back at work, where only his favoured cronies would get to see it !

Debbi remained sitting with her legs crossed after Gilbert had taken the second photo but he was not too disappointed to lose his view of her pussy, he had two excellent high def photos to compensate. The girls were ready to go now anyway. "Do you want to use the little girl's room ?" Lynn asked Debbi with a smirk as they stood up. "What're you ? My mum ?" snapped Debbi. But that coffee seemed to have gone straight to her bladder and now the suggestion had been made, it did indeed seem prudent to visit the rest room. Gilbert delighted in her pert behind as she walked away from him in those shorts ! "We'll let you know all the details for Rag Week as soon as they're firmed up" Jody told Karen as the group began to break up.

Debbi had hoped that the rest room would be empty but as she entered, she saw the stall was occupied and two teenage Goths were touching up their lurid makeup in the mirror. Debbi's equally bizarre appearance immediately caught their attention and they began making disparaging remarks about her in false whispers. Debbi intended to ignore these but her annoyance with the entire situation spilled over and she found herself saying "Just because you're stuck in the 1990's. This is the look for the new season, you need to get ahead of the curve !" The goths were unconvinced and snorted in derision.

Fortunately, the door to the stall then opened and a third teen exited. Debbi was able to shoot inside and blot out the sound of the laughing girls continuing to discuss her with their newly emerged friend. It was then that Debbi realised the impracticality of her one piece outfit. In order to pee, she'd have to take the whole thing off ! Since there was no alternative she did so, carefully hanging the yellow suit on the hook behind the door. As she squatted on the pedestal, a loose nail caused the suit and the hook to fall to the floor with a loud metallic clatter. Bugger, thought Debbi. She hoped that the suit would not be too soiled by its' encounter with the grubby floor of the stall. But that swiftly became the least of her worries as a pair of hands appeared beneath the door to the stall, scooping up the yellow garment and whisking it away !

"Hey, put that back right now" Debbi yelled. But all she heard in reply was laughter, scurrying feet and the sound of the rest room door closing. Caught in mid stream as she had been, Debbi had been unable to give chase. "Come back here" she called forlornly. Finishing up, Debbi peered cautiously around the door of the stall. The room remained empty. Venturing out to wash her hands, she began to hyper ventilate. What could she do ? There were no towels, just an air dryer. She couldn't make a covering out of toilet paper ! Apart from her sneakers, she was stark naked in a rest room in the middle of a fast food restaurant in the middle of town ! And then the rest room door began to push open.

"Oh my god No-E ! What happened to you ? Why are you naked ?" Despite being harangued in this way, Debbi was relieved that it was the three girls who entered the rest room when the door opened. "Some girls stole my shorts suit" Debbi wailed. "How did they do that ? Why did you take it off ?" Lynn feigned ignorance. "How was I supposed to pee otherwise ?" Debbi was frustrated and petulant. "Then the hook fell off the door. They grabbed it." The girls were all laughing by now. Shahida was recording Debbi's predicament for posterity.

"What can I do ? What can I wear ?" Debbi frantically turned a full circle, looking around desperately for inspiration. She was still on the verge of hyper ventilating. "Ta Da !" Jody yelled triumphantly, suddenly producing the bright yellow garment from behind her back. The three students had noticed the giggling goths running from the rest room and throwing the suit back and forth between themselves. Debbi would never have thought that she would be so happy to see the horrible outfit. She held her hands out eagerly. "Oh great, you got it back ! Quick, let me put it on before anyone else comes in" she pleaded.

"Well, there is just one problem" Jody began, holding up the jumpsuit to inspect it. "There was a bit of a tug of war to get it back and some of it seems to have ripped" she explained. Debbi grabbed it from her nevertheless and tried to put it on but it was hopeless. The biggest tear was in the bodice, which left Debbi's left nipple exposed however much she tried to adjust it. "Free the nipple !" laughed Shahida. The crotch region was none too secure either. "I can't go out like this" Debbi wailed. It was becoming a familiar cry this weekend.

"I guess you could wear your swimsuit" Lynn suggested. "Swimsuit ?" asked a bemused Debbi. "Yeah, I think you were still in the shower back at the house when we discussed going to the pool later. We knew you wouldn't have a cozzy with you, so we packed one of Lynn's old ones for you" Jody clarified. Debbi was horrified at the prospect of parading through town in a swimming costume but desperate times called for desperate measures ! "Where is it ?" she cried urgently. Lynn delved into her tote bag and retrieved something in bright yellow. What is it with all this bloody yellow, Debbi thought ? The pre-adolescent Lynn must have had a thing for the colour. Debbi thought that she would probably never want to wear yellow ever again. She reluctantly took the thing from Lynn, however, and then her heart sank even more !

Debbi's heart sank when she saw how small the yellow swimsuit she was being offered was. It was not small because of any sexy design but because it was a child's size and Debbi was a full grown adult woman ! But it was the only thing that was on offer at that moment and she had to hurry if she wanted to cover her nudity before anyone else came into the rest room. The three students looked on in amusement as Debbi stepped into the suit and then struggled to pull it up over her thighs. To say that it was a tight fit was an understatement ! There was the same problem as with the jumpsuit when she slipped her arms through the shoulder straps. How far would the material stretch ? Debbi tugged with all her might and eventually succeeded in forcing the bodice to cover her tits. But the price to be paid was that it felt as if the bottom of the suit was almost cutting her in half !

Debbi stared at herself in the grubby mirror over the rest room sink. Yep, it was as she had feared. Pokies, camel toe, wedgie; all present and correct ! "I'll be a laughing stock" she groaned. It was a double whammy. She would be exposing acres of flesh in public but in such a way that she would appear ridiculous rather than sexy. At least that was how she felt. A male perspective might have been different !

"What if we meet anyone else who knows me ?" Debbi remained reluctant to leave the sanctuary of the rest room. "Tell you what" said Jody, searching in her bag. "You can wear my shades, that'll help you go incognito." Debbi was grateful for this small gesture but she still cringed as she walked back out into the burger joint to be confronted by gasps and titters from the clientele. It was a similar continuing gauntlet that she ran out in the mall proper. The girls did duck into one upmarket clothes shop but were quickly asked to leave because of Debbi's inadequate attire. "I don't think we're going to get anywhere with this" Lynn decided, abandoning the shopping expedition, much to Debbi's chagrin.

A compromise was reached. They would proceed to the pool for an afternoon of fun and then Debbi could drive home from Lynn's that evening once they returned. There was still the question of what she would wear, since her own clothes would not be back from the laundry, but Debbi was relived to have the prospect of Sunday to herself. She had to get through this afternoon first, however !

Debbi felt just a little more secure behind the shades she had been lent by Jody. But they were of no help when they once more ran into Gilbert on their way to the pool. "Good to see you all again girls. Going swimming ?" He leered at Debbi's ridiculous costume and laughed heartily as the girls regaled him with the story of how No-E had lost her jumpsuit !

At the Water World leisure complex, Debbi had to surrender the shades and hang around awkwardly waiting for the girls to change into their impressive designer swimsuits. They all looked so much more grown up and sophisticated than she did, even if the truth was the exact opposite. Debbi fumed inwardly.

Water World had a selection of slides and plumes. Debbi didn't want to go on any of them and just wished to remain inconspicuous. But sadly for her, the girls insisted on standing in line for the Cannonball Plunge. At the end of the lengthy queue, Debbi once more stood out like a sore thumb and her discomfort was magnified when Deacon arrived on the scene with a couple of other members of his crew. The black youths were all decked out in garish board shorts. The three girls chatted happily, while Debbi tried to hide her rear wedgie, not being able to do much about the pokies and camel toe effect the suit she was wearing also produced. It was no consolation at all to be told by Deacon that she 'really rocked that suit' !

They finally reached the front of the queue, where the lifeguard gave their group a cursory glance before announcing "Children can only go down on a raft with an accompanying adult." It took Debbi a moment to register who the child that he was referring to was but Lynn understood immediately. "No-E can go down with Deacon" she decided. So much for hiding the wedgie, Debbi thought as she arranged herself in front of Deacon and between his legs. He then clamped his legs over her thighs and put both arms around her to hold her secure as they hurtled down the kaleidoscopic chute at high speed before being deposited in the pool at the bottom !

Deacon got a very brief glimpse of Debbi's right tit as it burst free of its confines on impact but she was quickly able to stuff it back inside the impractical suit. All her other important bits miraculously remained encased in it, wedgie apart. "Gotta love that suit" Deacon grinned as Debbi tried to ignore him. The other girls soon followed down the chute and to Debbi's relief, decided that the queue for the slide had been way too long and they would just go over to the pool with the flumes and the wave machine. This was less good news for Debbi but she figured that she would be as inactive as possible and that a one piece, however ill fitting, would be safer than a bikini for avoiding any wardrobe malfunction with the wave machine !

Debbi's intention to remain as inactive in the pool as she possibly could was quickly undermined by Deacon and his two cohorts. The black youth swam between Debbi's legs and hoisted her up onto his shoulders. He then commenced to wade around the shallow end of the pool with the squealing Debbi displaying vast amounts of bare cheek ! Knowing that she could do little about this, Debbi concentrated on ensuring that her tits remained covered by the inadequate bodice of the undersized suit.

The other two boys then decided to grab her arms and legs and she was being paraded round above the water by all three of them. Her squeals were now attracting more attention. Jody, Lynn and Shahida suffered tiny pangs of jealousy at the attention Debbi was getting from the boys but these pangs were offset by the absurdity of the spectacle. Although Debbi had determined to stay well clear of the part of the pool where the wave machine periodically operated, the boys had other ideas and they steered their burden into the deeper section, depositing her with a loud splash !

As luck would have it, this was at just the moment when the waves burst into action. Debbi spluttered to the surface only to be buffeted around by the surging water. The boys were delighted to see that one tit had already broken free from the top of her suit and before Debbi could adjust it, another wave propelled her backwards and this time when she surfaced, she was to all intents and purposes topless ! "Stop it, I need to sort out my suit" she spluttered but that did not stop the boys grabbing both of her hands and marching her up the pool, to increasing laughter from people who were beginning to notice. Debbi herself was laughing nervously as the boys swung her around. "No, they can see my tits" she squealed. There was a stern call from a lifeguard at the side of the pool. "Cover up young lady !"

At this, the boys reluctantly let go of Debbi's hands and she was able to readjust her suit as much as was possible with the wretched thing. "Aw, you're no fun" Deacon called, as she retreated to the quiet part of the pool to wait for the girls to signal it was time to go. Recovering her composure, Debbi thought that she had probably escaped relatively unscathed all things considered. She followed behind the girls as they headed back to get changed. She hoped she might at least borrow a towel, even if she did not have any other clothes to change back into.

It was then that disaster struck in the most mundane of ways. A child walking in front of Debbi dropped her arm floats. Without thinking and just to be helpful, Debbi stooped to pick them up for her. As she did so, she heard a loud ripping sound from behind her, followed by raucous laughter. The undersized suit had finally given up the ghost and split up the middle along its entire length, from bum to bodice ! Water World was a large complex and the changing rooms were still some distance off. The girls and Deacon's crew were ahead of her and continued to walk on, unaware of Debbi's calamity. All she could do was to run after them with her bare bum hanging out of the suit and to run the gauntlet of laughter and jeers from the children and adults she passed !

Once she had caught up with the gang they were no help, predictably finding it as hilarious as everyone else and spinning her round. "Let's have a look at the damage No-E" laughed Jody. The girls finally allowed her to join them in the relative safety of the changing room. "Now. let's see what we can do about this" said Lynn, pulling at the tattered back of the suit !

The repair to Debbi's tattered swimsuit had to wait while the three girls dried off and got dressed once more in their chic sweaters and designer jeans. Debbi huddled with her back to the lockers, trying to hide the spectacular rip at the back of her suit. She was at least grateful for the loan of a soggy towel from Lynn, which dried her to some extent at least. She didn't want to rub too vigorously with the towel for fear of making the split even worse. It had been bad enough thinking about the bus ride back to the house in the swimsuit when the thing had been intact but now how was she going to make it ?

"Let's have another look" said Lynn. Debbi reluctantly moved away from the lockers, ignoring the girls giggling. "I've got a couple of safety pins" Jody offered. "OK, let's see how those work" replied Lynn. She made a rudimentary attempt to pull the fraying material together. "Stand still No-E, I don't want to prick you" she told the forlorn Debbi. "There you are, good as new" Lynn announced, making sure that Debbi had no access to the locker room mirror. "Nobody will notice the difference" she assured Debbi, putting a finger to her mouth to stifle the chuckling of the other two. Because in truth, although the two halves of the suit had been linked by the safety pins, most of Debbi's bum crack remained clearly visible !

Debbi had no desire to leave the sanctuary of the changing room but she knew that she had to if she ever wanted to get home. Blushing and conscious of being a centre of attention, she followed the girls out of the pool complex and toward the bus stop. A shoelace on one of her sneakers had become untied and in a reflex action, taken before her brain had time to register the consequences, she bent down to tie it. Of course, the strain of this was too much for the makeshift repair to her suit and both of the safety pins pinged off of her back.

"Whoa, full moon !" cried a familiar voice from behind her. It was Deacon, also headed back to catch the bus. "Oh god" gasped Debbi. "What have you done now ?" scolded Lynn. A quick inspection of the damage confirmed that the ruined swimsuit was fraying even more and the safety pins were no longer an option. It was Deacon who provided a solution of sorts. "Here, you can borrow my jacket for the bus ride" he offered. "Oh thank you, thank you" Debbi gushed in her relief. "You're a real gentleman" she told the black youth. She gratefully draped the garment over her shoulders, little realising that the brevity of the leather bomber jacket still left most of her bum peaking out from beneath !

The bus was once again full and once again the only seat that Debbi could get was one sitting on Deacon's lap. Her wait at the bus stop and subsequent boarding of the bus had been full of embarrassment as she began to appreciate the inadequacy of the cover provided by Deacon's jacket, however much she had appreciated the loan of it. She hadn't seen a clear view of her rear in any mirror since the split in her costume had occurred but her imagination could picture it vividly enough.

And now she was seated on the lap of a black youth seven years her junior while the bus trundled along. The nineteen year old boy's hand was up the back of the jacket and rubbing Debbi's bare back. It didn't feel altogether unpleasant, having a soothing effect after the various traumas of the day. "Miz No-E's had a rough day" Deacon said tenderly. "I have" Debbi replied. "Never mind. Me and my boys are all gonna be there to cheer you on when you do the Miz No-E rap again !" Debbi had forgotten about the Rag Week. "It'll be epic" Jody predicted.

Deacon's hand had begun to slip lower down Debbi's back beneath the jacket and a finger started to trace the line of her bum crack that the ruined suit had left exposed. Debbi squirmed in her seat. "Not there" she whispered. Deacon just chuckled. Fortunately, their stop was fast approaching. Debbi had feared that Deacon might want his jacket back immediately after they had disembarked from the bus but he gallantly agreed to join them on the brief walk back to Lynn's house and then come in for coffee.

"Do you want coffee or do you just want to drive straight home now ?" Lynn asked Debbi as they entered the house. Debbi was still clutching Deacon's jacket tightly around her. "What can I wear home ?" she wailed, the calming effect of her back massage having worn off. "Well, as you know there are limited options" Lynn replied. "We discovered none of my adult clothes will fit and the only clothes of yours that have come back from the cleaners are your knickers !" Much as the idea of once more wearing something of her own appealed to Debbi, the idea of driving home in just her lace thong did not.

"The panties and top from this morning ought to be dry by now" Shahida suggested helpfully. "Good call Shazzer" said Lynn. "Come into the kitchen No-E and we'll get you sorted." Wearing the kitty panties and crop top again was also something that Debbi did not relish but maybe she could get away with it if she hurried from the car to her front door at home. Finally returning Deacon's jacket, Debbi scuttled into the kitchen, trying to cover her bum with one hand.

"Take that off" Lynn gestured at the remnants of the yellow swimsuit. Lynn picked up the discarded rags from the floor as Debbi stood there naked in the kitchen. "This can join the jumpsuit in the bin. So much for my childhood memories" joked Lynn. Debbi thought that she was serious and was flooded with remorse. "I'm so sorry Lynn" she apologised. "Oh well, I'm sure you'll make it up to me in other ways" Lynn laughed. She had begun sorting through the laundry to find the panties and top. "Let me know your address and I'll drop your other clothes off when they finally come back from the Indians."

Deacon poked his head around the door. "Is there any milk for the coffee ?" he asked. "In the fridge over there, help yourself" Lynn answered. "Lynn, I'm naked here" Debbi pointed out. "Oh shush No-E. Deacon's not offended by that, are you D ?" The boy confirmed that his sensibilities were not outraged. "We all just saying how much we looking forward to Rag Week" he told the red faced Debbi as he made his way back from the fridge with the milk. Debbi felt a furry warmth around her calves. It was Pretty the cat. "Nice pussy !" said Deacon, stooping down to pet the animal but keeping his eye at close range on another kind of pussy altogether !

"I can return these when you bring my own clothes round" Debbi said to Lynn, indicating the kitty panties and crop top that she was once again wearing. "We haven't decided on a Miz No-E costume for Rag Week yet" joked Jody. "You might still need them !" Perish the thought, thought Debbi. She grabbed her bag. "Well, I'd like to say it's been great but..." Lynn interrupted her to ask for her address, so that she could return the clean laundry. "Deacon lives close by there, you can give him a lift back" suggested Jody. "Er, I guess, if he wants" Debbi stammered dubiously. "Yo, that'd be cool" agreed Deacon.

Debbi felt the black youth's eyes burning into her thighs as she drove home in her panties. Hasn't he seen enough of them already today, she thought ? As they approached her small terraced house, she had a sudden thought. "Look, can you do me a favour Deacon ? If I give you my keys, can you go and open the door ? Then I can just get out of the car and run straight in. I don't want to get caught by my neighbours looking like this" she explained. "Sure thing" replied Deacon.

It was only about six in the evening and still light but Debbi hoped that she had got away without being seen, as she scampered from the car to her front door clad only in the childish underwear. "Thanks ever so much Deacon" she gasped as she quickly closed the door. She was breathing heavily, not from any particular exertion involved in running up her path but from a release of the tension that had been ever present for the last 24 hours. "You haven't got far to walk home now have you ?" she asked the youth, as she made to open the door again to let him out. "I'm not in a hurry" Deacon replied. "Miz No-E's had a real rough day. Miz No-E needs a little TLC and consideration" he continued. "I do" agreed Debbi, fighting back a tear as the emotion of the last day welled up in her. "I'm a real good cook" Deacon informed her. "Why don't you go up and run yourself a nice hot bath ? You need some pampering. Lots of bubble bath. Light some scented candles. Leave supper to me !"

Debbi was persuaded. She had intended to take a bath anyway and it seemed churlish to chase the boy away so abruptly. Fifteen minutes later and she was lying back and luxuriating in the bath beneath a mountain of foam, with the scent from the candles soothing her frazzled nerves. These were sent jangling again by the sound of her doorbell and voices downstairs. "Who was that ?" she called urgently. "Deliveroo" yelled Deacon. Debbi laughed. "You said you were a good cook" she accused. "I am. I choose, they deliver ! Relax and rest" he called upstairs.

Debbi closed her eyes. A few more blissful minutes passed before she heard footsteps padding up the stairs. Deacon poked his head around the bathroom door. "Anything else the lady requires ?" Debbi sat up in the bath. "Yes, come and wash my back for me please !"

Deacon sat on the edge of the bath and began soaping Debbi's back. "Stand up so I can do your lower back right" he commanded. Debbi obediently did so. "Damn girl but you got a fine ass !" he complimented her, as he continued to apply the soapy sponge. "Thank you" replied Debbi. She always had this unjustified complex about her bum and appreciated any positive assessment. "But why do you keep speaking like a black American ?"she asked him. Deacon laughed. "It's all just an act to impress my homeboys innit" he replied, lapsing into the estuary English of a Peckham lad. "I've got to keep my position as their leader. Anyway, you can sit back down again now" he instructed and began massaging Debbi's neck and shoulders.

"Mmm, that's nice" responded Debbi. "But good god girl. You all wound up tight like a coiled spring ! We got to get you all unwound" Deacon asserted, reverting to his gangsta persona. "You finish up here and then give me a call. I'll give you a full massage. I've got magic fingers."

Debbi was surprised and a little disappointed that Deacon left her at this point but she fell back into the warm water for a few more minutes before getting out of the bath and wrapping herself in her best fluffy towel. She looked in the mirror and was startled to see that her hair was still tied up in the the pink ribbons. She took those off and shook her hair back into its' usual adult style. Her face remained devoid of makeup but she already looked much more like herself.

Should she let the boy give her a massage ? From the brief workout that he had given her shoulders, it appeared that he did know what he was doing. And she did still feel incredibly uptight. Apart from what she had just been through with the three girls, she had also been working much too hard for months now and it seemed like an age since she had last felt a masculine touch on her body. She wrapped the towel tightly around herself and went to lay face down on the bed. "I'm ready Deacon" she called !

Debbi was lying face down on her bed, partially covered by the towel, when Deacon came into the room. He recommenced working on her neck and shoulders.

"Let's untie all those knots"

"Ooh, aah, ooh, that's so nice !"

"You just lie there and relax. There's so much tension"


"Let's get this towel out of the way !"

Deacon unfolded the towel and slid it from underneath Debbi's body. She did not object. He began slowly running his hands over her body, from her arm pits along her sides and moving into the centre just above the rise of her buttocks, easing any pressure points in the small of her back.


Debbi still did not object while Deacon kneaded her buttocks and upper thighs and smoothed his hands down her calves, even separating each of her toes for individual care and attention. "Reset and repeat" murmured Deacon, returning to her still tense shoulders and and once more working his way down.

"Oh, ooh, ah !" responded Debbi. Deacon's glance shifted to her bedside table. "Are the batteries charged in that ?" he asked. Debbi followed his gaze. She had forgotten that her wand vibrator was lying there out in the open. Reddening, she admitted that it should be operational. "No need to be embarrassed. A girl gotta look after herself right !" Deacon soothed her. He reached over to grab the wand and flicked the switch. The electrifying vibrations through her neck and shoulders were delicious.

"Oooh !"

Debbi's body began to react more and more positively. As Deacon ran the vibrating wand up and down her bum crack, her attempts to keep her legs clamped together began to fail. "Turn over" he commanded. After the briefest of hesitations, Debbi complied. She giggled as Deacon began to tease her nipples with the wand. Her nipples reacted by becoming fully erect. The wand began to circle her belly button and then slide further down. "Nooo !" laughed Debbi, not very convincingly. Her legs parted fully and the buzzing source of pleasure found her engorged clit. She began to buck and writhe, chuckling delightedly all the while and completely lost in the moment. "It tickles" she screeched !

Debbi lost track of time and didn't know exactly how long the session had lasted before she subsided back onto her bed, utterly spent. "You take your time. I'll go and reheat our food" said Deacon.

"Oh dear" muttered Debbi, as the initial euphoria wore off. But she wasn't really suffering any remorse. There seemed little point in getting dressed, so she just slipped on her robe. She did apply a little makeup for the first time in this long and eventful day. Going downstairs, she saw that Deacon had set the table with a feast of Chinese goodies. "You're not staying the night" she told him. "No, no. That's cool" agreed the black youth !
Debbi stretched out languidly in bed and opened her eyes sleepily. She registered that it was Sunday morning. Then her foot brushed against another person's leg. Huh ? Oh, yeah. She remembered. Oh well, can't be helped !

Deacon grunted. "I suppose you want breakfast ?" asked Debbi, still drowsy. Deacon yawned. "Breakfast be good" he replied. Debbi sat up. "What plans do you have for today ?" She didn't really want the black youth hanging around all day and was relieved at his reply. "I have to get to church." Debbi was a little incredulous. "Church ?" she queried. "Yep, my mum would kill me if I skipped" Deacon explained. "St Mary's ?" Debbi wondered. "Nah, Pentecostal." As a somewhat lapsed Catholic, Debbi felt a little guilty that it was months since she'd been to confession. She told Deacon to stay where he was while she had a quick shower and made breakfast.

Deacon's phone chirped while he was lying there.


"Hi Deacon, it's me"

"Jody, what's happening ?"

"Did you get home OK yesterday ?"

"Er, um, yeah"

A voice called from the kitchen. "How do you want your eggs ?" Deacon tried to shield the phone. "Er, scrambled be fine."

"Who was that ?" said Jody.

"Oh nothing, no-one."

"That sounded just like No-E's voice ?"

"No, er, it was nobody."

A voice in the kitchen began to sing. "Look at me, I'm Miz No-E; Dancin' in my knickers for the world to see !" Debbi had just thrown on a t-shirt and knickers after her shower.

"That is No-E !" exclaimed Jody. "Did you shag her ?"

"A gentleman doesn't divulge" Deacon replied, adopting a cod accent.

"Yay, way to to go Deacon. You the man ! One nil to the brothers" laughed Jody. "I always said what she needed was a good seeing to !"

"Yeah, er, well..."

"Anyway, what I called for was about this Rag Week. Can you and the guys come up with a proper backing track for the Miz No-E rap ?"

"Sure. Be no problem."

"Brilliant. I'll mail you the full lyrics. Be good, don't do anything I wouldn't do !" Jody chuckled.

Debbi came in with the laden breakfast tray. "Who was that ? Your mum ?"

"Er, yeah. Reminding me about church." Looking at Debbi in her t-shirt and knickers was making him hard again !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi as Miz No-E ; Part Four, First Rehearsal

Debbi was relieved to be taking the next seminar at the college in her formal business clothes. But first, Lynn and Jody insisted that Shahida be allowed to show off her skill at putting together a professional Power Point presentation. "Just the sort of skills your company could use No-E !" The presentation, of course, detailed the events of the sleepover weekend ! While the other students were highly entertained, Debbi could only sit there and take it with a fixed grin on her face.

Debbi had to grudgingly admire how Shahida had cut it for the purposes of this class, so that no actual explicit nudity was on display. But there was enough embarrassment from the general slapstick element ! Debbi tumbling from the ladder; Debbi emerging sopping wet from the pond and covered in slime. There was a shot of her naked in the wet room shower but adopting the classic ENF pose and so not showing nipples or pussy ! But there were shots of her jogging in the kitty panties and then of her in the hateful jumpsuit and even worse swimming costume. The shot Shahida had selected from when that split made clear the extent of the tear but did not show a full moon !

This all only took the first ten minutes of the lesson and Debbi was able to recover and stick to her script until the end, when Jody announced Debbi's agreement to performing the Miz No-E rap during Rag Week. This news was greeted enthusiastically.

After Debbi and the others had left, the three girls stayed behind to discuss the rap. "Deacon says the music's coming along great " Jody reported. "We'll get her to have a run through with the boys next week." Shahida's father had arranged a pickup truck they could use as a float to drive around town and one of Deacon's crew had a powerful PA system at his disposal. "How about her costume ?" asked Shahida. "Not sure. Sexy or silly ?" pondered Lynn. "Or both ?" laughed Jody. "We know her own knickers are pretty sexy but maybe people would complain if you could actually see her fanny ? It's not like it would be a strip club" Lynn wondered. "Maybe your kitty panties would be safer ? They're well funny" Shahida suggested. "And we could make her up to look like a kid again ?" Jody agreed. "No need to decide now, we'll try a variety of options when we have the run through with the boys" decided Lynn. "They've got their gear set up in the community hall !"

Debbi had toyed with the idea of just not turning up for her proposed Rag Week appearance. But the three girls had preempted her by calling Karen, the head of HR who was behind arranging Debbi's mentoring visits to the college. Karen agreed with the girls about how it was all an essential part of the bonding necessary to make the mentoring mission a success. Thus it was that when she received a text from Lynn, Debbi had no option but to agree to going to the community hall immediately after work for a rehearsal.

Debbi parked her car, hoping that it would be safe since the community centre was in a very run down part of town. She could already hear the pounding bass rhythm from outside. Entering the hall, she saw the others already gathered around a small stage at the far end. In addition to the three girls, Deacon was there with six of his crew. "Whoa ! Is that Miz No-E ? She look different from when we saw her on the street" exclaimed one of Deacon's posse. Remembering that on that occasion, she had been jogging in those kitty panties, Debbi had to acknowledge that she did indeed look different. Coming straight from work, she had on her formal business suit and her face was tastefully made up. "What did I tell you ? Mix No-E's a fine sophisticated lady" confirmed Deacon.

"Great, you're here at last" Lynn interrupted impatiently. "We've got so much to do" she added. "We do ?" queried Debbi. "Absolutely. The boys have put together the backing track for your vocal and you need to get used to performing with that" Lynn began. "Plus I've written an extra verse for you to learn" added Jody proudly. "And we have to decide on your costume" Lynn continued. "Costume ?" Debbi repeated without any great enthusiasm. "Of course. You know you're not going to be rapping wearing that !" Lynn scornfully indicated Debbi's office wear.

"Take that off and we'll see what underwear you've got on" Lynn demanded. "Not here in front of the boys" Debbi protested, referring to the gang of black youths who were following this conversation with great interest. "Oh, don't be silly" admonished Lynn. "The boys are all very professional, aren't you boys ?" she said, turning to the gang. "Sure, we all professional as hell" they confirmed. "There, see ? This is just like a performer having a quick costume change backstage. You need to be as mature about it as the boys" asserted Jody. "Now let's have a look at your knickers" ordered Lynn sharply !

Debbi attempted to prevaricate but before she knew it, Shahida had unzipped her skirt and it fell in a pool around her feet. Involuntarily, she stepped out of it. "Ugh, tights again" commented Lynn, regarding the sheer blue pantyhose Debbi was wearing. "Sorry, I've come straight from work" Debbi apologised but Jody and Lynn were already busy divesting her of the tights. "Get that jacket off and we can tie your blouse up so we can see better" said Lynn. Debbi did as she was told. Lynn then undid several buttons on the semi-transparent white blouse and tucked it into the bottom of Debbi's bra, thus baring her midriff and fully exposing her knickers to the fascinated boys.

The knickers were a sexy white lace thong. "Very pretty. Aren't they pretty boys ?" asked Jody. "Yay, they real pretty" chorused the boys. "Thank you" said Debbi, blushing. "Let's see the back" Jody continued, turning Debbi by the shoulder and revealing that the knickers were indeed a thong ! "What do you reckon boys ? Are these the knickers for the Miz No-E rap ?" Lynn wanted to know. "Sure, they be great" the boys agreed.

"OK, I've got some stockings and suspenders here" Lynn announced, delving into her bag. "Put these on No-E." Debbi took the proffered garments. She couldn't remember when she had last worn stockings and suspenders. If she did ever wear stockings, they were always hold ups. She hesitantly fastened the slim suspender belt, fiddling to try and align the dangling clips. She stumbled about on one leg trying to get the first stocking on but then reluctantly realised that she was going to have to go and sit down on the low stage where the boys were.

She thought about how she would normally be performing such an intimate act in her bedroom, not some spartan hall under harsh fluorescent lighting. For the boys, it was irresistibly erotic to watch Debbi sliding the nylons up past her knees and stretching them over her milky thighs. She managed the first leg fine but then nervousness and embarrassment kicked in, alongside unfamiliarity with the clips, so that she fumbled helplessly with the clasps on the other leg.

"Come on No-E. We've still got a lot to do" Lynn hurried Debbi along. "I'm sorry, I'm all fingers and thumbs" Debbi tried to excuse herself. "Here, let me help" offered Clinton, the owner of the PA kit, jumping down from the stage. "Stand up" he ordered Debbi before crouching down in front of her to help to attach the stocking top. His head was level with her barely concealed pussy and he could not resist mischievously blowing on it ! "Turn around and I'll do the back" he continued, now eye level with her peachy ass. "Thank you"said Debbi when the procedure was complete.

The three girls inspected their transformation of the smart business woman. "There, you're every inch the rapper now No-E" Jody complimented Debbi. "But maybe it'd be better without the bra ?" Shahida wondered !

"You know you could be right" agreed Lynn, reacting to Shahida's suggestion that Debbi might lose the bra. "It'll look better when she gets to the line about shaking her titties. Let's try it without the bra No-E" she commanded. Debbi's initial impulse was to argue against it but she resisted that temptation and decided to succumb. Turning her back on the group ( and inadvertently presenting an extended view of her thong clad ass ) she slipped the blouse off her shoulders and unclasped her bra. "Let me fix the blouse for you" said Lynn, leaving all the buttons undone but tying the tails together in a bow underneath Debbi's breasts. Lynn turned her to face the others. "What do you think ?" Debbi's nipples were clearly visible through the thin material of the blouse. "Is much better" was the unanimous consensus from the boys !

"Here's the new verse I've written" announced Jody, handing Debbi the amended lyrics to the Miz No-E Rap. "It shouldn't take you long to learn it but you can read from the sheet for today." Debbi studied the extra lines. 'Don't wanna be rude, don't wanna be crude, you won't catch me dancin' round in the nude. Just lookin' for laughs, just lookin' for snickers, that's why I dance around in my knickers ! Look at me, I'm Miz No-E, dancin' in my knickers for the world to see...' and so on with the chorus.

"Right, let's have a run through with the backing track. Get up on stage No-E" ordered Lynn. One of the boys offered Debbi a hand to clamber up onto the low platform. She was still in her heels from work. Clinton handed her a microphone. Previously she had just performed unaccompanied, apart from some rhythmic hand claps. And Debbi was disconcerted when a bass heavy synth track began to blast out. "You missed your cue" Jody yelled angrily. "Start again boys." This time Debbi recognised when she was supposed to come in and she began intoning the lyrics. "Move, dance" ordered Jody. Debbi had just been standing there reciting.

Debbi began to put more effort into it. Her bra less state and the lace thong certainly helped when shaking her tits and twerking were required ! Jody was not impressed however. "Well, that was pretty rubbish" was her verdict. She had taken charge of this stage of the proceedings. "But don't despair No-E. Let's break it down. First we'll run through the rap a couple more times, perfect your phrasing. But don't bother with any dance. Then I'll chant the words for you while we work on your choreography." Debbi could see that the evening was not yet close to an end !

Debbi's vocal delivery of the Miz No-E rap was improving. As she became more secure in her knowledge of the lines, she began to develop the phrasing and rhythm of the piece under Jody's guidance. The lyrics remained as degrading and embarrassing as ever but she tried to make the best of a bad job. "OK, time now to concentrate on your choreography" Jody decided. "Forget about the words, I'll chant them for you. You just concentrate on the backing track and on your moves !"

Debbi had never been a natural mover. Secretly, the girls did not mind that at all. The amateurish performance made it all the more humiliating ! That did not stop them from berating her, however, and offering advice, encouragement and suggestions. "Make it more slinky", "Thrust those hips out", "Come on, really shake them !" The boys also were not overly concerned with the quality of the dancing. There was more than enough to entertain them with the acres of exposed flesh on display.

"That's all coming along great and you can keep practicing at home" said Jody after several runs through. "We just need a routine for the instrumental break now" she added. "How about if she got down on all fours for that, pointing her bum at the audience ?" suggested Shahida. "Great idea" Jody agreed. "Down on all fours No-E !" Debbi did so as the backing track started up again. She felt mortified at the view she imagined she was presenting to the assembled crew but it was just as well she couldn't see quite how revealing it was. The boys could clearly see the puckered perimeter of her asshole on either side of the thin strip of material that comprised her thong ! The mound of her pussy was also barely covered. "Put your arms and face on the floor and rock back and forth on your knees" Jody instructed. The boys were entranced.

"So what do we think guys ?" Jody asked once this routine had been perfected. "Is all great" was the verdict from the boys. Lynn had some reservations however. "We're going to be driving the float around during the day when there are families around remember. Do you think that outfit's a bit too up front ?" she wondered. "Too sexy ?" said Jody. "You could have a point. But it'll be perfect for the evening when we take her around the clubs and pubs ?" she thought. "Oh yeah, absolutely" agreed Lynn.

This was all news to Debbi, who had assumed that she might just be out for an hour or so during the day. "I can't sing that long" she protested. "No problem" Deacon replied. "We've got recording equipment. We can record your vocals beforehand, then all you have to do is dance around and lip sync" he explained. "And I'll ask my cousin if he can get a big screen we can fix to the cab so everyone gets a good view" added Clinton, his mind still full of the image of Debbi's bum they had recently been presented with.

"Fantastic" said Lynn. "Look No-E, that outfit's gonna be perfect for the evening but for during the day, let's try those panties you liked so much when we had the sleepover. I've got them here and the little top as well. Try them on and we'll run through everything again !"

Debbi reluctantly took the kitty panties and crop top from Lynn. The last thing that she wanted to do was to run through the rap yet again but the girls were insistent on this costume change. Debbi looked around reflexively for somewhere private to change but she knew from earlier that there was not anywhere in this hall. Sighing, she sat down on the edge of the stage to take off the stockings and suspenders that would not be part of this costume. "That was a big sigh !" Lynn had noticed. "Anyone would think you didn't want to help us out for Rag Week ?" she added accusingly. "No, no, it's not that. I'm just tired from working all day" Debbi apologised.

Debbi moved away from the stage, turning her back on the others. She quickly peeled down her thong which had not been hiding much of her bum anyway. She hoped that she wasn't revealing too much by bending to pull up the yellow child's panties. She had forgotten how tight and tiny they were and her attempts to do this quickly were thwarted, as she struggled to get them up over her thighs. They seem to be more low rise at the front than ever she thought, once she had finally forced herself into them ! She was now able to hastily swap her loosely tied blouse for the crop top.

"We'll bring the pink ribbons to tie your hair in pretty bunches on the day No-E but no need to bother with that tonight" Lynn conceded. Debbi ran through the Miz No-E Rap a couple more times in this outfit employing the same choreography, except that Jody decided the moves on all fours during the instrumental break would be limited to the evening performances when wearing the stockings and thong. "So that's all decided then ?" announced Lynn. "Kitty panties during the day and sexy undies for the evening ?" Everyone agreed that was the plan. "In the meantime you can practice your moves at home No-E" added Jody. "We just have to arrange with Clinton here to get a performance recorded so you can lip synch to it" she concluded.

Debbi began to gather up her work clothes. She wasn't going to get changed again in front of everybody. It was dark outside by now and so nobody would see her when she got home. "Oh No-E, can you give Deacon a lift home again ?" Jody asked mischievously. "Oh, er, yeah, I guess, OK" mumbled Debbi. "Clinton lives over that way too" said Deacon. "Er, yeah, sure, there's room in the back" Debbi agreed. Outside in the car park, the two black youths looked on appreciatively at the panty clad ass, as Debbi bent to clear some work folders off of the back seat. As they set off on the short drive, both boys were complimentary about her performance. "Thanks" said Debbi as they arrived at her house. "Are you two coming in for coffee ?"

"Gah, what the hell's that ? What time is it ?" The alarm clock in Debbi's bedroom was clanging vociferously. But the protesting voice was a masculine one ! "Six thirty. Six thirty ? I never knew there was no six thirty !" The second protesting voice was also masculine. Debbi yawned and stretched across Clinton's body to shut off the noise. "It's a weekday boys, I've got to get to work" she explained. Deacon was hard again and he grabbed Debbi's hand and placed it on his cock. "No, I can't, I don't have time" Debbi replied, as she began to climb over him and out of the bed. "I've got responsibilities and I've got a full diary at work today."

The two black youths watched her naked ass as it headed through the bedroom door towards the bathroom. The boys had come in for coffee last night and as they had sat there, Deacon had asked if Debbi was still tense. Debbi had admitted that her shoulders were tight; Deacon had said she needed a massage again; Clinton had asked what he meant by 'again'; Deacon had explained about the vibrating massager; Clinton had wanted to see a demonstration and one thing had led to another ! And another !

Still naked, Debbi came back into the bedroom and began fussing with her hair dryer. The two boys had not stirred from the bed, though they were keeping a Debbi sized gap in between them ! Deacon was surprised when his phone suddenly chirped. "Did I wake you ? Sorry to ring so early but I've got college." It was Jody. "No, that's OK. We's awake."

"Who's we ?"

"Er, I mean I'm awake. I was saying 'we' like the royal family. You know."

"What's that noise ? It sounds like a hair dryer."

"Just something outside."

Debbi was engrossed in styling her hair and hadn't noticed Deacon on the phone. "I haven't got time to make you breakfast" she called across. "That's No-E" Jody exclaimed. "Are you there again ? Have you shagged her again ?"

" A gentleman doesn't divulge."

"Way to go Deacon ! I was calling about her anyway. Do you know when Clinton can record her vocals ?"

"When can we record the rap ?" Deacon asked his friend. "The weekend should be fine" Clinton replied. Jody heard him. "Wait, is Clinton there too ? Did you both shag her ?"

"A gentleman doesn't divulge."

"Oh, this is priceless. Way to go ! Two nil to the brothers ! Let me know how the weekend goes."

The two boys were transfixed by Debbi's casual nudity while she brushed her hair. She did not think there was much point in being shy after last night and was just carrying on as normal as if she was alone. "You lazy buggers" she laughed, as she turned full frontal to face them. She selected a matching pair of black lace underwear which she matter of factly donned. For some reason, she decided to put on the stockings and suspenders from the Miz No-E rap, she would be wearing a long enough skirt.

"There's cereal on the kitchen table and milk in the fridge. You know where the coffee is" she told them as she bent to fasten the suspenders. She sat at her dressing table and quickly applied some makeup before finishing dressing in her formal business suit. "The front door locks automatically when you close it, let yourselves out" she said brightly as she grabbed her bag and left the room.

Debbi had flashbacks from last night while she drove to work. Like a bloody porn movie, she thought. But she had been a willing participant after a long spell of involuntary celibacy and had no regrets. They weren't bad kids at heart. Better not make it a habit though, she decided !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi as Miz No-E; Part Five, Rag Week

Rag Week arrived as an unwelcome dose of cold reality for Debbi. For the last couple of weeks, she had been going with the flow and in fact revelling in the attention she was getting from the boys. There had been no repeat of the three in a bed frolics but she had returned to the community hall to record the Miz No-E rap and had enjoyed performing for an appreciative crowd of black youths who had been tipped off by Deacon and Clinton. She had not had either proposed costume with her but had been persuaded to take off her jeans and prance around for them in her t-shirt and knickers !

But now the day had dawned when she would be making a public spectacle of herself, being driven around town on the back of a lorry wearing embarrassing and skimpy outfits and intoning ridiculous lyrics. Who knew who would see her making a fool of herself. Neighbours, friends from the pub, old enemies from school or college. There would almost certainly be work colleagues at some point, Gilbert the security guard had been assiduously spreading the word !

Debbi might have been even more concerned had she realised how much Lynn and Jody had come to resent her popularity with Deacon and company. Yes, they were jealous. But also, it had not been part of their plan for Debbi to actually enjoy any of this ! Hence they intended to make today as embarrassing as possible. The schedule was for the truck to parade between midday and 16.00 with Debbi in her kitty panties. Then a brief respite before a change into the sexy lingerie and a parade around the local nightspots from 18.00 to 22.00. It was time for the girls to get Debbi ready for the first half of the show !

The girls led Debbi into the rest room at the college and she reluctantly entered one of the cramped cubicles to change. She hadn't been into work that morning and so only had her t-shirt and jeans to take off, though even getting out of her jeans wasn't easy in the space available. She sighed as she removed her own knickers and once more attempted to squeeze into the childish yellow kitty panties. Every time they seemed to get even smaller for her, if that were possible. She looked down forlornly at the low rise front, on which no amount of tugging could improve. Reflexively, she also felt around behind to try to ascertain how much bare bum cheek would be on display. She just hoped the material would hold up without splitting ! Letting out another sigh, she completed the ensemble by forcing her tits into the abbreviated crop top and replacing her yellow sneakers.

Knowing she could delay the inevitable no longer, Debbi re-emerged into the rest room and to the scrutiny of the girls. "Look, I honestly don't think I can do this" she began, it all suddenly seemed too much. Lynn and Jody were gratified to see that all the confidence and self assurance that had begun to build up, thanks to the attentions of the black youths, had now evaporated and Debbi was back to the diffident cowering figure that they much preferred to manipulate. Nevertheless, they had to nip any rebellion in the bud.

"Nonsense No-E" said Lynn, hooking a finger into the waistband of the kitty panties, pulling it forward and then letting it go with a snap ! "We'd hate to have to report how we made no money at all for Rag Week because of the failure of you, as representative of your company, to fulfil on the promises made" she threatened. "You look splendid and we know your little routine is just darling. Everyone will love it. Now, let's get you ready."

"But I am ready" replied Debbi, confused. "No, silly. Look at all that makeup. And your hair " Jody waved the familiar pink ribbons at Debbi. If truth be told, Debbi had applied very little makeup that morning but the girls were determined that there be no vestige left to hinder the childish makeover. Lynn even added a few false freckles to her cheeks while Jody used the ribbons to tie Debbi's hair into truncated bunches. Her hair was not really long enough for such a style but that only made it look all the more ridiculous, which suited Jody and Lynn just fine.

"Wonderful. Now it's time to meet your public" announced Lynn !

Debbi was unprepared for the stir her appearance caused as she emerged from the college rest room to make her way to the waiting truck. During the couple of weeks of preparation, she had forgotten that the only people who had seen her in this costume were Deacon's crew and the three girls. Even the other members of the class she was mentoring had only seen the Miz No-E Rap once and that was impromptu and wearing her own lingerie. This was an extreme novelty to all the other students, used to seeing this sophisticated business woman strolling their corridors but who was now transformed into the image of a little girl !

"Make way for Miz No-E, make way for the star of the show" bellowed Lynn, making sure that Debbi gained even more attention. There were half a dozen floats to make up the Rag Week procession but there was already little doubt as to which float would be the prime attraction ! Lynn and Jody had initially wanted Debbi to be standing up and rapping as the pickup drove along but this proved to be too precarious. So they revised the plan to stop at strategic points and perform the show but in the meantime, the flotilla set out with Debbi sitting in the back and cringing while her recorded recitation blared out over Clinton's backing track.

"Wave to the crowds" Jody instructed, before Lynn began calling through a loudhailer. "Come to the plaza. Continuous live performance of the Miz No-E Rap !" What with all this commotion and publicity, a sizeable crowd was forming by the time the floats pulled into a circle by the town centre plaza. Intrigued shoppers piled out of the mall to watch.

"Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. It's Miz No-E !" announced Jody. Lynn and Shahida began to move among the crowd with collecting buckets. Debbi couldn't believe she was about to get up in public in the middle of town in these tiny panties to begin dancing and miming. "Look at me, I'm Miz No-E. Dancin' in my knickers for the world to see...." An excited little girl pushed to the front.

"Look mummy, this lady's dancing in her knickers."

"Yes dear."

"They're like my knickers."

"Yes dear."

"Why is she dancing ?"

"I suppose it's to help the doctors and nurses dear."

"But why is she in her knickers ?"

"I don't know dear."

The tape played on a continuous loop. Debbi could only continue to mime and gyrate !

Debbi mimed and danced her way through the Miz No-E Rap a total of six times, instrumental break included, before it was decided that it was time to move onto the next location to be graced by the presence of the Rag Week floats. She had remained staring resolutely ahead with a fixed grin on her face, trying to avoid scanning the crowd for the faces of anyone who might know her. If any neighbours or acquaintances had seen and recognised her, she remained oblivious for now.

Debbi was grateful that the speakers were turned off as the flotilla moved away , giving her a brief respite from the hideous soundtrack. But her heart sank when she realised where they were all headed. To the light industrial estate that housed the company offices ! Sure enough, Lynn arranged that they stopped at the end of the cul de sac just outside the main reception. Her voice blared through the loud hailer. "Roll up, roll up. Come and witness the amazing Miz No-E Rap featuring your very own superstar. All for a good cause !"

This did not come as a complete surprise to those in the company offices who had been prepared for the eventuality by Gilbert's publicity drive and who knew why Debbi had the day off from work. The awful beat started up again. "Come on No-E" yelled Jody. Debbi began to mime and gyrate even more reluctantly than in the plaza in town. Maybe everyone would be too busy working to take the time to come out and watch, she hoped. Fat chance ! A trickle became a flood, as people exited from the company and even from some neighbouring offices that had heard the commotion.

All of these familiar faces looking, pointing, laughing. "Look at me, I'm Miz No-E; Dancin' in my knickers for the world to see.." As indeed she was, in front of all the people she worked with, wearing the stupid undersized panties with the kitty logo. Debbi could see phones being waved and , worst of all, Jeff was taking a proper photo to use in the next edition of the company newsletter ! The coffers of the charity were being swollen as Jody and Shahida moved through the crowd with the collecting buckets.

"Good job Deb. Great effort !" called Jeff over the music but Debbi was far too embarrassed to take any pride in her achievement. Once again the rap cycled half a dozen times before Lynn's voice cut in over the speakers. "We have to move on folks but remember that tonight, outside the Red Lion and then the Pink Pussycat, we'll be presenting 'Miz No-E After Dark'. The X-rated version !" Debbi cringed as the crowd of her colleagues cheered.

There was a two hour break between the daytime parade and 'Miz No-E After Dark' but it wasn't much of a break for Debbi. After the embarrassment of having to perform outside the company in the kitty panties, the final destination of the afternoon was the local high school just as school was letting out for the day. Miz No-E proved to be a major attraction and the truck was surrounded and hemmed in by excited kids for half an hour before Debbi could get a respite ! No doubt there was much sharing of material on social media.

Now they were back at the college base. The short amount of time available was taken up with getting ready for the evening procession. Debbi was happy to take off the crop top and kitty panties and had a quick shower in the girls locker room. She was pleased to have remembered to bring a hair dryer and was relieved to get rid of the pink ribbons and to tease her hair back into its normal adult style. She found herself applying her makeup as she would for a night on the town. Did she really want to make herself look alluring ? After several hours of humiliating regression, she realised that she did. She extracted the white lace thong that had been selected to be her evening wear and had just managed to get into it when Lynn and Jody burst into the locker room.

The girls laughed as Debbi involuntarily went to cover her bare boobs before realising the futility of it. "Aren't you ready yet No-E ?" scolded Lynn. "But it's not six o'clock yet" Debbi protested. "No, but the boys want to set up the camera angles before we set off" Jody explained. Debbi groaned. She had forgotten that there was to be a big screen attached to the back of the pickup truck for the evening's proceedings. Deacon and Clinton were even now busily fitting it.

Debbi hurried to put on the suspender belt and pull the stockings up her shapely legs. At least she had now got used to attaching the clips to the stockings without fumbling. "Very sexy" Lynn complimented her, though Debbi wasn't certain how genuine the compliment was. "Let me help you with the blouse." Debbi was acutely aware of how transparent the white blouse would be without a bra underneath. Lynn tied it in a midriff baring bow just below Debbi's tits. "No, no need, it's fine as it is" Lynn insisted when Debbi went to fasten the topmost buttons.

The ensemble was completed by a pair of patent red leather heels. Jody took Debbi's shoulders and turned her to face the full length mirror on the locker room wall. "There ya go. Every inch the rap star !" she laughed. Debbi stared at her reflection. Under different circumstances, she would have admitted that she looked very foxy indeed. But instead of pleasing a boyfriend in private, there was the prospect of exhibiting herself once more in front of the whole town, or anyway, those who happened to be out and about this evening. And with the advance publicity, that was likely to be quite a few !

There were not so many of the other students milling around as earlier in the day but the transformation from tween to foxy lady still caused quite a stir as Miz No-E emerged from the locker room. "Let's check those camera angles No-E" insisted Lynn. In fact, Debbi was glad of the chance for a quick run through of the routine since it gave her a chance to get used to dancing in the red heels, as opposed to the sneakers she had been wearing during the afternoon.

Debbi was a bit taken aback to see the size of the screen that had been erected on top of the truck's cab. Clinton had managed to borrow it from his cousin's music video production company, together with the cameras and lighting. His cousin had said he might get along to the Pink Pussycat later to catch the show. There were three main cameras attached to scaffolding, one each on either side of the truck and a third extended out from the back to shoot full on frontal shots of Debbi dancing. "Try to stay inside the square we've got marked on the floor of the truck here No-E" Deacon requested.

"Don't forget the extra choreography we worked on for tonight No-E" Jody reminded her. Debbi looked blank. "You know, during the instrumental break when you get down on all fours and wiggle your bum at the crowd !" Debbi had forgotten all about this additional humiliation that had been planned. When it came to that point in the song, she obediently got down on all fours with her head down and arms stretched out in front of her, rocking her bum back and forth on her knees. Deacon affixed the final camera at floor level to the base of the trick to give the desired view !

From her prone position, Debbi looked up for the first time at the big screen, to be confronted by a giant view of her bum, bisected by the thin strip of material which comprised her thong and with the puckered perimeter of her asshole clearly visible on either side of it. "You can't show that view on the screen" she complained loudly. The mound of her pussy was barely covered ! "Nonsense" Lynn brushed the objection aside. "People know it's the 'After Dark' version tonight and it fits in wonderfully with the spirit of the song. Don't be so stuffy No-E. It's all in a good cause !"

Lynn and Jody were disappointed. The Red Lion had turned into a damp squib. There was still too much daylight at this time of the year to enable the big screen to be seen clearly outside. And just when Debbi seemed to finally be attracting a crowd and some interest, it was time for kick off in the big game and the crowd disappeared into the pub to watch the match. "Seems you can't compete with football No-E" Lynn admitted. "You're going to have to work extra hard at the Pink Pussycat to make up for our shortfall if we're going to be top float" she warned.

Fortunately, the Pink Pussycat was indeed a different prospect. It was a hot party crowd of both sexes and multiple inclinations and sport was not on their agenda. Plus, the strict door policy meant that there was always a sizeable queue waiting to be allowed admittance to the hallowed premises. This queue was delighted to get some unexpected entertainment while they waited.

"Wow, that's a much sexier outfit than this afternoon Deb !" Debbi was dismayed to see several familiar faces from the company who had followed up on Lynn's earlier invitation to come and see 'Miz No-E After Dark'. When it came to the instrumental break and Debbi dropped to her knees to gyrate, it was now dark enough for the screen to be crystal clear and there were many shots being taken of the explicit view of her ass !

"Hi Debbi. Didn't know Miz No-E was you but when your little friends here explained the name it became obvious. So good to see you and to see the old college putting on such a great show !" Debbi cringed. It was the brief intermission before the recording of the rap song started up again and the last people she wanted to see were her two fierce rivals from college days, a particularly bitchy pair called Jackie and Sarah. "We'd love to stay and watch some more but we've got priority passes to get inside. Maybe we'll see you in there later if they lower their standards for admission" Sarah laughed. No way, I'm out of here first chance I get, thought Debbi.

But fate was to decide otherwise. As promised, Clinton's cousin had turned up. Suitably impressed, he had used his connections with the owner of the Pink Pussycat who had come out to see what was holding up the queue outside. "Great news No-E" announced Lynn when the next run through of the song ended. "We've been invited to go inside and have you perform the rap up on the stage !"
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi as Miz No-E; Part Six, After Dark

The last thing that Debbi wanted to do was to perform the Miz No-E rap on the stage of the Pink Pussycat. She had thought that this embarrassing day was winding down and coming to an end. Now she was asking if anyone had a jacket she could borrow while they made their way into the club but these pleas were falling on deaf ears. She wondered f there was a back entrance into the club they could use but the bouncers stayed mute on the subject. So, scantily clad as she was from her routine, she had to run the gauntlet through the club, dragged by Jody and Lynn with Shahida and the boys tagging along behind. "Ow, someone pinched my bum ! Who the hell pinches a girl's bum ?" Debbi squealed angrily, turning around to try and see who it was and receiving a slap on her other cheek for her trouble !

There was a narrow stage at one end of the club beyond the bar. The DJ was positioned to the left of this stage. Clinton passed him the recording that had been playing all day on the float. "OK guys" the DJ began. "I understand you all had some prime entertainment while waiting to get in earlier this evening but for those of you who may have missed it, we are now privileged to get an up close and personal performance of the Miz No-E rap !"

In truth, there was more laughter than cheering but the crowd seemed happy enough to go along with it. There were a few cries of "Go on Deb", confirming that there were indeed some people within the club that knew who she was. "What are you waiting for No-E ? Up on the stage" Jody shoved her. Debbi teetered up onto the stage in her precarious heels. As she looked nervously around, blinking into the spotlights, the insistent beat started up yet again. Mechanically, like a pre-programmed dog, Debbi worked through her choreography once more, lip syncing as best she could.

The tape was on a loop to play through twice and when it ended there was a smattering of applause and some giggling. Debbi nodded at the audience and stood there awkwardly wondering how she would get off stage. While she pondered this, she was surprised to see Jackie, her old enemy from college days, taking the mike and coming to stand next to her. What's she doing, Debbi thought ? "Well that was just great No-E, wasn't it guys ?" Jackie announced. There were lukewarm cheers. "But didn't anyone spot what was wrong ? The lyrics say No-E's dancing in her knickers" she continued. "I am in my knickers" Debbi stated the obvious. "Yes but it should be ONLY your knickers ! What's this ?" Jackie accused, tugging at the sleeve of Debbi's tied up blouse. "Who thinks No-E should rap topless ?"

This time the cheering was much more enthusiastic !

Before Debbi had a chance to fully register what was being said, Jackie deftly untied the bow that was holding the blouse together, slipped it from Debbi's shoulders and hurled it into the audience, where eager hands stretched up to grab it ! Debbi just stood there dazed. She was topless in a club in front of all these people, some of whom knew her. But she had no time to think, as the familiar soundtrack started up and the Pavlovian impulse kicked in to start performing her routine.

This time the crowd was going wild, especially when it came to the actions accompanying the line about 'shakin' my titties'. The club manager had activated the in house cams and the scene on stage was playing out on multiple screens throughout the club. Jody and Shahida were circulating with their collection buckets, certain now of their status as top float in the Rag Week festivities. The DJ put the tape loop on repeat and by the time he judged that both the crowd and the topless Debbi had had enough, she had run through the entire thing four times, including the ass in the air instrumental break !

There was loud clamorous applause that Debbi was loathe to acknowledge. She just wanted to get out of there and go home but how exactly was she to manage that ? The float outside on which she had arrived was temporarily abandoned. Lynn, Deacon et al were scattered about the club. On top of that, she was now even more scantily clad than when she had set out !

As these thoughts ran through her head, she was joined on stage by Jackie and Sarah. "Where are the girls ?" asked Debbi. "They're still busy with the collection. You've just earned a mint for charity Debbi No-E" laughed Sarah. "Great" said Debbi sarcastically. "But I've got to get home." She tried to push past. "Oh, but there's no hurry. The night's young. Come and have a drink, you've earned it" countered Jackie, taking her arm and guiding her towards the bar !

Debbi's mind was racing and finding it difficult to compute as Jackie and Sarah kept dragging her towards the bar. She was thinking of the embarrassment of dancing here in the club; of how many people had seen her topless, hell, were still seeing her topless, all she had on were skimpy knickers and stockings and suspenders for goodness sake ! She was wondering how many of these people knew her. She was still wondering how in earth she was going to get home tonight.

They had reached the bar. Debbi was suddenly surrounded by familiar faces from work. There seemed to be a party of lads from accounts and the girls from H.R. It was little immediate comfort that they all seemed to be complimentary. 'Wow Deb, that was brilliant', 'Didn't know you had it in you', 'All for charity', 'So brave'. They all seemed to want to pose for selfies with their arm around her, which encouraged people she had never seen before to want the same. Strangely, there did not seem to be anybody from her actual team but that was scant consolation.

Jackie and Sarah returned bringing her a drink. "Look No-E. Sarah recorded your little dance and uploaded it to our college alumni what's app group !" announced Jackie. Sarah held up her phone with an alarmingly clear recording of the topless Miz No-E Rap. "They all love it Deb" smirked Sarah. Debbi was aghast but before she could react, Lynn and Jody bounded up. The girls were too excited about all the cash they had collected to bother with teasing Debbi. "Look No-E. Isn't it great ? We're certain to be top float now" enthused Jody. "Er, yeah, wonderful" said Debbi. "But have you seen my blouse ? Or anything ? I'm practically naked here. How am I going to get home ?"

Her car, clothes and bag were all back at the college, where they had been supposed to return to on the float. "No idea who got your blouse" admitted Jody. "And we'll be ages yet. We've got to add up all this cash, Shazzer's still collecting and I don't know what's happened to the boys." Encouraged by Jackie and Sarah, another group arrived anxious to obtain selfies. Lynn and Jody disappeared again and Debbi was starting to get desperate. She was approached by a tall, well dressed black man.

"Congratulations on your act Miz No-E. The club manager's delighted, his bar takings have sky rocketed. My name's Solomon by the way, that's my equipment you've been using" he explained. "Oh, so you're Clinton's cousin ?" said Debbi. "Yes, that's me" he confirmed. "Do you know where the boys are ? This was all so unplanned. I'm stuck here, no way to get home and I haven't got any clothes." She suddenly blushed, realising that she was carrying on a conversation with this attractive black man while virtually naked ! "Sorry, how remiss of me. Take my jacket" Solomon offered, slipping out of his tailored suit jacket and draping it over Debbi's shoulders !

"I'd be happy to give you a lift home" offered Solomon. "I just have to finish a little business with the manager." Debbi was happy to accept. She couldn't see any obvious alternative. There was no sign of Lynn or any of the others in the heaving club and she knew that Jackie and Sarah would be no help. "Finish your drink first" suggested Solomon but even though she was now partially covered by his jacket, Debbi still felt exposed and vulnerable in the middle of the club dressed as she was. She gulped down the remainder of the cocktail she'd been sipping. "There, all ready" she announced.

Solomon guided Debbi past the DJ console and through the back to the manager's office. She was embarrassed to see a video playing back of her topless rap ! She had not known anything about the in house cameras. "Miz No-E !" the manager exclaimed. "Loved the turn you did for us" he enthused. "Er, thanks. I'm not really a rapper. I'm a business woman" she said nervously. "All the more impressive, you've certainly helped my business tonight" he responded. Debbi was still wondering about getting home and tuned out the rest of the conversation while the manager and Solomon concluded their deal. Something about a video. She was soon feeling the cool air on her overly exposed body as they made their way to Solomon's gleaming SUV.

"Nice motor" said Debbi, for the sake of something to say as she strapped herself into the seat belt, acutely aware of the long expanse of stocking clad legs she was displaying. What with all that had gone on that evening, Debbi was not thinking clearly and the next problem became apparent as Solomon drove into the college. There sat Debbi's lonely little Corsa all by itself in the car park but the deserted college was securely shut up. And Debbi's clothes were inside in Lynn's locker. Worse yet, so was her bag with her house and car keys !

"I had something of a misspent youth, I might be able to hot wire your car ?" Solomon admitted when Debbi explained her predicament. "Thanks but then I'd still be locked out of the house" she replied. "I could kill those girls !"

"Does anyone have a spare key ?" Solomon wondered. Debbi brightened up. Of course ! Old Mr and Mrs Newman from next door. They'd exchanged spare keys for emergencies. "I'll run you home and you can get a taxi back here in the morning to collect your car and stuff" said Solomon.

Debbi was still not really thinking straight however. As they pulled into her street, she noticed that it was awfully dark and quiet. "What's the time ?" she asked Solomon. "Nearly midnight." Her neighbour's house was in darkness. "Shit !" exclaimed Debbi. "I can't knock them up at this time of night, they'll have a heart attack. They're both over seventy and look how I'm dressed !" She was beginning to despair. "Let's take a look anyway" Solomon suggested. "Maybe there's a way in ?" Debbi suddenly remembered the kitchen window at the back that she always left ajar. "I mighty be able to climb in there ? But we have to go down the alley by the Newman's and climb through their garden." Her house was a small modern terraced house with no outside access to the back garden, which was why she felt OK about leaving the kitchen window slightly open. "Let's give it a try then" said Solomon.

Debbi carefully lifted the latch on the gate from the alley into the Newman's back garden, in order to avoid waking their yappy Jack Russell terrier. Quietly shutting the gate after them, they scooted across to the four foot fence that separated the neighbour's garden from Debbi's. Solomon gave Debbi a shove on her bare rump to propel her over the fence, which he then athletically vaulted himself.

"So far, so good" said Debbi. They inspected the kitchen window which she had left ajar. It was a split window on which the top half pulled down. It was clear that it was too small for Solomon to get through but it might be possible for Debbi. She returned the jacket to Solomon, trying to ignore the embarrassment of once more being topless and hopelessly exposed. Solomon gave Debbi a hand to clamber up onto the window sill from where she tried to force the window down. It was stiff, usually never being opened more than the few inches that it currently was. Debbi was unable to push it fully open but she did manage to widen the gap sufficiently so that she thought she might be able to scramble through.

Ignoring the thought of the undignified spectacle she knew she must be providing, Debbi pushed her arms through, followed by her head and her upper torso. It was a relief to feel her squashed tits bounce free once they were clear of the ledge !

So far, so good. But no further ! "I'm stuck" wailed Debbi. Her hips were jammed fast in the open gap. Solomon pushed hard on Debbi's ass. "Ow, no, it's no good. I'm too fat !" Debbi lamented. Of course, that assertion was not true, it was the window that was too small. Their deliberations were interrupted, however.

"There he is officer. I told you a black man was trying to break into Debbi's house. Arrest him !" Solomon turned to see two policemen climbing over the fence, somewhat surprisingly followed by the Newman's who had brought out a stepladder for the purpose. "Would you care to explain the situation here sir ?" asked the first of the officers with exaggerated politeness. Solomon managed to swiftly regain his composure. "Certainly officer. I'm trying to assist this young lady to gain entry to her property since she's lost her keys."

The policeman shone his torch, illuminating Debbi's bare ass, which her thong did a thoroughly inadequate job of concealing. "Is this your neighbour sir ?" the officer enquired of Mr Newman. "Who the hell do you think it is ?" cried an agitated voice from half inside the kitchen. "Well, it sounds like Debbi" Mr Newman conceded. "But it's hard to tell from that view ! Is it you Debbi ?" he wondered. "Of course it bloody is" came the reply. "There's no need for that kind of language young lady" objected Mrs Newman, addressing the ass so prominently displayed !

The conversation continued around Debbi's upturned ass, which was still stuck in the half open window and remained spotlit by the officer's torch. "So, have we established that this is the lady who lives in the property ?" one of the officer's asked. "Well, it did sound like her. But Debbi's a nice polite and respectable young lady, not like this foul mouthed hussy showing all her naughty bits" affirmed Mrs Newman. "Yes sir, could you explain why the young lady is dressed like this ?" wondered the officer, taking his cue from Mrs Newman.

"This is the famous Miz No-E. She's a rap artist" responded Solomon, as if no further explanation was necessary. "Debbi's not a watcha callit. She manages an office" objected Mr Newman. Everyone began talking at once and at cross purposes. "Never heard of her" said one officer. "It was for charity" from half inside the kitchen. "Yeah, don't you remember Dave saying at shift changeover about having to police the students in town, where some bird was dancing in her knickers ?"

"That was Miz No-E"

"I'm not 'some bird' !"

"But I thought we were talking about Debbi ?"

"Our Debbi wouldn't do anything like that. I don't think this is our Debbi at all"

"Of course it's me you silly old bat !"

"Now that is definitely not like our Debbi"

"Will somebody bloody well get me out of here !"

The two police officers finally decided that it might be better if Debbi was extricated from the window. They each grabbed one side of her hips and began to tug. "Ow, careful, shit !" cried Debbi, as her tits again squashed on the return journey. She was once more relieved when they bounced free unscathed and she stood on solid ground again. Her relief vanished as she became aware that she was standing there topless in just a tiny pair of knickers, stockings and suspenders in front of her elderly neighbours and two officers of the law ! "Here, take this again" said Solomon, offering his jacket. Debbi gratefully accepted. It was better than nothing !

Debbi was finally able to tell her story to the police about mentoring the students, the charity rap, why her clothes and keys were locked in the college etc. She tried her best to tell it so that she was shown in the most favourable light, glossing over how she had been coerced and manipulated into taking part by Lynn and Jody. "But why didn't you knock for the spare key ?" asked Mrs Newman. "Your house was all in darkness. I didn't want to wake you up and scare you at this time of the night" Debbi replied. "Ah, that's more like the nice considerate Debbi that we know" said her elderly neighbour, now somewhat pacified. "But Charlie heard you and woke us up anyway" Mrs Newman continued. Charlie was their Jack Russell.

The police were now satisfied that no offence was being committed and so the entire party climbed the fence back into the Newmans' garden via the steps they had brought out. "If you just give me the key that'd be great and I'll drop it back once I've picked up my own tomorrow, well, later today now really" said Debbi. "Oh, do come in for a cup of tea" Mrs Newman suggested. Debbi and Solomon replied almost simultaneously but in a different vein. "That would be very nice" was Solomon's response, "I really ought to be going" was Debbi's, still extremely conscious of how little she was wearing !

"Nonsense" said Mrs Newman. "See, your young man has the right idea." Debbi did not bother trying to explain that Solomon was not 'her' young man. They were ushered into the kitchen where Charlie greeted Debbi enthusiastically. "Hello Charlie" she said, with less enthusiasm than that shown by the canine. She normally liked the little dog but was not in the mood for his attentions at this moment. "Let me take your coat" said Mr Newman hopefully. "Er, no, no, I'm fine thanks" answered Debbi, anxious to retain that covering. "But Charlie's shedding and we don't want to ruin the young man's nice jacket by getting dog hair all over it" countered Mrs Newman sensibly.

So once more, Debbi was rendered topless and standing before her elderly neighbours clad only in a thong and stockings and suspenders !

Debbi couldn't believe she was sitting there virtually naked, sipping tea in the Newmans' living room while her elderly neighbour regaled her with gossip about the family that lived opposite. Her husband was more intent on returning the subject to Debbi, thus giving him an excuse to study her tits ! He might have been too old to do anything about it but that didn't stop him from admiring a sexy body. "So this was all for charity Debbi ? What charity was it ?" he asked. Debbi realised to her embarrassment that she had no idea what charity it was for. She hoped that all her efforts had not just been for the students' beer fund ! "Er, um" she hesitated. Solomon came to her rescue. "I believe it was to benefit deprived children in the poorer parts of town" he improvised.

"Ah, that is so kind of you Debbi, with no thought for yourself" cooed Mrs Newman. "And what do you do young man ? How are you involved ?" she continued. "They were using my PA equipment" replied Solomon.

"PA ?"

"Public address, sound system"

"Oh I see, those noisy loudspeakers !"

Solomon laughed politely. "Yes, that's it. But mostly, I run a small local cable TV station catering for the Afro-Caribbean and Asian community. We broadcast music videos and community related discussions" he explained. "Ah yes, very good" said Mrs Newman, her eyes glazing over.

Debbi had finished her tea and was now fending off Charlie. "Good boy Charlie. No, down boy"

"You've made a conquest there. He likes you" observed Mr Newman and while she was distracted, Charlie took the opportunity to jump up onto Debbi's lap ! "Oh no dear, you'll have dog's hair everywhere" exclaimed Mrs Newman, shooing the little dog off. "I'll just get a clothes brush !"

"No, no that's fine"

"But we don't want to spoil your nice knickers"

"No, really, it's fine" answered Debbi, blushing as everyone's gaze became focused on her knickers. "Don't be silly, stand up" insisted Mrs Newman, returning with the brush which she commenced to rub vigorously over the front of Debbi's knickers, further concentrating Mr Newman's attention on the thin gauzy material ! "Let's turn you round. Oh, I forgot, there's not a lot to the back is there ?" remarked Mrs Newman casually, inspecting the thong.

"Look, it's very late. We really should be going" said Debbi. After a few more minutes of standing there awkwardly, chatting to Mr Newman while his wife searched for the spare key, Debbi and Solomon finally managed to extricate themselves. Debbi would have been surprised by the conversation as the Newmans closed the door. "Well, what do you think of our pretty little neighbour now then ?" wondered Mrs Newman. "Well, I certainly saw a new side of her" her husband laughed. "I could see that, you randy old goat !"his wife replied playfully. "Do you think that nice young man is going to give her a good seeing to ?" she speculated. "I know I would if I was twenty years younger" sighed Mr Newman wistfully.

"Thanks so much for all your help" Debbi said, as once more clad in Solomon's jacket she inserted her front door key. "Ugh, that tea was insipid. I suppose it's too late to offer you coffee ?" she asked.

Debbi's eyes slowly opened and tried to focus. It appeared to be daylight. She squinted at the digital alarm which she had evidently forgotten to set. 10:45 it blinked. 10:45 ! Shit ! It was a work day wasn't it ? She groped for the phone, she must call Jeff. Where was it ? Her arm brushed something warm beside her. What was it ? Oh, a muscly black back. And it had grunted. Recollection flooded back to her. This is getting to be a bit of a habit she thought, looking at Solomon lying beside her and thinking of previous occasions with Deacon and Clinton !

Where was that phone ? Why wasn't Jeff calling her to find out where she was ? More realisation dawned. The phone was in Lynn's locker at the college amongst other of her things. She stretched. Solomon stirred. "Morning sleepy head" she said. "Urgh" said Solomon. "Hello there. What time is it" he managed to articulate. "More like brunch time than breakfast time" Debbi replied. "Shall I make you some proper coffee, instead of that lousy instant that we had last night ?" she offered. "And which we didn't finish" Solomon laughed. "Which we didn't finish" Debbi giggled.

Solomon rolled and climbed onto Debbi once more but before they could get properly started, there was a loud insistent knocking at the door. "Shit, I'd better see who that is" said Debbi, jumping out of bed. She ran naked down the stairs, realising too late that the frosted glass panel of the front door was not the best for hiding her nudity behind. Nevertheless that is what she tried to do, opening the door to unexpectedly find Lynn and Jody. "Oh, hello girls. What do you want ?"

"Don't you ever wear clothes ?" wondered Lynn.

"Er, I overslept"

"We've brought your things" said Jody.

"Oh, thanks. but I would have come for them. My car's still at the college"

"We wouldn't have bothered but your phone's been driving everyone mad, going off all the time and making such a racket" Lynn explained. "Lousy ring tone by the way !"

"What's wrong with O Sole Mio ? I'm half Italian" Debbi objected, realising that Jeff must have been trying to call her. "Whatever, Here's your stuff" Lynn responded, holding out the bag and clothes to Debbi who was forced to step into public view to take them, despite being naked. "Morning Debbi" called a cheery voice. "Oh, hi, morning Mr Newman" Her neighbour was taking Charlie for a walk.

"Morning girls" said Solomon, coming down the stairs and looking very dashing in Debbi's fluffy white bath robe. "Solomon ! What are you doing here ?" cried Lynn. "What do you think he's doing ?" responded Jody jealously. She had an unrequited crush on the older black dude !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi as Miz No-E; Part Seven, In The Raw

Debbi was on the phone to Jeff. She was seated at her breakfast bar with Solomon. She had not bothered to get dressed yet, she was so late by now that there was little point in rushing. "I am so sorry Jeff. My alarm didn't work and I misplaced my phone" she said lamely. "It was a very late night" she added. Fortunately, her boss didn't seem to mind too much. "A pretty successful night though I understand" he said. "Young Alan from accounts showed me a selfie he took with you !" Debbi groaned. That selfie would have been taken while she was topless at the bar. "Oh, er, great" she stammered.

"The college principal called too. Apparently it was their most successful Rag Week event ever in terms of cash raised. But she was even more pleased that somehow you have managed to get through to a particularly difficult group of girls and really motivate them" Jeff continued. "Oh, that's nice. They're good girls really" Debbi lied. "I'm glad. It's very important for the local profile of the company that you keep bonding with them. The board set great store by it" Jeff concluded.

Debbi poked her tongue out at the phone. "The board set great store by it" she parroted. "So, do you have to rush off now ?" asked Solomon. "No, he said last night could be counted as being like work and to take my time" replied Debbi. "Fancy going back to bed then ?" grinned Solomon.

Meanwhile, Lynn had noticed the foul mood that Jody had been in ever since they dropped Debbi's stuff off at her home. "What's the matter with you ?" she teased her friend. "Are you jealous ? It's because of Solomon isn't it ?" she laughed. "And Deacon. And Clinton. She's shagging all our boys. She's not supposed to enjoy it " Jody raged. "She didn't look like she was enjoying it much outside her company yesterday. Or in the Cat last night" Lynn argued. "Whatever" scowled Jody, her mood not improving.

So Lynn was a little surprised later that afternoon when she found Jody chuckling to herself at a table in the canteen. "You've cheered up ?" she greeted the black girl. "I'm writing another rap" replied Jody, as if that explained it. "Here, read this." She shoved her notebook at Lynn, who began chuckling too as she read...

Look at me, I'm Miz No-E, dancin' in the nude for char-it-y,

Ever-y-body's still lookin' at me, look at me I'm Miz No-E.

I raised a lot of money in my underwear,

Dancin' for the world without a care,

But people said I could make much more,

If I would do it in the raw !

The boys all think I look real cute,

Prancin' around in my birthday suit,

With my nipples proud and perky, open to the air

And me bendin' over with my bum all bare !

So look at me, I'm Miz No-E, dancin' on the nude for char-it-y,

It surely is a sight to see, a bare ass naked Miz No-E !

"If only !" Lynn laughed at Jody's composition. "But we'd never get her to do that in public. And Rag Week's over" she said sadly. "Don't you be so sure" answered Jody with determination. "Give me a little time. I'm working on it !"

The next couple of weeks went quietly for Debbi, who was blissfully unaware of various machinations that were going on behind the scenes. There was a little teasing at work regarding the selfies a few people had from the night club but Debbi shrugged that off by pointing to the charitable collection that had resulted. Her routine weekly mentoring class at the college passed without incident, once she had been cheered into the classroom.

Solomon had asked her to give a motivational talk to a bunch of kids at the Black and Asian Community Centre which went very well after a brief early embarrassment. "Hello, my name's Debbi" she had begun. "Without an 'e' " the kids yelled back. "Yes, how did you know ?" A dozen phones were held up and Debbi heard the familiar tinny music while the kids began to chant 'Miz No-E, Miz No-E'. They quietened down soon enough and seemed to like her talk. She would have been more embarrassed had she known that, as well as the music track, the kids had the video of her cavorting topless to the rap at the Pink Pussycat !

And where had the kids acquired said video ? It had become an underground hit with Solomon's local community channel on cable TV, where it played two or three times a night after the watershed. Solomon had negotiated obtaining a copy from the manager of the night club and was eager to promote the musical abilities of Deacon and Clinton, who had provided the backing track, as well as the talent of Jody the lyricist. Solomon did not know that Debbi had not been an altogether willing participant in the venture and so did not think that his new friend would have any objection.

Consequently, Solomon also saw no harm when Jody approached him to publicise a sponsorship drive on the channel for a special charity follow up sequel, 'Miz No-E in the Raw.' Especially when Jody told him that the charity benefiting would be the same Black and Asian Community Centre, of which he was on the board of governors. Other students, armed with copies of Jody's new lyrics, were busy drumming up sponsorship pledges at college and in the pubs and clubs of the town. Lynn had contacted Debbi's old college rivals Jackie and Sarah who were energetically conducting a sponsorship drive among their alumni whats app group. Lynn thought it best to delay seeking sponsors at Debbi's company until the last minute, when things would have gone too far for Debbi to be able to back out !

Jody meantime had prevailed upon Deacon and Clinton to compose and record an even more extended instrumental break for the middle of the song when Debbi's choreography called for her to be on all fours, with what would now be her bare bum facing the camera and the audience. "Let the punters get their money's worth" she had laughed. She had also liaised with Solomon to negotiate that the Pink Pussycat would again be the venue !

"What about her costume ?" asked Jody. The two girls hadn't yet sprung their trap on Debbi but were getting down to details. "But she's going to be dancing naked isn't she ?" replied Lynn, confused. "Yeah, but what about the stockings ? Do you think she should wear them ? Accentuate her nudity ?" Jody suggested. Lynn pondered the question. "Nah, don't think so. We've publicised 'Miz No-E In The Raw', so let's keep it simple." she decided. "OK, but what about shoes ?" said Jody. "Sure, she wears the red heels. They make her legs look longer and they also make her dancing even more awkward than it is in the first place !" They both laughed.

The first inkling Debbi got that something was afoot was when she was accosted in the corridor by the college principal after her weekly session with the students. "Oh Debbi, I just want to say how grateful I am for your work with the class. I would never have imagined that Lynn and Jody, for instance, could be so engaged and motivated but you have found the magic touch !"

"Oh,er, thanks. Happy to be of help. The company places great store on our relationships with the local community" Debbi parroted the party line. "Yes, I know that from speaking with Jeff" agreed the principal. "And I'd like to add how much I admire your work for the Black and Asian Community Centre. It can't be easy for a business woman like you to do something like that but I think you're being very brave !" Debbi was confused. "Oh, er, it's nothing" she mumbled but the principal was gone down the corridor before she could question her about her statement.

As she went out into the car park Debbi bumped into Solomon, who was accompanied by a distinguished looking black gentleman with greying hair and dressed immaculately in a sharp suit. "Debbi" Solomon greeted her. "Let me introduce Oscar, the chair of our board of governors. We're here for a meeting with the principal. Oscar, this is the famous Debbi !"

"Pleased to meet you" Debbi answered politely. She was then surprised when Oscar took both her hands and gripped them tightly as he looked into her eyes. She could have sworn he was tearing up. "I don't know how to thank you enough for what you are doing for us" he said. "Such a sacrifice on your part but the rewards are already amazing. We'll be able to build our extension now." Oscar was indeed almost crying.

"What's he mean ?" Debbi managed to whisper to Solomon, as the pair began to move away. "Your sponsored charity performance. 'Miz No-E In The Raw" Solomon explained. Debbi stood there stunned as the two black men entered the college building. She looked around the car park and saw two familiar figures emerging from another door. "Jody, Lynn" she yelled. "I want a word with you !"

Debbi strode purposefully across the car park. She had no intention of participating in 'Miz No-E in the Raw', whatever that was and she intended to make this perfectly clear to the troublesome girls. Jody and Lynn immediately disarmed her, however. They had been preparing for how they would deal with the inevitable confrontation when the time came to reveal their plan to Debbi.

Lynn produced a most professional looking spread sheet on her smart phone. Debbi was thrown off balance and amazed at the pledges that the prospect of 'Miz No-E in the Raw' had garnered. The figure thus far dwarfed what had been raised via the collection buckets during Rag Week. She could see why Oscar had been so emotional and had talked about the extension to the community centre.

"But you should have asked me. What does 'Miz No-E in the Raw' mean anyway ?" said Debbi weakly, rapidly beginning to feel that she was between a rock and a hard place. "What do you think it means silly ? Naked. Nude. No clothes on" Jody laughed. "Aren't you proud of our entrepreneurial skills ? All learned at your feet during your invaluable mentoring sessions" Lynn continued. "Yes, of course" said Debbi, missing the irony. "But I can't" she tried again.

"But just think. Your name will be mud in this town if you don't go through with it now. So many disappointed people. The Black and Asian community badly let down. Passing up the chance to boost the company's profile as a champion of diversity in these troubled times !" Lynn was spelling out all the thoughts that had been running through Debbi's mind. She thought of Oscar's face and of Jeff's reaction once he knew. "But my song is all about dancing in my knickers so it won't fit the lyrics" Debbi backtracked. Lynn was interested that subconsciously Debbi now thought of the Miz No-E Rap as 'her song' ! "That's OK. Jody's written some new lyrics, they're great" Lynn reassured her. Jody delved into her bag and extracted a sheet of paper. "Here, take this. You'd better start learning them anyway" she said, handing the sheet to Debbi.

Debbi read the new lyrics. She was aghast. "I can't do this" she whispered. "You can and you will" ordered Lynn breezily. "Everything's all arranged for using the Pink Pussycat. Jody and I can approach your boss Jeff now about a company donation and we can canvas in the offices there for a few more pledges too" she continued. "You run off and start learning your lines. We'll be in touch about having a run through at the community centre. Jody has some new moves for the choreography and Clinton's written new and longer music, so the punters will get their money's worth !"

Lynn and Jody watched in amusement as Debbi wandered slowly away from them, deep in thought, studying the lyric sheet and in marked contrast to the confident and determined way she had approached them five minutes earlier. "That was easy" Jody announced. "Pushover" said Lynn, "Right, what's next ? You're going to contact Kayleigh at the local paper to do a puff piece about Miz No-E ?"

Debbi had decided that her best strategy would be to embrace the charity drive in as dignified a manner as she could manage and pretend that it was all OK with her. But she nevertheless cringed when confronted with the front page of the local newspaper that Jody was showing to her. They were having coffee in the college canteen after Debbi's latest class.

"Local Businesswoman To Bare All For Charity" trumpeted the front page headline. Underneath in smaller type, 'Community Centre To Get New Extension'. There was a photo of a smartly dressed Debbi at her office desk. She had talked briefly with this girl Kayleigh from the paper but most of the details had been fed to the rookie reporter by her friend Jody. "I'm not a top exec at the company" objected Debbi as she read. "Oh don't do yourself down, you manage a team don't you ?" replied Jody.

The article went on to talk about her alter ego as Miz No-E. The 'affectionate' nickname was explained and Debbi was quoted as saying that she was so proud of the initiative that the girls she was mentoring had shown and that she felt her participation as Miz No-E was an important bonding exercise with the girls. She was proud to show solidarity with the Black and Asian community and delighted that her work would pay off in such a spectacular way. She felt honoured to be promoting the musical talents of Clinton and Deacon and the poetic gifts of Jody.

"This is all bullshit" she told Lynn and Jody. "It stretches the truth a tad but it's all great publicity" smirked Lynn. "Look, it talks all about the company and mentions the big corporate donation they've made. Jeff must be pleased as I'm sure you know. And the sponsorship just keeps on growing, especially now we've been round the company offices !"

The article concluded with the full details of the time and date for 'Miz No-E In The Raw' at the Pink Pussycat and with links to how people could still pledge to donate. Debbi was now backed completely into a corner with no way out. "Don't forget that we've got the run through tomorrow night at the community centre" Lynn reminded her !

It was a feeling of deja vu for Debbi as she pulled into the car park at the Black and Asian Community Centre. She had come straight from work and remembered coming here before to rehearse the 'Miz No-E Rap'. Now it was to be to rehearse 'Miz No-E In The Raw' ! She made her way into the hall and saw Lynn and Jody by the low stage, where Deacon and Clinton and three of their crew were erecting lights and testing their sound system. A gaggle of black and Asian kids stood over to one side, some of whom Debbi recognised from that talk she had given.

"Ah, there you are No-E" Lynn greeted her. "No time to lose, get your kit off. I've got your costume here" she taunted, holding up the red heels which were the only items that Debbi would be wearing ! "Can't I just rehearse dressed as I am ? It's not the actual performance" Debbi pleaded. "No you can't. This is a dress rehearsal" Lynn insisted. "Undress rehearsal more like" laughed Jody, to the amusement of the kids who joined in on the joke. "And what are those kids doing here ?" Debbi demanded. "They won't be able to go to the Pink Pussycat, so they wanted to have this chance to hear my new lyrics" explained Jody. "Yeah, right" said Debbi sceptically. "Nothing to do with me getting my kit off I suppose ? Well get them out of here. I'm not going to do a strip tease for you all !"

"Sorry kids, you've got to go" ordered Jody, herding the disappointed gang towards the exit despite their protestations. Debbi watched in satisfaction as they all disappeared through the door, little realising that they would simply sneak up the backstairs to the small balcony where they could sit quietly in the shadows and watch the entire proceedings !

Reluctantly, Debbi began taking off her work clothes. Pretend you're just in the locker room at the gym, she told herself as she undressed. She was down to her bra, knickers and tights when the hall door opened and Oscar, the chair of governors, walked in. "Oh I see. So it's you folks" he announced. "I was just passing and saw the lights on and the cars and wondered what was happening."

"We are going to have a rehearsal for the performance next week sir" answered Jody in a surprisingly deferential manner. The silver haired gentleman obviously commanded respect. Oscar spotted the incongruously dressed white woman. "Ah, Miss Debbi ! So lovely to see you again. I know I thanked you before but it really is so wonderful what you are doing for us all." He offered Debbi his hand. She blushed to be greeting him in her underwear on this occasion. "Oh no, really, it's nothing. It's the least I can do. I'm only too happy to be able to help." Oscar shook her hand vigorously. "It's far from nothing and the whole community is more than grateful" he assured her.

"Anyway, I won't delay you all any longer. You must have a lot to do. I was only checking up on what was happening." Debbi watched him leave, relieved that he was not going to stay for the run through. "Can't you lock the door in case anyone else wanders in ?" she asked. "Oh, stop fussing" said Jody. "Get the rest of those things off and we'll be ready to start." She shoved the red heels into Debbi's hands. "I take it you've learned the new lyrics by now ?"

Debbi finished undressing and stood there awkwardly in the nude while Deacon and his boys finished their adjustments on stage. Most of the people there had seen her naked before by now ( she was unaware of the kids hiding in the balcony ) but that didn't make it any easier. Plus she was soon going to be prancing about on stage and intoning the embarrassing lyrics she had memorised !

"Right No-E" began Jody briskly. "We'll run through it once and then start to break it down so we can work on the dance moves." Debbi stepped up onto the stage, teetering in her red heels. The familiar music began. "We're going to do song, instrumental break and dance, song again, then final dance" Jody announced.

Despite saying that they would run through the entire thing once to begin with, Jody could not resist interrupting. "Stop, stop. Hold it" she yelled. Debbi had reached the line'if I would do it in the raw'. "When you say 'in the raw', I want you to put your arms behind your head and thrust your pelvis forward" Jody instructed. The black girl demonstrated the move, which looked bad enough on her and she was fully clothed. Debbi dreaded to think what it would look like with her naked self performing it but she nevertheless complied ! Fortunately, the music drowned out the laughter emanating from the balcony.

"Excellent !" Jody was satisfied with the pelvic thrust. They reached the line 'prancin' around in my birthday suit'. "Put your finger up to your lips. Look all coy" called Jody. The final interruption came when Debbi sang 'and me bendin' over with my bum all bare'. "Well go on then, Do what the song says !"

They had reached the point where there would be the instrumental break and dance. "We've extended this bit No-E, Clinton's added some keyboard improvisations" Jody informed Debbi. "This is where the evening's work really begins" she continued. "Two of Deacon's boys are going to dance with you and we've got to get the moves down pat !" Two tall, muscular black youths moved to join Debbi on stage. She had not been expecting this !

Jody got down to business. She took the stage alongside Debbi and the two tall black youths, who she introduced as The King and G-Rod. Their real names were Leroy, hence the king from the French, and Gregory, which had been jettisoned for being terminally uncool. "I'm going to show you the moves No -E and then you practice until it all goes like clockwork" she informed Debbi, who despite her heels, felt diminutive alongside the other three.

First, Jody inserted herself between the two boys who twirled her around and then lifted her by her hips and presented her to the audience on all three sides, in a pose with her hands outstretched. It was all very well for Jody, Debbi thought. She was fully clothed but Debbi was going to be doing it naked ! Debbi had thought that Jody was going to show the whole routine for the instrumental break before getting Debbi to try it but the black girl decided it would be easier to break it down and so Debbi took her place in between The King and G-Rod. Jody and Lynn smirked to each other. Debbi's dancing skills were always limited but who cares if it isn't smooth and professional, as long as it is humiliating ! The prospective audience in the club certainly won't care and neither did the onlookers here, both on the stage and hidden in the balcony.

"Is the ceiling in the Pink Pussycat high enough for that lift ?" pondered Lynn, as the two boys hoisted Debbi and paraded her about the stage. "Yeah, Solomon gave me the dimensions, it's about 15 feet" Jody replied. "OK, that's cool" said Lynn.

"Right, we'll practice it all several more times but let me show you the next bit" Jody continued as Debbi was lowered to the floor. "G-Rod and The King are going to get down on all fours either side of you" she explained as the two boys did exactly that. "Then you put your foot up on G's back like this" Jody demonstrated, at the same time striking a pose. "Be careful with those heels when you do it !"

"That'll show my pussy " Debbi protested. "Your pink pussy in the Pink Pussycat" laughed Lynn. "It's raunchy, it's Miz No-E in the Raw. That's what the punters have signed up for" Jody asserted, ignoring Debbi's objection. "Then you turn your back on the audience and do the same to The King on the other side" she demonstrated. "Now you try." Debbi repeated the operation Jody had just performed, conscious of not standing too hard on the boys and even more conscious of what was on show !

"Fine, you seem to be able to manage that" Jody was satisfied. "The last bit you know already 'cos you did it last time" Jody stated as she got down on all fours to illustrate. "The boys will put their feet on your shoulders as if holding you down, then your bum sticks up and you can twerk a bit !" Debbi looked on aghast at the sight Jody was presenting and imagined what she would look like naked. Everything would be on display ! "That's obscene" she protested once more. "Don't be a prude No-E" Lynn scolded her. "Everyone who goes will know that it's going to be x-rated !"

"How can you call me a prude when I'm stuck up here with all my bits out ?" Debbi yelled angrily, as she took Jody's place and got down on all fours. Where was that distant laughter coming from, she wondered momentarily before the boys stood on her shoulder ? "Don't press too hard" she said.

Face down on the stage and trying as best she could to rotate the naked bottom that was sticking up in the air, Debbi could only guess at the spectacle she was presenting. Those who were inclined to make judgements on such things might well have concurred with her earlier assertion that it would be obscene. Others might have just seen it as off the scale sexy !

"OK, now we run through the verse a second time. Try to move as if you're really into it No-E" Jody encouraged as the routine for the instrumental break came to an end. Debbi ran through the lyrics she had learned once more. "Do you want it recorded so she can lip synch it on the day ?" Clinton asked. "I was thinking she could perform it live this time since she's only doing it once and not all day like she was in Rag Week" Jody replied. Debbi's preference did not seem to be a consideration. "But we should still have a recording for promotional purposes for our music" Deacon asserted. "OK. No-E, you'll have to go round to Clinton's tomorrow and record the song" ordered Jody, regardless of whether or not this might be convenient for Debbi.

Having finished the second recital of the lyrics, Debbi had been standing around shyly on stage at a loose end. "We can't just tail off at the end like that, we need a big finish" Jody decided. "I know" she said, clambering back up on stage. "Come here G" she motioned to G-Rod. "As the music finishes No-E, you jump up into G-rod's arms like this !" Jody demonstrated a leap and G-Rod grasped her under her knees while the girl put her arms around his neck. Debbi looked on, once more trying to picture how much would be on show if she did that while naked ! "You have a go No-E" Jody said, setting her feet back down on the stage.

Debbi surprised herself with the agile jump she managed to execute and G-Rod was strong and muscular enough to bear her weight. She kept her knees clamped firmly together. It was perhaps just as well that she didn't realise that the way she was being held still gave a perfect view of her pussy and asshole under her thighs ! "Can you manage to carry her to show her to all sides of the stage G ?" Jody wondered. "Sure thing" agreed the youth. "Maybe we should finish with a kiss ?"

Now that the routine had been established, they ran through the entire thing twice more. Jody was delighted with how it went. It didn't look bad at all really and it certainly achieved her main objective of displaying Debbi in the most humiliating and embarrassing manner imaginable ! "Fine folks, that's a wrap" she cried in best Hollywood director fashion at the end of the final run through. There was a smattering of applause and then more raucous shouting from up in the balcony !

"What are they doing up there, they were supposed to leave" cried Debbi, noticing the kids for the first time. "You're all very naughty, get out" admonished Jody with a grin. The laughing kids made a noisy exit, chanting Miz No-E, Miz No-E ! Debbi studied the distant balcony as she hurriedly got dressed again in her work clothes. It was far enough away that they could not have seen that much really she consoled herself. She even found herself signing a couple of autographs as she made her way back out to her car. Now there was just the question of the actual performance to get through. She shuddered at the thought !

Debbi groaned as she flashed the pass she had been allocated and pulled into the car park at the rear of the Pink Pussycat. She had never expected to be back at this place. It was not the kind of establishment she would normally frequent socially given the choice. She tried to focus on the positives. This time she had more control. She had her own transport and so wouldn't be stranded like she was after the impromptu appearance during Rag Week. She even had a dressing room ( or undressing room as Lynn had teasingly called it ) and so she would have her clothes safe on the premises once she had finished her performance.

But that was the problem. The performance. Totally naked. With in house cameras filming and displaying her on multiple large screens around the club. Performing the lewd dance routine that Jody had devised to ensure maximum exposure !

The club manager greeted her enthusiastically and showed her to the dressing room. He was donating the evening's entrance money to the charity but knew that he would be making a killing from the bar takings, if Debbi's last gig as Miz No-E was anything to go by ! The dressing room was spartan to say the least but it was clean enough. Once she was on her own, Debbi quickly took off the simple outfit she had arrived in; t-shirt, jeans and knickers. She put on a robe she had brought with her and settled at the small dressing table to apply her makeup. Might as well make myself look drop dead gorgeous if I'm going to have to go through with this, she thought.

Jody and Lynn burst happily into the small room. "I've got your costume here" laughed Lynn, holding up the red heels. "That wasn't funny the last time you said it" Debbi pouted. Lynn just laughed again. "It's really heaving out there No-E" Jody informed her. Debbi had been pleased to be able to come into the club via the back entrance and not have to run the gauntlet of her prospective audience. "I saw that Jackie and her friend Sarah with a bunch of people she said you'd been at college with" Jody continued. Debbi scowled. "And I recognised a crowd from your company." Debbi was only too aware that just about everybody under the age of thirty at the company was intending to come along this evening.

"I'm going to check on G-Rod and The King" said Lynn. "They're going to be topless too No-E but with some tight leather pants !" The manager put his head around the door. "Ready to go in ten minutes" he announced !

Debbi was waiting in the wings, standing between G-Rod and The King. They did both look magnificent. Their muscular ebony torsos had been oiled and Debbi could see from the outline of the tight leather pants why he was called G-Rod ! But it was her own appearance she was worried about. Apart from the uncomfortable red heels and the face mic that Jody had just clipped on, she was totally naked ! She retained the self confidence to know that she also looked great and was in no way overshadowed by the boys. But she really had no ambition to be displaying herself like this in public. But it was too late now !

The PA began to blare Richard Strauss's Also Sprach Zarathustra as the stage was plunged into darkness. An expectant buzz grew in the crowd. As the fanfare reached its' climax, the stage was filled with a blaze of white light, G-Rod and The King hoisted Debbi by her hips and carried her onto the platform. The audience went wild as her starkly illuminated naked form was held there. She struck a showgirl pose with arms aloft. There were chants of 'Miz No-E, Miz No-E' but through these she could also hear shouted remarks from people who obviously knew her. 'Looking good Debbi', 'Way to go Deb', 'Nice snatch boss' !

After a minute or two of holding the pose, the familiar incessant beat began to pound out. The boys lowered Debbi to the ground and once she had steadied herself on the towering heels, she began to recite. 'Look at me, I'm Miz No-E, dancin' in the nude for char-it-y'.

The eight minute routine ran its' course. The song was run through twice, Jody's explicit choreography was performed flawlessly, somewhat to the surprise of the black girl. Debbi tried to just concentrate on her performance and to shut out any thoughts of the spectacle she must be providing. She especially avoided looking at any of the big screens ! The routine ended and Debbi was in G-Rod's arms as planned, being carried to the three sides of the stage. It was over. Or was it ?

Debbi's old college rival Jackie had appeared on stage carrying a hand mic. Debbi suddenly remembered how she had done the same thing last time and initiated Debbi going topless but she was already naked on this occasion, so what else could she do ? Jackie addressed the crowd. " A big hand for Debbi, er I mean Miz No-E." The crowd needed no encouragement. "But we can't just let it go at that. Do you want more ?" The crowd responded with a decisive yes ! "OK Mr Rod" Jackie continued. "Carry her over to the bar. Let's have a bar top encore, clear the way lads !"

"Stop it, no, where are you going ?" cried Debbi as, still carrying her in his arms, G-Rod stepped off the stage. Where he was going was over to the bar area of the club and before she knew it, Debbi found herself deposited on top of a section of the bar counter that had been hastily cleared ! Debbi was acutely aware of those crowding forward to get a bird's eye view of her pussy. The chant of 'Miz No-E' broke out again, together with a counter cry of 'Deb-bi, Deb-bi' from those who knew her.

Right on cue, her music began once more. It was her pre-recorded voice track this time and all Debbi needed to do was move and lip sync. She had little choice but to begin but without her attendants G-Rod and The King, she had no intention of performing Jody's full choreography up there. She certainly wasn't getting down on her knees during the instrumental segment. Instead she simply moved her hips and threw a few cheesy moves. The crowd were content enough with this, her nudity being ample compensation ! "One more time" bawled Jackie vociferously, forcing Debbi to run through the rap yet again.

After the song ended this time, Jackie clambered up onto the bar top alongside Debbi. "Who's for a spot of crowd surfing ?" she yelled. The crowd responded wildly with outstretched hands ready to catch Debbi. "No way" Debbi shook her head and backed away from the edge of the counter. But her precarious red heels betrayed her and it only took a gentle nudge in the back from Jackie to send her toppling over and into the eagerly waiting arms !

Landing first of all on her front, Debbi managed to twist onto her back. The human wave like motion started to propel her further and further away from the safety of either bar or stage. Her inane rap continued to play over the PA but was barely heard over the roar of the crowd. The red heels disappeared and it became a full on grope fest with every available inch of Debbi's body being probed and pinched. Once or twice she was in danger of falling to the floor but somehow the crowd always managed to keep her aloft. All she could see was a sea of lecherous faces, though every now and again one that was familiar swam into view.

This went on for several minutes before the club manager became concerned that things might be getting a little out of hand. He dispatched the bouncers to retrieve the situation and Debbi felt a pair of powerful arms grasping her around her waist and lowering her to the floor. A cape miraculously appeared from somewhere and was draped over her shoulder. " A great big hand for Miz No-E" called the club DJ, as the burly doormen cleared a path for her back to the dressing room !

Back in her cheerless dressing room, Debbi discarded the cape she had been given and tried to inspect her body for damage in the full length mirror attached to the wall opposite the tiny dressing table. The club manager came in. Debbi didn't bother to cover, figuring there was little point at this stage. "Are you OK ?" the manager enquired. He was delighted at how the show had gone but was now a little concerned that there not be any repercussions from the crowd surfing escapade. He was relieved to find Debbi apparently sanguine about the while thing.

"I'm just checking myself out for any bruising. Can you see if there's any on my bum ?" Debbi had been trying to twist and see in the mirror. The manager undertook the arduous task of inspecting Debbi's bare bum. "There may be a couple of wheals but no real damage" he reassured her. "Does anything hurt ?" he asked. "No, not really" Debbi reassured him in turn. "Thanks for sending the bouncers to rescue me." She merely wanted to put the indignity of being roughly manhandled by the crowd out of her mind.

"That's their job and it's all been a really fantastic success anyway Debbi. Thanks so much. Any time you want to do another public appearance just let me know" enthused the manager, who thought Debbi was a willing participant in her role as the scantily clad rapper. "Er, thanks. But I think that may have been Miz No-E's swan song" Debbi replied hopefully.

Solomon joined them in the tiny dressing room that suddenly became rather cramped. "Are you ready for your signing session Deb ?" he asked. "Signing session ?" queried Debbi. "Yes, didn't Lynn tell you ? We have Miz No-E merchandise !" He held up a black t-shirt emblazoned with a photo of Debbi in the knickers and stockings costume she had worn for the Rag Week performance. "We've got Sharpies for you to sign any the punters buy." Solomon thought it best not to mention the limited edition Blu Ray of tonight's performance that would be available via the cable TV channel and which was even at that moment playing on a continual loop on the screens in the club, while the DJ resumed his act !

Thus Debbi found herself seated at a table in the club entrance hall, wearing the jeans and sneakers she had arrived in but instead of her plain white t-shirt, she had on a customized Miz No-E special. Jody and Lynn were busily collecting the cash while Debbi signed and made small talk. Jody had instructed her to sign 'Lotsa Luv, Miz No-E xxx' but some of those who knew her wanted her to sign as Debbi. She dreaded to think how many of these t-shirts were going to be walking around town !

Jody had been over the moon with the success of the Pink Pussycat evening. Her choreography had succeeded in ensuring that Debbi was explicitly exposed for extended periods during the rap and there had been the added bonus of the crowd surfing initiated by that Jackie woman. But now she was disgruntled again. They were attending a big celebration dinner in the community centre following the laying of the foundation stone for the new extension and Debbi was on the stage at the top table surrounded by Oscar, Solomon and the other governors. Jody was jealous to see her being feted in this fashion.

"Oh stop moaning" Lynn admonished her friend as Jody voiced this complaint. "Think of all the embarrassing stuff out there from her performances. We can't control everything. So what if she's getting a little bit of praise now ?" Jody just scowled. "I'd still like to get back at her again though" she insisted. "Well, we can't use Miz No-E any more" Lynn reasoned. Jody conceded the point but she would still be on the look out for any opportunity.

Debbi was beginning to relax into her evening. She was conservatively dressed in a tasteful gown she had bought for official company functions. Some of the initial introductions that evening had been difficult because she sensed the disapproval emanating from the matriarchs of the community over the precise means used to obtain the funding for the extension. But the reality of seeing the foundation stone laid had helped diffuse the situation. Some of the younger elements had wanted to call it the Miz No-E Cube but saner minds had prevailed and it was to be known as the Dorothea Ambrose Memorial Hall, in honour of Oscar's late wife. Debbi had not known that he was a widower and was grateful to have avoided any faux pas by asking after his wife.

The time came for Oscar to make a speech. He proposed a toast to Debbi and then continued. "I know that some of you did not fully approve of the methods employed to raise the money for the extension but we old fuddy duddies have to move with the times." Oscar stopped and took off his immaculate dinner jacket. Then he began to unbutton his shirt ! What on earth is he doing, thought Debbi ? She stared in astonishment at the distinguished silver haired black man. Oscar pulled open his shirt to reveal that he was wearing one of the Miz No-E t-shirts ! "I'm proud to be a member of the Miz No-E posse" he shouted to loud applause. Debbi blushed to see again the photo of herself in stockings and knickers that decorated the t-shirt.

"This brave young woman has done a truly wonderful thing for our community" Oscar continued. Jody put a finger down her throat to mimic vomiting. "She has also provided a showcase for the remarkable musical and literary talents of our youth such as Deacon, Clinton and Jody. And it must not be forgotten that she mentored them in their business and entrepreneurial skills that have helped to bring this extension about. We are deeply in her debt !"

The hyperbole notwithstanding, Debbi could only be thankful. She determined to enjoy the remainder of the evening and push to the back of her mind the activities that had produced the charitable funds that made it possible. She did have to get up herself and make a short speech, during which she announced an endowment from the company to fund a deserving young member of the community through college on a scholarship.

At the end of the evening, Debbi went to call a taxi, since she had wanted to enjoy wine with her meal and had not driven. Oscar would not hear of it and insisted on giving her a lift home in his luxury SUV. He had long since restored his customary elegant appearance. "If you're sure it's no trouble" said Debbi. Oscar was again fulsome in his thanks and praise for Debbi during the drive. "Do you want to come in for coffee ?" she offered as they drew up at her house !

Debbi stirred. She stretched languidly and studied the the silver haired head that lay on the pillow next to her. The years seemed to fall away from the peacefully sleeping gentleman, who lay there dreaming about who knew what. Mind you, the years had also certainly fallen away from him last night ! As they had sat sipping coffee, Debbi had remarked that his late wife would have been very proud to have had the extension named after her. Oscar began to tear up and Debbi had taken his hand and kissed him on the cheek to commiserate. One thing had rapidly led to another. Oscar's body was soft and running to seed, especially compared to the ripped specimens who had recently shared Debbi's bed. But it was hard where it mattered and Oscar had acquired many novel ways to please a woman over the years !

Debbi sat up and got out of bed, intending to make breakfast for her guest. But her movement woke Oscar who insisted that she get back into bed and he would prepare breakfast for her. "But you don't know where anything is" Debbi pointed out as Oscar enjoyed the sight of her naked body standing there facing him. "Do you keep the eggs in the cloakroom ?" Oscar asked. "No" Debbi giggled. "Then I think I'll find everything OK" he replied. He returned carrying a tray bearing cereal, perfectly cooked omelettes, toast and freshly brewed coffee.

When they had finished eating in bed, Oscar leaned over and kissed Debbi on the forehead. "You're an exceptional young woman" he told her. Debbi blushed, recalling what a reluctant participant she had been in the whole fund raising enterprise. "You've done so much to rejuvenate our community and last night you most certainly rejuvenated this old man !" Oscar chuckled. "But I have to get going. I have a meeting this morning with some stakeholders in the association."

"I'll show you where the shower is" said Debbi. "I need one too and there's room enough for two in there so that'll save time !"

I guess this Miz No-E affair hasn't been all bad, thought Debbi as she drove to work later. But then her mind trawled over some of the indignities she had suffered. She was determined that Jody wasn't going to involve her in anything else similar !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi as Miz No-E; Part Eight, The Telethon Part One

"Ha" pronounced Jody dramatically as she joined Lynn in the canteen at college. "What's 'ha' supposed to mean ?" wondered Lynn. "Ha, as in all that adulation she's been getting for the cash she raised has just come back to bite her on the bum" explained Jody. "In what way ?" asked Lynn. "Well, you know that Solomon and Mr. Oscar think she does all this willingly ? So, they've got more ambitious. They want to fund research into sickle cell anemia and they're organizing a big TV fund raiser" said Jody. "Not another one" objected Lynn, thinking the market for that kind of thing might be getting saturated. "Ok, so it won't be like the BBC but Solomon's community TV station are doing it and there'll be a gospel choir, famous black footballers and athletes are going to show up and it's all going to culminate with Miz No-E !"

"But she's too raunchy for prime time" suggested Lynn. "That's the beauty of it. Solomon showed the Miz No-E in the raw video to the SEXFLIX streaming service and they are going to run her segment. They'll be running the Miz No-E in the raw clip as a trailer for days in advance !" Jody was excited. "But how're they going to fit a gospel choir into the Pink Pussycat ?" asked Lynn. "Oh we've outgrown them. Solomon's hired the Southern TV studios for the night."

"So it's going to be the Miz No-E in the raw routine again ?" Lynn presumed. "No, I've written a new rap" said Jody, handing the newly composed lyric sheet to Lynn.

'Hey I'm back, it's Miz No-E

Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me ?

But I couldn't resist one more encore

After dancin' around for you in the raw

But how is it possible to top all that ?

I know, I'll prance around for you dressed like a cat

Floppy ears and cute little whiskers

But I still won't bother to wear any knickers !

Showing you my kitten as I dance and strut

Wearing nothin' but a cat's tail up my butt

Look at me, I'm Miz No-E

Leading the way for charity

The prettiest pussy you'll ever see

The one, the only Miz No-E !'

"Genius" laughed Lynn admiringly. "The boy's are going to write new music and make it last longer" said Jody. "Yeah, ok" replied Lynn when she had finished reading. "But she'll never agree to do it. She said categorically never again after the nudie version." But Jody was scornful. "She always caves in the end. You know how it will you put it that way...sod it, ok" Lynn collapsed laughing at her friend's uncanny impersonation. "She's painted herself into a corner. Mr. Oscar's going to get her company on board again and that's always the clincher !

Actually, Debbi wasn't ready to cave in so easily this time. It wasn't the girls who had to break the news to Debbi on this occasion but her boss Jeff, after he had agreed with the community leader Oscar that the company would back the fund raising Telethon and that Debbi would be available to reprise Miz No-E. It was now a fiery confrontation in Jeff's office.

"No way. I'm not doing it. That's not part of my job description. I said it and I mean it. Never again." Debbi was adamant. "It's not enough that I've been paraded and ridiculed in front of half the town, now you want me to get my bits out on national TV !" she continued her tirade. "It's not national, only the local community network" Jeff attempted to pacify her. "Oh yeah ? You forget that I know Solomon and he does very well thank you very much out of his 'little community station', what with his syndication deals and what not. And since this is for charity, they'll want the widest possible coverage !"

Jeff tried another tack. "I don't understand why you are so anti. Those girls you mentor always come up with such tasteful lyrics and choreography." Debbi was scornful. "Tasteful ? Singing about my knickers and prancing around showing everyone my tits, ass and vagina ?" she roared. "Debbi, language" objected Jeff. "Language ? You're worried about language ? So it's ok for you to ogle my tits but not for me to talk about them ? Or is it the word vagina you object to ? Be thankful I didn't call a cunt a cunt, especially when talking to one !"

Jeff was shocked. He had never seen Debbi so angry. Debbi had shocked herself. Had she gone too far ? Before the awkward silence could last too long, there was a tentative knock on the door and a grey haired head peered cautiously around it. "Am I interrupting ? I thought I heard shouting ?" Jeff for one was delighted by the interruption. "Mr. Ambrose, not at all, do come in" he greeted Oscar. "There was no shouting. Debbi was just demonstrating the vocal exercises she does to prepare for Miz No-E" he improvised.

Oscar beamed at Debbi. "Miss Debbi, always a pleasure. You know we can never thank you enough for all that you have done and so selflessly keep on doing for our community. You are such a hero to the young folks and those of us who are more mature can only express our admiration and undying gratitude."

Debbi's heart melted as it always did in front of the benign and worldly wise pastor. The surprisingly tender and virile pastor as she also recalled, after having taken the lonely widower to her bed ! "It's nothing at all really Mr. Ambrose. I'm only too happy to help in any way I can. I can't wait to see what new routine Jody has come up with this time, she's so talented. I'm so looking forward to rehearsals."

Jeff failed to keep the smirk off his face !

Under different circumstances, Debbi would have been really proud of Jody. The rebellious black girl's initial and still primary motivation had been placing Debbi in demeaning and ridiculous situations. But although she would never admit it, much of Debbi's teaching from the mentoring sessions had rubbed off on her and she had developed an enterprising entrepreneurial streak. She had attended a meeting with Solomon and an executive from SEXFLIX to present her new lyrics and they had impressed upon her the need for an extended sequence, over and above the central Miz No-E rap. After spending much of the night researching on the net, Jody had returned the next day with a plan for a full 20 minute production for Debbi involving G-Rod and the King and culminating with the Gospel choir ! "And then you could get one of your late night SEXFLIX presenters to do a Q and A with her ? While she's still nude of course ? Maybe open it up to questions from the floor ?" she suggested. Jody was doing her chances of ultimately obtaining a position with either Solomon or SEXFLIX no harm at all.

Debbi arrived for her weekly class at the college knowing that it would be a long evening ,since a first rehearsal of the routine for the Telethon had been arranged for after the session. The gospel choir had first use of the community centre they had practiced in before and so Jody had texted that she had arranged to use the sports hall at the college. It was the first time she had encountered the girls since the meeting with Oscar and her soft heart had suckered her into taking part again. "No-E, so wonderful you're making a comeback" laughed Jody. Lynn was also grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Yeah ok, have your fun" said Debbi ruefully. "No but really, you do so much for the community" Jody was laughing openly now.

"Anyway, did you get the new lyrics ?" she asked. "Yes" said Debbi, not considering it worth commenting on the crassness of the ditty. "I take it there's a costume ?" she added. "There will be but it'll be ready on the day at the TV studios. There will have to be a full dress rehearsal then for the producer to work out camera angles and so on" Jody explained. "But we've got a lot of work to do before then. It's a new tune to the rap and there's a whole production around it. I take it you'll be available most evenings ?" Debbi groaned at the prospect. "What was that about a tail ?" she wondered, remembering the lyrics. "Oh just an accessory. We'll tie it around your waist on a bit of string or something" replied Jody dismissively. She didn't think it worth worrying Debbi's pretty little head with thoughts of a butt plug at this stage. That was something else that could wait for the day !

"Ok, that wraps it up for today. Another good session class" said Debbi, finishing that week's lesson in the classroom. Before the students could leave, Jody bounded to the front of the class. "Listen up guys. I just thought you should be among the first to know that Miz No-E's making a comeback." There were shouts of approval from the class. "We're going for our first rehearsal now in the sports hall but no peeking, 'cos No-E's going to be rehearsing with no clothes on !" Debbi was unsure if that statement was being framed as an instruction or an invitation.

"Why do I have to rehearse with no clothes on ?" asked Debbi once they were in the sports hall. She always hated coming straight from work when there were so many more layers of clothes to take off and it seemed like more of a strip tease; jacket, blouse, bra, skirt, tights and knickers. "So your body gets used to the moves. You won't have clothes on the night and anyway, you can't dance properly in a business suit" was Jody's reply, which sounded logical. "But there'll be a costume ?" Debbi persisted. "Well, it'll just be more like a few accessories really more than a costume as such" said Jody vaguely. "Couldn't we hire a suit ? Like catwoman or something ?" Debbi thought she could just about put up with being squeezed into skintight latex. "Nah, boring." Jody was dismissive. "We have to maximize customer satisfaction so they keep putting their hands in their pockets."

Debbi began undressing. Jody and Lynn had been joined by Deacon, Clinton, G-Rod and the King who were setting up various bits and pieces of equipment as well as the sound system. "Right boys" Lynn began when Debbi was finally naked. "Have you got the cage ?"

"Cage ?" Debbi yelped !

G-Rod and the King stepped forward carrying a low slung wire cage with a hardboard base, used for transporting animals. "You should just about fit in there No-E" said Jody. "We borrowed if from my cousin who works at a vet. Don't worry, we cleaned it out" added Lynn with a laugh. "Don't say we never do any of the dirty work !"

"But what ? Why ? I'm not getting in that" protested Debbi as G-Rod lifted the flap at the back. "It's for your grand entrance" explained Jody. "You're a dangerous wild animal. G-Rod and the King will carry you in and parade you around."

"No" said Debbi again, even as she was getting down on all fours to ascertain if it was possible to crawl through the gap. Once she was inside, G-Rod fastened the flap closed. "Hey" shouted Debbi. "There, I said she'd fit ok" smiled a satisfied Jody. "Yeah, but she's going to need heels with strap fastenings so they don't slip off while she's in there" observed Lynn as she walked around the cage. Debbi was acutely aware of the view she must be presenting to anyone who happened to be behind her, which at this moment was G-Rod and the King. "Will it mess with her ears and whiskers though ?" wondered Jody. "No, they'll bounce back once she gets out and the tail can be shoved to one side" decided Lynn.

Debbi felt exposed, uncomfortable and claustrophobic all at the same time and just wished they would get on with whatever this grand entrance was supposed to be. But there was another delay as the door to the sports hall opened and the college janitor walked in. "What's going on here ? Nobody told me there was an evening booking" he claimed. "Oh, hi Joe. We cleared it with the office. It's in the diary" explained Jody. "Another late night" complained Joe, moving closer. "Sorry about that. And there'll be quite a few of them over the next couple of weeks. I hope they'll pay you overtime" said Jody.

"What's all this anyway ? Why's there a naked lady in a cage ?" The curiosity of the retiree supplementing his pension was aroused. He was close enough now to see Debbi clearly. "We're starting our rehearsals for the upcoming Telethon. Miz No-E's going to be the star of the show" announced Jody proudly. "That's the lady who comes to teach classes on Thursdays." Joe recognized Debbi as he circled her cage. They had often exchanged pleasantries when he signed her in if he was covering reception. "Yes, that's why you'll see her car's still in the car park" said Lynn.

"Bloody funny rehearsal" was Joe's considered opinion. "It'll become clear when you watch the program Joe. We'll let you know when it'll be on" answered Jody. "I can't see my missus letting me watch anything like that" said Joe sadly. "You'll have to pop in and watch more of our rehearsals then, we'll be here quite a bit" suggested Lynn. "I might just do that" agreed Joe, thinking it might make the late finish worthwhile. "Um, excuse me. But can we get on with it ? It's not exactly comfortable in here " moaned Debbi, who was beginning to cramp up. "I'll leave you to it then" said Joe, taking the hint !

"Ok guys" Jody began. "You'll be backstage with her and when we cue in the music, you lift up the cage, bring it out and slowly carry it around the stage in a circuit so everyone gets a good view of her from all angles."

"Don't mind me. I'm just stuck here in this frigging cage."

"Oh stop moaning No-E. So, can you see if you can lift her ?" G-Rod and the King were both strong young guys and using the handles on the side of the cage were easily able to lift Debbi off the ground. "Ok, so we'll try it. Kind of walk leisurely in time with the music" Jody urged. "So, cue music" she called to Deacon. A vaguely familiar instrumental began to play over the speakers. "What's that ?" asked Lynn. "It's the theme from the Pink Panther" said Jody. "Pink Panther ? Never heard of it" said Lynn. "It's some ancient movie from way back in the sixties or whenever. My grandad loves watching it. It seems to be on every Christmas."

G-Rod and the King were slowly walking the caged Debbi in a circle. Jody was satisfied with how this would be seen by the audience and the TV cameras. "But she's not a panther. She's supposed to be a cat." Lynn was still focused on the music. "Well, a panther's a cat innit ?" argued Jody. "Bloody big cat" said Lynn. "That's what they call them in the zoo innit ? Lions and tigers and that. Big cats. It's all feline."

"When do I get out of here ?" wailed Debbi. Jody ignored that, instead telling her "Put a bit of effort in No-E. Kind of hiss and snarl and brandish your claws. We'll get you long nail extensions on the night." Debbi half heartedly made an attempt to follow these instructions. "Yeah, well, tonight's only a first run through. You can practice that at home" Jody called on witnessing the unimpressive result. The tune was coming to an end. "Ok guys. So, as the music ends you arrive in the center of the stage and put the cage down."

"When do I get out of here ?"

"For goodness sake, how many more times. Don't be so impatient. Anyway, as it happens, you get out now. G-Rod, as the music changes and segues to the next tune, you open the front flap and then you crawl out No-E. Let's try that. Deacon, go back a bit on the panther thing and then run the segue." Jody was in full on director mode. The theme from the Pink Panther began to fade and as G-Rod opened the flap to the front of the cage, Debbi recognized the intro to Love Cats by the Cure. "Hey, I know this one" said Lynn. "My mum's got it at home."

The naked Debbi tumbled inelegantly out of the cage as the intro to Love Cats continued to play. "Ow, ow, ow, aah, ow, ow." She rushed to the gym wall and thrust her left leg as high up against the wall as she could manage in an attempt to stretch her hamstrings. "Ow, ow, bloody cramp, it's agony" she screamed. "Lie down on the floor and lift your leg up, I'll press down on your foot" ordered G-Rod, who had the athletic background to know about these kind of things.

"Well, that's going to look great on the night" observed Lynn, as they all watched G-Rod administer to the stricken Debbi who was in too much pain to care about the birds eye view he was getting of her pussy ! "She was stuck in that position in the cage for about half an hour" admitted Jody. "But she'll only be in there four or five minutes for the show; a couple waiting and then however long that panther music lasts."

G-Rod and the King helped Debbi back to her feet. Her thighs still ached but the pain had eased. "Cut that bloody music Deacon, we'll have to rewind" yelled Jody as the Cure droned on. "I'm not getting back in that cage" stated Debbi. "Not tonight, no" conceded Jody. "But it's all part of what rehearsals are for" she added authoritatively. "We now know not to leave you in there too long and also that you should do some limbering up exercises before the show" she concluded. "I'll show you some warm up routines next time" offered G-Rod.

"Put your own shoes on for the next bit No-E. Your heels are nothing like as high as the ones you'll have for the performance but they'll be better than bare feet." Debbi sat again to slip on her business shoes. "Deacon, go back to where the panther music merges into the Cure" called Lynn. "I told you I'm not going back in that cage" said Debbi. "And I agreed for tonight didn't I ? For now we'll take it that you are already out but you're going to have to practice how to make an elegant exit."

Love Cats began to play again. The naked Debbi stood there. "What do you want me to do ?"

"Dance, feel the music" shouted Jody. Debbi sort of shuffled about a bit. "Fuck's sake" cursed Jody. "Ain't you got any rhythm at all ? This is such suggestive music to dance to. Look." Jody stood next to Debbi and began to demonstrate. "Walk in time, circle the stage like you did in the cage. Own it. Do that catwalk model strut. You know, where they swing their hips and cross one foot over the other with each step. Wave your hands and your long nails." It was an effective demo. Debbi tried to emulate it. It didn't seem that hard a routine. "Better. Give it some swag. Practice'll make perfect" said Jody hopefully.

"When it gets to this bit" Robert Smith was singing about being 'wonderfully pretty', "stop and gaze out at the audience, half bend at the waist and sort of pout and point at all corners of the hall." Jody again demonstrated what she meant. Debbi tried. "Practice'll make perfect" repeated Jody !

The song started to fade. "Right, so we've got another segue coming up. For the next bit..." Jody began but Debbi interrupted. "Next bit ? What are we doing all this for anyway ? I thought I was supposed to be doing my rap ?" she protested. Jody smirked at how Debbi was now staking claim to 'her' rap. "And so you are dearest" she said condescendingly. "But you're the star of the show No-E. The TV company want your segment to last twenty minutes or more and brilliant though it is, there's no way we can stretch 'Hey, I'm back' to last twenty minutes."

"Twenty minutes ?" gasped Debbi. "At least" answered Jody. "That's why I've come up with these extras. Now, as I was saying, the next bit's slower and I want you to pick one of the boys to dance with. It's a kind of waltz or something."

"I can't choose between them" said Debbi, regarding G-Rod and the King who got on their knees in front of her in mock supplication as the others laughed. "The song only lasts a couple of minutes so you have to choose. There's not enough time for them both to dance with you" Jody insisted. "Ok then, G-Rod" said Debbi, blushing and remembering how he had just helped out with her cramp. The King pretended to be affronted. "Sorry" mouthed Debbi as he broke into a grin.

The naked Debbi and fully clothed G-Rod stood facing each other. "I take it you can both waltz ?" asked Jody. The pair looked at her blankly. "Bloody hell. Look, you must have seen how ballroom dancers hold each other. G-Rod, you put your arm around her waist and pull her close and No-E, put your arms around his neck. Just sort of walk slow if you don't know any steps, the song only lasts two minutes. Cue music" Jody called once more.

Debbi and G-Rod embraced awkwardly. A cheesy soundtrack emanated from the speakers. "What's that ?" asked Lynn, once more unable to identify the music. "Tom Jones" Jody replied as the Welsh crooner started to sing 'What's New Pussycat'. "Where'd you find all this stuff ?" laughed Lynn. "I just searched for cat music. Come on you two, move around a little can't you ?" cried Jody. "And when he sings about cute little pussycat nose, I want you to bend down and kiss her on the nose G-Rod."

The song ended with Debbi and G-Rod improvising rubbing noses but they were rudely interrupted by a violent change of gear as a pounding techno beat crashed in. "Ok, cut Deacon" shouted Jody. "You break away from G-Rod at this point No-E and this'll be the start of the return of Miz No-E rap. But I think we've done enough for this evening. I haven't finished working on the choreography for this part yet anyway !"

Debbi was surprised. It wasn't like Jody to let her off lightly. If the indignities she had already suffered this evening could be described as getting off lightly. Before she could get dressed, Jody intercepted her. "Debbi, er, I mean No-E" the black girl corrected herself. "I think you were getting the hang of a lot of the things but it really is important you practice stuff at home, especially getting out of that cage without falling ass over tit. Funny as that would be !"

"Er yeah, sure, ok" said Debbi. "Deacon, can you send Debbi, er I mean No-E, the audio file with the new music for her rap ?" Jody called across to where Deacon and Clinton were packing up their equipment. "Sure, that's easy" he replied. "That way you can begin to get a feel for it" Jody told Debbi. "I'll show you the new moves next time" she added. "Fine" said the resigned Debbi. "Will I be singing live or lip synching ?" she asked. "Lip synching. That's another thing we need to arrange at some point, you recording your vocal with the boys. We can't use a radio mic for you to sing live 'cos it would get tangled up in your whiskers."

"What was that all about ?" asked Lynn when Jody rejoined her. "What ?"

"Getting all chummy and calling her Debbi ?"

"I'm just tired, slip of the tongue." Jody excused herself. "And it's really important you practice" Lynn mimicked. "Well it is" insisted Jody. In truth, Jody was conflicted. It was great that the older white woman was going to be exposed and look ridiculous once again but this time Jody had more skin in the game. If the Telethon was a complete fiasco, it would scupper her chances of using any kudos to help get an entry level job in the media.

"I don't believe it" exploded Lynn. "What ?" said Jody, shaken out of her daydream about working as a TV hotshot. Lynn pointed over at the naked back of Debbi. Far from getting dressed, she was once more embracing G-Rod as they tried to work out how waltz steps were supposed to go. "She's going to bloody well shag G-Rod isn't she ?" Lynn was furious. "Well, she's shagged most of the rest of them, one more won't make much difference" replied Jody, more resigned to the fact than she had been previously. Neither of the girls knew that Debbi had also been shagged by Oscar the grey haired pastor and local patriarch !

Debbi finally made her way across to where she had dumped her clothes. "G-Rod's going to come back to my place now and we're going to see if we can find any ballroom dancing demos on the net" she announced !

Debbi and G-Rod did actually practice the waltz for all of ten minutes in Debbi's living room. G-Rod suggested it would be a more authentic practice if Debbi took her clothes off and she saw the logic in that. She decided to keep her knickers on but they didn't last long when the pair decided to head upstairs. Not that they got very far, Debbi only reaching the third step and with her knickers around her knees before G-Rod was plunging into her from behind !

So she had quite a spring in her step as she headed into work on Friday morning, even if she hadn't slept much. G-Rod might have lacked the tenderness and experience of Oscar or the sophistication of Solomon but he certainly had stamina. And strength, Debbi was carried from room to room riding his cock while scissoring his waist with her legs and her arms around his neck. It was two in the morning before G-Rod was satisfied and left.

Meanwhile, Jody had a Friday morning meeting of her own. She had told everyone and especially Debbi, to practice what they had run through on their own at home over the weekend. There would then be a solid week of rehearsals each evening next week. She needed the weekend herself to choreograph the the latest Miz No-E rap and also to come up with an idea for the big finish featuring the gospel choir. But for now, she was going into another meeting with the SEXFLIX producer, this time without Solomon.

"Thanks so much for seeing me again" she began. "Not a problem Jody but I don't have that long. What can I do for you ?" replied Charles, the forty something producer. "Well, we had our first rehearsal last night and it was a bit rough around the edges but that's to be expected and I'm sure we'll be alright on the night" Jody continued. "Always good to hear" said Charles, deadpan. "But anyway, while we were having the run through, I thought what a great behind the scenes segment it'd make that you could put out on the channel before or after or whenever." This was Jody's great pitch for today.

"Hmm, it'd go better after. We'll probably run the performance several times on replay and it could be an adjunct to that for repeats, along with that interview we talked about" mused Charles. "That's what I thought" claimed Jody enthusiastically. "Will there be any skin on show ?" Charles wanted to know. "Oh for sure. No-E, er Debbi, rehearses in the nude" "OK, good. The punters will love that. But I can't throw many resources at this. I can only send a single camera but it will be a good seasoned pro operating it. And Samantha who's lined up to do that interview in front of the audience on the night can come along to do voiceovers and have a few words with you and Debbi."

Jody left the meeting delighted with how the Telethon rap was expanding in scope and taking on a life of its' own !

Debbi spent a busy weekend practicing and was quite pleased with herself really. Why was she bothering ? She wasn't sure but felt that since she was forced into this degrading spectacle anyway, it would be slightly less humiliating if she could do things properly. And that way she might raise more for the charity, which was something else that made things a little less mortifying.

She had worked out how to make a graceful exit from the cage by crawling clear of the flap and then getting G-Rod and the King to support her under the arms as she got to her feet. She felt she had perfected her strut to Love Cats and spent a couple of hours watching rap videos on MTV's spin off channels for inspiration. She was confident she could now do a reasonable impersonation of the swaggering, finger jabbing persona required to spit out the 'poetry' that Jody had written for her to perform. She would have to wait to find out Jody's ideas for the instrumental break in the song. She doubted that she would be twerking, since there had been this talk of wearing a tail fastened around her waist and she didn't see how she could twerk without that getting in the way.

G-Rod called around on Sunday afternoon to try out some warm up exercises that he said would prevent Debbi from getting cramp in the cage. He suggested that it would be best if she took off all her clothes to try these out and Debbi could see the logic of that. The exercises consisted of hip rotations, knee lifts, lateral lunge with balance on one leg, squat with reach and plank walkout, culminating in jumping jacks ! All of which left the pair nicely warmed up and stimulated for a reprise of Thursday night's activities !

That same afternoon, Jody was telling Lynn about her latest meeting with SEXFLIX and the plan to film a rehearsal. They had decided to use the Thursday session so that they could also film a short segment of Debbi teaching the mentoring class, to show a little background on Miz No-E in everyday life. Jody had also now come up with a plan for the big finish involving the gospel choir. "That'll be priceless" laughed Lynn. "But isn't it a bit raunchy for a gospel choir " she wondered. "Half that choir only go because they like a good sing and because it's a good place to meet members of the opposite sex" Jody explained. "And as for those who are religious, Mr. Oscar's explained that the Lord moves in mysterious ways and that Debbi's merely using her God given talents for the good of the community !"

"Get a room you two" yelled Jody at G-Rod and the naked Debbi as she called the rehearsal to order. The pair were embraced, perfecting their waltz steps. Jody ran through all three opening routines once more and was pleased with the progress. "Ok No-E. You said you'd been practicing your rap over the weekend, let's see your moves !" The backing track began to play and Debbi tried her best bad girl moves before launching into the 'Hey, I'm back' rap. Jody and Lynn grinned broadly. To be fair, it wasn't bad and certainly a vast improvement when thinking back to Debbi's original Rag Week efforts. But the fact remained that it was a successful 26 year old businesswoman making a fool of herself with no clothes on and it was all their creation !

"Well, I can see that you have been doing your research No-E. Keep practicing and that's coming along nicely" said Jody patronizingly. "Now I'll show you the instrumental break routine." Debbi had been dreading this but as Jody explained her choreography, was again left with the impression that it could have been a lot worse. Of course she would still be naked, or at best wearing some minimal costume. But it didn't seem as if she was going to be asked to assume any explicit poses. To bolster the cat theme, Jody had decided to go Egyptian and Clinton had sampled some middle eastern woodwind music to go on top of the basic r'n'b beat. Debbi was to be led around the stage by the King while adopting a bent knee and arm walk, like an ancient Egyptian wall painting. G-Rod would bring up the rear and hold Debbi's tail once she was in costume.

"Letting her off a bit lightly aren't you ?" Lynn was disappointed. "Oh come on, look how silly she looks" argued Jody. "And you're forgetting the finale which I'm not going to spring on her until the dress rehearsal at the studio. She won't be able to chicken out then with all those people there !"

"Ok guys, I think we can skip tomorrow's rehearsal. You can go round to Deacon and Clinton's and record your rap instead No-E" announced Jody at the end. "We'll have another full rehearsal on Thursday after No-E's class. Oh and there'll be a small crew here from the TV people filming some background stuff " she added casually. This was the first that Debbi had heard of that !

"You're looking very smart as usual miss" said Joe the janitor as Debbi signed in for her regular monitoring class on Thursday afternoon. She was wearing her formal business attire of a grey jacket and skirt suit, white blouse and navy blue tights. "Thank you Joe" she replied. "Are you going to pop into rehearsals later ?" she asked. The elderly retiree had taken to doing so. "Oh, it's rehearsals later is it ? I did wonder when I signed in those TV people a few minutes ago. I may well do in that case !"

Samantha the journalist and Sean the cameraman from SEXFLIX first of all recorded some unobtrusive footage of Debbi in serious businesswoman mode giving this week's inspirational pep talk to the class of bored teenagers. Samantha then beckoned Jody to step out into the corridor so that she could conduct an interview with her. Debbi saw them go but knew better than to comment.

"So Jody, tell me the story behind the transformation of Debbi the serious career woman into Miz No-E the raunchy rapper. First of all, why Miz No-E ?" Samantha began her interview. Jody gave the convoluted explanation of how they had been encouraged to 'call me Debbi' but without an 'e' on the end and how it was then Jody who affectionately christened her Miz No-E. "So Miz No-E is really your creation ?" responded Samantha. More than you know girl, thought Jody smugly but she contented herself with "I guess you could say so."

"But how did that nickname evolve into into her rap career ?" Samantha wanted to know. "Well, the first lesson was a bit of a chilly atmosphere. A bit tense and awkward" said Jody, who had planned her own distorted spin on this explanation. "So No-E, er Debbi, asked what she could do to lighten the mood. And one of the boys joked 'take off your skirt and dance on the desk in your knickers'. And Debbi was like, ok if that's what it takes. And so she did !"

"I see. And what happened then ?" asked Samantha. "Well, while she was still dancing up there, she asked if anyone could write a rap for her about dancing in her knickers that she could perform for us next week and I volunteered."

"And that all culminated in Rag Week ?"

"It did and we were the top float" Jody confirmed. "What about Miz No-E in the raw ?" continued Samantha. "Doing it stark naked took things to a whole new level. Was that Debbi's idea ?"

"Oh yes, it was all down to Debbi, totally. We would never have thought of that and to be honest we were all a bit shocked when she suggested it" lied Jody. "But she was adamant that we could raise so much more money that way and so she asked me if I could come up with new lyrics."

"Yeah, our viewers have been appreciating the footage of that show from the Pink Pussycat we've been running as a trailer." Samantha signaled 'cut' to Sean. "That was great Jody, thanks. With what we shot of Debbi in class, that'll make a great lead in to the rehearsal scenes we're going to get."

With his state of the art hand held camera and vast experience, Sean was a past master at being unobtrusive and blending into the background. Debbi was totally oblivious of the fact that she was the object of the gaze of his lens as she started to undress from her work clothes in the gym. She was down to her bra, pants and tights when Samantha wandered up to her. Debbi was equally oblivious that Samantha was conducting an impromptu interview segment for the 'behind the scenes' show and thought she was simply engaged in a sisterly conversation.

"I can see why the company and your college wanted you to act as a mentor for these kids. You had them eating out of the palm of your hand in class" Samantha flattered her. "Thanks" said Debbi, casually unhooking her bra and standing there topless. "Well, I used to go to this college myself and wanted to show what could be done with hard work. I now run my own department at the company you know. Mind you, it wasn't so easy with the kids to begin with" she added. "No, Jody was telling me about how you broke down their reserve. But really, you're very brave making this transformation from a top exec to Miz No-E" prompted Samantha. Debbi was now struggling out of her tights. "It wasn't exactly what I had planned but all for a good cause" said Debbi. What else could she say ?

"You certainly seem a hero among all the kids around here, especially those in the black and Asian community. I've seen them all walking around with the t-shirts !" Samantha continued the flattery as Debbi peeled down her knickers and now stood naked. "Oh god, yeah, they're a bit embarrassing" replied Debbi, thinking about the souvenir t-shirts depicting her in lingerie, stockings and suspenders from the first Pink Pussycat gig. "I know the organizers of the Telethon can never say how much they appreciate all your fund raising efforts" continued Samantha. "It's nothing really but it does make it kind of worthwhile" said Debbi half truthfully.

She began her regime of hip rotations, stretches and squats. "Interesting warm up" Samantha remarked. "G-Rod showed me a routine after I got awful cramp from being stuck in that cage." Debbi indicated the offending prop. "Is G-Rod your boyfriend ?" asked Samantha casually, having heard rumors. Debbi blushed. "Not exactly. Fuck buddy" she giggled at her new best friend, who laughed along with her. "Lucky girl if he's as hung as they say he is" probed Samantha. "God, tell me about it ! It's scary, I nearly died first time I saw it" laughed Debbi conspiratorially.

"Ok guys. Chop chop. Time to get started" yelled Jody, interrupting the conversation. "I'll leave you to it" said Samantha. She strolled over to Sean. "Did you get some good shots ?" she asked. "Excellent stuff" the cameraman enthused. "Genuine candid footage of her stripping and exercising but at the same time all crystal clear. It'll go down a storm with the voyeur market."

"And the mic picked up our conversation ?" Samantha wanted to know. "Every word" Sean confirmed.
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi as Miz No-E; Part Nine, The Telethon Part Two

Charles the SEXFLIX producer had just been reviewing the 'behind the scenes' segment with Samantha. "Quite an impressive 20 minute snippet Sam, congratrulations. Jody did promise there would be some skin on show but that was first class, what with her taking all her clothes off as you chatted to her and then those exercises which could almost have been designed to show off her pussy !" Charles enthused. "Nice little chat with her too and with Jody. Good background stuff" he continued. "Thanks" said Samantha. "I thought you'd like it but a lot of the credit goes to Sean for his camerawork" she conceded.

"Oh, Sean knows he's appreciated" said Charles. "And it's a good length for a filler too, we can run it on repeat for months whenever there's a gap in the schedules."

"But what about the first showing ? Before or after the show ?" asked Samantha. "I was thinking after originally but now having seen it, I think before to make a good appetizer and to set the scene" Charles decided. "Maybe run 'Miz No-E in the raw' that we have from that club and then 'behind the scenes', that'll really raise the anticipation" suggested Samantha. "Good idea. By the way, what did the show look like from what you saw at the rehearsal ?" asked Charles. "A bit corny but I don't think that'll matter. Debbi makes a very sexy attraction whether she realizes it or not" Samantha replied. "She does indeed" agreed Charles "And she makes a refreshing change from the camgirls and Only Fans wannabes we normally deal with !"

"Now, we have to think about the interview afterwards with the live audience. I take it she'll still be nude ?" Charles wanted to know. "Absolutely, we've stipulated that. We'll just take off the tail and whiskers and whatever and tidy her up first" confirmed Samantha. "I'm assuming that it will be similar to your little chat at rehearsal ?" thought Charles. "Well, that was what I wanted to discuss. How controversial do you want it to be ?" said Samantha. "I could get some left wing activists to challenge her about cultural appropriation. You know, white girl imitating black tropes to exploit a black art form ? And then maybe some far right goons to have a go at her for demeaning white womanhood by cavorting naked with black guys ?"

Charles was wary. "Hmm, we're not Newsnight are we ? I know you want to move on from our adult ghetto into serious journalism at some point Sam but it doesn't really seem fair to spring that onto the poor girl. We're opening up to questions from the floor anyway, which is risky enough, even if it is a specially invited audience !"

It was the final rehearsal in the college gym before the day of the live Telethon. Jody had intended to save the unveiling of the finale until the dress rehearsal on the afternoon of the show, mainly because she felt sure there would be howls of protest from Debbi that would be easier to control within the confines of the TV studio amongst all that weight of peer pressure. But she had begun to think that might be leaving it a bit too much to chance and in fact, it was Debbi herself who was pushing for a run through this evening. "I take it the boys are involved" said Debbi, referring to G-Rod and the King. "We need to be confident of what we are doing" she insisted.

"OK" Jody yelled. "We'll run through the finale. Deacon, have you got the music you recorded with the choir ?" Deacon had indeed recorded the gospel choir at their rehearsals in the community center, in case it was decided by SEXFLIX that it would be safer if they were miming too. Jody thought it best to just describe the planned routine on a casual, low key manner.

"So, you know the 'Hey, I'm Back' rap finishes after the fourth run through of the verses. No-E, you stand in the center of the stage, there's sure to be some applause. Boys, you stand either side of her. Put your arms around their necks No-E. Now boys, support her under her knees and lift her up into a sitting position and spread her legs wide apart !"

"Noooo" cried Debbi, as the two black youths did just that. "Everyone'll see my pussy" she wailed. "Everyone can see your pussy now" laughed Jody. "That's the whole point, listen to the music." Jody cued in Deacon to play the recording of the gospel choir, who began to sing acapella to the tune of 'Jesus Christ Superstar' from the old musical.

'Miz No-E, Miz No-E, the prettiest pussy you'll ever see; Miz No-E, Miz No-E, has got the prettiest pussy in history; Miz No-E, Miz, No-E, showing all the world her pussy for charity; Miz No-E, Miz No-E, baring it all for posterity' and so on with repeats.

"Walk around while they're singing and display her to all sides, make sure everyone gets a good look" Jody told the boys. "And do smile No-E, this is the climax of the show !"

"But I don't want everyone to see my pussy." Debbi was still complaining. "Oh hush now. Nobody minds. You don't mind do you Joe ?" Jody asked the janitor who had wandered in. "No, no. Very pretty, very nice" he mumbled. "See No-E ? Joe's ok with it and so will everyone else be. It's what they call the money shot. Think of all the funds that pussy of yours is going to add to the total !" Jody asserted.

"We'll run through it one more time here now. I take it you're going to take care of that stubble before the show No-E ?"

"Sorry I doubted you" laughed Lynn as she sidled up to her friend. "You've surpassed yourself this time." Jody grinned. "Looks like she's swallowed it" she said, somewhat relieved as G-Rod and the King once more paraded Debbi's pussy. "Now the only surprise left for her is the butt plug for the tail !"

"Ah, it's the star of the show. So pleased to meet you at last. Do I call you Debbi or No-E ?" Charles the producer greeted Debbi and introduced himself. "Debbi normally but No-E on stage" Debbi replied, trying to enter into the spirit of things. She had decided that for the day of the Telethon, her best tactic for retaining a semblance of dignity was to act as if she was quite alright with the whole thing as long as it was raising money and awareness for sickle cell research. "You're on last as you know and we're keeping the same running order for the dress rehearsal, so you have plenty of time to go through makeup and get into costume, though I understand there's not much to that" Charles joked. "From what Jody's told me, no" Debbi had to agree. "Sam, show Debbi to the star dressing room and I'll send Avalon along" said Charles. "Avalon ?" Debbi asked Samantha as she was shown into the dressing room, which was pretty basic despite its' star designation. "The makeup girl" Samantha explained.

Debbi was only left with her thoughts for a minute or two before she was joined by a purple haired girl about her age. "Hi, I'm Avalon but everyone calls me Ava" the girl said. "I'm Debbi." she replied. "With no 'e' !" laughed Ava. "Word gets around" said Debbi ruefully. "Right, better take all your clothes off" Ava instructed. "From what I understand, you're not going to be wearing much and we need to see if there are any little blemishes I need to touch up. These HD cameras can be very unforgiving !" Debbi only had her t-shirt, jeans and knickers to take off. "Ah, no bra, great. Just a few pressure marks from where your knicks were but they'll soon fade" said Ava approvingly. She surveyed Debbi's naked body with an expert eye. "And I can't see anything that needs touching up either. You're making my job easy !"

"Now this is heavier makeup than you'd use for a night out but again, it's for the cameras" Ava explained as she got to work on Debbi's face. "You're the expert" said Debbi. "Are you going to paint on whiskers ?"

"No, we've got stick on ones. Don't worry it's not like Sellotape, much more sophisticated."

As Debbi was looking at her face in the mirror, now adorned with whiskers and novelty cat's ears, Jody and Lynn burst into the dressing room together with Solomon, who had just finished supervising the gospel choir for their slot. "My, don't you look adorable No-E ?" laughed Jody. "She always looks adorable" Solomon remarked. Behind his back, Lynn pulled a face and put her fingers down her throat !

"All we have to add now is your tail. Hop up on the table No-E" barked Jody.

Debbi was confused. "Why do I have to get up on the table ? I thought it was just going to be tied around my waist ?" she wondered. "Nah, we decided that was a bit naff. Lynn's come up with something much better" Jody explained. With a flourish, Lynn produced a sixteen inch fur tail with a butt plug attachment. "What ?" said Debbi, still confused. "It goes up your butt" laughed Lynn. "Nooo, I don't want anything up my butt" Debbi wailed. "Oh shush, you never know until you've tried it" countered Jody. "Hop up on the table on all fours." "Nooo" cried Debbi, nevertheless doing just that. "She always says no and then does as she's told" Jody remarked to the grinning Avalon.

The naked Debbi was now perched on the table, her bum facing the door. "Er, who's going to stick it in ?" wondered Lynn, who had no intention of doing so despite currently being in possession of the tail. "Well I'm not doing it" asserted Jody. "I guess I could try" offered Solomon, taking the tail. "No, that's my job" said Ava. "You'd be surprised at the things I have to do working for this channel. Butt plugs are very popular with some of the fetish models we get on." Ava took the tail from Solomon. "It needs lubricating first" she announced, getting the necessary gel from a drawer. "Solomon, can you hold her butt cheeks open for me ?" she asked when she was ready. "Nooo" wailed Debbi, when Solomon did as requested.

It just so happened that at this precise moment, the dressing room door opened and Oscar entered, accompanied by a formidable sixty something white lady and another elegant black gentleman. "I hope we're not interrupting" said Oscar. "We just wanted to wish Miss Debbi good luck with her performance and to express our thanks once again for all that she is doing for the charity."

"We were just fixing her tail on" explained Lynn, helpfully pointing out Debbi's asshole which had in fact already been the primary focus of everyone's gaze ever since the trio had entered the room ! "Ah, I see. Don't let us stop you" said Oscar. Everyone watched in fascination as Avalon expertly guided the tapered plug into Debbi's anus. "Ooooh" gasped Debbi. "People say they soon get used to it" Ava reassured her. "Get down and see how it feels" she suggested.

To say that Debbi was not used to wearing a tail was to state the obvious but that was initially the least of her embarrassments. She did not think that her face had ever been redder than when finally facing Oscar and his guests. "Debbi, this is Lord Tyrone Fisher who you may remember won the gold medal at the 1980 Olympics" Oscar began. "A bit before my time but I do know who Lord Tyrone is" answered Debbi, trying to regain her composure. "And I'm sure you recognize Dame Martha Shawcross. They are both trustees of the sickle cell charity" Oscar completed the introductions.

"I've done a few things in my acting career Debbi darling but I've yet to have a cat's tail stuck up my butt ! Rather you than me" the 'grande dame' of the British theatre announced in her familiar plummy tones, accompanied by a throaty chuckle !

Debbi was not the sort of person to be impressed by celebrity but the visit of Dame Martha and Lord Tyrone served to give her spirits a timely boost , despite the excruciatingly embarrassing circumstances of their arrival. Dame Martha in particular was down to earth and supportive, unlike her formidable reputation. It all helped Debbi to focus on the fund raising aspects of the evening, rather than on the impending ridicule and exposure.

"How's the tail ?" asked Avalon. "God knows why people wear stuff like this for pleasure" replied Debbi obliquely. "Will it effect your stage moves ?" the makeup girl asked more practically. Debbi tried a few of them out. "Should be ok, it's not like I've got any muscle control over the thing like an animal would have. It just kind of hangs there" Debbi pointed out. "Thereby hangs a tail" laughed Ava. "Indeed" agreed Debbi.

The time came for their slot in the full dress rehearsal. Debbi stood there backstage with G-Rod and the King who were topless in tight leather pants. She was embarrassed again to be milling about virtually naked with the members of the gospel choir dressed in their flowing robes. They would be behind a curtain at the back of the stage ready for the big reveal in the finale.

"Ok folks" barked the floor manager. "For those of you not familiar with how things work, this is a full dress rehearsal and not a practice. So you go through the whole routine to the end without stopping. If you mess anything up, you just have to carry on regardless." Debbi shuddered as the dreaded cage was pushed forward. "I forgot my warm up" she cried. "You'll be fine, just do it tonight" G-Rod reassured her. "Right flower. In you get ready for your entrance" instructed the floor manager.

As directed, they ran through it all without a break. The Pink Panther entrance, after which Debbi was relieved to successfully negotiate her exit from the cage. Love Cats, the slow dance to What's New Pussycat and then off into the full blown Miz No-E persona for the 'Hey I'm Back' rap. Charles was directing his cuts and camera angles on a specially marked up sheet. "Don't focus too close on her face when she's rapping. The lip syncs aren't perfect" he remarked at one point but all in all, the rap was amusingly impressive on its' own terms.

Charles became most active during the finale as the choir sang and Debbi's pussy was paraded. "Camera one, you focus on the choir, though I'm only going to cut to them very briefly. Camera two, you take in the long shot as they carry her around. Camera three, zoom in on her pussy for the close up. Camera four, scan the audience. I may not come to you but if there are any particularly striking reactions, I may do just for a few seconds. But we all know what the viewers will mainly want to see !"

Debbi was sitting in front of the mirror in her dressing room as Avalon expertly removed the makeup. "It's not good to leave it on, we'll redo you before the performance." Ava had already removed the tail, which was the first thing that Debbi had insisted on when she returned. It was five thirty in the afternoon and five long hours before Debbi's 'after the watershed' live performance. "You can't get dressed again though" said Ava. "We don't want to mark your skin."

"But I can't sit around naked for five hours" Debbi complained. "There's a nice robe" Ava placated her. "But I'll be bored out of my brain stuck in here. I can't go to the pub in a robe !" Debbi knew that Solomon and some of the others were headed for the pub. "We'll send some food in for you" said Ava. "Or you can go the studio canteen, they're used to people wearing all sorts of things in there. As long as you're back here around eight thirty to take a shower before I make you up again." "I guess I'll have some food sent in" Debbi decided.

After she had eaten the light meal provided, it was still only a quarter to seven and Debbi was climbing the walls with boredom. How come if she was having a cat's tail shoved up her ass, the door would be sure to open but now when she could do with some company, all was quiet ? Pulling the robe tighter around her, she decided to venture outside.

The initial quiet was broken by the appearance of three boisterous and vaguely familiar looking young black men, followed by a small coterie of hangers on from the studio. Debbi sunk back into the wall to let them pass. She felt small and insignificant in her white toweling robe and with her face freshly scrubbed clean of makeup. The trio of athletes were almost past her when one of them stopped and did a double take. "Hey, it's you" he yelled. "It's me ?" echoed Debbi. "Hell, yeah, it is you !" "Well, I think I'm me" confirmed Debbi, puzzled. "You're Miz No-E" exclaimed the England international. Debbi didn't follow football but remembered that prominent black athletes were going to be in attendance to endorse the fund raising efforts and she was putting two and two together.

"Um, yeah, well, I act out Miz No-E, yes" Debbi admitted. "But how do you know ?" Debbi remained puzzled. "We have Miz No-E in the raw on a loop in the team bus when we go to away games" the player explained. "We all love it, though it drives the coaches crazy, they all want Metallica or some other oldie shit !"

"But Miz No-E's not on a record ?" Debbi stated. "No but we got the video from the Pink Pussycat." Debbi blushed at what she knew they would have seen. She had not realized how wide a circulation that video had, though she was aware that one had been shot at the time, not to mention the countless amateur clips from people's smart phones. And it began to dawn on her just how wide a distribution this evening's professional performance was likely to get !

Debbi arrived back in plenty of time to be pampered and prepared by Avalon. She had spent just over an hour over coffee in the canteen with the Premier League footballers. They had not known that Miz No-E was going to be appearing, having simply agreed to make personal appearances in support of the charity. They were suitably enthused by the prospect of Debbi's performance. "Are you going to do In The Raw ?" "No, it's a new routine. I'm a cat." "A cat ? Does that get to mean we see your pussy ?" Debbi had tried to be non-committal but her blush gave her away. "It does ! There'll be a pussy show" they exulted. She left them fighting over which of them would get the honor of introducing Miz No-E from the stage.

And so to the show. In terms of a performance, it went off without a hitch. The preliminary dance routines, the rap itself which went down a storm with the audience clapping along and then the gobsmacking finale, which ended with the choir singing a prolonged 'Miz No-Eeeee' while the boys held Debbi open at the front of the stage before the lights dimmed ! Charles had worked overtime selecting all the best shots, just once cutting away during the finale for an audience reaction shot of 'a group of hens' as he described them, though they were in fact all from the HR department of Debbi's company, who were screeching and laughing and pointing and putting their hands over their mouths in supposed shock that was in fact undisguised glee !

And that sort of thing was one of the reasons why it was a somewhat chastened Debbi that arrived back in the dressing room. Unlike at the dress rehearsal, now with a full audience present the stage had become claustrophobic. It wasn't like a theatre stage built with a proscenium arch but the multi purpose studio floor had been cleared on more or less the same level as the front row of seating which was then arranged up in tiers on three sides. And again unlike a theatre, the studio lighting made it possible for Debbi to see the audience and the reaction and she was mortified at the number of familiar faces she recognized.

She tried to regain her equilibrium. She had known all along that this show was going to be on a completely different scale as far as exposure was concerned ( in more ways than one ) Hopping up onto the table she pleaded with Ava. "Please get this tail off me." "Will do" said the makeup girl. "Solomon was just telling me that there was an absolutely enormous spike in live donations during your act !" she added. Debbi was gratified and this news helped settle her down a little more. "Then I'll just clean and tidy you up ready for the interview" said Ava. Debbi inwardly groaned. She had forgotten that she still had that to come before she could go home.

Debbi had also put to the back of her mind what had only been casually mentioned in passing, which was that she would be being interviewed in the nude ! Charles the director had just been in with Solomon to emphasize the point. "We're going to have the donation hotline number on screen throughout Debbi, so it should really boost the coffers" he encouraged her. Avalon had made her face up in a much more sophisticated way than for the cat performance and as Debbi stood there naked, was now lightly touching up the skin on the rest of her body. "At least you get your heels to wear" she consoled her !

Debbi pondered who was going to be in the 'specially invited' audience and what kind of questions she was likely to get. She mentally rehearsed what she hoped would be her responses; serious businesswoman, delighted to help the charity, amazed by the success, blah, blah, blah.

Meanwhile her interviewer Samantha was also feeling disgruntled. Not only had her attempts to include political activists in the audience been quashed but Charles had come up with the bright idea that she should conduct the interview wearing a bikini ! "But I'm a serious journalist Charles. I've got my future career to think of. I don't want old clips of me wearing a bikini cropping up every time I'm about to interview the P.M." Samantha was nothing if not ambitious !

"That may or may not come to pass Sam but for now you're working for a softcore porn channel and our punters want to see some skin" Charles asserted. "But Debbi's going to be naked" Samantha pointed out. "And your bikini will make a nice contrast, so that's what you'll wear. It's a relatively conservative one so be thankful for that" said Charles with finality.

Samantha stalked off to get changed but was not in the most amenable frame of mind for the upcoming interview !

Debbi and Samantha were waiting backstage at the smaller side studio that had been designated for the post show interview with Miz No-E. Debbi couldn't yet see who was in the so called 'specially invited' audience. She was naked of course, apart from being glammed up by Avalon and for her towering red heels. She was surprised to find Samantha dressed in a bikini. "Don't ask" commented the journalist. It was, as Charles had promised, a relatively conservative plain black bikini but it still revealed rather a lot of Samantha's bum cheeks if she turned around, which she had no intention of doing in front of the audience !

The generic theme music for the interview slot began to play and Samantha was cued to make her entrance, which she did to wolf whistles and good natured catcalls from the audience of about a hundred in this more intimate studio setting. "Yeah, yeah, I know. You're not used to seeing this much of me are you ?" began Samantha, who was well known in the locality as a multi purpose reporter. "Thought I'd get into the spirit of the thing" she bluffed. "But you haven't come to see me" she continued. "So ladies and gentlemen, let's give a big whole hearted welcome to the star of our evening's fund raising activities...Miz No-E !"

Debbi's pre-recorded version of 'Hey, I'm Back' began to blare out and she tottered onstage as gracefully as she could with no clothes on and those wretched heels ! The audience went wild. She gave the crowd a quick scan. She saw familiar faces from the company. God, were those people she had been at college with ? She saw Jody, Lynn and the boys. The footballers she had talked to earlier in the evening had hung around and there were some other faces she thought vaguely familiar, perhaps minor celebrities of some sort.

Samantha welcomed Debbi to the stage. "Before you sit down and hide that lovely bum of yours, give everyone a twirl" Samantha instructed. Debbi had once again decided that the best way to emerge with any kind of dignity intact was to go along with the charade and pretend that it was all perfectly ok with her, so long as the charity benefitted. "I will if you will" she challenged Samantha, who looked daggers at her. Nevertheless both woman performed full 360 degree turns for the benefit of the audience and the cameras, before perching themselves on high bar stools that had been placed center stage !

"So, No-E. Or should I call you Debbi ?" Samantha began. "Depends on whether you are going to ask me No-E or Debbi questions" Debbi replied, a little defensively. "Are you really that much of a split personality ?" asked Samantha. "Not in any medical sense" replied Debbi, blushing slightly. "But Debbi would never have envisaged herself sitting here like this, whereas it's all in keeping with the No-E persona isn't it ?" she reasoned.

"So that leads us on nicely" Samantha continued. "How come a self confessed and demonstrably successful business woman ends up as a scantily clad, nay even naked, rapper ?" "Well, I haven't 'ended up as it' as you put it. I don't intend to make this a habit..." "But you have already haven't you ? This is at least the third occasion" Samantha interrupted Debbi. "Yes, well it seemed selfish not to when it appeared to be so successful with regard to fund raising. I'm happy with all the help it gives to charity" said Debbi, trying to steer the conversation onto safer ground.

"But how did it start exactly ? Jody told us about how you danced in your knickers on the desk for the class !" The audience laughed. Debbi sought out Jody in the audience who replied with a wave. "That's not exactly the action of a serious business woman ?" Samantha pressed. Debbi was flustered now. "It was a joke to help bond with the students." "Wish my teachers had bonded like that" came a heckle from the crowd, to more laughter. Debbi ignored it. "And that led to the Rag week and that was all that I thought there would be to it" she continued. "And we all have to concede that the subsequent fund raising has been very successful indeed, don't we folks ?" Samantha encouraged warm applause from the audience. The running total for the evening was announced to more cheers and encouragement to the viewers that there was still time to donate.

Samantha opened things up to questions from the floor and Debbi was eased into this lightly by one of the players she had met earlier. "We were wondering what football team you support ?" "I don't follow football but my dad's Italian and his favorite team is Juventus." "Not bad" the player conceded "But he must have an English team too ?" "Well, because of where he originally settled in London, he always had a soft spot for Queen's Park Rangers." For some reason this provoked great hilarity in the audience. "Ah, and we were gonna ask you to be our mascot. Come and see a proper team !" insisted the footballer.

Samantha moved onto her second selection. "Gentleman in the second row there. I believe that you work for Debbi ?"

Stewart, one of Debbi's programming team, introduced himself but before he could ask his question, Samantha interrupted. "Tell me Stew, what's it like to see your boss sitting here in the nude ?" The audience laughed. "Well, we have kind of got used to it" replied Stew to more laughter. "Really ?" said Samantha with raised eyebrows. "Some of us were at that evening at the Pink Pussycat of course" Stew explained. "But I sense even that was not the first time ?" Samantha persisted. Stew had to carefully consider which incidents Debbi was fully aware of. "There was also the time she went jet skiing in her underwear. And someone bought her a fishnet body as a Secret Santa present which she modelled for us." More audience laughter. "Sounds like a fun company to work for" commented Samantha, turning to Debbi. "It was all part of building team morale" Debbi replied. "You certainly seem to have a unique way of doing that Debbi. But anyway Stew, I interrupted. What was your question for Debbi ?"

"Er , yeah boss, Um great performance tonight by the way", "Thanks Stew" , "But I was wondering how it feels to know that it had such a wider public exposure and even this interview is getting seen by thousands ?" Debbi blushed. She was trying not to think too hard about it. "Well, it's the total raised that counts isn't it ? That's the important thing, not what I think. Samantha's already read out the figure but if you haven't already donated I think the number's on the screen." There was applause from the audience. She hoped that had fobbed off Stew.

"Yeah but why do you have to do it in such a demeaning way ?" called a loud voice. Debbi recognized a girl from the college. One of the students but not from her class. "Like, sexualizing women and taking the mickey out of black culture ?" There were a few murmurs of agreement but also boos from those opposed to that view. "It's not meant to be taken seriously. It's for, like, entertainment and the only person having the mickey taken out of them is me" Debbi responded. "It's a satire on chav wannabes" called out Jody. "Yeah, what she said" agreed Debbi, shifting awkwardly on the bar stools she and Samantha had been given to sit on and which she was certain had been chosen because it was impossible to sit elegantly on them or to cross her legs.

The mic was passed to one of the HR girls from Debbi's company who had been featured in the reaction shot shown during the finale to Miz No-E's act. She decided to address the elephant in the room. "I think we were all kind of expecting some level of nudity but wasn't it a surprise to have an explicit view of your vagina shown in close up on a big screen ?" There were just a few nervous giggles from the audience.

Debbi was nonplussed. "Erm, I don't know what to say to that. I haven't seen any of the TV coverage" she admitted. "Have we got the clip available we can show Debbi ?" Samantha asked the crew. "No, no, no need" Debbi hurriedly assured them. "They're going to look" said Samantha. "But you were ok with all the routines you performed ?" she continued. "Er, yes, kind of. I was a little uncomfortable with the finale" Debbi commented, with what she knew was an understatement. "It was essential to the artistic concept" called Jody from the floor. "It was a clever play on words see ? 'Pussy' as in cat and 'pussy' as in , er, vagina" the black girl pointed out. "Yes, I think most of us did notice that Jody" replied Samantha sarcastically. "Ah, it looks like we've got the clip" she added.

The audience was once more treated to the sight of Debbi's pussy in all its' close up glory. Debbi was horrified. "Why did they zoom in like that ?" she wanted to know. "That would have been the director's choice" explained Samantha. "As Jody rightly said, it would emphasize the artistic concept" she continued disingenuously.

"So Debbi, what next for Miz No-E ?" Samantha changed the subject to Debbi's relief, as the image of her vagina faded from the screen. "Oh, I think that's definitely the swansong for Miz No-E" Debbi affirmed to cries of disappointment from the audience. "Have you thought of Only Fans ?" suggested Samantha. "I could put you in touch with my friend Sarah. She acted in a soap for twenty years and now she makes more with Only Fans than she ever did in that. She could give you tips on how to maximize income." "Er, I'm not looking for a change in career" Debbi quickly tried to brush off this idea. "Not as a career maybe but you could donate all your profits to the charity" suggested Samantha, who was interrupted by a runner handing her a sheet of paper.

"Wow, this is an exciting development Debbi. It's from the representatives of DollaXL !" Samantha exclaimed. Debbi looked blank. "What's DollaXL ?" "The top US rap star" laughed Samantha. Despite her enforced prancing on stage, rap was not Debbi's preferred genre of music. "He's headlining at the Reading Festival and he wants you to warm up the crowd just before his set by performing Miz No-E in the raw ! And get this, if you do that, he will donate his fee for the show to sickle cell research." The audience applauded wildly. "I can't play a rock festival" objected Debbi. "Nonsense" continued the bikini clad presenter. "Do you realize how much DollaXL's fee is likely to be ? And you don't even have to travel, Reading's only eight miles up the road !"

Debbi's dressing room was now the scene of frenzied negotiations. She had not committed to anything onscreen and was happy to have had the interview wind down but now this extra burden had been thrust upon her. Once she was back in her dressing room and relieved to be wearing a robe again, as Avalon removed her TV friendly makeup, she once more assumed her usual initial reaction. "I'm not doing it. I'm not prancing about naked on stage in front of tens of thousands."

The crowded dressing room was populated by Solomon, Jody, Deacon and Lord Tyrone representing the charity. The SEXFLIX people were not interested since they would not be able to get any access to the festival site to shoot any further footage. "I understand your position Debbi" Lord Tyrone was saying "but you were seen tonight on TV by many more people than that. I can't thank you enough of course for the funds already raised by your efforts. But this will swell the coffers some more, both from this rappers fee but also from more valuable publicity and raising of public awareness."

"And what about me and Deacon ?" added Jody. "It's a fantastic opportunity to get our music and lyrics heard by important music industry people." "That's right" Deacon agreed. "Oh come on" countered Debbi. "I can see it a little as far as Deacon's music's concerned but who cares about your crummy lyrics ?" Debbi could see, from looking in the mirror as Ava still worked on her face, that she had offended the black girl. "Sorry, I didn't mean that. But why does it have to be Miz No-E in the raw ? Can't I do my original rap where I'm wearing my knickers ?"

Solomon was on the phone to DollaXL's representatives and he put that point to them. "They're going to consult Dolla" he said. "Hang on." Jody was pacified by Debbi once more unconsciously registering the song as 'her' rap.

"Ok" announced Solomon into the tense silence that had enveloped the room. "Dolla had only ever seen Miz No-E in the raw and didn't know there was a milder version but he's prepared to go along with underwear as long as it's something sexy. The festival organizers might be happier with that too." "And he'll still donate his fee ?" asked Lord Tyrone. "Yes" confirmed Solomon, "on condition that Debbi then joins the backing dancers for his set !"

There was only a week between the Telethon and DollaXL's appearance at the Reading Festival. So any buzz created by Debbi's performance of Miz No-E that night would still be current. An up side to this was that it gave Debbi little time to fret but the down side was that there was no time to prepare and there would be no rehearsal time for participating with the rapper's back up dancers.

Debbi did what she could. She quickly relearned Jody's lyrics for the very first 'dancin' in my knickers for the world to see' rap. And there was a brief meeting with DollaXL's people. They wanted to see what Debbi would be wearing for the performance and she got the impression they were hoping she would strip off at the meeting but she had pre-empted them and came armed with one of Solomon's souvenir t-shirts that displayed her in lingerie, stockings and suspenders. She did not want to perform dressed like that on a huge festival stage but she was trying to console herself that she had won a minor victory by refusing to do 'Miz No-E in the raw'.

"Yah, great babes. I'm sure Dolla will love that" said Saffron, the British PR for the trip, when Debbi showed her the t-shirt design. The rapper's American management reps were more taciturn but also seemed content. "But if there's no rehearsal time, how will I know what to do if you want me to join the backing dancers ?" Debbi asked. "That won't be a problem. Dolla's shows are famed for their spontaneity" answered one of the Americans. "You're all just a bit of eye candy anyway, the audience will be focused on Dolla, he commands the stage. Just mingle with the other bitches and look sexy. You'll see how they move."

Saffron noted how Debbi looked somewhat askance at this. "Dolla uses bitches as a term of respect and affection for his ladies. He's very protective towards them" she assured her. "Absolutely, shows them the utmost respect" added the other American rep, picking up on the cue !

Debbi managed to get a back stage pass for Solomon so that she had some support at the Festival and Avalon agreed to come and do her makeup and help with her costume, such as it was. Solomon hoped to network and Avalon was excited to be back stage with the stars, in contrast to Debbi who had never heard of any of them. Although only 26, she had not kept up with pop music since college and preferred unwinding to smooth jazz or light classical.

Debbi was sharing a trailer with the rest of 'Dolla's bitches', hard bitten American professionals who were living up to their name and not being especially friendly towards the interloper. Debbi was glad of Avalon's presence, although annoyed that the makeup assistant had forgotten to bring a robe, leaving Debbi exposed in her bra and pants, stockings and suspenders while she waited for her cue.

Her black lingerie was predictably skimpy, with black lacey thong style knickers. However, she had been careful to select a pair with a modesty panel at the front shielding her pussy. Debbi knew that to most of the vast crowd she would only be a distant pin prick figure on stage and even the front row were some distance back behind barriers. But she was also aware of the big screen on which she would be prominently displayed, albeit briefly.

A technician fitted Debbi with her face mic and the stage manager indicated to her that it was time to go. Peering out from the side of the stage at the sheer size of the crowd, Debbi began to experience severe stage fright. It did not help that more than 30 minutes had elapsed since the preceding indie rock band had finished their set and the crowd was getting restive. Dolla was being typically diva-esque in making them wait but it would be the unknown Debbi who would be trotting out to perform her inane rap who would bear the brunt of the audience's displeasure !

Debbi recognized the backing track for her 'dancin' in my knickers' rap which had started to blare out. The festival stage manager pushed her forward. Debbi's appearance was initially greeted by wolf whistles and some mild cheers from the crowd, pleased that at last something appeared to be happening on stage. But when she began nervously to intone the lyrics, these quickly changed to catcalls, boos and cries of 'get off' and chants of 'we want Dolla', along with the predictable encouragement to 'show us your tits'. Because unlike Debbi's previous audiences, this crowd was not there for tits and ass but primarily for the music. And Debbi's nervousness was not doing anything to help the quality of her performance, which before today had been improving.

It had been agreed that Debbi's appearance would be brief, consisting of song, instrumental break and just the one reprise of the song. At least she did not feel hidebound to conform to Jody's choreography for the instrumental break and she just continued to dance woodenly, keeping away from the front of the stage which was now being showered with plastic bottles thrown by the rowdier elements in the crowd.

So it was with great relief that Debbi heard her backing track begin to fade and segue into Aaron Copland's 'Fanfare For The Common Man' as the stage lights went down. She scampered offstage, treating the big screen to a final glimpse, for now anyway, of her thong clad bum.

The crowd went wild as DollaXL made his big entrance, backlit by blinding white spots and sporting a red velvet cape. Debbi hovered to the side of the stage among 'Dolla's Bitches'. The Bitches were also scantily clad but what they were wearing at least had the appearance of being properly made and fitted stage costumes and so seemed much more in keeping with the setting than the everyday Victoria's Secrets underwear that Debbi had on. "What do I do ?" she hissed at Saffron, Dolla's UK agent, as the girls began to file onstage behind their star. "Just follow the lead of the rest of the Bitches, they'll make sure you're ok" Saffron replied !

DollaXL was pulling out all the stops and what his performance lacked in musical content was more than made up for by spectacle as far as his fans were concerned. There were quick costume changes for the star and an elaborate light show, while the Bitches danced enthusiastically around him. All this passed Debbi by as she hung around the periphery of the other girls, making a few token shakes of her hips. All that she was interested in was how soon the set would end.

Dolla launched into his latest single, 'All The White Bitches Want Dolla'. To her dismay, Debbi found herself pushed to the fore of the dancing troupe, which was otherwise made up exclusively of African American or Filipino girls. She tried to dance awkwardly until she felt hands on the clasp of her bra. One of the girls was undoing it. Before she could react, the girl had deftly removed the garment. Debbi was topless on stage at a rock festival ! Before this embarrassment could register fully, she felt more hands around the waistband of her knickers, which were whisked down to her ankles and off. Debbi was naked on stage at a rock festival ! Well, apart from stockings and suspenders that is. She vaguely heard cheering from the crowd over and above the noise of the music. The Bitches turned Debbi to face the star and she was encouraged to put her arms over his shoulders as Dolla thrust his groin lasciviously towards her.

Debbi did not think that things could get any worse but then she realized that the pre-recorded backing track had segued into the familiar music for 'Miz No-E in the Raw'. Dolla thrust a hand mic at her and shoved her towards the front of the stage. His original desire to have her perform this version of the rap was not to be denied !

It has to be said that Debbi's rendition of 'In The Raw' went down much better than her earlier appearance had done. She was displayed in all her splendor on the two big screens, despite the festival promoters' frantic efforts to have the cameras cut to her face only. Debbi was thankful for the admittedly small mercy that she only had to run through the verses once before the music switched back to 'All The White Bitches' and Dolla took center stage again. She looked around in vain for her discarded underwear which had been thrown in the direction of the crowd. But nobody obstructed her as she slunk offstage, her part in proceedings having been successfully completed from Dolla's point of view and he had no intention of sharing the spotlight for the climax of his act !

Debbi wanted to get back to the portacabin that had been used by her and the Bitches to get changed in but it remained locked until the end of the set and so she had to hang around backstage naked until she found Solomon who lent her his jacket. "I seem to remember doing this once before" he laughed. Debbi responded with a wan smile.

This was it, she determined. The final, absolutely the very, very, very last ever appearance by Miz No-E. Dolla's stunt with her could not honestly be described as a worldwide sensation but it did cause a bit of a stir. The Sun reported it on their showbiz page together with a photo of Debbi while she was still wearing her bra and pants. The Sunday Sport had no such qualms and printed her in all her naked glory, save for the tiniest of emojis hiding her coin slot. There was a host of mobile phone footage on You Tube that was hazy enough to escape their censorship rules.

Solomon persuaded Debbi to go on morning TV to be interviewed by a sympathetic anchor who kept to the agreed agenda of how it was all for the worthwhile charity, how Dolla's fee had been donated, how Debbi was a serious business woman but how her 'fun' local fund raising effort had escalated and become progressively more risque.

Despite her backstage vow to herself, Debbi caved in to one final request from Oscar and Solomon on behalf of the charity. Her performances were to be made available on a streaming outlet with all proceeds going to the fund. They had 'Miz No-E in the Raw' from the Pink Pussycat, plus 'Hey, I'm Back' from the Telethon, complete with the explicit finale ! But there was no footage of the original 'Dancin' in my Knickers'. So things turned full circle as Debbi found herself in a studio one more time as Miz No-E, dancing in the crop top and fluorescent Hello Kitty knickers that Lynn had somehow managed to salvage and with her hair tied in bunches by pink ribbons !

"And now I am most definitely finished with Miz No-E" she informed the assembled gang definitively !
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