Bus ride by Sky

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Bus ride by Sky

Post by PhilMarlowe »

Sky wrote: Bus ride by Sky

Sooo when I was in 10th grade I took a field trip to some museum about ww2 boats and submarines and stuff like that. I don't remember much about the place because I was only like 16 so I didn't really care about that stuff even though that sounds terrible of me lol. Anyways the bus ride back is what I remember most about that trip. When we went it was early June so it was hot as hell that day. The bus ride was a solid two hour trip back and we had assigned seats next to random people. I guess that was for attendance reasons but anyways I was next to this girl I never met before, I had never even seen her in the hallway I don't think, and she keeps complaining about how hot it is. So naturally I'm like, "ho, stop complaining" (side note: I never actually called her ho) but to no avail. This girl was on a mission to complain about the heat for the whole ride back. The Windows on the bus didnt open and there's no air conditioning so I just have to listen to it. There's no solution to this heat until I get an idea. I say to her "let's make a deal," and now I have her attention. I say to her I will trade clothes with her since my sundress was much cooler than her clothes. And she just giggles and says " that's crazy, we can't do that! That'd be too crazy..." Now remember we gotta be stealth about this so we're talking quiet to keep on the down low. We are in the middle row so we'd have to be mad stealthy to pull this off. I notice most people around us are doing their own thing either listening to their iPod or talking to the person they're sitting with. So I'm like "listen I got a plan. Since I'm in the window seat, I'll take off the dress and let you put it on over your clothes while you cover me. Then you give me your clothes out from underneath." The plan seemed solid. I got her on board and now it was just a matter of picking the right time to execute it. It was actually a little dark out now since we were heading back. Not that dark but enough for me to hide in. It was still wicked hot in the bus so it couldn't have been that late. I decided ... it I gotta go for it now. I kind of slouched down in the seat and pulled the dress off carefully and slowly but quick enough to show that I was still in a hurry. I was left in the seat in my panties and bra so I gave the girl the dress and told her to hurry. Now this girl was the opposite of hurrying. She was scanning my body, checking me out, looking at my underwear, so I was like " cmon ho, hurry!" So now she's fumbling around with the dress like an idiot. Doesn't have any idea what she's doing like she's never put one on before so I'm like "GO!" And she like "I don't wanna get caught" and I'm like " yeah me neither so go faster! I'm the one in my underwear right now, cockface!" And she's like "well what if I just keep the dress and my clothes if you wanna call me names". Now I'm thinking to myself "fuuuuck, is this ho for real right now?" So I apologize quickly and she says she'll forgive me if I give up my underwear too. So I'm like, " does it look like I'm playing games right now? Hurry up and just put on the dress." But of course not. Now she's giggling and shit and I really want to punch her in the face but I'm like ... it i just gotta do this real quick. I quickly unclip my bra and take it off and then I go to take off my panties and it all hits me. I think to myself "wait.. If I lean forward right now to take off my underwear then the people in the seats next to us could see me too and I know one of them is a boy." But at this point it's too late to think. I have already started the leaning forward motion to I decided to just go for it. I pull my underwear down to my feet and go to pull them off but they got stuck on my flip flops. So now I'm struggling to grab my panties from around these stupid flip flops and I know people might be able to see me in this position I tried to hurry and finally managed to grab them. Now i can lean back and it's all good. Suddenly I feel a chill in my body. Not a cold chill, it was more of a realization that I was completely naked on the bus right now. Not a stitch of clothes on my body at all. Even my flip flops had come off in the struggle. I barely had any public hair to help hide my vagina so I go to cover myself and the girl next to me still hasn't put the dress on and now she looks completely shocked and let's out a loud ugh or ach or some other kind of surprised noise, I'm not sure how to describe it. I'm like, " ho shut up, everyone will look over here if you're too loud. Just hurry up now I'm naked, are you happy?" Still trying to keep on the down low about it though. Now she finally learns how to put on a dress and starts undressing from underneath but then stops and looks at me with her stupid face again. Now I'm really regretting making this deal just so that she wouldn't complain about the heat. She says to me that she gets one picture. I'm like " ho... No way am I doing that." But of course she's got the upper hand here. So now she's pulling her phone out of her bag and keeps trying to get me to agree to a picture. She says "I get to take one picture of you without you covering."
"No way" I say back.
"How about if it doesn't have your face in it?" She replies. I guess now she was trying to make a deal with me but I'm not having it.
"Just one pic of your vagina?" So I'm like "holy shit don't talk so loud, fine just take the pic and then please give me some clothes."
So now she's agreeing and keeps saying okay. I uncover for her and she put her phone up real close and keeps turning it around trying to find a good angle to take it. I say " ho hurry up!" So she's like ok fine and reaches her other hand in and opens my pussy lips and takes a picture of it. She's giggling like a fool again and I'm in shock. I can't believe she touched my vagina like that. The worst part was I was a little wet from the humiliation and i know she got it on her fingers and in the picture it was probably easily visible. She finally decides to stop tormenting me and gives me her shirt. I put it on as fast as possible without even putting on my bra. Then she gives me her shorts. I'm finally able to put some clothes back on. So now I'm fully dressed again and of course she's like "can we switch shoes too? My feet are really hot." I'm like, " ho fine just take them". I give her my flip flops and she takes off her shoes and socks and gives them to me as if I want to wear her sweaty socks. We are only like 15 minutes into the trip at this point and I'm tired so I go to sleep. When I wake up we are already back at school. The girls gone with my sundress and my flip flops that bitch. She didn't even leave me her shoes like wtf why take both? There's still a few people on the bus at this point. I get up to leave when I hear her call for me from the back of the bus. She's talking to this other girl that I don't know and at this point I'm realizing that I never even learned that girls name. The girl asks me if I want to come back to her place with this other girl and have sex. And now in my head this is all making more sense to me but at the same time I'm not like that so I awkwardly say no and ask for my flip flops back. Now everyone's feeling really awkward. She's like " do you want the dress back too?" I tell her to just keep it. But instead she's gotta make this even more awkward by getting mad and demanding her clothes back right then. I'm not even kidding she whips the dress off her and throws it at me and then starts crying and apologizing and now things are starting to get bad so I just hurry into a seat and give her back her clothes. I put the sundress on and just walk off the bus and never saw her again.

Sorry if the grammar or spelling is bad. I typed this up on my phone and it hard to make corrections.
Anonymous wrote: Re: Bus ride by Anonymous

Any way u can do it again
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