I want more exploration of the boys now that everyone is exposed!
I love that Jason is completely naked and his penis was on full display, at least for a little bit.
I wonder what Blondie and Mandy think
There is a noticeable rise in the temperature inside the cramped shower stall. Being wet and running to the house, then through
the house to the downstairs bathroom, the wind on my naked body felt cool. Standing huddled together with four other kids,
standing inside a shower made for one, there is no circulation of the air. Five naked bodies press against each other. The shower
is going to turn into a sauna. But as the wind howls outside and the booming thunder rattles the house, as the tornado siren
blares its warning, none of that matters.
"Are we going to die?" says Brian, and his voice sounds to be on the verge of tears.
"This is the safest place in the house," I reply. I have nothing else to reassure anyone with. I reach out my hand and place it
on the younger boy's shoulder.
"This is the second time Jason got naked with us in the shower," says Randy.
"The second time? What do you mean? He got naked in here before?" Blondie is all questions.
"He was wearing the towel when we were in here during the first storm. I was scared. I was holding onto him, and his
towel fell off." Mandy says.
"The towel is still in the pool, right? And now none of us have anything on." says Randy.
I remembered my pants and boxers sitting on the towel rack. "I've got a pair of jeans and boxers in here. Two of you
can put something on. I'll go get them." I open the shower door and step out into the bathroom. I don't see my jeans
on the floor. I don't see my boxers on the towel rack.
"I don't see my clothes," I said, and I realize I'm standing in the best light available in the room and everyone inside the
shower stall is looking at me.
"I'm soooo sorry. You're going to kill me," says Mandy.
"What did you do with them?" I ask.
"It was my idea. When I came in here with Blondie, to put the Band Aids on my chest, I grabbed your jeans and
boxers and I ummm... I threw them out the window."
"I, I can't believe you did that." I said.
"Would it make you feel better if I told you, you have a real nice sexy body?" says Blondie.
Something that sounds like a tree crashing down, hitting a part of the house, makes me jump back into the
shower and close the door.
For several minutes nobody speaks. We listen to the howls of the wind, the rumbles of thunder. I feel hands in
the dark, hands brushing up against my body from different directions. Two hands, or is it three, finding a place
on my legs or stomach. Hands wanting to slide down to my nether regions. With the gloomy light, I can't tell
who the hands belong to. I grab a hand with mine, then I slowly let my fingers follow along the arm and my
hand comes to Mandy's shoulder. My hand then took control of itself. It felt like it was making this decision on
its own, my hand slid down from the shoulder and it stopped at her chest, my fingers touching her nipple. My
hand cups the small mound of a breast and I begin massaging.
"Somebody's hand is on my ass," says Randy, and so Mandy and I aren't the only ones getting touchy feely.
I started laughing, and Randy asks me what's so funny. "We can start a new game for late night tv. The show
is called 'Who's Hand Is It?'
"Oh, I get it," says Randy, and he slips into a British accent. "Could you describe the hand sir? How big was the
hand groping your gonads?"
"What are gonads?" asks Brian, and everyone laughs.
The wind outside seems to be abating. Once again, the storm is leaving the house intact. The danger is departing
and the naked gang will have to step out of the shower.
"I'm the only one who hasn't said his Dares yet." I said, and I have everyone's attention. "The rules of the game were
to not require any real nudity. I guess that no longer applies."
For the longest time nobody says anything, as this sinks in. Everyone has to do a dare for me, and nobody has any
clothes on.
"We have to do naked dares?" asks Blondie.
"That's right," says Brian. "Make Blondie eat food from a plate on the floor, like a dog."
"Dare Randy to do jumping jacks," suggests Blondie.
"Can I be you, Jason?" says Mandy. "Can I ask the dare in your name?"
"I uh, I guess so. Okay Mandy, name the dare."
"This dare is for everybody. You are all going to take Jason to Mandy's room and put him on the bed. You are going
to grab him, hold him down like you did at the swimming pool. Tickle and rub him all over. I dare you all to finish
what we started."
I am speechless at hearing this daring dare proposal from Mandy. I wait for the objection, followed by the seconding
of the objection.
"I love this dare," says Blondie.
Of course the girls will be for it, but Brian and Randy can veto this. From the boys I hear...
"Yeah, let's do it. I want to tickle him good," says Brian.
"That's fine with me, but Blondie has to get rid of that tank-top. No covering up either," says Randy.
Everyone is looking at Blondie. Blondie pulls off the tank-top and drops it to the shower floor, and everyone
is agreed on the dare. Tickle and rub my body as I'm lying naked on Mandy's bed.
I open the shower door and step out. The light is returning once again through the window, bright yellow beams
coming through. One by one, each kid exits the shower, and they stand in the light beaming in. I'm stunned by
how beautiful everyone looks. Naked girls and naked boys, each looking like they sprang off an oil painting in
the Vatican. Pure perfection of human kind, young human kind.
For the first time we all get a look at Blondie's breasts. They are not big for a teen my age or older, but for a
13 year old they have a firm roundness with no jiggle when she moves. As if they are on some secret mission,
nobody speaks, as Mandy and Blondie take me by the arms. Brian and Randy follow, as I'm walked through
the house to the stairs, then up the stairs to Mandy's room.
I know you are waiting for the next chapter. Nearly done writing it. Will be posted before tomorrow.
It's a little longer than other chapters. It's not the only thing that gonna get
Standing in Mandy's room, I look at the bed. I've been on the bed once before. Had my nipples sucked hard and turned
red by Blondie and Mandy, Blondie's hand grabbing my crotch the unexpected part of that encounter with Mandy's bed.
Randy has been on the bed twice. His swimsuit pulled down and his bottom spanked, then later his dick nearly exposed
during the tickle torture. But all that was child's play in comparison to what awaited me. I know exactly what is about
to be done to me. My muscles are tense and I'm tingly in anticipation.
Mandy stands on the right side of the bed. Blondie stands on the left side of the bed. The two boys are behind me.
Mandy adds some role playing to spice up the dare.
"Prisoner Jason. You were caught sneaking into the palace to catch the Royal Princess naked in her bed chamber. You
will be tortured till you confess your crimes." Mandy tells me what fate befalls me.
"You will tell me all your dirty thoughts. Confess what you were going to do to me if my guards hadn't caught you,"
adds Blondie.
I feel two hands grip my left arm. Two stronger hands take hold of my right arm, and I can tell it's Randy on my right
side without even looking. I'm looking at the Princess Blondie, how her bush is small and trim. I've seen photos of
full grown women and seen a few R rated movies. The wild, unkempt bushes on some older women are not really a
turn on for me. I look over at the Princess Mandy and she has no hair to obscure the slit between her legs. I could
spend hours going back and forth comparing and contrasting the physical differences between an 11 year old girl and
a 13 year old.
But my time for gawking is over, as I am shoved toward the bed by Randy. I land on the bed on my stomach. I get
partway up and scoot forward. I start to turn myself over when Mandy grabs my right hand. Randy and Brian grab
my ankles.
"Stay on your hands and knees. You will be punished first, for daring to get a look at the naked Princess. Guards,
you may let go of him. If he moves without permission the punishment will be more severe."
"I thought we were going to tickle him," says Brian.
"We'll get to that. First, we get that confession," Blondie says.
Mandy and Blondie go to the back side of the bed, and all four of them are looking at my ass up in the air.
"Your legs are together. Spread your legs apart, farther apart." Mandy orders.
I spread my knees apart. I tuck my head down, and look down my body. My dick, my balls, are hanging down and
everyone is looking at them. I can see Brian's and Blondie's faces upside down through the triangle my legs make.
Blondie has a smirky smile, and Brian is grinning that silly ass grin of his. I can see their faces because they are
kneeled down getting the best glimpse of my dangling manhood. Randy is standing up, what I can see of him is
below the belly. The view of Mandy is partially blocked by my leg.
"Who wants to spank him first?" Mandy asks.
"Me, me. I want to do it." Brian says, and he stands up and jumps up and down, his young boy penis barely flopping.
"Okay Brian. You go first."
Brian comes over to my buttside. He starts whacking me, and everyone laughs at the sound of the hand slaps. This
is not starting off the way I expected. I thought I was going to lie down and get tickled the way Randy did. This
spanking and confessing has caught me off guard.
"Tell us, why did you sneak into the palace? Why were you in the Princess's chamber?" Mandy asks.
She is really taking this seriously, but it was strangely turning me on.
"I, I wanted to see her." I said.
"It was at night. The Princess is getting ready for bed. Why did you sneak in at night? Tell me the truth."
Brian's hand continues to slap my butt. He stops, and Randy starts laying down some spanks.
"I...I wanted to see her tits," I confessed.
Brian laughs hysterically at this. Blondie lays herself down on the bed in front of me, pushing the plush animals
aside. Blondie leans back on the pillows, and she places a hand next to her breast.
"Is this what you want to see?" Blondie pinches her nipple with her fingers, then rubs her hand back and forth from
breast to breast. I can't believe what is happening. I'm getting my ass spanked by Brian and Randy, as Brian's big
sister is fondling her breasts right in front of me. I take a moment to look back down behind me, as I feel myself
stiffening. I can see Randy is getting aroused by seeing what Blondie is doing. Randy's dick has grown some. His
body movements as he spanks me makes his lengthening penis sway back and forth.
"Who has the cuter tits, me or Mandy?" asks Blonde, as she continues to rub herself up top.
"I won't answer that," I say.
"Then you will be tortured till you confess. Turn him over. Put him on his back," Princess Blondie orders.
I roll over on my back, and for a moment the two boys hold me down, then they relax their grip. I am positioned
spreadeagled, my arms to the sides and my legs spread wide.
"Randy, you get his armpits. Brian, get next to Randy and get his stomach."
Randy gets on the bed and kneels down on my right side, next to my chest. Brian gets on the same side and kneels
down by my hip. Mandy climbs up to kneel down on my left side at the hip, and Blondie gets in position between
my legs. I am now fully at their mercy and I'm hoping they show me none. I look down, and my dick isn't at full
hardness, half-way there and pointing more to the side than up.
"Who's the best kisser?" Mandy says.
"You're the better kisser," I confess.
"Who has the better tits?" Blondie inquires again, and I just shake my head.
"Okay, be that way. Tickle him," commands Princess Blondie.
Eight hands dig into the skin of my body, in eight different places.
Randy has a hand in each armpit, just as I had done to him earlier.
Brian has both hands on my stomach, one hand above my belly button and one below.
Mandy is tickling both sides of the hips, where the pubes begin.
Blondie has a hand on each upper thigh, and her fingers are slipping down to the insides of the legs.
I squirm and laugh. Everybody is laughing.
"If you have to kiss a boy again, which boy would you kiss, Randy or Brian?" asks Blondie, as she get off the subject
of her tits.
Do I answer that? Do I confess which boy I would kiss?
"Answer the question or the boys will give you titty twisters."
I don't want that. Anything but the twisting of my nipples. "I would kiss Randy," I confess.
The tickling is getting more intense. Blondie reaches her fingers under my balls. My dick gets harder and it springs
upward to point at my belly button. Mandy tickles the very tip of my penis, just on the head, and my body spasms
from my big head and down to my toes. Everyone feels the energy pulse go through my body, like a shiver, and they
all stop their tickling and look down at me.
"Answer this and we'll stop this from tickle torture to massaging you," Mandy says. "Will you come back and let us
play with you again? Will you come back and let us do whatever we want with you?"
"Yes. Yes, I'll come back. I'll protect all the Princesses and they can make me their slave," I said, and I had no
trouble saying that.
"Okay, we gave him pain. Now for pleasure," Mandy says.
The two girls switch form tickling me around the groin to massaging me down there. Brian rubs my stomach and Randy
rubs my chest. Every hand on me is a nice pleasurable feeling. All the hands working together, an amazing
sensuous experience. Never before have I felt such an emotional connection for any group of people, and I've
really only known them for a few hours.
I feel a hand on my balls, then another wraps around my dick. Another bolt of energy surges through me. My breathing
picks up and the room gets warmer. I bring my arms in from being spread out. I bring my arms in to my sides, then
I place a hand on Mandy's thigh. I place my right hand on Randy's thigh. This just adds to the total sensation, I'm touching
some of those that are touching me.
For a minute or so, Mandy's hand works up and down my dick and it gets to full hardness. Blondie continues massaging
my balls. The two boys are leaned down closer to my groin, as they too are fascinated. I'm sure they've never seen
anything like this, as I doubt they've seen any porno films.
What Mandy did next is what I remember most vividly. The most unexpected thing. Mandy stopped her hand rubbing
up and down my dick, and she held it upright with her left hand. With her other hand, Mandy reached over and placed
it on top of Randy's right hand. I lift my head up further, and we all watched in stunned silence as Mandy pulls her
brother's hand down to my pubes. Randy's fingers brush up against the bottom of my shaft and Mandy takes her hand
away. The sight of Randy's hand down on my pubes made my breath freeze up. What was he going to do? Would he
get up and storm off?
Randy wraps his hand around my penis and gives it a few squeezes. Mandy lets go of my dick and I'm fully in
Randy's hands.
"You said I was the better kisser," Mandy says, and she leans down and kisses me, holds the kiss for a long time. Mandy
kisses and I kiss back with all I can do while lying on my back, while her brother jerks me off.
"I want to try," says Brian.
I suppose if I decided we should jump off a bridge, Brian would volunteer to join in.
"I got him next," Blondie says, and she takes over stroking my dick. "You rub his balls, Brian,"
Brian places a hand on my balls and he massages. Randy keeps his hand close, rubbing on my lower stomach, his hand
going into the area of the pubes and back out again. Mandy starts playing with my nipples, lightly twisting and pinching them.
My left hand has been on Mandy's thigh, and my right hand has been on Randy's thigh. My left hand slides from the thigh
to between her legs. My inexperienced fingers fumble around and feel for the right spot. Randy looks over at what I'm
doing and he does his best Brian goofy grin imitation.
When my right hand slides down from the thigh toward Randy's crotch, Randy looks down suddenly. I continue to move
my hand, moving it slowly. Randy can pull away if he chooses, or slap my hand hand continues to slide down
and in, wrapping around and grasping it. Randy's penis responds instantly, springing up to full size, more than five inches
and he's just twelve. Mandy stops her massages as she looks in on my hand wrapped around her brother's dick.
Blondie sees it and she gasps.
Brian turns around to his left and sees what is going on. His jaw drops.
Blondie is the first one to speak. "Jason, confess. Do you like boys, or do you like girls?"
I thought for a moment and I gave her my answer. "YES"
Amazingly they all smile. None of them are turned off by this answer. We can all touch who we want to and it's okay.
I continue rubbing my hand between Mandy's legs, and I continue squeezing, light tugging on Randy's dick.
The massaging and jerking on me resumes. Hardly any inch of the front side of my body gets missed. They all take
turns stroking my dick and massaging behind my balls. My body tenses up, and it's Blondie who recognizes what's
coming soon.
"He gonna blow soon. Let's all get our hands on him and jerk it together. He's big. We can all find a place to hold."
Blondie says, and there is just enough length to my penis for Mandy, Randy, Blondie, and Brian to place some fingers
around my shaft. With all of them working it, they have it pointed directly up, their fingers rubbing up and down
together, getting a rhythm going. Up and down, up and down the four sets of hands go, and always somebody's
hand on my balls rubbing and squeezing gently.
I let out a scream of pleasure as I feel the built up pressure intensify and release. I shoot straight up into the air, like
an oil drilling derrick striking oil. What a gusher, rising a couple feet into the air, one big white glob and droplets
scattered around it. What goes up must come down, and it all lands on the hands of the four strokers. Nobody lets
go, continuing to stroke. Several more spurts shoot upward to land down on the stroking hands, and some splatters
on my stomach. That's when I noticed my butthole was clenching and releasing. I never felt that before.
I let out a long sigh and my body starts to ease up and relax. I look at each of my helping hand mates and I laugh, as
they are each looking at their hands. Their hands have creamy white sauce splattered all over them.
"Yuck. So that's what comes out," says Brian.
Mandy reaches for a tissue box that is next to the bed. She yanks all the tissues out and hands them out. Everyone
starts laughing as they wipe off their hands, laughing at the craziness of all this. And when they all turn their faces
to look at me...
The kids have wiped their hands off and I've gotten all the splatters off my stomach. Brian and Blondie did a lot of laughing as they
cleaned up, and they teased each other as only brothers and sisters could. "Lick it Blondie" Brian dared her. "You jerk your little thing
and see what happens, nothing" Blondie teased about Brian's lack of development. Mandy looked down at my penis more than the
others. When I got to my knees, she noticed a stream of liquid seeping out and she wrapped a tissue around the end of my dick.
"You're drooling on my bed," Mandy said, and I said I was sorry about that, and I rubbed a tissue on a small wet spot I had caused
on the bed. Randy looked down at himself, a hand on himself, either comparing his size to mine or imagining what his penis will
be able to do when he got a little older. Randy looks up and looks at me.
"What does that feel like?"
"It can't be described. I don't have the words for it," I tell him.
"Let's do Blondie next," Randy says.
Blondie lies down on the bed and we all gather around her. Randy and I are each massaging a breast. I playfully pinch her
nipple and Blondie squirms, either from that or from something else happening lower on her. Brian has his hands on his sister's
belly. Mandy tickles Blondie's thighs. Blondie laughs and squirms beneath us, as we begin to feel her body all over.
There is a loud KNOCK KNOCK at the front door.
"Ahhh shit. It's probably my dad," Brian says.
Mandy goes to her closet, and she gets a robe on. We all get out of the bed and step out of the room, to the top of the
stairs. We wait at the stairs, as Mandy goes down to answer the door. It is Brian and Blondie's dad. He wants his kids
to move branches he trims off the tree that's fallen into the street. Mandy tells him Brian and Blondie will be right over,
and she closes the front door.
Brian and Blondie go around the house gathering up their clothes. I don't have anything to put on, my pants and boxers
are at the side of the house if they are still there, so I stand near the front door as I am. Randy also remained without
anything on.
Blondie and her brother are ready to leave. Blondie wants a kiss, so I kiss her on the lips, and she grabs my still bare butt.
"I've never kissed a naked boy before," Blondie says, and she giggles. When she pulls back, Brian steps up and gives me
a hug and asks when I can come over again. Maybe next Sunday, I tell him. Mandy opens the front door and Blondie and
Brian leave. Being near the door, I can see how much the weather has changed. What's left of the day has turned nice.
"I want to swim again," I said, and Randy agrees.
Mandy, Randy, and I return to the swimming pool. Mandy drops her robe off at the picnic table. The water of the pool
doesn't seem so cold now. I dive into the deeper end and find the lost towel. For the next fifteen minutes or so, Dodge The
Towel is the game. Rolled up tightly, a wet towel can fly a long way with some accuracy. We are all jumping into and out
of the water, running around the pool playing dodge towel. Mandy spends most of that time not running, but watching me
and Randy run around the yard, smiling and laughing and occasionally ducking the towel. A long toss of the towel lands
near the back door, and tired of running around, I jump into the pool.
Mandy jumps in and jumps up on my back, wraps her legs around my waist. She places her hands on my chest. I carry her
like a backpack for a while. Mandy's fingers find and squeeze my nipples and I get a little aroused again. Randy swims over
and tickles her feet, and Mandy lets go of me.
"I'm getting hungry," Randy says.
"Yeah, what are we gonna do?" Mandy asks.
"Is your stove electric or gas?" I ask, and they say the stove is gas, so I figure I could look into their fridge and see what
could be cooked.
Mrs. Mason comes out the back door. "I'm finally here. I would have called but the phones are still out."
We all freeze. Nobody says a word. Randy, Mandy and I are caught swimming naked in the pool. Then Mrs. Mason notices
me in the pool. "Oh, there you are Jason. I almost forgot you were still here. Thanks for staying to make sure the kids
were okay."
"I had a lot of fun, Mrs. Mason. It was no bother." I said as I look around for the towel. I see the towel near the back door.
Mrs. Mason steps back into the house, but only for a moment. She steps out, holding a ten dollar bill in her hand.
"I want to give you a nice tip, Jason. Before I forget." Mrs. Mason stands by the picnic table, and she seems to be waiting
for me to get out and take my tip from her. After a moment, when nobody says anything, "Is there something wrong?" she asks.
"Jason doesn't have a swimsuit on," says Mandy.
It takes a moment for that to sink in, and Mrs. Mason says "Jason, you're skinny dipping in front of my children?"
"Umm, yes. Randy doesn't have anything that will fit me."
"Get out of the pool and come here young man," Mrs. Mason says.
I get out of the pool, and I walk over to the picnic table. At first I cover up, but when I'm standing just a few feet from
Mrs. Mason, I put my hands to the sides.
"My goodness, Jason. When you said you make deliveries, you really deliver." Mrs. Mason says, and she gazes upon my naked
body, her eyes lingering a long time on my dick. I fight the urge to cover up. I'm not going to cover up. Watching Mrs. Mason's
face, a good looking face for what I considered an older woman, the face of a mom, I can feel her gaze wrapping around my
balls. I feel her eyes measuring my penis, and as if being commanded, my dick starts to swell and lengthen. I'm still not
going to cover up. I don't care if I spring to a full fledged and raging hardon in front of Mrs. Mason.
The sight of my dick on the rise snaps Mrs. Mason out of her reverie.
"Randy, come here. Get Jason a towel."
Randy gets out of the pool. Covering himself he walks toward the back door of the house.
"Randy, swimming naked too? Bring your ass over here," Mrs. Mason tells her son, and Randy stands over next to me,
continuing to cover his crotch with his hands.
"Mandy, do you have a swimsuit on?"
"No mother, I don't."
"Then you get out and come over here too." Mrs. Mason says, and Mandy gets out of the water and walks over, covering
herself from the direct gaze of her mother upon her nakedness.
Mrs. Mason turns her gaze back onto me and my half way hard dick pointing outward.
"Jason, you aren't covering yourself. Aren't you ashamed?"
"No ma'am," I said. "I haven't done anything wrong."
"Mandy, you were okay with this skinny dipping? He didn't make you do it?"
"No mom. We dared him. It was my idea and Randy's," Mandy says, and she grabs on of Randy's hands. Brother and sister
stand together in solidarity. The hand Mandy used was the one she covered her small tits, so her chest is in full view.
"I want Jason to come back. I asked him and he promised me he will come back."
Randy takes his other hand away from covering his penis. He's not having the same spring action, not having the "arousal" of
standing in front of his mom naked, not like my arousal of standing naked in front of Randy's mother. Mandy sees this and she too
drops her hand and uncovers her young girl hairless slit. Mrs. Mason looks her two kids over and then turns to me.
"Jason, when does your shift end on Sunday's," Mrs. Mason asks.
"My shift ends at 3:00," I said.
"On Sunday's, I'm going to order pizza for a 3:00 delivery. Your shift will be finished and you can stay and swim with Randy
and Mandy. However, there is one thing I will not allow. I forbid you to wear a swimsuit while you are in the pool. Is that
okay with you kids?"
"Yes. Yes, awesome," Mandy says
Randy gives me a quick bro-hug.
Mrs. Mason hands me the ten dollar bill.
"You need to find your clothes so I can drive you to your house. It's too dangerous out on the streets right now for you to
ride your bike."
On the ride in Mrs. Mason's car, it looked to me the streets were safe enough to ride my bike. The obstructions in the
streets were moved aside and the traffic is flowing. I think Mrs. Mason wanted to know where I lived, wanted me to know
that she knows where I live.
For the rest of the summer, Mrs. Mason put in an order for pizzas at exactly 2:15, knowing it would take exactly 45 minutes
for the pizzas to be made and for me to deliver them to her house. After making the delivery I stay and play with Randy
and Mandy in the pool. I swim naked, as has been ordered by Mrs. Mason. Randy got used to the idea of swimming nude
with his mom around, and he too ditched the suit. Mandy kept her swimsuit on. A few times Mrs. Mason put her swimsuit
on and she jumped into the pool. Mostly she sat at the picnic table and watched, or she sat at the side of the pool and watched.
A couple times Blondie and Brian came over to join in. At first Mrs. Mason was concerned when Blondie and Brian walk in on
me and Randy standing naked by the pool. When she learns that Blondie and Brian have seen me naked before, she allows
them to join the party. Blondie kept her swimsuit on in front of Mrs. Mason. Brian was quick to toss his suit away. He
wasn't about to let Randy be braver than him.
Mrs. Mason developed a concern for my skin, insisted I be well protected with sunscreen. She would have me stand a few
feet from the pool, as she coated my body, backside and front, with the sunscreen. Randy and Mandy would stand in the
pool, by the side closest to me, and they enjoyed my discomfort at having their mom slather cream all over me. I could
see them whisper to each other, as they make bets on whether or not I will pop a boner, while their mom's hands are rubbing
sunscreen on my stomach or my thighs. Though she was probably tempted, Mrs. Mason never touched my penis. Maybe because
I'm fifteen years old, just a few years older than her kids. If we were in private, and I was 17 or 18 years old, things might have
been different.
Those were my Sunday afternoons for a month. Labor Day weekend was different. It was the week Randy had his 13th
birthday. It was a Sunday when Mrs. Mason had to fill in for a sick co-worker at the airport. It was the Sunday Randy and
Mandy's cousins were over for the weekend, 14 year old Derek, and 12 year old Denise.
But the story of what transpired on that weird and crazy Sunday will have to be told another day.