2022 Halloween Contest: Raiment of Asmodeus

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2022 Halloween Contest: Raiment of Asmodeus

Post by Executionus »


Raiment of Asmodeus Contest Prologue:

Most have forgotten the truth behind the monsters that once walked the Earth, although this is by our design across centuries after the creatures near-extinction so they could hardly be blamed for their ignorance. Regardless, the "near" in "near-extinction" requires constant vigil and attention.

For those of you reading this memoir, I go by the name Paul Ladin. No this is not my birth name, but when dealing in affairs with demonkind it is exceedingly wise to prevent them or their various minions from acquiring your true name. At my age I barely remember what my birth name was anymore to be honest. But details about me are irrelevant to the discussion today about what remains of Hell's presence on the very Earth Itself.

As a refresher on ancient Biblical history, Eve was not the first love of Adam. When Adam (the prototype for man) was forged of the sacred Red Clay, originally a female was likewise forged of the Red Clay as his promised. The first woman, Lilith, refused her roles as Adam's betrothed, demanding to be his equal in all ways and refusing the submissive feminine partnership roles ordained upon her by God. As punishment she was banished from the Garden and Eve was then created from Adam's rib. As Eve was created as but a part of Adam, she never sought anything but to be his life's partner. They, of course, later bit of the Forbidden Fruit and lost their innocence and immortality, also ending up banished. All of humanity descended from them, often via miraculous interventions.

Lilith, meanwhile, never ate of the fruit. She remained immortal, yet spiteful. As the ages went on, she grew to loathe the descendants of Adam and her replacement. A deal was made with the forces of Hell: Lilith would use occult rituals to lay with all manner of hell-imprisoned demons who would sire within her their wicked children. As she walked the Earth immortal, all of her evil children would be born here...on Earth. Lilith became the Mother of All Monsters. Countless creatures emerged from her womb, a womb forged in perfection by the Creator Himself using the Red Clay then tainted and warped by the near-infinite cleverness of the Morning Star, Lucifer. While never tasting of the sinful fruit, Lilith managed to commit a greater sin than any other human could possibly commit.

Asmodeus, the Sin of Lust, was particularly fond of bedding Lilith, producing thousands of sexual monsters known as Succubi and Incubi. These are vampiric creatures with incredible magical powers, who feed off of the sexual energies of virgins. If they copulate with an innocent virgin, that virgin's soul is instantly defiled in ways that are difficult to reverse. The taint upon the soul of an innocent can be quickly detected by Heaven, however, and a large number of these Incubi and Succubi foolishly earned their own smiting by the flaming sword of Uriel or by the potent magics of Raphael. These demons of Lust required sexual energy to survive, but feeding carried immense risk to their safety.

Eventually Lilith was captured and imprisoned where she could no longer breed with any Hellspawn. She remains in her runic tomb beneath the Vatican to this very day. Her children would all perish one by one, either by the hands of man, the wrath of the Archangels Uriel and Raphael, or by simply running out of energy over time and sinking low into the burning hells which sired them to begin with. The various varieties of monsters were forced to chose between a quick death by feeding and being discovered by the hunters, or a slow death by not feeding enough in their attempts to hide. It is believed that the last of the monsters fell into the Stygian Pit centuries ago...all except one.

There exists an Incubus who was far more clever than his peers, whose chosen name is said to be "Flitsen". Thousands of years ago, this Incubus discovered that he could absorb tiny bits of sexual energy from virgins who were overcome with sexual shame (such as when accidentally nude in front of others and embarrassed about it). He could also feed off of the energy of any virgins or innocents who were experiencing arousal from witnessing humiliating acts that produced that high adrenaline jolt in all involved. Since he was not directly having sex with either these embarrassed or these perverted virgins, their souls were not defiled in the slightest and he could remain undetected from Heaven's wrath. Societies around the globe adding a shame element to the very concept of nudity had inadvertently enabled Flitsen to find a tasty loophole to the fate his brothers and sisters all fell to. The older he became, the stronger his magic grew.

Flitsen is written to have operated multiple schemes and projects over the various millennia, some more brazen than others. In modern times his actions include reportedly disguising himself as a clown and running a sexual haunted house of sorts, which vanished without a trace the moment we discovered it. The denizens of that town no longer even remember his presence, as if he was never there at all. To say that he is many steps ahead of us in the Demon Hunter Corps would be quite the understatement. Thankfully his operations are normally small time revolving around farming sexual shame for his food and power, as opposed to using his fantastical magic abilities for anything large or destructive. No matter how powerful he grows, he still fears a date with either Uriel or Raphael (As he rightly should, by God).

There is one project that he created long ago, however, that remains a huge problem we can never seem to handle: The Raiment of Asmodeus. ~3,250 years ago during the reign of Ozymandias/Ramesses the Great in Egypt, Flitsen borrowed of his father's name and powers as the Sin of Lust in order to forge eight magical rings, with each one containing one of his own magical abilities. As seven is the sacred number of Heaven, symbolizing perfection, the number eight was chosen as a deliberate affront to God by proclaiming these rings to be paradoxically even more perfect than Heaven itself. The rings were then given a dark perversion of life and sentience before being sent on their missions. They roam the ethereal plane searching for virgins who are desperate, horny beyond compare, and creative. The rings seek those with a fetish for the sexual embarrassment and reluctant nudity of others, usually a very public form of embarrassment.

Once a virgin is chosen, he or she becomes a Ringbearer. The energy farmed from these rings, from the Ringbearers themselves to their victims and even to those who merely witness these events, all of it is sent across the ethereal plane directly into Flitsen as sweet nourishment. Every single sordid action taken in the presence of one of these rings produces food for the Incubus, therefore the Eight Rings purposely seek out the horniest and most clever virgin masters they can possibly find. As you might expect, adolescents are almost exclusively the age range of person chosen to wield a ring, as they fantasize about nudity and sex every waking hour (and then twice as much while dreaming).

The Ringbearers command one of eight magical abilities, free to use them as much as they wish as long as they only do so in perverted ways. Flitsen, clever to a fault, designed the Eight Rings to be useless outside of sexual perversion to prevent their mission being derailed by thoughts of conquest or wealth acclimation by the Ringbearers. No, the Eight Rings will simply have no effect if an attempt to use them is not fueled at least partially in some lustful pursuit, and they are completely hardcoded against any effort to acquire wealth or cause violence to an enemy. They exist solely to enhance the capabilities of the Ringbearers towards satisfying their every horny desire...all desires except one, that is.

You see, there are other rules to the rings usage, and first among them is the one rule most frequently broken: ONLY virgins can be a Ringbearer because of the nature of the Incubus, therefore all sex and direct sexual contact is forbidden. A Ringbearer cannot even give or receive hand stimulation of genitals without violating this rule. The Ringbearers can look without limit, but they can never touch the goods nor can they be sexually touched by another. Even without physical contact, acts of mutual true love will invalidate a Ringbearer as well. They cannot even enjoy a deep lovers kiss, as this would count as an intimate action in the eyes of the rings.

The Ringbearers are required to always be alone, always horny, and always perverted as opposed to seeking emotional attachments. This is why this is the rule that is almost always broken in the end, as the Ringbearers eventually desire more than they are allowed to have. Once this rule is violated, the Ringbearer loses their powers forever and the ring disappears to seek out a new master. While the Ringbearers are allowed to masturbate themselves without limit (and are actually encouraged to do so as food for the Incubus), the growing desire for actual human intimacy and love usually overwhelms the vast majority of these wielders within the first few years. Most voluntarily lose their powers once a life without sex and love proves unlivable. Once they make this choice, be it on purpose or by accident, the cycle continues and a new host is chosen somewhere in the world.

All Ringbearers are psychically warned about this the very first time the ring appears on their finger, along with all other rules and instructions for use. The rings are "alive" for lack of a better word, and they each possess a psychic intelligence that can be communicated with at will should the Ringbearer desire it. This intelligence also prevents a ring from being tricked somehow, as the ring alone decides who its host is at all times. A ring cannot be given or stolen, because the human is not wearing the ring. The ring is wearing the human and can change its mind on a whim if displeased. That said, anyone chosen in the first place is normally very worthy of using the ring and unlikely to lose it quickly, until they choose to break rule #1.

The other rules to the usage of the rings mostly revolve around avoiding too much attention to the magical powers they possess. Anyone who tries to directly expose the magic to a large crowd will find themselves without magic instead. That being said, the rings all have an innate capacity for making those affected by its powers or those nearby all less aware of the supernatural. While some of the powers of the rings would obviously be supernatural to a sane person and elicit fear, shock, and some form of action, the Eight Rings greatly diminish this response in the people around them. The rings automatically sense recording equipment such as cameras, usually blocking them from capturing anything definitively magical and ensuring that recordings look "natural". Unless an effort is made to directly point out the supernatural aspect, or an effort is made to circumvent the free will of a target, in general the people around will have reactions ranging from "neat" to "that's a little weird". Someone whose free will is being over-ruled, however, will be very aware that there is magic at work. Of course, the ring at work doesn't care about the opinions of one person, or two, or even three. Who would ever believe what those people had to say? As long as exposure isn't widespread, everything is perfectly fair game as far as the rings are concerned. This rule is almost impossible to break on accident unless a Ringbearer is profoundly incompetent.

Despite being powered by a literal Sin from Hell, there is no actual requirement of cruelty, sadism, or evil in the hearts of a Ringbearer...only intense and constant horniness and a longing for embarrassing nudity. Many of the Ringbearers are simply lonely and desperate, and after a few wild weeks or months of living their every fantasy they often choose to use the power of whichever ring they have to seek out and secure actual love (willing to trade the magic for that). That being said, there are those among the Ringbearer ranks who are quite sadistic and truly get off to the power itself. Those types of boys and girls have a tendency to hold onto the power for years. Woe be unto anyone attractive in the immediate orbit of a particularly cruel and creative Ringbearer, as the extent of their public humiliation could reach into the record books for such things. A person who gets off more to the power and control over others as opposed to any form of emotional connection could hold power for quite a long time. Theoretically, a person could hold onto a ring for life if they are forever celibate and alone while always horny, a task made easier in the modern era with massive advances in sex toy technologies. It is one of our tasks as Demon Hunters to attempt to locate and eliminate any Ringbearer who causes too much suffering and clings too strongly to their addictive power. It is unknown if the rings choose to warn Ringbearers about us or not.

With no further explanations to give regarding the nature of the Eight Rings as a collective item, now I shall describe the powers of each individual ring...as well as various potential perversions that can be done with such a power. As I am a man of virtue, I would never hazard the assumption that my lists of possible perversions is anywhere near complete, and thusly it should be seen as but the minimum of what could be expected from the sex-crazed teens bearing such powers. The Eight Rings are named as follows:


Seeing and not seeing, sharing sight with all things that see. X-ray vision, invisibility, even the act of turning a person's clothes invisible to everyone but the person themselves. Create illusions and choose who sees them and who doesn't (illusions include sound, but cannot be touched). Can remotely view through anything the Bearer has looked at that has eyes including the eyes of a picture on the wall or stuffed animal, watching your targets during their most private and intimate of moments. This includes any camera lens seen by the Bearer. Even crudely drawn eyes become eyes that can be used at will, drawn by hand inconspicuously in every private location imaginable. A voyeur's paradise for those who want to see everything from everyone.

Feeling and not feeling, all parts of touch. Ability to simulate any feeling on someone or simulate the feeling of anything on yourself. For example, masturbating someone in a public setting where they feel it all even though you're not even close to each other. Control over skin sensitivity. A person could be stripped without feeling their clothing being removed at all, still feeling the item long after it's gone. Make someone feel tickled, licked, rubbed, or filled at any time, including making their skin or parts more sensitive to the touch beforehand. Can increase how sensitive someone's privates are to being touched so massively that even the underwear rubbing them during mere foot steps bring them to the edge.

Altering the state of objects. Clothes become too loose and fall, or start to shrink and ride up every crevice. Swimsuits become dissolvable in water. Clothes can be turned unbearably itchy or made to feel unbearably warm unless removed. Locks unlocked. Panties can be turned into vibrating panties, as can nipple piercings. Your phone's Google/Apple account can be changed to everyone in the school one after the other, saving any racy private pictures found. You can transform somebody's clothing into bondage restraints in an instant. Details about a person's body can be changed at will, such as grooming level or part sizes. Certain parts can be set to their most erect and aroused states and forced to stay that way until changed back. Change someone's food or drink to have a powerful aphrodisiac effect. This ring can even temporarily change someone's sexual orientation. So many various possibilities.

Make things move or stop moving with your mind. This includes telekinesis and freezing anything in place. A naked person can be physically prevented from covering up by an invisible force holding their arms no matter how desperately they fight against it. Someone can be moved around and posed at will, including telekinetically spreading a pussy or asshole, presenting views that surpass the pornographic and skip right into medical clarity. A target can be turned into a fully-aware statue unable to move an inch and then placed on display, incapable of moving or even talking no matter what is done to them. Alternatively, a naked person can be piloted like a puppet and forced to walk down the hallway filled with their peers while smiling and waving, screaming internally the whole time. The ultimate bondage and control power.

Control what someone wants or does not want, their fetishes and their fears. Flood a person with so much arousal and desire to touch themselves that they actually start to do it in public. Remove a target's fear of nudity and their modesty, while increasing their desire to be a nudist, and watch as they walk naked down a public street care free. Or alternatively, do the exact opposite and make nudity somebody's #1 fear before stripping them, savoring their wild and limitless desperation for your mercy. Make your fetish their fetish and then crank it up to obsession level. Set a person's fear of you into the negatives so they would literally trust you with their life, then use that trust to get anything you want from them. Or just give them a massive phobia while in public of all forms of clothing and watch the chaos. Almost limitless potential for manipulating others.

Add or delete memories, as well as reading all of someone's memories and secrets. Walk right into the public shower, make them falsely remember it being co-ed, then afterward make everyone forget that you were ever there. Make your crush think you've been dating and sexually active for years and then let them put on a strip show for you. Or even better, make them think they're a pro stripper and have them put on a show for a whole crowd. Make the whole school falsely remember starting the Naked in School Program with your crush as the first nude student. You can even add extra humiliation to the crush by NOT giving them the false Program memories, so your crush just thinks everyone has gone crazy while being forcibly stripped and ordered to attend classes that way. You control someone's future when you re-write their past. By reading someone's memories you can literally watch every time that they've masturbated themselves through their own eyes, or just make that person falsely remember that the law only allows them to masturbate in your bedroom with you watching them. Reading minds let you learn their deepest and most overpowering kinks and fantasies to use on them, as well as shameful secrets they hide from everyone (potentially even subconscious secrets they hide even from themselves).

Switching two things/people. The main use of this is body swapping, taking over a sexy person's body to use however you see fit (might want to handcuff your own body first). The ring stays with the Ringbearer even as bodies swap. In someone else's body you can take countless nudes to send to yourself (or post publicly), or experience the other gender's masturbation for yourself. You can enjoy a group shower in the locker room without anyone knowing your true gender. Swap to your crush's significant other and then have steamy video chat sex with them. Other items can be swapped too, such as switching an inserted tampon with a vibrator or switching two people's swimsuits at the pool when they are wildly different heights and sizes. Switch two people's current arousal levels, or swap the sexual stimulation sensitivity of someone's genitals with their tongue while they're trying to eat in the cafeteria.

Rewinding people, items, or time itself back to an earlier state. Giant undo button for all consequences. Revert a target's clothing to their literal birthday suit, or rewind their arousal level in public to where it was the last time they masturbated. You can make a person appear younger, such as removing certain hallmarks of puberty and development from their body and stripping them of their physical maturity. If you wish, you can watch a person cum over and over again back to back endlessly by constantly rewinding their body back to the edge after every orgasm without limit. If the Ringbearer is an exhibitionist, they could do anything they wanted, in front of anyone they wanted (such as streaking the crowded school cafeteria) and then simply undo everything when it's over, erasing all evidence and even memories of what just occurred for everyone but the Ringbearer. This power also makes gambling and bets into sure things since you can just go back in time if you lost and change things.


These powers each hold unfathomable potential for sexual hijinks and embracing of a person's wildest, most impossible fantasies. It is difficult to imagine the temptations that would overcome a young boy or girl, already struggling massively with their hormones and runaway imaginations, one day waking up with one of those Eight Rings on their finger. In the modern digital age, however, we can do more than merely imagine. Many former Ringbearers take to the internet to write stories about what they did with this power, stories masked as erotic fiction. By seeking out and reading all of these stories, every last one of them, perhaps we can isolate some clue or weakness to the rings (or their master) that could finally give us the capability of eliminating this last monster and his stain from the Earth.

And even if no clues are ever found...we can at least partake in a respectful carnal enjoyment of the content we are reading. After all, we are but humans and have needs ourselves. It's difficult to avoid on some level wishing that I was one of those chosen to command such power, but alas.... In my foolishness as a young youth I laid with the first girl that I could acquire, unknowingly removing myself from consideration long before I ever joined the Demon Hunters and learned of the Raiment of Asmodeus in the first place. In hindsight...such a terrible, terrible waste. Oh what might have been. Oh indeed!


And this is the contest at hand this year. You will all choose one of these infernal rings forged by Flitsen in the name of his father Asmodeus, and tell the story of one of their Ringbearers. All entries should have ROA (Raiment of Asmodeus) at the beginning of the thread title. There is no length limit, but you have to be finished by Halloween. All of spooky season is the time limit, as this contest ends November 1st when all of the Hallows come out to chase away the spirits from Hallow's Eve. The special rules for this contest are as follows:

1: All Ringbearers must be virgins, and they lose their powers if they lose their virginities, reach 3rd base level of sexual contact, or experience a true love kiss. Stories can end with the Ringbearer making the choice to lose their powers in the pursuit of love.
2: Ringbearers can be either male or female, as can their targets. As a child of Asmodeus, Flitsen is quite pansexual.
3: Stories can be set in ANY era or region over the last 3,250 years. The rings have existed for over 3 millennia and worked globally.
4: Each Ringbearer only gets one ring and cannot acquire another. We're not doing horny Thanos over here. Rings cannot be stolen or given, as only the rings decide who wears them at any time.
5: The powers of the rings can only be used for perverted purposes and are hardcoded against violence or helping Ringbearers get money. This is to prevent distractions from farming sexual energy.
6: Ringbearers are not supposed to draw too much attention to the magic. The rings produce a threat-reduction power which blocks detection and recording, but it's forbidden to try and bypass this or be too reckless.
7: Ringbearers normally have some level of ENF/ENM fetish, because shame and embarrassment make for good sexual energy without risking defilement of souls.
8: The rings prefer public embarrassment with many witnesses because energy is farmed from both the victims and the witnesses. It's not required, but the rings will ask their hosts for it.
9: The rings can psychically communicate with their Ringbearers and inform them of all rules and guidelines, while also suggesting temptations from time to time. They mostly prefer to be silent outside of important alerts or answering questions, unless their host wishes their ring to be more talkative. If a Ringbearer wanted, their ring could be as talkative as Venom is to Eddie Brock.
10: All ring powers are used by thought, activating the moment the Ringbearer wishes them to and exactly how the Ringbearer imagines. The Rings read their hosts' minds and interpret intent precisely.
11: Multiple authors can pick the same ring, although I do hope that all eight get at least one story.
12: And for the first time in any contest, I am allowing authors MULTIPLE entries if they can't pick just one ring. Each entry from an author requires a different ring and host, but the same author can use all eight.
---To avoid splitting your fan vote with multiple entries, the votes will be for authors as a whole instead of single stories.

Because I enjoy chaos, I don't tend to set specific rules often. Aside from what is written above, basically anything should be fine. You can do a one-off, a long story about a specific Ringbearer, or even a journey of a specific ring across history with multiple hosts and their actions. Whatever works best.

And the prize for winning the contest is something that I don't believe has ever been offered by anyone before: The winner of this contest will be able to design a character in their entirety (name, gender, appearance, personality) who will be a regular character in Sophie and Minka's School Shenanigans, the sequel series that I plan to begin in the new year. You could design yourself, design your crush, or design your dream partner. Once created you can hope that they experience some sexy shenanigans as a result of knowing Sophie/Minka. I'm leaving a lot of this very open, which is exciting to me.

As a form of keeping track of each ring being selected, I will update the list below to note if any authors have posted stories or announced intention to write a story with that ring. If you're wanting to pick a ring that nobody has done yet, you can simply choose from the unchosen ones below. You can post in this thread if you want to declare interest in one of them.

Good luck! And may Lust Himself look favorably upon your entries.

ImageVision -- Executionus, Seven of clubs
ImageSensation -- Clockspinning
ImageChange -- Morgan13, Mastergepetto, DrWhoFanJ, SillyStories
ImageMovement -- Possibly Nikolai, Sadken, Seeker22,
ImageDesire -- Jastes22, Girlspns,
ImageMemory -- Superevil7,
ImageSwap -- Nothing4u2c,
ImageRevert -- QuietCustom, Humilatron,
Last edited by Executionus on Fri Nov 11, 2022 2:23 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: 2022 Halloween Contest: Raiment of Asmodeus

Post by Morgan13 »

Seems great. I'm not sure if I can take part, I'm new here, (must confess that this competition convinced me to register, not only read like usual :-p) but have an idea for a story about change ring.
:D Smile all the time :D

The Berry Flavour of Life - the multi-part story by yours truly, I hope it'll grow and grow :)
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Re: 2022 Halloween Contest: Raiment of Asmodeus

Post by Humilatron »

I feel like I have to choose Revert :) I definitely have some ideas for it.
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Re: 2022 Halloween Contest: Raiment of Asmodeus

Post by mastergepetto »

This is going to be so much fun! I have a couple ideas in my head regarding the Change Ring. You said no “horny Thanos,” but would you accept a story where two ring bearers cross paths for an extraordinary humiliation?

Also, will you be writing a story as well? I would LOVE to see what you come up with for this prompt, even if it gives you an advantage.
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Re: 2022 Halloween Contest: Raiment of Asmodeus

Post by QuietCustom »

My protagonist will be taking the revert ring.
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Re: 2022 Halloween Contest: Raiment of Asmodeus

Post by Sad Ken »

I'd quite like to take Movement, but is there a restriction that only one author can be assigned to a ring?

Cos if there is you might be better holding it for Nikolai. I'm rather susceptible to writers block.
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Re: 2022 Halloween Contest: Raiment of Asmodeus

Post by Executionus »

Sad Ken wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:07 pm I'd quite like to take Movement, but is there a restriction that only one author can be assigned to a ring?

Cos if there is you might be better holding it for Nikolai. I'm rather susceptible to writers block.
Absolutely not. Multiple authors can take each ring, and an author can chose to write different stories using different rings if they couldn't pick just one to do. I even made it so if somebody wanted to do so, they could write ALL EIGHT rings a story. The fact that the rings exist across history is useful for writing as well, since any author who wants to avoid conflict with a fellow writer can simply set their own story in a different time. For example, I grew up in the 90s so I could set a story during my own childhood era if I wanted to.

Also it should be mentioned that Nikolai has also been susceptible to writer's block lately. Either way, I'll add you both to Movement.
Morgan13 wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:52 am Seems great. I'm not sure if I can take part, I'm new here, (must confess that this competition convinced me to register, not only read like usual :-p) but have an idea for a story about change ring.
Everyone can take part! It would be silly to restrict this to only established authors. Some of the fun of contests like this is getting new authors involved with the prompts and having a surge of new stories. I'll add you to the Change list.
mastergepetto wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 6:04 pm This is going to be so much fun! I have a couple ideas in my head regarding the Change Ring. You said no “horny Thanos,” but would you accept a story where two ring bearers cross paths for an extraordinary humiliation?

Also, will you be writing a story as well? I would LOVE to see what you come up with for this prompt, even if it gives you an advantage.
Two Ringbearers joining forces would be extremely unusual, but it's possible if the rings were into it. Normally they don't interact with each other at all because they are scattered across the entire globe. The rings mostly do whatever the hell they feel like doing while in pursuit of their mission of farming sexual energy, so it's possible that two of the rings could get bored and want to do a collab for a change. The Change Ring in particular would obviously be prone to changing things up from time to time, so I could see Change purposely picking a host in the same town/school as one of the other rings. So yeah, if you have a good idea for it, then go for it!

I've also been asked about a Ringbearer trying to appoint their own successor as one of their friends once they get ready to lose their virginity (and their power). The rings do what they want and can't be ordered, but if the ring likes the suggested new host enough they could be persuaded to pick them. The rings seek out very horny and creative people because the rings want to be used constantly and in interesting ways. The rings might make a suggested new host prove their worth in some way, some test of their deviancy.

As for me writing a story, I probably will. Me being me I already have good story ideas for most of the rings and that's without me actively trying to think stuff up. If any of the rings go this whole season without being chosen by anyone I'll definitely jump on them to do them justice.

If I was going to choose just one ring for myself it would be Desire, partially because I have such a distinct love for intense female arousal which I could crank up with a thought. It's also such a great ring for a mastermind. I also have a longstanding love for tricks that would fall under the Vision Ring (and I've written stories in the past using this type of magic before). The Sensation Ring is also interesting to me and is one of the few rings where the Ringbearer could actually be completely sweet and benevolent, using the power to constantly make people around them feel good.

The ring that I am probably the most curious about from a reader's POV would be the Swap Ring. Body swapping and things of that nature are common in Japanese porn, but I've almost never seen anything of that nature in an ENP story in this community. There's such a wide range of untapped potential there.

All-in-all I am very excited for this! I've been planning this contest for several months now and I enjoyed the fact that this works as a spinoff from Flesh Eaters detailing other schemes of the Incubus Flitsen. I have a desire to use that character in a future story at some point actually, but that's a long way away most likely.

PS: While the character of Flitsen is a custom creation, the rest of the lore mentioned in the prologue (Lilith Mother of Monsters) is actual Biblical canon. In medieval times Incubi were said to sneak into a sleeping virgin woman's bedroom through the window and rape her, so it became customary for fathers to lock windows for their daughters in order to preserve their purity. Succubi were said to do the same to young boys, but that threat obviously wasn't taken quite as seriously. The act of sexual feeding was said to sustain the creature at the cost of tainting the former-virgin's souls. A young girl whose hymen was lost before she ever knowingly had sex was usually assumed to be the victim of an Incubus and had to undergo a big ritual to regain her lost purity before she could ever be married.

I have a longstanding love for Judeo-Christian Mythology. It's surprisingly deep even though 99% of modern Christians only really know a tiny handful of the stories and entities in official canon.
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Re: 2022 Halloween Contest: Raiment of Asmodeus

Post by Girlspns »

I'm taking desire here, I already have a story in mind and that one fits the bill.
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Re: 2022 Halloween Contest: Raiment of Asmodeus

Post by jastes22 »

Girlspns wrote: Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:55 am I'm taking desire here, I already have a story in mind and that one fits the bill.
Looks like I got some competition :p
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