Boys on Holiday - Swimming ENM

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Boys on Holiday - Swimming ENM

Post by Theoneandonly10 »

This happened when I was 11 and left such an impression on me I still obsess over CFNM to this day!

I had gone on holidays with my family to a beachside resort just north of Sydney, Australia and on my first day there I met this other boy called Ethan, also 11. We hung out for a while getting to know each other and when we decided to get in the pool he simply stripped off totally naked and jumped in. Public nudity in Australia isn't really acceptable, so of course I was wearing my swimmers the entire time, but none of the adults who were around seemed to care much. At first I was really surprised and and little bit intimidated - Ethan was a good couple of inches taller than me, tanned, in fantastic shape, and he'd definitely been blessed with a large boyhood! I remember feeling relieved that I didn't have to get naked as well due to his impressive stature and looks. I later found out that Ethan's family were well known in the local town for being nudists but as they were such nice people it was tolerated. Anyway, we swam around for a bit and then got out to play on the arcade machines in the rec centre. Ethan put his shorts back on and we headed over to see what kind of games they had. Surprisingly, the resort hardly had any people there so we had the entire arcade and pool to ourselves basically. The only adults around seemed to be more interested in getting drunk and falling asleep on the lounge chairs around the pool. On this point, the pool also had a large heated spa right next to it, and I remember thinking it would be awesome to relax in there in the cooler mornings.

In the late afternoon, just as we'd started playing table tennis, a couple of young girls came in and started playing the arcades. We all introduced ourselves, the young girls letting us know their names were Erin and Shelby, both 10, and after a couple of minutes we invited them to play table tennis with us. I could tell immediately that Erin had already taken a shine to Ethan, offering to be on his team and generally acting like she was in puppy-love. She was a tiny thing, milky white, quite skinny with a mouth full of braces and a long, chestnut brown ponytail snaking it's way down her back. Shelby was, to put it bluntly, pretty dour and not all that attractive. She was a freckly redhead, quite overweight, and had a prickly attitude underpinned by a constant sarcasm. She didn't seem to like Ethan that much, but thinking back that was probably due to jealousy. Anyway, as the day wore on Erin continued to develop her pretty obvious crush on Ethan, while he maintained a totally nonplussed demeanour - he was by no means rude or mean to Erin, but he obviously wasn't reciprocating the affection Erin was lavishing on him. At dinner time we all said goodbye and agreed to meet in the spa at 10am the next morning.

At 9.30 Ethan knocked on our door and we ran out to hop in the spa. I had my board shorts on and Ethan, of course, was butt naked. After about 30 minutes the girls joined us and hopped in the spa. Shelby had a one-piece swimsuit while Erin was almost covered head to toe in board shorts and a rashie. In Australia, a rashie is kind of a long-sleeved swimming top that resembles a turtle neck, so in combination with her board shorts the only visible bits of her skin were her lower legs and feet. I figured this must be because she was so pale and her parents didn't want her getting sunburned. So with all of us in the spa Erin sat herself down right next to Ethan as Shelby and I were sat opposite them both. At this point none of the girls had any idea that Ethan was naked as the bubbles from the spa obscured everything from the chest down, and none of us wanted to get out because it was still a bit cold. After talking for a bit and planning out what we were all going to do that day I heard a 'click' and the jets in the spa started to stop - the timer on the spa was set for 30 minute increments and when the time ran out you had to sort of lean out of the spa and press a button again to trigger the next 30 minutes of bubbles. So, as Ethan was the closest he kind of leant out of the spa to press the button. It's hard to describe, but because Erin was sat next to Ethan and leaning a little bit forward she couldn't really see him when he leant out of the spa, but Shelby definitely did. As soon as he leant out and hit the button Shelby gasped, clasped her hands to her mouth, and immediately screeched:

"Ewwww, that's gross! Why are you in the nude! Yuck!"

By the time she had said it Ethan had already sat back down as Shelby and Erin both stared in shock. Shelby had a look of disgust on her face that I'll never forget to this day, but Erin just stared at him wide eyed with her mouth agape, a shade of red flushing over her face.

"Shut up, who cares?" Ethan shot back.

"It's weird! Nobody else is nude, you're so gross!" Shelby hissed.

"Well don't look then, ginger!" Ethan replied.

Shelby looked quite hurt by this and just crossed her arms in annoyance, muttering something I couldn't hear. Erin, redder than a beetroot, quietly asked:

"...are you seriously nude?"

Before Ethan had a chance to answer, and seeing an opportunity to embarrass Ethan more, Shelby chimed in:

"Yeah, he is. And his dick is all big and gross, it's disgusting!"

Ethan just sat there as an awkward silence descended over the spa. Shelby was right, however - Ethan definitely had a large penis. For a boy of his age, it was definitely above average, and it was at this point I thanked my lucky stars that I wasn't also naked as I would have paled in comparison. I decided to break the silence by steering the conversation back to what we were going to do for the rest of the day, and we all started chatting again. The entire time Erin was just sitting, fidgeting and blushing as she tried to regain her composure. After another half an hour the jets in the spa died down again so we all decided it was warm enough now to hop in the pool. We all slowly stood up to get out and as Ethan's bottom half became visible Shelby again hissed:

"God, you're so gross. Why can't you just wear swimmers?"

"What's the problem, as if you've never seen a boy nude before, you've got a brother!" Ethan shot back.

"Yeah, but he has a normal size...ummm...thing! Not like yours! Yours is like a big, fat sausage, you dork!" Shelby retorted.

I got the impression that Shelby was trying to embarrass him by focusing on his impressively-sized boyhood, not really understanding that it wasn't normally an insult to accuse a boy of having a large endowment.

"So what? At least my hair isn't so red that I look like Ronald McDonald!" Ethan mockingly responded.

Shelby looked taken aback and began scowling, before she replied with her voice rising ever so slightly:

"Yeah, like I've never heard that before. I can dye my hair a different colour if I want. You can't do anything with that thing, I don't even know how you get your undies on over it. Is that why you're not wearing swimmers, can't find any that fit?!"

Ethan struggled to come up with a retort, but this time Erin actually came to his defence and bashfully said, in a rather diplomatic tone:

"Shelby, come on, get over it. Anyway, boys are meant to have big, um, you, big..."

"Big what, noses?!" Shelby grumpily drawled back as she crossed her arms in front of her, apparently annoyed that Erin was taking the side of her crush rather than her friend.

Like,, you know what I mean!" Erin stammered back nervously, her voice trembling.

Ethan kind of smiled and thanked Erin before gently rubbing her shoulder. Erin went even redder, her eyes not wavering from Ethan's lower half.

We all jumped in the pool and as we splashed around things returned to semi-normality. Of course, Erin didn't leave Ethan's side and each time he got out of the water or made his lower half in any way visible Erin's gaze never diverted. She was less in shock now but was extremely energetic and flirty, taking every opportunity to complement Ethan on anything and everything. After about an hour of swimming around, throwing balls to each other, diving and bombing off ledges a woman came into the pool area and called Ethan out:

"Ethan, come on, Mum says you need more sunscreen."

It turned out to be Ethan's step-sister. Ethan hopped out of the pool and stood in front of her while she squirted the sunscreen into her hands and began lathering it all over him. At this point Ethan had his back to us and while Shelby was busy playing around next to me on a pool lounger Erin had swam over to the shallow end of the pool and was watching Ethan intently. His step-sister was diligently rubbing the sunscreen into his chest, arms, stomach, legs and what I can only assume his nether-regions as he stood there obediently. I could see Erin grinning as this was the first time in around 2 hours that she had a totally uninterrupted view of Ethan's entire body. Shelby and I swam over to Erin at this point to tease her about how obvious it was that she had a major crush on Ethan. Then, just as we got over to her, Ethan's step-sister spun him around so he was facing us.

Erin's grin disappeared and this time it was her turn to make an audible gasp. Ethan stood in front of us for the first time with a look of mild embarrassment etched across his face, primarily because his circumcised dick was now fully erect, standing firmly at a 45 degree angle as the sunscreen caused his head to glisten in the sunlight. Before Erin could say anything Shelby rapidly started chattering, quietly for once and with a hint of desire:

"Whoa. He's got a stiffy,'s way bigger than's like a rocket! Do you reckon she was rubbing sunscreen into it? That's why it got so stiff? Oh, my's like nearly touching his belly button!"

Erin just nodded blankly as her gaze remained laser-focused on his dick. She began to flush red again as she drank in the view, and even Shelby seemed to be more than interested in Ethan's state. Each time Ethan's step-sister ran her hands over his back, butt and legs his dick started to twitch upwards, becoming more noticeable as the seconds passed. She stopped briefly to lather more sunscreen into her hands and then, without any warning, she moved to the side of Ethan and started rubbing it onto his front. Ethan began protesting:

"Come on, Jen, you've already done the front. I wanna get back in!" he gently pleaded.

"Quiet, I'll be done soon, Mum went crazy at me last time because I didn't put enough on and you ended up getting burned" she dispassionately replied, as if she was used to having this argument. In long, smooth strokes she spread the sunscreen onto his chest, stomach, thighs, and calves and began firmly massaging it in. Each time she ran her hands down his body Ethan's dick lurched upwards.

"Do you reckon she's gonna rub it into his dick?! Oh, my God, what do you reckon it feels like? Like, when it was soft it looked all, like, squishy, but now it's like a baseball bat..." Shelby whispered to Erin, her voice starting to tremble gently. Erin nodded slowly, her hands clasped tightly in front of her chest as if she was hugging herself to assuage her nervousness. She quietly responded, in a volume almost less than a whisper:

"I dunno, but you heard what she said. If she didn't put it on properly, she'd get in trouble..."

And then, in one quick movement, Jen moved both of her hands to his rigid boyhood and started to firmly massage the remainder of the sunscreen into it. Ethan noticeably flinched as she vigorously moved her hands back and forth over his ever-hardening dick, seemingly uninterested in the effect this was having on her step-brother. As Jen focused her efforts on his engorged cockhead Ethan started squirming on the spot, opening and closing his hands slightly as if to try and focus his attention on somewhere other than his dick. Shelby started audibly giggling before stifling her outburst and turning to face Erin, eyes wide with her hands clasped to her mouth as if to hide her true feelings.

"Do you reckon that feels good? Look at his feet, he's wiggling his toes!" she excitedly whispered to Erin.

Erin didn't even look at Shelby, instead keeping her gaze focused solely on the spectacle unfolding less than 15 feet away from her. Her hands now betrayed her inner excitement, as she anxiously intertwined her fingers and started waggling them together.

"...I can', my God. I mean, it looks like it feels good..." she nervously replied, her voice quivering and she finally looked away from Ethan to face Shelby. Both of the girls made eye contact briefly before huge grins spread across their faces, as if they were relishing the fact that they were both witness to something utterly new and stimulating. Then, their gazes re-focused on Ethan, who at this point had closed his eyes as Jen methodically worked the sunscreen into every inch of his rigid boyhood. Erin regressed back into a trance as the grin disappeared, replaced with something far more primal. This went on for the next 30 seconds or so as Jen finished up. As soon as she let go of his dick, he slowly opened his eyes and seemingly breathed a sigh of relief, as if the sensation itself was just too much to bear. His dick, however, simply lurched upwards in one laboured, desperate heave, as if to signal it wasn't quite finished yet. Then, he jumped straight back in the pool and swam over to us.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" he sheepishly asked, his face flushing red with excitement.

Erin seemed to snap out of her trance and she said, with a huge, toothy, braces-filled grin:

"Let's get on each other's shoulders and wrestle!"

We all agreed, so Shelby got on my shoulders and Erin got on Ethan's, as each of the girls proceeded to try and push the other into the water. As we were in the shallow end Ethan's bottom half was clearly visible, and his erection showed no signs of abating. After a few minutes Erin made another suggestion:

"Ok, now let's swap!"

So, I climbed onto Shelby's shoulders as Erin crouched down in the water. Ethan looked hesitant:

"Ummm...I don't know. I might be too big."

Shelby guffawed and snapped back:

"We can all see you're...big, Ethan."

Erin lightly giggled before she quickly interjected:

"Don't worry, I'll be able to hold you. Come on, hop on!"

And with that Ethan clambered onto Erin's shoulders, his dick still rigidly stiff, as Erin clearly struggled to stand up. As soon as Ethan threw his legs over her shoulders I saw the redness flow over her face again as she grinned her big, toothy grin and made a concerted effort to move her head back and forth as much as she could, ostensibly under the guise of asking Ethan if he was holding on alright. I could see Ethan actually starting to get a bit flushed himself, most likely from the sensation of his erection pressing firmly into the back of Erin's wet ponytail as she swayed it back and forth over his rigid boyhood. I couldn't actually see Shelby's face but I could feel her starting to giggle as she muttered under her breath something about Erin trying to make him stiffer. After a few tries and Erin getting more and more vigorous with her head movements, Ethan hopped off, stood up and, with his dick rapidly twitching in arousal, said:

"This isn't gonna work, what if we swap and I get on Shelby's shoulders?" to which Shelby replied, through fits of giggles:

"No way, dude! I don't want your stiffy poking me in the back of the head!"

Erin shot her a look that could burn through steel, as if to tell her not to derail her sneaky plan of getting to feel Ethan's dick without raising too much suspicion, before she snarled:

"Shut up, God! You keep going on about it! Just leave him alone, you're just jealous!"

Ethan and Erin just stood there, Ethan's erection still standing proud, as Erin turned to him and said:

"Come on, let's get in the spa, just us two" before taking his hand and leading him away.

And for the next hour or so Shelby and I continued playing in the pool while Ethan and Erin sat talking to each other in the spa. I watched intermittently as they both sat there and sensed that something was happening to Ethan that none of us could see - he was fully flushed red and mildly trembling, as Erin sweetly smiled at batted her eyelashes at him, until their parents both called for both Erin and Shelby to go inside for dinner. Erin gave Ethan a big hug goodbye as she got out, after which I went and sat in the spa with Ethan. He proceeded to tell me that as soon as they got in the spa Erin had started holding onto his dick and rubbing it, and hadn't let it go until her parents had called for her. Ethan left the resort the next day and I could see how disappointed Erin was when we met each other the next afternoon. But for that brief period of time it seems both Erin and Shelby had received an illuminating lesson in human biology and male sexuality that they wouldn't soon forget.
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Re: Boys on Holiday - Swimming ENM

Post by Jeepman89 »

Awesome story!
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Re: Boys on Holiday - Swimming ENM

Post by Executionus »

Nice story. I loved how Erin could barely help herself the entire time.
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Re: Boys on Holiday - Swimming ENM

Post by Buckaroo »

Good story.
My Stories here at Pantsing and stripping Forums:

Swim Meet viewtopic.php?t=4967

Closed Pool viewtopic.php?t=1383

Richard, Accidental Nudist viewtopic.php?t=1934
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Re: Boys on Holiday - Swimming ENM

Post by Mankiind »

This story has no business being as good as it is
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