Depantsing Pact Pt 1 by Who Cares

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Depantsing Pact Pt 1 by Who Cares

Post by PhilMarlowe »

Who Cares wrote: Depantsing Pact Pt 1 by Who Cares

This summer my buddies and I all got drunk and made a pact that this year we would each depants our girlfriends at least once during the school year. We want it to be a game really. Just the pants are a certain amount of points. The pants and panties are more. Duration down counts too. The more people see it the better and if you get her panties you get double points and the guys get to keep them. There is only one loser, the other three guys with the most points are all the winners. They get to jerk off on the loser's girl. The girls obviously don't know anything about any of this.
The thing is, the other guys have all gotten their girlfriends at least once now. The only one to not get his girl's panties down was George. His girl was wearing a thong too so we basically saw her whole butt. It happened to her at the mall in front of all of us. I got to spank her butt right before she pulled up her pants and went to the bathroom in a huff. All the other guys have gotten their girls to be on full display. Jack got his girl while at a pool party so she was completely naked for like five minutes. Under the water he pulled down her bottoms and threw them to George who was out of the pool. She screamed, attracting way more attention than she would have anyway, and ran right out of the pool holding her crotch. Unfortunately for her Jack saw that coming so he was waiting for her. He grabbed her flimsy skank bikini top and ripped it right off, baring her sweet tanlined boobs to everyone there. All the guests laughed at her plight as she tried to get her bikini back. We all threw it back and forth and she chased it for a while, boobs and butt bouncing, until one girl took pity on her and gave it back. All the girls scream and try to cover up, but they obviously like the attention. Only one girl cried, but that's just because Rob too it pretty far with her. He didn't get many points based on the amount of people there because it was just us guys, but he scored a lot of points elsewhere. She was wearing pajama pants and Rob pulled down those and her panties in one quick move and got us to hold her. We all laughed at her as we passed around her panties. There was something that looked like a slight skidmark and we all pointed it out and laughed as she started to cry a little. We pried her legs a part and spent a good several minutes staring up her pussy. So far Rob is in the lead with that one.
I feel like a dick if I don't go through with it. My girlfriend is suspecting something though and she's asked me about it. I laughed it off and told her not to be crazy. I kind of want to top everyone else, like getting her naked in a bathroom and throwing her out during an assembly. A few of my buddies said they'd strip her if I didn't, their girls would probably help too. What would be the best way to win the game and how should I do it? Should I feel bad if I don't do it?
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