Debbi stories archive

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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and Carol's cross country trek Part Two

Debbi and Carol froze. They could hear the approaching engines getting ever louder and they looked around desperately for somewhere to hide. But at this point, the lane was totally enclosed by six foot high hedges on both sides and there was no convenient ditch to dive into. Then, with alarming suddenness, four powerfully noisy motorbikes swept around the bend. The riders slammed on their brakes and were soon idly circling the two naked women, who were trying to cover as best they could using their arms and hands to hide their tits and pussy. There was little they could do about revealing their backsides !

"Whoa, looking good, what have we here ?" asked the pack leader. "Can we be of any assistance ladies ?" he grinned. "No, go away. Leave us alone" Debbi hissed. "Well, that's not a very friendly response to a gallant offer of help now is it ?" responded the aggrieved biker. Carol was more conciliatory. "Don't mind her, she's just upset" she explained. "That's OK, I quite understand" the rider accepted graciously. "There has to be a story here though ?" he enquired. "We were pranked" Debbi replied tartly. "And this quite spectacular lack of apparel ?" their interrogator wanted to know, as he continued to slowly circle the women. Carol continued her more conciliatory tone. "We were skinny dipping and our clothes were taken." The bikers laughed as Carol told them about the lake and the girls they were supposed to be chaperoning, discretely omitting any mention of their own plan against Diane that had once again backfired.

"Look, why don't you girls hop on the back and we can take you back to your camp site ?" the leader suggested. "We're fine as we are" Debbi swiftly refused the offer. "What ? Stark naked in the middle of nowhere ?" called one of the other riders. "It's only a little way down that turning" Carol explained, indicating the bend in the road. "Still, we'd get you there much quicker" the leader pointed out reasonably. "OK, fine" said Carol, abandoning her futile attempts at modesty and clambering onto the back of one of the bikes.

Debbi remained standing defiantly. "I'll walk thanks" she said sulkily. "Oh come on Deb, let's get this over and done with" Carol called at her. "Yeah, come on Deb" said the leader, repeating Carol and patting the leather seat behind him. "I don't have a helmet" Debbi objected. "I should think that's the least of your worries" one of the other biker's laughed. "Oh alright, sod it !" Debbi finally conceded, dropping her hands and hastily getting on behind the biker. "Put your arms around my chest and hold on tight" he instructed. Debbi felt the revving of the engine course through her thighs !

With the two naked women now on board, the motorbikes continued to circle. "Before we take you back, just show us where this lake is" the leader called over his shoulder to Debbi. "No, just take us to the camp" Debbi began but the convoy was already heading back the way she and Carol had painstakingly walked only moments earlier !

It took very little time for the bikes to reach the spot where the women had climbed over the fence from the woods and into the lane. "The lake's just through there" Debbi yelled. "What ?" the leader called back, feigning not to hear as they sped on. Debbi wanted to beat her fists against his back but was too scared of falling off to risk loosening her grip. They continued on for five minutes or so before Debbi finally found the courage to start pounding on the back in front of her.

The pack came to a standstill. "Have we come too far ?" the leader asked innocently. "Much too far" answered Debbi. "Well, we're on a bit of a rise here. Get off and see if you can look back at the lake and show us" the biker suggested. Debbi jumped off and tried unsuccessfully to peer over a hedge. She called to Carol. "Come and see if you can see the lake." Carol joined Debbi by the hedge. "I'm no taller than you" she said.

Before they could deliberate further, they were disturbed by the sound of revving engines behind them. "Well, that was fun ladies. See you around" the pack leader called as the group began to move off. "No, wait, come back. You can't leave us here like this" yelled Debbi, trying to run after them but being reminded how hard the tarmac road was on their bare feet. "Ow, ooh, sodding stones." The only response they got from the bikers was laughter, as they swiftly disappeared over the crest of the hill !

"Now what are we going to do ?" screamed Carol, her rage bubbling over. "Look at me ! I'm a 36 year old mother with sagging tits and I'm stuck out here stark naked in the middle of nowhere" she cried. "Well what about me ? I'm a respected 26 year old business woman, drop dead gorgeous and I'm stuck out here without a stitch !" Debbi countered. "It's all your fault" she accused Carol. "You said we should get on the bikes. And you set up this great plan to get back at Diane. I warned you it would all blow up in our faces."

This was all too much for Carol who leaped at Debbi. "Drop dead gorgeous ? I'll give you drop dead gorgeous you cow." The two naked women commenced grappling, pulling their hair and slapping each other as they struggled to get a hold on their opponent's body. Debbi managed to break away. "Stop it" she yelled, stamping her feet. "Ow, ooh, bloody stones. This isn't getting us anywhere." A chastened Carol agreed. "But what can we do ?" she asked. "We just have to get walking again I guess" answered Debbi. "But it's miles" Carol protested. "I was watching the bike's speedo, we must have come over five miles from the camp !"

Just then, they heard the sound of another approaching vehicle. Carol's immediate instinct was to look for somewhere to hide. She sank down into a ditch. "No, we have to bite the bullet. We need a lift" Debbi argued. She stood there defiantly and held out a thumb. The approaching white car seemed to slow but then accelerated past, with hoots and whistles of derision emanating from those within. "You need to attract attention" said Carol critically as she emerged from the ditch and dusted herself down. "Oh and just what do you suggest I do ? Show them a bit of leg ?" snorted Debbi sarcastically, as she stood there hands on hips !

If they had been closer to their goal, Debbi and Carol would have been happy about the lack of traffic on the country lane. But with a five mile barefoot trek in front of them ( well, bare everything really ) they were desperate for a lift. Although hemmed in on both sides by head high hedges, the position of the sun in the sky was affording little shade. "You're getting quite red" Debbi informed her companion. Although both brunettes, Carol's English rose complexion lacked the Mediterranean genes Debbi had inherited from her father's side, which gave some protection from the sun's rays. "Oh that's great. I guess, I'd better just cover up then ?" answered Carol sarcastically, as their bickering continued. "Just saying" said Debbi. "Well don't" replied Carol.

After what seemed an age of painfully slow progress, a second car finally appeared. Debbi stuck her thumb out hopefully. The car zoomed by but then the two naked women were pleased to see it pull to a halt twenty yards further on. They ran eagerly up to the car, ignoring the stones on the road. The window on the passenger side rolled down. "What on earth has happened to you ?" asked a young woman. A young woman who was making no move to open the rear door. "Oh thank god. Please. Can you give us a lift ?" gasped Debbi. "We're at a camp site a few miles up the road."

The driver was another young woman. A young woman who was making no attempt to hide the smirk on her face. "Well before we even consider that I think we deserve some kind of explanation for your current predicament, don't you ?" she replied. Carol quickly repeated their tale of woe, which now included the encounter with the group of bikers. This elicited a predictably amused reaction from the women in the car. "So please, can you give us a lift ?" Carol finished.

"But what if this is all some kind of trap ? Like, we open the car door and then two guys jump out of the hedge and attack and rob us ?" the driver wondered. "Yeah, what if ?" her friend agreed. "Oh, come on" said Debbi. "This is Wiltshire not Mexico !" The women in the car laughed but were not to be persuaded. "Oh please" Carol pleaded. "Hang on just a second" the passenger answered, as she delved into her bag. Debbi and Carol hoped for a change of heart but all the woman did was to pull out her phone and start taking photos of them. "Nobody would believe me otherwise but now these'll be great on social media !"

With that, her friend put the car back in gear and it sped off down the lane. "Cows" Carol shouted after them angrily. "So much for gender solidarity" moaned Debbi. "God knows when there'll be another car." But no sooner had she said this, than they heard the syncopated sound of a labouring diesel engine and turned to see a farm tractor trundling towards them.

Debbi jumped out in front of the slow moving farm vehicle, frantically waving her arms. She was long past the stage of bothering to disguise her nudity. At first, it didn't seem as if the tractor would stop but it eventually did grind to a halt a few feet in front of her. "Oh pleeease, can you give us a lift ? We're stranded" Debbi pleaded. The farmer did not seem to be at all phased to be confronted by two attractive naked women. Well, one extremely attractive naked woman and one kind of OK if you were into that sort of specialist MILF niche !

"I can only take one of you up here in the cab, the other one'll have to ride in the trailer" he replied, indicating the rear of the tractor from which a particularly pungent aroma was wafting ! Taking advantage of her proximity to the side of the cab, Carol quickly jumped in alongside the farmer. "Thank you so much" she gushed. Shit, cursed Debbi, trudging to the back of the trailer. Shit may have been the operative word, as she carefully climbed up onto the trailer which was full of evil smelling hay and mud and goodness knew what else.

Debbi tried as best she could to sit on her haunches and avoid her body coming into contact with the crap if at all possible. The tractor lurched forward and began its sedate progress down the lane. But it had barely gone a mile back towards the campsite when it turned off to the left and pulled into a farmyard. As the engine cut out, Debbi could hear the lowing of cattle and the clucking of chickens. "What's happening ?" she cried, jumping off the trailer. She was happy enough to get away from the muck but not so happy to realise they must still be a few miles away from their goal.

"Noah says he'll take us to the campsite but needs to spread this hay and stuff around first before it dries out" Carol explained as she climbed down from the cab. "How long will that take ?" Debbi wanted to know. "Shouldn't be too long with both of you getting stuck in" answered Noah, coming round from the other side of the cab and carrying two pitchforks. "You expect us to spread it ?" said Debbi incredulously. "No such thing as a free ride" Noah grinned. "Well don't you at least have something we could wear ?" Debbi wailed, as the afternoon took yet another surreal turn. "Let me see what I can do" Noah conceded, heading towards the farm house.

"I presume you told him how come we're stuck out here naked ?" asked Debbi. "Didn't get a chance, he seemed to take it all in his stride" Carol replied. Noah soon emerged from the house carrying two pairs of Wellington boots ! "Is that all you've got ?" complained Debbi. "Daren't go through my wife's gear, she'd kill me" answered Noah.

In fact, the two women were relieved to have some footwear after suffering in bare feet for a couple of hours now. Though they did present a comical sight, standing naked but for the rubber boots. There must be some fetish for that sort of thing ! Reluctantly, they took hold of the pitchforks. "Right, what do we have to do ?"

Stop it, stop it, go away !" cried Debbi, frantically waving her hand behind her while Carol laughed.

"Sam, come here" called Noah to his border collie, who was enthusiastically trying to sniff Debbi's ass !

This is the life, thought Noah. He hadn't envisaged his afternoon turning out like this when he had set out earlier on his tractor. He was sitting in a deckchair with a cool beer, watching two otherwise naked women in Wellington boots engaged in strenuous physical activity that would otherwise have been his job. Debbi and Carol were straining every sinew trying to accomplish this task as quickly as possible. But it wasn't easy and it wasn't work they were used to.

Carol was forking muck from the back of the trailer into one of two wheelbarrows and then pushing it over to Debbi, before retrieving the other barrow in a relay operation. It was Debbi's job to fork the dubious mix from the barrow and spread it evenly over the paddock, into which the cows would soon be returning from the field. "Never mind Carol, those muscles are gonna be all nice and toned before you know it" Debbi teased her older companion.

Noah was certainly appreciating watching the exposed limbs stretching and straining as the pair went about their task. After the women had been working for 45 minutes, they were almost finished and both Carol and Debbi were spreading the contents of the final barrow full. It was at this point that a white Volvo estate swept noisily into the farmyard. Sam bounded over to greet the emerging occupant, who was clearly not best pleased with what she was witnessing ! "Noah Griffiths. What the hell do you call all this ?" she bellowed angrily, gesturing at the two naked and sweating women who looked on bemused.

Noah jumped up hastily from his deckchair and hurried over to his wife. "Er, nothing darling. I wasn't expecting you back yet. I can explain !"

"Explain ? What is there to explain ? There you are, sat all nice and comfy with your can of beer, ogling these two trollops. Is that what you always get up to when I'm away ?" Noah's wife was incandescent. She was a large red headed woman of indeterminate age with the hint of an Irish accent. "No, no. It's all perfectly innocent" Noah began but he was cut off. "Innocent my ass !" his wife cried, slapping him across the face. "No, honestly. We were just helping out before your husband gives us a lift" Debbi tried explaining but she only succeeded in turning the wife's ire onto herself and Carol !

"Whores, tarts, strumpets, trollops !" the woman raged at them. "How dare you try to seduce my husband with your wicked ways."

"No, really, we were just..."

"Get out, get out, get dressed. Where are your clothes ?"

"We haven't got any clothes."

"What do you mean, you haven't got any clothes ? Whores, strumpets !"

"It's a long story, we were..."

"I don't care about your long story. Get out. Whores, tarts !" The angry woman converged on Debbi and Carol and began slapping them on the ass ! "Ow, no. look, your husband said he'd give us a lift."

"He's going nowhere. You're getting out of here. Go. Whores, hussys !"

"Ow, ooh, stop that, we're going" yelled Debbi. The woman grabbed one of the discarded pitchforks and began brandishing it menacingly at their backsides. "Ooh, ow, no" as they were gently prodded.

"Those look like my boots. Are those my boots ?"

"We just borrowed them. We''ll bring them back."

"Whores, tarts. Take them off now !" Prod, prod. "Ow, oh, OK, look, here." The two naked women bent to take off the Wellington boots, their bums providing too tempting a target for the farmer's wife not to slap them once more. "Ow, stop. We're going." Barefoot once more, the pair scampered as best they could back into the lane, their ears ringing with the curses and insults of the enraged woman.

"Well, that went well" said Debbi. "Shut up" said Carol.

"Now what ?"

"How far to the camp site now do you reckon ?"

"Still about three miles I should think."

"Damn, my poor feet. I was just getting used to having some kind of shoes at least."

There was a loud 'plop' ahead of them, followed quickly by a further three loud plops. "Thank you" cried Debbi over the hedge as the pair of them hurried to put the Wellington boots back on. Noah had prevailed on his wife to show some mercy but it still didn't look as if they'd be getting their lift any time soon !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and Carol's cross country trek Part Three

"These boots are giving me a blister."


"What do you mean, good ?"

"Well, this is all your fault for trying to get one over on Diane and for going with the bikers."

"Oh, so it's that again is it ? I don't remember you complaining that much at the time."

"I did, I told you it'd all go wrong,"





Carol and Debbi were continuing to bicker as they slowly made their weary way back down the lane. A couple of isolated cars passed, horns blaring.

"You didn't even put your thumb out !"

"What's the point. Nobody's going to stop. We look too weird, nobody's going to take a chance."




"Manky old slapper"

The pair broke out into giggles. "Look, I think this is the turning for the lake" Carol said. They rounded the bend. "Shit, no it isn't. Look that's it over there. It's miles away still !" As their spirits fell, they heard a familiar sounding roar of engines coming up behind them. The biker pack pulled over. "You haven't got very far" the leader laughed. "We got side tracked" said Carol. "Nice boots" observed another of the gang. "Bugger off" said Debbi. "Aw, come on. Hop on the back. We'll really take you back to the camp this time."

"No way" answered Debbi. "No, really. We were just having a bit of fun before. You must be getting tired. And you never know who you might encounter running around out here in the nude like that !" the leader responded. Carol was persuaded and was already climbing on behind the same rider she had been with before. "Come on Deb. They wouldn't scam us twice" she called. Debbi hung back. "I'd rather walk" she asserted. "Fair enough" replied the leader and the engines began to rev ! "No, wait" yelled Debbi and she ran to jump on his bike. The leader laughed.

It didn't take too long for the cavalcade to reach the painted sign indicating the turn to the camp site. And for them to sweep straight past ! "No, stop, wait. Where are you going ?" Debbi yelled into the wind. She looked up to see in the distance the church spire of the small market town she remembered passing through in the van a couple of days ago !

Debbi tried hammering on the leader's back but as their speed picked up, all that she could do was to desperately cling onto him. The pack roared into the small market square. It was a sleepy little market town but not unused to having its' peace disturbed by marauding bikers on sunny Sunday afternoons. Church service was long over, the food shops didn't open on a Sunday and the antique dealers were closing for the day. There was a bored gang of teens loitering and a few customers for afternoon tea in the tea rooms. But it was a generally tranquil scene that was shattered by the arrival of the bikers.

"Wow, biker chicks !" Debbi caught the cry of one of the watching teens as the bikes made three noisy circuits of the war memorial on the roundabout in the middle of the square. They finally squealed to a halt. Debbi leaped off the back of the bike and the leader thought that he might be in for an ear bashing or worse but instead Debbi made straight for a bemused looking Carol, who had also dismounted.

All through their brief trip into town, a red mist had been descending on Debbi. "Stupid cow, this is all your fault" she yelled at Carol, charging at her in a rush. As they grappled, the force of Debbi's surge caught the startled Carol off balance and the two naked women careered backwards, straight into a medieval horse trough full of icy water ! There were gales of laughter from the teens and the bikers and the loud noise of the splash was attracting attention from the tea rooms.

"Aargh, it's bloody freezing" screamed Carol, as she tried to sit upright. But the shock of hitting the cold water had not completely dissipated Debbi's red mist and she continued to slap angrily at her friend. "Get off me you stupid cow" cried Carol. "You're the stupid cow, this was all your idea." Slap, splash, slither, slap !

A crowd of about fifteen or twenty had now gathered and were enjoying the spectacle, when an authoritative voice was suddenly heard over the laughter. "Now can anyone tell me just exactly what is going on here then ?" Coming to their senses, Debbi and Carol looked up through their dripping fringes to see the imposing uniforms of two police officers !

One of the teens excitedly answered the officer's question. "These two biker chicks are having a cat fight. The daughter attacked the mother !" Carol was outraged. ""I'm not her mother" she cried. "Do you want to press charges against her madam ?" asked the officer. "What ? No, of course not" answered Carol. "Well, that isn't a public bath. I think you two had better get out of there" suggested the other patrolman.

The chastened pair climbed out of the horse trough. They had been naked for so long this afternoon that they no longer had any thought about covering up. They squelched to their feet with the Wellington boots now full of water and stood there dripping ! A woman from the tea rooms began shouting at Carol. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself. I might expect it from this silly little girl" she gestured at Debbi, "but you're old enough and ugly enough to know better."

"Who're you calling ugly ?"

"I'm not a little girl. I'm a successful business woman !" The crowd laughed. "I am" Debbi stamped her feet petulantly.

"She is, she's my boss" agreed Carol. More laughter. "Alright, alright, that's enough. Where are your clothes ?" asked the officer. "Boy scouts have got them" said Debbi. Carol slapped her arm. That was not the most tactful reply, truthful though it might have been. "What ? I think you'd better explain young lady" demanded the other officer.

Carol took over and began the tale of woe. The lake, the dip, the prank, the scouts discovering where the girls had scattered their clothes, the walk, the bikers, the farm, the bikers ! The crowd were beside themselves with laughter by this time and, like everything in the 21st century, it was all being recorded on several mobile devices. "We're very sorry if we've caused any trouble" Carol apologised abjectly.

The two officers walked to one side to consult. They were almost at the end of their shift. If they took Debbi and Carol back to the station, they'd have to file a report, find a policewoman, work out what to charge them with, if anything. Their shift would be extended for hours. They weren't answering a call, had just happened to be passing on patrol. So there was no official record of any incident. They turned back to the two naked women.

"OK ladies. We're letting you go with a caution. Don't let us catch you like this again !"

"No officer, thank you officer, of course not officer." Carol was conciliatory. "Can you give us a lift ?" Debbi was more assertive. "If we take you in the car we'll have to charge you " the officer explained. "No, no, that's fine officer" said Carol hurriedly. "We can take them mate" offered the leader of the biker gang. "Not without crash helmets you won't" replied the policeman. "We're overlooking that offence too this time but don't push your luck !" The biker shut up.

"Ha, ha. Looks like you're walking." The woman who had been yelling at Carol was delighted. "But it's miles" wailed Debbi. "Only about four miles" laughed the woman !

Debbi perched herself on the edge of the horse trough, so that she could take off the Wellington boots and empty the water out of them. Carol, meanwhile, was still being harangued by the woman from the tea rooms. "You should be ashamed of yourself, a woman of your age parading about here like some brazen hussy with all your bits and pieces on show. I don't want my son watching this !" The woman pointed towards a gangling youth who was holding up his phone and grinning. "Put that away, I'm old enough to be your mother" Carol screeched. "Yeah, but you're not are you ?" sneered the boy. "Anyway, I'm trying to film the pretty one" he laughed, turning his phone in the direction of Debbi who was now standing up again.

"That's right. They want to see my hot bod and not your saggy old tits" cried Debbi, who was still angry and blaming Carol for their predicament. "I wouldn't let my daughter speak to me like that" said tea room lady. "I've told you, she's not my daughter" yelled Carol, fuming. "Whatever, if she were my daughter I'd give her a damn good spanking" the woman continued. This time it was Carol on whom the red mist descended. "You know, I think you're right" she responded and she launched herself at Debbi !

Before Debbi could react, Carol had pulled her head down by her hair and clamped her under her left arm and against her body. With her free right arm, Carol began to slap the tempting target that was Debbi's bent over bottom ! "Ow, no, ow, stop, ow, ow, that hurt, ow, no, ow, stop !" The crowd were lapping up this further unexpected spectacle. Finally, Debbi broke free. "Cow" she cried, rubbing her sore bottom. "Well, you deserved it" replied Carol. Both women were breathing heavily and calming down.

"I suppose we'd better start walking again ?" said Debbi. The crowd was beginning to thin out. "That's it, clear off. Good riddance" tea room lady called after them, as the naked pair began to trudge towards the road out of town. The bikers roared past. "Sorry girls, no crash helmets !" Not that Debbi and Carol would have trusted them a third time. They had collected a small entourage from the remnants of the crowd, with half a dozen of the teens following them. "Bugger off" yelled Debbi, turning to confront them. "But we can show you a short cut if you like ?" one of the lads answered.

"I'm just keeping to the road we know, I've had enough mishaps" said Debbi. "But it's miles. What if there really is a short cut ? My feet are really killing me now and in case you hadn't noticed, we are still stuck out here in public bare ass naked" countered Carol. They were discussing the option of accepting the teens' offer to show them a short cut back to the camping site. These discussions kept being interrupted by overheard remarks from the teens following behind them. 'Nice bum', 'A bit red though', 'Shut up', 'Even the old girl's bum's not bad', 'Better than her saggy tits', 'I haven't got saggy tits !'

Finally, Debbi turned round and confronted the teens again. In all honesty, her own feet were now getting pretty sore and she could sympathise with her older assistant. "OK you lot. So where's this short cut ?"

"We're almost there. It cuts off a whole big bend in the road, you'll be at the camp site in twenty minutes" claimed the lad who had suggested it. It was a tempting thought for our two naked adventuresses. They approached a barred gate into a field. "Through here" the lad explained. Debbi was dubious again. "There's no bull in the field is there ?" she asked. The teens laughed. "No. And anyway, you're not wearing anything red" the lad replied. "They're not wearing anything at all !" one of the girls laughed.

The gate was secured by a padlock and so Debbi and Carol had to climb over, which was not the most ladylike procedure in the circumstances ! "Put those phones away" yelled Carol, a request the teens cheerfully ignored as they kept on filming. "Take a diagonal straight to those trees over there." The youth pointed towards a distant clump of trees, two or three hundred yards away across the field. "The lane that leads to the camp site's just the other side of them" he continued. "Are you coming ?" wondered Debbi, seeing that the teens were making no attempt to climb the gate. "We've gotta get back for our tea. We'll just watch for a bit, make sure you're OK."

The instructions seemed to fit in with Debbi's general sense of direction, as she recalled from their journey into town earlier on the bikes. "OK, whatever, let's go" she said to Carol. The teens grinned as the naked pair set off. Debbi and Carol looked around anxiously for any cattle but the field seemed to be empty. They made steady progress for maybe a hundred yards or so across the tufted grass. Then their progress slowed.

"Getting a bit boggy" said Debbi, as her boot sunk up to her ankle. Lifting their legs free with each step became more arduous. "Aargh, shit !" exclaimed Carol, as her boot sank up to her knee. Debbi had to turn to help her out. She could hear distant laughter from the teens. "Little buggers" she cursed. Only a little further on, they suddenly found themselves wading through the middle of a full blown swamp. "Oh no, aaah !" Splosh ! Debbi turned to see Carol disconsolately sitting up to her waist in the evil smelling slime !

Debbi turned back to take Carol's outstretched hands and help her out of the mire. But instead of that, Carol grabbed Debbi's hands and pulled her face first down into the swamp ! Splosh, squelch, slither ! Debbi was immediately in an even worse state than Carol, covered from neck to toe in liquid mud and slime. She launched herself at her older companion to rectify the situation. Soon the pair were entwined and rolling about in the mud, slapping each other and pulling their hair. 'Cow', Idiot', 'Ratbag', 'Bitch'. They were oblivious to the distant laughter of the teens who had led them into the swamp. "They're fighting each other again !"

First one, then the other, was almost completely submerged in the rancid mix of weed, mud and slime but neither was willing to give way. People would have paid good money to see this but the fight was being played out far from any onlookers, save the teens who were too far away to discern much. "Stop it, stop it, look at the state of us !" It was Carol who finally broke off after four or five minutes of breathless combat. Debbi rolled away from her. "You started it" she accused petulantly.

They sat there in gloomy silence for a couple of minutes before Debbi stood. Carol could not help but giggle. "You look like the Wild Thing From The Swamp" she observed. "Take a look at yourself. What do you think you look like ?" Debbi replied tartly. Carol also got to her feet. "I've lost my wellies" she complained. "I've only got one left. I'm buggered if I'm scrabbling around in this swamp to find the other one" said Debbi.

Water and weed slowly dripped off of them. They tried to wipe away the mud from each other but only succeeded in spreading it more evenly over their naked bodies. "It's hopeless" decided Debbi, breaking away as Carol's hands brushed her nipples. "Shall we turn back ?" wondered Carol. "What and give those kids another chance to make fun of us ? And walk along the road looking like this ?" Debbi answered. They began to stumble on through the swamp towards the trees that the boy had indicated.

Thankfully, the ground did begin to become more solid underneath their feet. Debbi hobbled on in her one boot before ripping it off and hurling it across the field. "Useless bloody thing !" Beyond the trees, they found their way barred by a hedge. "Oh, great !" moaned Carol. "Come on, let's see if we can see what's on the other side" said Debbi, pushing on resolutely.

Debbi and Carol were both standing on tip toe but were still unable to see over the hedge. Debbi jumped but also to no avail. "Here, get on my shoulders" offered Carol, bending to put her head between Debbi's legs. "I'm not going to make a habit of this" she said. Debbi giggled. Carol groaned as she strained to lift Debbi. "I don't believe it !" squealed Debbi excitedly. "What ? What is it ?" gasped Carol.

"I can see the camp site."

"Is it far ?"

"Not far at all really. Those kids were telling the truth about that at least." Carol stooped and let Debbi back down to the ground. "Ooh, my back" she moaned. "I'm not that heavy" Debbi pouted. "Heavy enough" answered Carol. "But we've still got to get over this hedge." Their initial euphoria over spotting the camp site soon evaporated. "I can give you a leg up ? You could jump ?" suggested Carol. "But we don't know how big the drop is on the other side and anyway, then you'd still be stuck on this side." Debbi pointed out the flaw in that plan. "The branch of that tree overhangs the other side" said Debbi. This time it was Carol who demurred. "No way I'm jumping down from that."

They began walking along the perimeter searching for a gap. Suddenly, Debbi ran forward to a small stream. "Look" she cried. "This goes under the hedge. We can swim through !"

"But we'll get filthy" Carol objected. Debbi turned with her hands on her hips and glared at her companion. "Duh ! And you don't think we're filthy already ? How much worse can it get ?"

"Well, you go first then" replied Carol. Debbi stepped into the stream. "It's freezing" she complained. "Well, what did you expect , it's not a bloody spa ?" They continued to bicker.

The stream proved to be too shallow to swim in, so Debbi reluctantly got down on her hands and knees and began to crawl determinedly through the water. Carol watched Debbi's ass disappear under the hedge. She waited anxiously. "Debbi?" she called. "Deb ?" She began to worry but then heard a voice, a little further away than she would have expected. "I'm through. Come on, it's easy !"

Five minutes later, Carol emerged spluttering into daylight. "I thought you said it was easy ?" Carol had waded through cold, wet darkness for what seemed like forever. "Well, I wasn't going to tell you it was bloody awful was I ?" Debbi explained. They were both wet, cold and even muddier, if that were possible. "And we didn't have any alternative" Debbi continued, glad that they were at long last on the path leading to the camp site. Carol looked around. She suddenly exploded. "No alternative ?" she screamed angrily, pointing a little further along the path to a simple gate leading through the hedge !

Debbi and Carol plodded stoically up the path towards the camp site. The mud began to dry and cake on their naked bodies. "I've never been so dirty" moaned Debbi. "I can't wait for a shower and to get into some clean clothes" she said. "Aah, clothes ! What joy !" sighed Carol. "We'll have to put up with teasing from Diane and those girls" Debbi reminded her. "After what we've been through, that'll be a picnic and I want to get my hands on Diane anyway" threatened Carol. "But she only did what we planned to do to her remember ?" replied Debbi. "She's no worse than us really."

"No worse than us ?" exploded Carol. "What about everything else she's done before today ?"

"Well, yes, there is that I guess" agreed Debbi. "You're too soft" Carol reproached her.

There were excited cries from the girls as the two bedraggled nudies finally approached the camp site. 'There they are', 'At last', 'I was starting to get worried', 'Look at the state of them !' Aditty marched to meet them. "Where have you been and what on earth have you been doing ?" she demanded. "Where are your clothes ? We left them in the branches for you. How did you manage to miss them ? It was only supposed to take a few minutes and then we'd have a good laugh" she continued. "Boy scouts took them" Debbi mumbled sheepishly. "Scouts ?" squealed Aditty delightedly. "Did they see you ?"

"No. Well, maybe one got a glimpse" answered Carol. "But even so, what took you so long ? It's been three hours. And look at the state of you !" Aditty continued her interrogation. Carol gave her an abridged version of their misadventures, much to the amusement of all the girls. "But where's Diane ?" Carol suddenly realised. "Oh, she's gone" replied Aditty. "Gone ? But the van's still here ?"

"Yeah, but she arranged for her boyfriend to come and pick her up. She didn't want to spend another night in a tent and said you two were perfectly capable of looking after us. Though judging by the state of you I'm not so sure !" Aditty laughed. Something in these remarks triggered a sudden awareness in Debbi. "Tent ! Where's my tent ?" she cried. "Oh yeah, that" Even Aditty had to look slightly abashed. "Diane took it."

"What ?"

"She said it would serve you right for trying to trick her."

"But that was all Carol's idea" Debbi complained. "Whatever, you take the brunt of it I'm afraid" said Aditty. "She took your other clothes too !"

Debbi rushed over towards the patch of flattened grass where her tent had been pitched. "My tent, My clothes ! My sleeping bag ! How could Diane do this ?" she complained. Aditty came to her mentor's defence. "She was expecting you to pick up your clothes in the wood where we left them. She left you your bag and sneakers !" Debbi looked again and saw that her bag and shoes were indeed sitting forlornly in the middle of the spot where her tent had once stood. "She's going to drop the tent back at the college for you and leave your clothes in the office" Aditty concluded.

"But what will I wear ?" Debbi lamented. "Your sneakers by the look of it" said Carol without much sympathy. She had quickly poked her head inside her own tent to make sure her own change of clothes was intact and had now emerged with her towel and toiletries. "We'll worry about that later" she continued. "I don't know about you but I want to take a shower and get rid of all this crud !" Aditty had been taking photos of the besmirched pair as they had approached the camp site just now and she clicked another couple as Debbi and Carol trudged over towards the shower block. She would share them later with Diane when she regaled her with the story of the nudies' afternoon !

Debbi had shampoo and body lotion in the bag Diane had left her but no towel. That had disappeared with her clothes. "You can borrow mine but I'm getting first use of it" said Carol. "God, I hope this water will run a bit warmer" Carol said later as she held her hand under the jets. It finally did run lukewarm but was simply functional as a cleansing aid rather than providing the comfort and restorative effects of a piping hot shower.

The two women washed off the mud and grime as best they could. "Do you want me to wash your back ? It's still pretty grubby" Carol observed. "If you could" Debbi agreed. Carol worked a good lather into her hands and began to rub vigorously onto Debbi's firm back. "Mmm, that's good" Debbi sighed, the massaging effect providing the element of relief and comfort that was lacking in the lukewarm water. "Better do down here too" decided Carol, running her hands over Debbi's buttocks, between her cheeks and up her inner thighs. "Ooh" said Debbi. "Did I goose you ?" Carol laughed. "Haven't done this since Charlotte was ten" she remarked, referring to her teenage daughter. "There" she said with a playful slap on Debbi's ass. "All squeaky clean !"

"Want me to do yours ?" asked Debbi.

Debbi and Carol wandered back from the shower block, Carol luxuriating in clean underwear, green cords and a crisp white blouse and Debbi in just her sneakers ! "Are you sure you haven't got anything I could wear ?" Debbi tried asking again. "These are the only clothes I brought with me, apart from those that the scouts got. Well, I have got another change of bra and pants but they won't fit you" replied Carol. "No, I guess not" Debbi admitted, fully aware of the difference in size and shape between them. "Maybe if I pinned the back of the knickers they might stay up ?" she wondered hopefully. "Is it worth the bother ?" said Carol. "Not really" Debbi conceded defeat.

"Come on you two, we've got to get going" Aditty called to hurry them along. "What do you mean ?" Carol yelled back, assuming leadership on account of her clothed status. "You promised we could all go to town to the pub tonight. We're all 18 after all" Aditty explained. "I'd forgotten all about it, a lot's happened since we decided that" Carol answered. "Well I can't go can I ? I'll stay here in your tent" said Debbi. "But you're the only one insured to drive the van" Carol reminded her. "Then there's no way we can go is there ?" Debbi decided.

Have you ever heard of pester power ? Ten minutes later, Debbi was in the driving seat as the van pulled into the lane and headed for town. "I can't believe I'm going back to that town naked " she complained. "Look, I'll take care of the girls. Slump down in your seat and nobody'll notice you. Be thankful Diane left your phone" said Carol. "Oh yeah. Like I've got so much to be grateful to Diane for !" was Debbi's sarcastic reply.

It was an hour later and Debbi had slid down as low as she could in her seat and was idly scrolling through her phone. She had pulled the van into a vacant slot outside the familiar tea rooms that were now shut. Her reverie was shaken by a sharp rapping on the window of the van. She jerked upright and wound down the window. "Er, good evening officer. What can I do for you ?"

"Good evening miss. This is a thirty minute maximum waiting zone and you've been here an hour" the policeman explained. It was a different pair of officers to this afternoon. Debbi wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing. "But it's Sunday evening. Surely that doesn't apply now ?" she argued. "It's a 24 hour restriction" she was told.

"But that's ridiculous, there's plenty of free spaces"

"We don't make the law, we just enforce it miss. By the way, do you mind me asking why you're not wearing any clothes ?"

"Er, I thought you might wonder about that. It's a long story officer. I'll just move the van, very sorry officer."

"Just a second miss. I think you'd better step out of the car first. This is unusual behaviour and we are within our rights to establish that you are in a fit state to drive this vehicle. We have a breath test kit here !"

"But I'm naked. And now there are people." Debbi noticed a small group gathering from who knew where in this sleepy town.

"Something that perhaps you should have considered before miss. Now step out of the car please !"

Debbi realised that it wasn't really an option to put her foot to the floor and indulge in a high speed chase with the cops through the twisting country lanes. Reluctantly, she got out of the van. Her ears were assaulted by an immediate flurry of comments. 'Mummy, that lady's not wearing any clothes', 'Shush dear', 'It's the same one as earlier', 'There were two of them then', 'Yeah, that's right. Mother and daughter', 'She spanked her', 'I remember, ha, ha, ha !' Don't these people ever go home, Debbi thought ?

"OK Miss" began the police officer once she was outside the van. "I want you to go to the white line in the centre of the road, we'll make sure there's no traffic. Then I want you to walk in a straight line along it with your hands on your head." Debbi wanted to argue but instead did as she was told. The two officers followed her and watched her ass to make sure that she was not swerving about in a way that might indicate some degree of inebriation. The small crowd looked on in amusement from the side. "OK miss. Stop and turn and walk back to us in a straight line."

It was harder than Debbi thought. Her nervousness was transferring to her legs and she was desperate not to wander off course. The two police officers admired the full frontal view that was presented on the return journey ! "That seems fine miss. I need you now to blow into this tube." Debbi began to blow steadily into the breathalyser, trying to shut out the few derisive catcalls from the side. It was at this time that Carol burst anxiously out of the pub, the grinning group of girls headed by Aditty staying in the doorway.

"Er, can we help you at all officer ?" Carol enquired politely. More calls from the crowd. 'It's the mother', 'Blimey, she's wearing clothes !' The police officers regarded Carol. "Is this your daughter madam ?" Carol fought down the urge to be indignant and just avoided answering the question directly. Instead she asked "Has she been naughty officer ?" There was another call from the crowd. 'She spanked her last time !'

"Your daughter was illegally parked in a restricted zone" the policeman explained. "Oh dear, children of today. I'm sure she's very sorry" Carol apologised. "You are sorry aren't you Debbi ?" Debbi glared at her assistant. " I am. I told the officers already that I would move the van."

"Which is why we needed to establish that your daughter is in a fit state to drive and not intoxicated" explained the second officer, inspecting the results of the breath test. "That all seems to be in order" he announced, to the relief of Debbi and the disappointment of the crowd. "Now madam" he said, turning to Carol. "There just remains the question of why your daughter is not wearing any clothes ?"

"Ah, that, yes. Is that a problem officer ?" responded Carol. "Well, it's unusual" the officer considered. 'We don't mind' came a call from the crowd. 'She can stay permanently naked for all we care' called another. The two officers were left in a similar quandary to their colleagues that afternoon. It seemed that some offence must be being committed but they weren't quite sure what it was and it would be more bother than it was worth to arrest Debbi and take her in to the station.

"I think the best solution would just be for you to leave" they decided. "Of course officer, we are very sorry to have been a bother officer" said Carol. "Girls" she called to the girls by the pub doorway. "We have to be going." The girls did not make too much of a fuss, the pub had been pretty dead with no hunky boys to chat to. And they'd purchased a couple of bottles of wine to take back.

Debbi was first to jump into the cab of the van, to gain at least a little protection from public view !

It had been one of those peerless late April days that once in a while England is capable of conjuring up. But the downside of clear blue skies at that time of the year is that after dark, the temperature plummets. Debbi woke and looked at her watch. It was one thirty. She and Carol had both retired early for the night and left the girls to it with their wine. Carol to her cosy tent and sleeping bag and Debbi to sleep as best she could in the van, where there had not even been a dirty blanket to use as covering. She was freezing. And I don't mean just cold but really, really freezing. Worryingly so.

She realised that she could not stay like this for another six hours before breakfast. The girls finally seemed to have gone to bed and so she crept out of the van and over to Carol's tent. "Carol" she hissed. "Carol, can I come in ?" she repeated. No response. Cautiously she pulled back the flap and entered the tent. Exhausted by the adventures of the day, her assistant was wrapped cosily in her sleeping bag and gently snoring. "Carol" Debbi whispered again urgently. She shook the older woman. "Huh, er, what, er,Debbi ?" murmured Carol, sleepy and somewhat incoherently. "Carol, I'm freezing" said Debbi.

Carol began to wake properly. There was a persistent percussive clacking sound in the tent. "Blimey Deb, your teeth are chattering. Literally chattering !"

"I know" answered Debbi. "I can't stop them, I'm so cold." Carol reached out of her sleeping bag and touched her friend. "God, you're like ice." Carol was worried. She unzipped her sleeping bag and beckoned to Debbi. "Come on. Get in here with me."

"But there's no room" moaned Debbi miserably. "This is no time to stand on ceremony. It's an emergency. I don't want you getting hypothermia." Carol had entered mother mode. "Besides, you've got to be well enough to drive us home tomorrow" she continued, in order to lighten the mood. Debbi climbed in alongside her friend / erstwhile enemy / assistant, whatever. Carol squealed at the icy cold that pressed against her. "You are so cold. Come on, cuddle, we've got to warm you up !"

Incongruous as the feeling was, both women knew that it was necessary. Carol reached across and pulled the zip of the sleeping bag closed again, wedging the two naked bodies inside. Debbi's teeth were still chattering. "There, there. We'll soon warm you up" Carol reassured her. "I'm so sorry" Debbi apologised. "Nonsense, we can't have you freezing to death."

"No, not that. I'm so sorry I said you had saggy tits" Debbi's mind was wandering in her cold daze. Carol giggled. "They're mum's tits" she laughed. "Mine are perky" said Debbi, aware of the breasts pressing hard against each other as the two women cuddled. "They are" Carol agreed. "I deserved to be spanked" Debbi admitted. "I deserve to be spanked again" She was getting sleepy. "Another time perhaps" Carol chuckled. "We'd wake the girls here. Now let's concentrate on warming you up" she determined, rubbing Debbi's back !

had been a couple of months since Debbi had felt the warmth of another body beside her in bed. Ever since Diane had sabotaged her relationship with her fireman boyfriend. Not that she had ever looked on him as a long term prospect but he was very good in bed. Carol was married, of course, but her husband Derek was a once a week man these days; Saturday night if he wasn't pissed. Neither woman would have admitted to feeling horny but as Debbi finally began to recover from her near hypothermia, hands, then fingers, then mouths, began to wander ! Maybe running around naked for half the day had also had an unconscious effect on their libido ?

The girls were up and about early in the morning, breakfasting and clearing up the camp site. The weekend's fun was over as far as they were concerned and some of them had classes to get back for that afternoon. Where are those two, thought Aditty ? She felt that she had better rouse them so that they could soon be on the road but she was surprised to discover that Debbi was not in the van where she had retired to sleep last night. She looked in the showers to confirm that she hadn't missed them somehow. Finally, she approached Carol's tent and drew back the flap. Very surprised by what she saw, she quietly closed the flap and hurried to fetch a spoon and a saucepan and, of course, her camera ! She also beckoned to the other girls to follow her but to remain silent.

The two nude women had overheated during the night and had kicked off the sleeping bag. Their two naked bodies were entwined. Debbi's left leg was bent at the knee and draped over Carol's body, hooking them together. Her right knee was nudged between Carol's legs. Carol was embracing Debbi's upper half and the girls could see their breasts pressed together, rising and falling in unison as they breathed. Aditty took her photo, hoping that the flash would not wake them. Diane will love that, she thought.

Putting the phone away, Aditty then proceeded to make an enormous racket by rattling the spoon around in the empty saucepan. "Wakey, wakey, rise and shine" she yelled. The two startled women woke with a jolt of alarm and confusion. Aditty was sorry she had put the camera away and could not capture the priceless look on the faces of Carol and Debbi as they turned to look up at her ( though she would later discover that one of the other girls had caught this moment and forwarded her a copy ) The two naked women hurriedly broke off their embrace, acutely aware of the flush of embarrassment they felt flooding their faces !

"Er, Debbi was getting dangerously cold last night in that van" Carol stuttered. "What time is it ?"

"Nine thirty" answered Aditty. "Come on, you'd better hurry up. We've got to get going." It had been a rude awakening for the pair in more ways than one !

The laughing girls looked on as the bemused and embarrassed pair of naked women scrambled around in the tent. Debbi didn't have any clothes to put on anyway, of course. "Come on, we're running late and some of us have commitments later " said Aditty harshly. "It's a shower or breakfast, you haven't got time for both !" The shower won out and Carol grabbed the towel to wrap around herself. She and Debbi hurried across the field to the showers, relieved that no new customers had arrived on the camp site yet that morning.

They showered in silence. Then Debbi stood there dripping, while Carol had first use of the only towel. "Er, about last night" she began tentatively. "You were very sensible to come and ask for help, you would have frozen to death outside in the van" Carol interrupted her briskly. "Er, yeah, I know. And thanks. But I wasn't talking about that" Debbi continued awkwardly. Carol interrupted again. She placed a finger on Debbi's lips. "Did you enjoy it ?" she asked, looking straight into Debbi's eyes. "Er, it was nice" stammered Debbi. "Good, then no harm done. No more to be said. It doesn't suddenly turn us into raving lesbians !" She kissed Debbi fully on the lips and then resumed drying. Debbi blushed. "I still haven't been properly spanked for saying you have saggy tits" she said shyly. "Oh, there'll be a time young lady" threatened Carol and they both laughed.

"But how am I going to drive home naked ?" asked Debbi, as she took her turn with the towel. "It isn't sleepy Sunday in Hicksville any more and that was bad enough. We've got to drive on the motorway and then into town. And then drop off the girls at the college. There'll be parents waiting for some of them. And then return the van to the hire company ? I can't do all that naked !" She explained all the hazards. "Don't worry, we'll handle it" answered Carol. "I'll make one of the girls loan you a jacket you can drape over your shoulders while you drive. As long as you don't let any big lorries or coaches overtake you, nobody'll realise you're otherwise naked" she laughed. "Then we'll stop at your place before we go to the college and you can run in and get dressed."

"But I can't run to my place naked. What if the neighbours are home ?"

"Always with the difficulties" said Carol. "Then you'll give me your keys and I'll go and grab some clothes for you. You'll just have to be a contortionist getting dressed in the van !" Debbi was somewhat reassured. She handed the wet towel back to Carol who wrapped it around herself with some distaste but it was better than walking back across the field naked, as Debbi would have to do.

They emerged from the shower block and walked straight into the middle of a troop of boy scouts ! "Ah, good morning ladies" The scout leader approached them smiling. "We just came by to enquire if any ladies from the camp site might have lost some clothes in the woods yesterday and it looks as if we have our answer" he said jovially. He was carrying a plastic bag which he held open to reveal the precious clothes. While Carol began to offer an abbreviated explanation of the prank, Debbi hurriedly grabbed for the bag. "Please, can I take this ?" She didn't wait for an answer but pulled it from the man's hands and ran off with it towards the sanctuary of the tent. The grinning boys were all desperately trying to burn the vision into their memory banks !

Debbi was already fully dressed by the time Carol returned to the tent wearing her towel. Debbi was unaccustomed to being as shabbily dressed as she was in the creased and crumpled clothes that had been crammed into a plastic bag overnight. But after twenty hours of nudity, wearing anything was a relief ! "Have they gone ?" Debbi asked, referring to the scouts. "No, they want a team photo taken with you so that our story can go towards them earning their good deed badges" said Carol, as she in turn got dressed. Debbi groaned. "Well, I guess that at least they'll be among the few people in this vicinity who haven't got photos of us naked" she said ruefully. "I know" agreed Carol. "But we can console ourselves that the people in passing cars and in that town, who did take photos, have no idea who we are." Debbi confirmed that she was indeed grateful for small mercies !

Debbi posed demurely among the scouts, trying to smile and flashing peace signs. The scout leader was pleased and said it was the kind of good news story that the scouting authorities approved of and would benefit the boys greatly. Go figure, thought Debbi.

The remainder of the week back at work passed in blissful normality. Diane had taken the week off as annual leave and since Aditty was assigned to her for work experience, she was also absent. Carol did attempt to once more bring up the question of how they could get their own back on Diane. "Don't go there" warned Debbi. "We've tried twice now and each time has proved to be disastrous !" Carol's temperament was different however and her mind continued to work overtime. "I'll just bind my time. There has to be something" she told Debbi.

On Friday afternoon, they were running through Debbi's schedule for the following week. "You haven't forgotten to OK my leave request for next Thursday with HR have you ?" Carol asked. Debbi pulled a shocked face. "God, I'm so sorry. It completely slipped my mind !"

"Deb ! It's for Charlotte's school awards ceremony. I can't miss that."

"No, no. Of course not. I'll get straight onto it now."

"That's not like you, you're normally so reliable."

"I know, I'm sorry. It'll be OK. But I really deserve that spanking now that you already owe me for saying you have saggy tits !"

"You know you're right young lady" agreed Carol, getting up to draw the office blinds. "I didn't mean here and now" objected Debbi. "Oh but I do" insisted Carol !

"But you can't spank me here in the office. What if someone comes in ?" Debbi whined. Carol grinned. "Nobody will try to come in when they see the blinds down. They all know that's when you are busy."

"But Jeff doesn't take any notice of that" Debbi argued. "He's got a meeting. Anyway, that's a chance you'll have to take young lady" answered Carol, playing the role of stern mistress. Debbi wondered if she dare go along with the play. She was feeling frisky. "But they'll hear us" she argued further. "That's up to you not to make too much noise" Carol dismissed the objection. "If they hear any slaps, they'll just think it's the maintenance guys doing some sort of work. Now get over my knee !"

Debbi glanced nervously at the closed office door and then walked around her desk to drape herself over Carol's knee. Carol tugged at the tight office skirt that Debbi was wearing but it did not rise easily. "This is no good, take it off" she ordered. Debbi hesitated. This would add one more layer of vulnerability should they have to hurriedly cover their tracks. But in the end she unzipped the skirt, stepped out of it and laid it carefully on her desk.

"That's much better" observed Carol contentedly as Debbi once more lay across her lap. "But let's get these tights and knickers out of the way !"

"Not on the bare ?" cried Debbi. "Oh yes, that's the only way" answered Carol. She manoeuvred the tights and knickers down to a bunch just above Debbi's knees. "Now, how many. I think six for forgetting my holiday request and six for saying I have saggy tits, don't you agree ?" Debbi agreed that this was fair.

Carol rested her hand on the warm soft flesh of Debbi's right buttock. In fact, she had no intention of inflicting any proper spanking on her boss. A couple of months ago she would have relished the opportunity to do that very thing and to cause real pain and discomfort. But the dynamic of their relationship had changed and they were now friends and allies, even if there was still the capacity to squabble.

Carol lifted her arm and administered a firm but playful slap. The noise that reverberated around the office surprised her and gave her pause for thought about whether they could be heard outside. She decided to press on regardless however and completed the dozen spanks. "Ow" complained Debbi, though she knew it was only play and all she felt was a pleasant warm feeling spreading over her cheeks.

"And now there's half an hour corner time young lady" commanded Carol. "Go and stand with your nose in the corner and don't you dare pull up those knickers !" Debbi repeated her litany of complaints about how it was too risky and who might come in and so on. But Carol was adamant. "I'm going to be sitting right outside and I won't let anyone in" she reassured the younger woman. Debbi got up off of her lap and shuffled over to the corner with her tights and knickers still around her knees. "Keep holding your blouse up above your waist" said Carol.

Well, that was fun, thought Carol as she returned to her desk outside, carefully closing the office door. Nice ass ! But then she knew that anyway. The half hour was almost up when Kieron the office post boy arrived to collect the afternoon mail. Carol handed him the letters. Dare I, she wondered mischievously ? "Better go in and see if Debbi's got any last minute mail for you Kieron" she said !

Kieron emerged from Debbi's office red faced and embarrassed. Carol grinned and held a finger to her lips. "Shh, our secret" she told him. "Sure thing, absolutely" Kieron stammered. "Carol !" An angry shout emanated from within Debbi's office. Laughing, Carol made her way inside. "You ratbag, you said nobody would get past you" Debbi accused. She had already pulled up her knickers and tights but her skirt still lay in the middle of her desk. "Oh shush" said Carol. "It was only Kieron. Made the poor boy's day. You know he's besotted with you" she continued. "I know" agreed Debbi. "But still and all. What if he says something ?"

"Kieron's not going to say anything against his goddess. He'll just go home and have a good wank over the mental image" Carol reassured her. "Carol !" screeched Debbi, outraged. "Well, he will" her assistant laughed. "Yes, well I'd rather not think about that" conceded Debbi.

They were unexpectedly interrupted by Jeff entering the office. "I thought you were in a meeting ?" said Debbi, thinking how lucky it was that he had not arrived a few minutes earlier. They had really been taking a chance. "I was but it wound up rather quickly" Jeff replied. "Where's your skirt ?" Debbi looked down and realised that she was still standing there in her shirt tails, knickers and tights ! Carol came to the rescue of her blushing boss. "Deb had a wardrobe malfunction, the zips gone on her skirt. I was just going to take it to do some running repairs" she explained, scooping the skirt from off of the desk. Debbi hurriedly sat down behind the desk to hide her legs !

"Oh I see" said Jeff, a little mystified but then it was a women's thing. "Just stay for a second anyway Carol" he continued. "This concerns you also." Jeff went on to explain the meeting he had been at was with a new client that ran a chain of exclusive health spas. They needed a team to go in and do an analysis of their systems. "But when I mentioned you two, they said they would throw in a course of free treatments for you as well while you are there" he announced. "Great" said Carol. "Sounds good" agreed Debbi.

"Of course, Diane will be going along also, to negotiate the financial side" he added. "OK, er, great" said Debbi with much less enthusiasm. "Excellent" said Carol with an evil grin. "Er, come round to my office when you've got your skirt repaired and I'll fill you in on the details" Jeff concluded.

Debbi looked at Carol once he had gone and then sunk her head melodramatically onto the desk. "What ?" laughed Carol. Debbi looked up. "You're already planning something against Diane aren't you ?" she alleged. "Might be" grinned Carol. Debbi groaned. " I can see this could all go horribly wrong !"
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and the health spa

Debbi giggled. "This reminds me of when we were fighting in that swamp !" She and Carol were lying on trolleys in the health spa, naked and covered from neck to ankle in liquid mud. It was one of the three treatments they were taking. They had already had a massage and were going to finish up in the sauna. Somehow each treatment seemed to involve nudity but they were used to being naked in each other's presence now.

Less promising seemed to be any chance of using the spa setting to get any revenge on Diane. Their arch nemesis was still on vacation and Carol had wanted to use this scouting mission to explore the possibilities and come up with a plan. "There's got to be something we can use against her" she said a little desperately. "But you've seen it's hopeless" said Debbi, who was much less invested in any plan, if only because she was fearful of it rebounding on them as it always seemed to do !

"OK, we can easily get her naked with all these treatments" Debbi continued. "But look at this place. There are towels and robes everywhere. So say, for instance, you somehow set off a fire alarm ? Or found some way to break into her locker and steal her things ? All that would happen is that the staff would give her one of the robes straight away." Carol conceded the point. "And anyway, it's all just females here and this mansion's in its' own grounds miles from the road. It's not exactly public and whatever we could do would not compare to what she's put me through. And you too on a couple of occasions now."

Carol was reluctant to totally give up on the idea when there were all these opportunities for nudity but she found she could only agree with Debbi's arguments, that she had come to realise herself anyway. "There'll be something else though" she said determinedly. "Just relax for now" advised Debbi. "I'm looking forward to getting all this gunk off. I hope it'll just be the two of us in the sauna" she added suggestively. "Then we have that meeting with the manager about her business requirements remember. We have to work for our perks !"

Debbi and Carol were enjoying themselves. In more ways than one ! They were naked together in the sauna but hastily pulled apart when they heard someone else entering. It was the manager of the spa, Sylvia, swathed in a large white towel. "Oh, I'm so sorry, didn't we give you any towels ?" she asked the two women, studying their nudity. Debbi blushed. "Er, yes. They're over there" she answered, indicating the far bench. "We thought we'd let it all hang out" said Carol, who was much more relaxed.

"Oh, I see" Sylvia replied. "I'm sorry to interrupt you but I just wanted to say that I'll have to postpone our initial meeting. Something urgent's come up."

"Nothing serious I hope ?" said Carol sympathetically. "I hope not" Sylvia responded. "But we're planning on shooting a promotional video of all the treatments that we provide and the quote we've been given by the model agency for a girl to take part is astronomical. I've got to do some number crunching !"

Carol's ears perked up and the cogs of her imagination began to whir. "We might just be able to help you out there" she offered. "Our colleague Diane, who you haven't met yet, would be perfect as a model. She's got a great body. And it'd come gratis as part of the contract for our IT services."

"Actually, I couldn't help noticing that Debbi here has a very nice body and would also have made a great model" Sylvia admitted. Carol laughed. "Diane's got much more up top. More of your customers would relate to her I'm sure." She winked at Debbi. "There would be nudity involved " Sylvia pointed out. "Oh, Diane's not shy" Carol confirmed. "It would get me out of a hole" Sylvia agreed. "And cement the good relations between our two companies" added Carol. "No need to postpone our meeting now !"

Debbi was upbraiding Carol in the car on their way back to the office after the formal meeting. "You know exactly how this is going to play out" she argued. "Diane's going to agree to do it and then she'll pull out at the last minute like she did with that naked office thing and with the skinny dipping. And guess who'll end up having to get her kit off ? Muggings here ! Good old Debbi."

"Oh poo, don't be so negative" said Carol. "I'll stay on it and make sure she follows through. Even Jeff'll notice if she pulls the same stunt too many times !"

"For goodness sake, stop moaning. At least you got some more free treatments" said Carol. They were driving back to the office from the spa. Of course, the plan to get Diane naked and embarrassed had backfired in exactly the way that Debbi had prophesied that it would. Diane had made a show of initial reluctance at a meeting to discuss it with the spa manager but then had been seemingly won over by the flattery she had received. On the appointed day, Debbi and Carol were waiting expectantly at the spa for the fun to begin. The camera crew had arrived and were ready, all that was missing was the star. The spa manager took a call. Her face darkened. She turned to Debbi and Carol. "It seems your Diane can't make it and we're all set to go here. We need a stand in Debbi" she announced pointedly !

It was true that Debbi had been the recipient of several expensive treatments at no financial cost but it had been at the price of having her naked form filmed from every conceivable angle ! She had been massaged. She had been given a bikini wax, front and rear ( "That's a bit explicit isn't it ?" Carol had asked the spa manager when the camera went behind Debbi to record the waxing of the small hairs around her anus. "It's for the French clientele, they are very broad minded and like to know exactly what they'll be getting for their money" the manager explained. "Oh, I see" agreed Carol ) Debbi had also been stood against a wall and blasted by a powerful water hose. Once more she had the full body mud pack treatment and she had ended up in the sauna and the cold plunge pool !

Carol was still trying to pacify her. "They were some lovely treatments" she continued. A few months ago, Carol would have been delighted to see Debbi subjected to these indignities but now she had sympathy for her boss and felt that she shared an affiliation with her. "Admittedly, the bikini wax looked a bit painful and that water hose reminded me a bit of the decontamination chamber." Carol cringed at the memory of that humiliation which she had shared thanks to Diane. "Yeah, but that wasn't being filmed" Debbi pointed out angrily. "Well, maybe some of those students that day had phones ?" Carol countered. "Huh, whatever. All I know is that now I'm going to be all over that spa's website in HD" Debbi complained. "I was so certain Diane wouldn't dare to do the same thing to us again" observed Carol sadly. "Well she did. I'm going to see Jeff now to complain." Debbi was angry !

She stormed into Jeff's office. "What happened to Diane ?" she demanded. "She let us all down and I had to stand in at the last minute" she complained. "I hope you did as good a job as I'm sure she would have done, we need good client relations with that spa chain." Jeff was concerned. "Never mind that. What about Diane ?" Debbi wanted her pound of flesh. "Er, yes, well, she had an important meeting with the MD" said Jeff sheepishly. "He's appointed her head of European operations."

"What ?"Debbi exploded. "She must have sucked his cock !" Jeff was shocked. "Debbi" he admonished her. "Well, she must have" Debbi answered contritely. "It could have been you" Jeff advised her. "But you seem to have spent most of the last several months losing your clothes !"

"Well who's fault's that ?" Debbi responded. "Not mine I'm sure" countered Jeff. "No, it's Diane's" suggested Debbi, though she knew that not all of the past events could be laid at the door of her rival. The thought did flash into her mind that Carol had seemed to be involved in a number of them but she immediately felt guilty harbouring disloyal thoughts about her friend. "Or they were accidents" she said instead. "Anyway, they didn't do much for your image as a serious businesswoman" Jeff informed her. Debbi fumed.

"As it is, Diane'll be leaving to take up the post in Brussels." Debbi perked up. A silver lining. "I realise she'll be a great loss but you and Carol will have to try and take up some of the slack. I hope you can prove that I can rely on you like I used to be able to" Jeff concluded, leaving Debbi speechless at the unfairness of it all !

A couple of weeks later, Jeff greeted Debbi in the corridor. "Oh Deb, it seems you did a good job after all standing in for Diane on that spa web site thing. Well done."

"Oh, er, no, it was nothing, fine."

"Yes, Audrey was looking at the site last night and she said they seem to have some really good treatments that you were demonstrating !"

"Oh, really ? Yes, yes, they do" answered Debbi, embarrassed to think what Jeff's wife may have seen, chagrined to realise that the web site had been updated to feature her already and hoping that Jeff had not been peering over Audrey's shoulder !

"Only I was telling Audrey that the directors of the spa are offering all our employees and / or their better halves, 50% discount for a limited period. That's why she was checking it out. I've sent everyone an email about it this morning, including the link to the site" Jeff continued cheerfully. And Debbi had been hoping there was a chance that nobody would stumble over her promotional activities !

Later that morning, Debbi went for a pee in the ladies and as she was seated in the cubicle she overheard a conversation at the washstands. She thought she recognised the voices of some girls from the HR department.

"50% off's a great deal."

"Absolutely, I'm taking advantage of it."

"I'm not getting a bloody bikini wax though !" There was loud laughter. "Do you think that was really Debbi when they were getting the short hairs off her ass ?"

"Must have been. It was her in all the other stuff and they wouldn't have gone to the trouble of getting a body double just for that. I heard she only had to do it anyway because the original model didn't turn up !" More laughter.

"You could see her bum hole twitching."

"Well, wouldn't yours ?" The laughter receded but Debbi waited a while before daring to come out of the cubicle.
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and Carol at the business convention

"I suppose you're going to get a bloody 50% off treatment ?" Debbi accused Carol as she returned to her office. "Ah, I guess you've seen the email then ?" Carol answered sympathetically, since Debbi seemed peeved. "The whole bloody office has seen the email. And the web site. And my bum !" Debbi stormed. Carol had to admit to herself that it had been the talk of the water cooler. "It's a beautiful bum" she tried to pacify her. "That's as maybe but I didn't want the entire company to see it, yet alone everyone else who goes to that web site" Debbi complained. "But those other people won't know who you are. And Jeff and the spa people are happy. It's not so bad" countered Carol. "Humph !" was all that Debbi could say. "Cheer up, we're going home soon" said Carol. Debbi's car was in for maintenance and Carol had given her a lift this morning.

A little later in her bedroom, a naked Debbi was resting her head on Carol's ample bosom after her assistant had just brought her to a shattering climax ! "You needed that" Carol observed. "I did" Debbi agreed. "What you really need is a good seeing to" Carol decided. "How long since the fireman ?"

"Too long"

"Can't you call him up ?"

"And say what exactly ? How about coming round for a shag ?"

"I bet he would"

"I'm sure he would but that's not the point" said Debbi. "We need to get you laid though" Carol insisted. "What about Simon or Stew ?" Carol was referring to two of the young programmers who worked for Debbi. Debbi had always thought that Stew was cute but she demurred. "Too many complications."

"Kieron then ?" suggested Carol, talking about the simple post boy who was hopelessly besotted with Debbi. "Don't be cruel" Debbi laughed. "He'd come in his pants before I even got my bra off !"

"Or Gilbert ?" Carol giggled, thinking of the lecherous old security guard. "Eww" Debbi pulled a face. "He probably can't get it up anyway !"

"You could always suck the MD's cock like Diane ?" Carol ventured. Debbi just glared at her friend. "OK, so nobody at work then. But it shouldn't be too difficult, think of all those northern boys when we were in Cyprus ? They were all over you like flies in a honey pot !"

"Yeah, but I didn't shag any of them"

"You could have done though"

"True" admitted Debbi. Carol continued to ponder. "We could put an ad online on one of those dating sites. Gorgeous 26 year old office manager needs a good seeing to. No strings attached. Only hunks with big cocks need apply !" Debbi laughed. "Knowing my luck, I'd probably pull a serial killer !"

"I bet if you dressed up in your best party clothes and went and sat on your own in any bar, you'd get chatted up within seconds" Carol suggested. "Yes but by what kind of bloke ?" Debbi objected. "We've got that convention in a couple of weeks, we can do it then. There ought to be some presentable guys there ?" Carol persisted. She was determined to get Debbi laid !

They were to represent the company at a two day convention in Manchester at a swanky hotel. "I didn't know they had any swanky hotels in Manchester ?" said Carol. "Apparently it's a boom town now, headquarters of the northern powerhouse" Debbi informed her. "Isn't it where those lads on Cyprus were from ?" Carol wondered. "I don't think we're likely to bump into them in a city of millions" Debbi laughed. Carol was just hoping for some hunky guys to be in attendance at the convention that she could pair Debbi up with. She had convinced herself that what her boss was in need of was a good old fashioned heterosexual screwing ! "I'm perfectly capable of finding a guy myself when I'm ready" Debbi argued. "It never hurts to have a little assistance" Carol insisted.

"We're skipping lunch and going shopping" Carol announced to Debbi as midday approached. "What for ?" asked Debbi. "Well, I know you. You'll turn up at the hotel bar in the evening in boring old t-shirt and jeans" Carol began. "So ?" said Debbi. "They're comfortable and I look good in t-shirt and jeans." There was no denying that, especially as she never wore a bra when so attired. "I know but we need something sexy. You never know what the competition might be like. We're going to buy you a special party frock" Carol explained.

Debbi allowed her assistant to drag her along to the expensive department store in town. "Do you think I'm made of money ?" Debbi protested. "You can afford it" Carol replied, knowing full well that Debbi had recently received a pay rise to keep her sweet after the disappointment of Diane's promotion. Carol was in charge of selecting outfits to try from the racks, although Debbi had the power of veto. They took three options back to the changing room.

There was only really room for Debbi in the cramped cubicle. The first two dresses were rejected as too staid when Debbi came out to show Carol. She retreated to try the final selection then called "Carol, can you come and help ? This one's a bit difficult." Carol squeezed into the small space with Debbi who was struggling to get the tight garment over her head. "You can't wear a bra with this, not that you would anyway knowing you ! Take your bra off and we'll see how it looks." The dress looked stunning. "But it's more like a nightdress" Debbi complained. " I bet you've never even worn a nightdress in your life" Carol laughed. "Well, no. But I've seen them" said Debbi. They both reluctantly agreed that it would be over the top for an after dinner evening in a hotel bar.

"How about that cream satin number we looked at ?" Carol suggested since all three choices had now been rejected. "OK" Debbi agreed. "I'll take these back and go and get it" said Carol, scooping up the discarded garments. Carol was a reformed character as far as her relationship with Debbi was now concerned but her mischievous streak could not resist pulling the curtain of the cubicle fully open as she left, thus leaving Debbi exposed to public gaze as she stood there in just her knickers. It took Debbi a few seconds to realise before calling after her friend in protest, which only served to draw the attention of a gang of laughing teens enjoying their lunch break !

"Sorry about that" chuckled Carol as she returned and handed in the dress. This one turned out to be a keeper. It was sexy, yet sophisticated. The material was a clinging cream silk and it was a wrap around style, held together only by a tie at the waist. "It's a bit precarious isn't it ?" Debbi worried. "Nah, perfectly safe. You can wear it a little in the hotel room to get used to how it moves" Carol reasoned. The hem of the dress fell to just on Debbi's knee, which length she was comfortable with. It was backless from the waist up, with a strap around the neck that expanded into a 'V' shaped cleavage at the front. "Does it show my nipples ?" Debbi looked in the mirror. "A hint" Carol conceded "But then so do your t-shirts" she added. "True" admitted Debbi. "OK, let's buy this then" she decided !

"What's up with that friend of yours ?" a voice asked Carol as she stood at the hotel bar. It was Roger, one of three Oxbridge graduates who had shown a pronounced interest in Debbi during the three day business convention. The other two were Giles and Naseem, the latter the son of rich Indian industrialists who had sent their son to England to learn to be a gentleman and who had taken to a life of privilege like a duck to water.

Carol despaired of Debbi sometimes. They had agreed that what she was in need of was a good seeing to and had gone on that shopping expedition when she seemed keen on purchasing the sexy party frock. Carol knew that she had brought the frock with her and yet here she was on the second of the three nights they would be staying in the hotel and again in t-shirt and jeans after changing out of the business clothes everyone had been wearing during the day. Admittedly it was obvious that she was not wearing a bra underneath the t-shirt and this had not gone unnoticed by the three upper class predators who were circling round her. But she did not seem to be doing much to encourage them as far as Carol could ascertain.

"What do you mean ?" she asked Roger in response to his query. "She needs to loosen up" he replied. "What's with all these fruit juices ?" Debbi had been on non-alcoholic drinks all evening. "I guess she wants to be fresh for the morning" Carol tried to excuse her friend. "And she really can't hold her drink. A couple of stiff ones and there's no telling what she'll do !" she added. Why did I say that, Carol thought as Roger laughed ?

Carol promised to see what she could do to get Debbi to be in more of a party frame of mind the following evening, which would be the final one of their stay. It was probably as well that she didn't overhear the conversation between Roger and the barman that ensued. "About that special cocktail you were telling me about" Roger began. "What ? The one guaranteed to loosen the tightest knicker elastic ?" the barman replied. "That's the one" said Roger.

Debbi and Carol were getting ready in their shared hotel bedroom the following evening. The convention was over but several delegates such as themselves who lived some distance away, were staying another night. Carol was already dressed but Debbi was still sitting in her knickers at the dressing table. At least she's taking time over her makeup thought Carol, who had nagged Debbi into agreeing to wear the party frock this last evening. Finally satisfied with her handiwork, Debbi opened the draw to the dresser. "Woo hoo, stockings !" cried Carol, as Debbi sat on the bed to pull on some elasticated thigh highs. "Well, tights would be a bit crap for a night out and it's not the season for bare legs" replied Debbi. "Oh, I'm not criticising. I'm pleased you're making the effort" Carol answered.

"Have you decided who the lucky guy is ?" Carol laughed. "Nobody" said Debbi firmly. "Those posh boys were a bunch of assholes, I'd feel like a class traitor going with one of them" she explained. "But we agreed that you needed a good seeing to" Carol protested. "You decided that, I went along with you for a quiet life" Debbi countered. Oh well the night's young, a few drinks will soon loosen her up thought Carol, as she watched Debbi get into the party frock that they had carefully selected from the shop. "You can't see my tits can you ?" Debbi asked, adjusting the straps of the backless gown. "Not your nips" Carol assured her, though there was considerable cleavage which Debbi was not used to displaying. Debbi fumbled with the tie which was all that held the two flaps of the dress together. "This doesn't feel very secure" she complained. "Tie a double knot then" said Carol, but then they both agreed this didn't look very elegant. "It'll be fine." Carol was again reassuring as Debbi settled on a single knot. "You're not going to be doing anything energetic in it !"

Both women decided that they had eaten enough at the buffet lunch and so they were headed straight for the cocktail bar. There was a piano trio providing some middle of the road jazz as mood music. There was one couple seated at a table but the remaining dozen or so clientele was decidedly masculine, all being attendees of the conference.

The three posh boys, as Debbi had termed them, had been discussing their plan of action with the barman. "You can have the MILF !" Roger, who thought of himself as the alpha male, informed the other two. "No thanks" replied Naseem, the Indian aristocrat. "Who decided you get the hottie ?" It seemed that all three had designs on Debbi. "Well, I guess we can share" conceded Roger. "But I'm going first" he laughed. Turning to the barman, Roger said "Those look foul." He gestured at the cocktails that were being prepared. "Designed to appeal to the ladies" the barman explained. "All the fruit and sweetness masks the alcohol. They knock them back as if they were fruit juice and before they know it, they're legless" he continued. "Or knickerless" laughed Giles. "Hopefully" replied the barman. "So make sure you put in double shots of vodka" Roger instructed as he passed the barman a fifty for his co-operation. " I was thinking of triples" the barman replied. "Good man !" Roger patted his back.

"Here they come" announced Naseem, as Debbi and Carol entered the lounge. Carol looked presentable enough in a smart trouser suit but heads turned towards Debbi in her sophisticated but subtly revealing gown."No jeans this evening ?" asked Roger as he took Debbi's arm and guided them towards a table by an alcove. "Well, it's the last night" Debbi answered. "Indeed it is. So we must celebrate with some cocktails as we're in the cocktail bar" said Roger, gesturing to the barman. "I was just going to have fruit juice" said Debbi. "Oh come on Deb. One's not going to do any harm" urged Carol. "That's the spirit Carol" agreed Roger enthusiastically. "I've asked the barman to make a special low alcohol fruit based mix" he informed Debbi. "That's nice of you, thanks" she replied. "OK then, just the one !"

"More cocktails, more cocktails !" Debbi was banging the table. She was getting quite exuberant and was becoming the centre of attention for the predominantly male clientele of the lounge. Roger signalled to the barman for the same again. Even he had lost count of whether this would be the fifth or sixth. It would in fact be the sixth ! "Count me out. I'm going to go and crash" said Carol with the hint of a slur. "No stamina" Debbi teased her friend. Her three suitors were not unhappy to see the older woman depart as Debbi took a long swig from her latest drink. She was obviously braless which allowed her breasts to move around very freely. Her hard nipples showed very clearly through the thin material.

Despite the antipathy that a sober Debbi felt towards him, Roger was now charming her drunken self very effectively. He was sitting close, hand sliding up and down her bare back, and looking directly into her eyes as they spoke. She was paying less attention to the other two who were leering at her breasts, adding brief comments to the general conversation, and making disguised comments to each other, presumably about her.

The only couple left at the same time as Carol, leaving about a dozen men and Debbi in the lounge. The piano trio began a faster Latin based number and Giles invited Debbi to dance. Never the greatest mover, Debbi was reluctant. Giles was insistent however and Debbi was pretty soon persuaded. As they moved onto the brightly lit dance floor, everybody turned to watch.

Giles led Debbi in a salsa which she followed awkwardly, what with the effects of the alcohol and her normal lack of rhythm. He turned her back and forth almost continuously, accomplishing his purpose which was to make her skirt fly open as far and as often as possible for his companions and the other men in the room. The onlookers soon became aware that she was wearing stockings and there was even a glimpse or two of her knickers ! This proved a bit too strenuous for Debbi and before the end of the number, she bailed out and moved unsteadily back to the table.

There was a new drink waiting for her and although she protested, she gulped down the remainder of the one she had and lifted the new one.

Roger was again talking to Debbi intimately, with his face very close and sliding his hand up and down her back. Naseem was on her left, staring at her breast through the opening of her dress. His other hand had moved to her knee and started to stroke up and down on her exposed nylon covered leg but Debbi grabbed his hand when his strokes got too high. When a slow song began, she nevertheless accepted his invitation to dance. She was weaving badly heading to the dance floor, and seemed to need his support. As they danced, Naseem held her close and his hand descended to her ass for a few seconds before she reached around and pulled it back up. He was persistent though and kept moving his hand down while Debbi's reactions slowed. Naseem smirked as he looked over her shoulder at his companions, slid his hand once more to her ass, clutched her skirt and moved back up to her waist, thus lifting her skirt and exposing the bottom of her panties.The lower half of her two cheeks were just visible as they peeked out of the skimpy knickers. Naseem held her skirt up briefly for his two smiling companions and then turned her for the others in the room to see.

When he lowered his hand back to her ass, Debbi realised and moved it again. She was clearly annoyed but in her befuddled state, he managed to lift her skirt again without her noticing, sliding his hand up to her waist and leaving her knickers exposed. He kept her exposed for quite a while, turning her so everyone in the room could enjoy the view. Even the bartender had stopped to stare at her !

Debbi sat out the next couple of songs before accepting another fast dance with Naseem. They danced separately for a while with Debbi having difficulty maintaining her balance. He moved in behind her and put one arm around her waist and one on her hip. He pushed his knee between her legs, which pulled her skirt open in the front. He used the hand on her hip to pull her skirt further to one side, opening the slit almost to her waist and exposing her sheer panties even more. She was now very much the centre of attention in the lounge.

As the song ended, Roger walked up and cut in. Debbi put both arms around his neck and he placed both his arms around her waist. Her inhibitions were now vanishing completely and she was unconcerned, or maybe didn't even notice, as his hands roamed freely over her ass. Debbi seemed to nod in agreement to something Roger was suggesting and the pair then embarked on a long kiss. As they kissed, she was even less conscious of what his hands were up to. By moving his hands alternately up and down her ass, he had inched her skirt up slowly. When she didn't react, he continued until the back of her skirt was all the way up to her waist. Debbi was now completely exposed in the back from the waist down, with her ass clearly visible through her knickers to this room full of smiling, very aroused men. Even the bartender had moved from behind the bar to watch the show on the dance floor. The salesman held her dress up for a while before allowing it to slip down as he went back to massaging her ass. As they continued talking and kissing he kept working her dress back up, displaying her ass off and on for the rest of the song.

The song ended and Roger held Debbi's arm to steady her as he helped her to the ladies room. When she returned unassisted, she needed to hold onto the backs of several chairs to keep her balance. As she sat down, she sneaked something into Roger's hand. He smiled and pulled her to him. As he gave her a long kiss, Roger held his hand up behind her head and displayed her knickers held between his two fingers !

Naseem then moved close to Debbi again with his arm around her waist, talking to her Roger and getting a good look at her breast through the opening of her top. After a while, he pulled her up and guided her back out to the dance floor, with every guy turning to watch. By now Debbi was really looking drunk and having difficulty walking and concentrating. As they slow danced, she put both her arms around his neck and Naseem wasted no time sliding one of his hands up under her dress to feel her bare ass. Debbi reacted slowly, but eventually reached back and pushed his hands away.

They danced a little longer before he started moving his hands slightly up and down and slowly sliding her dress up. He eased her dress up until he had it to her waist. Debbi was completely unaware of her exposure as she continued to shuffle along to his lead with her arms around his neck, her head on his shoulder, and her bare ass completely exposed to the leering eyes of a dozen horny guys.

Naseem continued to dance with Debbi. With one hand, he subtly loosened the tie holding the gown together. Taking his arms from around her neck, he took advantage of the change in tempo of the music to twirl her to one side and then immediately swing her back in the opposite direction. The dress had started to open on the first turn, but Debbi didn't notice in time before Naseem turned her in the opposite direction. This caused the dress to open completely, exposing her now naked body !

As Naseem completed the turn, he held her hand up to spin her again but, as drunk as she was, Debbi became aware of the wide open dress and pulled her hand away to clutch it closed. She laughed and acted embarrassed, thinking the opening had been accidental. Naseem moved to assist her and as Debbi pulled the dress together, he tied the belt up in a bow but much looser than it had originally been.

They returned to the table, where Debbi was now so drunk that she was sitting there with her legs parted, and didn't notice that her breasts were very exposed from both the sides and front in the loose fitting top. She rested her elbows on the table and her top had fallen so far forward that her breasts were completely exposed. Her skirt had become so loose that the opening started just at her crotch.

Giles had walked around and was standing behind her. He appeared to be massaging her shoulders, but actually was working her top open in the front and was staring down at her exposed breasts. Roger was staring at her breasts and talking to her as his hand slid up and down her thigh. After a couple of minutes of being groped, Debbi tried to pull herself together and brushing off their attentions and for reasons that seemed to make sense to her at the time, began to make her way unsteadily to the bar.

One of her breasts had slipped out and was partly exposed. She walked unsteadily up to a pair of men seated at the bar, and asked if one of them would dance with her. One quickly took advantage of his good fortune and helped her out to the dance floor. But Roger moved in proprietorially and whispered something in the guy's ear, causing him to back off.

Debbi protested that she couldn't dance any more but Roger moved behind her and held her waist to support her while he started moving her to the music. Giles and Naseem stood on the edge of the dance floor to watch, alongside several other guys who had moved to the side that she was facing.

Debbi was no longer really dancing. She just helplessly leaned back on Roger, arms at her sides and eyes trying to focus on the far wall as he moved her around. She consciously tried to act sexy a couple of times, raising her arms briefly, but she was too drunk to do much more than stand and let him move her back and forth. Her eyes closed as she tried to move with the music.

Roger supported her with one arm wrapped around her waist and the other hand on her hip. When her arms raised momentarily, his hand moved up from her hip, slipping easily inside her top to rest on her bare breast. Debbi didn't seem to notice but let her arms drop back down. When Roger pulled his hand back, he pulled on her loose top, opening it enough in the front to bare her breast to the leering audience.

Someone in her audience shouted "Yay" as Roger pulled on the bow, releasing the tie that held Debbi's dress together. The dress started slowly unwrapping. He pulled the skirt to one side as he moved the hand around her waist to her hip, causing the dress to open completely. Her body was now almost completely exposed in the front, with the dress still hanging onto one breast. Debbi's shaven pussy was openly displayed to the horny guys standing only 15 feet from her. "Never thought I'd see that when I first saw her swan into the convention hall the other day" remarked one of the guys. His companions laughed. "Amazing what a few drinks can do !"

As Roger thrust his pelvis into Debbi, the dress fell off of her other breast. "Holy shit!" someone cried. Debbi was now completely naked, except for the thigh highs, which only added to the erotic sight. She still hadn't noticed that her dress was now just hanging at her sides as she continued trying to move to the music with her eyes closed. This continued for one or two minutes until Roger made another grab for Debbi's breast. This time she finally reacted in alarm but only succeeded in stumbling to her knees.

"OK, I think this has gone far enough" an authoritative voice rang out. "Oh yeah ? Who says ?" cried Roger belligerently, his public school sense of entitlement coming to the fore. "Detective Inspector James Williamson" answered the owner of the voice, an imposing looking figure displaying his warrant card !

"Oh, er, yeah, well, maybe you're right" said Roger, backing off and trying not to lose face !

ames offered Debbi his arm to help her to her feet as Roger and the other guys slunk into the background. "Thank you" said Debbi, who was almost totally out of it. She glanced down at her nudity. "Oh, my dress came undone. How did that happen ?" She pulled her dress across her body but fumbled ineffectually with the tie. "Here, let me help you with that" said James, tying the belt securely. "Thank you, you're a gentleman" slurred Debbi. "Are you staying in the hotel ?" the detective asked her. "Hotel ? Stay ?" Debbi looked around the lounge vacantly. "She is mate. She was at the convention here" one of the guys who had been watching yelled across.

"My bag ?" Debbi remembered. James guided her carefully back to the table to retrieve it, the room key left casually beside it. "Let's get you to your room" James decided. "Thank you" mumbled Debbi. James shepherded her towards the door but not before he had a word with the barman. "I can't prove what you put in those drinks mate but a licence can always be revoked. Watch yourself !" He also had a quick word at reception with the night porter, after once more producing his warrant card. Then he pressed the lift button for the third floor, the chances of walking Debbi up three flights of stairs in her current state being minimal.

James felt concerned about leaving Debbi alone. He did not want to read about a hotel guest having choked on her own vomit ! So when they arrived at her room, he accompanied her inside. The room was already illuminated by a bedside lamp and when he rounded the corner of the bathroom, he was confronted by the sight of a totally naked woman passed out on the bed. "There's Carol" said Debbi. "She's got no clothes on. You can see Carol's fanny. You shouldn't look at Carol's fanny, only her Derek should see Carol's fanny !" The drunken Debbi was rambling. "It's OK, I'm not looking" James reassured her. "I know, you're a gentleman" slurred Debbi. "Let me help you to the bed" James asserted. "I want a glass of water" said Debbi.

Unable to immediately find any bottle of water, James left to get a glass from the bathroom. By the time he returned, Debbi had already thrown off her dress and was passed out flat on her back on the bed. "Oh great" he thought. He now had two vulnerable women and the only clothes they were wearing between them were Debbi's hold ups ! Knowing that it would be bad for her circulation to sleep in those, he knelt by the bed to begin peeling them down her legs. He had seen a lot of things in his line of work that he wished he could somehow unsee. This would be one of the sweeter memories !

Once he had succeeded in removing the stockings, he manhandled Debbi to the centre of the bed, grasped hold of her left leg and rolled her onto her side into the recovery position. He then moved to the other bed and performed the same operation on Carol. Both women remained dead to the world. There was no way he could get them into the beds and so he called down to the night porter for spare blankets. It was amazing the effect of a warrant card !

"Dump them on the chair there" James told the night porter when he arrived with the blankets. "Blimey, you're collecting them tonight" the porter laughed, glancing at the two naked women. James grinned ruefully. "Hassle I could do without. Here, you might as well help me cover them up." He handed one of the blankets to the porter. "Seems a pity to spoil the view" the porter remarked. "I know what you mean but it's not funny, you'd better tell the management to keep an eye on that barman of yours" James said seriously. He remained uneasy about leaving Debbi and Carol in case their drinks had been spiked and settled down for an uncomfortable night in the armchair !

Carol had a myriad of questions when she woke the next morning ( James had quietly exited the room at six o'clock when he was happy that the two women were not going to suffer anything worse than the mother of all hangovers ! ) Why was she naked on top of the bed and just covered by a thin blanket ? And why was Debbi in the same predicament ? Her head throbbed wildly. She recalled feeling woozy and leaving the lounge downstairs early while Debbi was calling for more cocktails ! Should she wake her friend or let her sleep on ? They had to vacate the room by eleven and had the midday train to catch from Manchester back to London. She decided to get up and make some noise in the bathroom and see if that would wake Debbi.

As Carol emerged from the bathroom in her robe, she saw that Debbi was beginning to stir and they were both then further awakened by knocking on the door. Carol peered warily round the security chain to see room service with a large bunch of flowers. "A token from the management to apologise for last night and we hope that it did not spoil your stay with us !" James had suggested to the night porter that such a gesture was appropriate after the laxity of the barman in allowing Debbi to be plied with drinks when she was obviously in no fit state to continue consuming them. "Oh, er, thank you very much" said the mystified Carol as she opened the door fully to accept the bouquet.

"You got any idea what that was all about ?" she asked the groggy Debbi who had managed to raise herself semi upright, the blanket slipping off her topless form. "Not really, er, maybe" she stammered. Her hangover dwarfed Carol's though she had no way of knowing that. It would have been better if the alcohol she had consumed had killed her memory of last night but images began to filter back through of her initial exuberance and later embarrassment. Carol put the flowers on the side and then noticed a card that had been left. "Who's Detective Inspector Williamson ?"

Downstairs over breakfast, Debbi filled Carol in on her adventures and rescue. They were late getting to the restaurant, which suited Debbi fine since most of the attendees of the convention had gone and nobody there seemed to recognise her from the night before. "So, was he a hunk ?" Carol asked eagerly ( Debbi had not mentioned her friend's lewd exposure when James had escorted her into the room ) "Are you going to call him ? He must have fancied you to leave his card ?"
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi tries track and field

Debbi tries track and field

It was a couple of days after returning from the convention in Manchester when Debbi stormed into the office. "I don't believe it, she's bloody stitched me up again !"

"Who has ?" said Carol. She had been going to ask about the hunky detective from the hotel but saw that her friend was not in a receptive mood. "Who d'you think ?"

"Diane ? But she's in Brussels."

"She's got a bloody long reach though" explained Debbi. "You know she arranged that merger with the German company ?"

"Yeah, impressive what with Brexit and everything" Carol admitted reluctantly. "Yeah whatever. Anyway, now it seems she's come up with this idea of a celebration weekend of events."


"So, it includes a sodding athletics meet or race or whatever and she's told Jeff I volunteered to be the women's representative for the company !"

"What ? Just the one ?"

"Seems so. There's other music and craft events so it's not just this athletics. There's gonna be someone from her Brussels team as well as a girl from the northern office plus me and the German. Stew's been roped in for the men's race."

"So what is it exactly ?" asked Carol. "Apparently there's five elements to it. Morning's long jump, high jump and 100 meters. Then after lunch, a kind of mini biathlon with two lengths of the pool followed by a transition to an 800 meter run.

"Not exactly the Olympics then" said Carol encouragingly. "Maybe not but I've not done anything competitively for over eight years" Debbi replied. "You're pretty fit though and maybe it won't be that competitive ?" mused Carol. "Not competitive ? They're Germans for goodness sake" exclaimed Debbi ! "So anyway, Jeff's given me the afternoon off for training for the next couple of weeks. High jump ! I've never done a high jump in my life. They go backwards don't they ? How the hell do I learn to do that ?"

"When is it ?" asked Carol. "Just under three weeks at the weekend" Debbi replied. "Oh well, at least there doesn't seem much scope for you to lose your clothes " laughed Carol. Debbi scowled. "Guess there is that" she conceded.

Debbi spent most of her time with the trainer that Jeff had engaged trying to learn basic high jump technique. The trainer had a trampoline set into the base of the run up to the pit to give Debbi some spring so that she could practice bending her run and launching herself backwards over the bar without breaking her neck ! After a painful few days, she began to master this. She was acutely aware of the undignified spectacle she presented landing in the pit with her legs behind her head and her bum in the air. It was a good job she was wearing cycling shorts and she intended to do that on the day also !

There was little hope of achieving any significant height in the time available but at least she could fail in a manner that would show she had some semblance of knowing what she was doing. The long jump and sprint would have to take care of themselves on the day but Debbi did do some additional jogging in her own time to build up stamina for the 800 meters. She did not care about winning this tin pot event but didn't want to give Diane the satisfaction of seeing her make a fool of herself. Her nemesis was coming over from Brussels for the event and Carol had added to the pressure by inviting the Manchester detective for the weekend as Debbi's 'plus one' for the gala dinner after the day's sporting and cultural activities.

When the day dawned, Debbi didn't exactly feel like a trained athlete but she figured she was as ready as she was ever going to be. She packed her cycling gear and swimming things into her bag and headed for the sports center. Carol was already there with James the detective. Debbi shyly said hello. They had spoken a few times on the phone but this was the first time they had actually met since the drunken evening in the hotel. Spectators were already beginning to gather in the mini grandstand. Debbi saw familiar faces from the company waving at her and she saw Stew who was competing for the men.

Before she could exchange more than a few pleasantries with Carol and James however, Diane butted in wearing a painted on smile. The hostility was once more immediately apparent, even though it was the first time they had met for several weeks. "Ah, there you are finally Debbi" was Diane's greeting. This caused Debbi to bridle straight away, since she knew she was not late. "Hurry up, the other competitors are already getting ready." Debbi picked up her sports bag. "What's that ?" asked Diane. "My kit" answered Debbi. "Oh, no need for that. We've got some special custom made kit to make the whole thing look more professional. Come on, Aditty's got it in the changing room."

Debbi exchanged glances with Carol, alarm bells ringing as she reluctantly followed Diane to the changing rooms over in the main building of the complex . "See you later" her friend called, as she went with James to get a prime position in the stand.

Despite the fact that she was not late, when she got to the changing room Debbi discovered that she was indeed the last to arrive since her three fellow competitors had been staying overnight in a hotel and had all come here together by cab. It looked like Debbi's fear about being outclassed in the athletic stakes were about to be realized. Hilde, the statuesque German, was almost a caricature of a blonde Amazon. Celeste from the Brussels office was a finely toned black girl who would not have looked out of place on any national sprint team. Siobhan, the freckled redhead from the northern office, might not have been so immediately imposing but in conversation it transpired that before leaving home to take up her job with the company, she had been west of Ireland cross country champion !

Debbi was greeted by Aditty, the Asian intern who had fallen under Diane's evil spell, thrusting a bundle at her. "Here's your kit. Diane went to a lot of trouble to get everyone kit in their national colors." Debbi saw that Hilde was already kitted out in the black and white of Deutschland, while Celeste wore the distinctive red of Belgium and Siobhan's green shorts could only be to represent Ireland. Debbi was relieved to see that the bottoms of the midriff baring kit each girl was wearing comprised of relatively modest boy shorts, albeit of a particularly tight fit. "Hurry up and get changed" ordered Aditty. "You won't need your bra and knickers, these have built in support" she further informed Debbi.

Debbi felt self conscious to be the only one still getting changed, while the others plus Aditty stood around watching her. It took no time at all for her to get naked. As usual at the weekend she was not wearing a bra, so she only had to haul her t-shirt over her head and her knickers and jogging bottoms came off together with one combined tug. She grabbed the top first and it did look quite like that of the official UK team, a glorified sports bra come crop top that was mainly white but with red and blue trim. It squashed her tits a little but at least she would not be bouncing when she ran. Stepping into the navy blue Lycra bottoms, it wasn't until they were past her knees and halfway up her thighs that Debbi noticed that in contrast to the boy shorts worn by the other three, these were styled like regular briefs with just a two inch side. And of course, Diane had made sure that they were a size too small !

"How come these are different from theirs ?" Debbi protested, cutting a comical figure with the briefs still halfway down her thighs. "That's all we could get off the web site for the British kit" answered Aditty casually. Debbi struggled to pull them up over her thighs and bum. There was some elasticity in the material but they still cut like a knife and produced a pronounced camel toe. Not to mention disappearing further up her ass crack with every step she took, exposing more and more of her bum cheeks !

The four contestants made their way from the changing rooms to the track under Aditty's direction. Debbi had already adjusted the back of her briefs three times before they arrived in front of the grandstand but she was fighting a losing battle. Every time she adjusted it, the material immediately made its way back between her cheeks. She was just going to have to let it do its thing. It wasn't very ladylike to be continuously picking an obstinate wedgie out of her ass crack !

The crowd of spectators had grown considerably while Debbi had been getting changed. She could pick out Carol and James among the company crowd and there were several others she recognized such as neighbors and regulars from her local pub, including a rowdy gang of teens sitting on a rise on the far side of the track towards the main complex where the changing rooms were.

The four men who would be competing had already been introduced by Diane who was on the PA. "Ladies and gentlemen, a big round of applause for our intrepid female athletes" she announced, as Aditty instructed the girls to stand facing the crowd, where Debbi's visible camel toe became an immediate focus of attention among the males. "A big welcome please for Hilde, representing our new German partners." Hilde jumped and waved to acknowledge the applause and Diane made similar introductions for Celeste and Siobhan, using the opportunity to emphasize that she, Diane, ran the operation in Brussels and also hoped to lead negotiations to open an office in the Emerald Isle that might enable Siobhan to return home to work.

"Lastly" she continued "and I sincerely hope that it isn't going to be last in the competition, I'm sure you all recognize Debbi from your own fair town !" Debbi sheepishly acknowledged the cheers. "Turn and wave to the rest of the crowd on the far side Debbi" suggested Diane mischievously, even though there was only that small group of teens over there drinking from beer cans. She automatically did so, thus presenting her rear view to the grandstand and eliciting a chorus of wolf whistles that caused Debbi to blush and irritated the other three girls.

"Those briefs are a bit skimpy" remarked James. "Almost like panties really" admitted Carol. "Still, she has the figure for it" she added supportively.

As the four competitors made their way over to the long jump pit, Debbi noticed for the first time a big screen positioned at the end of the running track displaying an image of herself as she walked over. She turned her head to see a cameraman tracking her. She didn't know that Diane had gone to the trouble and expense of commissioning a video of the day's events. She must have sweet talked Jeff into financing it on the back of the successful merger, Debbi assumed.

Determining to put that out of her mind, Debbi tried to concentrate on the first event. She had not practiced the long jump but the trainer had shown her some videos and given her a few tips. It just seemed to her to be a case of running as fast as she could up the runway until she hit the white board and then sort of hurling herself up and forward and windmilling her arms and legs a bit. Debbi was last to take her first jump and got a few more tips from watching the other three, especially the black girl Celeste whose event this very much seemed to be.

Who cares if I finish last, Debbi kept telling herself. Just don't look like an idiot. She was being tracked by two cameras as she barreled down the track, one up in the stand and the other at the landing end of the pit but Debbi was oblivious to this as she began to lose control at the end of the run and launched herself wildly. She tried to remember to kick her legs and wheel her arms and time seemed to stand still for a second until she landed in the sand in an undignified heap !

Debbi twisted around, sand covered bum pointing at the camera with her cheeks fully exposed from where her briefs had ridden up completely on landing. Whereas professional sports broadcasters tended to discretely cut away at this point, Diane's cameraman focused in for a long lingering look as Debbi stood and attempted to brush the sand from her bum. "Well, that was certainly a very cheeky performance from Debbi" Diane's voice boomed over the PA. Debbi looked ruefully up at herself on the big screen and was about to begin to pick the wedgie out of her ass crack when the judge came up to inform her that it was a foul jump because she had overstepped the board. This gave the opportunity for further views of her bum as she stooped to peer down at the mark. "All that effort for nothing" lamented Carol.

Debbi was so disconcerted by her foul jump that she ran straight through the pit on her second attempt for another no jump. Her third attempt finally produced a valid effort and another virtual full moon for the camera but it wasn't enough to save her from last place. "Never mind Debbi, we were all greatly entertained" came over the PA from Diane. "Let's hope you can do better in the high jump !"

As was to be expected, the high jump did not go any better than the long jump had done. Debbi had to enter at the humiliatingly low height of three feet and even then she needed two attempts to clear it, while the others virtually stepped over the bar. Debbi used the flop technique she had been practicing and what she knew would have been an undignified upside down landing in the cycling shorts she had been expecting to wear, became positively obscene in these briefs. Of course the camera for the big screen was positioned perfectly at the landing side of the pit to capture every detail !

"That reminds me. For those of you up late enough, there's a full moon tonight" commentated Diane, to laughter from the crowd. It looked as if Debbi would be eliminated at four feet but by some miracle, her third attempt left the bar shuddering but it did not fall. This elicited sympathetic cheers from the crowd but it only delayed the inevitable, with her three attempts at five feet ending in miserable failure. Once again Debbi had finished last, with victory going to the lissome Hilde.

The final event of the morning was the 100 meters. Debbi was pleased that at least this one would be over quickly but the cameraman still took the opportunity to focus on her rear view as the four runners settled in their blocks. And despite pumping her arms and legs as hard as she could Debbi still finished ten meters adrift, doubled over and breathing heavily while the others hardly seemed to be out of breath.

She made her way over to Carol and James. "I didn't do very well I'm afraid" she said. "Nonsense, you were excellent" Carol lied. "It's not your fault the others are just a little bit better."

"Can't join you for lunch, it's only just over an hour to the afternoon events" Debbi continued. "What are they again ?" Carol needed reminding. "We swim two lengths of the baths, then come out to that little shielded area over there to put on our track shoes and race 800 meters round the track. I'm buggered if I'm going to come last in this" Debbi affirmed. "She's a strong swimmer" Carol confided to James.

Meanwhile, another conversation was taking place between Diane and Aditty. "And you're certain you've packed her swimsuit separately ?" Diane stressed. "Deffo" confirmed Aditty. "I never knew they made soluble swimsuits" she laughed !

As Debbi trudged slowly back to the changing rooms after the others, she noticed the gang of rowdy teens that she was familiar with from the local pub, running around from their place on the far side of the track to intercept her. There were five of them, three boys and two girls. They knew Debbi as a familiar figure in the pub and while they were not bad kids, they were not people she would ordinarily choose to spend any time with. "Selfies Debbi" one of the guys yelled at her, waving his phone. "Oh no guys, not while I'm like this" Debbi protested. "But you look great" cried one of the girls. "Love the knickers" she laughed, staring pointedly at Debbi's prominent camel toe. "They're not knickers, they're running gear" Debbi corrected her. "Might as well be knickers for all they cover" the other girl joked. By now Debbi was surrounded by the laughing gang, countless snaps being taken with her. "Smile Deb. Peace signs ! These'll be great for the pub's WhatsApp group."

When she finally reached the sanctuary of the changing rooms, Debbi found the other three stretching and performing winding down exercises. All that she wanted was to take a quick shower to freshen up for the afternoon. She was sitting there wrapped in a towel afterwards when Aditty came in. "Here are your swimsuits girls" she announced. "Can't I just use my own ? I brought one along" Debbi asked. "These are a special sporting style we ordered and you can run in them too if you like" the Asian girl explained. "Now just so we know and can set up, who's going to change into their running gear in the transition area and who's just going to put on shoes and run the 800 meters in their swimsuit ?"

This was a disingenuous question in the case of Debbi, since Diane and Aditty had no intention of providing any clothes for her in the transition area. But there was a genuine need to know in the case of the other girls. Siobhan, the Irish cross country specialist, opted to change back into her running gear, confident that she could make up any lost time. Hilde followed suit but the black girl Celeste knew that she was a weak swimmer and so decided that she would save time by running the laps in her swimsuit. Determined not to come last yet again, Debbi announced that was also going to be her plan. She figured a swimsuit would hardly be any more revealing than the outfit she had been provided with for the morning events !

Debbi failed to notice the slight smirk that came over Aditty's face !

Debbi was pleasantly surprised when she began to climb into the dark blue swimsuit that Aditty handed to her. She had half expected something that would immediately turn transparent once wet but there did not seem to be any danger of that with this suit. It was even her correct size, unlike the running gear she had been given that morning. There might be some bum cheek exposure running around the track later she thought but nothing worse than she had already endured.

The girls tucked their hair into the unflattering swim caps and headed to the pool. There were no spectators, this part of the contest was to be relayed to the crowd outside via the big screen, though coverage would not be extensive since the main cameras remained stationed at strategic points around the track. The swim race would only be covered by one fixed camera in a conventional fashion.

The four girls climbed onto their blocks and it was noticeable that Debbi and Hilde dived in much more enthusiastically than the other two. As Carol had asserted, Debbi was indeed a strong swimmer. She remained within striking distance of Hilde throughout the first length and comfortably outpaced Siobhan. Celeste was floundering badly with a rudimentary doggy paddle. Things remained much the same after the turn. Hilde clambered out of the pool in the lead but only by a few seconds and Debbi knew the German girl planned to change into her running kit and so would lose time. Anxious to maintain her advantage over Siobhan and Celeste and determined not to finish last once more in this final event, Debbi hauled herself out of the pool and set off in hot pursuit.

It was only as she neared the exit leading to the screened off transition area that Debbi realized something was wrong. What was that material flapping around ? And why could she feel the breeze on her tits ? Looking down, she saw too her horror that the swimsuit was disintegrating at an alarming rate. All the seams were giving way and she was already effectively topless ! She desperately tried to hold together what little remained of the bottom half of the suit. "Aditty, help !" she cried.

The transition area was shielded from general view by some makeshift screens but from her elevated commentary position, Diane could look down and glimpse what was happening inside. "Ladies and gentlemen, our first two competitors have made it from the pool to the transition area and they are almost neck and neck. They are Hilde and I must admit somewhat to my surprise, your very own Debbi" she announced.

This announcement brought cheers from the crowd but any encouragement was lost on Debbi. "What's happened to this bloody suit ? Aditty, help me" she cried as she struggled with the tattered remnants of the swimsuit, ignoring Hilde who was already halfway through changing into her running gear. "Here are your shoes" said Aditty. "I don't want sodding shoes, I want something to wear" Debbi protested. "What a state, let me help" Aditty suggested and before Debbi could intervene, the Asian girl had ripped what little remained of the disintegrating swimsuit from Debbi's body, leaving her naked apart from the ugly rubber swim cap.

"I'm naked" wailed Debbi. "Put your shoes on, Hilde's about ready to go and now here comes Siobhan" encouraged Aditty. Debbi began to mechanically hop around and try to get into the running shoes. Meanwhile, Hilde emerged to applause from the crowd to begin her two laps of the track. "Hilde's now back in the lead" commentated Diane. "I'm not sure what's happened to Debbi but it looks like she might be suffering something of a wardrobe malfunction" she added, titillating the crowd.

Debbi had by now put on the shoes and started to panic as the redheaded Siobhan entered and began to change into her running gear. "Shit, I'm losing my advantage. Aditty, where's my kit ?" Debbi looked around frantically. "What kit ?" answered Aditty. "My running kit so I can change" yelled Debbi angrily. "But you told us you weren't going to bother to change. It's already in the wash" Aditty explained patiently. "What do you mean, the wash ?" cried Debbi desperately, realization beginning to dawn. " I mean that we-have-sent-the-kit-you-were-wearing-to-the-laundry-since-you-told-us-that-you-would-not-need-it" replied Aditty, stressing each word individually as if talking to a toddler.

Siobhan was now lacing up her running shoes and about to depart and the aquatically challenged Celeste was also finally about to arrive. Debbi knew that Celeste intended to just put on her shoes and run in her swimsuit, which to Debbi's chagrin remained in perfect condition. Aditty began to hustle Debbi. "Come on, the pride of the whole office is at stake, you can't be last again !" And with two strong hands in the back, she propelled the naked Debbi out onto the track !

Diane on the commentary remained deadpan and low key. "And here's Debbi finally, showing commendable commitment and not letting a little problem with her kit inhibit her determination not to finish last again."

The crowd reaction was anything but low key however. There was predictable uproar with cheers, whistles and catcalls !

Exposed out in the open, Debbi froze like a deer in the headlights. What could she do ? Should she just chuck it all in, scamper back to the changing rooms and go home ? She knew Jeff would be furious if she did that. She looked up and saw her naked self emblazoned on the big screen. It's strange how the mind works; she did not fully take in that everyone was now gawping at her tits and pussy. Her first thought was how unflattering the ugly swim cap was. She should take that off ?

Hilde had almost completed her first lap and Siobhan was already halfway round and closing. A cry from one of the teens from the pub shook Debbi out of her reverie. "What are you waiting for Deb ? Hurry up, get moving, do it for England !" Debbi then caught sight of Celeste emerging from the transition area behind her in her pristine red swimsuit. Not daring to think things through and accompanied by raucous cheering, Debbi put her head down and pounded off down the track in quixotic pursuit of Siobhan !

Debbi had to negotiate 200 meters in the far side before beginning her two laps proper in the race. These took her past those teens she knew from the pub. 'Gotta have more selfies later Deb!' she heard, along with cheery cries of encouragement and much laughter.

As she rounded the bend beneath the big screen, Debbi tried to avoid looking up to see her bouncing breasts and buttocks. For some reason, the camera seemed more focused on her than on the increasingly close race between Hilde and Siobhan ! Debbi found she could not keep her eyes from straying to the screen completely and what again struck her was how unattractive that swim cap looked, incongruous as that thought was in the circumstances. There were only a few straggling spectators around that part of the track but that made it easier for Debbi to hear random remarks. 'Why is she naked for goodness sake ?', 'She's not naked, she's got that cap on', 'And shoes', 'Yeah but mothing else at all, 'Slag'.

Both embarrassment and exertion had turned Debbi's face red. Must go on, must go on; can't be last, can't be last was all she kept telling herself. Passing the main grandstand for the first time, Debbi could no longer hear individual remarks, just a dull roar from the crowd of over a hundred. What she could discern above the hum was a preponderance of high pitched laughter. As she looked ahead up the straight, Debbi saw the tape being drawn across the lanes. What ? She knew she wasn't winning and had another lap to go. She looked behind her to see Hilde and Siobhan rapidly approaching. God, she couldn't let herself be lapped in a two lap race, that would be too humiliating on top of everything else ! She desperately urged herself forward.

The judge was frantically signaling for Debbi to to run off to the side so that she would not breast the tape before the winner. Trying to follow this instruction Debbi tripped on the curb, somersaulting onto the grass right in front of the main stand, displaying everything between her legs to both the watching crowd and the camera for the big screen, which had zoomed in to catch the finish. "Well, Debbi seems determined to keep us entertained and to hog the limelight but here come Hilde and Siobhan neck and neck" commentated Diane.

As Debbi climbed woozily back to her feet, she saw Siobhan rush past to beat her German rival on the line. What was worse from Debbi's perspective was seeing Celeste also sweep past her to commence her final lap. "Oh dear, is Debbi going to come last in every event ?" she heard the disembodied voice of Diane intone.

The sound of Diane's voice over the PA delighting in the prospect of Debbi finishing last in every event galvanized her into action and she set off in hot pursuit of Celeste. This renewed rush of adrenalin soon faded though as she rounded the bend to enter the back straight. 'Why am I even bothering', 'Just to finish third in some meaningless poxy race'. Realization once more flooded in that she was racing around stark naked in front of a crowd of people, many of whom knew her. "Love the swim cap Deb" called one of the teens as she passed them again. "Bloody well have it then" cried Debbi angrily, pulling the hateful thing off of her head and hurling it in the direction of the gang.

Shaking her head to free her black hair, Debbi looked up to see that although she was keeping pace with Celeste, she was not making any inroads into the black girl's lead. There was nothing for it but to keep going, however. Debbi cringed inwardly as she passed under the big screen for the final time and saw that it still seemed to be solely focused on her naked form. But on entering the final turn, she could see that ahead of her Celeste was tying up. The Belgian was slowing down markedly and Debbi was definitely gaining. Lungs burning, she forced herself into one last big effort. Hearing more cheers than laughter from the crowd this time, she came within ten meters...five meters...but suddenly her legs began to turn to jelly, the line came, Celeste beat her by a lousy couple of meters !

Debbi sank to her knees in exhausted despair. She leaned forward on her elbows with her head on the track and her bum in the air. The shot that was now being displayed in explicit detail on the big screen did not come as a surprise ! "I know you are all feeling let down that our home favorite Debbi had now finished last in every single event but nevertheless, let's show our appreciation for the skill and dedication of the other three competitors" suggested Diane.

Debbi remained slumped on the track but felt powerful hands under her armpits pulling her to her feet. Celeste was showing sisterly solidarity. Hilde and Siobhan joined them. "Group photos girls" called the eager official photographer. "Nooo, not like this" wailed Debbi but the foursome had all linked arms with Debbi prominently displayed in the middle and with no way to break free. "Big smiles" ordered the photographer.

All that Debbi wanted to do was rush off and get dressed but she was hemmed in. "Those will be great for the company magazine" Jeff had appeared and was referring to the photographs that had just been taken. "I must admit I thought you'd do better than that after all the time off I had given you to train." What time thought Debbi ? A few measly afternoons. But she did not say that, replying instead "But they're all regular competitors at a much higher level than me."

Jeff ignored her answer. "What happened to your swimsuit anyway ?" he asked. "I don't bloody know, it just split apart at the seams" cried Debbi in frustration. "Too many puds I'm afraid Deb" laughed Jeff, reaching to pinch a non-existent roll of fat beneath her belly button. "And a bit too much ballast here too" laughed the company's managing director, who had joined them and was cupping her ass in his palm. Debbi gasped. She was being publicly groped by senior management !

The managing director patted Debbi's bare buttocks a few more times. "Only joking Debbi, it was a gallant effort" he said, before adding "even if it wasn't good enough." Debbi's thoughts were once more to get to the sanctuary of the changing rooms as fast as she could but Diane wasn't finished with her yet. "Our four athletes are now going to embark on a lap of honor to give you all a chance to show your appreciation !"

The three other girls hustled Debbi along with them as they began a slow jog, waving and stopping off en route to sign autographs and pose for selfies. Doesn't anybody realize I'm stuck here naked, thought Debbi ? But all the while, the impression was being fortified that she was quite at ease with her nudity and was happy to pose with all the others. The teens from the pub were of course in the forefront of those who obtained their photos.

After about ten minutes of this, they finally made it back to the small grandstand. Carol and James the detective had made their way down to the front of the crowd that was slowly beginning to disperse. "I saw that old lecher groping your bum" was Carol's greeting. " Yeah, didn't expect him of all people to take advantage like that. A joke he said" responded Debbi ruefully. "What happened anyway. How come you're naked ?" Carol asked the obvious question. Debbi explained all about her decision to race in the swimsuit and then what had transpired in the transition area. "Diane !" cried Carol emphatically. "But how ?" wondered Debbi. "It just fell apart and it wasn't as if it had been too tight or anything."

"I think this is probably the answer" said James, showing them his phone with clips of sales sites for soluble swimsuits and pranks on You Tube. "I never knew there were such things" gasped Debbi. "We can talk about it at the dinner" suggested James. "I think now maybe you'd better go and get dressed !" Debbi was filled with renewed embarrassment as she was reminded of her level of exposure. She had almost got used to it.

"Does this happen often ?" asked James as they watched Debbi's retreating rear plod towards the main building. "More often than you might imagine" Carol replied, with a guilty smile recalling her part in some of the earliest escapades.

"Don't forget folks that videos of today's proceedings will be streamed and available for download from the company web site" announced Diane to the departing crowd. "I assume those'll be edited and censored" said James. "I wouldn't bet on it" answered Carol !

Debbi was eager to avoid any more unwanted encounters on her way back to the changing rooms but just before she could make it back inside, she was accosted by an eager young girl wielding a recording device. "Hi, it's Debbi isn't it ?"the girl asked brightly. "Yes" Debbi agreed. "But if you'll excuse me, I really just want to take a shower and get dressed."

"Ha, ha, I can understand that" laughed the girl, who was openly appraising Debbi's naked form. "But this won't take a second. I'm Verity from the local press. I only want a little background" she continued encouragingly. Getting no response from Debbi, Verity ploughed on. "Our readers will be intrigued to know how you came to be running around in the buff."

"Er, I was going to run in my swimsuit like Celeste did but it fell to pieces" answered Debbi grudgingly. "Now, if you'll excuse me..."

"I was talking to Diane ? The lady who was commentating ? She said the suit split because you were too fat ? And there was an Asian girl with her who agreed, said it split in half as you bent down to tie your shoes ?"

Debbi saw red. "Lying little cow, there was some kind of sabotage, the thing was in tatters before I even reached her. Do I look that bloody fat ?" she cried loudly, gesturing at herself, drawing the attention of the few remaining stragglers from the crowd and giving the impression once more that she was quite comfortable with her nudity. "Well no, not really" admitted Verity. "Can I just ask a few more questions ?"

"No" said Debbi emphatically. "I'm off to get dressed."

"Diane suggested that because you had performed so badly you were desperate to get some attention and that was why you ran in the nude. Is that right ? Do you want to give your side of the story ?" Verity called after her. "I don't care, print what you like" yelled Debbi as she finally entered the building.

The local paper was much more of an online presence these days than a physical copy and so Verity's dispatch was already available for people to peruse at the gala dinner that evening.

'Fat and Overweight : Revealed, the Real Reason for Local Woman's Naked Run !' screamed the headline. "But everyone who saw you knows you're not fat" Carol tried to console her friend. "So that's supposed to make me feel better ? Hundreds of people saw me naked and so know I'm not fat ?"

There was a sub headline further down the report. 'Attention Seeking Flop's Crazed Outburst !'

"You shouted at her ?" asked Carol as she read. "I shouted but not at her" Debbi explained. "But I did tell her to go ahead and print what she liked."

"Well, it seems she took you at your word" said Carol. She turned to James who had been sitting there quietly. "Can't we report Diane to the police ?" Debbi objected and James explained. "It's not exactly the crime of the century is it ? And actually, even if we could prove it, I'm not sure any offence has been committed. Those suits can be bought legally and it would just be looked on as a prank that Debbi could be said to have gone along with, since she carried on running in the nude anyway."

"Humph !" muttered Carol but she couldn't carry on the discussion because the MD was about to make his welcoming speech. While he did so, clips from the video of the day's events were playing soundlessly on the screen behind him. "Don't forget this video of the day is freely available online. Be sure to share with friends and family" he was saying. This apparently harmless remark was greeted by uproarious laughter. Surprised, the MD glanced behind him to see what had engendered such a response and was met by the sight of Debbi slumped on all fours at the end of the 800 meters with her bum in the air and asshole and pussy clearly visible !

"Ah, yes, I see. Diane, maybe we need to censor some of the output ?" he asked the woman sitting with him at the top table. This thought was accompanied by loud boos and cries of 'no' from the audience. "I don't see any need" Diane responded. "All the competitors signed release forms allowing the content to be freely disseminated" she argued. "Ah, yes, quite. Well I guess we can let it go then" the MD agreed, to loud cheers from most of the crowd.

"Did you sign a release ?" Carol asked Debbi. "I signed something but I didn't read it. I assumed it was for insurance in case we injured ourselves or something" Debbi answered. "There's got to be a way to get back at her" asserted Carol, infuriated by the smug grin cast in their direction by Diane from her spot on the top table. "Carol, we've been here before and it always backfires" warned Debbi. "Yes I know but...."
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi in Japan

Debbi in Japan

Debbi's mind was already running ahead of herself and she was only half listening to what her boss Jeff was saying. This was going to be her greatest success yet ! The company had just signed a lucrative and prestigious co-production deal with a leading Japanese software development firm and Debbi had been selected to be seconded to the Japanese team in Tokyo to lead the initial integration process. As well as the boost to her career once she returned home in triumph, she had six weeks of exotic travel, different cultural insights and luxury hotel accommodation to look forward to.

"You sure you're OK with signing this ?" asked Jeff as he handed her a printed sheet of paper. Debbi blushed slightly, she had no idea what it was. "Um, sorry Jeff, I was miles away. Already thinking ahead !" Jeff explained. "This contract, stipulating that while you're there you are bound by their terms and conditions and disciplinary procedures."

"Oh sure, that's a given" said Debbi, cheerfully picking up her pen to sign. "Only some of their practices are a little, er, weird ?" continued Jeff awkwardly. "Whatever" laughed Debbi, signing. "It's not as if I'm going to fall foul of any disciplinary procedures is it!"

Debbi was struggling not to be overwhelmed. She was used to London and she knew she was headed to another big city for her six week secondment. But Tokyo was something else. The term "another planet" seemed apt to her. Much could be said to be familiar in terms of brand logos and so on. But so much more was totally alien. She wanted to take in as much of the culture and lifestyle as her limited time there would allow but she had arrived with the typical arrogance of the English speaking world, which assumed that everywhere would have enough people who spoke English to make any attempt to develop language skills redundant. In the case of Japan, Debbi had been sadly mistaken. Virtually nobody spoke English and there was not even a fighting chance of guessing the meaning of any written text, since nothing was in western script. Fortunately for Debbi, her host company had arranged that she would have the services of her own interpreter, her new best friend Keiko.

Her work environment was somewhat more familiar. An IT office is an IT office in London, San Francisco or Tokyo. But language remained a barrier. It was time for Debbi to introduce herself to her new colleagues. "Hi, my name's Debbi. I am so happy and feel so privileged to be in your beautiful and vibrant country and am relishing the chance to become immersed in your very special culture." Keiko interpreted her speech."I'm Debbi and I would much rather be back home in England than stuck in your grotty, stinking third world country but guess I am just going to have to put up with it for six weeks." Debbi had hoped that her opening remarks might have received a warmer reception but she put down the line of stony faces surveying her to traditional Japanese reserve. She continued "I have been very impressed by the standard of the work you have done on the project already and am well aware of the Japanese reputation for excellence in this field. I am sure there will be no need for any significant input from me but if you do want to consult me on anything regarding integration, please do not hesitate." Keiko interpreted. " My impression of your work so far leads me to assume that you are a bunch of lazy incompetent scumbags, intent on carrying on the Japanese reputation for producing cheap and nasty tat. God knows how I am going to pull you into shape."

Over the following days, Keiko's sabotage continued in the same vein, while Debbi innocently thanked her for her efforts. Debbi remained a little disappointed to still not be received more warmly by her colleagues, however. One morning about a week into her stay, Debbi noticed an immaculately dressed young woman she had not yet seen being greeted by laughter, jeers and catcalls and people waving their mobile phones at her. "What's all that about ?" she asked Keiko. "Oh, she's just completed her week of shame and come back to normal duties." Debbi did not understand and queried this with Keiko. "It would indeed be a shame to earn that punishment" answered Keiko obliquely. "Er, yes" agreed Debbi, still oblivious. "It would be a shame if anyone thought badly of my work." But there was a huge gulf in understanding between the English idea of shame as a small inconvenience and the severe and formalised Japanese conception of punishment for transgression.

Even taking into consideration her struggles with the language, Debbi immediately sensed that there was something different when she arrived at the Tokyo office that fateful morning. There was something electric in the air and it had nothing to do with the weather. There was an excited group of workers gathered around a noticeboard and as she entered the lobby, they began talking animatedly, staring, pointing and making gestures. Her faithful interpreter Keiko rushed up to her. Once more Debbi knew this morning was different because there was none of the usual elaborate and confusing greeting ritual of bows and prayer gestures. "Oh Debbi-san, this is so dreadful, the most awful thing imaginable, it is unheard of , unprecedented. Nobody can get over the news. It is so rare anyway but it has never happened to a gaijan before to anyone's knowledge." Debbi did not know what to think. "Keiko what is it ? Tell me." "Oh Debbi-san, it is a disaster, the absolute worst thing. But you must be strong." "Keiko, what is it ?" "Oh Debbi-san, they have posted on the noticeboard that because of serious wrongdoing, you have been sentenced to a week of public shaming !"

Debbi had been completely unaware of the poison that Keiko had been dripping with her constant mistranslations. So effective had this campaign been that when Keiko suggested a limited act of sabotage to the project, there had been several willing conspirators. The damage caused by the hack had been rectified but in the culture of a Japanese company, someone had to carry the can. And that someone was the person with the responsibility for the team, in this case Debbi. A Debbi who had signed up to be bound by the weird and wonderful disciplinary procedures which in a case of this severity carried the sanction of a week of public shaming. It was this contract, unmistakably bearing her signature, that Keiko now waved at Debbi in the room to which she had taken her to explain the procedure. Despite Keiko having told her of the circumstances of the hack and how that was deemed to ultimately be Debbi's responsibility, Debbi was showing reluctance to comply. Hence the reminder of the signed contract and the entire future of the co-production deal hanging in the balance. "So what exactly happens ?" asked Debbi miserably.

"It starts this morning. The team will assemble and you will be harangued by our managers. You will be expected to humble yourself and to offer the most contrite and complete apology and to beg for forgiveness." That sounded pretty humiliating to Debbi but she could live with that. Keiko's explanation was far from finished, however. "You will then be instructed to strip naked and everyone will be invited to examine your naked body. Your clothes apart from your shoes will then be locked in a safe until the end of the working day." Debbi was dumbstruck. "Each morning for the rest of the week you will strip naked on arrival and hand your clothes over to be locked away. Apart from that, you will work and carry out your duties through the day as normal, attending meetings and so on. You may be expected to carry out occasional menial and demeaning tasks too !" Debbi was thunderstruck.

Keiko led Debbi to her doom. She would continue as Debbi's shadow through this week with just two differences. The first was that having achieved her goal, she would henceforward translate everything correctly. And the second was that Debbi would not be wearing any clothes ! They entered the familiar meeting room to be met by a grim faced management team and a bunch of eagerly expectant workers. Debbi had to stand to one side as she was berated by the senior manager. Keiko translated. "Your performance and behaviour have been abominable. You have been grossly negligent and incompetent despite your professed arrogance. You are a disgrace to your company, this company and to your nation." And so on and on. Debbi didn't recognise the picture of herself that was being painted but she was becoming thoroughly browbeaten. "Now you must reply, they demand total contrition" instructed Keiko. Debbi tried her hardest to find the right tone. She looked down at the floor. "I am so very sorry to have failed you all so badly. I most humbly submit myself to your judgement and beg you for forgiveness and for a second chance." There were subdued murmurs of approval as Keiko translated the speech.

Interpreting the manager, Keiko then informed Debbi "You can gain redemption by complying fully and humbly with all that is asked of you over the coming week." Keiko explained that Debbi now had to prostrate herself and ask for forgiveness again. She was to get down on her knees , spread her arms in front of herself and put her forehead to the floor. Debbi complied, to further murmurs of approval. "Now you have to do it again naked !" said Keiko. Debbi knew this was coming and knew how much it had been anticipated by all present in the room. A girl she recognised as the receptionist from the main lobby came to stand beside her holding a large plastic tray similar to those used in airport security. Debbi placed her jacket in the tray and then unzipped her skirt.

She knew there was no reprieve and so there was no point in adding to the drama with an overblown show of emotion. And she certainly wasn't going to treat them all to a formal strip tease. Regardless of that, the spectacle was still titillating enough for her rapt audience. Her blouse followed her skirt into the plastic tray and Debbi was left standing before them in her bra, panties, tights and heels. The heels had to come off so that she could take off her tights, it is always difficult to find an elegant way of removing tights, especially when standing. The final revelation was achieved with Debbi unclasping her bra and peeling down her knickers. These flimsy articles joined the others in the tray. At this, the receptionist turned on her heels and left the room carrying Debbi's clothes. "You collect those from her in reception when we leave tonight" reminded Keiko.

Debbi now shifted awkwardly on her heels, the only things she had been allowed to retain. The entire sequence of undressing had been accompanied by an increasing murmur of lust and approval. She was acutely aware of the intensity with which she was being studied. With what she knew was to come, there seemed little point in covering but her hands did nevertheless instinctively flutter to try to hide some of her charms from her audience. "Now you prostrate yourself again" instructed Keiko. Debbi once more got to her knees to assume the position she had so recently taken when fully clothed. She heard people get up and begin to circle behind her and she cringed at the thought of the view they would be getting of her in that pose.

Debbi crouched in her penitent position for several minutes as everyone in the room circled her, paying particular attention to the rear view she was presenting. She was instructed, via Keiko's interpretation, to stand up straight while they all once more examined her naked body. They came close, invading her personal space, some even crouching to be at eye level with her crotch so that she could feel their breath on her pussy. Even Keiko took her turn ! Debbi then had to suffer one final harangue from the director before being told she could now go about her duties. She turned to Keiko, somewhat at a loss. Even before this disastrous turn of events she had felt like a fish out of water in this working environment because of the language difficulties and the reluctance of the team to consult with her, the latter the result of Keiko's malicious mistranslations. She did not really know what her duties were !

Seeing Debbi's confusion, Keiko stepped in. She grabbed a tray which she handed to Debbi. "Go around individually and ask each member of the team what they want from the drinks machine." "But I don't know how to ask" replied Debbi helplessly. "I'll come with you" answered Keiko. Everybody took this further opportunity for an individual perusal of the naked Debbi until she was armed with a comprehensive list of numbered selections. "Now go and get the drinks" ordered Keiko, who for now made no attempt to follow her.

Debbi's arrival in the general office compound outside the confines of her department created a further stir. All of the employees in the building had read the announcement on the public noticeboard in reception and so knew that there was every chance of encountering a nude Caucasian woman over the coming week. But the actual reality of Debbi's naked appearance was nonetheless a cause for much hilarity and interest. Intimidated, Debbi headed for the drinks machine. She tried to concentrate on her list of numbers and shut her mind to anything else but she was soon surrounded by a group of office ladies addressing her in an aggressive manner. Of course, Debbi did not understand a word and there was no Keiko. She tried ignoring them but they began prodding her and one even slapped her bum. As she tried to put her first drinks on the tray, her elbow was deliberately jogged and the liquid spilled all over the floor. A cloth was thrust into her hand and Debbi was obliged to get down on all fours to clean up the mess. A small crowd had now gathered and it was with some relief that Debbi was able to distinguish Keiko's raised voice. The crowd reluctantly began to disperse. "You may have to get used to this kind of thing Debbi-san. It is all part of the culture of shaming !" Debbi tried to hold herself together as she went back to the task of getting drinks for the office.

It was amazing what you could get used to thought Debbi. Even parading naked around an alien office. She coped with the humiliating ritual of stripping in the public foyer each morning and leaving her clothes to be locked away by the receptionist. And she coped with the only slightly less humiliating redressing again in the evening. She handled long spells of boredom sitting on her haunches in the corner until she was summoned to do photocopying, get supplies from the stationery cupboard or visit the dreaded drinks machine. The two lunchtimes she had endured in the canteen had been difficult with a crowd of new people enjoying her exposure but she had coped. On Tuesday, all of the department had turned up with selfie sticks to pose for photos with her. And at one point, she had been told to stand up on the desk for an hour to boost morale. But she did it and she was thinking she could get through this. Keiko had even told her she was lucky to have her around as her shadow, otherwise she would have been pushed into the gents toilet and forced to give them blow jobs. But they were too intimidated to try that with Keiko watching. But then another major hurdle was placed in her way when Keiko announced "Debbi - san, don't forget we are working late tomorrow evening to be able to link up for the video conference call with your managers in London !"

Debbi arrived a little later on Wednesday morning since they would be working late that night on the video conference call to London, to cater for the nine hour time gap. Her late arrival exposed her to yet another different set of fascinated onlookers as she undertook the humiliating ritual undressing in the reception foyer. She was just depositing her knickers in the tray as Keiko bounded up. "Debbi-san. The most amazing news. This is once more unprecedented. Our managers have been so impressed by the contrition and humility you have shown and the way you have complied with our customs that they are letting you off the last few days of your shaming. Today will be your last day !" Debbi was surprised and momentarily elated. But then part of her could not help thinking that she would have preferred to endure another couple of days of this if she could have got out of the evening's video conference.

As it happened, the day brought its own share of extra hassle. Word had spread that the week of shaming was being cut short and so employees were making sure they took advantage of this last photo opportunity with the naked gaijan. A desk was cleared and Debbi was instructed to assume a variety of lewd poses for anyone who wanted a permanent reminder of the week, which seemed to be just about everyone !

It was finally time for the London link up. The call was to be conducted by the one Japanese director with passable English, though Keiko was also present to translate where necessary. Debbi was just a little relieved to see that at the London end it was only her boss Jeff and one other senior manager, rather than her whole team. But that was bad enough. They had been appraised earlier of the hack that had taken place and the subsequent sanctions imposed on Debbi. Jeff's first remark was "I did try to warn you when signing that temporary contract Deb !" Debbi stood at the end of the conference table and wondered how much they could see via the link. In fact they were getting a most agreeable full frontal view. Blushing all the while, Debbi had to give a presentation about how the problem had been resolved and how the project was back on track. Moving to point things out on the projection screen also presented delightful rear views.

The conference seemed to be drawing to a close as the English speaking Japanese director began again. "The way in which Debbi-san has handled our customs and discipline has been most excellent and because of the contrition she has shown, we are now marking the end of her shame period." The receptionist entered with Debbi's clothes and the viewers back in London were treated to a reverse strip tease as she got dressed. To the surprise of most, the director continued. "Unfortunately it seems that, while she could have supervised her team more closely, Debbi-san was also the victim of a miscarriage of justice. Keiko-san, did you know that Yoshi-san speaks very good English ? And noticed the way in which you were translating for Debbi-san ?" Keiko began to shake as the receptionist went to stand next to her with the tray. "You will now place your clothing in the tray to commence your two weeks of shaming !"

After her unexpected reprieve and the equally unexpected but well deserved comeuppance for Keiko, Debbi had ten days left of her sojourn in Japan. The end could not come soon enough, she could not say she had enjoyed any of the experience, which was a shame since the country and culture were so fascinating in many ways. But Keiko had succeeded in souring everything. Debbi was trying to avoid having to run into the naked Keiko but she did glimpse her standing on a table with her hands on her head and also noticed her being dragged into the men's toilets on one occasion. Debbi shuddered to recall what Keiko had told her went on in there under shaming circumstances !

Debbi had been assigned a new male interpreter, Ken. He tried to make these final days as pleasant as possible, wanting to repair the image Debbi had of Japan. He had been drafted in from another office and so had not been witness to the scandalous shaming of the gaijin but he had heard all about it and also saw what was now being endured by Keiko. Before Debbi's final weekend he asked "Debbi-san, have you been able to see the countryside while you have been here ?" "No, only Tokyo" Debbi replied. "That is a great shame. Will you let me show you a hot spring spa resort this weekend ?" Debbi had flinched at his use of the word shame but otherwise was inclined to accept. The alternative was being stuck in her hotel with CNN or her laptop. "OK Ken, that would be nice" she agreed.

Debbi's spirits lifted as the train began to clear the suburbs and the verdant mountainous landscape evolved before her. Ken seemed genuinely concerned that she take some positive impression of Japan back with her. He had arranged for them to stay in an old fashioned guest house run by a charming elderly couple who were distant relatives. Ken talked Debbi through the ceremony of the delicious evening meal. Her room was furnished in a minimalist style with a futon to sleep on. "Tomorrow, we can hike in the morning to the temple shrine and then try the hot springs." "Sounds great" said Debbi.

The following morning, Debbi loved the fresh fragrant walk along the ascending mountainous path to the Shinto shrine. She did not understand the theology despite Ken's explanations but still found it fascinating. What she most enjoyed were the troop of monkeys that had come down from the forested hills to bath in the hot spring adjacent to the temple. They looked like little old men indulging in a luxurious bath as, she remarked to Ken. "We must go and enjoy onsen too" Ken insisted. "What is onsen ?" asked Debbi. "It's a public bath in the hot spring. There's a spectacular outdoor one just outside town with a wonderful view of the mountain and the waters are great for relaxing and for health." Debbi had been envying the monkeys. "That sounds marvellous" she agreed. "You'll have to fill me in on the etiquette" she told Ken, aware of how ritualised so much of Japanese society was. "Oh, I'll make sure that I do that on the way there !" laughed Ken.

"Hot springs are a little like a sauna" Ken explained. "This one is in the open air in a beautiful setting and can be used even in winter because the water is so hot." It was now autumn and there was a little chill in the air. "What will I need ?" asked Debbi. "Nothing" said Ken. "A small towel is provided but the baths are used naked. It is mixed bathing at this bath because everyone wants to appreciate the mountain environment !" "Oh" said Debbi, a little less sure. She was not normally that shy about her body but her recent shaming experience made the prospect of getting naked again in public less appealing. "It is all very natural, like a sauna in Finland" Ken reassured her. He was being somewhat disingenuous since, while mixed bathing was indeed allowed at designated baths, in practice young Japanese women would not frequent them, preferring the single sex alternative. The clientele at the mixed baths were overwhelmingly male with just the occasional elderly Japanese matron or young Australian backpacker !

Ken explained the procedure. Bathers would be given a towel, then would undress and place their clothes in a locker. Then they would shower prior to entering the baths. After soaking for some time, the bather gets out and washes with soap before rinsing thoroughly and then returning to soak some more in the spring. No soap should ever get in the springs but this procedure was designed to maximise the benefit to the skin. "It is all wonderfully relaxing" Ken concluded. It certainly sounded like a luxurious and novel experience. Debbi just hoped the other bathers would be as civilised as Ken claimed. Ken paid for them both at the reception area, where they were both also issued with their towels.

Debbi was pleased that there was a single sex locker room. She undressed and stowed her clothes. In one way she was relieved to be the only person there but on the other hand, another female presence would have been welcome. She quickly showered, there was no need to spend too much time on that, she had showered that morning already. She discovered that the towel supplied was not a large bath towel designed to preserve modesty but simply a functional hand towel. Oh well, she thought, here goes nothing. And she headed towards the outdoor exit and the distinctive sulphurous smell of the springs.

Since the small hand towel had no hope of covering everything, Debbi decided to emerge brazenly topless and just use the towel to cover her crotch. She had hoped that Ken might be in the baths already but she could not spot him as she made a quick scan of the pool. it was not a complete surprise but still a disappointment that she was the only female present and she sensed all eyes glued to her as she searched for the best spot to enter the springs. There were eight men in the pool, three around her age and the others elderly. She threw the towel a few paces from the pool and tried to quickly immerse herself. But she was not expecting the water to be so hot, which made it necessary to ease herself gently into the bath as opposed to jumping, thus prolonging her exposure.

She had thought that the minerals in the water might make it cloudy and give her some cover but she discovered that it was actually crystal clear. Once settled in the baths, she tried to keep her legs together and shield her breasts as much as possible without adopting too coy a posture. Some of the men soon began to address her persistently but, of course, she did not understand a word and her replies were equally unintelligible to the men. Where was Ken ? After about five minutes, the interpreter appeared but Debbi was confused to see that he was fully dressed ! "I'm so sorry Debbi, I had a phone call from my relatives here. They need me to take my aunt to the hospital, she is unwell. You enjoy the baths. I'll be back as soon as I've dropped her off, maybe half an hour or so." " Perhaps I should go with you ?" said Debbi. "No, I can't wait for you to get dressed and anyway you must enjoy the baths. I will be back for you."

The men in the baths had been listening to this exchange in a foreign tongue with interested but bemused expressions. Ken broke into a fluid guttural flow as he addressed them. "I've explained to them who you are and what's happening" said Ken. "Lie back and enjoy !" And with that he was gone. Debbi had to admit that the feeling of soaking in the hot water was wonderful and the outdoor view made for a spectacular backdrop. But the open stares of most of the Japanese men was disconcerting and she also noticed the three younger guys slowly but surely edging closer to her.

The sensual pleasure of the hot springs was a great luxury but Debbi could not relax fully as the young Japanese guys began to invade her personal space. They were talking to each other across her and needless to say, she could not comprehend a word they were saying. Then one of the seniors in the pool spoke sharply and forcefully to them and , deferring to his authority, they moved back to the far side of the baths. Debbi smiled her thanks to the older man who nodded respectfully. She watched as some of the men left the baths to wash, rinse and return and she recalled that this was part of the procedure that Ken had explained. Being in the water had provided a certain amount of cover but getting out again to wash was once more an exposing business and she sensed that her every movement was under intense scrutiny, the useless towel providing little cover. Debbi tried to carry out these ablutions as discretely as possible, however, and returned to enjoy her second soak, hoping that Ken the interpreter would not be much longer.

The other bathers were now keeping a respectful distance and she laid back and began to fully appreciate the experience. But then her reverie was rudely interrupted. It felt as if the earth was moving beneath her. That was because the earth was moving underneath her ! The water began to churn and the overhead canopies to the outdoor pool began to shake. An alarm started to sound. The other bathers jumped from the pool and gestured frantically to her to follow them. Debbi grabbed her tiny towel, frustrated to see that suddenly the men all seemed to have robes. She could not ask where they got them from and wanted to head to the locker room for her clothes but the men stopped her and led her with them through an emergency exit and into the car park. The employees of the baths were assembling in the car park too, which also seemed to be the designated spot to gather for those in the adjoining office building. The ground was still distinctly unstable.

By now, Debbi understood that it was an earthquake, something she had never experienced but which was a commonplace in Japan and did not necessarily signal a disaster. The fault lines were the very reason that there were hot springs here in the first place. She quickly became an obvious focus of attention. All she could do was hold the small towel in front of her crotch. It was not even big enough to wrap around and cover her bum fully and her tits remained on display. "Does anyone speak English ? Does anyone have a coat or a blanket ?" she wailed plaintively. But all she received were blank stares.

Nobody seemed inclined to risk re-entering any of the buildings yet. Debbi intuited that they needed building inspectors or the fire authorities to give the all clear. Where was Ken ? He could be delayed anywhere in the chaos caused by the quake. Debbi was starting to feel cold in the autumn air. She took stock of her desperate situation. To all intents and purposes naked. Cold and with the stony car park biting into her bare feet. No money, no ID, unable to communicate effectively with any of the people around her. Why wasn't anybody offering her something to cover herself instead of them all taking bloody photos ?

As the aftershocks began to subside, more attention drifted onto the figure of Debbi. There were stares and comments, some addressed directly to her at which she could only shrug helplessly and smile wanly, not understanding a word. The fire brigade arrived and didn't seem inclined to let anyone back into any of the buildings any time soon. Shortly after, a police car turned up. Debbi could see the officers conversing and many fingers pointing at her. The two male officers approached and began talking to her gruffly. "I can't understand you, does anyone speak English please ?" All to no avail.

The officers took hold of her arm and began pulling her towards their vehicle. The receptionist from the baths strode up. Debbi was momentarily hopeful that she would explain Debbi's predicament but her only concern was that Debbi might leave with the property of the baths and so she whisked Debbi's towel away, thus removing even that meagre covering ! Debbi found herself shoved into the back of the police car which began to drive her ever farther away from her clothes and her ID. There was so much she wanted to say but she realised that it was all a waste of breath until there was someone, somewhere who spoke English.

There was some evidence of debris on the streets but fortunately it seemed that the quake had been nothing major. Debbi did realise the need for caution when allowing access back into damaged buildings, however. One structure that had been given the all clear was the police station and Debbi was marched across the sidewalk from the car into the precinct reception area. The arrival of the naked gaijin caused a predictable stir among the officers and assorted felons and plaintiffs waiting for attention. The officers who had brought her sat her on a bench alongside an astonished youth. "Does anyone have a blanket, does anyone speak English ?" she cried helplessly, trying to cover as best she could with her arms. Heated conversations were taking place about her at the counter.

After some minutes, a young female officer approached Debbi on the bench. "Come with me to the interview room" the officer said. "You speak English !" cried Debbi, overjoyed. "So it would appear" answered the officer, guiding Debbi into an adjoining room. By now Debbi was past caring who was looking at her departing rear. Once seated at the interview table, she started to relate her tale of woe. "It's going to take some time for the authorities to assess every building and they give priority to homes. It won't be until tomorrow at the earliest that we could get back into the baths. Where are you staying ?" asked the officer.

Debbi explained that she had come with a work colleague and it was a guest house run by his relatives. "What is the address ?" Debbi did not know. "Do you know where in town it is ?" Debbi did not know, she had not thought it would matter with Ken taking her everywhere. "What is this colleagues name ?" the officer persisted. "Ken" answered Debbi. "His full name?" "I've no idea" the increasingly embarrassed Debbi was forced to answer. She had been told a full Japanese name when he had first been introduced as Keiko's replacement but it had been too difficult to take in. Just calling him Ken was easier.

The officer was getting frustrated. "You're not making it easy for me to help you" she complained. Debbi apologised, she had not been expecting to be left alone at the baths and she certainly had not been expecting an earthquake ! "I get off duty in two hours" the officer said. "If this Ken person hasn't bothered to enquire here about you by then, you'd better come home with me tonight." She began to lead Debbi back out to the bench to wait. "Isn't there anywhere else ?" Debbi asked forlornly. "Only a cell" the officer laughed. "But I might be able to find you a blanket from the stores."

Debbi huddled miserably in her blanket on the bench, clutching it tightly around herself. She was still attracting curious stares but by no means as many as when she had been completely naked ! There was no sign of Ken before the officer finished her daily duty two hours later. "OK Debbi-san. You'd better come home with me, we can't do much else for you until the morning and I can lend you something to wear." "Thank you so much officer" said Debbi, seeing little alternative and clinging to the one English speaking person she'd encountered in the last several hours.

"What's your name ?" Debbi asked as they got into the officer's car. "Ami. I spent two years at language school in San Francisco" she explained. Debbi had noted the American accent. "I checked all the latest data before leaving and while there doesn't seem to be any major structural damage from the quake, commercial premises won't get the all clear until tomorrow at least, apart from those in the centre like our precinct house which they could check straight away."

They arrived at a small apartment building and Ami led Debbi inside. She was greeted by an imperious black cat. "It's her place really" laughed Ami. The apartment was tiny, though the Japanese genius for design packed a lot in. Debbi couldn't see a bed. "It's folded away in there" said Ami, indicating a closet. "We'll have to share tonight but it's that or a cell, since you have no money and no idea where the mysterious Ken is." Debbi blushed, realising she had presented a pathetic figure at the police station.

"Let's get you something to wear" said Ami, taking the police blanket and leaving Debbi once again naked. "You're bigger than me but we'll try. I hope you like Kawaii !" "Kawaii ?" asked Debbi. "That's my style when I'm not in uniform" Ami explained. "And I can't let you impersonate a police officer !" Debbi still wasn't sure what Kawaii style was but she soon found out. It's a cutesy little girl style fashion for young adults. Ami pulled out a pink frilly dress for Debbi that came halfway down her thighs. "My bras won't fit you but you can try getting into these panties" Ami said, tossing the silk underwear at Debbi. They were tight but Debbi did get them on. The ensemble was completed by white knee length socks. Debbi felt ridiculous, not helped by the fact that the dress was way too small for her. To say this was not Debbi's style was an under statement but she could not be critical and it was better than being naked !

Ami was changing out of her police uniform and the resultant transformation sat much better on her. "The only problem is shoes. Mine definitely won't fit you." Ami had a black patent leather pair with buckles, polished so that you could see your face in them. All she had for Debbi's feet were an old pair of backless clogs. "You won't be able to dance very well in those and it's not a great look with the socks but it's all we have" said Ami sadly. "Dance ?" queried Debbi. "I need to unwind" explained Ami. "And I checked at the precinct, my favourite club's got the all clear to open tonight !"

It wasn't how Debbi would have chosen to spend an evening but it was OK. Ami's colourful friends were all intrigued by her gaijin guest. They laughed as Ami told them about Debbi's naked misfortunes, though Ami translated to Debbi that they were also sympathetic. They all admired the frilly pink dress Debbi had been given to wear, especially when Ami lifted it to reveal that Debbi had matching panties !

Debbi woke the following morning in Ami's tiny single bed. She found they were entwined in each other's arms. Ami was already awake. "Er, sorry" said Debbi awkwardly, the already cramped space becoming even more crowded with the invasion of Ami's cat. "No need to apologise" said Ami. "You needed a little human touch. And feline too, she likes you !" Debbi petted the cat. "No need to rush up yet, we can lie here together a while" said Ami. "I don't work until the late shift today !"

Much later, they arrived at the hot springs. Not only were they now able to get inside but it had already re-opened for business. The receptionist did not initially recognise Debbi who was once more dressed Kawaii style. Ami berated her for not being more helpful the previous day and flashed her warrant card so that she could inspect the receptionist's records. "OK" she said to Debbi. "I've got contact details for the famous Ken from when he signed you in yesterday. Let's check out your locker." It was a huge weight off of Debbi's mind to discover the locker was not damaged and that all her things were safe inside. Ami phoned the number for Ken and spoke harshly into it in Japanese. "I told him he should have taken better care of you" she explained to Debbi. "He's coming here. we might as well take advantage while we're here and use the baths !" Ami suggested.

Debbi wasn't sure but Ami insisted. "It'll be much more fun with me and you can fully relax and appreciate it this time. Even if there's an earthquake, you'll have me to look after you" she joked. The elderly male clientele in the baths that lunchtime were surprised but delighted to be joined in the nude by two attractive young ladies chatting excitedly to each other. Debbi had enjoyed the luxury the previous day but being the only female and not speaking the language had made her uptight even before the tremors. Today with Ami it was a blast.

When it came to get out for the wash and rinse halfway through the procedure, the two women helped each other to bathe, which the watching men found to be distinctly erotic ! Ken arrived as the pair were getting back into the baths. "We're not going yet" said Ami in English to the interpreter. "Come and join us." he returned a few minutes later. "Nice cock" said Ami playfully, embarrassing him. Ken apologised profusely to Debbi , though Ami wasn't letting him off the hook. "You should have thought to try the precinct."

After a prolonged and glorious soak, the two women reluctantly left the pool to dry and dress. Debbi was so happy to get back into her own clothes but she still said "Thank you so much for lending me these" as she returned the Kawaii outfit to Ami. "Well, maybe your own style suits you a bit better" the police officer laughed. "Though you look good in anything. Or especially in nothing !" she added cheekily. Debbi blushed. "Are you on social media ?" she asked. "Yeah, friend me and keep in touch" said Ami, passing Debbi her card. It seemed she had made one friend at least in Japan !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and the charity auction

s late on Thursday afternoon when her boss Jeff came into Debbi's office. "Are you going to be free tomorrow evening and on Saturday Deb ?" he asked. "Yeah, no plans. It's all a bit quiet this weekend" she answered. "Excellent, you can do a couple of things for me then." "Uh Huh ?" she asked enquiringly. It had sounded more like an order than a request. "You know I belong to the Noble Society of the Most Esteemed Elks ?" he announced proudly. Debbi struggled to keep a straight face. She did not know that, but it did not surprise her. It was the kind of pompous nonsense that Jeff would involve himself with. His wife Audrey was a Conservative local councillor and they were forever trying to ingratiate themselves with the local elite.

"It's a social gathering of all the most influential members of society in the area but our proudest achievement is all the great work we do for charity." "Go on" said Debbi, trying at the same time to carry on with her work. "Our chosen charity this year is the most famous specialist children's hospital in London. You know about all the splendid work they do ?" "It's famous" agreed Debbi. "It's a great cause." "I'm glad you approve" continued Jeff. "Tomorrow's the annual charity auction in the local lodge and we can guarantee to raise tens of thousands of pounds" "Wonderful" remarked Debbi, a little bored. "There's a traditional star auction lot that always brings in the most money and this year they've nominated me to provide it" said Jeff. "That's great for you" replied Debbi, still wondering why he was bothering to tell her all this. "What is it ?"

Jeff explained. "We have an attractive young business executive who works for one of the guild members and we auction her services for the following day to the highest bidder !" Debbi was suddenly shocked into full attention. "Not any kind of sexual services of course" Jeff added hurriedly. "Just a little light hearted fun." "It all sounds a bit demeaning and sexist in this day and age Jeff" objected Debbi. "Oh I know we live in politically correct times but it is always the biggest money spinner and it is for such a deserving cause." "And that's what you want me for tomorrow evening and Saturday ?" asked Debbi. "It is indeed and it would not go unnoticed either when the annual reviews come around shortly." The potent mixture of helping such a good cause and an implied threat of unfortunate consequences to her immediate career prospects if she refused, forced Debbi to set aside her misgivings and she agreed to take part as requested.

A few minutes later, Jeff was on the phone to his lodge elder. "So you have a choice candidate Jeff ? " he asked. "I do, quite a stunner in her own little way." "Admirable. Let's hope for her sake that the Khans don't don't win the bidding again. Remember Gordon's poor girl from last year ?" They both laughed heartily at the memory.

Jeff picked Debbi up at seven thirty on Friday evening and they drove to the lodge. He had surprised Debbi earlier that day at work by handing her a dress shop box containing a fashionable cocktail dress for her to wear this evening. "Wear some sexy underwear too Deb" he had said with a wink. Why does he care about my underwear ? He'd better not think he's going to get off with me, she thought. But she had soon put that out of her mind. It was just the kind of thing men said. In truth, pretty much all of her underwear was sexy and beneath the tasteful full length maroon cocktail dress she wore a black lace thong and black hold up stockings with a lace trim. She had on modest size heels. The dress was scooped low at the back and so did not allow for a bra but the bodice was designed respectably and she was confident of her perky tits.

"I'm afraid you can't attend the meal or the bulk of the auction Deb. The Esteemed Elks are a bit stuffy and strictly male only. But you can wait in a very nice ante room and we'll bring you the same food as everyone else." Debbi thought this sounded a bit of a bore but realised this stupid event seemed a big deal to Jeff. "So what do I do exactly?" she asked. "You're the final lot in the auction. I'll collect you and introduce you and then they will bid for your maid service for tomorrow. You'll be at their service from ten in the morning until ten at night." "That's all a bit vague" pondered Debbi. "What exactly will I do ?" Jeff was deliberately keeping it vague. Anything involving actual sex was banned by the guild and any member offending would be ostracised. But it was implicit that there would be fun and games with a distinct sexual element. "That is entirely up to whoever wins you" Jeff answered. "But don't worry it's all in fun. Maybe a bit of cleaning or some waitressing , possibly a silly outfit." "I still think it sounds a bit outdated and sexist" said Debbi. "But I think you'll be surprised and gratified by how much it raises for charity" Jeff replied. "And as your sponsor, I stand to either get a lot of prestige or to lose face badly depending on how well you do. So I'm relying on you" he continued, applying subtle pressure but making clear to Debbi what he expected from her.

Debbi certainly couldn't complain about the quality of the meal with which she had been provided but she had been right about her assumption that the wait in the fusty oak panelled room would be boring. It was well after ten when Jeff came to collect her. There must have been close to a hundred dinner jacketed and mainly middle aged men sitting at their tables. She recognised a few faces. She did not know there were so many Elks locally ! Many of the audience seemed a little the worse for wear from drinking and there was a distinct whiff of testosterone in the air. There was loud applause as Jeff led Debbi to a small stage. He addressed the crowd. "Gentlemen, all our lots so far have already raised a record amount for the children's hospital." They had been bidding for various donated gifts such as adventure days out, luxury hotel stays, spa treatments for their wives, even some potentially profitable contemporary art works. "But now it is time for our traditional closing lot where one of us donates the services of one of their pretty employees to provide maid service for the day tomorrow. This year it has been my honour and privilege to have been chosen and it is my pleasure to introduce my candidate." Debbi stood a little awkwardly, feeling all eyes on her. "This fetching young lady is Debbi" Jeff continued. "She is 26 years old and a highly qualified and successful businesswoman leading an important team in my IT department and I commend her to you most highly. Let the bidding commence !" With that, he handed over to the auctioneer.

Before the auctioneer could begin trying to obtain the best price for Debbi's maid service, a loud voice boomed above the general hubbub. "How much for the dress ?" There were widespread murmurs of approval. A disconcerted Debbi recognised the speaker as the manager of a rival company. Debbi had been for an interview there but had turned them down in favour of her present company. It was Jeff who now spoke. "Well, since the lodge purchased the gown specifically for Debbi to wear this evening, it seems only right that it should contribute to the coffers. The successful bidder gets to take it off of Debbi !" The bastard, she thought. That's why he was so concerned about my underwear. And I'm not wearing a bra !

"The dress cost two hundred and eighty pounds, so shall we start the bidding at three hundred ?" The auctioneer swung into action and bidding was brisk. It came down to a duel between the rival manager and a City broker, slightly younger than the average at this gathering. In the end, this City gent paid seven hundred and fifty for the privilege of joining Debbi on the small stage to unzip the back of her dress by her bum and undo the clasp of her halter neck. These two simple actions, aided by gravity, caused the dress to pool at Debbi's feet. Appreciative shouts greeted the sight of Debbi's bare breasts , skimpy lace knickers and hold up stockings. Debbi blushed as she stepped delicately out of the dress and the successful bidder made off with it, waving it over his head. Another raucous shout wanted to start an auction for her knickers but Jeff quickly put an end to that, insisting it was time to move onto the main business concerning Debbi.

As Jeff had predicted, she was astounded by how much people were willing to pay for twelve hours of her maid service. Whether she was much gratified by this was another matter. And how much was just these men boasting about how much disposable income they had also wasn't clear. But as before, an escalating duel developed between two bidders. One was a local aristocrat, Lord Bellingham. Contesting him was a Harley Street heart specialist Dr. Khan, who had won the girl's services last year. Debbi was astonished to be sold to Dr. Khan for ten thousand pounds amid much fanfare and congratulations over the record amount raised for the children's hospital tonight.

She was still stranded topless on stage as Jeff briefly interviewed Dr. Khan about his plans for the following day. It seemed that Debbi's main task would be as waitress for a large dinner party the Khans were throwing in the evening but she would also help during the day with various chores resulting from the building work they were having done on an extension. She was kept hanging around for another half hour as the event wound down and Jeff got all the directions and details about where she had to go tomorrow. Dr. Khan had told her to dress casually, a uniform would be provided for the evening. Just when Debbi thought she would be driving home with Jeff in her knickers, the City gent from earlier gallantly returned her gown. As they were finally about to leave, the lodge elder took Jeff to one side. "It's a good job she doesn't really know what she's likely to be in for tomorrow. And a good job she hasn't met Mrs. Khan !" The two men laughed heartlessly.

The Khans' residence could not quite be called a mansion but it was an impressive pile as far as a large detached house was concerned. And it was evidently not large enough for the Khans, since they were building an extension out the back. Debbi parked to one side of the gravel expanse, alongside some builders vans. She was surprised they were working on a Saturday but if the amount the Khans had donated for her services today was anything to go by, they could afford the overtime rates. Debbi rang the doorbell and waited. The door was opened by a chic forty something matriarch of Indian descent. "Ah, here's the prize bit of help. Let me show you where you'll be accessing while you're here. Follow me." Debbi was surprised by the curt welcome but did as she was told. She was only a few feet into the house when the woman suddenly turned. "Take your bloody shoes off when you come into my house !" she shrieked. Debbi nearly jumped out of her skin and hurriedly began removing her flats. She had been told to dress casually and had on a plain t-shirt and jeans. Although it was the weekend, she had broken with her routine and was wearing a bra. "I'm, I'm terribly sorry" she stammered as she quickly gathered up her discarded footwear.

The woman showed her the vast kitchen, an extravagant dining room with adjoining receiving area, and a small corridor with a handful of guest bedrooms. "Don't proceed anywhere else in the house unless you're instructed to do so. We'll call for you when we need you later regarding the dinner party" she ordered. "In the meantime, keep yourself busy assisting the workers. Oh, and make sure you don't get your clothes all dirty. We have an outfit for you to wear this evening but we certainly aren't going to provide you with a change of clothing if you get yourself covered in filth. Do you understand ?" "Yes, of course" said Debbi, still reeling from this aggressive welcome.

The woman bellowed for the site foreman. A bulky man in a hard hat and high visibility vest appeared. He did not seem pleased to be summoned but brightened when he saw Debbi. "Debbi, this is David. David is the foreman here. He will tell you what he wants you to do." Debbi glanced around. The foundations were laid and work was proceeding on the walls. Several bricklayers were hard at work. The area was dotted with pallets of bricks, construction machinery and piles of sand and earth. There was a cacophony of drills, hammers, mixers whirring and shouting. Debbi kept her distance since it seemed impossible to be out there without getting covered in dust at the very least. "Who's this then?" asked the foreman, nodding at Debbi. He gave her a wink to which she did not respond. "This is some help we have hired for this evening. She is called Debbi. I want you to find something to keep her occupied until I require her. I don't have time to keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't get her clothes in a state." "Of course love, we'll keep her busy" smirked the foreman. "My name is not "love" my name is Ruby" the woman snapped. "Debbi, do as you're told" she commanded before stalking off.

"So, erm, David. What do you want me to do ?" asked Debbi awkwardly. "First call me Dave, not David like that bitch who only does it to annoy me. Second, you can go and make us all a nice cup of tea. After that we could use a hand with someone dumping this sand over by the cement mixers. That'd save a bunch of time." He'd stopped by a large pile of sand. A concrete spattered wheelbarrow sat nearby. Debbi looked at it with some concern !

Debbi was concerned about the messy environment if she was going to be humping sand for any length of time. "Ruby said I shouldn't get dirty" she said to Dave. "Do you have any coveralls or anything I can wear to keep from getting in a mess ?" Dave stared at her for a while. "Nah, nah I'm afraid we don't. We don't keep spare stuff like that. You'll have to think of something else" he said, shaking his head. Debbi wasn't totally convinced but nevertheless, he was in charge. She would have to do what she was told, she certainly wasn't going to go and complain to that awful woman. She simply shrugged and stumbled away to find a teapot.

Ten minutes later, Debbi returned with a tray of mugs, a teapot, sugar and milk. Dave spotted her coming and whistled to his colleagues, gesturing for them to take a break. Debbi soon found herself surrounded by burly construction workers, by the smell of dirt and sweat and by jovial banter. There were a lot of bawdy comments at Debbi's expense. She did not know what Dave had told them about her but she did not like the atmosphere. Once everyone was grasping a steaming mug, Dave approached Debbi as his friends watched. "You going to get started then ? We've been working all morning, don't think you're having a break just yet" he teased. The others laughed. Debbi felt herself flush. She glanced at the large pile of sand she was meant to be shifting. "But my clothes, I can't get dirty" she whimpered, at a loss at what to do. "That's not my problem" said Dave."I reckon you should start cracking on though, we're not getting paid by the hour and I don't think either of us wants me to pop inside and tell the Sultan you aren't pulling your weight, especially after all that money they paid for you !"

Debbi considered arguing but suddenly realised what was happening and felt sick to her stomach as it dawned on her. "Oh god, you really want me, you think I'm going to take my clothes off ?" she squealed. The builders laughed and cheered in response. "I'm not saying anything love, seems like you came up with that solution all by yourself you dirty bitch" sniggered Dave. The other builders were hooting and laughing and Debbi was completely red with anger and embarrassment. Within a few seconds they began a steady chant with shouts of encouragement. "Take it off ! Take it off ! Take it off !" "Get your tits out !" "Let's see a bit of skin love!"

Realising that she had no choice, Debbi hauled off her t-shirt to reveal her perky breasts nestled in a white bra. The builders cheered ecstatically. The t-shirt was soon followed by her jeans, revealing matching white knickers and leaving her in nothing but underwear and flats. She had considered removing her shoes but didn't want to tread on a mail or something while barefoot. "Bloody hell ! That didn't take you long did it ? You're well bloody eager ! Go on then, get to it. Show us what you're made of !" grinned Dave. Debbi plodded towards the sand, removed a shovel and began piling it into the wheelbarrow. She let out a grunt of exertion with each shove of the spade, eliciting giggles and jeers from the onlookers.

Debbi was concerned about the messy environment if she was going to be humping sand for any length of time. "Ruby said I shouldn't get dirty" she said to Dave. "Do you have any coveralls or anything I can wear to keep from getting in a mess ?" Dave stared at her for a while. "Nah, nah I'm afraid we don't. We don't keep spare stuff like that. You'll have to think of something else" he said, shaking his head. Debbi wasn't totally convinced but nevertheless, he was in charge. She would have to do what she was told, she certainly wasn't going to go and complain to that awful woman. She simply shrugged and stumbled away to find a teapot.

Ten minutes later, Debbi returned with a tray of mugs, a teapot, sugar and milk. Dave spotted her coming and whistled to his colleagues, gesturing for them to take a break. Debbi soon found herself surrounded by burly construction workers, by the smell of dirt and sweat and by jovial banter. There were a lot of bawdy comments at Debbi's expense. She did not know what Dave had told them about her but she did not like the atmosphere. Once everyone was grasping a steaming mug, Dave approached Debbi as his friends watched. "You going to get started then ? We've been working all morning, don't think you're having a break just yet" he teased. The others laughed. Debbi felt herself flush. She glanced at the large pile of sand she was meant to be shifting. "But my clothes, I can't get dirty" she whimpered, at a loss at what to do. "That's not my problem" said Dave."I reckon you should start cracking on though, we're not getting paid by the hour and I don't think either of us wants me to pop inside and tell the Sultan you aren't pulling your weight, especially after all that money they paid for you !"

Debbi considered arguing but suddenly realised what was happening and felt sick to her stomach as it dawned on her. "Oh god, you really want me, you think I'm going to take my clothes off ?" she squealed. The builders laughed and cheered in response. "I'm not saying anything love, seems like you came up with that solution all by yourself you dirty bitch" sniggered Dave. The other builders were hooting and laughing and Debbi was completely red with anger and embarrassment. Within a few seconds they began a steady chant with shouts of encouragement. "Take it off ! Take it off ! Take it off !" "Get your tits out !" "Let's see a bit of skin love!"

Realising that she had no choice, Debbi hauled off her t-shirt to reveal her perky breasts nestled in a white bra. The builders cheered ecstatically. The t-shirt was soon followed by her jeans, revealing matching white knickers and leaving her in nothing but underwear and flats. She had considered removing her shoes but didn't want to tread on a mail or something while barefoot. "Bloody hell ! That didn't take you long did it ? You're well bloody eager ! Go on then, get to it. Show us what you're made of !" grinned Dave. Debbi plodded towards the sand, removed a shovel and began piling it into the wheelbarrow. She let out a grunt of exertion with each shove of the spade, eliciting giggles and jeers from the onlookers.

The wheelbarrow finally full, Debbi lifted the heavy handles and weaved the load over to the cement mixers. She had to travel directly before the gathered builders who jeered and whistled as she passed them. Debbi tried to ignore them but the thought of their eyes pouring over her bare skin made her stomach churn with disgust. She feared they wouldn't be content with just seeing her in her underwear, so she decided the best way to try to prevent further untoward attention was to make herself as busy as possible while ignoring their taunts. The fear of further humiliation spurred Debbi on. She spent a good few hours exhausting herself by slowly whittling the huge pile of sand smaller and smaller. It seemed to work to diffuse the situation somewhat. The builders drifted back to their work as the novelty wore off. The stoic way with which Debbi was accepting her monotonous hard graft made them reluctant to interrupt, though there were still crude jeers thrown at her from time to time by each worker who occasionally stopped to appreciate the view !

Eventually through sweat and toil, Debbi had shifted the entire mass of sand. She slumped against the side of the wheelbarrow and ran a grubby forearm across her glistening brow. Her chest heaved and her muscles trembled from the exertion. Dave and a few others spotted her achievement and clapped sarcastically. "Bloody hell love, we'll make a labourer out of you yet !" he chuckled. Debbi panted without replying. Her bra and panties were soaked in sweat and clung tightly to her most intimate areas. The assembled builders gawped at he sight of the filthy, scantily clad beauty before them. "I expect you'll be wanting a break then, a bit of a cooling off in celebration of your efforts ?" Debbi nodded, her throat too dry to speak yet. She looked at the glaring sun and it must have been well into the afternoon. Slowly, she staggered over to the foreman. "Aw look, she's worn herself out. Shall we give her a hand lads ?" There was a clamour of agreement.

Before Debbi could do anything to stop them, several large sets of hands were gripping her arms and legs. She shrieked as the group of workers hoisted her into the air and carried her aloft, laughing and cheering as they went. Debbi writhed and struggled but was ultimately defenceless. The many hands held her firm and Debbi was paraded around the site for the amusement of all the builders. It wasn't long before more sets of hands joined in the fun and in more ways than just simply carrying her. Rough fingers slid across her skin and after a few minutes her bra had been unclasped and unceremoniously tossed aside. This incited the mob to new heights of excitement with hands attempting to grope her exposed breasts. By now the whole building site had gathered around the humiliated woman. Her knickers were finally slipped free and Debbi writhed angrily in degraded shame but this only served to spread her legs and expose her even more lewdly. So she decided to stop struggling which led Dave to point to another corner of the site.

Debbi hung loosely as the laughing crowd carried her over to a huge trough of rain water. "Right lads, I think she needs to cool off." The mob cheered in agreement. Debbi raised her head to see what was happening and immediately renewed her shrill resistance. This caused them to laugh all the harder. "Come on them, on three !" "One !" they roared. Debbi writhed and moaned as they began to swing her back and forth. The water looked filthy. What if Ruby came back and found her drenched from head to toe ? They would be bound to somehow make it all her fault. "Two !" Maybe it was her fault for letting Jeff sweet talk her into this in the first place. "Three !" At this they let her go. Screaming as she went, Debbi flew through the air before landing in the trough with a loud splash. The grimy water filled her mouth and nostrils as she plunged in. It was only a few feet deep and her bum hit the bottom before she rocketed back up, coughing and spluttering as she broke the surface.

The builders were laughing hysterically. Debbi had never felt more humiliated. She sat in the water for a while, exhausted and despairing, waiting for her muscles to regain enough strength so she could finally stand. It had gone strangely quiet and she began to wonder if the builders had some further horrible surprise for her. As Debbi did finally stand, she realised she was half right. There was a terrible surprise waiting for her but not one the builders had instigated. Standing before Debbi , a look of absolute fury on her face, was Ruby. After an ear bashing that would haunt Debbi's nightmares for weeks, she found herself traipsing back to the house, following timidly behind the angry matriarch !

As they walked back to the house, Ruby listed the many duties and plans that Debbi would need to follow to the letter. With a look of disgust, Ruby threw Debbi a kitchen towel to avoid dripping pond water all over her immaculate house. Caterers would be in the kitchen later, preparing the food. Debbi was eventually led back into one of the small guest rooms. Ruby opened a cupboard and withdrew a small bag which she dumped on the bed. "These are for you to wear this evening. You will not be required to wear anything else. You will serve us and our guests without question. Do you understand ?" She cast Debbi a look as if she had found a cockroach crawling across the floor. "Yes Ruby" said Debbi. Ruby didn't reply. Without warning she slapped Debbi hard across her face. Debbi gasped in shock. "Did I tell you that you could refer to me as Ruby ?" shrieked the woman. Debbi shook her head carefully. "Then don't you stupid little tart ! You may refer to me as ma'am. Do you understand ?" barked Ruby. "Yes ma'am" said Debbi, who felt as if she were walking over a minefield.

Ruby stared at Debbi silently for a few seconds before continuing as if nothing had happened. "As I was saying, these are for you to wear this evening. You will not be required to wear anything else. You will serve us and our guests without question. Do you understand ?" "Yes ma'am" whispered Debbi. "That's better" observed Ruby before proceeding towards the door. "Get dressed, I want you ready to begin greeting the guests in the next hour. There is a shower in the adjoining room which I can see you are in dire need of. Make sure you leave it exactly as you found it."

Debbi was left alone. She composed herself and took a look in the bag to see what they wanted her to wear. She was dismayed at how little there was as she emptied the contents out onto the bed. Surely there was more than this ? A meagre smattering of clothing lay on the sheets. Debbi picked through it; a pair of heels, a maid's cap and a pair of stockings to be attached to a lacy suspender belt. That was all ! They were going to have her dressed as a whore ! She miserably stood up and headed to the bathroom.

After a long hot shower, Debbi felt better prepared mentally for what was to come next. At least she had washed away all traces of the ordeal at the hands of the builders, though her aching muscles would not allow her to completely forget. She applied her makeup diligently, as she would for a date. She wrapped a towel around herself and wandered back into the guest room, the sparse outfit still staring mockingly from the bed. She slipped the stockings onto each of her shapely legs, pulling them up and fastening them to the suspender belt, adjusting to make sure everything was straight. Next she slid each foot into the tall heels and stood up to check herself in the mirror before fastening the little maid's hat into place. With her shaven mound, Debbi decided she looked like a stripper ! She would have to stand like this , like a bawdy joke made life, in front of a group of wealthy strangers. God, she hoped they would all be strangers and not anyone that she knew through business contacts ! She would have to greet each one of them on their arrival. She shuddered and with great reluctance headed out of the door. Jeff had better arrange a bloody good salary review for her, she thought !

Debbi found herself standing by the large doors, a tray of champagne flutes balanced in her hand. She had already run the gauntlet of the catering staff in the kitchen, east European girls who had given her looks of ill disguised contempt. She did not bother trying to explain to them how she found herself in this situation. The doorbell finally rang and Debbi opened the door to a smart looking Asian man and his wife. The two of them gasped with surprise at the unconventional maid, before laughing as Debbi greeted them with oblivious formality and decorum. The next guests soon followed and soon Debbi was beginning to expect the embarrassing reaction to her presence. She was laughed at and leered at in equal measure. Debbi hated every second of the experience. It was bad enough to be stripped and used as a living joke for the amusement of complete strangers but quite another thing to have to act so pleasant, polite and formal at the same time. She knew she couldn't display anything other than perfect manners and temperament throughout. Every so often, Ruby would wander past and monitor her behaviour. Debbi didn't want to cross the volatile woman lest she incite more of her wrath.

Debbi found herself the only white face at the event, All Ruby's guests turned out to be Asian. Debbi couldn't imagine a situation where she was more of a beacon of unwanted and humiliating attention. The guests eventually settled for dinner and Debbi's station was moved to the dining room. At Ruby's instruction, the naked victim wandered back and forth between the kitchen and the vast table to ferry plates of food and endless amounts of tableware. It was hot and gruelling work, causing more agony to Debbi's already exhausted muscles. The guests watched her humiliated ordeal with bemused eyes. The conversation naturally turned to Ruby's acquisition, her guests approving of the rather interesting addition which was enlivening what had promised to otherwise be a mundane dinner party. "You really must tell me how you came by such a delightful specimen" requested one bloated guest, a doctor whose leering gaze Debbi felt following her posterior everywhere she went. "She was a gift from the community after a particularly large philanthropic donation from my husband and I" replied Ruby.

Debbi clenched her fingers in irritation as she listened to the woman bend the truth to make herself sound superior. Ruby continued. "I find it a wonderful symbol of how far we have all come as second and third generation immigrants. Debbi, come and stand here with me." Debbi reluctantly went to stand alongside Ruby. "Compare and contrast friends and look at how far we have come !" At this she pointed to the naked maid standing dutifully with a bottle of wine ready to be served. Ruby's friends laughed uproariously. Debbi was dying inside. She understood now why they had spent so much money to ensure they obtained her at the charity auction. It wasn't about having a pretty naked woman to do what they wanted, it was about demonstrating the power to be able to do so. It made her deeply uncomfortable and she became even more aware of the terrible stark shame of everything she was being forced to do.

The party carried on. Debbi continued to be a source of amusement and lust for the guests, though more openly after Ruby's speech. Her bum was groped and pinched by drunken businessmen and doctors and sometimes even their wives ! Debbi thought that she was not registering to them as a person, just some exotic pet or novelty item to be paraded about and casually toyed with. When it finally came to it, she was extremely glad to say goodbye to the remaining guests as she stood subserviently by the door to let the last stragglers out. The fact that a couple of them even thanked her for making the evening so memorable did little to assuage her feeling of shame and inner rage. She looked at a large clock on the wall. It was one in the morning, way past her allotted finishing time.

Debbi rushed from the door and into the guest room where her clothes had been. She kicked the shoes off her feet and all but ripped off the stockings. She flung the maid's hat to the floor and hurriedly pulled on her jeans and t-shirt. Goodness knows where her bra and knickers were, probably souvenirs for the builders ! But she didn't care about that, she just wanted to get home. She did not bother trying to find Ruby to say goodbye or to ask for permission to leave. If she never saw that woman again it would be too soon !

Debbi stormed into Jeff's office on Monday morning. "How did it go ?" he asked, deadpan. "How did it go ?" repeated Debbi forcefully. "You bastard !" "Why ?" chuckled Jeff, amused at the show of temper. "What did they have you do ?" "They had me stripped to my bra and pants humping bloody sand for their builders." Jeff laughed at the mental picture that conjured up. "Then the builders threw me in a filthy water trough." Jeff's grinning face still betrayed little sympathy. "Then I had that cow Ruby yelling at me and ordering me about and making me wear a silly little maid's costume that left me virtually naked while I served their poxy guests for the best part of five hours !"

"That all sounds not too dissimilar to to the poor girl they had last year, though I don't think she had the builders" laughed Jeff. "They've done this before ? And you knew ? " shouted Debbi, incredulous. "Well, I didn't know for sure they'd bid enough to win the auction again. We hoped the Lord might win. But the Khans seemed very determined. And think of how much you raised for such a good cause" soothed Jeff. "Good cause my ass ! You'd better come through with a good pay rise for me after that Jeff" was Debbi's parting shot as she left the office and slammed the door. She'll calm down, thought the smiling Jeff.
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi the artist's model

"Don't forget we have to go to that reception at the arts centre" Carol reminded Debbi as the working week drew to a close and they tidied up their desks. "Huh ?" queried Debbi, who had been looking forward to chilling out with a box set and a takeaway. "You haven't forgotten have you ? Audrey's painting exhibition ?" Carol clarified. Debbi groaned. She had forgotten about Jeff's wife and her artistic pretensions. "Can't we say we forgot ?" she moaned. "You can say what you like" Carol retorted. "But then you'll have to explain to Jeff on Monday, you know he'll be keeping tabs !" Debbi groaned again. "OK, but I'm not staying long."

Debbi did not get along with Jeff's wife. The older woman was a dreadful snob who looked down in Debbi's humbler origins, while at the same time being jealous of the pretty young woman and the attention that Jeff gave to his protege. Carol on the other hand was in the same age bracket as Audrey, ten years older than Debbi. And the pair knew each other from way back, even if Audrey could still be condescending towards her also.

Debbi nursed her glass of complimentary wine and glanced disinterestedly at the landscapes and still lifes hanging on the gallery wall. She had no artistic talent herself and so had a low level admiration for anyone who could conjure up a realistic representation of a scene. She allowed Audrey this. But she knew enough about painting to know that there was nothing original or innovative in her work, it was strictly that of a talented amateur.

Having made sure that Jeff had clocked her presence, Debbi was now looking for the chance to slip away. She had halted by a portrait of Jeff, which she had to admit was a good likeness, and alongside a painting of a woman she did not know and her dog. "So good of you to come" gushed Audrey, who had suddenly appeared at her elbow. "Studying our great leader I see" she continued, pointing at the portrait of Jeff. "Er, yes, it's a very good likeness" said Debbi.

Carol had come over to joint them. "Yes, well, it's all part of my artistic progression" Audrey declared pompously. "I want to expand my oeuvre. I feel I've said all I want to say in the field of landscape and now want to investigate the human condition" she elucidated. "Really ?" said Debbi distractedly. "Yes. What I really want to do now is to explore the classical human form but it's so hard to find a model" Audrey asserted. "Oh, you've always said you'd like to be a model Deb" Carol butted in. "Have I ?" Debbi couldn't ever recall having said any such thing or ever having had any such thought ! "Yes, you remember. At that Pilates class ?" Carol insisted. "Er, um" Debbi still had no recollection.

Audrey considered. "That would be just wonderful." She looked Debbi up and down. "You certainly have the figure for it" she commented. "Er, I, er" Debbi was confused. "Jeff" Audrey called loudly to her husband across the crowded room. "Debbi's agreed to pose nude for me. Isn't that great ?" Debbi was wide eyed. ""Oh, er, yes, wonderful, good show" stammered Jeff !

Debbi had decided that there was no way that she was going to pose nude for Audrey. She was in fact very relaxed about her body; would go topless on the beach in the Med, was happily naked in the sauna at the sports centre and often wandered around at home wearing next to nothing. But she would feel uncomfortable standing naked in front of her boss's wife in such a cold blooded manner. Plus, she knew Audrey resented her and she disliked her condescending manner. Not to mention who might see any painting, since she had seen that Audrey was perfectly capable of producing a realistic likeness ! No, she would just offer to model for a portrait. But to be on the safe side, she dressed casually in t-shirt, jeans and knickers so that she would not have many clothes to take off.

Why am I so easily manipulated lamented Debbi ? She was standing naked on a pedestal in the conservatory of Jeff and Audrey's impressive detached house. Her offer to pose for a portrait only had been imperiously brushed aside by Audrey. "I really must expand my range into the realm of the nude !" The browbeaten Debbi had quickly divested herself of her three items of clothing, which now lay in an incongruous bundle on the floor in a corner of the conservatory. "Don't worry. Jeff's playing golf with his cronies and I've sent the children off to see the new superhero movie at the cinema and with enough money for a burger afterwards, so we won't be disturbed" Audrey reassured her.

Audrey had posed Debbi in what she termed a classical pose. One leg straight, the other bent and on pointed toe. "Buttocks flexed Debbi" she had demanded. One hand on hip, the other raised above the head, almost in a wave. It was not uncomfortable but Debbi was not sure how long she would be able to hold the pose without tiring. "Interesting that you shave Debbi. That might be helpful for another pose if I do a series" Audrey remarked. Debbi was a bit disconcerted to think that the older woman had been studying her pussy and particularly by the prospect of further posing sessions !

Audrey had only been working on her canvas for a few minutes when the doorbell rang !

"Just hold that pose Debbi while I get rid of whoever it is" instructed Audrey in response to the unwelcome interruption of the doorbell ringing. Debbi was getting stiff and would have loved to have been able to relax her pose but she was fearful of Audrey's reaction should she return and catch her at rest. It was with some alarm that she heard voices as the door to the conservatory was reopened. "Don't mind us Mr Underhill, I'm just indulging my passion for art and am working with a model here" Audrey was saying. Debbi was dismayed and startled to see Audrey enter in the company of a young man and worse, a young man that Debbi recognised !

Audrey meanwhile was continuing explanations. "Sorry about this Debbi. Mr Underhill is from the surveyor's department of the council and he has to examine this new extension we've built to make sure everything complies with the planning application." The young man could not believe his eyes or his luck as he surveyed the beautiful young woman posing naked on the pedestal. "Hi Deb, didn't expect to see you" he said, leaving unsaid that he also never expected to see so much of her ! "Er, hi Scott" Debbi replied awkwardly. "Oh, you two know each other ?" asked the smirking Audrey. "Yes, we were at college together a few years back" Scott answered brightly.

Back in those days, Debbi was way out of the league of him and his nerdy friends, who she treated with the kind of disdain that can only be dished out by an attractive nineteen year old girl. But in these current unforeseen circumstances, Scott held the upper hand over the blushing beauty. He was intent on prolonging a conversation. "We always put you up on a pedestal but I never thought I'd see you on one literally" he laughed. "It must be uncomfortable holding that pose ?" Audrey explained that it was vital that Debbi remain still in case she was unable to regain later the exact position in which she was now stood. Scott held up his phone. "How about if I take a few photos of the pose, then she can use them to reposition herself exactly when we've finished ?" he suggested.

Audrey thought this was a splendid idea. Debbi, much as she would have welcomed the chance to relax her muscles, was less enamoured with the idea of Scott having naked photos of her on his phone but her objections were over ruled ! "You'll delete the photos immediately afterwards" Audrey asserted. "Of course" Scott laughed. "I can't get caught with NSFW content on the company phone !" Audrey had not heard of this term. "Not safe for work" Scott explained. Audrey thought this was most amusing. Debbi did not, as she hung around naked while Scott began his survey of the conservatory extension. She could not very well get dressed again but she wished Audrey would go and find a robe for her. This did not seem to occur to the older woman, however !

Scott bustled about happily, measuring the dimensions of the new extension with his surveyor's device. "Stand to one side Deb, or those perky tits will give us the wrong measurements" he joked at one point. Audrey smiled indulgently, Debbi scowled. While standing in one corner to measure the diagonal, he stumbled over the pile of Debbi's clothes. "These your knickers Deb ?" he asked, holding the wispy garment up for inspection. Debbi was less than enamoured to have Scott running his fingers through her underwear. "Yes they are" she nevertheless replied. "Very nice. Very nice indeed. Where do you buy them ? I'll have to get my girlfriend some" he rambled on. Huh, thought Debbi. As if this creep has a girlfriend. "Ann Summers" she replied. "Ah, I bet they've got some real kinky stuff in there too" he persisted.

Scott finished up by taking photos of the room for the records. "Better keep out of the way Deb, you don't want to be in these official photos looking like that" he laughed, though he had in fact been surreptitiously taking other photos of Debbi in addition to those of her in the model pose that he had suggested to Audrey. All this time, Debbi had been fighting the urge to cover up in a classic ENF pose, figuring that it was a bit pointless now that Scott had seen everything. "OK. let's get you in position again up on the pedestal and then I'll get out of your way and leave you to it" Scott announced finally.

"That was such a good idea of yours Mr Underhill, thank you" said Audrey, as Debbi climbed onto the pedestal and all three studied the photos of the pose on the phone. Debbi was shocked at how clear and graphic they were as she assembled herself into the required posture. "Now you will promise to delete those ?" Audrey said brightly as she showed Scott out. "Ha, ha. Absolutely" Scott lied. This was much too good not to share with the Whats-App group from their old college class. Debbi for her part, had never bothered with any of those kind of activities once she was out of college.

"Well, that was a nuisance wasn't it ?" said Audrey mildly as she returned to take up her brushes. "Never mind. We still have plenty of time before Jeff and the others get back !"

"Nearly done for today Debbi, you must be getting tired holding that pose for all this time" said Audrey with false solicitation. Debbi bit her tongue. Just then, they heard cars pulling up and doors opening. "Jeff's early" Audrey remarked. "He normally stays in the club house bar. Don't worry, he'll go to his den." With that, the door to the conservatory opened and Jeff entered with two of his golfing buddies !

"Oh, sorry Audrey. I thought you'd be finished. I was just showing the guys the finished extension. Hi Deb" he added as an afterthought, gazing at his naked employee ! "We would have been finished but that nice Mr Underhill came to check that the building work complied with the regulations"Audrey explained. "And did it ?" Jeff asked. "Yes, he was happy about that and about seeing Debbi" Audrey laughed. "I can well imagine" responded Jeff, also laughing. "Turns out they were at college together" Audrey rambled on. "Really ?" said Jeff. "Guys, this is my I.T. manager Debbi. She kindly agreed to pose for Audrey, you all know my wife's artistic ambitions !"

Debbi was mortified that her boss was seeing her naked, not to mention these other strangers. Why don't they bugger off and respect our privacy, she thought ? Her one consolation was that she had her back to them and they were only looking at her bare ass ! "We might as well finish up now anyway, Debbi's getting tired" Audrey decided. "Jeff, can you hand me my phone ? If I take a photo of Debbi in the pose, I can work on my painting during the week until she comes next time." Jeff eagerly brought the phone over to his wife, now enjoying a side view of the model !

"Thanks so much Debbi, you can get dressed now" said Audrey once she had the photo. Debbi scampered over to the corner where her clothes were, careful to keep her back to the men who seemed to have no intention of leaving. There was no sign of her knickers. Reluctantly, she had to just pull on her jeans. "Going commando Deb ?" Jeff had been watching closely. "You had knickers when you arrived Debbi" Audrey confirmed. "But they're not bloody here now" Debbi cursed. "They must be" Audrey argued. "Why not ask that nice Mr Underhill ?" Debbi replied caustically, as she shrugged on her t-shirt !

Debbi and Carol were in conference on Monday morning, planning the work for the week ahead, when Jeff entered the office. "Good to see you on Saturday Deb" he began. Yeah, right, I bet it was, thought Debbi resentfully. Good to see all of me ! Jeff fished something out of his pocket. "We found your knickers after you'd left, it seems you were casting aspersions on poor Mr Underhill unfairly !" he continued, waving Debbi's knickers at her. He began to stretch and examine the thong, much to Debbi's embarrassment. "Mind you, I'm not sure how wearable they are now. The cat was playing with them which must have been why you couldn't find them." The quizzical look on Carol's face grew wider and wider until Debbi had the chance to explain the circumstances of the weekend !

Scott meanwhile had been basking in the hero status being afforded him by the other members of the ex college Whats App group. "Ha, ha, ha !!!", "Peachy ass !", "Perky tits !", "Never thought we'd see Miss Icicle like this !", "Stuck up bitch don't look so snooty now !" Those who had bothered to keep up with the alumni activity tended to come from among the groups of nerds and losers. Scott had expected the males in the group to be as excited as he had been to see Debbi nude but he was surprised by the malicious glee with which the photos had been greeted by the few girls in the group ! As the congratulatory comments began to fall away during the course of the week, he found that he missed the buzz they gave and felt the need to acquire some more material.

When Debbi reluctantly turned up for another posing session the following Saturday, she was startled to see the progress that Audrey had made and that the painting appeared finished. "It was such a good idea to take the photo of the pose. Made things go so much more quickly" Audrey enthused. Debbi was alarmed to see just how realistic Audrey's depiction of her was. It might not be high art but anyone viewing it could tell that it was unmistakably her. She hoped that it would not be going on public display. "So you don't really need me today ?" Debbi ventured optimistically. "Oh but I do" Audrey crushed her hopes. "I'm now inspired to paint a whole series celebrating womanhood in all its naked glory. I have so many ideas for poses. Get your things off and we can make a start !" Debbi headed for the familiar corner of the conservatory to discard her few items of clothing. "Let's hope there are no interruptions this week" Audrey said gaily !

Debbi was once more standing naked on the podium in front of her boss's wife. The classical pose Audrey had picked hadn't seemed too bad at first but like any pose, if held for long enough it became uncomfortable. Debbi was standing full frontal, holding a terracotta vase on her head. She had her left knee bent slightly across her right leg to stop the view of her pussy from being too explicit. Her left hand held the empty pot in place while her right hand rested on her hip.

After twenty minutes or so of posing, the doorbell rang. "I don't believe it. Not another interruption !" exclaimed Audrey in exasperation. "Don't bring anyone in here" Debbi called after her, as Audrey went to see who it was. This plea proved in vain as Debbi heard familiar voices returning. "Mr Underhill was explaining that when he got back to the office on Monday, he found out that somehow the measurements had failed to register on his device, so he needs to take them again" Audrey stated breezily. "Didn't realise you'd be here again Deb" Scott grinned, though he had very much hoped that would be the case when he had thought of this excuse for a return visit.

"New pose today I see ?" Scott remarked, looking Debbi up and down. ""Yes" replied Audrey. "I wonder Mr Underhill, could you take a photo of Debbi in the pose like you did last week so she can rest while you measure up ?" Debbi was grateful for the chance to relax the pose but less happy about Scott potentially having another photo of her in the nude. She didn't trust that he would have deleted the one from last week, not realising that he had surreptitiously taken several more ! Which was to be the case again this week but now at Audrey's instigation. "In fact Mr Underhill, while I've been painting I've been struck with the idea of expanding this pose into a series , a kind of diorama" she began pretentiously. "Could you take photos from the front, rear and both sides ? You know my email address from our business dealings and can forward them to me ?" Scott was more than willing ! "But you'll delete them afterwards ?" Debbi said desperately. "Of course, goes without saying" Scott lied !

Once they had got rid of Scott, Debbi got through the rest of the posing session without further embarrassment, Audrey winding things up before Jeff or the children returned home. Scott for his part, was delighted that his plan had worked and he had more photos to share with the group. He had sneaked another couple of candid shots while he measured up again and Debbi was standing around awkwardly. If truth be told, these weren't much different from the ones he had snatched the week before under the same circumstances but those taken from every angle of the pose more than compensated and were crystal clear.

Debbi had hoped that working from the photos Scott had taken, Audrey would not need any further weekend posing sessions but a phone call at work on Thursday had shattered that hope. She arrived on Saturday morning and saw the series of four paintings from last week's pose were well under way, though not yet completed. "I can work on these at leisure from the photos Mr Underhill kindly sent" Audrey explained. Debbi could see that they were again going to be ruthlessly realistic in their portrayal of her. She blushed to think that Jeff had almost certainly seen them, along with any other visitors to the house since there was no attempt made to conceal them.

"As the centrepiece of the display and to offset the classicism of the other paintings, I want a pose illustrating the confident and fearless modern woman" Audrey informed Debbi once the latter had finished undressing. "Er, yeah, great. How do you want me ?" Debbi asked. She had noticed that a low slung couch had replaced the podium this week. "Sit back with your heels up on the couch and legs apart" Audrey instructed. "But you'll see all my bits" Debbi protested. "This is art Debbi, not pornography. You'll be signifying the fierce independence and 'don't give a shit what anyone thinks' attitude of the modern woman of today" Audrey responded, further explaining her concept. Debbi remained dubious and highly embarrassed by the pose she was expected to strike but she could not afford to get on the wrong side of her boss's wife. "Splendid, all nice and tidy I see" said Audrey, regarding Debbi's pussy as she adopted the pose. "Rest your arms along the back and look straight out defiantly" she instructed. "At least there won't be any interruptions from Mr Underhill this week" Audrey laughed !

Debbi was trying to place her thoughts anywhere but on the excruciatingly embarrassing pose that Audrey had asked her to adopt. But the soft breeze from the open window playing on her totally exposed pussy constantly reminded her of just what was on display ! Debbi knew that Audrey didn't have any lesbian tendencies and she had to take her boss's wife's half baked concept at face value but it still seemed weird. And , oh god, Jeff and goodness knew who else would see this painting and this pose !

The only consolation was that this pose was not as uncomfortable to hold for an extended period as the previous two had been. Then the doorbell rang. ""I don't believe it"! Audrey cursed. You don't believe it ? What about me, thought Debbi ? "Don't let anyone in" she cried, as she heard voices approaching. Scott and Audrey entered the conservatory. "It's only Mr Underhill" Audrey announced blithely and somewhat superfluously. "He's very apologetic but he has one more measurement he has to take."she said. "I forgot the new regulation where we have to measure the height of any new extension. I got a bit of a bollocking off my boss, excuse my language" Scott explained. "Now that is one great pose Deb" he concluded, while staring openly at Debbi's pussy ! "It signifies the 'take me as I am, I don't give a shit' ethos of the emancipated modern woman" Audrey enlightened him. " I see, I see. well, it certainly does that" agreed Scott as he continued to stare. Debbi just wanted the floor to open up and swallow her !

"At least you won't have to disturb Debbi's pose to measure the height , so there's no need for a photograph this time to record the pose" Audrey assumed. "Ah, well, not quite. You see the couch is right in the centre of the room where the regulations say the measurement has to be taken from" Scott corrected her. "I see" replied Audrey. "Well, we don't want you to have to come back yet again ! Could you be so kind as to take a photo for me as you have done previously ?" she wondered. "Of course, no trouble at all" Scott answered helpfully. This is unreal, Scott's going to have a photo of my pussy, thought Debbi !

And Scott did indeed record the full pose, also managing to quickly zoom in and take a second pic focusing solely on Debbi's vag ! Of course there was not really any requirement to take the height measurement but Scott went through the charade of doing so, all the while imagining the response he would get from the group to his latest photographic achievements. The couch was rolled back into place and with the help of the photograph, Debbi was placed back into the exact same pose. "Thank you so much Mr Underhill. You must come to the opening of the exhibition once I've finished the paintings" Audrey told Scott as she saw him out. Exhibition ? What exhibition, thought Debbi ?!

A month passed and the events of those three Saturday mornings spent posing for Audrey had receded to the back of Debbi's mind. They were brought shudderingly to the forefront again, however, when she walked into her office to find a gold embossed invitation card on her desk. It read 'You are cordially invited to a champagne reception to mark the unveiling of a major new exhibit by Audrey Masters entitled The Ascent of Woman From Classical Times to the Present Day. 07 30 pm at the Seymour Gallery. Dress smart / casual.'

Debbi was still coming to terms with this when Carol came in. "Are you going to Audrey's showing ?" she asked eagerly. "Um, er, well, I guess" said Debbi, who did not want to go but figured she might as well know the worst. "Are you going ?" she asked Carol. "Sure thing. Free champagne ! We've all got invitations" her assistant answered cheerily. Debbi's heart sank.

Debbi was shocked to see how many people there were when she arrived at the gallery at the appointed time. She guessed the lure of free champagne was at least as great as that of The Ascent of Woman ! Debbi hurriedly looked around for any sign of the paintings she had posed for. She could not see them but did notice an ominous section of wall that was curtained off at present. Debbi was further discomfited to see among the throng so many people that she knew and that knew her. Most of her team were there, along with a few people from the HR, sales and accounts departments of the company. She recognised some clients and , oh no, was that her neighbours ? How did they know Audrey ? And, oh shit, there was Scott Underhill. And weren't those people talking to him people that she had been at college with back in the day ?

Debbi was already feeling uncomfortable as some of these people approached her and began to exchange pleasantries. Not all of them had any inkling of what they might see when the curtain was pulled back but Debbi suspected that some of the others might have some idea ! She was accosted by the group with Scott. "So nice to see you again Debbi after all this time" said one of the girls from her college days. "I hear we'll soon be seeing a lot more of you ?" laughed another.

It was at this point that Audrey and the gallery owner began to make their way towards the curtained off wall and called for everyone's attention !

Debbi was getting more and more agitated as she sensed that Audrey was coming towards the end of her pretentious spiel. "Some of you may know the model portrayed but I'd ask you to consider that you are not viewing depictions of a naked Debbi but instead of a woman who is emblematic of the strength and power of the feminine throughout the ages !" The ears of those in the audience who did not already know the nature of what they were about to see, pricked up considerably on hearing mention of a 'naked Debbi'. "So, without further ado, I'd like Mr Seymour to pull the chord and present to you 'The Ascent of Woman From Classical Times to the Present Day !" Audrey concluded.

The curtains parted to appreciative gasps from those assembled, as six life size paintings were revealed. Debbi felt her face flush deeply. The quintet of classical poses were bad enough but could just about be passed off as art for art's sake, even though the model was clearly her and everyone was looking at her bare breasts and bottom that Audrey had so faithfully replicated. But the real problem for Debbi was the sixth painting of the 'woman of today' ! Which also happened to be the painting that most of the audience was crowding around and queuing to study closely. There was her pussy on open display as her unmistakable face glared defiantly out of the canvas, challenging the viewers and daring them to object to the blatantly provocative nudity !

Debbi had to admit that Audrey had surpassed herself and her half assed concept almost made some kind of sense in the culmination of this final powerful portrait. But that was of scant consolation to her at this present moment. She just wished that the representative of today's woman had the face of someone other than her. And she feared that the interest being taken by too many of those viewing her was not strictly artistic !

Debbi stayed staring with horrid fascination at the paintings. She did not want to interact with anyone but people kept coming up to her. Audrey's arty friends were mostly complimentary. 'So brave of you', 'You're making such a significant statement all about the independent woman'. Debbi managed a few remarks in response centred around Audrey's supposed concept. Her neighbours took a different tack. 'Didn't know you got up to that kind of thing on your time off Deb', 'Er, I was just helping a friend with an important artistic idea that I agreed with', 'Yeah, right. Nothing to do with it being the boss's wife !'

Carol sidled up. "Blimey Deb. Quite an exposure" she began. "I didn't know what Audrey had planned" replied Debbi. "And hard to say no to Jeff's wife, I get that" her assistant continued. "Wonder who'll buy them and where they'll end up ?" Debbi hadn't considered that angle. It was bad enough seeing them here on display in the gallery. She shuddered at the thought of them on permanent display somewhere. Oh god, now her team were lining up for selfies in front of them and for course they were all picking painting number six to stand beside !

Scott and those other idiots from college beckoned Debbi over. "Hey Debbi. We're just comparing the paintings with the real thing" one girl said. And Debbi saw on their phones the photos Scott had taken in the conservatory, both those of the official poses that Audrey had wanted and others that Debbi had been unaware of him taking. She had known deep down that he was unlikely to have deleted them as promised but it was still a shock to see them being shared and bandied about among those whom she had previously regarded as beneath her.

Debbi was just about to make a bolt for it and head to the exit when Audrey called her up to the front. "People have been pointing out that we have not really had a proper chance to thank my model Debbi here" Audrey announced. "I hope you can all see the likeness that I've captured" she gestured. "We can with her face but we have to take the rest on trust" one joker shouted. "Not necessarily" said one of Scott's group, waving a phone. "Anyway, I do want to offer up my sincere gratitude, so a round of applause please for Debbi" Audrey interrupted the developing banter. Debbi was left standing awkwardly in front of the vivid portrayals of her naked body as colleagues and acquaintances voiced their approval !

The following week, Debbi was out shopping when she noticed a large and noisy group of teens outside the gallery. She was aghast to discover that her paintings were on open display in the window. Well, all of them minus the sixth 'modern assertive woman' that was presumably deemed to be too explicit for such public exhibition !

The teens were busy taking selfies when Debbi was spotted. "Hey, that's you innit ?" one of them called to her, pointing at the window. "What ? Me ? No, don't know what you mean" Debbi mumbled. "Yeah, course it is. Spitting image. Come here and let's have a photo of you with them." Debbi scurried away hurriedly, head down. "Spoilsport !"

Over the next few weeks, Debbi began to learn where the paintings were going to end up permanently residing. To her horror, the classical back view of her was acquired by Jeff for the company board room, 'to show our commitment to promoting culture'. Carol informed Debbi that she had heard the quartet of paintings with the Grecian urn had been purchased to provide a touch of class to the decor of an exclusive pole dancing club. The 'assertive modern woman ' ? Too graphic for open display, this was now housed in the newly refurbished men's toilets of the company's favourite local pub !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and the art class

Jeff poked his head around the door of Debbi's office. "Oh Deb, could you give Audrey a call ? She's got another project on the go." Debbi's heart sank. Anything involving her boss's wife was rarely good news. "I'm not posing for anything again" she began but Jeff had already gone. Realizing that she could not just ignore the request, Debbi made the call.

"Debbi, so good of you to call back" Audrey gushed, knowing full well that Debbi had little choice if she wanted to remain in Jeff's good books. "How can I help ?" Debbi made herself say. "Well as you know, I run weekly art classes for the gentlemen at the care home" Audrey began. Debbi didn't know but it seemed typical of the kind of thing that Audrey would do. She's lucky to have the free time Debbi thought.

"Anyway, our model's cancelled and left us in the lurch and I wondered if you would be so good as to help us out ? Jeff said it would be fine for you to take tomorrow afternoon off" Audrey continued. "What kind of thing ?" asked Debbi suspiciously. "Oh perfectly respectable. We want to replicate a biblical scene, Susannah and the Elders. Do you know it ?" Debbi had to admit that she did not. Although raised a Catholic, she had never taken much notice at Sunday School.

"We're going to be using the depiction by Alessandro Allori, the old gentlemen are really looking forward to it" Audrey explained further. "Will you be providing the costume ?" Debbi asked. "Oh yes, that won't be any problem at all" Audrey laughed. "OK, that'll be fine I guess" Debbi agreed. What harm could there be in posing in a long robe for a bunch of old geezers ? She would have been less sanguine about the prospect had she bothered to look up Allori's painting on the net !

"I thought you said you weren't ever going to pose for Audrey again ?" said Carol, as Debbi got ready to leave for her afternoon of posing at the old folks home. "Yeah, well, it's not so easy to say no to the boss's wife is it ? Especially when he's OK'd the afternoon off " Debbi admitted. "But this is OK, it's something from the Bible. So I'll probably be dressed like the virgin Mary" she explained.

"Gilbert's looking forward to it anyway" remarked Carol. "Gilbert ? What's it got to do with Gilbert ?" asked Debbi, referring to the lecherous old security guard. "He was just telling me, his older brother's a resident in the care home and he asked Gilbert to be one of the two guys posing with you, since the others would be painting or drawing or whatever they do" Carol elaborated. "Oh, OK, I guess he'll be like one of the Wise Men kind of thing" said Debbi. She didn't relish posing with Gilbert under any circumstances but this would be innocent enough.

"So what's this theme anyway ?" wondered Carol. "Susanna and the old blokes or something. Elders" Debbi corrected herself. "Audrey wants it to be like some old Italian painting. " Carol asked who the artist was. "Oh, I dunno. Alessandro someone or other. I forget, Nobody I've ever heard of. Anyway, got to rush !"

Carol watched Debbi's departing back and then headed for Google. 'Susanna and the Elders' she found by Alessandro Allori and then burst out laughing at the illustration that confronted her. No wonder Gilbert was looking forward to the afternoon !

"Ah, Debbi. Great, you're on time." Audrey greeted Debbi at the entrance to the care home, together with the manager of the establishment. "Yes, it's so good of you to help out" said the manager. "The old gentlemen have really perked up since Audrey began her classes and I know how excited they are to be moving on to today's subject" she continued. "Oh, er, no, it's fine. It's my pleasure" Debbi mumbled. "That's the spirit. I'll leave you in Audrey's capable hands" concluded the woman.

"We're through here." Audrey led Debbi into the breakfast bar where a space had been cleared. Four sprightly old gentlemen were sat around in a semi circle behind their easels. In front of them was a high stool, already flanked by Gilbert and another guy that Debbi recognized as Tadeusz, a younger colleague of Gilbert's from the company security team. They were both clad in a kind of Arabic looking robe over their work uniforms.

"Um, where do I get changed ?" Debbi asked, looking around. "There isn't really anywhere" Audrey admitted. "But you might as well just get undressed here since you're going to be nude anyway" she suggested. "Nude ?" exclaimed Debbi. "I thought it was supposed to be a Biblical subject ?" she objected. "It is" said Audrey. "Susanna and the Elders by Alessandro Allori." She gestured to an image projected onto a side wall that Debbi noted for the first time. She was horrified. "Susanna is a chaste maiden and two lecherous old men disturb her at her bath" Audrey was explaining. "That's in the Bible ?" Debbi asked incredulously. "There's some kind of moral" Audrey replied vaguely, not really knowing in detail.

"But why can't they just copy that slide ?" Debbi wondered, still trying to process what she had gotten herself into this time and further alarmed by the way Gilbert and Tadeusz would be posed with her in the tableaux. "That would just be a copy and we want them to exercise their own artistic imagination and give their own interpretation" Audrey countered. "Now if you just slip your things off, we can get you all in the pose !"

Debbi couldn't believe that events had once again conspired to get her naked in public. Such had been the way that things had gone over the last year, she could just about conceive of being a life model for this class of old codgers. But what was in danger of tipping her over the edge, was how she was posed with the lecherous security guard Gilbert and one of his younger colleagues.

Debbi was nude and perched on a stool, with her right leg crossed over so that the ankle rested on her left thigh. Gilbert was kneeling beside her with his left hand between her legs grasping that ankle and his other arm behind her back with the hand resting on her waist. Tadeusz meanwhile was pulling on Debbi's right wrist, thus twisting and turning her torso and tits towards the class.

"Don't worry about the landscape and the features in the background and I'm afraid that we do not have any little dog" Audrey was telling the class, gesturing towards the slide of Allori's original. "The purpose of the exercise is to get the line and contours of Debbi's body and the contrast of her nudity with how the robes fall on the two lads" she continued. "Lads ?" thought Debbi cynically, as she considered Gilbert's gnarled features pressed into her body just below her left tit ! "Try to capture the full sweep of her thigh from her buttocks to her knee where her leg is crossed here" Audrey was droning on. Just then her phone chirped.

"Excuse me a second gentleman. I just have to take this call from my daughter" Audrey explained as she left the room. Gilbert decided to take advantage of Audrey's temporary absence to slide his hand further up the inside of Debbi's thigh. "Stop it" she called in alarm. "What ?" said Gilbert disingenuously. "Don't you like it ? This little nub says differently" he added. Despite herself, Debbi's clit had decided to peep out. Gilbert's fingers found it and began to pinch, tug and rub. "Stop it, no, oooh !" Debbi whimpered. Tadeusz took his cue to move his hand down onto Debbi's right tit which he proceeded to knead. Debbi was being full on groped in public by two of her company's security guards !

This was all to the amusement of the pensioners in the art class who were egging Gilbert and Tadeusz on. "You can tell she likes it really" called one. "Those young fellas don't know which spot to hit" claimed another.

"Gilbert no, ooh, aargh, no, stop it, oooh ! Don't, it tickles !"

Footsteps were heard along the corridor and the door handle turned. A hasty realignment too place. "So, how are we all doing ?" asked Audrey, moving along the line to inspect the work so far.

"There I was, massaging her clit and she was all squirming and getting well into it. Then that old cow of a tutor had to come back in and spoil it all !" Gilbert was regaling his laughing colleagues with the tale, as he flashed around to the other security guards the photo of Susannah and the Elders as posed by Debbi and himself. This was the shot to be used by the class to complete their versions. "The art class went well then ?" Carol asked rhetorically as she happened to arrive for work and glimpsed the photo that Gilbert was passing around. "Oh yes, very well indeed" Gilbert grinned.

Debbi's reaction was somewhat different when Carol arrived in the office. "How was I to know that a biblical topic would have nudity ?" she was complaining. "I'm not doing anything else for Audrey" she continued vehemently. "I don't care if she is the boss's wife !"

As it happened, Audrey dropped by to see Jeff that afternoon but had to wait because he and Debbi were in a meeting. She parked herself by Carol's desk. "Debbi was worried that she may have given you the wrong impression" said Carol. "She thinks you may have misread her mood and thought she resented posing nude for the class" she explained. "Well, she did seem a bit off when she was leaving" Audrey admitted. "Especially after we had taken photos of the pose for the students to use" she added. Carol reassured her. "But no, she loved it. She doesn't want you ever to consider using another model. She said it was the most rewarding work and how delighted she was to see the old gentlemen blossom and come out of themselves. She can't wait for the next project !"

Audrey drew out her phone. "That's wonderful. I did so want to recreate this old master." She showed Carol 'An Allegory of Venus and Cupid' by Agnolo Bronzino. Carol stifled a laugh. The painting showed Venus ( Debbi) showing all her bits and being entwined by an amorous Cupid who was kissing her on the mouth and grasping her right tit, displaying his bare bum to the artist. "I'm sure Debbi would love to pose for that" said Carol. "Yes, but Cupid's the problem. Where to find an innocent young lad ? I can hardly use Gilbert again, or even Tadeusz" Audrey reasoned. Carol spluttered at the thought. Just then the office door opened. "Any post this afternoon Carol ?" It was the post boy. Audrey and Carol exchanged meaningful glances. "Kieron" exclaimed Carol. "We were just talking about you !"

"Kieron, keep that thing away from me" Debbi hissed. Her lips were millimeters away from those of the post boy as their naked bodies entwined. It also so happened that he was firmly grasping her left tit ! " I can't help it Debbi, it won't go down" Kieron apologized.

Under other circumstances, Debbi might have been flattered to have induced such a raging erection in a member of the opposite sex. And she had to admit that the callow red headed youth was sporting a surprisingly impressive specimen. But he was eight years younger than her, a lowly member of staff at her company and the circumstances were such that feeling flattered was the last thing on her mind. It was embarrassing and she just knew that she was blushing at least as much as Kieron was. The lustful pensioners on the supposed art class certainly did not seem to mind however. And Audrey was far too intent on recreating the pose of Venus and Cupid as portrayed by Agnolo Bronzino.

Yes, we know that Debbi had said to Carol that she would never pose for Audrey again. But this was her boss's wife, who had somehow got the idea into her head that Debbi was an enthusiastic participant who could not wait to return to the care home and who had confronted her with this latest project in Jeff's presence, which had made it impossible to turn down. As for Kieron, the the prospect of posing naked with the woman of his dreams had been irresistible and had fueled numerous wank sessions in the days leading up to the class !

The reality when it arrived for Kieron was more daunting and he had been reluctant to shrug off his robe in the makeshift classroom. Audrey was losing patience. "What on earth's the problem Kieron ?" she had demanded. Kieron had whispered an explanation. "Oh for goodness sake, I've seen an erect penis before and I'm sure that Debbi has, haven't you Debbi ?" she exclaimed loudly. "Um, er" replied Debbi, who was already nude. She had been startled when Kieron finally got naked and she saw the size of it. "I wonder if he knows how to use that ?" was the thought that popped unprompted into her mind but was quickly suppressed. She knew that the 18 year old youth was besotted with her and had enjoyed playfully teasing him but presenting her own naked body to him was much more than just a tease. Especially when they adopted the required pose !

"Do try to keep your penis hidden behind Debbi's back Kieron. Cupid's prick doesn't appear in the painting" Audrey called. "Keep that thing away from me" hissed Debbi. Which is where we came in !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi helps Kieron's project

After an hour or so of uncomfortable posing, during which Debbi failed to come to terms with the proximity of Kieron's naked body to her own, Audrey announced that she would again take a photo of the tableaux that the class could use as an aide memoire to complete their paintings at their leisure. Kieron quietly asked one of the old guys if he would send him a copy of the photo as a memento once Debbi had stalked off to get dressed. She was detained by Audrey and the care home matron, who again thanked her effusively for her time and stressed how much it had helped the welfare and morale of the residents. So by the time she had got to her car and was turning out of the entrance to the home, Kieron was already cutting a forlorn and lonely figure waiting at the bus stop.

Debbi's initial reaction was to put her foot down and zoom past in a cloud of dust but her kindly nature kicked in instead. "Want a lift ?" she asked as she pulled up alongside the bus stop. Kieron eagerly clambered into the passenger seat. The erection that he had been sporting for close on ninety minutes had just about subsided but despite the fact that he had spent that time posing alongside a totally naked Debbi, the proximity of his dream woman and the expanse of nylon clad thigh where she had hitched up her skirt to a comfortable driving position was enough to set him off again !

Apart from noticing his infatuation with her and indulging in some gentle teasing, Debbi had never taken much notice of the 18 year old post boy. But she now felt that she ought to engage as they waited in a traffic queue. "What are you doing wasting your time as a post boy ?" she demanded, a little cruelly but with genuine concern. "There's no real career progression unless you want to end up like old Gilbert in security in forty years time !" Kieron blushed. "Mum couldn't afford to put me through uni and paying back a student loan's scary for people like us. None of our family ever went to university" he explained. Debbi had not known that Kieron came from a single parent family.

"What about the local college ?" Debbi suggested. "I wanted to go on the media studies course but they need a piece of work to judge for the entry qualifications. They do lend the equipment but still .." Kieron tailed off. Debbi lost patience. "So ? What's the problem ? Get off your ass and do something" she encouraged. The queue began to move again and she turned her attention to the road. "I've got a screenplay but I can't find an actress" Kieron complained. Well that's not a surprise, Debbi admitted to herself. A post boy was hardly an attractive catch, whatever the size of his willy. She was only half concentrating on the conversation now as she drove. "Show more initiative. Hell, if it came to it I could help you out" she cajoled him, just for something to say.

"Really ? Could you ? Would you ?" Kieron pounced eagerly. Me and my big mouth, thought Debbi. "Er, um, well, er, yes OK, sure. But what's the screenplay ? I'm not taking my clothes off." Why did I have to say that, wondered Debbi.

"Nice bum Kieron !" In his hurry to show his friend Trudy the photo of the naked Debbi posing as Venus, Kieron had forgotten that the photo also displayed Cupid's ass. The post boy blushed. Trudy wasn't his girlfriend as such but had been a mate since school when they had bonded as two nerdish outsiders against the jocks and divas. Trudy also hoped to get onto the media studies course and had written the screenplay for the prospective short that would be their audition piece.

"And you say this woman has actually agreed to help us and act in our film ?" Trudy continued. "Kind of, yeah" said Kieron, a little less sure as he replayed in his head exactly what had been said during the conversation when he was given a lift home. "She said I was wasting my time as a post boy. Though she did say that she wouldn't take her clothes off" he added. "But that's the whole point of my screenplay" Trudy objected. "Did you tell her what the concept was ?" she asked. "No, we didn't get that far" Kieron replied.

"Then why did she even mention taking her clothes off ?" Trudy wondered. "I don't know, it was just something she said out of the blue" answered Kieron. " I reckon that she wants to subliminally" asserted Trudy, who had read a few books on Freudian psychology and considered herself an expert. "It looks like she's used to it and she certainly has the body for it" she asserted, looking again at the photo and ruefully regarding her own somewhat dumpy frame with its remnants of puppy fat.

"No worries, leave it all to me. From what you told me, she seems to have committed to helping you take your life in hand and I bet she's a bit of a softy at heart. I'll spring it on her on the day and we'll get her kit off !"

"So, is it OK if you pick us up at ten tomorrow morning ?" asked Kieron eagerly as he picked up the mail from Debbi's office on Friday afternoon. "Er, yeah, OK, I guess. I said I'd help. Who's us ?" she wondered. "Me and Trudy" Kieron replied. "She's the writer / director and I'm the cinematographer" he announced proudly. "Oh, that all sounds very grand" mused Debbi. "But OK, yeah, fine. I know where you live now" she confirmed.

"What was that all about ?" said a curious Carol, poking her head round the office door. "Kieron went off looking like a dog with two tails !"

"Oh nothing. I just said I'd help him apply for a media studies course" replied Debbi, reluctant to go into any detail. "But what's that got to do with you picking him up tomorrow ?" persisted Carol. "He said he needed someone to act in an audition tape for the course" answered Debbi. "And you agreed ?" laughed Carol. "Well, I'd kind of backed myself into a corner. I'd been going on at him about how he was wasting his life here as a post boy and should get off his ass and do something. So after all that, I couldn't really turn around and refuse to help when he came up with that something" Debbi admitted.

"Wow, no wonder he's so chirpy. Getting to spend all day Saturday with his dream girl." Carol laughed again. "What's the script anyway ?"

"Don't know, I didn't ask. Just said I wasn't taking any clothes off."

Carol shrieked. "Why did you say that ?"

"Dunno. It just kind of popped out" said Debbi sheepishly.

Saturday dawned a beautiful late spring day. Debbi had no idea what to wear but selected a loose flowing summer dress that didn't show too much cleavage but fell modestly to just below her knee. Debbi never wore a bra except at work and when visiting her mother but she decided to put one on under the dress today. She didn't want to give Kieron the wrong idea.

The post boy was waiting for her, along with a slightly overweight but pleasant looking Goth in a black Metallica t-shirt and combat pants. That must be Trudy, Debbi surmised. "Where to then ?" she asked, as Kieron got in alongside her and Trudy clambered in the back with the equipment that the college had loaned to them. "There's a woodland park about fifteen miles away. Head towards Basingstoke and I'll direct you" answered Trudy from the back.

They arrived soon enough at the entrance to a wooded area at the end of a country lane. Debbi parked up beside a gate with a notice saying PRIVATE PROPERTY. STRICTLY NO ADMITTANCE. Debbi pointed out the sign dubiously as they got out of the car. "Oh that. That's no problem. I researched this place on the net. The sign's historic and there's now a new rambler's right of way" Trudy asserted confidently. "That dress is just perfect, really suits you" the girl continued. "Oh, er, great, thanks" said Debbi, instinctively doing a little twirl. "But it looks like you're wearing a bra" Trudy noticed. "Can you take it off ? It'll look all wrong when you're running and you take the dress off !"

"Excuse me ? When I what ?" gasped a shocked Debbi !

"Yeah, see, the concept's that you're changed into a sprite by Mother Nature and your sole purpose is to commune with nature and run naked through the woods. Starting with lifting your dress off while running and flinging it away. Then you can stop for a second as you you take off your knickers but fiddling with a bra as well would make it too much like a strip tease than an innocent frolic and that's not the concept" Trudy explained cheerfully.

"Sorry but there's no way I'm doing that. I told Kieron I wouldn't do anything that involved me taking my clothes off" Debbi protested. "Did she Kieron ?" demanded Trudy, knowing full well that Debbi had but having her rehearsed response ready. "Er, not sure, can't remember. I just remember she said she'd help in any way she could" Kieron stammered. "Kieron ! It was when we were in the car" responded Debbi.

"Well. I was led to believe you had a genuine desire to help Kieron to better himself and show some initiative but when push comes to shove I see you're all talk ! That's typical of people like you. You look down on Kieron don't you ? Think he's some kind of village idiot ?" Trudy asserted. "No, that's not fair. No, of course not. I didn't have many formal qualifications when I left school myself. Look, can't I just run through the woods as I am ? Fully dressed ?" countered Debbi. "What would that signify ? What a dumb and boring thing to submit to the college. Kieron wouldn't stand a chance of being accepted with that" said Trudy. Debbi looked away.

"As I heard it, you've taken your clothes off for art with that Audrey woman. What's the difference here ? Or was that just to ingratiate yourself with your boss ?" Trudy continued. "But this is in public. And will be on film. And in front of you two." Debbi was wavering. "Come on, you can see this place is deserted. Kieron already knows what you look like without clothes and he's going to be too busy concentrating on filming. I'm a girl and the only other person who will know is some old college professor who'll have no idea who you are" argued Trudy.

"It's no good Trude. I thought it was too good to be true that someone who could help would take an interest in me and help me to get on. I guess I'm stuck in the post room" concluded Kieron sadly. There was an awkward silence. "Oh sod it. What the hell. Come on then, yes, I'll do it" said Debbi !

"So you're going to take your bra off then ?" Trudy reminded Debbi. "Yeah, I guess" Debbi conceded. She turned her back on the pair and went through the tortuous process of somehow unclasping it under her dress and extracting it from the arm holes, before depositing it on the driver's seat of her car. There was no visible sag in her perky breasts after she had taken the bra off and Debbi admitted to herself that she always felt better when free of the restrictive undergarment. But it did seem to have been a bit pointless trying to preserve her modesty at this point, both then and also when climbing over the locked gate and struggling with the hem of her dress so that she did not display too much leg !

"You're sure this place is OK ? " Debbi asked again, after once more perusing the threatening 'no admittance' sign. "Perfectly sure" responded Trudy. "But we'll walk further into the woods, just in case someone did happen to come along this country lane and maybe see you." They walked through dappled sunlight along a relatively well defined path. Kieron fussed with his light meter. "All this light and shade" he complained. "I don't know how well the camera's going to find the right exposure."

"Debbi's going to be the one exposed" laughed Trudy. "No, I meant the lighting" Kieron replied obtusely. "I was only joking" Trudy explained. "I'm only doing this once, there's not going to be multiple takes" asserted Debbi as she listened to this exchange. "Yeah, whatever" said Trudy dismissively. "Look, we're coming to a sort of clearing. The light here'll be perfect !"

They were indeed approaching a circular section where the trees had been cleared. "So" said Trudy, turning to Debbi and taking charge. "You can start running up the path behind us dressed like you are now. The lighting won't be important for that" she added and Kieron agreed. "We'll set up here" Trudy continued. "Run towards us with your hands kind of up, turning and looking around in wonder at nature. Then when you pass us and head into the sunlight, you spontaneously take off your dress and knickers and run about in the same way. Sort of turning and dancing. Maybe you could do a cartwheel ?"

Debbi felt incredibly self conscious. It wasn't just the stripping, excruciating though that would be. But she felt ridiculous trying to run around and portray nature's nymph as requested, even before she began taking anything off. "Stop. That's hopeless" asserted Trudy. "We need much more enthusiasm. You don't have to say anything but kind of shout for joy. Yell 'oooh' or 'weeeee' or something, really lose yourself in the moment." Debbi tried again, circling with her arms in the air, head held to the sky. "Weeee" she cried.

"Better. Much better" said Trudy, stopping her again. "Do it once more but this time run past us into the clearing and take your dress off as you run. Then, when you've taken your knickers off, do the same as you have been doing but naked." Debbi gritted her teeth. Her self consciousness had not subsided at all but she'd come this far, might as well just get it over with. For the third time she began the improvised dance, this time running beyond Trudy and Kieron who was tracking her with the camera. Still running, Debbi grabbed the hem of her summer dress, lifted it over her head and threw it aside. She stopped and stooped to haul down her plain cotton knickers and threw them aside too. "Weeee" she yelled embarrassedly, as she tried once more to embark on her supposedly ecstatic dance, this time circling fully naked and waving her arms before the gaze of Kieron's camera. After a minute or so, Debbi stopped and turned to face them.

"What have you stopped for ?" called Trudy. "Isn't that enough ?" Debbi called back. "No, you need to get to the other side of the clearing. And you forgot the cartwheel" answered Trudy. "I'm not doing a cartwheel naked" insisted Debbi. "But it would show your lack of inhibitions and your oneness with nature" Trudy countered. "I don't care, I'm not doing it" said Debbi. "Whatever, I can see you have no concept about art and you've ruined the take now anyway" complained Trudy. "Get dressed again and we'll try take two" she instructed. "I said I was only going to do it once" argued Debbi. "Well who's fault's that ?" said Trudy. "Remember, do what you just did but with a bit more oomph. And get right across to the other side, we'll be following."

Debbi let out an exaggerated sigh but moved to retrieve her knickers and dress for take two !

After she had got dressed again, Debbi walked back beyond Kieron and Trudy for what she was determined would be the final take.

She did her best to summon up the extra oomph that Trudy had demanded. As she circled with her arms in the air, she cried "Life, love, nature, weeee !" She ran past them, once more divesting herself of her dress and her knickers and carelessly flinging them even further away. Naked, she flapped her arms up and down, twirled to display 360 degree views of her charms, continued to yell "Weeee !"

Debbi was making steady progress to the far side of the clearing. Trudy called out "Cartwheel !" Caught up in the moment and not thinking, Debbi executed a clumsy cartwheel. "Again" ordered Trudy. Debbi's second attempt was a little more elegant. Kieron cursed the camera he was wielding that impeded him from fully soaking up the inner secrets that the cartwheels revealed but he was intent on obtaining the best and clearest shots and consoled himself with the thought that he would be able to peruse the results at leisure once back home.

Debbi was almost at the other side of the clearing when a harsh voice rang out. "What the bloody hell's going on here ?"

It had all happened so quickly. One moment the naked Debbi was standing being confronted by a rough looking countryman wielding a shotgun ( a shotgun for goodness sake, what was that all about ? ) The next she was hanging suspended twelve feet in the air !

The man, who Debbi assumed to be some kind of gamekeeper, had been demanding to know what was going on. Debbi had stammered incoherently, at a loss to know how to explain the situation. "Didn't you see the keep out signs ?" he was saying. "We didn't think they applied to us" Trudy had responded cheekily. "Who the hell did you think they applied to then ?" said the man angrily. "Careful, stay where you are, don't move" he added, turning back to Debbi.

Too late. Alarmed and spooked, Debbi began to edge away from the man, stepping straight into a booby trap ! Instantly, a coil of rope snaked around her left ankle, a mechanism pinged, a branch flew heavenwards and Debbi was whisked off her feet. "Aargh" she cried. She began to twist in the air and held her arms out in a futile attempt to balance. Her black locks hung down and while there was no sag in her perky breasts, there was a perceptible shift in their weight towards her chin as gravity exerted its' pull.

Debbi tried desperately to keep her legs together but this was impossible with only one leg attached to the branch. Her free right leg drifted apart as once more gravity had its' way. "Get me down" she yelled. "I did tell you not to move" the gamekeeper admonished her. "Get me down" Debbi repeated. "That's not so easy" answered the man, looking up at the branch to which she was attached that towered twelve feet above his head.

"Are there any more traps ?" asked Trudy, as she cautiously approached them. "No, that's the only one" confirmed the gamekeeper. "Get me down" cried Debbi.

Kieron also approached the tree, still filming. OK, so this wasn't in the script but he could worry about that later when it came to the editing. "What were you doing here anyway ? And why is she naked ?" the gamekeeper resumed his questioning, ignoring the dangling Debbi.

"Get me down !"

"OK, you can go" agreed the gamekeeper after he had heard Trudy's explanation and satisfied himself that they weren't poachers. "But take notice of the signs in future" he admonished. "Get me down" yelled Debbi. "We have to get her down" said Kieron in solidarity. "I can't reach that branch without steps. I'll have to go back to my shed and get some" the man explained. "How long will that take ?" wailed Debbi. "About ten minutes" called the gamekeeper as he headed off.

Debbi continued to dangle helplessly, only too aware that her aching muscles found it impossible to keep her legs together. She was mortified at the thought of what she was displaying to the post boy. "Don't look" she said futilely. "You're not still filming are you ?" she demanded. "No, of course not" Kieron lied, as Trudy giggled. In fact Kieron had stopped filming for the time being, since he already had shots of Debbi in her current position and to keep filming would just be more of the same. He could instead soak up the sight in real life rather than through the camera lens. "I think we have enough to work with from that last take" added Trudy reassuringly. "Well that's just great. I'm really pleased" replied Debbi sarcastically, as if the gamekeeper was going to allow them to continue gallivanting about in the woods once he had got her down !

After what seemed like an age to Debbi but was actually the ten minutes that he had promised, the gamekeeper returned. Minus shotgun but lugging a pair of garden steps. He was also wielding a sharp knife with which to cut the rope. "You'd better support her head and shoulders" he instructed Kieron. "She's going to fall as soon as I cut this." Kieron handed the camera to Trudy. "Careful where you put your hands" Debbi shouted, as Kieron cradled her upper body in his arms ( or lower body since she was hanging upside down !)

Debbi had earlier been consoling herself that she was only presenting a distant view of her nudity to Kieron as she cavorted about but now here he was up close and personal. And she could only imagine the view the gamekeeper was getting as he climbed the steps ! His knife made short work of cutting the rope and Kieron was not braced for the sudden extra weight of Debbi's body. The pair collapsed to the ground in an ungainly tangle of limbs as the delighted Trudy resumed filming !



"Ow, watch where you're putting your hand"



"Sorry" It was a comical sight as Debbi and Kieron struggled to disentangle themselves and get back to their feet ! Debbi promptly squatted again to try to get the remaining thread of rope off of her ankle. It wasn't exactly the most dignified position that she was adopting but what did it matter now ? They'd all seen everything. "Here" The gamekeeper offered her his knife. "Thanks" said Debbi.

As she stood, her eyes began to scan the clearing. "Where's my dress ?" she asked. "A fox took it" Trudy replied casually. "What ?" screeched Debbi. "What do you mean, a fox took it ?"

"What I said, a fox took it" Trudy repeated. "Why didn't you stop it ?" Debbi demanded. "I didn't want him to see" explained Trudy, indicating the gamekeeper. "I didn't want him to shoot it."

"We don't shoot the foxes, it's live and let live. They only take the odd bird here and there, it's the poachers we worry about and why we set these traps" the man answered. "It was probably our pregnant vixen wanting to line her den." Debbi was still anxiously scanning the field. "I can't see my knickers either ?"

"She would have taken those too, they're attracted to anything soft and fragrant" observed the gamekeeper. "But I'm naked" Debbi stated the obvious. "What will I wear ?"

"You've got your bra back in the car" Trudy pointed out helpfully. "Oh great, fat lot of use that is" Debbi stormed. "Better than nothing. At least you won't look totally naked through the car window as we drive along" Trudy argued.

"Look, this is all very entertaining but I've got work to do and have to reset this trap. I'm letting you three off with a warning, so clear off before I change my mind" said the game keeper !

Perhaps under other circumstances, Debbi may have prevailed upon Kieron to give her his shirt to provide a modicum of cover. As it was, her thoughts were too preoccupied with the disappearance of her own clothes. The thought had occurred to Kieron and he guessed he would have to agree if Debbi demanded it. But he had no intention of suggesting it himself. So instead they made their way back through the woods towards the car with the naked Debbi sandwiched in between the two fully clothed teens.

As they clambered over the gate past the keep out signs, Debbi had a flashback to how she had earlier tried to maintain her modesty while still wearing her dress. Retrieving her car keys from Trudy who had taken them for safe keeping while they were filming, Debbi opened the door and gazed forlornly at her bra which was lying on the driver's seat. It seemed almost pointless to put it on but Debbi acknowledged Trudy's remark from before, that it would show she was at least wearing something through the window of the car as they drove along.

It was an incongruous but still wildly erotic sight for Kieron. The woman who was a boss at work and over whom he constantly fantasized stood before him totally naked apart from a white lace bra. Debbi thought it ironic that the one garment she would normally happily forgo was now the only thing that she was wearing. She pondered further on her predicament. "Even if we get back without any incident, I can't walk out from the car to my house looking like this." She gestured at her body.

"Well, you've got your debit card ?" Trudy asked. "Yeah, so ?" said Debbi. "We could stop off at the supermarket and you could stay in the car while I go and buy some cheap clothes for you with your card" Trudy continued. Debbi thought. She didn't want cheap clothes from a supermarket but a t-shirt and knickers wouldn't put much of a dent in her bank balance and would cover her enough while she ran indoors.

"OK, I can't think of anything better" she conceded. "Bloody hell !" she cursed as they climbed into the car. "I just hope there isn't much traffic." Debbi would have preferred that Kieron got in the back with Trudy rather than alongside her in the passenger seat but he was intent on prolonging his view of Debbi's exposure for as long as possible !

Debbi slowly reversed back down the country lane until she reached a turning point by a gate into a field. To a small extent, having to concentrate on driving was taking her mind off of the bizarre sight that she knew she was presenting to Kieron. But only to a small extent ! If anything, she felt that wearing her bra only accentuated the rest of her nudity. It was as they pulled onto the motorway that Trudy's hypothesis about wearing the bra would be put to the test. Would anyone notice ? Would they just think they were looking at the shoulder straps of a dress and not realize it was only a bra ?

Debbi put her foot down and headed for the fast lane. That way she could ensure nobody would be overtaking her on the driver's side. This respite was only short lived, however, as she soon had to switch lanes to be ready for their exit. As they got closer, Debbi was confronted by a phalanx of red tail lights and the dreaded traffic cones. Roadworks ! "Shut" she exclaimed as they slowed to a crawl.

Traffic that wasn't taking their exit but was heading straight on to London began to pull alongside. Debbi caught movement from the corner of her eye but she remained looking resolutely ahead. "Looks like someone's noticed you Debbi" said Trudy. "So ? It's a hot day" answered Debbi, knowing that at least her lower half was obscured from passing cars. This reassurance didn't last. The sun was blotted out by a looming hulk drawing alongside. It was a large motor coach and as luck would have it, the traffic came to a complete stop at this point as they waited for those ahead to funnel into the restricted lanes.

Debbi kept staring to the front, her eyes fixed on the road. Maybe nobody would look down and see her ? Trudy quickly disabused her of that notion. "You've found a new fan club Debbi" she couldn't help but laugh at the older woman's discomfort. "I think they're Saints fans, they've got a game in London today" added Kieron. Debbi was not going to give the leering fans who were crowding to her side of the bus the satisfaction of making eye contact as she stayed staring at the slow moving traffic in front of her. But as the coach finally began to move ahead, she could not help but observe the sea of laughing faces rushing to the back of the bus, making crude gestures and waving their phones at her !

Debbi was glad to get out of the traffic queue for the motorway exit but driving through town had its' own concerns. She tensed every time that she had to stop at lights or a pedestrian crossing, dreading that someone might glance her way and notice her lack of attire as she sat in the car naked apart from her bra. Fortunately, everyone was intent on their own business and did not give a thought to who was in the vehicles that were stopping to let them cross.

Debbi could feel Kieron's eyes boring into her. "Stop looking" she hissed. "Sorry" said Kieron. It was with relief that she pulled into the supermarket car park, heading for the furthest section by the bottle bank where she could park in a space away from any other cars. "So, what sort of outfit do you want me to get you ?" asked Trudy. "I don't want to waste money on an outfit from Tesco, just get me a plain t-shirt and some knickers. I can get away with running to the house in those" Debbi replied. "What's your PIN ?" Trudy wanted to know. "I'm not telling you that. It's contactless, getting me a t-shirt and knickers won't break the limit !"

Kieron made no attempt to move but Debbi insisted that he accompany Trudy over to the store. She wanted a few peaceful moments to herself without being ogled. The sun beating through the window of the stationary car soon began to make it uncomfortably warm. She wound down the window and sank lower down into the seat, closing her eyes and trying hard not to replay the calamities of the morning in her mind.

Debbi even began to doze a little and so did not hear a group of girls coming to deposit the empties from Friday night's partying into the bottle bank. She was shaken from her reverie by a loud voice at her right shoulder. "Bloody hell girls ! What have we got here ?"

Debbi looked around in shock to see that the car was surrounded by a group of six girls. They looked to be around 19 or 20 and the sort of chavs that Debbi had always instinctively shied away from in her clubbing days. "What the hell happened to you ?" asked the girl at the window, a rough looking bottle blonde. Debbi was at a loss to explain her predicament and opted for silence.

"Cat got your tongue ?" the girl persisted. "If I could only wear one thing, I think I'd opt for knickers over just a bra" another of the girls laughed. "Me too. I've gotta get a picture of this" added a third. "No, stop" cried Debbi as the girl aimed her phone. "Oh, so she can speak" announced blondie. "So come on, there's got to be a story behind this. Where are the rest of your clothes and what are you doing here ?"

"I lost them" mumbled Debbi. The girls laughed. "So we see ! That was a bit careless wasn't it ?" How could Debbi explain that her dress was now adorning a fox's den ? "So why are you here ?" Blondie kept on with the questions. "My friends are buying some things for me in the store" Debbi said quietly. It was embarrassing to have to refer to Kieron and Trudy as friends but how else to describe them without going into great detail ?

"Look, can you just clear off and leave me alone ?" Debbi was getting frustrated but this was the wrong approach to take with these girls. "Oh, so you wanna be left alone do you ? Well, I think we are going to have a bit of fun before those friends of yours get back." With that, the blonde girl lent in the open window and grabbed the car keys out of the ignition !

"No, don't. Stop it. Give me back those." The gang of six girls began throwing the care keys around amongst them. "Come and get them" urged blondie. "I'm not getting out of the car" replied Debbi. The blonde girl walked over to an open drain cover and began to dangle the keys precariously at the end of her fingers. "Maybe you should, or there might just be an unfortunate accident with these" she said, making as if to drop them into the drain.

"No don't. I'm getting out" yelled Debbi, rapidly exiting the car. One of the girls immediately kicked the door shut and the blonde girl pressed the fob, effectively locking Debbi out ! The girls collapsed in laughter as Debbi cut an even more incongruous figure outside the car, clad as she was in nothing but her white bra. Debbi looked around in panic but thus far nobody else had noticed them in the far reaches of the car park.

"Please, you've had your fun, give them back to me" Debbi pleaded. Where the hell were Kieron and Trudy ? How long does it take to buy knickers and a t-shirt ? "You've got to work for them first" laughed blondie. "Here, catch !" She threw the keys vaguely in Debbi's direction but far enough over her head that she had no chance of catching them and they were collected by another of the girls. There followed a couple of minutes of this, with Debbi leaping desperately but unable to succeed in intercepting any of the throws.

"You're not very good at this are you ?" asserted blondie. "Tell you what, we'll do a deal. Swap the keys for that bra you're wearing ?" In truth, the useless bra was not really doing much of a job in preserving Debbi's modesty but she was still reluctant to be completely naked out in the open in Tesco's car park. "How can I trust you ?" she said, cringing at how childish and whiny she sounded. "Cross my heart and hope to die" laughed blondie, replying in kind. "She's doing it" grinned one of the others as Debbi reached around behind her to unclasp the bra.

"Give me the keys first" Debbi demanded as she held the bra out in her hand but one of the girls reached out and grabbed it anyway. "Here, catch" cried blondie but she threw the keys beyond Debbi and through the open window of the still locked car !

Without thinking, Debbi chased her car keys and dived head first through the open window. Which was not the wisest thing to do. Her momentum only took her so far and she became stuck halfway. Not stuck as in jammed fast in the gap but stuck as in she was left suspended in mid air with nowhere to gain purchase for her hands, leaving her dangling precariously in the car with her face heading towards the gear stick. She kicked her legs wildly but could not find a way forward, which was all comedy gold to the watching gang of girls. "These photos are so going on the net !"

"I'm stuck" wailed Debbi. "Oh well, we've got to be going, was nice meeting you" laughed blondie, giving Debbi a parting slap on the bare ass which was such a tempting target as it hung out of the car window ! "No, don't go, help me out" cried Debbi. "Sorry, things to do, places to go." The laughing voices receded into the distance. Acutely conscious of the view that must have been being presented to anyone who happened to notice, Debbi tried to catch her breath and make a renewed effort to tumble fully into the car but that seemed to just place her in an ever more precarious position.

"What on earth are you doing now Debbi ?" Debbi never thought she would be so relieved to hear Trudy's voice. "I'm stuck."

"We can see that, but what are you doing ?"

"Trying to get into the bloody car"

"But why did you get out ? And why not open the door ?"

"Never mind that now, just help me !" Once he had come to terms with yet another highly arousing view of his boss from work, Kieron surveyed the scene. "You're going to hurt yourself if we try to push you in, better if we pull you out again" he suggested. "Whatever, just do something !"

Kieron grasped Debbi's hips while trying to support her thighs with his knee and eventually her feet returned to the floor outside the car and she wriggled her head free. "Where's your bra ?" wondered Trudy, noting Debbi's now total nudity. Aware that she was once more naked in the supermarket car park, Debbi gave a brief run down of her encounter with the gang of hoodlum girls. "Where have you been anyway ?" she asked irritably. "We had a coffee in Costas" Trudy explained. "But you knew I was stuck out here like this" Debbi complained. "We bought you one" said Kieron defensively. "I'd rather have some clothes !"

"Oh yeah, here" Trudy handed Debbi the purchases. She tore open the packaging around a pair of red satin knickers. "It's a thong" she exclaimed as she hurriedly pulled them on. "I thought you looked a thong sort of girl" Trudy explained. "Yeah well, maybe" said Debbi, anxious not to fuel even more fantasies for Kieron. "But in these circumstances, I'd prefer a bit more coverage." Nevertheless, she was relieved to have at least some cover after what seemed like hours.

Debbi eagerly moved onto the plain white t-shirt Trudy had bought. It proved a struggle to get into. "You bought a small size" she complained. "I can take it back and change it" Trudy offered. Debbi hesitated for a moment. Without the bra, her nipples were still prominent beneath the tight fit and the small size barely reached the top of the knickers. Running to the house like this wouldn't provide the sort of cover she had been hoping for but she could not bear the thought of once more being naked out here in the car park while Trudy exchanged the clothes.

"Forget it, these will have to do" said Debbi. "But we've still got to get into the car." She indicated the keys over on the passenger seat. Kieron reached through the open window and opened the catch on the lock !

Debbi took a long pull on the coffee that Trudy had bought for her. She was relieved to be back inside the sanctuary of the car and to have at least some clothes, even if they were not quite what she had been hoping for. She turned the key in the ignition. "Let's just get you home" she said irritably. "Yeah, we've got to work on the audition footage anyway" responded Trudy. Debbi cringed to be reminded of the woodland scene !

"That was great Debbi, thanks so much" enthused Kieron as they pulled up outside his house. "Yeah, well, I just hope it was of some use after all that. And don't go telling everyone at work about it OK ?" Debbi knew that Carol for one would be pumping the post boy for info on Monday.

Just then, a smiling white haired woman emerged from the house. "That's my gran" stated Kieron. Debbi vaguely recalled him mentioning that he lived with his grandmother. The woman made her way around to Debbi's window and rapped on the glass. Debbi wound the window down. "You must be Debbi" the woman began. "We've all heard so much about you. I just wanted to thank you for all that you are doing for Kieron. We always knew that he had so much more potential and it was wonderful of you to spot it as well and to take such an interest." What's she talking about ? thought Debbi. What's he told her ? She wasn't really interested in the kid at all, it had just been a few throwaway remarks for the want of anything better to say when she had been giving him a lift before. And her soft hearted nature had led to it escalating into the embarrassing events of today.

"Not everyone is as lucky as Kieron to have such a good boss. And such a young and pretty one too" the woman continued to gush. "Oh, it's nothing, glad to be able to help" mumbled Debbi, anxious to get home herself. "You must come in for a cup of tea. I've baked a cake specially" the grandmother announced. "I'd love to" Debbi lied. "But I'm not really dressed for it !" She indicated her bare legs. "Debbi had an accident with her dress" Trudy added helpfully. " A fox took it" she added further, unhelpfully. Kieron's gran didn't seem phased however. "Goodness, these urban foxes are getting bolder and bolder, I've seen them on the tele. Never mind. It's OK, we don't stand on ceremony here do we Kieron ?" "Gran's cakes are special" answered Kieron proudly.

Thus it was that Debbi found herself walking up the path to the house, desperately tugging at the hem of the inadequate t-shirt but knowing that the red satin thong left her ass completely bare !

Ninety minutes later, Debbi was relieved to be back in her car alone and finally heading home. She would have preferred to be wearing more clothes than the red satin thong and under sized t-shirt but was geared up to sprint from the car to her front door.

She had thought that she would never get out of Kieron's grandmother's house. As well as his grandmother, Debbi was confronted by an aunt and a neighbor eager to thank the young businesswoman for showing such a keen interest in the development of 'their Kieron'. Nobody seemed put out by her inappropriate attire, the phrase 'we don't stand on ceremony here' being parroted more than once in answer to Debbi's apologies. The post boy himself spent most of the time blushing as it became increasingly clear to Debbi how much he had exaggerated and overstated her involvement with him. She could have done without the photo the grandmother insisted on taking of the pair of them together. At least there was no rear view of the thong, Debbi thought but the photo would still clearly display a long length of leg topped off by what were clearly knickers !

Debbi had to admit that the home made lemon drizzle cake had been delicious.
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