no need to be sorry. i loved the story. my only complaint is that it ended cuz it was such a fun-to-read post.superevil7 wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:01 pmSorry for the confusion. But that is a great idea! Is there an official way to start a contest around here?GeekGuy wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:25 am ok i'm posting this before i read the story I saw the title and thought this was about a tickle story contest because of all the tickle talk recently. i was thinking "oh wow this is going to be fun". I'm and now going to read the story and post again in a lil bit.
The Tickle Contest (Part 5 July 23)
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Re: The Tickle Contest
- superevil7
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The Tickle Contest - Part 2
With the floodgates now open, Emily and I were pretty much going at it like rabid bunnies every day. It was like she couldn't keep her hands off me! It was everything I had hoped for, and way more! I was having the time of my life!
Em, on the other hand, still seemed to want something more. I guess she was still perturbed at me for winning the contest a few weeks ago, and had been scheming up her own devious plan. “You know, tonight we are playing Trivial Pursuit. You wanna stay?” She was asking me.
“Sure!” I smiled at her. I’d never pass on the opportunity to spend more time with her if I could help it.
“Great! It’ll be my whole family playing with us. My parents. My little brother and sister. So, remember to be respectful around them." She giggled.
"I know. I will." I said chuckling. "It's just so dang hard to be respectful with you around, always looking so cute like that!"
Emily got that blush she always gets on her face whenever I mention how cute she is. "Stop it!" She giggled, slapping my shoulder a little.
"Your parents won't be home for another 30 minutes. Want to go up to your room for a bit?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at her.
"No! We were just up there an hour ago!" She complained, while laughing at the same time. "I want to do something different."
"What do you mean? What do you want to do?"
"I was thinking. How about we put a little bet on the game tonight? A small wager. Just between you and me. Whoever gets the lowest score in the game tonight has to go naked for the other one tomorrow."
"Hmm. I don't know, Em. I've seen you naked plenty of times now. I think there should be a little more on the line than that."
"What were you thinking?"
"The loser has to let the winner tie them up for one whole hour. Naked of course. And the winner gets to touch them however and wherever they please." I could see her getting a look of worry and surprise on her face as I explained what I wanted.
Then she got that determined look in her eye. "Alright. You're on! You know I'm so much better than you are at Trivial Pursuit. It's going to be so much fun tying you up and having my way with you!"
She was right. I wasn’t very good at this game, but apparently neither was she on this occasion. The score had gone back and forth between us. At different points we were each both squarely in the lead during the game. A few times there, I got really lucky with my guesses. Her younger brother, Jimmy, ended up winning the overall game in the end. I could see that look of worry back on her face as she let me see her scorecard. Somehow, against all my luck, I had just managed to squeak a few points ahead of her at the end there. That meant I had won! Again!
The proceedings wouldn’t be happening until tomorrow though, when we knew her parents and siblings would be gone from her house. It was hard for me to keep my excitement under control, but I think I managed for the most part. I couldn’t believe I was going to get to tie my girlfriend up, NAKED!! And do whatever I want with her for a whole hour too! She didn’t know this, but this had always been a huge fantasy of mine!
I came over the next day, ready for some good, clean, wholesome fun. If I’m to be honest, I had hardly slept a wink the previous night. I was just too excited to get to do this with Em. She had this totally bashful look on her face as she answered the door for me. I could hardly wait to get started. “It’s nice you decided to dress up for the occasion, Emily.” She had on her Sunday best. This really hot, flared skirt, that came down just above her knees, and a shimmery silver sweater with long sleeves. Interestingly of all, was the white knee high stockings she was wearing. Damn did she look great!
She had that cute blush back on her cheeks as she greeted me with a kiss. “I needed to feel dressed up today.” I was so tempted to add, yeah, before you get dressed down, but I held my tongue for now. There would be plenty of time for teasing her soon.
I headed over to the couch, and kicked my feet up on the coffee table, and set down my bag. I had brought a few goodies to use on her later. She stood there in front of me, looking totally apprehensive. “Well, first things first. I can’t tie you up until you are naked.”
I could see the reservation in her eyes as she took hold of the bottom of her top. “Shouldn’t we start the timer first?”
“Nope. The timer doesn’t start until you are fully naked.” I gave her a smirk, seeing the way she was squirming to hear that.
She didn’t put up a fight though, and got to it. First she pulled off her top, and then she let her skirt fall to her ankles. I was surprised to see what she had on underneath. She had on this sexy little yellow teddy that came down to her hips and flared out, and a little matching pair of panties to go along with it. I guess she wasn’t completely hating the fact that she was doing this. She gave me a big blushing smile as she straightened herself back upright, and let me look her over in her sexy lingerie.
The teddy she was wearing had buttons on the front that ran from top to bottom, and her hands went to the top button in order to undo it. “No, wait.” I said. “Leave the rest on for now. You look really sexy. I think it’s time for me to tie you up so you can’t move anymore.”
Her shyness came back instantly as I mentioned her being tied up. “Shouldn’t we go to my room?” She asked, sounding like her mouth was getting a little dry.
“I think it’s better to do it here. There’s way more light, and it’s going to be so much fun knowing I’ve had my way with you right in your own parent’s living room.” I got up from the couch, motioning for her to come over. “Just lie down, Em. I’m in charge from here on out.” I could see a little shudder flow through her body as she heard me, but she complied, lying prone on the couch.
I produced a few strands of nylon rope from the bag I brought, and I already had a couple slip knots on the ends of each one. Two for her hands, and two for her feet. Starting near her head, I secured the rope tightly to the legs underneath the couch, and then ran them up the side. She had to put her hand above her head to reach, and then I slipped one of her wrists at a time through the openings, and pulled the knot tight. “That ok?” I asked her. “Not too tight?”
“No. It feels fine.” She answered, but I could hear how nervous she was. I didn’t even need to look at her.
With her hands now secure, I quickly did the same for her feet. We now both knew she was trapped there until I decided to let her go. This was gonna be fun!
“Emily, go ahead and try to get yourself free.” I couldn’t help grinning at her a little, knowing it was impossible.
She gave a few pulls on the ropes, and tried reaching one hand over to the other, but it was futile as I had made sure to keep her hands completely separated from one another. The rope didn’t even reach that far. Then she tried to use one of her stocking covered toes to get in between her ankle and the rope, but the knot was too tight of a fit. We both knew that she now had no question as well, that she would not be able to get herself loose without my help. I now had her exactly where I wanted her. “So, you can’t break free?” Now I could begin the teasing.
“No…” She looked up at me with those adorable baby blue eyes of hers.
“Your arms are secured up above your head, and your ankles are tied in place as well, and there’s absolutely no way you can stop me from doing whatever I want with you?” I smirked as she squirmed.
“No… I don’t think I can…” I could see her swallowing hard.
“So then, what should I do with you first…?” I paced back and forth a few times. It was all a bit of theatrics to build up her anticipation, and maybe a bit of her dread too, as I already had everything I was going to do to her all planned out.
“The timer…!” She quickly said, realizing her hour hadn’t officially started yet.
“Oh, thanks for reminding me, honey, but you know the timer doesn’t start until your clothes are completely off.” I couldn’t contain my grin as she realized I had caught her in my little trap. Now she knew I could have my way with her for as long as I wanted, as long as she still had her clothes on at least. Then I would still have a whole hour to do with her as I pleased while she was totally bare!
The look of absolute horror she got on her face was one of the most cute things I’ve probably ever seen. I menacingly stalked closer to her, giving her the wickedest grin I could give her. “Now what should I start with first?” Panic and dread were written all over her as I knelt down beside her. “I know. I’ll start with your favorite!” She gave a few tugs at her bonds as I slipped my hands up her sexy little teddy.
“NO! ERICK!” She yelled and squealed, as my fingers tickled the soft skin on her tummy. She was thrashing about, this way and that, trying her best to get away from me. Her restraints were preventing her from going anywhere, however. She even tried to turn onto her side, away from me, but I just kept right on tickling her sweet little belly, making her fidget and wiggle delightfully. At least delightfully for me.
“PLEASE ERICK!” She was reaching that begging point now. I could feel it. God how I loved to hear her beg for me to stop tickling her. “PLEASE!! I CAN’T!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! NO! NO MORE!! HAHAHAHAHA! PLEASE JUST TAKE MY CLOTHES OFF!! PLEASE!! I’LL DO ANYTHING!!”
“You really want me to take your clothes off?” Gosh it’s so much fun to make her giggle.
She was getting to that point where she could hardly breath, so I knew she needed a break anyway. I stopped and let her have a chance to catch her breath. “I suppose I might be persuaded to stop tickling you, but what are you willing to offer in return?”
“What more could you want?” She asked, still panting. “You already have me tied up… And you’re going to take my clothes off…”
“I was thinking, my place could use a good cleaning. I think I could stop the tickling for a little while, if you agree to clean it for me from top to bottom.”
“I guess I could do that…” Some of her hair had gotten on her face, and she tried to use her lips to blow it out of the way. I reached over and brushed it out of the way for her.
“Oh, but you didn’t let me finish. I want you to clean my place from top to bottom, but I want you to do it completely naked.” I gave her a devilish grin, as she looked up at me in stunned silence.
“No, I can’t do that!!” She finally exploded in outrage.
“Fine. Back to tickling then.” I didn’t even wait for a response, and immediately dug my fingers into her sides
“NO!!! GOD, ERICK!!! PLEASE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! FUCK!!!” She squealed and yelled, and tried to kick and thrash, but the bindings were holding her in place really well.
“You might as well give up now. I can do this all day.” I told her.
“GOD!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! FINE!! HAHAHA!! I’LL CLEAN YOUR PLACE NAKED!!!” She yelled, so I stopped.
“Good. I think you’ve earned a 10 minute break for now.” I smirked down at her, enjoying the perturbed brow she was giving me. I went and sat down across from her, watching her as she tried to catch her breath once again.
“This isn’t fair!” She complained. “I never agreed to making more deals!”
“You never said I couldn’t.” I countered, and she just pouted.
After a few minutes, I went over to undo the bottom button on her teddy. “You’re going to take my clothes off now?” She seemed to be both hopeful and petrified as she stared up at me.
“Oh no. Just this button for now. You see, once the 10 minutes are up, I’m going to start tickling you all over again. And inevitably, you’re going to start begging me to stop. Making grand offers, or agreeing to anything I want. Then I’ll let you take another little break, and pop open another button for you. This is going to go on for a while. I mean, you have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 buttons in total.” I counted each one as I pointed. “That’s a lot of things I can get you to agree to do for me.”
“You bastard!” She almost spat, but then got an apologetic look on her face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that…”
“It’s ok, Em.” I smiled down at her. “I probably am a bit of a bastard for doing this to you. But that isn’t going to change anything or stop me. Now are you ready for more tickling?”
“No!” She shouted at me, but I wasn’t really asking for permission. Now it was easier, as her tummy was just barely starting to show with the one button open. I had her squealing for me to stop again in a minute.
“What do I get this time?” I gave her a smug grin, as she made a long face at me. I thought it might be a bit of fun to make her pick out her forfeit this time.
“I don’t know…?” She seemed to contemplate for a bit. “What if I offered to take a shower in front of you?”
“I don’t know, that’s not really worth one of your buttons, you know. I think you need more tickling to help you think.”
“No! No!” She said quickly, trying her hardest to come up with something better before I pounced on her again. “Everyday for a week!” She said.
“Everyday for a week, what?" I know I was tormenting her, but it was just so much fun to do.
"I'll take a shower in front of you every day this week…" She answered weakly.
"That's a pretty good offer, but I think I need to change it a little. With your parents around and your siblings, I might not be able to watch you everyday. How about instead I get to watch you in the shower any time I want, 7 times in total."
"Ok…" She just answered, seemingly resigned.
"I think that's worth another button." I said, opening the next one from the bottom. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra underneath, and I wanted to prolong her agony as I came closer each time to her boobs. "You know, you could always offer something a bit better, and I might agree to undo two buttons at once." I smirked at her.
I made another movement to start up the next round of tickling, but she didn’t even give me the chance this time. “I’ll give you one blowjob a day for the next month!” She called out quickly.
“Now there’s a good offer.” I said with glee. This was turning into everything I had wanted and more, and I didn’t even have her naked for me yet! “I guess that’s worth one button.”
I reached over to undo it, but she stopped me, complaining, “Come on! That’s gotta be worth at least two!”
“Well, if you want two buttons undone, why don’t you just double the offer?”
“Ok. Ok.” She let out a small sigh. “Two months.”
“Two months, what?” I couldn’t keep the smirk off my face anymore at this point. I know I was tormenting her, but come on, it was so fun!
“I’ll give you a blowjob anytime you want for the next two months.” She answered, looking very annoyed now.
“Wow, Em!” I quickly reached over and popped open the next two buttons on her top. I didn’t want her to realize and be able to back out, before I said, “That’s way more than enough to earn you two buttons! Blowjobs for me anytime I want for the next two months!”
Her eyes went wide when she suddenly realized her mistake. “That’s not what I meant! I just meant one a day!”
“Sorry, the buttons are already open. A deals a deal.” I couldn’t help chuckling at the frustration on her face. “Do you have another deal in mind?”
“Well, I uh…” Her frustration quickly disappeared, as she tried to think real hard. “I mean, I don’t know?”
“Well then, I guess it’s time for more tickling! I know how well it helps you to think!” I got back down on my knees, tracing my fingers over her deliciously cute little belly. I don’t know what I like better honestly, tickling her bare tummy, or licking it. It’s such a tough question…
“NO!! GOD, ERICK!! PLEASE!!! HAHAHAHA!! SHIT!!! HAHAHAHA!! FUCKING…!!! HAHAHAHA!!” She was giggling under my manipulations in no time. “PLEASE, CAN’T YOU SUGGEST SOMETHING!!?” She begged through her laughter.
I still wasn’t done tickling her. It was too much fun watching the way her tummy kept raising and lowering back down to the couch as she writhed around for me. I was just going to let her think about it for a little while longer, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. “Well, now how could that be?”
Panic crossed her face, as she saw me getting up. “Wait, Erick!” She called after me.
“Don’t worry. I’ll see who it is for you. I know you’re a little tied up right at the moment.” I couldn’t stop laughing as I headed to the door. I peeked out the peephole first, just to make sure nothing was amiss. Outside I could see Emily’s best friend, along with her boyfriend standing on the stoop.
“Stacy, Bryan, hey. How are you today?” The view of the living room from Emily’s front door was obscured, so I knew they couldn’t see her as they peered in at me, but I did know we were close enough that Emily could totally hear us talking, and knew exactly who was at the door.
“Emily said I could come pick up the book I loaned her today.” Stacy explained.
“Really?” I couldn’t help having a mischievous thought. “Today, of all the days Emily could have invited you over to retrieve your book? She chose to invite you over on this day of all days?”
“Why are you talking like that? Are you ok, Erick?” Stacy asked me, looking a little confused.
“Oh, I’m just fantastic!” I turned to face my girlfriend’s general direction, shouting a little to make sure she could hear me clearly. “Oh honey! Stacy and her boyfriend have come over to visit!” Then I turned back to our visitors and said with a sly grin, “Emily’s just hanging out in the living room. I’m sure she’ll be ecstatic to see you! Come on in!”
“ERRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!” I heard Emily’s panicked scream.
Em, on the other hand, still seemed to want something more. I guess she was still perturbed at me for winning the contest a few weeks ago, and had been scheming up her own devious plan. “You know, tonight we are playing Trivial Pursuit. You wanna stay?” She was asking me.
“Sure!” I smiled at her. I’d never pass on the opportunity to spend more time with her if I could help it.
“Great! It’ll be my whole family playing with us. My parents. My little brother and sister. So, remember to be respectful around them." She giggled.
"I know. I will." I said chuckling. "It's just so dang hard to be respectful with you around, always looking so cute like that!"
Emily got that blush she always gets on her face whenever I mention how cute she is. "Stop it!" She giggled, slapping my shoulder a little.
"Your parents won't be home for another 30 minutes. Want to go up to your room for a bit?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at her.
"No! We were just up there an hour ago!" She complained, while laughing at the same time. "I want to do something different."
"What do you mean? What do you want to do?"
"I was thinking. How about we put a little bet on the game tonight? A small wager. Just between you and me. Whoever gets the lowest score in the game tonight has to go naked for the other one tomorrow."
"Hmm. I don't know, Em. I've seen you naked plenty of times now. I think there should be a little more on the line than that."
"What were you thinking?"
"The loser has to let the winner tie them up for one whole hour. Naked of course. And the winner gets to touch them however and wherever they please." I could see her getting a look of worry and surprise on her face as I explained what I wanted.
Then she got that determined look in her eye. "Alright. You're on! You know I'm so much better than you are at Trivial Pursuit. It's going to be so much fun tying you up and having my way with you!"
She was right. I wasn’t very good at this game, but apparently neither was she on this occasion. The score had gone back and forth between us. At different points we were each both squarely in the lead during the game. A few times there, I got really lucky with my guesses. Her younger brother, Jimmy, ended up winning the overall game in the end. I could see that look of worry back on her face as she let me see her scorecard. Somehow, against all my luck, I had just managed to squeak a few points ahead of her at the end there. That meant I had won! Again!
The proceedings wouldn’t be happening until tomorrow though, when we knew her parents and siblings would be gone from her house. It was hard for me to keep my excitement under control, but I think I managed for the most part. I couldn’t believe I was going to get to tie my girlfriend up, NAKED!! And do whatever I want with her for a whole hour too! She didn’t know this, but this had always been a huge fantasy of mine!
I came over the next day, ready for some good, clean, wholesome fun. If I’m to be honest, I had hardly slept a wink the previous night. I was just too excited to get to do this with Em. She had this totally bashful look on her face as she answered the door for me. I could hardly wait to get started. “It’s nice you decided to dress up for the occasion, Emily.” She had on her Sunday best. This really hot, flared skirt, that came down just above her knees, and a shimmery silver sweater with long sleeves. Interestingly of all, was the white knee high stockings she was wearing. Damn did she look great!
She had that cute blush back on her cheeks as she greeted me with a kiss. “I needed to feel dressed up today.” I was so tempted to add, yeah, before you get dressed down, but I held my tongue for now. There would be plenty of time for teasing her soon.
I headed over to the couch, and kicked my feet up on the coffee table, and set down my bag. I had brought a few goodies to use on her later. She stood there in front of me, looking totally apprehensive. “Well, first things first. I can’t tie you up until you are naked.”
I could see the reservation in her eyes as she took hold of the bottom of her top. “Shouldn’t we start the timer first?”
“Nope. The timer doesn’t start until you are fully naked.” I gave her a smirk, seeing the way she was squirming to hear that.
She didn’t put up a fight though, and got to it. First she pulled off her top, and then she let her skirt fall to her ankles. I was surprised to see what she had on underneath. She had on this sexy little yellow teddy that came down to her hips and flared out, and a little matching pair of panties to go along with it. I guess she wasn’t completely hating the fact that she was doing this. She gave me a big blushing smile as she straightened herself back upright, and let me look her over in her sexy lingerie.
The teddy she was wearing had buttons on the front that ran from top to bottom, and her hands went to the top button in order to undo it. “No, wait.” I said. “Leave the rest on for now. You look really sexy. I think it’s time for me to tie you up so you can’t move anymore.”
Her shyness came back instantly as I mentioned her being tied up. “Shouldn’t we go to my room?” She asked, sounding like her mouth was getting a little dry.
“I think it’s better to do it here. There’s way more light, and it’s going to be so much fun knowing I’ve had my way with you right in your own parent’s living room.” I got up from the couch, motioning for her to come over. “Just lie down, Em. I’m in charge from here on out.” I could see a little shudder flow through her body as she heard me, but she complied, lying prone on the couch.
I produced a few strands of nylon rope from the bag I brought, and I already had a couple slip knots on the ends of each one. Two for her hands, and two for her feet. Starting near her head, I secured the rope tightly to the legs underneath the couch, and then ran them up the side. She had to put her hand above her head to reach, and then I slipped one of her wrists at a time through the openings, and pulled the knot tight. “That ok?” I asked her. “Not too tight?”
“No. It feels fine.” She answered, but I could hear how nervous she was. I didn’t even need to look at her.
With her hands now secure, I quickly did the same for her feet. We now both knew she was trapped there until I decided to let her go. This was gonna be fun!
“Emily, go ahead and try to get yourself free.” I couldn’t help grinning at her a little, knowing it was impossible.
She gave a few pulls on the ropes, and tried reaching one hand over to the other, but it was futile as I had made sure to keep her hands completely separated from one another. The rope didn’t even reach that far. Then she tried to use one of her stocking covered toes to get in between her ankle and the rope, but the knot was too tight of a fit. We both knew that she now had no question as well, that she would not be able to get herself loose without my help. I now had her exactly where I wanted her. “So, you can’t break free?” Now I could begin the teasing.
“No…” She looked up at me with those adorable baby blue eyes of hers.
“Your arms are secured up above your head, and your ankles are tied in place as well, and there’s absolutely no way you can stop me from doing whatever I want with you?” I smirked as she squirmed.
“No… I don’t think I can…” I could see her swallowing hard.
“So then, what should I do with you first…?” I paced back and forth a few times. It was all a bit of theatrics to build up her anticipation, and maybe a bit of her dread too, as I already had everything I was going to do to her all planned out.
“The timer…!” She quickly said, realizing her hour hadn’t officially started yet.
“Oh, thanks for reminding me, honey, but you know the timer doesn’t start until your clothes are completely off.” I couldn’t contain my grin as she realized I had caught her in my little trap. Now she knew I could have my way with her for as long as I wanted, as long as she still had her clothes on at least. Then I would still have a whole hour to do with her as I pleased while she was totally bare!
The look of absolute horror she got on her face was one of the most cute things I’ve probably ever seen. I menacingly stalked closer to her, giving her the wickedest grin I could give her. “Now what should I start with first?” Panic and dread were written all over her as I knelt down beside her. “I know. I’ll start with your favorite!” She gave a few tugs at her bonds as I slipped my hands up her sexy little teddy.
“NO! ERICK!” She yelled and squealed, as my fingers tickled the soft skin on her tummy. She was thrashing about, this way and that, trying her best to get away from me. Her restraints were preventing her from going anywhere, however. She even tried to turn onto her side, away from me, but I just kept right on tickling her sweet little belly, making her fidget and wiggle delightfully. At least delightfully for me.
“PLEASE ERICK!” She was reaching that begging point now. I could feel it. God how I loved to hear her beg for me to stop tickling her. “PLEASE!! I CAN’T!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! NO! NO MORE!! HAHAHAHAHA! PLEASE JUST TAKE MY CLOTHES OFF!! PLEASE!! I’LL DO ANYTHING!!”
“You really want me to take your clothes off?” Gosh it’s so much fun to make her giggle.
She was getting to that point where she could hardly breath, so I knew she needed a break anyway. I stopped and let her have a chance to catch her breath. “I suppose I might be persuaded to stop tickling you, but what are you willing to offer in return?”
“What more could you want?” She asked, still panting. “You already have me tied up… And you’re going to take my clothes off…”
“I was thinking, my place could use a good cleaning. I think I could stop the tickling for a little while, if you agree to clean it for me from top to bottom.”
“I guess I could do that…” Some of her hair had gotten on her face, and she tried to use her lips to blow it out of the way. I reached over and brushed it out of the way for her.
“Oh, but you didn’t let me finish. I want you to clean my place from top to bottom, but I want you to do it completely naked.” I gave her a devilish grin, as she looked up at me in stunned silence.
“No, I can’t do that!!” She finally exploded in outrage.
“Fine. Back to tickling then.” I didn’t even wait for a response, and immediately dug my fingers into her sides
“NO!!! GOD, ERICK!!! PLEASE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! FUCK!!!” She squealed and yelled, and tried to kick and thrash, but the bindings were holding her in place really well.
“You might as well give up now. I can do this all day.” I told her.
“GOD!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! FINE!! HAHAHA!! I’LL CLEAN YOUR PLACE NAKED!!!” She yelled, so I stopped.
“Good. I think you’ve earned a 10 minute break for now.” I smirked down at her, enjoying the perturbed brow she was giving me. I went and sat down across from her, watching her as she tried to catch her breath once again.
“This isn’t fair!” She complained. “I never agreed to making more deals!”
“You never said I couldn’t.” I countered, and she just pouted.
After a few minutes, I went over to undo the bottom button on her teddy. “You’re going to take my clothes off now?” She seemed to be both hopeful and petrified as she stared up at me.
“Oh no. Just this button for now. You see, once the 10 minutes are up, I’m going to start tickling you all over again. And inevitably, you’re going to start begging me to stop. Making grand offers, or agreeing to anything I want. Then I’ll let you take another little break, and pop open another button for you. This is going to go on for a while. I mean, you have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 buttons in total.” I counted each one as I pointed. “That’s a lot of things I can get you to agree to do for me.”
“You bastard!” She almost spat, but then got an apologetic look on her face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that…”
“It’s ok, Em.” I smiled down at her. “I probably am a bit of a bastard for doing this to you. But that isn’t going to change anything or stop me. Now are you ready for more tickling?”
“No!” She shouted at me, but I wasn’t really asking for permission. Now it was easier, as her tummy was just barely starting to show with the one button open. I had her squealing for me to stop again in a minute.
“What do I get this time?” I gave her a smug grin, as she made a long face at me. I thought it might be a bit of fun to make her pick out her forfeit this time.
“I don’t know…?” She seemed to contemplate for a bit. “What if I offered to take a shower in front of you?”
“I don’t know, that’s not really worth one of your buttons, you know. I think you need more tickling to help you think.”
“No! No!” She said quickly, trying her hardest to come up with something better before I pounced on her again. “Everyday for a week!” She said.
“Everyday for a week, what?" I know I was tormenting her, but it was just so much fun to do.
"I'll take a shower in front of you every day this week…" She answered weakly.
"That's a pretty good offer, but I think I need to change it a little. With your parents around and your siblings, I might not be able to watch you everyday. How about instead I get to watch you in the shower any time I want, 7 times in total."
"Ok…" She just answered, seemingly resigned.
"I think that's worth another button." I said, opening the next one from the bottom. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra underneath, and I wanted to prolong her agony as I came closer each time to her boobs. "You know, you could always offer something a bit better, and I might agree to undo two buttons at once." I smirked at her.
I made another movement to start up the next round of tickling, but she didn’t even give me the chance this time. “I’ll give you one blowjob a day for the next month!” She called out quickly.
“Now there’s a good offer.” I said with glee. This was turning into everything I had wanted and more, and I didn’t even have her naked for me yet! “I guess that’s worth one button.”
I reached over to undo it, but she stopped me, complaining, “Come on! That’s gotta be worth at least two!”
“Well, if you want two buttons undone, why don’t you just double the offer?”
“Ok. Ok.” She let out a small sigh. “Two months.”
“Two months, what?” I couldn’t keep the smirk off my face anymore at this point. I know I was tormenting her, but come on, it was so fun!
“I’ll give you a blowjob anytime you want for the next two months.” She answered, looking very annoyed now.
“Wow, Em!” I quickly reached over and popped open the next two buttons on her top. I didn’t want her to realize and be able to back out, before I said, “That’s way more than enough to earn you two buttons! Blowjobs for me anytime I want for the next two months!”
Her eyes went wide when she suddenly realized her mistake. “That’s not what I meant! I just meant one a day!”
“Sorry, the buttons are already open. A deals a deal.” I couldn’t help chuckling at the frustration on her face. “Do you have another deal in mind?”
“Well, I uh…” Her frustration quickly disappeared, as she tried to think real hard. “I mean, I don’t know?”
“Well then, I guess it’s time for more tickling! I know how well it helps you to think!” I got back down on my knees, tracing my fingers over her deliciously cute little belly. I don’t know what I like better honestly, tickling her bare tummy, or licking it. It’s such a tough question…
“NO!! GOD, ERICK!! PLEASE!!! HAHAHAHA!! SHIT!!! HAHAHAHA!! FUCKING…!!! HAHAHAHA!!” She was giggling under my manipulations in no time. “PLEASE, CAN’T YOU SUGGEST SOMETHING!!?” She begged through her laughter.
I still wasn’t done tickling her. It was too much fun watching the way her tummy kept raising and lowering back down to the couch as she writhed around for me. I was just going to let her think about it for a little while longer, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. “Well, now how could that be?”
Panic crossed her face, as she saw me getting up. “Wait, Erick!” She called after me.
“Don’t worry. I’ll see who it is for you. I know you’re a little tied up right at the moment.” I couldn’t stop laughing as I headed to the door. I peeked out the peephole first, just to make sure nothing was amiss. Outside I could see Emily’s best friend, along with her boyfriend standing on the stoop.
“Stacy, Bryan, hey. How are you today?” The view of the living room from Emily’s front door was obscured, so I knew they couldn’t see her as they peered in at me, but I did know we were close enough that Emily could totally hear us talking, and knew exactly who was at the door.
“Emily said I could come pick up the book I loaned her today.” Stacy explained.
“Really?” I couldn’t help having a mischievous thought. “Today, of all the days Emily could have invited you over to retrieve your book? She chose to invite you over on this day of all days?”
“Why are you talking like that? Are you ok, Erick?” Stacy asked me, looking a little confused.
“Oh, I’m just fantastic!” I turned to face my girlfriend’s general direction, shouting a little to make sure she could hear me clearly. “Oh honey! Stacy and her boyfriend have come over to visit!” Then I turned back to our visitors and said with a sly grin, “Emily’s just hanging out in the living room. I’m sure she’ll be ecstatic to see you! Come on in!”
“ERRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!” I heard Emily’s panicked scream.
- superevil7
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Re: The Tickle Contest (Part 2 NEW July 4th)
I'm just tickled you enjoyed this story so muchTheBlushingPrincess wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:06 pm HOLY FUCK!!!! Okay. So much to say about this.
First of all, are you a mind-reader? Yes, I think you are. Or have you just read everything I've ever posted on this site and you wrote this story to torment me, picking up on every fantasy I've ever written about!!! You can just take this and post it in my Spank Bank thread because this hits SO MANY elements of my fantasies. The tickle torture. The tormenting. The bending the rules to his advantage. The promising of the blowjobs. The making her choose her own punishments. Holy fuck. Fuckity-fuck-fuck. There goes the rest of my day!

I thought of that as her taking back just a little control, before she has to give in to him.TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:06 pm So cute how she thinks she can somehow be in control by wearing something sexy. She has no idea what he is capable of.
Thank you. I also thought of it like she couldn't believe she was dumb enough to fall in his little trap. He had explained already that he wouldn't start the timer until she was completely undressed, and he had even said for her to get undressed before he tied her up. Then she just goes and lets him tie her up while still wearing her lingerie. Or maybe there is more going on in Emily's mind than she is letting onTheBlushingPrincess wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:06 pm “Oh, thanks for reminding me, honey, but you know the timer doesn’t start until your clothes are completely off.” I couldn’t contain my grin as she realized I had caught her in my little trap. Now she knew I could have my way with her for as long as I wanted, as long as she still had her clothes on at least. Then I would still have a whole hour to do with her as I pleased while she was totally bare!
Diabolical. This single paragraph alone is sooooo hot. Her desperation. Her realization in that moment that she will be tormented forever and ever. And she's helpless to stop it.

I mean, everyone is always seemingly wanting me to be much more evil for some reason I just can't put my finger on...

Oh that is my absolute favorite part. She's begging him to take her clothes off because she knows that damn timer can't even start counting down until she is naked!TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:06 pm PLEASE JUST TAKE MY CLOTHES OFF!! PLEASE!! I’LL DO ANYTHING!!”
Begging him to strip her. BEGGING HIM TO STRIP HER! Come ooooooonnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
The look on Emily's face as he explained this to her must have been pricelessTheBlushingPrincess wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:06 pm “Oh no. Just this button for now. You see, once the 10 minutes are up, I’m going to start tickling you all over again. And inevitably, you’re going to start begging me to stop. Making grand offers, or agreeing to anything I want. Then I’ll let you take another little break, and pop open another button for you. This is going to go on for a while. I mean, you have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 buttons in total.” I counted each one as I pointed. “That’s a lot of things I can get you to agree to do for me.”
So shameless. Just outwardly telling her his evil plan and there's NOT A DAMN THING SHE CAN DO TO STOP IT!

And remember, she still has 4 more buttons to go!TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:06 pm “I don’t know…?” She seemed to contemplate for a bit. “What if I offered to take a shower in front of you?”
Shit. And one's not even enough. He cons her into seven. SEVEN FUCKING SHOWERS!!! Get the fuck OUT!
“I’ll give you one blowjob a day for the next month!” She called out quickly.
Oh, no you DIDN'T!!! And he's not even satisfied with that. He ups it to UNLIMITED BLOWJOBS for TWO months! FUCK!!!!
The negotiations are so incredibly hot!!!!!!!!!
I forgot to add, the fact that she's negotiating for him to finish taking her clothes off as well, is what makes it the absolute best!
I'm sure they'll be interested to learn about the game Erick has been playing with Emily for sure. They might even be willing to participate a bit, and help Emily out. You know, help her with getting her clothes off a little fasterTheBlushingPrincess wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:06 pm And then you are FUCKING KIDDING ME with having Bryan and Stacy come in. Holy shit. What are they going to do to her?

Thanks again! You really have made my year with your detailed reply! Now I can't wait to write the next part.TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:06 pm Okay. This is WAY TOO MUCH for me to handle. Need some sort of a warning on this story! DAMN!!!
- superevil7
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The Tickle Contest - Part 3
“Oh honey! Stacy and her boyfriend have come over to visit!” I turned back to our visitors and said with a sly grin, “Emily’s just hanging out in the living room. I’m sure she’ll be ecstatic to see you! Come on in!”
“ERRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!” I heard Emily’s panicked scream.
Everyone was stunned and silent for a bit when we walked in. There was Emily, prone and vulnerable, tied up with her arms pulled above her head, in her sexy lingerie on the couch. Her little teddy was halfway unbuttoned, and it left her cute little tummy bare. Our two friends just stared at her with shock and wide eyed wonder while their mouths hung open.
Me, I was tickled pink! Maybe it was cruel of me to invite them in, but the doom on Em's face was absolutely priceless. I wouldn't have given up seeing that look on her face for the world!
Stacy had always been the more bold and outgoing of the two girls, so it didn't take her long to figure out what the two of us had been up to, at least in the general sense. "Emily," she giggled, "you look so cute and precious!"
"Erick, you can't do this!!" Emily begged. "You have to tell them to leave!! Please!!!?" She started thrashing about again, trying to get her hands free like her life depended on it.
"You never said I couldn't invite anyone." I gave her another wicked grin.
"What were you guys doing?" Bryan finally broke his silence. He still seemed to be stunned.
"We were just playing a little game." I explained.
"What kind of game?" Stacy's smirk was just about as big as mine. Besides myself, she was the only one who knew just how shy Emily had always been about people seeing her body.
"Emily needs to convince me to take her clothes off, but in order to do that she needs to agree to do something I want. I've already gotten so many good things from her, and all for agreeing to undo those four little buttons on her teddy. I wonder what she'd be willing to do, in order to get the rest of her sexy underwear off? Don't you guys?"
"What if she doesn't offer something you want?" Stacy asked.
"Oh, well, I've been tickling her in order to help her think more clearly. It seems to really get her noggin joggin’." I couldn't even contain my laughter at that.
"Oh my gosh!" Stacy seemed to skip over to Emily, bending over to look at her closely. Emily just turned three different shades of red, one by one. "Do you think Bryan and I could stay and spectate this little game?" She looked back at me with a hopeful and amused grin.
"I don't know, guys. This game is kind of a private affair for just the participants." I could see a bit of disappointment on both their faces as I said this, until I added, "Of course, if you guys agree to participate then I don't see why you can't stay."
"ERRRIIIICK!!!" Emily shouted at me again, in shock.
Stacy just ignored Emily's plea for mercy. "So what do we do?"
"Well right now I'm working on Emily's buttons for her. She really wants all of them open so desperately. She'll do practically anything to get them open. She still has four buttons left."
"What did she agree to do in order to get you to open the other ones? It'll help me know how much I should negotiate for myself." Stacy asked.
I was about to explain, but then had another naughty thought. "Em, why don't you explain what you’ve agreed to do, for our friends?"
"No, Erick! Come on! I can't tell them that stuff!!!" She exclaimed, looking like she wanted to be anywhere but here at the moment.
"Go on, Em. You better tell Stacy what I got from you, or she'll probably take things a lot farther than I have." We both knew Stacy pretty well. That was absolutely true what I had just said, and Emily knew it even better than I did.
Stacy swirled her forefinger a few times around Emily's cute exposed belly button, making her giggle a little. "Come on, Em. Tell your bestie what you're gonna do for your boyfriend."
"Well, I agreed to clean his place from top to bottom…" Her cheeks were getting that cute red blush again.
"That's not the whole thing." I teased, knowing it would torment Emily to admit everything.
"I have to clean it naked…" she admitted in a small voice, then shut her eyes and grimaced a little.
"Oh my goodness!" Stacy just laughed and laughed.
"Woah! Dude! How'd you get her to agree to do that?" Bryan asked me.
Dude, keep up, I thought, but explained it to him again. "Emily is just so dang ticklish all over her cute little body. It only takes me a minute or two to have her begging me for mercy. Of course with her tied up she can't do anything to stop it, besides agreeing to do what I want."
"Don't go getting any ideas, Bryan!" Stacy gave him just a tiny scowl for a second, before she turned back to her best friend. "Now what will you give me if I open another one of your buttons for you?"
"Please, Erick! You can't let our friends see me naked!" Emily turned her head to me, and pleaded.
"So explain to me why you invited Stacy over to get her book today of all days? Did you invite her before or after you lost the bet last night?"
"Well I invited her this morning, but I didn't think she would show up while this was going on!!" I guess Emily wanted to hold on to her plausible deniability. I didn't believe her for one second. She had to have known her friend would show up while she was tied up and naked. I guess she was lucky she was still in her underwear. "You have to make them leave!"
"Now, now, Emily. You know it's not polite to turn away guests. Since Stacy and Bryan are going to stay, it's only sensible to let them join our little game." Maybe I was being a bit cruel, but she honestly brought this on herself. "Now explain the other things I got for undoing your other buttons for you."
I could see a bit of defeat in her eyes as she explained. "I agreed to let him watch me take a shower whenever he wants. Well, seven times in total, and I said I would…" she clammed up. Obviously this would be the hardest one to admit out loud.
"What!?" Stacy demanded her to continue. If I didn't know better, it looked to me like she was starting to pant as she stared down at her tied up best friend.
"I have to give him a blowjob anytime he wants for the next two months…" Emily had to avert her eyes as she said this, and she was so quiet she sounded like she was whispering.
"Oh my god!" Stacy squealed in delight, giggling uncontrollably. "That is so wicked, Erick! I didn't know you had something like that in you!"
I couldn't help blushing myself a little, and rubbed the back of my neck. "Uh, thanks."
Thankfully the attention wasn't on me for long. "Now what are you going to offer for me to undo one of your cute little buttons, Em? Hmmmmmm?" Stacy sang her humming, as she stared down at her friend.
"I don't know…?" Em said, but that was a big mistake. Stacy quickly dug the fingers of her left hand into Emily’s bare, vulnerable side. “NOOOO!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! SHIIIT!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!”
“Oow! Yes, Emi-wee!! So, so tick-wool-lish!! Such a good girl for me!!” Stacy spoke to her as if she was speaking to a toddler. “If you can’t think of anything, I’ll just have to come up with something by myself!” Stacy was loving every bit of teasing her friend.
“I’m sorry, Em, it seems to be out of my hands at the moment.” I said, with a shrug and a grin to her. Although I doubt she could see straight anymore.
“FU–HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEASE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ok!!! HAHAHA!!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!?” Even if I wasn’t the one doing the tickling, it was still awesome to watch. Emily kept thrashing about, twisting her head back and forth, this way and that. She was trying everything she could do to get the tickling to stop, but she had no choice but to take it. Gawd, now this was entertainment!
“I have an idea, babe!” Bryan spoke up next to me. He had just been watching the proceedings thus far.
“What are you thinking, sweetie?” Stacy looked back at him with a devilish grin, while her fingers still danced all over Emily’s cute bare tummy and exposed sides.
“FU–HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! FUCK!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! STAC–HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!” Emily was still squealing as loud as ever!
“We have the barbecue coming up for memorial day for my fraternity. What if Emily acted as a cocktail waitress for the party?” explained Bryan.
“THAT…!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! DOESN’T SOUND SO…!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BAD!!!” I could tell Em was getting to that point where she needed a breather again.
I told Stacy to back off a bit. “Let’s huddle up and discuss this.” I waited for them to gather close to me, so I could whisper to them without Emily hearing what I said. “We need to make this good. Something she’s never going to forget.”
“I was thinking she would wear what she’s wearing now at the party.” Bryan explained with a grin.
Stacy shook her head. “No way! I vote she has to do it in a sexy little push up bra, and a thong!”
“Actually, I think I have the perfect idea.” I told them, and then turned to address my tied and bound girlfriend. “We will agree to undoing the rest of your buttons, if you agree to work as a cocktail waitress for Bryan’s fraternity party. But, as an added condition, you will change outfits three times. One for each of us.”
Emily gave a sharp gasp at that, really having to consider what that meant. I’m sure it bothered her that we weren’t going to disclose what outfits she would have to wear to the party. “For all four buttons?” It was always so cute the way she furrowed her brow when she was considering something. I nodded my head. “At long as I’m not seen naked at the party, then I will agree.”
“Good, Em!” I walked up to her, ready to undo the rest of her buttons. We were close enough now, that we could whisper to one another. “Enjoying yourself?”
“No! Why won’t you make them leave!?” She complained to me.
“That’s not what your cute nippies are saying.” I gave her a little wink, and a laugh. She took a look down at herself, discovering the way the fabric of her teddy was poking out, and turned that nice shade of crimson I loved so much again. “You can cut the little act. I know you invited Stacy over today, to catch you like this.”
“What!? Why would I…?”
“Oh, I’m sure you never meant for her to be involved in the fun, or for Bryan to tag along with her, but you brought this all on yourself, Emily. I think I’m really starting to get to know you. The real you, deep down inside.” I placed my hand on her chest, and started to pop open the remaining buttons. “And now our friends are going to get to know you just about as well as I do.” She just shut her eyes and gave a little shiver in response to me. Yeah, she totally wants this.
Now with her teddy split open, a nice wide strip of her skin was visible from the top of her panties, following along the path of her bare tummy, up her cleavage, and all the way up to her neck and head. Her breasts were still covered, but now if she made any major movements there was no way that teddy was going to stay put for long. I wanted so badly to just reach out and start tickling her right then, so that her delicious pokie nipples would be exposed to everyone, but I contained myself for now. That wouldn’t be fair to Em, and the little game we were playing either. Her perfect pair and beautiful pink nipples would soon be bare, I just needed to be patient.
“Well, Em, you finally got all 8 of your buttons undone. Now things are getting more high stakes, since I’m sure you're just dying to get your teddy, and those little yellow panties off your sexy little body.” I explained, giving out two guests a big grin. “Now, you seem to be completely out of ideas, which is fine. I’m sure our guests have plenty of ideas of their own.”
“Oh yes! I have so many, many ideas for little Emily here!” Stacy exclaimed. “Why, she could be my naked slave for a year! Or she could have to blow all the guys in Bryan’s fraternity! Or, I know, she should have to do her morning jog around the neighborhood completely naked from now on!”
“WHAT!!? NO!!! NO!!!! NO!!!” Emily shouted, looking pretty frightened.
“I’m just teasing you, little girl!” Stacy giggled in delight at her outburst. “You’re so easy to rile up! Ok, here’s my real deal, I’ll trade you your stockings, for letting us tie you up in different positions, anytime we want today.”
“It’s only supposed to last for one hour after I’m… naked…” Emily gave her a pitifully sad little whimper.
“When do your parents get back?”
“About 5?”
“Well, how about until 3 pm?” It was only 11 am now, so that would extend things out quite a bit for poor Emily. Not that I was complaining.
“I guess… Yes, I’ll take the deal.”
I decided to interject myself here. "But you need to be naked and tied up for me for one hour, as our original deal stipulated. If you're not naked by 2 pm today, then you'll have to do a make up session at a later time and date. At my discretion." It was so adorable the way her eyes went wide at me, but she gave a little nod of understanding.
“Goodie!” Stacy clapped, and skipped over to relieve Emily of her stockings. She had to undo the ankle ropes in order to get them off, but Emily didn’t even put up a fight. She just allowed it to happen and for Stacy to secure her feet again.
"I already have another deal for you, Em, if you are ready." Stacy was really starting to get pretty giggly. "Well I think I would like some cute maid service for myself as well. How about you come over to my apartment tomorrow, and you can dress up as a cute little French maid while you make breakfast for the three of us. For the rest of this week as well!"
"That's not so bad I guess." Emily got a bit of a relieved smile.
"Uh uh! Not so fast! Each day you come over, your uniform is going to be missing more and more of its components. Your skirt might be shorter one day, or your top might be missing the cups. Oh, and you're not allowed to wear anything underneath!" Stacy gave her a big wicked smirk.
"Why does everything have to be about me being naked!!!?" Emily complained.
"I guess all of us think you're super cute, and petty hot stuff too!" Stacy gushed, and Em just blushed deeply. "Oh, and on the last day I'm going to be inviting one other special guest to our little brunch gathering."
"NO WAY!!!! I'M NOT AGREEING TO THAT!!!! It's bad enough you two are going to see me naked today!!!" Emily shouted, shaking her head back and forth wildly. I know Bryan and I perked up, since she was swaying herself in a way that was almost revealing everything hidden under that sexy, almost wide open, yellow teddy of hers.
"Oh Emily!?" Sang Stacy. "Did you forget that I just uncovered those cute little feet of yours, with your adorable little baby toes, all so sweet and so sensitive!? Or how about those soles of yours, that are now just wide open to any kind of attack I want to give you!?"
"Don't you dare, Stacy! Don't you dare!!!"
"Hey Stacy." I said, remembering some of the goodies I had brought with me. "Maybe you might like to use something from here."
I held the bag open for her to peek inside. "Ooowww! What's that one for!?" Stacy giggled in wonder.
I held my finger up to my lips. "It's a secret. For later." I winked at her, making her laugh in delicious delight. She chose her instrument of torture and hoped back over to stand at Emily's bare feet.
She held her hands behind her back, not letting Emily get a good look at whatever it was she had chosen. "I'm going to give you to the count of 3, and then I'm going to tickle the shit out of your sweet little feet! 1…"
"No! I won't do it!" Em proclaimed.
"I'm serious, Stace!! This is too far!!"
"Erick don't you dare let her get away with– SWEET JESUS!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Stacy had chosen the feather duster, and now she was dusting the bare soles and in between the toes of Emily's dainty feet! Twisting and turning in an instant to find any relief she could, Emily's top was now no longer doing its job! Her breasts were exposed to our feasting eyes, and Bryan and myself just drank in the sight. They were bouncing and jiggling and jumping every which way! It was a real sight to behold!
"Oh my goodness, Emily! You seem to be having quite the wardrobe malfunction!" Stacy gave a loud laugh, never one to miss a teasing opportunity it seemed. She never let up on the torment to her feet either.
Emily looked down at her now bared breasts in panic. "NO!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU CAN'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THIS!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! PLEASE!! HAHAHAHA!!! PLEASE DON'T LOOK AT ME!! HAHAHA!!! PLEASE FIX MY TOP!! HAHAHAHAHA!! AT LEAST FIX MY TOP!!" The more she panicked about her exposure, the more wildly she trashed and jerked and squirmed about. It just made the show she was putting on for us that much better!
"What do you mean, Em? I thought you wanted to be naked? Isn't that what you are asking us to do? To take all your clothes off for you?" Stacy just taunted.
"Tell you what, I'll fix your top for you if you agree to everything in my deal." Stacy explained.
"Ok, Emily." Stacy gave a superior smirk down at her best friend, letting her catch her breath for a bit. She did reach over, and disappointingly for us guys, she fixed the sides of Em's teddy so her boobs were covered again.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Em asked her best friend, noticing the smug smirk she was giving her.
"Oh nothing!" Stacy seemed to be shivering in delight now. "It's just, if you're so worried about your pretty little boobs showing to the boys, then that really leaves me with only one option."
"Huh?" Em gave another cute furrow of her brow, before realization kicked in. "No! No! Not that! You can't take that! Not yet!!"
Stacy just hooked her fingers into the band of Emily's sexy panties. "Oh yes, Em!! What else am I supposed to take!?"
Emily let out a loud squeal, as her panties began their descent down her hips. "No!! No!! Take the teddy!!! Take the teddy!!!"
Stacy gave a mischievous little giggle. "Oh, but I just fixed it for you! You were so shy about showing your boobies to the boys! I think it's best I take your panties instead!"
"But you'll all see me!!! See my…!!! Down there!!! You can't!!!!"
"I thought you wanted to get naked for us, Em! You must want the boys to see your pretty little lips down there too!" She put a pause to the descent for a second, getting another mischievous look on her face. She came around, and stood between us and Emily on the couch, I guess to block our view, then I could see her lifting Emily's panties away from her front to check inside. "Why Emily!!!" Stacy almost shrieked, giggling uncontrollably. Then she leaned over to whisper in her ear.
Emily's cheeks turned bright tomato red, listening to whatever her friend was telling her. I didn't even need to hear it. It was totally obvious to me what she was saying. Emily was enjoying every single bit of this, and her best friend had just found the proof!!
“ERRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!” I heard Emily’s panicked scream.
Everyone was stunned and silent for a bit when we walked in. There was Emily, prone and vulnerable, tied up with her arms pulled above her head, in her sexy lingerie on the couch. Her little teddy was halfway unbuttoned, and it left her cute little tummy bare. Our two friends just stared at her with shock and wide eyed wonder while their mouths hung open.
Me, I was tickled pink! Maybe it was cruel of me to invite them in, but the doom on Em's face was absolutely priceless. I wouldn't have given up seeing that look on her face for the world!
Stacy had always been the more bold and outgoing of the two girls, so it didn't take her long to figure out what the two of us had been up to, at least in the general sense. "Emily," she giggled, "you look so cute and precious!"
"Erick, you can't do this!!" Emily begged. "You have to tell them to leave!! Please!!!?" She started thrashing about again, trying to get her hands free like her life depended on it.
"You never said I couldn't invite anyone." I gave her another wicked grin.
"What were you guys doing?" Bryan finally broke his silence. He still seemed to be stunned.
"We were just playing a little game." I explained.
"What kind of game?" Stacy's smirk was just about as big as mine. Besides myself, she was the only one who knew just how shy Emily had always been about people seeing her body.
"Emily needs to convince me to take her clothes off, but in order to do that she needs to agree to do something I want. I've already gotten so many good things from her, and all for agreeing to undo those four little buttons on her teddy. I wonder what she'd be willing to do, in order to get the rest of her sexy underwear off? Don't you guys?"
"What if she doesn't offer something you want?" Stacy asked.
"Oh, well, I've been tickling her in order to help her think more clearly. It seems to really get her noggin joggin’." I couldn't even contain my laughter at that.
"Oh my gosh!" Stacy seemed to skip over to Emily, bending over to look at her closely. Emily just turned three different shades of red, one by one. "Do you think Bryan and I could stay and spectate this little game?" She looked back at me with a hopeful and amused grin.
"I don't know, guys. This game is kind of a private affair for just the participants." I could see a bit of disappointment on both their faces as I said this, until I added, "Of course, if you guys agree to participate then I don't see why you can't stay."
"ERRRIIIICK!!!" Emily shouted at me again, in shock.
Stacy just ignored Emily's plea for mercy. "So what do we do?"
"Well right now I'm working on Emily's buttons for her. She really wants all of them open so desperately. She'll do practically anything to get them open. She still has four buttons left."
"What did she agree to do in order to get you to open the other ones? It'll help me know how much I should negotiate for myself." Stacy asked.
I was about to explain, but then had another naughty thought. "Em, why don't you explain what you’ve agreed to do, for our friends?"
"No, Erick! Come on! I can't tell them that stuff!!!" She exclaimed, looking like she wanted to be anywhere but here at the moment.
"Go on, Em. You better tell Stacy what I got from you, or she'll probably take things a lot farther than I have." We both knew Stacy pretty well. That was absolutely true what I had just said, and Emily knew it even better than I did.
Stacy swirled her forefinger a few times around Emily's cute exposed belly button, making her giggle a little. "Come on, Em. Tell your bestie what you're gonna do for your boyfriend."
"Well, I agreed to clean his place from top to bottom…" Her cheeks were getting that cute red blush again.
"That's not the whole thing." I teased, knowing it would torment Emily to admit everything.
"I have to clean it naked…" she admitted in a small voice, then shut her eyes and grimaced a little.
"Oh my goodness!" Stacy just laughed and laughed.
"Woah! Dude! How'd you get her to agree to do that?" Bryan asked me.
Dude, keep up, I thought, but explained it to him again. "Emily is just so dang ticklish all over her cute little body. It only takes me a minute or two to have her begging me for mercy. Of course with her tied up she can't do anything to stop it, besides agreeing to do what I want."
"Don't go getting any ideas, Bryan!" Stacy gave him just a tiny scowl for a second, before she turned back to her best friend. "Now what will you give me if I open another one of your buttons for you?"
"Please, Erick! You can't let our friends see me naked!" Emily turned her head to me, and pleaded.
"So explain to me why you invited Stacy over to get her book today of all days? Did you invite her before or after you lost the bet last night?"
"Well I invited her this morning, but I didn't think she would show up while this was going on!!" I guess Emily wanted to hold on to her plausible deniability. I didn't believe her for one second. She had to have known her friend would show up while she was tied up and naked. I guess she was lucky she was still in her underwear. "You have to make them leave!"
"Now, now, Emily. You know it's not polite to turn away guests. Since Stacy and Bryan are going to stay, it's only sensible to let them join our little game." Maybe I was being a bit cruel, but she honestly brought this on herself. "Now explain the other things I got for undoing your other buttons for you."
I could see a bit of defeat in her eyes as she explained. "I agreed to let him watch me take a shower whenever he wants. Well, seven times in total, and I said I would…" she clammed up. Obviously this would be the hardest one to admit out loud.
"What!?" Stacy demanded her to continue. If I didn't know better, it looked to me like she was starting to pant as she stared down at her tied up best friend.
"I have to give him a blowjob anytime he wants for the next two months…" Emily had to avert her eyes as she said this, and she was so quiet she sounded like she was whispering.
"Oh my god!" Stacy squealed in delight, giggling uncontrollably. "That is so wicked, Erick! I didn't know you had something like that in you!"
I couldn't help blushing myself a little, and rubbed the back of my neck. "Uh, thanks."
Thankfully the attention wasn't on me for long. "Now what are you going to offer for me to undo one of your cute little buttons, Em? Hmmmmmm?" Stacy sang her humming, as she stared down at her friend.
"I don't know…?" Em said, but that was a big mistake. Stacy quickly dug the fingers of her left hand into Emily’s bare, vulnerable side. “NOOOO!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! SHIIIT!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!”
“Oow! Yes, Emi-wee!! So, so tick-wool-lish!! Such a good girl for me!!” Stacy spoke to her as if she was speaking to a toddler. “If you can’t think of anything, I’ll just have to come up with something by myself!” Stacy was loving every bit of teasing her friend.
“I’m sorry, Em, it seems to be out of my hands at the moment.” I said, with a shrug and a grin to her. Although I doubt she could see straight anymore.
“FU–HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEASE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ok!!! HAHAHA!!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!?” Even if I wasn’t the one doing the tickling, it was still awesome to watch. Emily kept thrashing about, twisting her head back and forth, this way and that. She was trying everything she could do to get the tickling to stop, but she had no choice but to take it. Gawd, now this was entertainment!
“I have an idea, babe!” Bryan spoke up next to me. He had just been watching the proceedings thus far.
“What are you thinking, sweetie?” Stacy looked back at him with a devilish grin, while her fingers still danced all over Emily’s cute bare tummy and exposed sides.
“FU–HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! FUCK!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! STAC–HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!” Emily was still squealing as loud as ever!
“We have the barbecue coming up for memorial day for my fraternity. What if Emily acted as a cocktail waitress for the party?” explained Bryan.
“THAT…!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! DOESN’T SOUND SO…!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BAD!!!” I could tell Em was getting to that point where she needed a breather again.
I told Stacy to back off a bit. “Let’s huddle up and discuss this.” I waited for them to gather close to me, so I could whisper to them without Emily hearing what I said. “We need to make this good. Something she’s never going to forget.”
“I was thinking she would wear what she’s wearing now at the party.” Bryan explained with a grin.
Stacy shook her head. “No way! I vote she has to do it in a sexy little push up bra, and a thong!”
“Actually, I think I have the perfect idea.” I told them, and then turned to address my tied and bound girlfriend. “We will agree to undoing the rest of your buttons, if you agree to work as a cocktail waitress for Bryan’s fraternity party. But, as an added condition, you will change outfits three times. One for each of us.”
Emily gave a sharp gasp at that, really having to consider what that meant. I’m sure it bothered her that we weren’t going to disclose what outfits she would have to wear to the party. “For all four buttons?” It was always so cute the way she furrowed her brow when she was considering something. I nodded my head. “At long as I’m not seen naked at the party, then I will agree.”
“Good, Em!” I walked up to her, ready to undo the rest of her buttons. We were close enough now, that we could whisper to one another. “Enjoying yourself?”
“No! Why won’t you make them leave!?” She complained to me.
“That’s not what your cute nippies are saying.” I gave her a little wink, and a laugh. She took a look down at herself, discovering the way the fabric of her teddy was poking out, and turned that nice shade of crimson I loved so much again. “You can cut the little act. I know you invited Stacy over today, to catch you like this.”
“What!? Why would I…?”
“Oh, I’m sure you never meant for her to be involved in the fun, or for Bryan to tag along with her, but you brought this all on yourself, Emily. I think I’m really starting to get to know you. The real you, deep down inside.” I placed my hand on her chest, and started to pop open the remaining buttons. “And now our friends are going to get to know you just about as well as I do.” She just shut her eyes and gave a little shiver in response to me. Yeah, she totally wants this.
Now with her teddy split open, a nice wide strip of her skin was visible from the top of her panties, following along the path of her bare tummy, up her cleavage, and all the way up to her neck and head. Her breasts were still covered, but now if she made any major movements there was no way that teddy was going to stay put for long. I wanted so badly to just reach out and start tickling her right then, so that her delicious pokie nipples would be exposed to everyone, but I contained myself for now. That wouldn’t be fair to Em, and the little game we were playing either. Her perfect pair and beautiful pink nipples would soon be bare, I just needed to be patient.
“Well, Em, you finally got all 8 of your buttons undone. Now things are getting more high stakes, since I’m sure you're just dying to get your teddy, and those little yellow panties off your sexy little body.” I explained, giving out two guests a big grin. “Now, you seem to be completely out of ideas, which is fine. I’m sure our guests have plenty of ideas of their own.”
“Oh yes! I have so many, many ideas for little Emily here!” Stacy exclaimed. “Why, she could be my naked slave for a year! Or she could have to blow all the guys in Bryan’s fraternity! Or, I know, she should have to do her morning jog around the neighborhood completely naked from now on!”
“WHAT!!? NO!!! NO!!!! NO!!!” Emily shouted, looking pretty frightened.
“I’m just teasing you, little girl!” Stacy giggled in delight at her outburst. “You’re so easy to rile up! Ok, here’s my real deal, I’ll trade you your stockings, for letting us tie you up in different positions, anytime we want today.”
“It’s only supposed to last for one hour after I’m… naked…” Emily gave her a pitifully sad little whimper.
“When do your parents get back?”
“About 5?”
“Well, how about until 3 pm?” It was only 11 am now, so that would extend things out quite a bit for poor Emily. Not that I was complaining.
“I guess… Yes, I’ll take the deal.”
I decided to interject myself here. "But you need to be naked and tied up for me for one hour, as our original deal stipulated. If you're not naked by 2 pm today, then you'll have to do a make up session at a later time and date. At my discretion." It was so adorable the way her eyes went wide at me, but she gave a little nod of understanding.
“Goodie!” Stacy clapped, and skipped over to relieve Emily of her stockings. She had to undo the ankle ropes in order to get them off, but Emily didn’t even put up a fight. She just allowed it to happen and for Stacy to secure her feet again.
"I already have another deal for you, Em, if you are ready." Stacy was really starting to get pretty giggly. "Well I think I would like some cute maid service for myself as well. How about you come over to my apartment tomorrow, and you can dress up as a cute little French maid while you make breakfast for the three of us. For the rest of this week as well!"
"That's not so bad I guess." Emily got a bit of a relieved smile.
"Uh uh! Not so fast! Each day you come over, your uniform is going to be missing more and more of its components. Your skirt might be shorter one day, or your top might be missing the cups. Oh, and you're not allowed to wear anything underneath!" Stacy gave her a big wicked smirk.
"Why does everything have to be about me being naked!!!?" Emily complained.
"I guess all of us think you're super cute, and petty hot stuff too!" Stacy gushed, and Em just blushed deeply. "Oh, and on the last day I'm going to be inviting one other special guest to our little brunch gathering."
"NO WAY!!!! I'M NOT AGREEING TO THAT!!!! It's bad enough you two are going to see me naked today!!!" Emily shouted, shaking her head back and forth wildly. I know Bryan and I perked up, since she was swaying herself in a way that was almost revealing everything hidden under that sexy, almost wide open, yellow teddy of hers.
"Oh Emily!?" Sang Stacy. "Did you forget that I just uncovered those cute little feet of yours, with your adorable little baby toes, all so sweet and so sensitive!? Or how about those soles of yours, that are now just wide open to any kind of attack I want to give you!?"
"Don't you dare, Stacy! Don't you dare!!!"
"Hey Stacy." I said, remembering some of the goodies I had brought with me. "Maybe you might like to use something from here."
I held the bag open for her to peek inside. "Ooowww! What's that one for!?" Stacy giggled in wonder.
I held my finger up to my lips. "It's a secret. For later." I winked at her, making her laugh in delicious delight. She chose her instrument of torture and hoped back over to stand at Emily's bare feet.
She held her hands behind her back, not letting Emily get a good look at whatever it was she had chosen. "I'm going to give you to the count of 3, and then I'm going to tickle the shit out of your sweet little feet! 1…"
"No! I won't do it!" Em proclaimed.
"I'm serious, Stace!! This is too far!!"
"Erick don't you dare let her get away with– SWEET JESUS!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Stacy had chosen the feather duster, and now she was dusting the bare soles and in between the toes of Emily's dainty feet! Twisting and turning in an instant to find any relief she could, Emily's top was now no longer doing its job! Her breasts were exposed to our feasting eyes, and Bryan and myself just drank in the sight. They were bouncing and jiggling and jumping every which way! It was a real sight to behold!
"Oh my goodness, Emily! You seem to be having quite the wardrobe malfunction!" Stacy gave a loud laugh, never one to miss a teasing opportunity it seemed. She never let up on the torment to her feet either.
Emily looked down at her now bared breasts in panic. "NO!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU CAN'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THIS!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! PLEASE!! HAHAHAHA!!! PLEASE DON'T LOOK AT ME!! HAHAHA!!! PLEASE FIX MY TOP!! HAHAHAHAHA!! AT LEAST FIX MY TOP!!" The more she panicked about her exposure, the more wildly she trashed and jerked and squirmed about. It just made the show she was putting on for us that much better!
"What do you mean, Em? I thought you wanted to be naked? Isn't that what you are asking us to do? To take all your clothes off for you?" Stacy just taunted.
"Tell you what, I'll fix your top for you if you agree to everything in my deal." Stacy explained.
"Ok, Emily." Stacy gave a superior smirk down at her best friend, letting her catch her breath for a bit. She did reach over, and disappointingly for us guys, she fixed the sides of Em's teddy so her boobs were covered again.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Em asked her best friend, noticing the smug smirk she was giving her.
"Oh nothing!" Stacy seemed to be shivering in delight now. "It's just, if you're so worried about your pretty little boobs showing to the boys, then that really leaves me with only one option."
"Huh?" Em gave another cute furrow of her brow, before realization kicked in. "No! No! Not that! You can't take that! Not yet!!"
Stacy just hooked her fingers into the band of Emily's sexy panties. "Oh yes, Em!! What else am I supposed to take!?"
Emily let out a loud squeal, as her panties began their descent down her hips. "No!! No!! Take the teddy!!! Take the teddy!!!"
Stacy gave a mischievous little giggle. "Oh, but I just fixed it for you! You were so shy about showing your boobies to the boys! I think it's best I take your panties instead!"
"But you'll all see me!!! See my…!!! Down there!!! You can't!!!!"
"I thought you wanted to get naked for us, Em! You must want the boys to see your pretty little lips down there too!" She put a pause to the descent for a second, getting another mischievous look on her face. She came around, and stood between us and Emily on the couch, I guess to block our view, then I could see her lifting Emily's panties away from her front to check inside. "Why Emily!!!" Stacy almost shrieked, giggling uncontrollably. Then she leaned over to whisper in her ear.
Emily's cheeks turned bright tomato red, listening to whatever her friend was telling her. I didn't even need to hear it. It was totally obvious to me what she was saying. Emily was enjoying every single bit of this, and her best friend had just found the proof!!
- superevil7
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Re: The Tickle Contest (Part 3 NEW July 8th)
I just read your entire comment 5 times in a row now. It brings me so much joy to see someone getting such excitement from my writing!TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Fri Jul 08, 2022 6:05 pm Just in bits and pieces, here are some of my highlights and reactions. I can only take so much at a time. I'll explode. You have somehow ticked all my boxes. I'm nervous for Part 4 to come out. They'll have to mop me off the floor.
I'm sure we can come to some kind of an arrangementTheBlushingPrincess wrote: Fri Jul 08, 2022 6:05 pm I don't need to write my own fantasies anymore. You can do it for me! Shit. Fuck.
You know how
TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Fri Jul 08, 2022 6:05 pm Holy fuck. You are absolutely living up to your screen name
Finally some recognition for my evil side
- superevil7
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The Tickle Contest - Part 4
Stacy had just whispered something into Emily’s ear that had caused her cheeks to turn a bright rosy red. It was pretty obvious that she had just found proof that Emily was really, really enjoying everything that we were putting her through today. Being tied up, having the last little bit of clothing she was wearing slowly stripped from her body, and being mercilessly tickled by us until she couldn't take it anymore.
Stacy looked like she was about to head for Em’s panties once again, but then she hesitated. She turned back to observe Bryan and myself for a few seconds, then got a wicked smile on her face. She gave another whisper to Emily's ear, and giggled out loud. “OH MY GOD!! STACY!!!?” Emily practically shrieked, then she too turned her head to look at us. To look at me. Stare at me. Stare directly at the front of my pants! Oh boy!! I guess it was impossible for me to hide just how excited I was about all of this too.
Stacy just giggled maniacally, moving down Emily’s body, until she once again had her fingers hooked into her panties.
“NO!!! NO!!! PLEASE!!!” Emily begged.
“Hang on, Stacy.” I said, and both girls now gave me a confused look. “You know, I think Em could use a little break. She's been lying on that couch for a long time now. What do you say, Em, do you want to get up and stretch out a bit?” I asked her.
Emily gave me just about the most hopeful look I’ve ever seen from her. Probably the most hopeful look I’d ever seen in my life to be truthful! “OH!!! YES!!! YES ERICK!!!” She almost sounded like she was laughing in joyous relief. “OH, THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!”
“Erick, what are you doing!?” Stacy stared at me with pure disappointment.
“I’m the one in charge of this game.” I said. “This game was just meant for Emily and myself. I was polite enough to invite you to join, but you have to understand, I am still running things.”
Stacy gave a little scoff, but put her hands up as if she were surrendering, and she moved out of my way. I started by undoing the ankle knots around Emily’s feet, and then walked the few paces to her head, undoing her wrists as well. Emily sat up slowly, clutching her gown closed so she wouldn’t flash us all again, and got her barrings back. Then she finally stood up, and stretched her muscles from having lied prone for so long. It had been at least an hour since I had first tied her up, probably longer.
“Good Em?” I smiled at her, as she nodded her head at me. “Good. Now you know one of the agreements you made with Stacy was that we could tie you in different positions until 3 pm today.”
“Well, have I got just the thing for you?” I gave her a great big grin. “In fact I’d like it to be a surprise. So shut your eyes.”
“What is it?” She looked at me, very suspicious now.
“Just close your eyes.” She hesitated for a few more moments, but then compiled, and I went over to my little bag of tricks, and got what I wanted. Stacy almost let out a loud giggle when she saw what I was getting, but I just gestured for her to keep quiet. I knelt down at Emily’s feet as she still just stood there with her eyes closed, and then… Click! She looked down at me in shock, and then down at her ankles, finding I had just locked her legs together with fuzzy pink handcuffs!
“What the hell!!!” She yelled at me.
“You wanted to move around a little, honey. This way you can move around the house all you want, but technically you're still secured. Isn’t that genius?” I couldn’t stop my shit eating grin as she just stared at me in a daze.
“Now, you did already agree to one more trade with Stacy. So you need to decide right now. Are you giving up your sexy teddy, or your cute little panties?” She just stared at me incredulously. “I’ll even be kind enough to let you take it off yourself, since you have the ability of movement at the moment.”
I could see it written all over her face. How she really wanted to fight, and not give up any of her remaining clothing, but something inside of her gave in. “You can take the teddy…” She hung her head, looking resigned and beaten.
“I said you could take it off yourself.” I held my hand out to her, expecting her to hand over the garment.
She gave a small sigh, and then shuffled her feet until she was close enough to whisper to me. “I don’t think I can… Please, you just do it…”
She looked up at me with those adorable baby blue eyes. How could I deny a request from her like that? “Of course I’ll do it for you, honey.” She shut her eyes, and let her arms drop down to her sides, as I took hold. I pulled it open, revealing her perfect pair again, and I think I heard a gasp from Bryan in particular. All I had to do was push it off her shoulders, and it fell to the floor. Now the only thing she was wearing was her sexy yellow panties.
She finally opened her eyes, and turned deep, deep red once again, as she discovered all of us staring at her bare chest. "Don't worry, honey. You look great!" I whispered to her, pulling her close to me, and then gave a soft kiss to her sweet lips. "Absolutely adorable."
Em couldn’t hold out for long. The need for her to cover up was just too great inside of her. She cupped one of her boobs with each hand, and then just stood there, looking at me as if to ask, ‘Now what?’
“Say, Em. I think we’ve been a little impolite to our guests. We haven’t asked them if they would like anything to eat or drink. I know I’m getting kind of hungry. How about you guys?”
“Yeah, I could eat.” Bryan had just about the most elated smirk as he stared at my girlfriend, wearing nothing but her hands and her tiny panties.
“Yeah, it’s about lunch time, anyway.” Stacy added. I could tell she was really happy the fun was not over yet. I think I had scared her a little before.
“Good. Em, since this is your house, I think it’s only appropriate if you cook for us.” I gave her a big smile. “Why don’t you make your famous chicken Alfredo for lunch?”
“What? How am I supposed to do that with my feet chained together like this!?”
“You can move. I saw you earlier.” I said with a little chuckle.
Emily rolled her eyes at me, and let out another sigh. Then she began the egregious task of turning herself towards the kitchen. Even I didn’t realize the genius of what I had just done to her; with her ankles cuffed, she was completely off balance trying to walk. She almost ended up spilling to the ground, but was able to stabilize herself by holding her arms out and away from her body. That meant she could no longer use her hands to retain any modesty for her chest! Now those cute pink nipples were bare to us all!
“Emily, you need to get those things registered as deadly weapons! You might just put someone’s eye out with how hard your nipples seem to be!” Stacy giggled and giggled at the words she had teased her friend with. Emily just gave a pout, and covered herself up again. Then she let out a sigh and continued at her snail’s pace to the kitchen, having to uncover her pretty little boobs for us again as she moved.
“Damn, Em! Those are some really nice knockers!” Bryan said, as he moved almost into the path Emily was taking, to get a better view of her. I could hardly blame him.
“Shut up, guys!” Emily complained. Her face was still just as red as ever. Her blush hadn’t gone away since I had removed her top.
“Aww, we’re just giving you compliments, Emily.” Stacy said. “You really, really look so cute and precious now, without your teddy!”
Emily seemed to want to address me, turning her torso as far back as she could, while still keeping her feet firmly planted in place. It had been about a minute since she had started her journey to the kitchen, and she was still only about half way there. “Erick, this is so humiliating!! Can’t you take these things off for now!!? At least until I get to the kitchen!”
“Sorry Em.” I said with a shrug. “You know I’m not one to break any kind of agreements I make. I said I’d keep you secured until 3, and I meant it.” Oh man. Her pouty face was just about as cute as the looks of horror and doom she had given me earlier! I’m honestly not sure which I liked better.
So cute little Emily had to waddle and sway her way as best she could to the kitchen as we just continued to watch her. It was so delightful the way her boobs kind of hopped and then swayed with each little step she took. I know Bryan and myself were totally captivated watching something so delicious, yet also a bit hilarious. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t find it funny to watch a lovable, practically naked girl, have to navigate her way around her house without her full range of movement?
Finally Em made it to the kitchen, and the three of us watched her continue her trek to the stove from the comfort of the kitchen table. Damn, she was so fricken cute like this. I wonder if I could get her to do this for me every weekend? I’d probably even let her go without the ankle cuffs if it meant I could trade them for her panties. There is something just so adorable about watching a naked girl making lunch for you. Well, she still needed to lose those panties, and soon!
“So how’d you get her to agree to something like this, Erick?” Stacy asked me, as we continued to watch Emily work.
“We made a little bet last night. It was actually her idea.” I whispered back.
“Really!?” I couldn’t blame her for being surprised. In fact, knowing Emily, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that she hadn't even told her best friend we had sex yet.
“What was the bet?” Bryan asked me, but he couldn’t keep his eyes off of Emily as she made her way to the refrigerator. I guess I couldn’t blame him for looking, but he better keep his hands off her. Ok, yeah, maybe I was a little jealous, but it was my girlfriend he was staring at!
“We were playing Trivial Pursuit with her whole family. Basically the one to score the least points had to be naked and tied up today.” I explained.
After quite a long time, Emily had achieved preparing the food for all of us, and brought it over to the table. She served us each a dish, and then herself as well. She was just about to join us at the table, but I stopped her before she could sit down. “Emily, honey, I think we’re all really enjoying getting to look at you like this, so sweet and adorable in only your cute little panties. I think we’d all prefer it if you just stand right there in front of us, at least until we are done eating.”
“I second that!” Stacy gave me a grin.
Emily was dismayed, looking like she was about to throw her plate on the floor. “What!!? Come on!!!”
“Now relax, honey. I’ve come up with your final deal, if you want to hear it.”
She gave a sigh and took another deep breath, before nodding. “Alright, what is it?”
“If you can last this entire meal without covering your pretty little boobs up once from our view, I’ll agree to remove your panties for you.”
The fact that Emily was using one of her arms to keep her top concealed at the moment wasn’t lost on any of us. With another deep sigh, and a slow shudder that flowed throughout her whole body, she dropped that arm to her side. She stared down at the floor in shame for a moment, before looking back at me. “There, that good?” she asked.
“What do you think, Stacy? Doesn’t Em look better with her cute pink nipples showing like this?” I asked her friend, making an immense gesture at my girlfriend’s chest.
“Oh yes! I didn’t know nipples could come in that shade of pink until today.” She addressed her friend directly. “Those are probably the most pink and precious nipples I have ever seen!”
Emily got this really cute bashful look on her face, “Guys!! Come on!!?”
“No, Em!” Bryan piped up. “Those are probably the second best nipples I’ve ever seen!” He gave a quick wink to Stacy, who just giggled in response.
Emily couldn’t take it anymore. That comment from Bryan must have been too much for her, as she quickly grabbed her bare boobs with both her hands. “Aww, Em. I can’t believe you lost already? What happened to our deal?” I asked, but I couldn’t help the devilish grin I was giving to her. She immediately dropped her hands down. “Maybe I'm being unfair to you. How would you like some help with this?” She nodded.
I got up and stood behind her. “Place your hands behind your back.” She must have been feeling really frazzled by now, as she did exactly as I asked. Click! Now her hands were cuffed behind her back as well. These cuffs were bright orange.
“ERICK!!!! WHAT!!!!?” She looked back over her shoulder at me, stupefied.
“Now you don’t have to worry about being tempted to cover yourself back up.” I gave her another large grin.
“How am I supposed to eat like this!!?” She asked.
“I’ll feed you when I’m done eating.” I answered, and she just looked away from me with a huff. Ok, now this was mean, but I couldn’t resist anymore. I crouched down behind her while she wasn’t looking, and then yanked her yellow panties down to her knees!
“EEEEP!!!!” Emily yelped, with a jump, in complete surprise at what I had just done. I just went and sat back down, enjoying the delicious meal she had made for all of us, finding that now all of her privates were on display and there was nothing she could do about it.
Emily was really squirming now. She tried to bring one leg in front of the other to block our view of what she had between her legs, but was finding it futile. She just stood there staring daggers at me as I enjoyed her yummy food.
“I thought she broke the deal? Why did you take her panties off?” Stacy asked.
“Well, you’d have to agree, I didn’t technically take them off. She’s still wearing them around her knees.” I answered smugly. “She’s gonna still need to come up with a way to convince me to take them all the way off though.” Both Stacy and Bryan gave me a big laugh, while Emily just stewed.
After I finished, I got up to help Emily eat her food. She didn’t seem very receptive to me, however. “Come on, honey. You have to eat. You made all this delicious, yummy food. You should get to enjoy it too.”
She just squeezed her lips shut, shaking her head.
“Alright, if you’re gonna be that way.” I stabbed some chicken with her fork, then I reached over to tickle her bare tummy just a bit.
“HAHAHA–MMM!!!” I quickly pushed the fork into her mouth while she was laughing. She didn’t put up any more fight after that, and let me feed her the rest off her plate.
We headed back to the living room after. I now knew the real trade I wanted to make for Em’s panties. Getting close enough so I could whisper to her, I explained, “Here’s the deal for your panties. Next weekend you’re gonna let me do the same thing. Let me tie you up, tickle the shit out of you, and have my way with you anyway I please. But I’ll promise next weekend it’ll just be you and me.” She just stared at me with wide eyes. “If you don’t agree to this deal, then I’m going to leave your panties just as they are until 3. Then you’re going to have to do this again anyway, only you won’t have my word that I won’t invite anyone else.”
“OH GOD!!!” She let out an anguished whine, but then she nodded her head to me. I guess I really had won.
“Great, Em! Let me get you un-cuffed, and then we can get you tied up again. You still have a couple hours to go today.”
Once the cuffs were off, I also removed the last little bit of her clothing, despite the inadequate coverage it was really providing her now. I wanted her to be fully naked. I had her lie down on the couch, and secured the bindings once again.
I went over to Stacy and told her it was time we gave Emily everything she could ever want, and everything she most desired. I didn't even need to tell Stacy that we should start with the soles of her feet, apparently she was just as aware as I was about just how sensitive they were.
Stacy and myself just gave each other a big shit eating grin, ignoring her shouts. ”Stacy, you should really try just making tiny circles on her arches. It gets the most amazing response!” I said.
“OH FUCK!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! SHIT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Emily was practically bouncing up and down, trying to get herself away from her two tickle torturers. Her bonds were not going to allow that, however.
“Ok. I'll have to try that. Aren't her feet so soft and cute? Just like the rest of her.”
I had to agree, “Oh, her feet are just the cutest. So sweet. And so tender. I could just stroke my fingertips against them forever and ever.”
“Me too. You know what's funny?” Stacy asked.
All of Emily’s pleas were falling on deaf ears. This was way too much fun to stop now! “What's that?”
“How just the tiniest movement of my fingers makes her scream and thrash so wildly. Isn't that just so cool?”
I chuckled. “Yeah, it's really neat.” Now Stacy and I really went to town, giving it our all as we stroked the tender, bare little soles of her feet.
It had Emily going absolutely wild in no time, twisting herself every which way to try and get free from our manipulating fingers! Her thighs quivered, her belly shook with every laugh she let out, and her perfectly pretty breasts were jiggling all over the place for us! The last thing on her mind was her modesty at this point, since she kept flashing us with everything in between her legs as she thrashed about too! Wow!!!
“PLEASE ERICK!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEASE!!! HEHEHEHEHE!!! I’LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! I’LL DO ANYTHING!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!! PLEASE!!! ANY DEAL YOU WANT!!! ANYTHING YOU WANT!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Finally, Em started the delicious begging I wanted to hear. No, I needed to hear. I love hearing her beg me so, so much!
I had some bad news for her though. “Em, just relax. No more deals. The clock has started. It's all going to be pure tickling from this point on. I mean, we've already gotten everything we could possibly want, what with the blowjobs and the naked breakfasts, and everything else you've agreed to do for us.”
“Don’t forget about her being a cocktail waitress for my party!” Bryan piped up, with the biggest smile I’d ever seen, plastered all over his face.
“That’s right!” I added. “So, for the next couple hours, we're all just going to explore every inch of your sweet little body and see what gets the biggest reaction out of you. Ok? We're just giving you a bit of a warm up with your feet. We'll hang out here for a bit. Then later we'll move back to your cute tiny tummy, and your sensitive sides. Of course, I’ll have to get to your upper inner thigh too. I’m sure Stacy and Bryan will enjoy learning just how ticklish you are there! That should be a hoot for us all! Don't you think, Em?”
Stacy looked like she was about to head for Em’s panties once again, but then she hesitated. She turned back to observe Bryan and myself for a few seconds, then got a wicked smile on her face. She gave another whisper to Emily's ear, and giggled out loud. “OH MY GOD!! STACY!!!?” Emily practically shrieked, then she too turned her head to look at us. To look at me. Stare at me. Stare directly at the front of my pants! Oh boy!! I guess it was impossible for me to hide just how excited I was about all of this too.
Stacy just giggled maniacally, moving down Emily’s body, until she once again had her fingers hooked into her panties.
“NO!!! NO!!! PLEASE!!!” Emily begged.
“Hang on, Stacy.” I said, and both girls now gave me a confused look. “You know, I think Em could use a little break. She's been lying on that couch for a long time now. What do you say, Em, do you want to get up and stretch out a bit?” I asked her.
Emily gave me just about the most hopeful look I’ve ever seen from her. Probably the most hopeful look I’d ever seen in my life to be truthful! “OH!!! YES!!! YES ERICK!!!” She almost sounded like she was laughing in joyous relief. “OH, THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!”
“Erick, what are you doing!?” Stacy stared at me with pure disappointment.
“I’m the one in charge of this game.” I said. “This game was just meant for Emily and myself. I was polite enough to invite you to join, but you have to understand, I am still running things.”
Stacy gave a little scoff, but put her hands up as if she were surrendering, and she moved out of my way. I started by undoing the ankle knots around Emily’s feet, and then walked the few paces to her head, undoing her wrists as well. Emily sat up slowly, clutching her gown closed so she wouldn’t flash us all again, and got her barrings back. Then she finally stood up, and stretched her muscles from having lied prone for so long. It had been at least an hour since I had first tied her up, probably longer.
“Good Em?” I smiled at her, as she nodded her head at me. “Good. Now you know one of the agreements you made with Stacy was that we could tie you in different positions until 3 pm today.”
“Well, have I got just the thing for you?” I gave her a great big grin. “In fact I’d like it to be a surprise. So shut your eyes.”
“What is it?” She looked at me, very suspicious now.
“Just close your eyes.” She hesitated for a few more moments, but then compiled, and I went over to my little bag of tricks, and got what I wanted. Stacy almost let out a loud giggle when she saw what I was getting, but I just gestured for her to keep quiet. I knelt down at Emily’s feet as she still just stood there with her eyes closed, and then… Click! She looked down at me in shock, and then down at her ankles, finding I had just locked her legs together with fuzzy pink handcuffs!
“What the hell!!!” She yelled at me.
“You wanted to move around a little, honey. This way you can move around the house all you want, but technically you're still secured. Isn’t that genius?” I couldn’t stop my shit eating grin as she just stared at me in a daze.
“Now, you did already agree to one more trade with Stacy. So you need to decide right now. Are you giving up your sexy teddy, or your cute little panties?” She just stared at me incredulously. “I’ll even be kind enough to let you take it off yourself, since you have the ability of movement at the moment.”
I could see it written all over her face. How she really wanted to fight, and not give up any of her remaining clothing, but something inside of her gave in. “You can take the teddy…” She hung her head, looking resigned and beaten.
“I said you could take it off yourself.” I held my hand out to her, expecting her to hand over the garment.
She gave a small sigh, and then shuffled her feet until she was close enough to whisper to me. “I don’t think I can… Please, you just do it…”
She looked up at me with those adorable baby blue eyes. How could I deny a request from her like that? “Of course I’ll do it for you, honey.” She shut her eyes, and let her arms drop down to her sides, as I took hold. I pulled it open, revealing her perfect pair again, and I think I heard a gasp from Bryan in particular. All I had to do was push it off her shoulders, and it fell to the floor. Now the only thing she was wearing was her sexy yellow panties.
She finally opened her eyes, and turned deep, deep red once again, as she discovered all of us staring at her bare chest. "Don't worry, honey. You look great!" I whispered to her, pulling her close to me, and then gave a soft kiss to her sweet lips. "Absolutely adorable."
Em couldn’t hold out for long. The need for her to cover up was just too great inside of her. She cupped one of her boobs with each hand, and then just stood there, looking at me as if to ask, ‘Now what?’
“Say, Em. I think we’ve been a little impolite to our guests. We haven’t asked them if they would like anything to eat or drink. I know I’m getting kind of hungry. How about you guys?”
“Yeah, I could eat.” Bryan had just about the most elated smirk as he stared at my girlfriend, wearing nothing but her hands and her tiny panties.
“Yeah, it’s about lunch time, anyway.” Stacy added. I could tell she was really happy the fun was not over yet. I think I had scared her a little before.
“Good. Em, since this is your house, I think it’s only appropriate if you cook for us.” I gave her a big smile. “Why don’t you make your famous chicken Alfredo for lunch?”
“What? How am I supposed to do that with my feet chained together like this!?”
“You can move. I saw you earlier.” I said with a little chuckle.
Emily rolled her eyes at me, and let out another sigh. Then she began the egregious task of turning herself towards the kitchen. Even I didn’t realize the genius of what I had just done to her; with her ankles cuffed, she was completely off balance trying to walk. She almost ended up spilling to the ground, but was able to stabilize herself by holding her arms out and away from her body. That meant she could no longer use her hands to retain any modesty for her chest! Now those cute pink nipples were bare to us all!
“Emily, you need to get those things registered as deadly weapons! You might just put someone’s eye out with how hard your nipples seem to be!” Stacy giggled and giggled at the words she had teased her friend with. Emily just gave a pout, and covered herself up again. Then she let out a sigh and continued at her snail’s pace to the kitchen, having to uncover her pretty little boobs for us again as she moved.
“Damn, Em! Those are some really nice knockers!” Bryan said, as he moved almost into the path Emily was taking, to get a better view of her. I could hardly blame him.
“Shut up, guys!” Emily complained. Her face was still just as red as ever. Her blush hadn’t gone away since I had removed her top.
“Aww, we’re just giving you compliments, Emily.” Stacy said. “You really, really look so cute and precious now, without your teddy!”
Emily seemed to want to address me, turning her torso as far back as she could, while still keeping her feet firmly planted in place. It had been about a minute since she had started her journey to the kitchen, and she was still only about half way there. “Erick, this is so humiliating!! Can’t you take these things off for now!!? At least until I get to the kitchen!”
“Sorry Em.” I said with a shrug. “You know I’m not one to break any kind of agreements I make. I said I’d keep you secured until 3, and I meant it.” Oh man. Her pouty face was just about as cute as the looks of horror and doom she had given me earlier! I’m honestly not sure which I liked better.
So cute little Emily had to waddle and sway her way as best she could to the kitchen as we just continued to watch her. It was so delightful the way her boobs kind of hopped and then swayed with each little step she took. I know Bryan and myself were totally captivated watching something so delicious, yet also a bit hilarious. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t find it funny to watch a lovable, practically naked girl, have to navigate her way around her house without her full range of movement?
Finally Em made it to the kitchen, and the three of us watched her continue her trek to the stove from the comfort of the kitchen table. Damn, she was so fricken cute like this. I wonder if I could get her to do this for me every weekend? I’d probably even let her go without the ankle cuffs if it meant I could trade them for her panties. There is something just so adorable about watching a naked girl making lunch for you. Well, she still needed to lose those panties, and soon!
“So how’d you get her to agree to something like this, Erick?” Stacy asked me, as we continued to watch Emily work.
“We made a little bet last night. It was actually her idea.” I whispered back.
“Really!?” I couldn’t blame her for being surprised. In fact, knowing Emily, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that she hadn't even told her best friend we had sex yet.
“What was the bet?” Bryan asked me, but he couldn’t keep his eyes off of Emily as she made her way to the refrigerator. I guess I couldn’t blame him for looking, but he better keep his hands off her. Ok, yeah, maybe I was a little jealous, but it was my girlfriend he was staring at!
“We were playing Trivial Pursuit with her whole family. Basically the one to score the least points had to be naked and tied up today.” I explained.
After quite a long time, Emily had achieved preparing the food for all of us, and brought it over to the table. She served us each a dish, and then herself as well. She was just about to join us at the table, but I stopped her before she could sit down. “Emily, honey, I think we’re all really enjoying getting to look at you like this, so sweet and adorable in only your cute little panties. I think we’d all prefer it if you just stand right there in front of us, at least until we are done eating.”
“I second that!” Stacy gave me a grin.
Emily was dismayed, looking like she was about to throw her plate on the floor. “What!!? Come on!!!”
“Now relax, honey. I’ve come up with your final deal, if you want to hear it.”
She gave a sigh and took another deep breath, before nodding. “Alright, what is it?”
“If you can last this entire meal without covering your pretty little boobs up once from our view, I’ll agree to remove your panties for you.”
The fact that Emily was using one of her arms to keep her top concealed at the moment wasn’t lost on any of us. With another deep sigh, and a slow shudder that flowed throughout her whole body, she dropped that arm to her side. She stared down at the floor in shame for a moment, before looking back at me. “There, that good?” she asked.
“What do you think, Stacy? Doesn’t Em look better with her cute pink nipples showing like this?” I asked her friend, making an immense gesture at my girlfriend’s chest.
“Oh yes! I didn’t know nipples could come in that shade of pink until today.” She addressed her friend directly. “Those are probably the most pink and precious nipples I have ever seen!”
Emily got this really cute bashful look on her face, “Guys!! Come on!!?”
“No, Em!” Bryan piped up. “Those are probably the second best nipples I’ve ever seen!” He gave a quick wink to Stacy, who just giggled in response.
Emily couldn’t take it anymore. That comment from Bryan must have been too much for her, as she quickly grabbed her bare boobs with both her hands. “Aww, Em. I can’t believe you lost already? What happened to our deal?” I asked, but I couldn’t help the devilish grin I was giving to her. She immediately dropped her hands down. “Maybe I'm being unfair to you. How would you like some help with this?” She nodded.
I got up and stood behind her. “Place your hands behind your back.” She must have been feeling really frazzled by now, as she did exactly as I asked. Click! Now her hands were cuffed behind her back as well. These cuffs were bright orange.
“ERICK!!!! WHAT!!!!?” She looked back over her shoulder at me, stupefied.
“Now you don’t have to worry about being tempted to cover yourself back up.” I gave her another large grin.
“How am I supposed to eat like this!!?” She asked.
“I’ll feed you when I’m done eating.” I answered, and she just looked away from me with a huff. Ok, now this was mean, but I couldn’t resist anymore. I crouched down behind her while she wasn’t looking, and then yanked her yellow panties down to her knees!
“EEEEP!!!!” Emily yelped, with a jump, in complete surprise at what I had just done. I just went and sat back down, enjoying the delicious meal she had made for all of us, finding that now all of her privates were on display and there was nothing she could do about it.
Emily was really squirming now. She tried to bring one leg in front of the other to block our view of what she had between her legs, but was finding it futile. She just stood there staring daggers at me as I enjoyed her yummy food.
“I thought she broke the deal? Why did you take her panties off?” Stacy asked.
“Well, you’d have to agree, I didn’t technically take them off. She’s still wearing them around her knees.” I answered smugly. “She’s gonna still need to come up with a way to convince me to take them all the way off though.” Both Stacy and Bryan gave me a big laugh, while Emily just stewed.
After I finished, I got up to help Emily eat her food. She didn’t seem very receptive to me, however. “Come on, honey. You have to eat. You made all this delicious, yummy food. You should get to enjoy it too.”
She just squeezed her lips shut, shaking her head.
“Alright, if you’re gonna be that way.” I stabbed some chicken with her fork, then I reached over to tickle her bare tummy just a bit.
“HAHAHA–MMM!!!” I quickly pushed the fork into her mouth while she was laughing. She didn’t put up any more fight after that, and let me feed her the rest off her plate.
We headed back to the living room after. I now knew the real trade I wanted to make for Em’s panties. Getting close enough so I could whisper to her, I explained, “Here’s the deal for your panties. Next weekend you’re gonna let me do the same thing. Let me tie you up, tickle the shit out of you, and have my way with you anyway I please. But I’ll promise next weekend it’ll just be you and me.” She just stared at me with wide eyes. “If you don’t agree to this deal, then I’m going to leave your panties just as they are until 3. Then you’re going to have to do this again anyway, only you won’t have my word that I won’t invite anyone else.”
“OH GOD!!!” She let out an anguished whine, but then she nodded her head to me. I guess I really had won.
“Great, Em! Let me get you un-cuffed, and then we can get you tied up again. You still have a couple hours to go today.”
Once the cuffs were off, I also removed the last little bit of her clothing, despite the inadequate coverage it was really providing her now. I wanted her to be fully naked. I had her lie down on the couch, and secured the bindings once again.
I went over to Stacy and told her it was time we gave Emily everything she could ever want, and everything she most desired. I didn't even need to tell Stacy that we should start with the soles of her feet, apparently she was just as aware as I was about just how sensitive they were.
Stacy and myself just gave each other a big shit eating grin, ignoring her shouts. ”Stacy, you should really try just making tiny circles on her arches. It gets the most amazing response!” I said.
“OH FUCK!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! SHIT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Emily was practically bouncing up and down, trying to get herself away from her two tickle torturers. Her bonds were not going to allow that, however.
“Ok. I'll have to try that. Aren't her feet so soft and cute? Just like the rest of her.”
I had to agree, “Oh, her feet are just the cutest. So sweet. And so tender. I could just stroke my fingertips against them forever and ever.”
“Me too. You know what's funny?” Stacy asked.
All of Emily’s pleas were falling on deaf ears. This was way too much fun to stop now! “What's that?”
“How just the tiniest movement of my fingers makes her scream and thrash so wildly. Isn't that just so cool?”
I chuckled. “Yeah, it's really neat.” Now Stacy and I really went to town, giving it our all as we stroked the tender, bare little soles of her feet.
It had Emily going absolutely wild in no time, twisting herself every which way to try and get free from our manipulating fingers! Her thighs quivered, her belly shook with every laugh she let out, and her perfectly pretty breasts were jiggling all over the place for us! The last thing on her mind was her modesty at this point, since she kept flashing us with everything in between her legs as she thrashed about too! Wow!!!
“PLEASE ERICK!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEASE!!! HEHEHEHEHE!!! I’LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! I’LL DO ANYTHING!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!! PLEASE!!! ANY DEAL YOU WANT!!! ANYTHING YOU WANT!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Finally, Em started the delicious begging I wanted to hear. No, I needed to hear. I love hearing her beg me so, so much!
I had some bad news for her though. “Em, just relax. No more deals. The clock has started. It's all going to be pure tickling from this point on. I mean, we've already gotten everything we could possibly want, what with the blowjobs and the naked breakfasts, and everything else you've agreed to do for us.”
“Don’t forget about her being a cocktail waitress for my party!” Bryan piped up, with the biggest smile I’d ever seen, plastered all over his face.
“That’s right!” I added. “So, for the next couple hours, we're all just going to explore every inch of your sweet little body and see what gets the biggest reaction out of you. Ok? We're just giving you a bit of a warm up with your feet. We'll hang out here for a bit. Then later we'll move back to your cute tiny tummy, and your sensitive sides. Of course, I’ll have to get to your upper inner thigh too. I’m sure Stacy and Bryan will enjoy learning just how ticklish you are there! That should be a hoot for us all! Don't you think, Em?”
- superevil7
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The Tickle Contest - Part 5
Bless her little heart. My girlfriend, Emily, was still squealing and squirming from the delicious tickling her friend Stacy and I were doing to her sexy little body. She was bucking around wildly, trying to get free from her restraints in total desperation. Did I mention the fact that she was totally buck naked as well, not just in front of Stacy and myself, but also Stacy's boyfriend, Bryan? Oh yes, she had lost every bit of her clothing over the last few hours.
"ERIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!!” she pleaded, as Stacy and I continued to stroke the tender soles of her little feet. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEASE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEASE!!!"
"You want Stacy and me to stop tickling your feet?" I asked her.
"But you look like you're having so much fun. Why would you want us to stop if you’re having so much fun?”
“Are you sure?"
“Honey, I really want to know. Are you really, really sure?”
“I just want to be clear. You really want Stacy and me to stop tickling your cute little feet?”
"Alright Em. I think I understand. Hey Bryan, will you come take over tickling Em's feet for Stacy and me? We're going to start tickling other parts of her body for her."
"NO!!! HAHAHA!! NO, ERICK!!! FUCK!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!" She began to bounce around crazily on the couch, mostly with her hips, as her arms and legs were still secure. She was pulling at all her bindings like I'd never seen her do before. Still, she wasn’t going anywhere.
"Sure! Happy to help!" Bryan said, grabbing the feather duster with a big grin.
"You see, Stacy, the real important thing to realize is the attention to detail you need when tickling Emily's perfect pretty body. For example, her feet are so sensitive, it takes hardly any touch at all to make her wild, as you already know."
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!" Bryan was going to town with the duster on her soles now.
"Yes I see." Stacy smiled.
"Other parts of her body need a different kind of touch, however. Take her sides and tummy. You will want to let your fingers dance all over her soft skin there, but you need to use just a bit more pressure in those areas to really get her laughing."
"Like this?"
"Exactly! Now here, under her arms is a completely different matter entirely. You just want to wiggle your fingers in one spot over and over like this."
"SHIT!! HEHEHEHE!! FUCK!! HAHAHAHAHA!!" Emily started shrieking, which was like music to my ears as far as I was concerned. "PLEASE ERICK!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEASE STACY!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! IT'S TOO MUCH!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! IT'S TOO MUCH!!!"
Stacy grinned down at her best friend, apparently enjoying her begging too. She was giggling a bit too; Emily's laughter was pretty infectious. "Didn't you say something about her thigh?" She asked me.
"Oh, that's right!" I gave Stacy a wicked smirk as we switched places with one another.
"NO ERICK!!! NOOOO!!!" Emily squealed at me as I pried her knees open. My hand went right to that little sweet spot and she went absolutely insane!! All the writhing and wriggling and squirming she had done up to this point was no comparison to this moment. This was the definitive, most sensitive, ticklish location on her delightful little body!
"AAAAAAAAAAAH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" She screamed and laughed at the same time, every muscle in her body going tense all at once. In her panicked state, she could only focus on trying to move away from me, but there was no escaping from this tickle torture, as the bonds once again did their job. In fact, all she was doing was making it easier for me to tickle her tender thighs, as not one part of her body seemed to be able to hold still, and that meant she couldn't get her legs back closed either.
"Oh my god!!" Stacy reacted in shock, watching as Emily flailed about in torturous ecstasy. Then she seemed to be overcome with glee. "That is THE most wonderful reaction to tickling I've ever seen!!! Hahahaha!!!!" She had to shout over Em's laughter and yells for us to be able to hear.
Bryan was still down at Em's feet, watching with delight. Emily's breasts were bouncing everywhere, and her legs were practically splayed wide open. Even her butt was jiggling some, as it came up and down on the couch cushions. I could see that her peach was now dripping quite a bit too, ever so deliciously I might add, which would be highly noticeable from the angle Bryan was viewing her at. Wow, do I have the sexiest, most ticklish and wonderful girlfriend in the whole wide world!!!!
Both Bryan and Stacy had paused their tickling to watch me attack Emily's cute thighs, but now they wanted back in the action. Bryan resumed tickling Em's tender soles, abandoning the feather duster this time, to use his fingernails instead. And Stacy went for her armpits, wiggling her fingers in pure elation. The tickling feeling was so intense for Emily now, that she started gasping for any bit of air she could get.
"Ple-hhhhhhhhhh!!! Ple-hhhhhhhhhh!!!" She tried gulping down breaths, trying to make us listen. "Can't…. Hahahahaha!! Can't…. Hahahaha!! Breathe!!! Hahahaha…!"
"I think it's time we give Emily another quick break guys," I said, stopping the tickle torture. "And I think it's time for a change in venue as well. It's about time we all move to Emily's bedroom anyway."
Stacy and Bryan both seemed very interested in my plans for my girlfriend, and so this time they weren't disappointed that I was putting a pause on the fun. They both moved out of the way to allow me to undo the Em's ankle bindings.
Emily had finally caught enough breath to be able to speak. "What are we… gonna do… in my bedroom?" She asked me a little nervously, as I came up to stand near her head.
"We're gonna play a little game." This time I didn't undo the ropes from around her wrists. Instead I bent down to untie them from around the couch legs. "I know how you love your little games and bets."
"What game?" She asked. I had her get up for me, holding the ropes still tied around her wrists like a leash.
"You'll see." She shivered at my smile. "Bryan, would you get the ropes tied to the couch there? We're going to need them. Stacy, you bring the bag with the toys." Still using Emily's new leash, I pulled her along, and up the stairs to her room.
By the time Stacy and Bryan had arrived, I already had Emily up on the bed and her hands secured to her headboard. I took the other bits of nylon rope from Bryan and began to secure her feet as well. Emily let me do the first one without much fuss, but she got a little anxious as she realized the position I was planning to tie her in. “Come on, Em. Give me your other foot.” She had pulled her free leg up, so that her knee was bent in half, up in the air.
Em stared at me with wide eyes, but then slowly she brought her leg down flat, and let me secure the other one as well. Now Emily’s delicious little body was on full display to us all, including her sweet little pussy. I had basically tied her in an ‘X’ shape, with her arms pulled up and away from her body above her head, and her legs spread wide open.
I could see Emily blushing deeply as her eyes flicked between each of us. She could see the three of us looking her over very intently and closely, specifically between her legs, and there was nothing she could do about any of it. Her little pussy lips were even spread open just slightly, and there was no mistaking the moisture that was escaping from in between, and slowly rolling down her thigh and her butt to be absorbed by the bed spread.
“What are you going to do with me?” She asked, with a bit of unease in her voice. She seemed really nervous as she watched me get my bag of tricks from Stacy.
“We’re going to play another game, honey. Only this one you’ll have a really good chance of winning.” I started to explain to her. “This all began with a game of Trivial Pursuit, so I think it’s only fitting it should end that way as well. This time you won't be playing against me. No, there will be other stakes on the line.”
“What kind of stakes?” Stacy asked, getting that mischievous look in her eye again.
“I’m glad you asked, Stacy. Emily is going to get one minute to answer a trivia question. If she doesn’t give an answer in that time, or if she gets the answer wrong, we’re going to tickle the shit out of her for the next minute.”
“OH GOD!!!” Emily wailed.
“Don’t worry, honey. You’re really good at Trivial Pursuit, remember? I mean that is what you told me yesterday. Oh, but then, you did lose that game to me last night. Maybe you really aren’t as good as you thought you were?” She just squirmed a little as I grinned down at her. “Now I should probably explain what you get if you are right. There’s no denying the fact that you are totally turned on right now, Emily, and I think that means that deep down inside you’ve really enjoyed everything that’s happened to you today.”
Emily got a deep red blush on her cheeks and started shaking her head back and forth, trying her best to deny it.
“Well, you don’t have to say anything, honey, but we can all see the proof right there.” I pointed between her legs. She just stared up at me, getting a very bashful and pouty look on her face. “If you do get the question right, one of us is going to pleasure your body for you for three whole minutes. Doesn’t that sound nice, sweetie? I know you’re probably dying to cum. I’m sure Bryan and Stacy would love to watch you cum as well.”
“Oh yes!” Stacy said, excitedly.
“See. But I will be fair to you. Whether you get the question right or wrong, I’ll let you decide who it is that will be touching your body, and just where you want them touching your body as well. The only thing we get to decide is which toys we are going to be using as we touch you.”
“Ok…” She said, giving a slight sigh of relief.
“One more thing, whether you are right or wrong, you can’t pick the same person twice in a row. If Stacy just went, you need to pick Bryan or me. Oh, and you have to pick each of us at least twice during the game. So choose wisely.
You also can't choose the same part of your body twice either, until we’ve been through them all. You also have to choose a part of yourself that I know will have a strong effect on you, whether that be for tickling or pleasure. The game will continue until you orgasm, or until 3 pm, whichever comes first. So are you ready to play the game, Em?"
"Well… Uhhhh….?"
"If you'd rather we just go back to pure tickling, we can do that too. I can finally show our friends just how ticklish you are on your inner thigh."
"No, no! I'll play the game!" Emily said, quickly, with a bit of a panic.
"Great! Let me get your first question for you." I pulled out my phone and opened a trivia app game I had downloaded earlier. "Question one. What prickly animal has needle-like spines all over its body?”
“Uh, porcupine?” Em answered.
“Good! Correct! Now tell us who you would like to reward you, and how.”
“I don’t know… Uhhh…” She got this really cute, timid look on her face.
“Come on, Em, it’s your choice.”
“I guess, uh, maybe you can massage my chest for me?” Now she was really bashful and blushing.
“Start a timer for me, Bryan. Three minutes.” I said, then I took Em’s pretty little pair into my hands. She just tried to maintain her stoicism at first, I could tell she was a bit embarrassed to be touched in this way in front of our friends. By the end she had started to make a few little purring noises for me, and I could see she had a bit of disappointment when the timer went off.
“Question two.” I said, pulling my phone back out. “Which state in the United States used to be considered its own country?”
“Texas. It’s Texas!” She answered quickly.
“Correct!” I smiled down at her. Now she would have a tough decision to make. “Who do you choose to reward you next?”
Emily got a bit of a wide-eyed look, realizing she couldn’t pick me again. Now one of our friends would be touching her body, and in a way that was meant to be pleasurable to her as well. “Stacy…” She finally said, as her breathing was getting pretty heavy.
“Where do you want me to touch you? Hmmm, Emily?” This had to be the most wicked grin I’d seen on Stacy’s face ever.
“Can my nipples count separately from my boobs?” Em asked me.
“Sure. Every little bit of you can count separately. I’ll be the judge of whether it is an interesting enough spot to tickle or touch you.”
Stacy went for the bag of toys, and then skipped over to the side of the bed. “Start the timer.” She said, and then we all found out what device she had picked to tease Emily with. The electric toothbrush.
She started circling Em’s right areola with the buzzing handle, and that made Em let out a strong gasp. “Ohhh!” Em’s nipples were already pretty hard, but the vibrations made it stand up just that much more. “Mmmmmm…. Oh my god… That feels…” Just like that time was up, and Stacy pulled the little vibrating handle away from her nipple. “Uhmmmm…” Emily let out a tiny whine.
“Next question!” I called. “Which movie is the snowman Olaf from?”
“Uhhh…? Ummm…?” I could see her furrowing her brow, trying to think very hard. “I know this one! Come on! Come on!”
Beep! “Sorry, your time is up!” I told her. “The correct answer was Frozen.”
“Ugh! I knew that one!” She complained.
“That’s too bad, Em. The questions are only going to get harder from here on out. Now you have to pick Bryan for this next part, as he has not had a turn yet, and you know he will be tickling you, since you got the question wrong, but where, oh where, would you like him to tickle your body?”
“Ummm… Uh… My neck?” She tried to be clever.
“Sorry, Em. That’s not allowed. I know you’re not ticklish there. If you don’t pick one of your ticklish spots, I’ll be picking one for you. One more chance.”
“Under my arms then.” She said in a small voice. She watched Bryan get into position while I pulled up a timer of my own. “Please, Bryan, don’t try to take advantage of the situation.”
“Me? I’ve hardly touched you so far. I’ll stick strictly to your armpits. But I hope you don’t mind if I enjoy watching any jiggling you do.” He grinned.
“60 seconds, and go!” I said.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Shit!!! HEHEHEHEHE!! FUCK!!” This tickling wasn’t as intense for her as before, but it still had her squirming around nicely. And her tits were shaking quite a bit, just like Bryan had predicted.
The minute was up, and it was on to another question. “What fast food company's slogan is Eat Fresh?”
“Subway!” She answered without even a beat to think.
“Good! Remember, you can end the game and get dressed as soon as you orgasm.” I explained to her. “Keep that in mind for where you’d like to be touched next.”
Now she got super modest, but managed to ask me, “Will you touch my lips down there?” Again, she gave me those adorable baby blue eyes. How was I ever going to say no to her?
“Any time, honey.” I wanted for there to be a real chance for her to win, so I got the toy Stacy had laughed about earlier from my bag.
“Go!” Bryan said, starting the timer.
Emily gave me a big, content gasp, as she felt the vibrations down below. I had bought a vibrator just for her, and I was currently running it up and down, and all around the outer lips of her sex. “MMMMMM!!! YES!!! OHHHHHH!!! KEEP GOING!!!” Emily started calling. “FUCK, THAT”S SO GOOOOD!!! YES!!! KEEP GOING ERICK!!! DON’T STOP!!! AHHHHHH!!!” She was just starting to push her hips a bit more into the vibrating wand when the timer went off. I quickly pulled it away. “FUCK!!!! NOOOO!!!! KEEP GOING!!!! PLEASE!!!!” She begged.
“Sorry, honey. Next question.” I stayed seated on the bed between her legs as I casually pulled out my phone again.
“Nooo!!! Come on!!!? Pleeeeeeease!!!?” She was still begging. It was pretty cute.
“The actor, Dwayne Johnson, was once a professional wrestler. Under what ring name did he make his WWF debut?”
“The Rock! The Rock!” I could tell she felt like she was absolutely certain.
I knew this was going to be a tricky one for her. “No, I’m sorry. That’s wrong. The correct answer is Rocky Maivia.”
“What!!? Let me see that!!!” She complained, so I held my phone out for her to verify. “FUUCCKK!!!” She just shouted.
“Who’s it going to be that gets to tickle your sexy little body this time, honey?” I asked.
“Uhhh… Hmmmm…?” I could see the gears in her head were really turning this time. “Bryan.”
She was starting to understand the rules of the game a bit more. “And where would you like Bryan to tickle you this time?”
“My, uh, feet, I guess…” She said with a deep sigh.
Bryan stepped forward. “Thanks for picking me again, Em! I’ll make sure to make this worth your while!” This time he went back to his tried-and-true method, the feather duster. Only he plucked one feather out, and turned it around to use the stem on her sole instead.
“HOLY FUCK!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Damn that one really got her! “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! COME ON!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! IT’S GOTTA BE ONE MINUTE ALREADY!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” I need to remember this one for next time!
“Ok, one minute!” I called, and Bryan backed off. “Ready for your next question?”
Emily was still heavily panting, and just nodded her head.
“Ok, honey. What does “WWW” stand for in a website browser?”
“Oh, uh… I know this one…” Did I mention how cute she looks every time she furrows her brow? “Is it, world wide web?”
“Survey says… You are correct!!”
“Whew!!!” Emily shouted, shaking her bound fists in celebration. “My, uh, nipples were never touched last time…” She started to explain. “Just my areolas. Do you think you could touch my nipples for real this time, Stacy?”
I think everyone’s jaws hit the floor to hear that one, Stacy included. “Erick?” She asked.
“I’ll allow it.” I answered.
Stacy hopped over, and sat down on the bed next to Emily’s side. “Ok, Em, now you’re going to learn what a real nipple massage feels like!” She held out her index fingers, and started slowly stroking Emily’s hard, sensitive pink nipples. It might have been the hottest thing I had ever witnessed in my life! I’m sure Bryan agreed.
“Mmmmmmm!!! Oh yeah!! Oh, that’s so nice!!!” Emily was purring out loud in no time. “Oh my gosh!! Stacy, how’d you get so good at this!?!”
“I’ve had plenty of practice, with myself.” Stacy just beamed.
I think every single one of us was disappointed when the timer went off this time. Emily let out an annoyed groan, “URGH!!”
“Question time! I know you got this one, honey!” I said, trying to lift her spirits. “How many colors are there in the rainbow?”
I could see her counting with her fingers, muttering to herself. “1, 2, 3, 4… Seven! It’s seven!”
“You are correct!!” I gave a little cheer. I think we were all genuinely happy.
Emily just looked at me with those adorable blue eyes. “Please, honey, I really need that vibrator on my clit now…” Damn, the eyes again…
“Of course…” I said, taking up my position.
“MMMM!!! YEAH!!! OH GOD!! YEAH!!!” Emily was writhing around, but this time it was in pure pleasure. “OOOOOWW!! KEEP GOING!!! SO GOOD!!!” Now her hips were really rocking. “OHHHHHHH!!! OHHHH YES!!! FUCK!!! OH THAT’S IT!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! THAT’S IT!!! YES!!! RIGHT THERE!!!! RIGHT THERE!!!! PLEASE!!!! DON’T STOP!!! DON’T YOU DARE MOVE!!!! DON’T YOU DARE!!!” She shouted at me.
“Um, Erick?” Stacy tapped me on the shoulder. “It’s 3:01 pm…” I guess we had lost track of the time.
“Huh?” I turned to look at her, pulling away the vibrator from Emily.
“NO!!!! GOD DAMMIT!!!! PUT IT BACK!!! PUT IT BACK!!! PUT IT BACK!!!” Emily demanded.
“I’m sorry, honey, but the game is over.” She didn’t seem to be taking that too well. She started wrenching her arms upwards, trying anything to break her bonds. “I’ll come see you guys out. Be back in a minute, honey. Don’t go anywhere!”
“Get back here, Erick!!! Dammit!!! I said, get back here!!!” Emily yelled as I escorted Bryan and Stacy to the door.
“She seems really mad.” Stacy said, sounding a little worried, but then she gave a little giggle too. That might have just been nervousness though.
“Don’t worry. I’ll handle her.” I explained, as they headed out the door.
Once I got back to her room, Emily seemed pissed. Really pissed. “Erick, I swear to god I’m going to kill you!! You hear me!!! As soon as these ropes… What the hell are you doing!?”
I had started kissing my way up her leg. “Well, honey, there’s still a few hours before your parents get back.”
“You can’t be serious…” She scoffed, but I had just reached her upper inner thigh. Now it is going to get really good! “FUCK!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ERICK!!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEE!!!! FUCK ME!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!”
I started licking and sucking and teasing all the soft supple skin down there. “Too bad Stacy and Bryan missed it this time, huh? Well, maybe next time!” and I dove my mouth right back in.
I kept the tickling sensation going with my tongue as long as it took for her to start running out of breath, and then when she was least expecting it, I moved my tongue over to her clit, driving her mad! “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKK!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” She just howled!!
I just kept lapping and sucking and flicking my tongue over and over on her sensitive little clit, until she couldn’t take it anymore. “NO MORE!!!! HAAAAAAAAA!!!! NO MORE!!!! PLEASE!!!!”
I finally stopped, and Emily was taking deep gulping breaths as she stared down at me with wide eyes. I could see her chest heaving up and down as I looked back up at her from between her legs. We just stared at each other for minutes. “Erick…?” She finally caught enough air to say my name.
“Yes, Emily?”
“You said we are doing this again next weekend, right?” I could only smile big at her.
"ERIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!!” she pleaded, as Stacy and I continued to stroke the tender soles of her little feet. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEASE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEASE!!!"
"You want Stacy and me to stop tickling your feet?" I asked her.
"But you look like you're having so much fun. Why would you want us to stop if you’re having so much fun?”
“Are you sure?"
“Honey, I really want to know. Are you really, really sure?”
“I just want to be clear. You really want Stacy and me to stop tickling your cute little feet?”
"Alright Em. I think I understand. Hey Bryan, will you come take over tickling Em's feet for Stacy and me? We're going to start tickling other parts of her body for her."
"NO!!! HAHAHA!! NO, ERICK!!! FUCK!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!" She began to bounce around crazily on the couch, mostly with her hips, as her arms and legs were still secure. She was pulling at all her bindings like I'd never seen her do before. Still, she wasn’t going anywhere.
"Sure! Happy to help!" Bryan said, grabbing the feather duster with a big grin.
"You see, Stacy, the real important thing to realize is the attention to detail you need when tickling Emily's perfect pretty body. For example, her feet are so sensitive, it takes hardly any touch at all to make her wild, as you already know."
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!" Bryan was going to town with the duster on her soles now.
"Yes I see." Stacy smiled.
"Other parts of her body need a different kind of touch, however. Take her sides and tummy. You will want to let your fingers dance all over her soft skin there, but you need to use just a bit more pressure in those areas to really get her laughing."
"Like this?"
"Exactly! Now here, under her arms is a completely different matter entirely. You just want to wiggle your fingers in one spot over and over like this."
"SHIT!! HEHEHEHE!! FUCK!! HAHAHAHAHA!!" Emily started shrieking, which was like music to my ears as far as I was concerned. "PLEASE ERICK!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEASE STACY!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! IT'S TOO MUCH!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! IT'S TOO MUCH!!!"
Stacy grinned down at her best friend, apparently enjoying her begging too. She was giggling a bit too; Emily's laughter was pretty infectious. "Didn't you say something about her thigh?" She asked me.
"Oh, that's right!" I gave Stacy a wicked smirk as we switched places with one another.
"NO ERICK!!! NOOOO!!!" Emily squealed at me as I pried her knees open. My hand went right to that little sweet spot and she went absolutely insane!! All the writhing and wriggling and squirming she had done up to this point was no comparison to this moment. This was the definitive, most sensitive, ticklish location on her delightful little body!
"AAAAAAAAAAAH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" She screamed and laughed at the same time, every muscle in her body going tense all at once. In her panicked state, she could only focus on trying to move away from me, but there was no escaping from this tickle torture, as the bonds once again did their job. In fact, all she was doing was making it easier for me to tickle her tender thighs, as not one part of her body seemed to be able to hold still, and that meant she couldn't get her legs back closed either.
"Oh my god!!" Stacy reacted in shock, watching as Emily flailed about in torturous ecstasy. Then she seemed to be overcome with glee. "That is THE most wonderful reaction to tickling I've ever seen!!! Hahahaha!!!!" She had to shout over Em's laughter and yells for us to be able to hear.
Bryan was still down at Em's feet, watching with delight. Emily's breasts were bouncing everywhere, and her legs were practically splayed wide open. Even her butt was jiggling some, as it came up and down on the couch cushions. I could see that her peach was now dripping quite a bit too, ever so deliciously I might add, which would be highly noticeable from the angle Bryan was viewing her at. Wow, do I have the sexiest, most ticklish and wonderful girlfriend in the whole wide world!!!!
Both Bryan and Stacy had paused their tickling to watch me attack Emily's cute thighs, but now they wanted back in the action. Bryan resumed tickling Em's tender soles, abandoning the feather duster this time, to use his fingernails instead. And Stacy went for her armpits, wiggling her fingers in pure elation. The tickling feeling was so intense for Emily now, that she started gasping for any bit of air she could get.
"Ple-hhhhhhhhhh!!! Ple-hhhhhhhhhh!!!" She tried gulping down breaths, trying to make us listen. "Can't…. Hahahahaha!! Can't…. Hahahaha!! Breathe!!! Hahahaha…!"
"I think it's time we give Emily another quick break guys," I said, stopping the tickle torture. "And I think it's time for a change in venue as well. It's about time we all move to Emily's bedroom anyway."
Stacy and Bryan both seemed very interested in my plans for my girlfriend, and so this time they weren't disappointed that I was putting a pause on the fun. They both moved out of the way to allow me to undo the Em's ankle bindings.
Emily had finally caught enough breath to be able to speak. "What are we… gonna do… in my bedroom?" She asked me a little nervously, as I came up to stand near her head.
"We're gonna play a little game." This time I didn't undo the ropes from around her wrists. Instead I bent down to untie them from around the couch legs. "I know how you love your little games and bets."
"What game?" She asked. I had her get up for me, holding the ropes still tied around her wrists like a leash.
"You'll see." She shivered at my smile. "Bryan, would you get the ropes tied to the couch there? We're going to need them. Stacy, you bring the bag with the toys." Still using Emily's new leash, I pulled her along, and up the stairs to her room.
By the time Stacy and Bryan had arrived, I already had Emily up on the bed and her hands secured to her headboard. I took the other bits of nylon rope from Bryan and began to secure her feet as well. Emily let me do the first one without much fuss, but she got a little anxious as she realized the position I was planning to tie her in. “Come on, Em. Give me your other foot.” She had pulled her free leg up, so that her knee was bent in half, up in the air.
Em stared at me with wide eyes, but then slowly she brought her leg down flat, and let me secure the other one as well. Now Emily’s delicious little body was on full display to us all, including her sweet little pussy. I had basically tied her in an ‘X’ shape, with her arms pulled up and away from her body above her head, and her legs spread wide open.
I could see Emily blushing deeply as her eyes flicked between each of us. She could see the three of us looking her over very intently and closely, specifically between her legs, and there was nothing she could do about any of it. Her little pussy lips were even spread open just slightly, and there was no mistaking the moisture that was escaping from in between, and slowly rolling down her thigh and her butt to be absorbed by the bed spread.
“What are you going to do with me?” She asked, with a bit of unease in her voice. She seemed really nervous as she watched me get my bag of tricks from Stacy.
“We’re going to play another game, honey. Only this one you’ll have a really good chance of winning.” I started to explain to her. “This all began with a game of Trivial Pursuit, so I think it’s only fitting it should end that way as well. This time you won't be playing against me. No, there will be other stakes on the line.”
“What kind of stakes?” Stacy asked, getting that mischievous look in her eye again.
“I’m glad you asked, Stacy. Emily is going to get one minute to answer a trivia question. If she doesn’t give an answer in that time, or if she gets the answer wrong, we’re going to tickle the shit out of her for the next minute.”
“OH GOD!!!” Emily wailed.
“Don’t worry, honey. You’re really good at Trivial Pursuit, remember? I mean that is what you told me yesterday. Oh, but then, you did lose that game to me last night. Maybe you really aren’t as good as you thought you were?” She just squirmed a little as I grinned down at her. “Now I should probably explain what you get if you are right. There’s no denying the fact that you are totally turned on right now, Emily, and I think that means that deep down inside you’ve really enjoyed everything that’s happened to you today.”
Emily got a deep red blush on her cheeks and started shaking her head back and forth, trying her best to deny it.
“Well, you don’t have to say anything, honey, but we can all see the proof right there.” I pointed between her legs. She just stared up at me, getting a very bashful and pouty look on her face. “If you do get the question right, one of us is going to pleasure your body for you for three whole minutes. Doesn’t that sound nice, sweetie? I know you’re probably dying to cum. I’m sure Bryan and Stacy would love to watch you cum as well.”
“Oh yes!” Stacy said, excitedly.
“See. But I will be fair to you. Whether you get the question right or wrong, I’ll let you decide who it is that will be touching your body, and just where you want them touching your body as well. The only thing we get to decide is which toys we are going to be using as we touch you.”
“Ok…” She said, giving a slight sigh of relief.
“One more thing, whether you are right or wrong, you can’t pick the same person twice in a row. If Stacy just went, you need to pick Bryan or me. Oh, and you have to pick each of us at least twice during the game. So choose wisely.
You also can't choose the same part of your body twice either, until we’ve been through them all. You also have to choose a part of yourself that I know will have a strong effect on you, whether that be for tickling or pleasure. The game will continue until you orgasm, or until 3 pm, whichever comes first. So are you ready to play the game, Em?"
"Well… Uhhhh….?"
"If you'd rather we just go back to pure tickling, we can do that too. I can finally show our friends just how ticklish you are on your inner thigh."
"No, no! I'll play the game!" Emily said, quickly, with a bit of a panic.
"Great! Let me get your first question for you." I pulled out my phone and opened a trivia app game I had downloaded earlier. "Question one. What prickly animal has needle-like spines all over its body?”
“Uh, porcupine?” Em answered.
“Good! Correct! Now tell us who you would like to reward you, and how.”
“I don’t know… Uhhh…” She got this really cute, timid look on her face.
“Come on, Em, it’s your choice.”
“I guess, uh, maybe you can massage my chest for me?” Now she was really bashful and blushing.
“Start a timer for me, Bryan. Three minutes.” I said, then I took Em’s pretty little pair into my hands. She just tried to maintain her stoicism at first, I could tell she was a bit embarrassed to be touched in this way in front of our friends. By the end she had started to make a few little purring noises for me, and I could see she had a bit of disappointment when the timer went off.
“Question two.” I said, pulling my phone back out. “Which state in the United States used to be considered its own country?”
“Texas. It’s Texas!” She answered quickly.
“Correct!” I smiled down at her. Now she would have a tough decision to make. “Who do you choose to reward you next?”
Emily got a bit of a wide-eyed look, realizing she couldn’t pick me again. Now one of our friends would be touching her body, and in a way that was meant to be pleasurable to her as well. “Stacy…” She finally said, as her breathing was getting pretty heavy.
“Where do you want me to touch you? Hmmm, Emily?” This had to be the most wicked grin I’d seen on Stacy’s face ever.
“Can my nipples count separately from my boobs?” Em asked me.
“Sure. Every little bit of you can count separately. I’ll be the judge of whether it is an interesting enough spot to tickle or touch you.”
Stacy went for the bag of toys, and then skipped over to the side of the bed. “Start the timer.” She said, and then we all found out what device she had picked to tease Emily with. The electric toothbrush.
She started circling Em’s right areola with the buzzing handle, and that made Em let out a strong gasp. “Ohhh!” Em’s nipples were already pretty hard, but the vibrations made it stand up just that much more. “Mmmmmm…. Oh my god… That feels…” Just like that time was up, and Stacy pulled the little vibrating handle away from her nipple. “Uhmmmm…” Emily let out a tiny whine.
“Next question!” I called. “Which movie is the snowman Olaf from?”
“Uhhh…? Ummm…?” I could see her furrowing her brow, trying to think very hard. “I know this one! Come on! Come on!”
Beep! “Sorry, your time is up!” I told her. “The correct answer was Frozen.”
“Ugh! I knew that one!” She complained.
“That’s too bad, Em. The questions are only going to get harder from here on out. Now you have to pick Bryan for this next part, as he has not had a turn yet, and you know he will be tickling you, since you got the question wrong, but where, oh where, would you like him to tickle your body?”
“Ummm… Uh… My neck?” She tried to be clever.
“Sorry, Em. That’s not allowed. I know you’re not ticklish there. If you don’t pick one of your ticklish spots, I’ll be picking one for you. One more chance.”
“Under my arms then.” She said in a small voice. She watched Bryan get into position while I pulled up a timer of my own. “Please, Bryan, don’t try to take advantage of the situation.”
“Me? I’ve hardly touched you so far. I’ll stick strictly to your armpits. But I hope you don’t mind if I enjoy watching any jiggling you do.” He grinned.
“60 seconds, and go!” I said.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Shit!!! HEHEHEHEHE!! FUCK!!” This tickling wasn’t as intense for her as before, but it still had her squirming around nicely. And her tits were shaking quite a bit, just like Bryan had predicted.
The minute was up, and it was on to another question. “What fast food company's slogan is Eat Fresh?”
“Subway!” She answered without even a beat to think.
“Good! Remember, you can end the game and get dressed as soon as you orgasm.” I explained to her. “Keep that in mind for where you’d like to be touched next.”
Now she got super modest, but managed to ask me, “Will you touch my lips down there?” Again, she gave me those adorable baby blue eyes. How was I ever going to say no to her?
“Any time, honey.” I wanted for there to be a real chance for her to win, so I got the toy Stacy had laughed about earlier from my bag.
“Go!” Bryan said, starting the timer.
Emily gave me a big, content gasp, as she felt the vibrations down below. I had bought a vibrator just for her, and I was currently running it up and down, and all around the outer lips of her sex. “MMMMMM!!! YES!!! OHHHHHH!!! KEEP GOING!!!” Emily started calling. “FUCK, THAT”S SO GOOOOD!!! YES!!! KEEP GOING ERICK!!! DON’T STOP!!! AHHHHHH!!!” She was just starting to push her hips a bit more into the vibrating wand when the timer went off. I quickly pulled it away. “FUCK!!!! NOOOO!!!! KEEP GOING!!!! PLEASE!!!!” She begged.
“Sorry, honey. Next question.” I stayed seated on the bed between her legs as I casually pulled out my phone again.
“Nooo!!! Come on!!!? Pleeeeeeease!!!?” She was still begging. It was pretty cute.
“The actor, Dwayne Johnson, was once a professional wrestler. Under what ring name did he make his WWF debut?”
“The Rock! The Rock!” I could tell she felt like she was absolutely certain.
I knew this was going to be a tricky one for her. “No, I’m sorry. That’s wrong. The correct answer is Rocky Maivia.”
“What!!? Let me see that!!!” She complained, so I held my phone out for her to verify. “FUUCCKK!!!” She just shouted.
“Who’s it going to be that gets to tickle your sexy little body this time, honey?” I asked.
“Uhhh… Hmmmm…?” I could see the gears in her head were really turning this time. “Bryan.”
She was starting to understand the rules of the game a bit more. “And where would you like Bryan to tickle you this time?”
“My, uh, feet, I guess…” She said with a deep sigh.
Bryan stepped forward. “Thanks for picking me again, Em! I’ll make sure to make this worth your while!” This time he went back to his tried-and-true method, the feather duster. Only he plucked one feather out, and turned it around to use the stem on her sole instead.
“HOLY FUCK!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Damn that one really got her! “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! COME ON!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! IT’S GOTTA BE ONE MINUTE ALREADY!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” I need to remember this one for next time!
“Ok, one minute!” I called, and Bryan backed off. “Ready for your next question?”
Emily was still heavily panting, and just nodded her head.
“Ok, honey. What does “WWW” stand for in a website browser?”
“Oh, uh… I know this one…” Did I mention how cute she looks every time she furrows her brow? “Is it, world wide web?”
“Survey says… You are correct!!”
“Whew!!!” Emily shouted, shaking her bound fists in celebration. “My, uh, nipples were never touched last time…” She started to explain. “Just my areolas. Do you think you could touch my nipples for real this time, Stacy?”
I think everyone’s jaws hit the floor to hear that one, Stacy included. “Erick?” She asked.
“I’ll allow it.” I answered.
Stacy hopped over, and sat down on the bed next to Emily’s side. “Ok, Em, now you’re going to learn what a real nipple massage feels like!” She held out her index fingers, and started slowly stroking Emily’s hard, sensitive pink nipples. It might have been the hottest thing I had ever witnessed in my life! I’m sure Bryan agreed.
“Mmmmmmm!!! Oh yeah!! Oh, that’s so nice!!!” Emily was purring out loud in no time. “Oh my gosh!! Stacy, how’d you get so good at this!?!”
“I’ve had plenty of practice, with myself.” Stacy just beamed.
I think every single one of us was disappointed when the timer went off this time. Emily let out an annoyed groan, “URGH!!”
“Question time! I know you got this one, honey!” I said, trying to lift her spirits. “How many colors are there in the rainbow?”
I could see her counting with her fingers, muttering to herself. “1, 2, 3, 4… Seven! It’s seven!”
“You are correct!!” I gave a little cheer. I think we were all genuinely happy.
Emily just looked at me with those adorable blue eyes. “Please, honey, I really need that vibrator on my clit now…” Damn, the eyes again…
“Of course…” I said, taking up my position.
“MMMM!!! YEAH!!! OH GOD!! YEAH!!!” Emily was writhing around, but this time it was in pure pleasure. “OOOOOWW!! KEEP GOING!!! SO GOOD!!!” Now her hips were really rocking. “OHHHHHHH!!! OHHHH YES!!! FUCK!!! OH THAT’S IT!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! THAT’S IT!!! YES!!! RIGHT THERE!!!! RIGHT THERE!!!! PLEASE!!!! DON’T STOP!!! DON’T YOU DARE MOVE!!!! DON’T YOU DARE!!!” She shouted at me.
“Um, Erick?” Stacy tapped me on the shoulder. “It’s 3:01 pm…” I guess we had lost track of the time.
“Huh?” I turned to look at her, pulling away the vibrator from Emily.
“NO!!!! GOD DAMMIT!!!! PUT IT BACK!!! PUT IT BACK!!! PUT IT BACK!!!” Emily demanded.
“I’m sorry, honey, but the game is over.” She didn’t seem to be taking that too well. She started wrenching her arms upwards, trying anything to break her bonds. “I’ll come see you guys out. Be back in a minute, honey. Don’t go anywhere!”
“Get back here, Erick!!! Dammit!!! I said, get back here!!!” Emily yelled as I escorted Bryan and Stacy to the door.
“She seems really mad.” Stacy said, sounding a little worried, but then she gave a little giggle too. That might have just been nervousness though.
“Don’t worry. I’ll handle her.” I explained, as they headed out the door.
Once I got back to her room, Emily seemed pissed. Really pissed. “Erick, I swear to god I’m going to kill you!! You hear me!!! As soon as these ropes… What the hell are you doing!?”
I had started kissing my way up her leg. “Well, honey, there’s still a few hours before your parents get back.”
“You can’t be serious…” She scoffed, but I had just reached her upper inner thigh. Now it is going to get really good! “FUCK!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ERICK!!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEE!!!! FUCK ME!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!”
I started licking and sucking and teasing all the soft supple skin down there. “Too bad Stacy and Bryan missed it this time, huh? Well, maybe next time!” and I dove my mouth right back in.
I kept the tickling sensation going with my tongue as long as it took for her to start running out of breath, and then when she was least expecting it, I moved my tongue over to her clit, driving her mad! “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKK!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” She just howled!!
I just kept lapping and sucking and flicking my tongue over and over on her sensitive little clit, until she couldn’t take it anymore. “NO MORE!!!! HAAAAAAAAA!!!! NO MORE!!!! PLEASE!!!!”
I finally stopped, and Emily was taking deep gulping breaths as she stared down at me with wide eyes. I could see her chest heaving up and down as I looked back up at her from between her legs. We just stared at each other for minutes. “Erick…?” She finally caught enough air to say my name.
“Yes, Emily?”
“You said we are doing this again next weekend, right?” I could only smile big at her.
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