The Ripple Effect (Act III, the Grand Finale, almost complete)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Act II, Scene 2

Post by mastergepetto »

Maria Suarez sat in the back of a television van, drafting a recap of today’s campaign announcement. Maria was a well-known reporter at Denver’s most watched local news station. She had been assigned to cover Lauren Steele, the DA for Denver County, as she announced her candidacy for U.S. Congress at a big luncheon at Springhurst.

At just 32 years old, Lauren Steele was a prodigy in Denver politics. She was the granddaughter of a former governor of Colorado and her great-grandfather was a longtime Senator from the Centennial State. She was elected as Denver’s District Attorney at 30 years old, and in two years, she had successfully prosecuted several major cases that made national news. She had even been featured in Time Magazine for her work prosecuting several sex trafficking rings and getting tough sentences for sexual offenders. As a rising star in the women’s movement, she had been the keynote speaker at several national Women in Leadership conferences.

Maria Suarez had covered the DA numerous times and admired her work; however, Maria was not fond of how Lauren often used the press for her own office’s gain. It was one thing to be tough on crime, but Maria thought the young District Attorney strutted her victories in the press a little too candidly while refusing to take questions if things did not go her way.

Maria gleefully finished her remarks that she had prepared for the live report. Things had not exactly gone Lauren’s way today. The luncheon was a success--the speech by Lauren’s retired predecessor really highlighted Lauren’s success as District Attorney, and the remarks by a US Senator familiar with the Steele family highlighted Lauren’s future ability in Congress. Furthermore, Lauren’s own speech was fantastic, and the throngs of press and donors ate it up.

However, that was not what people were talking about. While the District Attorney turned Congressional candidate sat on stage, listening to the introductions by the Senator and previous DA, she had forgotten to close her legs properly.

Her campaign staff, eager to gain traction for the event online, had placed several iPads at the front center of the stage, broadcasting the entire event live over Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and several other websites including her new campaign website. For the duration of the fifteen-minute introduction, Lauren sat under the bright lights of the stage in a tight blue dress with her legs uncrossed, giving the live feed an unobstructed, well-lit view of her bright pink panties. On the crotch of the pink panties, in bold black letters, read the word “BRAT.” Due to the angle of the camera, her legs and crotch were some of the most prominent features on the screen.

The candidate, oblivious to the show, sat with her hands in her lap, causing her dress to ride up more in front. The campaign staff, unable to react or kill the feed, sat in horror as thousands of comments poured in across the live feed, mostly commenting about her naughty panties. One commenter even found the sales website for the pink “brat” panties and posted the link for viewers to buy the same pair. The website was a popular fetish website that specialized in toys and other BSDM outfits, including slave harnesses and ball gags. The viewers speculated what else the District Attorney had purchased from the website. The consensus was that she probably bought the panties in the brat section of the website along with several school-girl outfits and spanking paddles.

Many more commentators mentioned the irony of the female District Attorney making a name for herself by successfully prosecuting several men for taking upskirt photos while giving the whole world an unobstructed view up her own skirt. As part of the anti-upskirting campaign, the city had put up hundreds of warnings across town—in malls, on the subway, at bus stops, and in city schools—with the caption “Taking Photographs or Videos Up a Woman’s Skirt is a Crime and Will Be Prosecuted.” Above the caption was an image of a woman from the waist down wearing a short green tartan skirt and white panties with a camera pointed directly up the skirt. Across the image was a red line, indicating the behavior would not be tolerated. Several viewers observed in the comments that the small birthmark on the candidate’s inner thigh bore a striking resemblance to the birthmark of the model in the anti-upskirting posters.

By the time the event was over, the video feed had gone viral and was trending on Twitter and Reddit, generating millions of views.

Maria Suarez knew the wardrobe malfunction would be brought up during her report and decided to lean into it. The head anchor was a bit of a chauvinist and the producer loved the ratings any sexy scandal brought in.

“Yes, Frank, although the speeches were well articulated and highlighted the candidate’s strengths, the event did not go off without a hitch.” Maria announced to the live camera, “the District Attorney unfortunately could not foresee that sitting with one’s legs uncrossed during a live event could lead to embarrassing consequences as the DA was again a little to open for the cameras. While her interesting choice in underwear may win her some fans online, it will be interesting to see if her new, well-advertised campaign slogan wins her any votes in the primary election. As its well known, ‘brats’ typically do not play will with others.”

“They certainly do not, Maria” Frank responded from the anchor desk, “And tell me, did this at all seem like a stunt by the Steele Campaign to garner traction for her announcement? The video from her announcement has been trending across social media and the Fox, CNN, and MSNBC are already discussing her campaign.”

“In my two years of covering Ms. Steele, I would be shocked if she had done this on purpose. She’s a big name in the women’s movement and that type of stunt would go against her core beliefs. Unfortunately, it looked like the stool the clubhouse provided her prohibited her from being able to cross her legs, forcing her to rest her heels on the outside rungs of the legs. The campaign has released a statement following the announcement acknowledging the wardrobe malfunction, requesting the candidate’s privacy, and repeating that the candidate is a strong, independent women and that what she chooses to wear under her clothes is only the concern of herself and her partners. As a female and as someone well known in local media, I can attest that Ms. Steele must be deeply humiliated. Unfortunately, by her luckless actions today and by her ill-fated choice in underwear, she has made this an issue in her campaign.”

“One final question before you leave, Maria,” Frank added, “Some of us around the studio were discussing the rather amateur style of the DA’s underwear. Since you two are around the same age, we thought you might be able to settle the debate—is it typical for professional women in their early thirties to wear the style of underwear that we saw on the DA? It seems like something a schoolgirl might wear. Do you have similar pairs?”

Maria was taken aback by how direct the anchor had been on the air, asking about her choice in underwear—but then again, this was not out of character for the anchor. She went for the more diplomatic option that would answer Frank’s question without giving away too much.

“Women of our age wear a variety of underwear depending on their mood and ascetic. I’d say we often use our underwear to match our sexuality. I would not say it is out of the norm for women to wear bright, colorful, and fun underwear—and the DA certainly took that to the extreme. Obviously, the DA is outward and comfortable with her sexuality. As for myself—I do not have a habit of discussing my underwear on air but I will say that I would not wear that style of underwear with the short dress the DA wore today. As a professional woman, my style, including my underwear, tends to reflect my professional…”

Before Maria could finish, a sudden commotion near the pool drew everyone’s attention away from the camera. Several people were screaming and pointing to something in the distance. The press, still assembled from the campaign event, headed for the commotion.
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Re: The Ripple Effect (SSC 2022) (Act II, Scene 1 added)

Post by mastergepetto »

Alright! Act II Scene 2 completes the final set up. Thanks for (hopefully) sticking with it.

Quick recap of where everyone is:

Kelly, Madison, Alyssa, and Katerina are showering in the club locker room, getting ready for their trip to Vegas.

Olivia is taking the ski lift down to her birthday party.

Sarah is on duty as a lifeguard, monitoring the pool.

Maria is finishing up her live report regarding Lauren’s humiliating campaign announcement.

And Lauren… Lauren is preoccupied dealing with some issues.

From here on out, there will be constant embarrassment of our heroines.

Will Kelly and Alyssa face even worse exposure?

Have Madison and Katerina been spared from experiencing their friends’ humiliating fates?

What role will Olivia, Sarah, Maria, and Lauren play in this tale?

Stay tuned to find out what happens!

Please let me know if you have any comments on the story so far or guesses as to where the story may go! This is my first full length, multi-part story so any feedback is appreciated.
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Act II, Scene 3

Post by mastergepetto »

I apologize for the delay but I am very happy with how the rest of Act II turned out. Finishing edits for the rest of Act II should be done this week!

Please let me know what you think-- any feedback is appreciated as I am still very new to this.

I will have the Final Act finished by the September 1 deadline.

The sun shined bright in Olivia’s eyes as she hopped onto the ski lift. Luckily, the cool breeze from the Mountain air kept her from getting too hot on her descent into Springhurst Resort. She could barely see the pool and her friends who had gathered to celebrate her birthday—they looked like ants from up here.

Although all her friends would be there—actually her entire class would be there plus other guests-- only one person truly mattered: her boyfriend, Matt. Tonight, she planned on losing her virginity to him.

She knew Matt from school, but they originally were not in the same crowd—she played field hockey and he was the basketball star. That all changed when Matt’s family joined her church last Summer. They became close friends during Bible Study and eventually started dating at the start of Junior year. Soon, they were the power couple of the school.

Olivia knew the other jocks and popular girls at her school were sexually active, but she was raised Christian and believed in abstaining from sex until marriage. Matt, also a member of her church, seemed mostly OK with it, although it was clear he wanted more. Matt was her first kiss, but they hadn’t really done much else.

She knew she was missing out on some things by not having sex, and she was occasionally teased by some of the rival girls in other cliques, but she figured most of that had to do with the rival cheerleaders being upset that Olivia and the other members of the state champion field hockey team were more popular than the cheer squad. It was largely stereotypical that the cheerleaders tried to gain their popularity by dressing provocatively and dating half the school while Olivia and her clique remained popular be winning state titles and being nice to most of the school.

After balancing the typical societal pressures of a teenager in a committed relationship with the pressures of her church, Olivia decided that she wanted to lose her virginity on her own terms--and she wanted Matt to be her first. Knowing her birthday party at Springhurst was coming up, she laid out the plans to make this night the night. She asked her Dad to rent the cabin for her close girl friends and organized the logistics of getting the guys up to the cabin for the afterparty.

Olivia was certainly nervous about tonight. Although she was athletic and popular, she had body image issues and was not confident about the size of her breasts. No boy had ever seen her naked, and only her closest girl friends knew she frequently padded her bra. She didn’t change her appearance in any extreme way, but a little insert gave her the confidence to navigate her daily life. What would Matt say when he saw her figure? Would he accept her? Would he shun her and tell everyone about her secret? Would she ever regain her popularity if Matt told the whole school?

She was also nervous about the secrecy of it all. Her parents were very strict and would punish her if they discovered her plans for tonight. She would probably be grounded and would not be allowed to see or date Matt again.

However, the nerves and the secrecy were a little thrilling for Olivia. Here was Olivia, the good-girl of Springhurst High School, the perfect daughter, the leader of her church’s youth group, planning to go behind her parent’s back and have sex with her boyfriend. She hadn’t felt this alive in her young life.

Olivia glanced down at the pool deck again—her friends barely seemed any closer; the ski lift was moving slow. She adjusted in the seat and it started to swing. Her phone almost fell out of her lap, but she caught it just in time. As she caught her phone, her knuckles grazed her crotch and an electricity pulsed through her that she had only recently started to explore.

Not up here, she thought, putting the bad thoughts out of her head. Sure, the thrill and anticipation of tonight was brewing butterflies in her stomach, but she was in public. Practically everyone she knew was 300 yards away. How could she even consider performing such indecent thoughts?

Her friends looked like ants.

They can’t see me this far up, right? She asked herself, giving in to the devil on her shoulder. It was a dumb idea, rubbing herself as she descended the ski lift, but she was still so far up, no one could see what she was doing. She lifted her bikini cover to her waist and continued to rub her crotch on the outside of her bikini bottoms.

If anyone looks towards me, it’ll just look like I am holding my phone between my legs. I’m just keeping it safe on the ride down. She justified to herself.

She continued rubbing as she was building towards an orgasm, imagining and anticipating tonight. She imagined what Matt looked like with no clothes. She had never seen a male cock in person besides her brother’s, and that was years ago. She imagined Matt seeing her naked and telling her that she was beautiful. She imagined Matt’s cock entering her virgin pussy for the first time. She was getting close. A few more strokes and she would surely finish.

She looked back at the crowd.

Oh God, I can make out some of my friends’ faces. This isn’t right, she confessed, forcing herself to stop just moments away from what would have been an excellent orgasm. She was getting close to the ground. She was about 50 feet off the ground now and she couldn’t let her guests notice what she was doing. Regretfully, she peeled her hands away from her crotch and started adjusting her bikini that had loosened during her private activities. Damn. That was dumb. You really made a mess in your bikini. And now I have to retie it!, she yelled at herself internally.

Suddenly, as she was retying her bikini bottoms, the ski lift lurched to a stop. There was a loud screeching of gears cranking together, then, the ski lift lurched forward again-- violently. Olivia caught herself on the safety bar as the ski lift swung like a pendulum.

“HELP!!” She cried, alerting everyone down below of the situation.

The ski lift started moving again but before it could descend three feet, it lurched to another stop. Then, without warning, it jerked forward violently again. Olivia screamed as she almost fell out of her seat. She wrapped her arms around the safety bar, holding it tightly to her chest. The whole seat was angled precariously forward, and her feet were dangling towards the ground.

By now, everyone in attendance was pointing and shouting towards the ski lift.

“Oh My God!! Olivia!! Someone help her! She’s going to fall” One of her friends screamed.

“Quick, someone call 911. Tell them we need a rescue team with a ladder” She heard a woman yell towards a group of her Dad’s friends.

Finally, the ski lift made one final violent stop before coming to a rest 45 feet off the ground.

Although she could hear everyone, Olivia could barely see what was going on. She had caught herself on the safety bar which was teetering forward 90 degrees—the only thing preventing her from plunging to the ground below. The bar rested on her sternum, and she clung tightly to the bar against her chest. Her hair was in her eyes, but she dared not move hands away from the bar.

“Hang in there, Olivia!” Another one of her friends yelled from down below. She could hear the commotion below her as the entire party started running towards the helpless girl.

Although she could hear the screams from below—she couldn’t recognize many of the voices, but she knew that all her classmates were directly below her.

Her entire bottom half dangled towards the ground. As the ski lift rocked on its tether, she sung her legs around to maintain whatever balance and stability she could. If the lift rocked too far in one direction, she’d swing one of her legs the opposite direction to counteract the weight. All this motion make it look like she was treading water.

The resort staff grabbed all the towels they could find and placed them directly below Olivia in case she fell. Within minutes, everyone at the resort, including most of the staff, were watching Olivia hang on for dear life.

“The Fire Department is on their way! Hang in there for ten minutes, Oliva!” She heard a woman who she thought was her neighbor Nancy yell.

Olivia loved Nancy and her family would frequently go over to Nancy’s house for dinner. Nancy had a son a year younger than Olivia who had a huge crush on Olivia... Huge crush was an understatement—he practically worshiped her. He would normally pet sit for Olivia’s dogs when her family was out of town and she would always notice that several pairs of her favorite underwear would be missing upon return. Olivia assumed he was here as well.

Oh, God. Everyone is watching me flail around in my bikini, this is so embarrassing Olivia thought.

No sooner had that thought crossed her mind when she felt something that filled her with dread. As she tried to maintain whatever stability she could, her legs swung to the side again and she felt her already loose bikini bottoms start to fall.

This can’t be happening! I didn’t get a chance to re-tie them properly! Oh, no! You stupid, stupid, idiot! Why did you have to loosen them so much?! My Mom is going to kill me! She yelled internally.

Olivia heard a gasp followed by an odd silence as one side of her bottoms came undone. She tried clenching her legs together to hold the bikini in place but most of her crotch was already exposed.

Please, please, God. I will do anything. Don’t let this happen to me. Not like this. She prayed.

It was no use. The ski lift rocked forward again, and she instinctively separated her legs to keep her stability. She felt her bikini bottoms slide down her left leg and catch on her right ankle. She was completely exposed from the chest down.

“Oh my God, that poor girl!” She heard Nancy yell.

“Stop taking pictures you perverts!” She heard on of her teammates yell.

Her teammates and friends started trying to block everyone from taking pictures, but their efforts were in vein. Olivia Parker, the most popular girl in school, dangled bottomless from a ski lift in front of everyone she knew on her 18th birthday.

Hundreds of cameras pointed at the sky as Olivia swung her naked legs back forth. Her swinging left absolutely no angle unexposed and every guy she knew--and all her rivals--zoomed in on their phones to get intimate pictures of her vagina. The lips of her labia had widened, exposing her white hymen to everyone below.

“Hey, Matt, your girlfriend has a nice pussy! Is this the first time you’ve seen it?” A basketball player asked.

“I think it’s the first time anyone has seen it!” another guy responded.

“Holy Shit! Look at this! She’s wet! She’s fucking enjoying this! What a slut!” One of the cheerleader’s yelled.

“Oh my God… is that her hymen? She really is a virgin! This can’t be real hahaha!” Another cheerleader laughed.

“Her pussy is so red… I bet she was rubbing herself earlier,” a guy on the football team observed.

“Dude! Feel her bikini bottoms! They are soaked! And they smell like honey!” She heard one of her younger brother’s twerp friends yell as he picked up the bottoms that had fallen off her ankle. All her brother’s friends started passing her bottoms around.

“Guys… have some decency. This is so humiliating.” Another one of Olivia’s friends said.

After her friend chimed in, many became quiet and watched Olivia struggle. The silence was awkward and deafening as most of her classmates, teammates, neighbors, and church friends felt bad for poor Olivia. Others, especially the cheerleaders and football players—Olivia’s rival clique-- kept snapping away at with their cameras.

Then, something even worse happened.

“Hey, what do you guys think you are doing? This isn’t some major news story! You can’t show this stuff on air!” A man yelled.

News? Did someone say news? Oh, god, is this going to be on the news? Olivia questioned to herself.

Unbeknownst to Olivia, the remaining press that had assembled for Lauren Steele’s campaign announcement had now descended on her embarrassing predicament.

“Frank, can you still hear me? I am being told that the girl trapped on the ski lift is a local teenager. Out of respect for her privacy, we will only reveal her first name as Olivia. It appears that the ski lift has become stuck and shifted precariously forward. She could fall at any moment. Unfortunately, I must warn our viewers that her bathing suit bottoms have come undone so viewer discretion will be advised for the remainder of this broadcast…. We have confirmed that she is eighteen... We are being told that the fire department is on their way for what will be a daring rescue… Yes, Frank, we will stay live for the duration of the rescue…Yes, Frank, I believe you do know her father...he is a prominent figure in the local community. Again, out of respect for her privacy we should refrain from using last names.”

Olivia could hear a dozen reporters describing her predicament in detail on their live broadcasts. Some even mentioned that it looked like she was enjoying this and questioned whether this was an elaborate stunt by the teenager. How are they even able to show this on live TV? This is the worst day of my life, she thought, how could this get any worse? That question would be answered soon enough.

Her arms were starting to get tired and she worried she might not be able to hold on for much longer. Maybe letting go wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, she thought. No, she was a fighter, and she was going to hang on.

Olivia felt her biceps start to cramp. She was clutching the bar tightly against her chest. She tried shifting her arms to relieve some of the pressure on her biceps. As soon as she let go of some of the pressure, her body started to slide off the bar.

“AHHH!” Olivia screamed as the bar slid up her chest and scraped her chin. She was so close to letting go. She quickly repositioned her hands and caught herself in a chin up position. She heard several gasps and screams below her. She was too focused on hanging on to make out sentences but heard people repeating “top” and “caught.”

Then, she felt the breeze against her chest....No… Instantly she knew what everyone was talking about.. It hit her stomach like a pile of bricks. When the bar slid against her chest, it caught her bikini top and bikini cover, pulling both up to her chin. She could feel the light fabric of her bikini cover against her chin and she realized that she was completely exposed from the neck down.

Her breasts, or lack thereof, were completely exposed to the world.

They can see everything. My secret is exposed. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way! She lamented. Olivia still couldn’t make out everything people were saying but she knew many were laughing and pointing out her breasts.

“Dude, they are so tiny! She must stuff her bra!” A guy shouted from below, loud and clear enough for Olivia to hear.

“Yeah, she does! Check out these silicone inserts that fell out of her bikini!” Another guy said.

Unfortunately, Olivia couldn’t hold herself in the chin up position for much longer. Maintaining her grip, she extended her arms so that she was fully outstretched. Her bikini cover was pulled up and over her face so that she couldn’t see anything and everything below her neck was exposed. With her arms fully outstretched, her chest appeared even smaller. People could make out the individual ribs under her flat chest. Her small pink nipples looked like small bumps in a flat white desert.

“Oh my God, she has the body of a f*cking middle schooler! My younger sister has bigger breasts than Olivia!” Olivia’s biggest rival yelled. “I wonder if all the field hockey girls stuff their bras. We should round them up and check!”

All of Olivia’s close friends and teammates had grown silent. They knew after Olivia's downfall that the cheerleaders would soon take their place at the top of the social hierarchy and make their lives a living hell next semester. Many grew nervous, knowing that they too would soon suffer a similar fate as their former leader.

Olivia’s Mom had managed to grab one of the silicon inserts and was fuming. She examined the back of the insert, which still had the name of the local sex shop where Olivia had bought the inserts printed on the back. “I can’t believe she’s been stuffing her bra and trying to show off her breasts. How sinful. John, did you know? This must be her boyfriend’s doing… this is not the daughter we raised, and she will not be allowed to continue doing this. I am sorry you have to see this, everyone.” Olivia’s mother said.

Olivia’s friends and teammates were no longer supporting her and had gone quiet. This is so embarrassing. I am completely ruined. Everyone is talking about my small breasts. Olivia thought. She could tell that her mother was pissed and would probably punish her for stuffing and bringing sinful attention to her breasts. She also knew those weren’t the only things she had bought at the sex shop. If she searches my room... Olivia worried what her parents would do—her brother still didn’t have his phone or computer back after they caught him watching porn 8 months ago and had even forced him to meet individually with their pastor weekly. As the older sister, Olivia worried that her punishment would be worse. Much worse.

On the flip side, Olivia’s brother could not stop laughing. Although it was his sister that was swinging nude from the neck down from the ski lift, he was going around hi-fiving all the older guys on the football team and chatting with the cheerleaders. He suddenly felt like a big star.

“Yeah, I think we still have some old training bras in the basement. I know my Mom is serious about making her wear them again! At least until she finally fills them out! That could take years! And of course she’d have to wear the matching panties too—it’s like a whole set. I remember she was a big fan of Disney princesses and My Little Pony.” He told a group of the cheerleaders.

Even Olivia’s boyfriend, Matt, had abandoned her: “guys… I had no idea… we weren’t really dating…at least not anything serious… we just hung out occasionally… we didn’t do anything except kiss a couple times—she’s still a virgin! She even refers to her pussy as ‘her sacred flower’ and wrote a whole gushy poem about it… what a weirdo!” Matt said, trying to cover his involvement with her. All her peers laughed at the reminder that Olivia’s virgin vagina was explicitly exposed in front of everyone she knew.

Matt? Why would he say that? ‘My sacred flower?’ I read that to him in confidence. I trusted him. Why did he have to tell that to everyone?! Is he going to break up with me because of this? Olivia worried.

“Yeah, I did the same thing with Kelsey… but she’s a much better kisser... and has better tits” Matt continued, “speaking of which, are you guys still planning on going to Kelsey’s after this for the real party?”

NOOOO, Olivia screamed internally. Being exposed in front of her peers was bad enough, but losing her first love to her biggest rival, and like this, set her over the edge. She started crying and screaming with what little energy she had. And to think I was going to let him take my virginity. I hate him; I hate him so much.

Over the next couple minutes, Olivia continued to swing around, giving explicit views of all angles of her vagina, breasts, and ass. Eventually, her tears dried up as she ran out of energy.

Her rivals kept cracking jokes at her expense, but they kept them low enough so that the adults and Olivia couldn’t make out exactly what they were saying. However, Olivia did catch something about daily wedges in her Disney panties and teaching the field hockey girls their rightful place next year.

As Olivia continued to swing, she felt an electric sensation pulse through her body every time her legs brushed together. Her vagina was still sensitive and wet from her rubbing it earlier, and the friction caused by her rotating legs was making things worse. Minute after minute it intensified. Really? How can I be horny right now? This is humiliating, she thought.

A breeze blew against Olivia’s legs, and she realized just how close she still was to finishing. Don’t cum now. Not in front of everyone, she kept telling herself as her juices ran down her legs.

People were starting to notice and were commenting on her dripping legs. “She is awfully wet for a virgin” a football player observed, “I guess she must be all pent up from no sex. She’ll probably jump on the first guy she sees after she gets down!”

I’m not a slut. I would never ’jump on’ the next guy I saw… I am not a slut. I am not a slut Olivia didn’t know how much more of their jeering she could take. Every time she adjusted her balance on the rocking ski left, she would open her legs wide and give everyone another view of her dripping vagina.

Finally, Olivia heard sirens in the distance. A firetruck and an ambulance were pulling into the resort, navigating the hill into the crowded parking lot. If she could just hold on for a couple more minutes, she would be safe.

Time seemed to move slowly as she waited for the engine and ladder to park below her. It felt like she had been up here for over an hour, but really it had only been about fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes of complete exposure.

She heard the ladder raise and get close to her. Her body shivered with anticipation as she realized that soon she would be rescued by a stranger. And a fireman no less. She always had a thing for firefighters. She heard the ladder stop and could sense the firefighter was near her.

“Hi, my name is David. I am going to put my left arm behind your knee to support you. Do not let go when you feel my touch.” Olivia heard the firefighter say. She felt his arm slide against the back of her legs and grab onto her knees. His bare skin felt good against her legs.

As soon as the firefighter had a firm grasp on her legs, he reached up and uncovered the bikini cover from Olivia’s face. Olivia was stunned as she looked into the bright blue eyes of the most handsome face she had ever seen. Oh my God, why does he have to be so cute? I am being carried naked by the hottest guy I’ve ever seen! He probably thinks I’m some little girl…Why does it have to be like this?! Olivia screamed internally.

“I am going to put my right arm around your body. Then, put your left arm around my shoulders and let go with your right.” Olivia felt an electric pulse through her whole body as the firefighter reached around her body and inadvertently grabbed her breast. This was the first guy to every hold her breasts. She moaned at the touch of his firm, tough grip.

Once David’s other arm was firmly around Olivia’s chest, she swung her left arm around his shoulders and let go. She was finally safe. Emotions crashed through her and she buried her face onto David’s shoulder, crying tears of joy and humiliation.

Her body was exhausted, and she could barely hold onto the hunky firefighter. He slowly let her down onto the metal platform at the top of the ladder. She could hardly stand from the exhaustion and embraced the firefighter to hold her up. Her legs wrapped around the firefighter as he let her down and her vagina rubbed against his pants. She kept rubbing it against his pants. She was still extremely horny.

Within seconds, she was dry humping the firefighter while crying into his shoulder. Her sobs turned into kisses as she sucked on his neck. It did not take Olivia long to finish, and before David could process what was happening, she unleashed a massive orgasm onto his right leg. She kept moaning and humping him for another ten seconds as the orgasm pulsed through her body.

It took Olivia only a few seconds to realize what she had done. Her first orgasm in the hands of another male had been with a stranger… and it had been in front of everyone she knew. What would her mother think? She was probably watching in absolute horror. Olivia knew her eventual punishment just got a lot worse.

Olivia finally had the chance to look down, and she wished she hadn’t. Below her, she saw over a hundred people-- here friends, her teammates, her neighbors, and families from her church. She also saw the entire resort staff, including all the pool boys she frequently had wait on her when she tanned by the pool. Worse, she saw her rivals and the dozens of news cameras, recording everything live on air. She looked at the head cheerleader’s face. Olivia had never seen someone so shocked and gleeful—like she had won the lottery. She had filmed the whole thing.

Distraught, Olivia turned back to David. “I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I am so embarrassed,” she confessed.

“It’s OK, Olivia.” David responded, “would it surprise you that you are not the first naked woman I’ve rescued during my short time on the force? At least this one was slightly enjoyable. I had to rescue an old lady who was ‘stuck in the bathtub’ as a rookie… it was not pretty. Not like you.”

Olivia blushed. Did he really just give me a compliment? After I had dry humped his leg? Does he really think I’m pretty? Wait… how does he know my name? “…Wait… How do you know my name?”

“Olivia… do you really not recognize me?” David asked, “I go to your church. I guess I haven’t been much the past year since I’ve been working the Sunday shift a lot. I led youth group a few years ago when you were a freshman. Remember? You told me you were worried about finding friends in high school.”

Olivia looked back at David and suddenly remembered him. David York. How could she have forgotten? She had such a huge crush on him when she was a Freshman and he was a Senior. Then he graduated and enrolled at the Firefighting Academy and she lost track of him. He had put on some serious muscle in his three years as a firefighter. And he had done something new with his hair… and his mustache.

“Oh my God, David! Of course, I remember you!” Olivia responded, blushing even harder, “Oh gosh, I am so so sorry. I can’t believe I did that on you. You must think I’ve become some slut.”

David looked Olivia in the eyes, “Honestly… Olivia… I forgive you. You must have been so embarrassed by the situation. I can’t imagine the emotions you were going through—it’s a normal reaction—I know you are a good person.”

Olivia crumbled at his words. She wrapped her arms around him in another warm embrace. She had thought her life was over, but he made her feel so much better. “Thank you. This has been the worst day of my life. Everyone I know has now seen me naked, along with half of Colorado. My mom is never going to let me out of the house again except to go to church and school. My rivals are going to make what’s left of high school a living hell. And my boyfriend—well… former boyfriend—is cheating on me. You don’t know how much I needed to hear that.”

David hugged her back and loved the feeling of her body against his chest. “I will take care of your mother. She loves me from volunteering at church and I will explain the whole situation. And your boyfriend… well he’s an idiot.”

Olivia kept hugging him as the ladder descended towards the ground.

David looked down at the top of Olivia’s head. “Do you think, after this all settles and your Mother lets you out of the house, that we could maybe do dinner sometime. I’ve become a good cook working night shifts at the station. Or if you aren’t comfortable coming over, I could take you to a nice restaurant. Your pick.”

Olivia looked back up at him and met his gaze. “I would like that very much,” she said with a smile.

Once the ladder reached the ground, David helped Olivia off the platform, where she was met with two EMTs and a blanket to cover. She could hear her mother yelling at her about being ashamed of her, being grounded until college, having to get a babysitter for her, and taking away her “slutty adult clothes” until she “learns how to act like a proper lady,” but Olivia chose to not respond. She knew that punishment would come soon enough. She dreaded what childish clothes and underwear her mother would dig up in the basement. She knew she had some horrendous old Disney, Spongebob, and My Little Pony training sets that she would soon be wearing to school as a Senior. She could even hear several of the cheerleaders volunteering to babysit her while her parents were at work. It would be a long Summer and schoolyear.

She sat up on the stretcher as they rolled her to the ambulance to check her vitals. She wondered if this would be the last peace she would get for a while. David walked by her side. At least she had found David to be her champion.
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Act II, Scene 4

Post by mastergepetto »

ACT II, Scene 4

There is one more scene in Act II, which will be posted shortly. I hope you enjoy!


Maria Suarez had trouble processing the scene that had just unfolded in front of her eyes. She had stood by reporting as this poor girl named Olivia was stuck hanging from a ski lift completely naked. She felt bad for the poor girl and had suggested to the studio that they cut the feed, but the producers kept saying they could censor the footage for the rebroadcast tonight.

Maria had watched in horror as the girl’s top came loose while she hung there, exposing her flat chest. Surely we shouldn’t be showing this on live television, she thought, but the broadcast continued on. For over fifteen minutes, the cameras kept recording every little detail of the eighteen-year old’s body live for probably hundreds of thousands. It wasn’t until the girl orgasmed while humping the firefighter when one of the producers spoke up and suggested cutting the feed, but by then it was too late. Plus, every local station in town and even two national outlets were also broadcasting the whole thing—why should their station be left out?

Maria shuddered as she realized that following the national evening broadcast, the view count of today’s events would probably be in the tens of millions. The public loves misfortune; this will trend for weeks, she thought.

As Maria watched the girl get carted away on the stretcher, she thought it was finally over, but the studio demanded that she try to cut off the stretcher before it got to the ambulance so that she could get an exclusive first interview. This is too much, she thought.

The crowd was thick between Maria and the girl, and Maria didn’t think she could navigate the crowd in time to reach the girl before she arrived at the ambulance. Instead, she decided to cut through the pool deck and around the crowd.

“Ok, Frank, we are going to try to catch up to Olivia and see if we can ask her how she ended up in that situation. Again, all this is live so it might get crazy for a minute. For the viewers at home, you are getting a front row seat at the crazy life of a reporter!” Maria reported as jogged towards the pool deck.

Frank asked her where she was going, curious as to why Maria was not headed towards the crowd.

“Well Frank, we are trying to circumvent the crowd by cutting across the pool deck. I think if we can take this short-cut, we may be able to catch up with the girl,” Maria said.

As Maria finished her statement, she turned back to look at the live camera that was following her. Not watching where she was going, her heel caught the edge of the pool and she lost her balance, falling face first into the pool with a large splash.

“Maria!! OH NO! What happened? I think she just fell into the pool!” Frank exclaimed from the other end of the broadcast. “Stay with us; we are experiencing some technical difficulties.”

Due to the high temperatures, Maria had chosen to wear a loose turquoise dress that flowed down to her ankles. It was very stylish; Maria always looked her best in front of the camera. Unfortunately, all that material made it impossible for Maria to swim. The dress floated to the top and fanned out across the surface of the water. Maria’s arms were trapped in the dress and she couldn’t use her arms to stay afloat.

“AHHH” She screamed as she managed to raise her head out of the water. She bobbed back down, and her head slipped out of the dress. She tried to resurface again but came up with a face full wet of material. She struggled to get her head back above the water.

“Somebody help! She’s drowning!” Yelled the young intern with the boomstick.

Within seconds, a male lifeguard dove into the water and was swimming towards Maria. Another female lifeguard approached from the other side of the pool.

“Alex, stabilize her and swim her over to me! I will help you pull her out of the pool” yelled, Sarah, the female lifeguard.

Alex reached Maria quickly and started helping her stay above water. “You can’t swim in that dress. Here… let me untangle your arms.” Alex spoke calmly to Maria.

Maria, still in a panic from nearly drowning, kept thrashing around while Alex managed to pull the dress off her, using one hand to hold up her body by the waist while using the other to untangle her arms from the dress. The dress floated away but by now Maria was choking and couldn’t swim on her own. “Stay with me. I am going to swim you over to the edge,” Alex informed her.

Eventually, Alex managed to swim Maria over to the edge where Sarah was waiting to pull her out of the pool. By now, the entire crowd had heard the commotion and had turned their attention to the second rescue of the day.

All the high schoolers and resort staff watched in disbelief at seeing a second girl in a dire situation while the dozens of reporters had taken up prime positions to film the rescue. As Maria’s dress floated away, every male in the audience was excited to see what the hot, young reporter had been wearing under her long dress. Being the lead field reporter for the most watched news station in Denver, Maria Suarez was well known amongst the community. Many in the audience had dreamed about what she looked like under her designer outfits and were now wondering if that day had finally come.

Sarah could feel the two hundred eyes watching her every move as she and Alex carried out the rescue. This country-club pool job didn’t require much action, and this was by far the most public event she had ever dealt with. Alex had performed beautifully so far; now it was Sarah’s turn to help Maria out of the pool. If only I had worn shorts over my swimsuit…Everyone is about to get a great view of my ass, she lamented.

Sarah knelt on her knees at the edge of the pool and reached out towards Maria, sticking her butt towards the crowd: “Here, grab my arms, lets get you out of the pool!” Sarah yelled at the struggling Maria.

Maria rose her arms out of the pool and grabbed Sarah’s shoulders. “That’s it! Now I’m going to lift you up from under your armpits” Sarah said as she reached under Maria’s outstretched arms.

Suddenly, Maria started to slip, and she panicked, grabbing onto the two shoulder straps of Sarah’s one-piece swimsuit. Sarah felt Maria latch onto the straps of her swimsuit and pulled back.

“Wait… let go!” Sarah yelled as she instinctively pulled back and stood up. Unfortunately, Maria did not let go, and as Sarah stood up, she felt the two shoulder straps pop like a rubber band. Maria fell back into the pool, dragging Sarah’s entire one-piece lifeguard uniform with her.

Sarah heard the pop of her straps and immediately knew what had happened; however, it was too late to do anything. Time seemed to move in slow motion as she reached up to her shoulders to feel nothing but skin. She felt every inch of the slide off her body like a rubber glove.

In less than a second, Sarah had gone from the hero lifeguard to completely naked in front of over one hundred people and dozens of live cameras. This can’t be happening! Why did that b*tch grab onto my swimsuit like that!? She reached down to try to grab her swimsuit, but it disappeared under the water with Maria. Then, she looked over at Alex who was still in the water. His eyes were like saucers as he stared directly at her exposed vagina.

“Alex… she’s sinking!!” Sarah yelled, pulling Alex out of his trance. Both lifeguards realized that this rescue was far from over, and for Sarah, she would have to conduct the rescue completely nude. Ironically, this was a nightmare Sarah had numerous nights every month and she always woke up sweating and horny. She had never mentally prepared to actually live her fever dream.

Alex swam underwater and managed to pull Maria back up to the surface. By now, she was having immense difficulty breathing. Knowing Maria was not going to be able to help pull herself out, Sarah knelt on her knees again at the edge of the pool and reached into the pool. I am about to give everyone a show of a lifetime, she laughed to herself.

Since there was a decent gap between the edge of the pool and the surface of the water, Sarah had to stick her butt straight up into the air to reach out for Maria. Her back was almost vertical and her asshole pointed directly at the sky. Sarah tried not to imagine the view that everyone was getting behind her, but she knew all her coworkers and every drunk asshole that cat called her at the pool was seeing parts of her she hadn’t even seen herself.

“Dude… zoom in! You can see everything! I’ve never seen an asshole that wide!” She heard a guy yell.

“Damn! I always wondered how Sarah’s pussy looked! It’s so juicy!” One of the pool boys commented.

“Hey man, if I give you my email, can you send those pictures to me? I wish I had a high powered camera like yours” one of the high schoolers asked the professional photographer that was positioned a few yards directly behind Sarah.

As embarrassed as Sarah was, she was a true professional and maintained her composure throughout the rescue. I will deal with those perverts when I’m done, she told herself. She finally managed to grab Maria under her arms and lifted her out of the water. Maria was unconscious. Immediately, she laid Maria across the pool deck and started performing CPR and rescue breaths.

Sarah knelt naked beside Maria as she performed perfect CPR and rescue breaths on the unconscious reporter. Reduced to just her underwear, Maria’s dark Latina skin contrasted beautifully with her white lace bra and panties. Unfortunately, during the rescue, a large portion of the lace that covered Maria’s crotch had torn and the elongated lips of Maria’s dark brown labia were exposed. Not only did they guys get to see Maria in her underwear, they now had an intimate view of her vagina and embarrassingly large labia. Everyone kept filming but the crowd had gone silent, realizing the severity of the situation.

Soon, Alex made it out of the water and was kneeling beside Sarah. “Alex, continue performing rescue breaths every ten seconds. I will continue with chest compressions.” Sarah instructed as Alex started giving Maria mouth-to-mouth.

Having little luck with check compressions, Sarah unhooked Maria’s tight lace bra and tossed it aside. Maria’s breasts swung free and her dark brown nipples were exposed in the bright sun. Except for the torn lace, Maria was rendered completely nude. Sarah resumed the chest compressions while Alex continued the rescue breaths.

After about a minute and a half, Maria finally choked up a pint of water and became conscious again. Sarah and Alex sat her up and held her as she caught her breath. The whole crowd cheered the efforts of Alex and the naked Sarah. A newspaper photographer squatted down and captured a dramatic image of Sarah, naked, helping nearly naked Maria catch her breath, preserving every detail of both of their bodies in high definition.

The flash of the professional camera brought Maria back to reality. Suddenly, she realized she was now nearly naked in front of the crowd. She stood up and covered her breasts with both hands, looking directly into a dozen news cameras-- including her own and that of her rival stations. For the first time in her news career, she was completely dazed in front of the camera.

A rival reporter thrust his mic into Maria’s face: “Ms. Suarez, this has surely been quite the tumultuous day! Three naked women in a matter of minutes. This couldn’t possibly be a scheme to increase ratings at your station, could it?” the male reporter asked.

The young male intern on Maria’s crew handed Maria her own mic, which miraculously did not fall in the water. “Frank is demanding to know what happened,” he told her.

Maria adjusted her arms so that one was across her chest and the other held her microphone. “Frank!! Cut the damn feed. I am f*cking topless on air! Oliver… put that damn camera down!!! This is outrageous!” She demanded to Frank and her cameraman.

“Wow, Maria, I must say… you took my question about your underwear a little too far. Your underwear really matches your delicate femininity…. If you can even call that underwear.” Frank commented, causing Maria to feel uneasy.

Maria looked down at her crotch. Oh no! My panties!! She did not realize that during the commotion of the rescue, the delicate white lace of her panties had torn. The only material that remained was the elastic waistband, which looked like a white belt across her waist. The lace, or what was left of it, dangled in shreds across her butt. Her crotch and vagina were completely exposed.

Maria looked at the camera in dread as she realized she had been standing there for almost a minute with her vagina uncovered. She had a small amount of dark pubic hair that had come in since she had last shaved. It looked more like whiskers than real pubis hair. Unfortunately, the short hairs failed to cover any of her labia.

Even if she had a full bush, it likely would not have covered the long lips of Maria’s labia. Standing with her legs parted, her labia dangled several inches below her crotch. One lip even dangled slightly farther than the other, giving the appearance of mismatched flaps and leaving the pink inside of the longer lip exposed. Maria had always been extremely self-conscious about the appearance of her labia. She had passed up dating many good men because she was worried that they would judge her enlarged labia. In fact, it had been several years since she had the confidence to show anyone her vagina. Now her intimate secret was exposed to the world.

“She has a roast beef pussy!! Or should we say Barbacoa?!” one of the high schoolers yelled.

“That is one beat up pussy! I thought only strippers and porn stars had pussies like that. Do you think she’s done porn?” Another high schooler asked the crowd.

“There’s no way Maria Suarez has done porn. I would have found it by now! No… she’s just one Grade A slut,” commented another guy.

Maria put her hand with the microphone over her crotch and looked back at the camera like a deer in headlights. They’ve seen everything! I’m RUINED! Just 30 minutes ago she was cracking backhanded jokes at Lauren Steele’s expense after the District Attorney had merely exposed her underwear at a campaign event. Now, she was standing practically naked in front of the same cameras.

She tried shuffling away but couldn’t get anywhere. Each shuffle made it look like she was rubbing herself with the microphone handle. The live microphone even managed to pick up subtle sounds while it rubbed against her crotch. Oh God, the water from the pool is making it look like I’m wet! Was that a queef?

Sarah was not performing much better. Having gotten nowhere with Maria, all the reporters were confronting Sarah about the dramatic rescue and how she ended up naked. She had half a dozen microphones in her face as she struggled to cover her exposed flesh. She looked ridiculous with her long tan limbs flailing across her pale white torso. Months in the sun as a lifeguard had given her an unfortunate one-piece tan line.

“I… uh…I clearly lost my swimsuit during the rescue… I’m not answering that. Yes, I am embarrassed. No, I won’t answer that. Umm… is this live? Why are you still filming? Can you please get the camera’s out of my face?” She asked, struggling to avoid the barrage of questions.

Sarah looked to the left of the reporters and saw a group of her coworkers laughing and taking pictures. She thought about slapping them, but didn’t want to cause a bigger scene. As the assistant chief lifeguard, she often acted superior to the pool boys who just carried drinks to the stay-at-home moms all day. They frequently offered to bring her a drink for a kiss. Now they had seen everything she had to offer, having performed a water rescue and CPR completely naked. They would never let her live this down.

She turned away from them and caught the gaze of Olivia’s brother, Danny, and a large group of his twerp friends. Not them too!! She had spent every Summer for years yelling at them and telling them to behave at her pool. Any authority she had over them had vanished. They were enjoying every second of this and Sarah knew they would be re-watching all the footage tonight.

“Since you performed so admirably, I think I will talk to my Dad about making that your official lifeguard uniform! Unless you think the club should be forced to pay for a new one. Shame how you treated the last uniform. What do you guys think? I’m not sure if my Dad can find room in the budget for a new swimsuit for Sarah—especially since we will have to replace the ski lift before the Winter!” Danny teased her.

She tried to come up with a crafty response, but just glared at him with a stink face and stomped her foot.

“Oh, I think someone is about to throw a tantrum! What’s wrong? Did you lose your whistle with your swimsuit? Not so tough now, are you?” Danny continued.

Sarah glanced at Alex who was doing his best to push away the microphones. He looked towards the clubhouse and had an idea. “Sarah! The office! I’ll hold them back while you make a break for it!” Alex yelled just loud enough for only Sarah to hear.

Realizing she needed an escape, Sarah bolted towards the lifeguard office. Maria saw Sarah make a break for the clubhouse and decided to sprint towards the van, but the crowd was in hot pursuit of the two naked women. Sarah ran for her life with Maria right behind her. Unfortunately, Maria had not fully recovered from her near drowning and her wobbly legs caused her to lose her footing. She tripped and fell face forward onto the rough concrete. As she tripped, she brushed Sarah’s back who in turn lost her footing and landed on her ass at a full sprint.

Both women slid across the concrete before coming to a rest in a heap of naked flesh. It did not take long for the crowd the catch up to them. Maria, who had landed on her stomach, rolled over and started inspecting the damage to her front. Her breasts and upper thighs had scrapes across the front but she was luckily not bleeding. Inspecting her front, she was sitting with her legs spread wide, giving everyone the best view of her vagina and beefy labia yet. Her long, dark brown lips had parted, offering a wide glimpse into the bright pink tunnel within.

Sarah, unfortunately, had scrapped her butt badly. She tried standing up to feel her ass and felt warm blood on her hands. Both girls no longer cared about the show they were putting on as they tended to their wounds.

“Hey, Sarah! What did you always say about running in the pool? I think someone needs to have their picture on the ‘Wall of Shame’” Danny teased again, getting a great picture of Sarah’s front as she was inspecting her ass.

Alex eventually made it through the crowd and ushered them towards the office. “We have bandages in there, and I can clean you two up.” He assured them.

Maria insisted that she was fine and continued towards the van.

The crowd finally stopped harassing them as they split up, Maria headed towards the van; Sarah and Alex for the Office. Both girls tried not to rub their wounds too much. Sarah and Alex entered the office and Alex shut the door, preventing anyone from seeing in.

“Oh my… Sarah… that doesn’t look good.” Alex said, staring at Sarah’s butt.

“Yeah, its killing me. I can’t really see everything. How bad is it?” She asked.

Alex grabbed a towel and knelt down next to Sarah. “Do you mind if I inspect the wound? I may need to clean and treat it.”

Sarah agreed and Alex started washing the blood off her ass and upper thighs. I can’t believe Alex is treating my wounded ass. This is so embarrassing. Sarah had gone over treating wounds with him numerous times, and now he was treating wounds on his supervisor’s naked ass.

Having wiped the blood off with a wet towel, he reached for the disinfecting cream. “This may sting a little,” he warned as he rubbed the ointment across her ass cheeks. Sarah winced in pain but asked him to continue. His bare hand rubbed every inch of Sarah’s butt and upper thighs, working the disinfecting cream into her delicate skin. Why did I teach him to be so thorough? She lamented to herself.

Next, he grabbed the soothing cream. This helps keep the wound from drying out and typically feels great on wounded skin. It was no different for Sarah.

Sarah bent over the table in the lifeguard office as Alex knelt behind her, rubbing the soothing cream onto her skin. Every circle he would make with his hands would spread her ass cheeks open, giving Alex a great view of her delicate asshole mere inches away. He never thought he would get this great of a view of Sarah.

He moved his hands down towards the back of her thighs. Sarah started to breathe heavily as Alex worked his hands. Alex started to drift in his thoughts and accidentally brushed his knuckle against Sarah’s exposed vagina.

“Sorry!” He said, pulling his hand away. He blushed as he realized that his knuckle had managed to slip in between Sarah’s labia. He could tell she was very wet.

“Its fine…” Sarah responded, grabbing his wrist and placing it back on her upper leg, “this feels really good. Keep going.” Oh god, why did I tell him how good this feels?

Alex went back to massaging her back upper thighs again, grabbing some more cream to spread. He let his right-hand massage her leg next to her vagina and Sarah’s breathing picked up. Feeling bold, he let his knuckle graze her labia again, but this time, he kept it there. She did not make any movement to pull it away.

Sensing Sarah was enjoying this as much as he was, he started opening rubbing her pussy with his knuckles. Her breathing increased and she braced herself against the table. Confirming Sarah was Ok with this, he turned his hand around and started fingering Sarah with his first three fingers. His index and right finger rubbed her outer labia while his middle finger rubbed her clitoris.

At this point, Sarah started to moan and breathe heavily through her mouth. Alex stood up and positioned himself behind Sarah. Reaching between her legs, he spread her pussy with his index and ring fingers and fingered her vagina with his middle finger. He wrapped his left hand around her body and started massaging her clitoris with her left hand.

With two hands working on her vagina, Sarah was quickly approaching orgasm. She started moaning with each breath and tossed her head back to Alex’s neck. She nuzzled her head into the crevasse between Alex’s shoulder and neck and started sucking on his neck, giving him a large hickey.

“You know you’re the reason I became a lifeguard, right?” Alex confessed as he kept aggressively fingering Sarah.

Sarah made an inquisitive moan but kept sucking on his neck.

“Yeah, seven years ago, when I was eleven… I was pushed into the pool and was not good at swimming. I would have drowned if you didn’t save me…. I remember waking up and seeing an Angel with blonde hair and thought I had died.... Then I realized it was you looking down at me after saving my life…. You were freaked out because it was your first rescue. You apologized because you had never performed mouth to mouth before and thought you had messed it up… It was my first kiss.” Alex confessed, rubbing her clitoris slowly and more intimately.

Sarah stopped sucking Alex’s neck and pressed her lips to his ear. “I remember that rescue. It was my first. I was so freaked out—I thought I had lost you. You were just a young kid. Why didn’t you tell me this before?” Sarah asked.

“I was embarrassed,” Alex continued “I’ve had a crush on you ever since. I still have visions of that blonde angel that saved my life. The sun formed a perfect halo around your face and hair…. Ever since that day, I dedicated myself to knowing how to swim. Eventually, I became pretty good and even made the high school team. I loved swimming laps here in high school because you would always be working, although you didn’t recognize me. Then I realized I had the skills to be a lifeguard, just like you, and that I could work with you… I am sorry to tell you all this… this is embarrassing… you probably think I’m some weird creep.”

Sarah kissed Alex on the chin again and took a second to respond. “I don’t think you are a creep. Thank you for telling me all this. I like working with you too. You’re an excellent lifeguard and you did great today. Thank you for having my back.” Sarah finished her statement and went back to kissing Alex on the neck.

Emboldened by his confession and Sarah’s acceptance, Alex pushed his fingers deeper into Sarah’s vagina. His fingers were pumping in and out of her now. She let out a loud scream and started squirting everywhere. With both of Alex’s hands pressed against her pussy, her liquids shot in every direction, soaking the office table and floor. She kept squirting for five seconds before falling against the table in a heap of broken flesh.

“That was… the best… orgasm... of... my… life.” Sarah barely made out as she caught her breath.

Alex let her recover while he started cleaning up the mess. After wiping off the floors and table, Alex walked towards Sarah who dropped to her knees in front of him.

“I wish you could f*ck me right here, but I don’t think my wounds could take a pounding from you. We will have to wait until they heal. Until then, this is the best I can do.” Sarah said as she grabbed the waistband of his swim trunks and pulled them down. She licked her lips as she stared at his erect penis.

Without any more hesitation, Sarah engulfed Alex’s entire erect penis in her mouth. She choked and gagged but kept going at him like she had never eaten a meal in her life. She was sloppy and was not very experienced, having only sucked a few cocks in her life. And that was years ago.

She pulled away to catch her breath, “Sorry I am not very good. I haven’t done this in awhile… and none of my other boyfriends have been anywhere near this large.”

“Other boyfriends… Does this mean I’m your boyfriend?” Alex joked.

“I only blow guys who are my boyfriend… so I guess that makes you my boyfriend!” Sarah responded, licking the precum off his shaft.

Alex couldn’t believe his ears. Sarah Kennedy had actually said they were dating. If only eleven-year-old him could see him now!

“You know its going to take about a week for those wounds to heal. I am going to have to tend to your wounds every day until they fully heal.” Alex teased, inferring that this was about to become a regular occurrence.

“Well… I guess you will get a lot of practice then!” Sarah responded, gleefully.
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Act II, Scene 5 (Warning: Mild Coercion and Rough Sex)

Post by mastergepetto »

Final Part of ACT II. I will have ACT III (the grand finale!) finished for the September 6 deadline.

Again, any feedback is appreciated. Hope you are enjoying so far!

WARNING: This next part contains some mild coercion and rough sex.


Lauren Steele sat at the table in silence while advisors and close associates scrambled for damage control. Springhurst Resort had given them a war room to orchestrate today’s campaign announcement, and it was now being utilized to stabilize the campaign after Lauren’s unfortunate wardrobe malfunction during the event.

“Look guys… it’s really not that big of a deal,” explained Lauren’s female campaign manager. “People have wardrobe malfunctions all the time. It was clearly an accident. Who here hasn’t inadvertently flashed someone their underwear? The press will talk about this for a week then they will move onto something else. By the time the primary rolls around, no one will remember this.”

“The press may forget about this… but the incels on twitter and reddit are having a field day,” another female campaign worker said. “I’m afraid your underwear has already become a meme and earned you the nickname ‘brat girl’ across the internet.”

Oh god… if ‘brat girl’ sticks… Lauren tried to process the gravity of today’s events. If only I had been able to sit normally… whose idea was it anyway to get high stools with no bar on the front?

Sure, it was just an upskirt. Surprisingly, this was not the first public upskirt incident she had to deal with during her short tenure as the District Attorney. During her campaign to prosecute what she considered an epidemic of men attempting to take upskirt pictures of women, she had convinced city council to put up posters and signs around town threatening to prosecute those caught taking such pictures. High from her pet project, Lauren had put on
a short pleated skirt she bought in college and had an intern take a picture of a camera pointed directly up Lauren’s skirt and sent it to the city council as
an example of the type of imagery that would be prosecuted. She had taken extra care to mark the email with the attached image as ‘highly confidential.’

Two weeks later, Lauren was shocked on her way to work when she noticed several large anti-upskirting posters in highly visible locations around town bearing the same image Lauren had sent to the city council. The woman in the posters was only shown from the waist down, but Lauren knew the model was her because of the birthmark on the woman’s inner thigh. She could even make out
the camel toe on the white panties and a small wet stain between the lips that she hadn’t noticed on her small computer screen.

As soon as she got to work, she called the chairwoman of the city council, who was gushing about how the posters turned out. The chairwoman told Lauren that they decided to use the model image Lauren had sent over for the
posters and were planning on putting another 250 posters up in every public place in the Denver area. Lauren didn’t have the words to explain to the chairwoman that the model on the posters was her, so she just thanked her and
hung up.

Thankfully, only a few people at the office knew the model on the posters was Lauren, and that in her campaign to end upskirting, she had inadvertently caused hundreds of upskirt posters of herself to be posted around

Coming out of her trance, Lauren made eye contact with Josh, who was an associate in the District Attorney’s office. When Lauren started, Josh had been one of the law clerks at the DA’s office. After graduating law school, Josh was hired on as an Associate, joining Lauren. When she was eventually elected as the new District Attorney, she asked Josh to stay on to avoid the usual turnover that afflicted many new DAs. He was happy to oblige and from his
subtle advances, Lauren figured Josh had some ulterior motives working for Lauren. She shuddered as she wondered whether he knew the secret about the
infamous posters.

It didn’t matter now; he was now openly discussing her most recent upskirt incident.

“I definitely think the childishness of the underwear affects how the press is reacting. It’s not often such a recognizable public figure gets exposed wearing humiliating bratty underwear that a teenager might wear. We must issue a press release from the campaign while downplaying the severity,” Josh spoke up, ending his eye contact with Lauren, “something akin to: During the excitement of the campaign announcement today, Ms. Steele suffered a minor wardrobe malfunction. She is deeply embarrassed and requests privacy in this matter. Ms. Steele is a strong, independent woman and her choice in underwear is solely the concern of herself and her partners. Ms. Steele remains committed to fighting for women who have been mocked or exploited because of their sex and the clothes they choose to wear.

“I think that sounds fantastic, Josh,” the campaign manager said, “Lauren, what do you think?”

Lauren remained silent, staring at Josh. Was he enjoying this? They aren’t that childish, are they? She thought. She knew the answer to that question, as she had purchased the underwear on a BDSM fetish website that specialized in bratty submissive attire.

“Lauren, you seem really stressed,” the female associate noted. “I really think you should accept that free massage the resort offered. They said they had a couple open appointments left this afternoon.”

Lauren considered it. She hadn’t had a massage in a while, and the events of the day were taking a toll on her mind. Although, she wasn’t sure if taking a spa day was entirely appropriate after this morning. The last thing I need is some amateur reporter getting his big break by catching me half naked in the spa. But then again… I could really use the stress relief after today.

“I think that does sound nice,” Lauren responded, breaking her silence. “I am going to take the resort up on their offer while you guys finish up here. I think the press release sounds good and needs to go out immediately. Other than that, I don’t think much else can be done right now. Thank you all for your help.”

Lauren stood up and acknowledged everyone before walking out of the conference room. She found the events manager, Sophie, at the end of the hallway. Sophie had offered her a free massage and pedicure when her campaign booked the resort for their
campaign announcement.

Explaining that she would like to take Sophie up on her offer, Sophie pulled up the spa schedule on her iPad. Sophie explained to Lauren that they were busy this
Friday afternoon but had an opening in 15 minutes for a massage. Lauren accepted the massage and Sophie directed her through the spa into an open room
with a massage table in the center. She instructed Lauren to undress to her comfort level and that the masseuse would arrive in 15 minutes.

Lauren studied the room after Sophie left. It was dark, calm, and peaceful– exactly what Lauren needed after the stressful morning. She set her bag on the side table and sat down to take off her shoes. Undress to your comfort level. It had been years since Lauren had received a massage. She normally went nude, but that was during her crazier college days. She was a professional woman now. Plus, should I really get fully naked in a public place after the events of today? She thought.

Ditching her tight blue dress, she stood in her conservative white bra and pink underwear. The same pink underwear that had been exposed to millions. She read the word BRAT
on the front in bold letters. Well, I guess the secret is out. Now everyone knows I’m just a submissive brat pretending to be a professional woman.

Lauren remembered when she bought that pair. She was much wilder in college and had gotten involved in an underground BDSM scene in Denver. She had purchased those panties as part of a package with a bratty outfit, ball gags, and paddles. She had loved dressing like a schoolgirl and making her doms teach her a lesson for her attitude. She had enjoyed the naughty back talk and the spankings that would follow. It was all play for her; she remembered those years fondly.

After she graduated college, her family scrubbed all evidence of her ‘alternative years’ and convinced her to go to law school. It was her job to carry on the family legacy, her father and uncle explained-- she was disrespecting the Steele family name and putting the family’s reputation at risk. “Our family has many enemies that would cause us great harm if they discovered your extracurricular activities,” her father and uncle told her. If only they knew some of the doms that frequented her BDSM club, she thought. Reluctantly, she gave up that part
of her life and developed the professional image she carried today. The promise of greater access to the family trust made the decision a little easier.

Nevertheless, she still had great memories from her time as her ‘true self’ as she called it, and frequently wore her BRAT panties to remind her of those times. She had
several other slutty pairs that she would occasionally wear under her skirt, but that was supposed to be her secret. She had done that again today, and unfortunately that decision had caused much of this trouble.

She had grown excited as she remembered her ‘alternative BDSM years’ in college. She hadn’t done something like this in years. Feeling empowered – and a little horny – she
took off her bra and slipped off her underwear, making sure to place the pink thong with the BRAT side facing up on the chair for the masseuse to notice when
she entered the room. This should get her mind going and give her a little tease, Lauren thought playfully.

Now fully naked, she laid face down on the massage table and slipped the thin sheet over her body. She was excited for the female masseuse to arrive.

Lauren listened carefully as the masseuse entered the room. She heard her set the oils down and get set up. Lauren’s skin electrified as the masseuse adjusted the thin
sheet that was covering her backside, folding it so that only her butt was unexposed.

Soothing music was playing as the masseuse squeezed a bottle of warm oil onto Lauren’s back. Lauren was in a state of bliss as the masseuse started working her hands
into Lauren’s back. Her hands were firm and rough; they felt amazing.

Wait…Suddenly, an electric wave pulsed down Lauren’s spine as she realized these were not delicate female
hands but the firm, practiced hands of a masseur. She was completely naked and being massaged by an unknown male. She had never had a male masseur before, but
deep down, she was excited. What would her campaign say? They were still finishing up damage control from the upskirt incident. If news broke that hours after the wardrobe malfunction, Lauren received a naked massage from a male, it would be pure scandal.

As if he sensed her conflicted emotions, the masseur spoke up to put her mind at ease, “Good Afternoon, my name is Kevin. I will be your masseur for this session. I want to make this experience as relaxing and comfortable as possible. If at any point you are uncomfortable, please speak up and I will adjust. We have many high-powered clientele and always use the utmost discretion.”

Kevin continued working his hands down Lauren’s back as he finished his statement. Lauren was completely at ease and found Kevin’s touch electrifying. She hadn’t been touched like this by a guy in a while. Most of the “eligible” men in Denver were unsurprisingly ill equipped to meet Lauren’s needs in bed… if they even got that far… and she had put dating aside to focus on her career for the past few years. Still, it felt so good to be touched this way, she thought.

Lauren was in heaven while Kevin spent twenty minutes working all the muscles on her back and legs. He paid close attention to the lumbar region of her lower back and upper
hips. Lauren wondered if Kevin wasn’t paying close attention to those regions to turn her on. If he was indeed doing this, he had done his job. She was throbbing at his touch.

Kevin finished with her backside and instructed her to use the sheet to turn over and cover her front while he turned away. Lauren turned over and saw Kevin facing towards the table with the oils and ointments. This was the first time she saw him. She studied his back and legs. He was 6’3 and extremely well built. His blond hair flowed down to his shoulders; he looked like a surfer Adonis. She felt a little embarrassed displaying her bratty underwear so prominently on thechair next to the oils table. There’s
no way he didn’t see those when he came in. He probably thinks I’m some immature weirdo.

A naughty thought crossed Lauren’s mind that she couldn’t shake. Making good on her thought, she laid down on her back and told Kevin she was ready.

Kevin turned around and his eyes grew wide as he saw Lauren’s nude figure. She had tossed the sheet aside and laid fully exposed on the massage table. Lauren watched as
Kevin studied her naked torso and then made eye contact with her. She didn’t say anything as he approached. She adjusted her legs into a diamond position, giving Kevin a great view of her crotch.

“Damn… I must say, even in my profession, that is not a sight you see every day,” Kevin said, studying Lauren’s figure. He lathered his hands in oil and started rubbing her
upper chest, eventually making his way down to her breasts. He massaged her breasts and started playing with her nipples. “These are fun! How long have you
had these?” Kevin asked while playing with Lauren’s nipple piercings.

“I got them in college. That’s when I got everything done.” Lauren said, referencing her wild college years. She had several tattoos and piercings, but all were strategically
placed to be hidden by her underwear.

“Does this feel good?” Kevin asked while continuing to play with her nipple piercings.

“Uh… yeah… that feels great,” she managed to gasp.

Keeping his one hand on the nearest breast, Kevin traced his other hand down Lauren’s torso, resting it on Lauren’s inner upper thigh next to her exposed vagina. “So you are a naughty little brat, aren’t you?” Kevin asked in a knowing tone.

Lauren’s heart fluttered at being called a brat. Something awoke in her she hadn’t felt in years.

“I thought it was cute when you left your little panties for me to find on the chair. But I wasn’t expecting this. I’ve never seen a girl with a ‘Make Me.’ tattoo on her
crotch.” Kevin said. He traced the cursive letters that spelled out “Make Me” on Lauren’s smooth mons pubis. “Some girls like to play; but you’re a true

Lauren embraced being called a brat. She could throw her brat underwear and schoolgirl costumes away at any time and move on from that time of her life, but the “Make
Me” tattoo directly above her pussy demarcated her as a submissive brat for the rest of her life. She always had to choose her sexual partners carefully, not knowing how they would react to her slutty tattoo. She worried the “Bros” would tell all their friends and the “eligible” guys would think she was tainted.

Kevin moved his hand down from the tattoo and started playing with her clit piercing. “You’d be surprised how many women have their clits pierced… but this… I’ve never seen anything quite like this,” he commented.

“Do you like it?” Lauren asked.

“Yeah! I think it's hilarious! Where do you even get something like this?” Kevin asked while rubbing Lauren’s vertical hood piercing. Instead of the bottom jewel that
was common on vertical hood piercings, Lauren’s piercing had a large, red button that said “easy” in white letters. The bottom jewel of the piercing looked exactly like the Staples “easy” button and rested directly over her clit. Pressing on the button, Kevin perfectly rubbed Lauren’s sensitive clit.

“I had it custom made– awhile ago–– I’m glad you like it!--- I don’t wear it much anymore– I really only wear it to— to preserve the piercing so it doesn’t close— It’s kinda embarrassing — really embarrassing— I don’t know why I wore it today— especially considering— well— but — I am glad I did!” Lauren explained to Kevin, pausing frequently to catch her breath while he rubbed her. Kevin could tell she was nearing orgasm.

As if on cue, Lauren brought her hand to her mouth and bit down on her fist to keep from screaming as she unleashed an explosive orgasm. Kevin continued rubbing the “easy” button while Lauren unleashed a flood of fluids onto the table.

As Lauren’s orgasm subsided, Kevin kept slowly massaging her breasts and pussy. “I heard you were a little naughty today.” He said.

Oh God, he knows! News travels so fast. And he knows who I am too! Lauren screamed internally. “What do you mean?” She asked.

“I thought professional women weren’t supposed to go around flashing their underwear… especially when live cameras are around.” He chided.

“It was an accident! I swear! I wasn’t able to keep my legs together because of the missing wrung on the stool!” She defended herself.

“I am sure it was an accident, at first,” He continued, “But I am willing to bet that a part of you loved exposing your panties to the crowd. Isn’t that right, Lauren?”

“Yes…” Lauren admitted. She was ashamed to admit that a part of her loved exposing herself like that, but it was the truth. Lauren was getting turned on again. If he didn’t stop soon, she might orgasm a second time.

“And I am willing to bet that you realized at one point just how much you were exposing yourself to the crowd, and did nothing to adjust your legs. Isn’t that right, Miss?”

“Yesss…” Lauren had just admitted a fact she had struggled to admit to herself. She had known pretty early that how she was forced to sit would expose her panties but
had done nothing to reposition her legs in any way. “You can’t tell anyone. Please. I can’t have people finding out how much of a slut I am. I would be ruined.”

“What’s it going to take to keep all this a secret?” Kevin asked.

Lauren noticed the large erection in Kevin’s pants and a little precum on his scrubs. “If I let you f*ck me, will you not tell anyone?” She offered.

“Sure. I will fuck you alright. But I also think you have been a little naughty lately and need a good punishment. Isn’t that right?” Kevin continued.

“Yes.” She admitted– her third embarrassing admission in less than two minutes.

“I want to hear you say it.” Kevin demanded.

“I have been a naughty girl. I deserve to be punished. I want you to punish me for being such a naughty little brat. Then I want you to take me for all that I am worth.” Lauren begged.

On cue, Kevin grabbed both of Lauren’s ankles and spun her 90 degrees so that her body was perpendicular with the massage table. Only her back was on the table while
Kevin supported her legs. He raised her ankles to his head and placed both of her calves on his left shoulder, causing her to rotate her body with her butt in the air. Pulling her knees to his left so that her body rotated further, he
used his free right hand to deliver several hard smacks to her exposed bottom dangling in the air in front of him.

“Owww!!!” Lauren cried. She had not received a spanking like this in years.

“Does your father know about your slutty tattoos and piercings?” Kevin asked while continuing to spank her.

“No...” Lauren managed to say while wincing in pain.

“What would he do if found out?” Kevin asked.

“He’d be so pissed. He’d probably cut me out of the family trust.” Lauren admitted in between strokes.

“So what are you going to do to keep this a secret?” He egged her on.

“I will let you fuck me and let you cum in me.” She bargained.

“But I thought I was already going to fuck you… that’s not much more of an offer to keep your secret.” Kevin responded.

“But I have never let a guy cum in me!!! I always make them wear and condom and pull out!! ” She cried.

“I am still not enticed,” Kevin said.

“I will let you fuck me, and cum in me, and when we are done, I will suck all your cum off your cock like a good slut. I will make sure your cock is nice and clean,” Lauren promised.

“You have yourself a deal,” Kevin said, accepting the terms. He stopped the spanking and grabbed Lauren’s left leg and swung it onto his right shoulder so that Lauren’s
ankles straddled his shoulders. He then dropped his pants and underwear and grabbed Lauren by the waist, positioning her so that her back was on the table
and her ass and pussy pointed towards his hard cock. “I always dreamed of f*cking you,” Kevin said as he rammed his penis into her pussy.

The last sentence through Lauren’s thoughts through a loop. Do I know him? How does he know me? What did he
mean by ‘I always dreamed of f*ucking you?’”

Lauren continued to rack her brain while Kevin pounded her delicate pussy. His firm grip on her hips combined with the rough rhythm of his thrusts sent her into pure bliss. She quickly forgot what she was trying to remember as she unleashed another earth shattering orgasm.

Kevin continued to violently thrust into her gushing pussy. With her ankles over his shoulders and her back on the table, he was able to control her hips in any way he wanted. Her body was his to pound.

Three minutes later– and after another orgasm from Lauren– Kevin exploded into Lauren’s pussy, delivering what felt like pints of cum into the deepest depths of her
uterus. For the first time, Lauren experienced the feeling of someone else’s cum filling her pussy. Even during her
wildest sex parties in college, everyone wore condoms to protect againstdisease. Lauren admitted that she enjoyed the feel of cum filling her pussy, even if she was slightly ashamed her first time like this was with a stranger. Thankfully, she had an IUD.

Breathing heavy, Kevin stepped back and admired his cum dripping out of Lauren’s pussy. He always had thick cum and today was no exception. He knew Lauren would have
some difficulty cleaning all the cum out of her pussy– it would probably ooze his cum for hours.

Lauren was even more spent, having trouble even moving a muscle. She hadn’t been worked like that in years– maybe ever. She laid there enjoying every second of the post-sex bliss.

“I’ve never felt someone cum in me before. It feels good but it kinda tickles. It makes me feel so full.”

“Are you still going to clean me up?” Kevin said mockingly, breaking Lauren out of her bliss.

“Was that not enough for you?” Lauren asked. “I just let you do something to me no one else has,” she said, looking at the thick cum drooling from her pussy.

“You made the deal. I intend for you to keep it… unless you want me telling your father and everyone else about your secret tattoos and piercings.” Kevin reminded her.

“I don’t think they would believe you,” said Lauren. Lauren knew her father might, but doubted whether anyone else would believe him without proof. Proof they will never get.

“They might after today… And you aren’t really in any position to test that theory, are you?” Kevin called her bluff.

Admitting defeat, Lauren slid off the table and got on her knees in front of Kevin. By now, his dick had gone mostly limp, but still glistened with a mixture of his cum and her juices. She put this dick in her mouth and started sucking the best she could while fondling his balls. Again, she was out of practice, having not sucked many dicks since college.

After a couple minutes, Lauren had managed to clean off all the cum from Kevin’s shaft. Kevin was hard again and Lauren enjoyed the taste and feel of his stiff cock in
her mouth. Mmmmm. She accidently let out a slight moan.

“You are enjoying this, aren’t you slut. I bet you are eager for round two!” Kevin joked.

Feeling slightly repulsed, slightly playful, and slightly turned on by his statement, Lauren took Kevin’s cock out of her mouth and spat on his shaft, giggling like a schoolgirl at her spit coating his freshly cleaned cock.

“What the hell was that for? Clean that off right now!” Kevin demanded.

“Make Me.” Lauren replied with a large smile and a gleam in her eye.

Kevin pulled Lauren off the ground, turned her around, and bent her over the table. Not allowing Lauren any chance to respond, he started spanking her ass even harder than before.

“AHHHH YOU DICK!” Lauren screamed, trying and failing to swat away his hands.

“It seems you still haven’t learned your lesson. Or are you that much of a brat?” Kevin chided her.

“Please! Ahh! It hurts!” Lauren cried, trying to wiggle out of Kevin’s control.

Not wanting to actually hurt Lauren, Kevin paused, pulling his hand off of her.

“Why did you stop?” Lauren asked, trying to catch her breath.

“I thought I was hurting you. I didn’t want to really hurt you.” Kevin replied.

“It did hurt… but the good kind of hurt. You know?” Lauren said, looking back up at Kevin with a gleam in her eyes.

“So you really are enjoying this? I know we are playing, but sometimes it is a little hard to tell.” Kevin asked.

“I am loving this. Absolutely” Lauren admitted. “I used to do a lot more of this… but I had to stop to pursue my career. It’s nice to play again, but this HAS TO stay just
between us, OK? If you try to tell anyone about this, I will deny it and ruin you. Don’t think I can’t make your like a living Hell.”

“Understood… tell me again who’s the dom?” Kevin joked.

“I think the last several minutes and my red ass answer that question pretty clearly” Lauren snapped back. “I love being your little brat, but if we are going to continue, I’d like to use a safeword. If I say the word LEMON, that means stop, OK?”

“I can do that” Kevin said. “So… miss Lauren. Did you learn your lesson? Are you going to finish cleaning my cock?” He asked.

“In your dreams.” Lauren teased.

Kevin pushed Lauren against the table again and resumed the rough spanking. “How much more of this can you take? I thought you would have learned your lesson by now!” Kevin asked as his hand again connected with Lauren’s red ass.

“AHH! OK! OK!” Lauren cried.

“OK, what?” Kevin asked while continuing to spank her ass. “And you better be clear, your ass is getting pretty red.”

“OK! I will clean your damn cock!” She screamed, starting to cry in pain.

“I want you to say why you deserved your spanking and that you learned your lesson.” Kevin demanded.

“I tried to break my promise! I am such a little tease. I am such a brat. I can’t help it! I deserve daily spankings! I wanted you to spank me so I purposefully disobeyed
you. I am sorry and learned my lesson... For now!!” Lauren cried. She couldn't help but add that last part in. She knew she wouldn’t learn this lesson for very long and was excited for her next spanking.

“Very well. I accept your apology” Kevin said, stopping the spanking. He started rubbing Lauren’s thighs, being careful not to touch her sore ass. “However, I have a bit of a problem on my hands. You see, I am a little worked up again and can’t help but notice the bent over position you are in is awfully inviting. Are you ready for the final part of your lesson?” He asked.

“Haven’t I suffered enough? I won’t be able to sit for a week! Monday is going to be extra awkward in the office.” Lauren cried, “I promise to be a good little girl. No more
spitting… just no more spankings, ok?”

“Don’t worry, I have something else in mind for your final punishment,” Kevin smirked.

Lauren laid bent over with her legs spread and her ass out towards Kevin, wondering what this final punishment would entail. Kevin started rubbing Lauren’s slit vigorously, lathering up his hands with some of the mixture of their cum that was still oozing out of Lauren’s pussy. He slid his fingers up and started spreading the mixture around Lauren’s exposed asshole.

“Wait! AHH! Wrong hole! Wrong hole! NOOOO” Lauren cried. But it was too late. Kevin rammed his cock into her ass in a violent thrust, causing Lauren to jerk forward and
cry in pain.

“This is your final lesson! You disobeyed me and tried to break your promise. You got a rough spanking and you still talked back to me. Now you are going to take my cock up your ass like a true cum slut.” Kevin spoke into Lauren’s ear.

“AHH” Lauren cried in pain.

“Does that hurt, slut?” Kevin asked.

“OHH God! I’ve never been fucked in this ass before!” Lauren screamed, “Holy Shit! I’ve never felt anything like this!”

“How does it feel to lose your anal virginity to a complete stranger?”

“Amazing!!!” Lauren cried as she came for the fourth time.
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Second Intermission

Post by mastergepetto »


Maria Suarez had managed to run back to the television van and lock herself in. Finally safe from the crowd and dozens of live cameras, she broke down crying.

As a reporter for one of the most popular stations in Denver, she was well known throughout the area. Her face was featured across numerous billboards around town. She had made a career as a well-respected Latina woman in a male dominated field. Now, her hard work was likely in shambles. Within hours, there likely wouldn’t be a single person in the Denver area that hadn’t seen images and videos of her naked.
And it wasn’t just that she was exposed naked. Since puberty, she had been deeply humiliated by her enlarged labia. She had passed up several great potential suitors because she was ashamed of how they would react seeing her naked. She had even explored surgical options for labiaplasty and was close to having enough money saved for the procedure. Now, her greatest shame had been permanently displayed in the worst light possible. Everyone she knew would know her embarrassing secret.

Sitting in the van, she glanced across the numerous screens that adorned the wall. The brand new TV van that her station provided for her team came with six TVs that showed the feed of various local and national stations. Every station, including her own, was showing footage from today’s events.

She watched in horror as she scanned each television– FOX, CNN, MSNBC, and three local stations, including her own– all replaying in full detail various aspects of Olivia, Maria, and Sarah’s misfortune. She noticed that several of the stations were doing a split screen, showing the struggling girl on one half and providing information on the other half. How could they be doing this? Do they have no decency? She asked herself.

She watched in horror as FOX showed Sarah performing CPR on the nearly naked Maria. Sarah’s ass and pussy were on full display and Maria was laying on the ground like a starfish with everything exposed. On the second half of the screen Maria saw her name and bio: “Maria Eugenia Suarez-Martinez. Field Reporter at KFNU-Denver since 2017. University of Colorado, Journalism B.A., 2015.” They had pulled Maria’s headshot from the station’s website. So much for anonymity.

Beneath Maria’s bio was Sarah’s bio, which informed Maria that Sarah was a 26 year old assistant manager of the lifeguard team, had graduated from Arizona State in 2018, and was an integral part in Arizona State’s most recent National Title in Swimming and Diving. The bio even provided an image of Sarah taken from Arizona State’s athletic page. Poor girl. She’s going to be famous just like me.

She turned her head to CNN, where a panel of reporters were discussing the embarrassing details of today's events. She shuddered as she listened to one of the female panelists discuss previous on-air wardrobe malfunctions of various reporters, being blunt to emphasize that this was by far the worst on air wardrobe mishap she's ever seen from a female reporter. As she discussed Maria's misfortune, the screen lit up with a full-screen shot of Maria's dangling pussy lips, showing every detail of her brown labia and pink inside. It really does look like roast beef.

Maria continued to watch the stations replay the footage of the three girls on loop, showing all the worst parts. She turned up Frank, who has her own station’s lead weekday anchor: “Well, its seems that a sleepy Friday in Colorado has turned out to be quite eventful. This coverage started with the Congressional campaign announcement of Denver’s District Attorney, Lauren Steele and evolved into a day that our viewers will likely never forget. I am sure plenty more will be said regarding the events of today over the coming weeks, but I would like to end this by saying that we wish the best for everyone involved, including our very own Maria Suarez. We think highly of her professionally and want her to know that nothing that happened today will be held against her professionally in any manner.”

Maria appreciated the kind words from Frank, but knew that her life would likely never be the same after today.

“And with that, we will turn it over to… wait… I am getting reports from our team that there is a new development at Springhurst… this may not be over. Hang on while we figure out what is going on.” Frank announced, “Oliver, are you still on camera? What is going on down there?”

Oliver set the live camera on the ground and picked up the microphone, “Frank, I am not quite sure what is going on, but the Fire Alarm as just gone off at the resort. It looks like there is some smoke coming from the kitchen. I am trying to get further details.”

“Well, fellow viewers, you just heard from our cameraman Oliver, filling in for Maria. It seems there may be a kitchen fire at Springhurst Resort. If the previous events from today are any indication of what is to come, I would stay glued to the screen!”
In chaos theory, the butterfly effect—or ripple effect—is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic, nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. A ripple effect occurs when an initial disturbance to a system propagates outward to disturb an increasingly larger portion of the system, like ripples expanding across the water when an object is dropped into it.

When Kelly Miller hit her ball into the water on the 18th hole, she did not know that her errant stroke would set in motion a bizarre chain of events that would change the lives of many people at the club that day. She was an exceptional golfer and never made costly errors like that. Had Kelly knelt down to inspect the grass, she would have noticed a burnt off cigar stub that had been dropped by Bryan on the course the previous evening. Instead, she decided to trust the course, and as her club swung through the rough, the blade caught the cigar stub, causing her club to twist and careening her ball into the water on the left.

The ball caused an enormous splash as it entered the water, sending ripples throughout the lake. Disturbed by the splash and ripples, birds that had been peacefully bathing in the water took off in every direction. One particular bird started flying along the lake towards the green. It landed by the green and noticed a shiny white object sitting on the pristine grass—Kelly’s second ball.

Interested in the shiny round object that looked like an egg, the bird flew over and grabbed the ball. It would make a great addition to the bird’s nest, the bird thought. The bird flew off with the ball and soared towards the club house.

Eventually, the bird grew tired of flying with the ball and decided to take a break on some cables overlooking the resort. There, the bird hung out with its new prized possession for a while, not letting it leave its beak until suddenly, with a jolt, the cables came to life. Startled, the bird dropped the shiny white object and the ball landed a couple feet below the bird in the gears of the ski lift, where it rested precariously between the spinning gears.

The cables had been brought to life when Olivia called down to the resort, requesting a ride in the ski lift down to the birthday party in her honor. Before Olivia’s ski lift had finished its descent, the white ball, sitting precariously between the spinning gears, was smashed between the gears, causing the entire ski lift to lurch violently several times before coming to a final stop with Olivia dangling 45 feet from the ground.

Olivia dangled from the ski lift for twenty minutes, losing her bikini bottoms and top in front of a crowd of all her peers, the entire resort staff, and live TV cameras broadcasting the rescue to millions of viewers.

One of the TV crews was led by Maria Suarez, a popular reporter from Denver’s most watched news station. Unfortunately for Maria, while trying to catch up with Olivia after the rescue, she fell into the pool and was stripped of her dress and underwear while she was saved from nearly drowning.
During Maria’s own rescue, in her panic, she had managed to tear off the swimsuit of Sarah Kennedy, the assistant manager for Springhurst Resort’s lifeguard team and former standout D-I swimmer at Arizona State, having won a National Championship with the Sun Devils.

Three well known, attractive girls being stripped naked at Springhurst Resort in a matter of 30 minutes had caused quite the distraction among the resort guests and its staff. This type of event was unprecedented at the exclusive resort and would be discussed for years.

Eager to witness a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the entire kitchen staff had run outside when they heard that a naked girl was dangling from the ski lift. They had decided to stay and watch as Maria and Sarah were likewise stripped naked and exposed to the crowd. Unfortunately, having neglected the kitchen for 30 minutes, several fires started, which quickly engulfed the entire kitchen… and put much of the resort at risk.
Last edited by mastergepetto on Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Ripple Effect (SSC 2022) (Act II, Scene 5 added)

Post by Executionus »

I have to admire the theme of this story and how the entire plot is a series of wildly-improbable dominos falling.
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Re: The Ripple Effect (SSC 2022) (Act II, Scene 5 added)

Post by mastergepetto »

Executionus wrote: Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:25 am I have to admire the theme of this story and how the entire plot is a series of wildly-improbable dominos falling.
I appreciate the feedback coming from you! I know there is a lot of set up, but so much of the set up is making sure every domino is in the right place to fall and the proper moment. If even one domino changes, none of the succeeding events happen.

That is definitely the theme of this story-- how one small change can have a huge impact and create a wildly-improbable chain reaction. Now, the dominos are all lined up and in place for Act III, the grand finale...and there are a lot more dominos left to fall!
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Re: The Ripple Effect (SSC 2022) (Act II, Scene 5 added)

Post by mastergepetto »

I planned on writing all weekend but I had an emergency come up. Such is life. I will have Act III, the Grand Finale, posted in the next couple days.

I already have 20 word pages written and I am about 2/3 of the way complete with the final part.
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Act III, The Grande Finale

Post by mastergepetto »

Josh sat at a table near the clubhouse bar at Springhurst Resort, sipping on his gin and tonic. What is taking lunch so long? He wondered. He was an associate at the District Attorney’s office and was helping Lauren Steele with her Congressional campaign. The campaign had just finished damage control from Lauren’s wardrobe malfunction during today’s campaign announcement and Josh had gone to the bar area to enjoy a late lunch and a drink.

His frustration with the slow service subsided when he saw a beautiful woman in a short black dress walk up to the bar and take her seat on one of the stools. No Way. Kelly Miller? It can’t be. What could she be doing in Colorado?

Josh had gone to Stanford undergrad with Kelly. They were good friends for the first few years of college. Unfortunately, he had accidentally confessed his love for her one drunken night, and things grew awkward between them. Further, Kelly’s friends, Alyssa, Katerina, and the ring-leader, Madison, all thought he was not a good fit for Kelly and convinced her that he was not worth her time. They eventually drifted apart and he had not spoken with her since college.

Her back was turned to Josh, and she was seated up on the bar stool while he was at the table, so he had trouble determining if it was indeed Kelly.

“Kelly? Kelly Miller?” Josh asked towards the woman.

The blonde girl in the tight black dress spun around when she heard her name. She looked inquisitively at the man. “Josh? Holy Shit! What are you doing here?”

Josh had completely missed the question. As Kelly had spun around to face him, the slit of her dress opened and exposed Kelly’s pantyless crotch. He saw in great detail her hairless pussy. Kelly Miller is commando?! First Lauren shows her embarrassing underwear, now conservative Kelly Miller is pantyless. What is going on today? He wondered. This was a sight Josh had never expected to see; a very welcomed surprise.

Not hearing an answer from Josh, Kelly hopped down from the bar stool and approached Josh’s table, inadvertently giving Josh an even better view of her pantyless pussy as she climbed down. Josh would remember the view of her bare pussy lips sliding across the leather stool for the rest of his live.

Coming to his senses, Josh hastily began to answer Kelly’s question: “I work for the Denver DA. She is running for Congress and had a major event here today. We just finished up and I thought I’d grab some lunch at the bar.”

Kelly smiled at Josh as she walked up to his table, “Oh that’s awesome! I remember you always talked about going to law school! Alyssa and Katerina just passed the bar too! Do you remember them?”

Remember them? You mean the girls that told you we weren’t compatible? How could I forget them? Josh thought sarcastically. “Yeah! Absolutely! Good for them! The California Bar is one of the toughest in the nation.” He responded, trying not to sound bitter.

“Mind if I sit?” Kelly asked, “I’m so hungry after golf.”

“Go right ahead,” Josh said, “But I haven’t seen the bartender in a few minutes.”

Kelly sat in the chair opposite to Josh, being careful to cross her legs and cover her crotch. She did not want her old friend, who she knew still had a crush on her, to see anything he shouldn't.

“Oh man! I was hoping to grab a bite before the flight.” Kelly said, “I’m here with Madison, Alyssa, and Katerina for Madison’s bachelorette party— we just finished golfing and are about to catch a flight to Vegas for the rest of the weekend!”

“That’s fun!” Josh responded, “I didn’t know they were here as well. I haven’t seen any of you guys since college. How was golf?”

“Yeah, they are finishing up in the shower. Hopefully they are out soon. I don’t even want to talk about golf… not my best outing… but the course was beautiful!” Kelly lamented and buried her head in her hands.

“Oh gosh! What happened?” Josh asked, now curious as to what had gone so wrong.

“Haha like I said! I don’t want to talk about it!” Kelly said laughing, “Lets just say… I made a bad bet.. And now I can’t wear underwear for the rest of the weekend!” Kelly cried jokingly again, throwing her head back into her hands.

“What? That’s crazy!” Josh exclaimed, feigning ignorance. Looks like I am going to Vegas tonight.

“Tell me about it! And Madison wants all the bridesmaids to wear these short black dresses to match her white dress! I’m doomed!” Kelly cried cartoonishly.

“You’re going to have to be really careful wearing that dress!” Kevin joked, “you don’t want any Britney Spears moments.” She’s going to be flashing every guy at the bar. And I am going to make sure I get a front row seat!

“Shut up! I’ve already flashed the golf cart attendants and a group of middle aged men. This weekend is not looking good for me!” Kelly wailed.

How did I miss this?! Josh screamed internally. Before he could inquire any further, the fire alarm suddenly went off in a loud screech.

“IS THAT THE FIRE ALARM?” Kelly yelled.

“YEAH” Josh yelled back, “HOLY SHIT!! Look at all that smoke!!”

Kelly and Josh turned and looked behind the bar towards the kitchen. Smoke was billowing out into the dinning area and they could see flames in the distance.

“This is a serious fire! We need to get out of here!” Josh cried.

“Hold on! I need to grab Maddy and everyone. They will probably think this is some drill or something. Good luck!!!”

Kelly waved bye to Josh and started walking as fast as she could in her heels and short dress towards the women's locker rooms. Josh admired her as she left and then turned to find an exit. Oh My God! Lauren! He thought, She’s still getting her massage! I’ve got to warn her!
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