The Shower Incident (Complete)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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The Shower Incident: Part 7 - The Final Humiliation

Post by jastes22 »

The Shower Incident - Susan's history of breaking boys' hearts finally catches up with her in the most humiliating way possible.
  • Part 1: The Conditions - Susan is exposed in the shower. Darryl explains the conditions of her night of humiliation.
  • Part 4: The Second Ex -Susan's second choice falls through, and her decision is made for her. Darryl rewards her.
  • Part 6: The Ride -The boys decide on the next phase of Susan's humiliation, and they take a ride.

*Similar warning to Part 6: This part is very intense. Not quite a gangbang, but it gets close.*

Hands grabbed at my shoulders, pulling me partway out of the car before grabbing my waist and pulling me out on my feet.

I could hear people talking and laughing. With the darkness of the night and the pillowcase over my head, I couldn’t see a thing.

I waited for one of them to put me over their shoulders and walk inside. Instead, they started to walk, two of them holding my arms behind my back. I yelped as I was suddenly off-balance. The arms pulled me back on my feet. As they continued walking, I started to jump to keep up, very aware my jiggling tits and butt cheeks.

My shoes plopped on the sidewalk with each bounce, and I was worried about falling flat on my face.

Really? That’s what you’re worried about? How about the fact that you’re about to walk into a freaking party buck-naked? Worried about that at all?

The cold air was replaced with the warm air of a heater, and I could light through my mostly opaque head covering. I was inside.


“Dude, she’s naked!”

“Who is that?”

I blushed, suddenly somewhat grateful for the covering. This was a thousand times worse than anything the boys could do to me in the bathroom. I imagined cameras and videos going off and capturing this moment for years. I imagined my faceless body plastered across the college campus. I should have just let Darryl put the pictures in the school newspaper. Which, I realized, he might still do.

“Come on,” Darryl said, grabbing me and pulling me forward. “Let’s get you that attention you always wanted.”

He pulled me about 50 feet through a hallway and into what I was pretty sure was a large center room. The room was dead quiet, but I could hear the pattering of more people coming to gather around me, like a mob gathering to witness a public execution.

Darryl lifted me up onto something about a foot off the ground. A coffee table?


I began to, but not being able to shift my feet or use my hands for balance was difficult. Darryl, seeing my predicament, grabbed me, lifted me up again and folded my legs underneath me, and then deposited me like a stuffed bear. His price for his assistance was a slap to the butt. I moaned without thinking. Realizing that I had just done in front of everyone made me blush underneath the pillowcase.

“Sit up,” Darryl said.

I straightened my back and realized how much of my pussy I was exposing, completely stretched out by my position. With my butt on my shoes, it gave me like a half-centimeter of height. Not much, but enough to make me feel even more exposed, and the feel of rubber on my bare butt only served to emphasize my nakedness.

I could imagine a hundred cameras going off and immortalizing my body. I realized that it didn’t matter what Darryl’s threats were. My pictures may as well be plastered all over campus with the amount of public exposure I was experiencing. The only thing that protected me was the black pillowcase and some shoestring.

“Would anyone like to come up and touch her?”

What? The boys touching me was one thing, but total strangers that I couldn’t even see?

Hands pushed and poked against my stomach and breasts with no finesse or consideration, and I moaned against my gag. Someone started touching my butt, giving me a few slaps and laughing at my squeals. At one point, I counted what I thought were five or six hands on me. The extra height of the coffee table combined with my kneeling made it much easier for others to touch me in places that I wasn’t used to, like the top of my rib cage or my collarbone. Someone was groping my breast while at the same tome someone was stroking their fingers through my hair.

“Look how wet she is!” It was a girl’s voice. It sounded familiar. I realized with horror that it was Lily on the soccer team. She was one of my best friends, and I couldn’t bear the thought of her seeing me like this. Again, I held to the assurance that the pillowcase held only by shoestring protected me from ultimate humiliation.

“Alright, time to step this up,” Darryl said. His hand touched my stomach, his whole hand flatted on my skin. I shuddered as he slid his hand down like a snake. I screamed into my gag as he inserted a finger into my pussy, pushing further and further with greater penetration than I had ever experienced.

I nearly fell off the coffee table as the orgasm overtook me. I shook violently, groaning and moaning with any thought of who was watching.

Hands grabbed me and laid me on my side, my pussy facing towards the onlooker. My orgasm climaxed, and I heard people gasp as I felt cum squirt out of me and drip onto the table.

“Ew,” I heard someone say. I realized it was Lily. “I can’t believe she did that.”

“You want to see it again?” Darryl asked.

Quiet affirmations from the group.

Oh, crap. Please no.

The pressure on my wrists released. My hands were free. Immediately, My hands flew to cover myself, one over my breasts and the other over my crotch.

“No, no covering,” Darryl said. He pulled my arms to the side. “Go on,” he said. “Masturbate in front of all of your fans.”

What? Cum three times in an hour and a half? There was no way.

That was Darryl’s plan, I realized. Make me so dry I would have to spend several long, humiliating minutes touching myself in front of everyone.

I wanted desperately to end this horrible night.

I spread my legs—giving quite a view to my audience, I’m sure—and plunged my fingers into my pussy while stroking my tits with the other. Immediately, the urge to cum returned. Crap, what was wrong with me? I’ve never cummed so often in such a short amount of time. Was I really so turned on by this? A normal person wouldn’t be able to cum so fast after what had just happened. And I was doing it in front of literally everyone!

It’s okay, I thought, trying to hold on to even the smallest shred of hope. No one knew it was me.

“Come on!” someone shouted.

“We’re waiting for you to squirt!”

“Slut! Whore!”

I continued stroking myself without abandon, trying anything to get myself to orgasm while groaning and moaning the entire time. A minute passed. Two minutes. Three. I could feel it, right on the edge, but the dam had yet to burst.

“Looks like she’s having some trouble,” Darryl said. “Here, let me help.”

He pulled my hand away from my pussy. I resisted. I was too far. I had to finish, no matter how humiliating it was.

A pause. I felt Darryl kneel down and lean forward.

I felt something wet enter my pussy. Darryl was licking me! I shrieked into my gag as I felt his tongue drag up my slit like sandpaper, flicking inside of me like the forked tongue of a snake. Despite what he told me, I tried to resist the oncoming orgasm, but it was like trying to stop a boulder with a piece of paper. I collapsed in ecstasy as my leg spasmed uncontrollably, screaming into my panty-gag.

In the haze of recovering from the mind-shattering orgasm, I couldn’t think straight I felt the shoestring around my neck loosen. My body was too spent to resist. I had just enough lucidity to scream into my gag, “No!” just as the pillowcase was lifted off my head.

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Re: The Shower Incident (Complete)

Post by Jetsfan »

Really enjoyed the whole story. Total humiliation at the hands of guys she's treated like crap. Keep the stories coming.
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