Nathan the Unlikely Nudist
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Re: Nathan the Unlikely Nudist
Thanks for the kind words (:. I will be updating this story again within a week so I hope it will live up to the expectations.
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Re: Nathan the Unlikely Nudist
My 'stiffy' had certainly changed. It was different, it was angry. I'd never seen it like this before. It looked… it felt…
"Hey, hey!" *Snap, snap* as the Karen snapped her fingers at me.
"Are you even listening?!? I demand your attention!"
I just stood studying my erection. I wanted to grab it, it felt more sensitive than when I poked it before. It felt good, I mean it feels good at the moment. It's never been like this, there was no simulation. What was it? Is this just from being naked outside? Is it getting to me? Is it…?
I felt a hand take a hold of my chin and bring me back up to the Karen's eye level as I was now staring right back at her as I snapped back to reality.
I never prepared for any kind of conflict like that. I really hadn't thought about the fact that this type of situation is normal, how many people even knew about it? I'm sure this Karen must've been a tourist of some kind as well. I'm sure I could just speak to her and get it all sorted out right?
I did try to speak up, I did to explain the whole shenanigans but she interrupted me and proceeded to ask one of the girls instead.
Penny of course was bound to mischievously reply.
"We are so sorry Ma'am. Our good friend here, Nathan ended up losing all his clothes and his 'swimming shorts' on the first day here! Can you believe that? Me and my sisters tried to find a easy way for him to not get in trouble for being Nakie outside so we remembered that they had a nudist program here because we searched online! That way he wouldn't get in trouble with the police and cause big trouble for our mommy!" Penny really knew how to act as a extremely innocent girl, I could see through her smirk though and even though I could do nothing but listen I knew it wouldn't be good.
"We are very very very sorry about our friend showing off his big willy though! Sometimes it gets naughty and sticks up all big and hard like this and then we have to spank him. We are super sorry and we will allow your daughter to do it!"
I stood there listening in shock, was I to be draped across this girl's legs as she smacked my behind. I could literally see the glee in her eyes as she eyed up my erect member.
"Wait, so you're telling me this is all legal. That he has to be naked? That this male will be punished for his actions? Of course that should be left to me and my younger girl as he is creating the scene and the inconvenience. HMPH! Alright Sandy, let's go to the bench." She said ever so bubbly to her daughter before turning to me.
"And you mister, should be ashamed of how you are behaving in public." As she lightly smacked the top of my erection making it bounce and slap my stomach. The sensation was insane. When the head touched my stomach I could feel the pleasure shoot through my entire cock. My head had never been this sensitive. Something was wrong. Am I just that horny?
The bench wasn't that much of a walk, it was about 5 steps as it was located directly in between two stands. My cock was the hardest I had ever seen. When walking it barely bobbed around and was like a pale spear pointing at the sky.
I felt a hand come from behind making a little smack on my ass pushing me forward as my cock wiggled ever so slightly. Belle made sure to laugh as I turned around to see what she was up to as Lola had sneaked around me and tapped my cock bringing it down in the same motion the Karen had earlier sending my cock springing back into my stomach as the girls watched from the side-lines. The pleasure was immense as the head came into contact with me again. I actually had to freeze and conceal a groan. The small amount of touching had really set me off. I could see my cock now in a wave of pulsing as the veins popped out ever so slightly more.
We got to the bench as Sandy took a seat and started to swing her legs in anticipation as I was quite forcefully barged by the girls behind me all scrambling to get a view. So much so that my pulsating erection was a mere 6 inches from the little girls face.
I looked up at the Karen as she spoke up.
"Well what are you waiting for? Get over her knees and get ready."
I stood there for a second processing all this info as my cock continued to pulse. If I got over her knees my unexplained sensitive cock would be put onto her legs, she only wore shorts so it would be skin to skin. I didn't want to do it. The mother saw my hesitance as her little girl started to ask why I wasn't doing it yet.
"Right young man!" She shouted while grabbing my ear.
"If you think you can go around showing my daughter you hard cock and not expect some type of punishment. Especially after you created all this curiosity for boys in my young girl. She thinks of you rampant thing as this cool new toy. Your gonna let her get over this phase now and do anything that my little princess asks!"
I was fully stunned as was the other girls but Sandy just sat clapping her hands as I was now draped across her legs. Hard cock and all. When the contact came it was embarrassing to know that with my sensitivity it felt amazing and that I knew she could feel all the pulsing that was going on, which wasn't helping at all by the way. The continuing movement only kept me fully erect and in a constant state of pleasure. I'd say that if this continued that at some point I'd lose it. Spunk. That's how it felt even if I didn't feel it cumming at the moment, the constant pleasure had me thinking.
Sandy started laughing out loud.
"It's soooo warm, haha. Mommy mommy thanks for letting me do this! Can we invite him on Thursday? Can we mommy, can we?"
Karen gave me a stare right into my eyes as I felt Sandy's hand place itself on my butt.
"Hmmmm, ok but only because you asked so nicely princess. I guess he can bring that thing with him as your gift. It can be your toy that you can show off! I'll give these poor young girls accompanying him "
I wasn't getting a say in this at all, go figure. I'll just find an excuse to not come to this 'party'. I'd even tried to explain that I wasn't hard on purpose but I was shut down quickly. This woman wouldn't let me speak at all.
I was about to say the girls made me as hard as I was but I stopped quickly realizing how that could be taken. Not that I'd even be able to speak as Sandy started the spanking. It was by no means hard. That wasn't my concern. The girls were howling in laughter and enthusiasm for what they were seeing. The issue was how I was slid after every 'slap'. Forcefully thrusted into the legs of this young girl and for added embarrassment. It felt amazing. I was actually having to stop my hips from moving in tandem with the slaps so I could lower the generated pleasure from each of the 'slaps'.
"Haha, it's moving soo much!" Sandy laughed.
I looked back up at Karen as she stared at me and mumbled.
"Some… Boys, need a lot more punishment!"
The spanks kept coming as the girls watching demanded more and more. They had even garnered a small extra crowd of girls that came interested in what was happening. They must've been 15-16 and were recording it. I even heard one of them shout.
"OMG, you guys there's a guy over here totally naked, like totally. He is getting spanked and watched by girls the ages of my younger sisters and my cousin. Imagine if he stayed at Hotel Tropicana with us!"
That's when Penny smirked and shouted.
"He does! He does, he does! He stays with us. If you come to the buffet tonight you'll see his big fat willy. Bring your sisters too!"
"I think the spanking is finished!" Sandy spoke aloud.
"Then it's time to get him up! Flip him like a pancake!" Penny giggled.
I definitely felt the embarrassment as I was forcefully flipped into standing up. With these young girls barely any of them knew the proper understanding of what an erection means or could lead to but these older girls would of course instantaneously pick it up. Especially one like the one I had right now.
I was quickly put onto my feet as of course my now throbbing erection had survived my 'punishment' and more rampant now then before as it twitched in the air and for the eyes of all the girls.
"OMG, HE TOTALLY HAS A HUGE BONER!!!" One of the 15 year olds screamed.
"It moves!?!" Kelly gasped as her eyes studied my engorged and pulsating rod.
I just stared down as the 15 year olds shuffled forward. I was about to hold my hands in front of my aroused embarrassment but Penny was quick to intervene grabbing one of my hands and getting Belle to grab the other ensuring that the 15 year olds that were approaching would get ample time to record my cock in all its twitching madness in full frame with their phone.
The girls giggled as I had attempted to get myself out of frame but I only ended up making my bouncing cock bounce more for my onlookers.
The Karen looked down at my hard on and had a fed up look on her face which changed once she looked back up at my face and saw how distraught I truly was. I think she understood there and then that I didn't want to be doing this but she was more than happy to have had me 'punished' by her young daughter in front of this crowd.
"I think that's where we should leave it, princess. I overheard the other girls talking about how he is staying in the same hotel as us so we will see him tonight and of course I'll let you invite him to your 7th birthday, anything for you honey. You can show him off to anyone you want to as he will be a birthday present for you." She smiled sweetly to her daughter before smirking at me. As though she had checkmated me.
The 15 year old was giggling harder now as my cock was truly pulsating and the veins popped out ever so more. She had caught the change on camera and her whole face had a shocked expression as she put her hand out and poked my hard on right in the tip making it throb especially hard. She was even caught up with how the balls moved as well as if they lifted in the sack. Her finger felt explosive on my tip due to its newfound appearance. It felt like I was put right on the edge. Nearly doing something naughty, something the girls shouldn't see. When I get back to the hotel room I'm going to take the first chance I get to have a wank session. I can't risk spunking in public especially with Belle, Penny and Lola accompanying me.
"Aww Mommy! I wanna touch it before we go! Can I?"
The Karen just smiled and said.
"That would ruin your birthday present but I guess anything for my little princess. But you only get 10 seconds, ok?"
I was like I didn't exist and with my hands preoccupied with Penny and Belle who both just stared on, there was nothing I could do to save myself from the onslaught. That bloody camera was going to catch all of it as well. The 15 year old wasn't going to stop recording my cock anytime soon that's for sure.
I hadn't realized that the girl had already grabbed a hold of my cock and was squeezing it making the veins pop more and more making it look angrier and the pleasure was intense. I can never remember ever being this horny in my life. She even used her other hand and put it up onto my tip. I was actively fighting from thrusting my hips into her hands. I needed to let the pleasure take over and it was using up all my willpower to fight back against the temptation.
Eventually she had to finish up and she ended it by pulling my cock down in a stroke that made me nearly moan aloud and letting go so that my cock slapped against my stomach sending more jolts through my whole stiff aroused cock. As I stood completely still as the girls turned around all to say goodbye, except the recording 15 year old who was intrigued. The waves upon waves of pleasure surged through as my cock throbbed and throbbed.
Eventually out of sight off all but one, it went through a powerful surge completely on camera as a oozing bead of something I knew all too well emerged. I looked on as the bubble grew bigger and seeped out until it rested at the top of my tip, right upon the hole it had just exited. I could not let the girls see that. That would end up being the tell-tale sign that I enjoyed this. The whole nudity thing. I wanted to get changed!
I pulled my hand away from the distracted Belle and Penny and put my hands upon the top of my cock head, hoping to wipe it off before the girls ultimately ripped my hands away and that they did, exposing me once again.
Luckily, however, the precum was wiped away by my hand. It was a close call though. Too close. The 15 year old was wide eyed as she saw it all. She had evidence of it all. She now knew what kind of position I was in. That it what was really happening was that eventually I was but a mere ticking time bomb.
I shuddered at the thought. With the girls finishing up the recording and needing to go, the 15 year olds went on their way begging and telling the girls that they wanted to see me tonight and that I should go to the buffet at 6 pm. That left the 14 and 10 year old still with us. More delighted than ever to stay with us.
The girls wanted to move on and as much as I didn't want to I knew fighting them was pointless. I was throbbing for christ sake. At least yesterday was just hard. This time I would literally be paraded around with a clear aroused cock. Dancing about for anyone who wanted to peer at me. The girls knew all too well. Penny especially whose smile pierced through me.
I was being dragged against my will. My cock bouncing all the way. Drawing attention to itself and me. People gasped when they saw. No one had outright gotten angry but there was definitely shock. More shock than I experienced yesterday. That was partly due to my engorged head which refused to let up and was feeling extreme pleasure from the slow breeze that brushed against it, ensuring that the throbbing and pulsing I was scared of people seeing what I was unfortunately displaying. My objective arousal made each step that much more intense as my heartbeat quickened. There was no proper way to explain any of this to anyone who was looking my way.
Eventually as I was about to start panicking due to all the staring that was coming my way but the girls got preoccupied by a stand and dragged my naked butt to it. I was an accessory store of some kind. A ton of random things were available from jewellery to electronics of some kind as well as festive gear and a couple toys. There seemed to be no one manning the stand so the girls pushed me closer to the middle and hopefully main stand.
I was walked right to the edge of it so that my cock and balls were now over the stand, proudly displaying themselves. I was very on edge about what was happening next. Who were these girls going to show me to next?
Penny was poking around, looking for whoever was managing the store.
“Is anyone there?!” She said aloud.
It appeared that there was to be no answer, that we were going to move on so that the girls could check out some other stand. That was until 10 whole seconds later that a voice finally called back and it wasn't a voice I thought could even run this stand.
“Coming!!” The voice got back to us all giddily. Foot steps pitter pattered along the stone tiled floor as the girl was dashing back round to the stand. A young and short blonde around Belle’s age rounded the corner with her eyes squinted due to the sun beaming round the back right onto the way she was going. She was wearing a branded apron that I noticed from the front of the stand.
I stood as still as possible, hoping that if I just remained unmoving that I would be virtually invisible but reality doesn't exactly work that way and even if it did I knew one part of me wasn't abiding my instructions as my rod was definitely rebelling.
The girl stood star struck, she couldn't believe her eyes. She made the motion of her mouth in order to say something but no words came out and her mouth hung open. Penny and Belle either side of me were stifling a laugh as were the other girls as well. Of course Lola had to make the situation a million times funnier for the girls by moving to an arms length away from my cock and giving it a smack on my cock sending it horizontal and then smacking right up against my stomach with an audible slap. It really sprung back up in a way that only showed off how hard I truly was.
“Haha, Nathan still has a huge stiffy!” Lola giggled to herself.
“Uh-uh? Heeeeee?!? UMMM!?” The aproned girl barely got a word out.
“Y-y-your thing! Why are you naked?”
“Yeah he is! Isn't that amazing? We can all see his huge willy sticking straight up!” Penny chuckled.
“What is your name?”
“Naomi!” She uttered out.
Afterward the girls spent little to no time in getting the girl caught up with everything that had happened and was happening all with their eyes on me. Influenced even more by Lola’s constant grabbing and twiddling of my cock which mesmerized the new girl. At some point the 14 year old and her sister had to go but they begged Penny that they would see me again next time.
Naomi of course had a ton of questions, a lot of them being about me. How do I feel about being naked? How is my weiner sticking right up? Why was it moving? She even asked if I met her older sister.
With all these questions being fired in quick rapid succession I tried my best to answer. I didn't want to be naked as it was very embarrassing. My wiener was sticking up- because…because.
“His wiener is naughty!” Lola answered for me alleviating some embarrassment of actually having to say it aloud but definitely providing some other form of it. Like that they were in control of me.
I skipped the next question due to me not wanting to explain the whole male anatomy to these girls. I wouldn't want them to use anything I taught them against me because with how curious these girls are I knew they would take the first opportunity to do so. For the next question I quickly dismissed it but thinking more and more into it, we did. It was the attractive waitress from yesterday, the one from the café. The one who ultimately saw my engorged cock but also offered to show me around the place.
“Oh wow, so you did see her and she saw you butt nakie? Haha! I can't believe she didn't tell me!! She knew Mom was busy today which is why I was running the stand! Did she just expect that I wouldn't see you! You stick out like a sore thumb, and your wiener sticks up like a.. Like a huge stiff wiener!”
That got a giggle out of all of the girls but especially Kelly.
“Ooo, ooo I got an Idea.” Naomi blurted.
“It's a bit naughty though so I don't know if we should, haha!”
With that she got all the girls increasingly curious, so curious in fact they made a circle around Naomi and started an ‘interrogation’
“No,no… Tell us!” Penny nearly demanded.
“Yeah, yeah. Tell us!!Please?!?!” Kelly added.
“Don't leave us hanging!" Belle added.
Naomi looked back to my cock and back to the group before biting her lip and saying.
“FINE!!!!!!! *sigh*. I haven't sold many bracelets today yet cause barely anyone has come to the stand. I made them and they are super cute. Like look at them!” With that Naomi picked up and put on the table a whole tray of handmade bright girly bracelets. There were so many and she didn't even mention the ones that were already on display.
“I was thinking we get Nathan to wear the bracelets on his…wiener… and you guys sell them. I think that would be funny, right?”
The girls stared at each other with fully widened eyes as they started to laugh.
“I'll give you some free stuff! Like these feathers and this thing My older sister got as a ‘joke’ apparently, I think it's an electronic for guys and their wieners but I don't know! Sis wouldn't tell me lol. But I am sure there are instructions inside!” Naomi beamed!
The girls didn't need to hear it again and were enthusiastically on board. It's like it didn't even matter what I said.
"They are too small to fit around his willy though!" Lola giggled.
Naomi smiled before responding with one in her hand as she proceeded to open one with her fingers. They were elasticity so they would easily stretch around my cock.
"See?" She smiled.
"Haha!! Let's do it… but first!" Penny turned towards me while rummaging through her bag.
"Kelly, Naomi! You both get to apply sunscreen on Nathan! Make sure to get everything! Even that huge willy! She even put out her hand and grabbed it, making sure to wiggle it for emphasis.
Naomi and Lola approached me menacingly as Penny stood laughing as she gave each girl a good dollop on each of their hands as the two approached me. Naomi was taller so she went and started on my chest and stomach. Literally bumping her own stomach into my red hot cock. Kelly being the smaller of the two started on my ass or ‘buns’ as she called them. I even felt her spread them as she told some of the girls to come around to see my hole. That was super embarrassing. I kind of had to let them do it as I was scared of burning and I doubt they would even let me do it myself. I was just so thankful that the stands behind us covered this obscene act from the bustling crowds that were passing in the street.
I stood there as my erection became a bouncing mess as it really started to throb with all the hands on me. The girls found it hilarious, especially my reaction as I looked down at it and back up at them with an embarrassed look. Naomi had to get down a bit as well so my cock was right in front of her face as she looked at it straight on.
The girls now only had one bit left, my extreme hard on and in complete synchrony they proceeded to lather me up. They were warned however by Penny and Belle to not put too much on me so that the bracelets did not slip off. They both massaged my shaft. One hand each moving up and down. Causing massive waves of pleasure to shoot through my body. They hadn't even gotten to my tip yet which terrified me as I looked down at the bulbous thing knowing full well what sensations lay ahead and I knew I would have to hold back any accidents that could happen. That was when Kelly’s fist moved up, up and up in one masterful stroke as the girls all giggled as she proceeded to massage the bulging thing. Instantly I felt the danger alarm in my head go off. My heartbeat intensified as the little girl felt and powered through the throbbing. The intensity of it all made me even believe that my heartbeat originated on my cock head.
I looked down as the girls continued virtually jerking me off below as I saw my cocks veins bulge out more and and the entire thing looked red and angry. What on Earth!
“OMG YOUR RIGHT, THAT HILARIOUS! We gotta get him to walk around like that sometime!”
The other girls agreed.
The onslaught continued. 30 seconds more and I knew the girls would all see my sperm spill out. I needed to last but they didnt stop. My breathing hurried as I counted in my head. Any longer and I would…
“Ok I think that's enough girls!” Penny shouted as the girls let go of my cock as it surged out in front of me. Bobbing and bouncing. My balls had even risen, that's how close I was to losing it. My heart pounded as the girls looked on.
One by one the girls struggled and battled to put the elastic bracelets on my throbbing cock, as it attempted to escape their reach. I was still sensitive but as they were barely touching I wasn't sent over the edge.
“Jeez Nate! You sure your Willy hasn't got a mind of its own?” Penny blurted.
I waited patiently as the bracelets were lined up one by one, from base to tip. Like a bracelet condom. Covering all of my skin. The girls did a good job and for once I actually felt covered here. I wanted to see their work so they told me that there was a mirror behind me. I turned around swimming my now considerably heavier cock as I turned to look at the mirror. I even looked down and saw my cock produce a whole heap of precum. It oozed out as my cock throbbed and throbbed.
A hand smacked my ass, the girls couldn't see what I was seeing as another dollop emerged.
“Soooo… whatcha think?”
"Hey, hey!" *Snap, snap* as the Karen snapped her fingers at me.
"Are you even listening?!? I demand your attention!"
I just stood studying my erection. I wanted to grab it, it felt more sensitive than when I poked it before. It felt good, I mean it feels good at the moment. It's never been like this, there was no simulation. What was it? Is this just from being naked outside? Is it getting to me? Is it…?
I felt a hand take a hold of my chin and bring me back up to the Karen's eye level as I was now staring right back at her as I snapped back to reality.
I never prepared for any kind of conflict like that. I really hadn't thought about the fact that this type of situation is normal, how many people even knew about it? I'm sure this Karen must've been a tourist of some kind as well. I'm sure I could just speak to her and get it all sorted out right?
I did try to speak up, I did to explain the whole shenanigans but she interrupted me and proceeded to ask one of the girls instead.
Penny of course was bound to mischievously reply.
"We are so sorry Ma'am. Our good friend here, Nathan ended up losing all his clothes and his 'swimming shorts' on the first day here! Can you believe that? Me and my sisters tried to find a easy way for him to not get in trouble for being Nakie outside so we remembered that they had a nudist program here because we searched online! That way he wouldn't get in trouble with the police and cause big trouble for our mommy!" Penny really knew how to act as a extremely innocent girl, I could see through her smirk though and even though I could do nothing but listen I knew it wouldn't be good.
"We are very very very sorry about our friend showing off his big willy though! Sometimes it gets naughty and sticks up all big and hard like this and then we have to spank him. We are super sorry and we will allow your daughter to do it!"
I stood there listening in shock, was I to be draped across this girl's legs as she smacked my behind. I could literally see the glee in her eyes as she eyed up my erect member.
"Wait, so you're telling me this is all legal. That he has to be naked? That this male will be punished for his actions? Of course that should be left to me and my younger girl as he is creating the scene and the inconvenience. HMPH! Alright Sandy, let's go to the bench." She said ever so bubbly to her daughter before turning to me.
"And you mister, should be ashamed of how you are behaving in public." As she lightly smacked the top of my erection making it bounce and slap my stomach. The sensation was insane. When the head touched my stomach I could feel the pleasure shoot through my entire cock. My head had never been this sensitive. Something was wrong. Am I just that horny?
The bench wasn't that much of a walk, it was about 5 steps as it was located directly in between two stands. My cock was the hardest I had ever seen. When walking it barely bobbed around and was like a pale spear pointing at the sky.
I felt a hand come from behind making a little smack on my ass pushing me forward as my cock wiggled ever so slightly. Belle made sure to laugh as I turned around to see what she was up to as Lola had sneaked around me and tapped my cock bringing it down in the same motion the Karen had earlier sending my cock springing back into my stomach as the girls watched from the side-lines. The pleasure was immense as the head came into contact with me again. I actually had to freeze and conceal a groan. The small amount of touching had really set me off. I could see my cock now in a wave of pulsing as the veins popped out ever so slightly more.
We got to the bench as Sandy took a seat and started to swing her legs in anticipation as I was quite forcefully barged by the girls behind me all scrambling to get a view. So much so that my pulsating erection was a mere 6 inches from the little girls face.
I looked up at the Karen as she spoke up.
"Well what are you waiting for? Get over her knees and get ready."
I stood there for a second processing all this info as my cock continued to pulse. If I got over her knees my unexplained sensitive cock would be put onto her legs, she only wore shorts so it would be skin to skin. I didn't want to do it. The mother saw my hesitance as her little girl started to ask why I wasn't doing it yet.
"Right young man!" She shouted while grabbing my ear.
"If you think you can go around showing my daughter you hard cock and not expect some type of punishment. Especially after you created all this curiosity for boys in my young girl. She thinks of you rampant thing as this cool new toy. Your gonna let her get over this phase now and do anything that my little princess asks!"
I was fully stunned as was the other girls but Sandy just sat clapping her hands as I was now draped across her legs. Hard cock and all. When the contact came it was embarrassing to know that with my sensitivity it felt amazing and that I knew she could feel all the pulsing that was going on, which wasn't helping at all by the way. The continuing movement only kept me fully erect and in a constant state of pleasure. I'd say that if this continued that at some point I'd lose it. Spunk. That's how it felt even if I didn't feel it cumming at the moment, the constant pleasure had me thinking.
Sandy started laughing out loud.
"It's soooo warm, haha. Mommy mommy thanks for letting me do this! Can we invite him on Thursday? Can we mommy, can we?"
Karen gave me a stare right into my eyes as I felt Sandy's hand place itself on my butt.
"Hmmmm, ok but only because you asked so nicely princess. I guess he can bring that thing with him as your gift. It can be your toy that you can show off! I'll give these poor young girls accompanying him "
I wasn't getting a say in this at all, go figure. I'll just find an excuse to not come to this 'party'. I'd even tried to explain that I wasn't hard on purpose but I was shut down quickly. This woman wouldn't let me speak at all.
I was about to say the girls made me as hard as I was but I stopped quickly realizing how that could be taken. Not that I'd even be able to speak as Sandy started the spanking. It was by no means hard. That wasn't my concern. The girls were howling in laughter and enthusiasm for what they were seeing. The issue was how I was slid after every 'slap'. Forcefully thrusted into the legs of this young girl and for added embarrassment. It felt amazing. I was actually having to stop my hips from moving in tandem with the slaps so I could lower the generated pleasure from each of the 'slaps'.
"Haha, it's moving soo much!" Sandy laughed.
I looked back up at Karen as she stared at me and mumbled.
"Some… Boys, need a lot more punishment!"
The spanks kept coming as the girls watching demanded more and more. They had even garnered a small extra crowd of girls that came interested in what was happening. They must've been 15-16 and were recording it. I even heard one of them shout.
"OMG, you guys there's a guy over here totally naked, like totally. He is getting spanked and watched by girls the ages of my younger sisters and my cousin. Imagine if he stayed at Hotel Tropicana with us!"
That's when Penny smirked and shouted.
"He does! He does, he does! He stays with us. If you come to the buffet tonight you'll see his big fat willy. Bring your sisters too!"
"I think the spanking is finished!" Sandy spoke aloud.
"Then it's time to get him up! Flip him like a pancake!" Penny giggled.
I definitely felt the embarrassment as I was forcefully flipped into standing up. With these young girls barely any of them knew the proper understanding of what an erection means or could lead to but these older girls would of course instantaneously pick it up. Especially one like the one I had right now.
I was quickly put onto my feet as of course my now throbbing erection had survived my 'punishment' and more rampant now then before as it twitched in the air and for the eyes of all the girls.
"OMG, HE TOTALLY HAS A HUGE BONER!!!" One of the 15 year olds screamed.
"It moves!?!" Kelly gasped as her eyes studied my engorged and pulsating rod.
I just stared down as the 15 year olds shuffled forward. I was about to hold my hands in front of my aroused embarrassment but Penny was quick to intervene grabbing one of my hands and getting Belle to grab the other ensuring that the 15 year olds that were approaching would get ample time to record my cock in all its twitching madness in full frame with their phone.
The girls giggled as I had attempted to get myself out of frame but I only ended up making my bouncing cock bounce more for my onlookers.
The Karen looked down at my hard on and had a fed up look on her face which changed once she looked back up at my face and saw how distraught I truly was. I think she understood there and then that I didn't want to be doing this but she was more than happy to have had me 'punished' by her young daughter in front of this crowd.
"I think that's where we should leave it, princess. I overheard the other girls talking about how he is staying in the same hotel as us so we will see him tonight and of course I'll let you invite him to your 7th birthday, anything for you honey. You can show him off to anyone you want to as he will be a birthday present for you." She smiled sweetly to her daughter before smirking at me. As though she had checkmated me.
The 15 year old was giggling harder now as my cock was truly pulsating and the veins popped out ever so more. She had caught the change on camera and her whole face had a shocked expression as she put her hand out and poked my hard on right in the tip making it throb especially hard. She was even caught up with how the balls moved as well as if they lifted in the sack. Her finger felt explosive on my tip due to its newfound appearance. It felt like I was put right on the edge. Nearly doing something naughty, something the girls shouldn't see. When I get back to the hotel room I'm going to take the first chance I get to have a wank session. I can't risk spunking in public especially with Belle, Penny and Lola accompanying me.
"Aww Mommy! I wanna touch it before we go! Can I?"
The Karen just smiled and said.
"That would ruin your birthday present but I guess anything for my little princess. But you only get 10 seconds, ok?"
I was like I didn't exist and with my hands preoccupied with Penny and Belle who both just stared on, there was nothing I could do to save myself from the onslaught. That bloody camera was going to catch all of it as well. The 15 year old wasn't going to stop recording my cock anytime soon that's for sure.
I hadn't realized that the girl had already grabbed a hold of my cock and was squeezing it making the veins pop more and more making it look angrier and the pleasure was intense. I can never remember ever being this horny in my life. She even used her other hand and put it up onto my tip. I was actively fighting from thrusting my hips into her hands. I needed to let the pleasure take over and it was using up all my willpower to fight back against the temptation.
Eventually she had to finish up and she ended it by pulling my cock down in a stroke that made me nearly moan aloud and letting go so that my cock slapped against my stomach sending more jolts through my whole stiff aroused cock. As I stood completely still as the girls turned around all to say goodbye, except the recording 15 year old who was intrigued. The waves upon waves of pleasure surged through as my cock throbbed and throbbed.
Eventually out of sight off all but one, it went through a powerful surge completely on camera as a oozing bead of something I knew all too well emerged. I looked on as the bubble grew bigger and seeped out until it rested at the top of my tip, right upon the hole it had just exited. I could not let the girls see that. That would end up being the tell-tale sign that I enjoyed this. The whole nudity thing. I wanted to get changed!
I pulled my hand away from the distracted Belle and Penny and put my hands upon the top of my cock head, hoping to wipe it off before the girls ultimately ripped my hands away and that they did, exposing me once again.
Luckily, however, the precum was wiped away by my hand. It was a close call though. Too close. The 15 year old was wide eyed as she saw it all. She had evidence of it all. She now knew what kind of position I was in. That it what was really happening was that eventually I was but a mere ticking time bomb.
I shuddered at the thought. With the girls finishing up the recording and needing to go, the 15 year olds went on their way begging and telling the girls that they wanted to see me tonight and that I should go to the buffet at 6 pm. That left the 14 and 10 year old still with us. More delighted than ever to stay with us.
The girls wanted to move on and as much as I didn't want to I knew fighting them was pointless. I was throbbing for christ sake. At least yesterday was just hard. This time I would literally be paraded around with a clear aroused cock. Dancing about for anyone who wanted to peer at me. The girls knew all too well. Penny especially whose smile pierced through me.
I was being dragged against my will. My cock bouncing all the way. Drawing attention to itself and me. People gasped when they saw. No one had outright gotten angry but there was definitely shock. More shock than I experienced yesterday. That was partly due to my engorged head which refused to let up and was feeling extreme pleasure from the slow breeze that brushed against it, ensuring that the throbbing and pulsing I was scared of people seeing what I was unfortunately displaying. My objective arousal made each step that much more intense as my heartbeat quickened. There was no proper way to explain any of this to anyone who was looking my way.
Eventually as I was about to start panicking due to all the staring that was coming my way but the girls got preoccupied by a stand and dragged my naked butt to it. I was an accessory store of some kind. A ton of random things were available from jewellery to electronics of some kind as well as festive gear and a couple toys. There seemed to be no one manning the stand so the girls pushed me closer to the middle and hopefully main stand.
I was walked right to the edge of it so that my cock and balls were now over the stand, proudly displaying themselves. I was very on edge about what was happening next. Who were these girls going to show me to next?
Penny was poking around, looking for whoever was managing the store.
“Is anyone there?!” She said aloud.
It appeared that there was to be no answer, that we were going to move on so that the girls could check out some other stand. That was until 10 whole seconds later that a voice finally called back and it wasn't a voice I thought could even run this stand.
“Coming!!” The voice got back to us all giddily. Foot steps pitter pattered along the stone tiled floor as the girl was dashing back round to the stand. A young and short blonde around Belle’s age rounded the corner with her eyes squinted due to the sun beaming round the back right onto the way she was going. She was wearing a branded apron that I noticed from the front of the stand.
I stood as still as possible, hoping that if I just remained unmoving that I would be virtually invisible but reality doesn't exactly work that way and even if it did I knew one part of me wasn't abiding my instructions as my rod was definitely rebelling.
The girl stood star struck, she couldn't believe her eyes. She made the motion of her mouth in order to say something but no words came out and her mouth hung open. Penny and Belle either side of me were stifling a laugh as were the other girls as well. Of course Lola had to make the situation a million times funnier for the girls by moving to an arms length away from my cock and giving it a smack on my cock sending it horizontal and then smacking right up against my stomach with an audible slap. It really sprung back up in a way that only showed off how hard I truly was.
“Haha, Nathan still has a huge stiffy!” Lola giggled to herself.
“Uh-uh? Heeeeee?!? UMMM!?” The aproned girl barely got a word out.
“Y-y-your thing! Why are you naked?”
“Yeah he is! Isn't that amazing? We can all see his huge willy sticking straight up!” Penny chuckled.
“What is your name?”
“Naomi!” She uttered out.
Afterward the girls spent little to no time in getting the girl caught up with everything that had happened and was happening all with their eyes on me. Influenced even more by Lola’s constant grabbing and twiddling of my cock which mesmerized the new girl. At some point the 14 year old and her sister had to go but they begged Penny that they would see me again next time.
Naomi of course had a ton of questions, a lot of them being about me. How do I feel about being naked? How is my weiner sticking right up? Why was it moving? She even asked if I met her older sister.
With all these questions being fired in quick rapid succession I tried my best to answer. I didn't want to be naked as it was very embarrassing. My wiener was sticking up- because…because.
“His wiener is naughty!” Lola answered for me alleviating some embarrassment of actually having to say it aloud but definitely providing some other form of it. Like that they were in control of me.
I skipped the next question due to me not wanting to explain the whole male anatomy to these girls. I wouldn't want them to use anything I taught them against me because with how curious these girls are I knew they would take the first opportunity to do so. For the next question I quickly dismissed it but thinking more and more into it, we did. It was the attractive waitress from yesterday, the one from the café. The one who ultimately saw my engorged cock but also offered to show me around the place.
“Oh wow, so you did see her and she saw you butt nakie? Haha! I can't believe she didn't tell me!! She knew Mom was busy today which is why I was running the stand! Did she just expect that I wouldn't see you! You stick out like a sore thumb, and your wiener sticks up like a.. Like a huge stiff wiener!”
That got a giggle out of all of the girls but especially Kelly.
“Ooo, ooo I got an Idea.” Naomi blurted.
“It's a bit naughty though so I don't know if we should, haha!”
With that she got all the girls increasingly curious, so curious in fact they made a circle around Naomi and started an ‘interrogation’
“No,no… Tell us!” Penny nearly demanded.
“Yeah, yeah. Tell us!!Please?!?!” Kelly added.
“Don't leave us hanging!" Belle added.
Naomi looked back to my cock and back to the group before biting her lip and saying.
“FINE!!!!!!! *sigh*. I haven't sold many bracelets today yet cause barely anyone has come to the stand. I made them and they are super cute. Like look at them!” With that Naomi picked up and put on the table a whole tray of handmade bright girly bracelets. There were so many and she didn't even mention the ones that were already on display.
“I was thinking we get Nathan to wear the bracelets on his…wiener… and you guys sell them. I think that would be funny, right?”
The girls stared at each other with fully widened eyes as they started to laugh.
“I'll give you some free stuff! Like these feathers and this thing My older sister got as a ‘joke’ apparently, I think it's an electronic for guys and their wieners but I don't know! Sis wouldn't tell me lol. But I am sure there are instructions inside!” Naomi beamed!
The girls didn't need to hear it again and were enthusiastically on board. It's like it didn't even matter what I said.
"They are too small to fit around his willy though!" Lola giggled.
Naomi smiled before responding with one in her hand as she proceeded to open one with her fingers. They were elasticity so they would easily stretch around my cock.
"See?" She smiled.
"Haha!! Let's do it… but first!" Penny turned towards me while rummaging through her bag.
"Kelly, Naomi! You both get to apply sunscreen on Nathan! Make sure to get everything! Even that huge willy! She even put out her hand and grabbed it, making sure to wiggle it for emphasis.
Naomi and Lola approached me menacingly as Penny stood laughing as she gave each girl a good dollop on each of their hands as the two approached me. Naomi was taller so she went and started on my chest and stomach. Literally bumping her own stomach into my red hot cock. Kelly being the smaller of the two started on my ass or ‘buns’ as she called them. I even felt her spread them as she told some of the girls to come around to see my hole. That was super embarrassing. I kind of had to let them do it as I was scared of burning and I doubt they would even let me do it myself. I was just so thankful that the stands behind us covered this obscene act from the bustling crowds that were passing in the street.
I stood there as my erection became a bouncing mess as it really started to throb with all the hands on me. The girls found it hilarious, especially my reaction as I looked down at it and back up at them with an embarrassed look. Naomi had to get down a bit as well so my cock was right in front of her face as she looked at it straight on.
The girls now only had one bit left, my extreme hard on and in complete synchrony they proceeded to lather me up. They were warned however by Penny and Belle to not put too much on me so that the bracelets did not slip off. They both massaged my shaft. One hand each moving up and down. Causing massive waves of pleasure to shoot through my body. They hadn't even gotten to my tip yet which terrified me as I looked down at the bulbous thing knowing full well what sensations lay ahead and I knew I would have to hold back any accidents that could happen. That was when Kelly’s fist moved up, up and up in one masterful stroke as the girls all giggled as she proceeded to massage the bulging thing. Instantly I felt the danger alarm in my head go off. My heartbeat intensified as the little girl felt and powered through the throbbing. The intensity of it all made me even believe that my heartbeat originated on my cock head.
I looked down as the girls continued virtually jerking me off below as I saw my cocks veins bulge out more and and the entire thing looked red and angry. What on Earth!
“OMG YOUR RIGHT, THAT HILARIOUS! We gotta get him to walk around like that sometime!”
The other girls agreed.
The onslaught continued. 30 seconds more and I knew the girls would all see my sperm spill out. I needed to last but they didnt stop. My breathing hurried as I counted in my head. Any longer and I would…
“Ok I think that's enough girls!” Penny shouted as the girls let go of my cock as it surged out in front of me. Bobbing and bouncing. My balls had even risen, that's how close I was to losing it. My heart pounded as the girls looked on.
One by one the girls struggled and battled to put the elastic bracelets on my throbbing cock, as it attempted to escape their reach. I was still sensitive but as they were barely touching I wasn't sent over the edge.
“Jeez Nate! You sure your Willy hasn't got a mind of its own?” Penny blurted.
I waited patiently as the bracelets were lined up one by one, from base to tip. Like a bracelet condom. Covering all of my skin. The girls did a good job and for once I actually felt covered here. I wanted to see their work so they told me that there was a mirror behind me. I turned around swimming my now considerably heavier cock as I turned to look at the mirror. I even looked down and saw my cock produce a whole heap of precum. It oozed out as my cock throbbed and throbbed.
A hand smacked my ass, the girls couldn't see what I was seeing as another dollop emerged.
“Soooo… whatcha think?”
Last edited by Themarble on Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Jeepman89
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Re: Nathan the Unlikely Nudist
An amazing chapter, Marble. I don't know how poor Nathan can last so long without cumming. He almost did at one point. The bracelets? That is a hilarious scene and displaying him like that will be epic. It's only getting worse for him and more exciting for the girls. Well done.
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Re: Nathan the Unlikely Nudist
Oh he is definitely close to his 'bursting' point. If the teasing and touching keeps occurring it will switch from a matter of if to when. Thanks for the kind words and I am super glad you like the bracelet idea. Its kind of its own stand? Am I right?
Re: Nathan the Unlikely Nudist
Fun new chapter! The birthday party for the younger girl should be an interesting scenario.
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Re: Nathan the Unlikely Nudist
I really hate not being able to wear anything but I'm just so, so incredibly hard that I can't stop doubting whether in some way or another I somewhat enjoy this. I couldn't be, could I?
That thought could wait as I had to swiftly react to the girls audibly approaching from either side of me. I couldn't let them see any of the pre. I grabbed my palm and put it on my cock tip and just rubbed it a bit. It felt really good but I had to be quick in order to stop any more being produced. I got it quickly and pulled off of my ‘bracelet condom’ covered cock as it lurched forward as if to beg for me to ‘pet’ it more. I couldn’t, at least not now!
I got myself into as much control that I possibly could and even straightened my stance to look as professional as I possibly could. My hands were at my side; albeit my right hand definitely felt wet with precum and even though I really wanted to cover up my crotch, with how it was looking now there was no point.
The girls came around and instantly started to laugh at my stance and at my cock which continued to bob around as if it were attempting to salute.
“Haha! Nathan still has a stiffy!” Belle laughed aloud.
“It's a rainbow stiffy now!” Kelly joined in.
“We should spank you again but we just did, haha! I can’t wait till Mum tells us the other rules, she and Kelly’s Mum were peeking through it the other day before they left and I saw their shocked faces when they read something about how we all get to be in control of him I think! How exciting!" Penny exclaimed.
I could see the physical change in each of the others' faces as they began to plot what the possibilities could entail. They weren't given much time however as Naomi decided to speed us up and ushered us out of the cover of the stand, not before making sure to let us know that we needed to sell all of the bracelets.
I shuddered as Belle and Penny, who were on each side of me, pulled me along, one with her hands on my thigh (close to my balls) and her other on my ass and the other had both of her arms wrapped around my left arm. Giving it a tight hug.
They were scouring to find people to sell to as they dragged me around in a circular motion in order to not stray too far away from the stand. As if to allow Naomi to nearly always have a view of us.
I couldn't hide the obvious nervousness that surrounded me. People turned their heads and pointed to laugh. I could even distinctly see a grandma pointing at and whispering in her granddaughter's ear as if making a joke out of it. I could imagine they thought it was a prop. It certainly looked like one with the covering on, its constant movement and sheer size. Kelly even pointed it out and pulled my balls down which made my entire cock follow through with the movement. Like a bell.
It was calling more and more attention from onlookers as I saw the granddaughter running over with something in her hands as her grandma followed slowly behind. The girl looked so happy as she shouted.
"Mister, mister are the bracelets on that stick for sale?!?"
My cock responded to her questioning with a bold nod as I had to respond that yes, they were in fact for sale.
"They are 2 dollars each!" Kelly smiled.
"Oh and I think Naomi said buy two get one free!" Lola added.
"Ooo!! Ooo!! Ok ok, I gotta get some for my sisters too then! I love the one with the small teddy bear… hang on mister, is that your peepee?!?" She giggled in disbelief.
The other girls around me giggled and tried to convince the customer that it was in fact my stiff willy.
Penny smirked and took a hold of her hands and placed them directly on my balls as her eyes shone up as she grasped the reality of my situation.
Her hands alone massaged my heavy balls as she began to gasp.
"No way! You have your weenie out here? And it's this big? Granny won't believe it."
"Granny won't believe what?" The old woman returned as she appeared in front of us finally coming round the corner to see what I'd assume to be her granddaughter with her hands cradling and juggling my balls.
"Granny, they are selling the bracelets from his big weenie!" She exclaimed, making the group once again laugh at my misfortune.
"Oh don't be silly deary, they never get to that size let alone half of that. It's a prop, all of us can see that. It's supposed to get our attention, shame on the young man for trying to rile up your curiosity." She chuckled.
At least people thought this way, heck if everyone thought this way maybe I could just keep these on and just pretend that everything is ok.
"Oh but surely you'd like to buy some of these lovely bracelets though?" Beckoned Penny, poking and prodding my covered shaft.
One look at her excited granddaughter sealed the answer for her.
"I overheard you girls having a sale, no? If so I'll buy that one, that one and then the last one is free right?" She had used her finger to point out the individual ones she wanted as the whole thing pulsed as I saw a confused look on her face which turned to wide eyed shock as she realised that maybe, just maybe, we weren't lying.
Belle smiled back and said
"Of course ma'am." as she ushered for Kelly and Lola to pick out the exact bracelets. Luckily they were at the top so after a bit of battling with the constant moving monster; the girls began to laugh at the exposure of part of the flared up purple tip and part of the shaft as it is now undeniable to any onlookers that this wasn't fake at all.
I could see the shift in the grandma's face and the granddaughter as the young girl shouted.
"It's really his peepee, isn't it!? His peepee is really huge isn't it!? "
My breathing gets heavier as I stand there. It's like just the idea of people seeing my huge penis keeps me riled up. On edge.
I peered down at my rigid cock for a bit as I studied. I could see my dick hole now more visible, gaping and closing as if it were breathing as heavily as I was. I knew this only meant I'd precum more so I took the initiative and started to march so I would have some quick time to wipe it all off, before any significant build up.
As soon as I had done it I felt arms loop around my own and drag me back. I looked at the culprits and low and behold I saw the smiling faces of Penny and Belle as Penny grabbed the base of my boner and started to wiggle the whole rod.
"You and your huge willy can't escape us, Nate! You gotta take some photos with the customers as they used the deal!" Penny said while twiddling my whole shaft. Her hand was now half way up my shaft as she dragged me back to the customers in time for Lola to pull out a phone. They positioned me in between the grandma and granddaughter. I tried to awkwardly smile but standing in frame with a raging boner definitely wasn't my sense of comfortability.
It was quickly over at least but not before they returned the phone to the granddaughter as she laughed at the pick.
"Thanks! I'm totally going to show all my friends, haha!"
"Right, let's set up the bracelets back before we sell anymore!" Belle exclaimed as she rolled down the bracelets. This had the consequence of exposing my whole glans to anyone who turned around. I also wouldnt stop bucking my hips while it happened.
"Whoa, Nathan. You're not a silly bull!" Kelly laughed as she patted my ass.
"The colouring of the top is so funny, it's so dark. It's like a little brain!" Lola exclaimed.
"Ewww, don't call it a brain. That's icky Lola, hahaha. Nathan has a handsome willy. It's just looking a bit different from yesterday."
Amidst conversation a new bunch of enthusiastic girls came along, they had seen everything and had a ton of questions.
"Wait so, that is his actual peepee?!?" The youngest exclaimed.
"No way!!! I've seen one before and this one is too big!!! I can't believe it!" The oldest spouted.
"But Mel, it's moving on its own! It has to be." The third added.
Lola and Kelly came to my side to grab and wiggle my hard on in a show of authenticity. I hope we sell all of these soon. I can only take so much touching and it was getting the better of me.
The girls only needed to do that to convince the girls to buy six each.
Everytime the girls removed a bracelet the girls squealed more and more as they now had definitive proof of it being the real deal and I could not have been more embarrassed. I could tell I was blushing all the way. Especially as I was positioned for yet another picture with more of my cock in view.
Currently the girls had sold a little over half the bracelets which was definitely a plus for me. If the bracelets had been thinner we would have been here all day. But things weren't over for me just yet. Penny, the little schemer she always is, decided to have a final laugh and make sure this event was going to remain in my mind.
"Hey Nate, we can't just stand around and wait for people to come buy from us, can we? So let's get our butt's moving!!" She exclaimed while slapping the back of my ass with quite a sting.
Hastily I was dragged by both arms and a hand grasping my cock right under the tip. I gave up even attempting to fight back. At the moment I couldn't. I couldn't even think straight. I just went with the flow. Letting the pleasure guide me. I even found myself thrusting a bit into Lola's hand which was grasping me. I was actually about to let it happen, I was going to allow myself over the barrier I said no to. I had to do it. I felt it building in my balls. It was going to be a big one. I closed my eyes and started to moan lightly. Oh it was going to be embarrassing but I can't wait any longer.
"Nathan? What are you…?" I could hear Kelly saying. They would all see it in a bit. I was going to start moving my boner more now. That was when I felt something bump into my tip or rather my tip being bumped into it. Where on earth were the girls taking me. I was so close to finishing as well. The girls were laughing hard now as I instinctively did a small thrust as my cock now rubbed along the surface.
"Omg, Nate you did not!!!" Penny
Oh, what did I do? I had to open my eyes. The view shocked even me. I could see my cock in all its glory pressed and rubbed alongside the face of a shocked girl sitting on a bench as her friends brought out their cheap polaroid cameras and started to take pictures. I saw the now deep red tip and bursting veins looking as though they were about to pop. Moments ago I nearly shot my load all over her face.
I was likely dragged to girls minding their own business on their bench as one of the girls got their attention and then I thrusted. Oh man, why wasn't I paying attention.
I once again looked at my hole gaping and closing as I quickly tried to pull off. Penny and Belle weren't having it as they pushed me from behind sliding my cock higher up the girls face as she now pulled back wide eyed as she saw my throbbing organ. I was actually scared the girls would push me even further as I knew one more thrust like that and I'd be spunking everywhere.
The girl whose face was just in contact with my engorged embarrassment quickly got out some words.
"Um… what!!! You had your… on my…"
Was all the 12 year old could say.
"Arianna, he really had his cock on you?" The oldest one called out.
"Haha that's a funny word… Cock!!" Lola giggled.
"Haha, cock. We should call it that more!" Kelly added.
"Oi you too. Mind your language!" Belle laughed.
"I think that's a bad word."
The girls all laughed now and my situation was quickly explained, much to the excitement of the new girls. Turns out that Arianna and the rest of the girls were all part of a baseball team staying in the exact hotel we were staying in. Just on a different floor. They all asked if I was going to be joining the buffet that night.
"Of course he is!!" Penny responded as they all stared at the tip of my dick fascinated by how red it looked and at the gaping and closing hole.
"If you buy some of the bracelets, we will be on time."
That got the girls pouting but eventually they agreed and by some miracle they ended up purchasing the lot meaning the bracelets were now ripped off in one go showing off all 11 inches even though now, and it could have just been me, it looked slightly bigger. I chalked it up to how close I was to letting out a load and then not finishing. Whatever, tonight I will deal with it so that there will be no accidents in the future.
The girls stared in shock after they saw my boner in all its glory as it pumped and pumped. It was too aroused. Clearly over excited as a dull ache filled my balls.
After their pictures, which included one of them tapping my cock, they went back to their coach as their free time was over. But they did leave with smiles painted and smeared across their faces. Even the 12 year old who in a moment of confidence said
"Next time I'll embarrass you!!"
It didn't make sense as I was the one naked but I guess I will likely never come under anything from her.
After the girls left Penny, Belle, Lola and Kelly dragged me back with my erection swinging and getting me a whole bunch of stares as people couldn't believe what they were seeing. So many eyes were staring at it bobbing as I walked. It was super embarrassing when a couple of older women in their forties cat called me when I was dragged past them. They whistled and shouted about how handsome my cock was and to go back and show them. I could see Penny contemplating it but choosing not to, at least for today.
Eventually we got back to Naomi's stand and heard a bit of bickering between two people.
"You should have told me you saw him yesterday!! Anyway they are helping me at the moment and I promised them some free stuff like some of the pretty things and even this thing." Naomi said.
"Hey, that was supposed to be for me and Jared when we were together. Just cause we never used it before we broke up doesn't mean you can take it. You don't even know what it is." A familiar voice called out.
"I know it's for wieners!!! Hahaha!" Naomi laughed.
"Hey, you can't give it to him. It'll embarrass him if it's used."
"He already was embarrassed without it, I can't imagine it'll be worse. I already saw him with a hard peepee!"
That was where the conversation ended as we finally strolled in with my pulsating boner on full display, unsheathed. That's when I saw Naomi and her sister, the very attractive waitress from before, standing there arguing over a box that I couldn't even make out properly. I see Naomi peer down and smirk but her sister's eyes went wide. I forgot that she only saw me hard when my foreskin covered my glans but now with them exposed I could tell it was as striking with her as with everyone else today.
She gave a quick cough before getting out a statement.
"Hey… Nathan… I realised I never actually told you my name yesterday, haha. Well I'm Madison. I see you are still having the same problems from yesterday just a bit more on the uhhh… extreme side it would seem haha." She sheepishly got out, she was clearly preoccupied with trying to seem normal as though there wasn't a massive elephant trunk in the room.
Eventually Penny asked something.
"Hey are we still going to get what we were promised? The pretty feathers and the willy machine?"
Even though the box was in Madison's hand Naomi somehow got a hold of it and pried it away and quickly gave it to Penny. I tried to get even a glance at it but it was to no avail. If it was a sex toy or anything I would make sure it wouldn't be near me whatsoever and more to that, how would they even get it on me cause no way Chelsea would let it happen.
Penny quickly stuffed it into her bag along with a couple long colorful feathers.
Madison looked very empathetic and wanted to get the box back but knew she would likely have to get it by force. She then turned to me with a sigh while looking at my exposed boner and just staring.
She then got ready to leave but not before mentioning that she has to work today and that she will call Belle tomorrow to arrange a day where she can take us around.
Naomi makes sure to say that she'll attend as well as the go over to whisper to her as I finally feel my cock letting up somewhat as I looked down and saw it resting at its 9 inch semi. Only issue was that the head was still bulging. Normally I would be able to roll my foreskin back around this time but it was different. I would likely have to wait till it went completely soft which I hope for soon.
The girls turned around and looked wide eyed as they studied my member. Yesterday Penny had seen me cover the head when it was a semi and saw today that that wasn't going to happen. She put two and two together. I wouldn't be able to hide it until I went fully soft which I have had yet to do most of the day. Her evil smirk could not have been more obvious.
I was then dragged as my cock bobbed and bounced on the way. I felt so much pleasure whenever my cock head vibrated or hit me. There was so much stimulation that it never went down and was actually getting harder. Not as hard as it was before but it definitely wasn't letting down as the head was now a beacon of sensation. I knew that in the future I'd have to be extremely careful unless I wanted to be in a constant state of hardness. Eventually we got to a quiet part of the beach and I was allowed to go swimming which did eventually soften me up which in turn allowed me time to roll my skin back over the dangerous tip. After a while of this and some lunch that the girls brought me we finally decided it was a good time to return back to Chelsea, if she had returned yet.
The girls loved watching my flaccid cock sway as we walked to our hotel and I did in fact feel less embarrassed now that I wasn't rampantly hard. I hoped it stayed that way for tonight. I really hoped it did.
I really hate not being able to wear anything but I'm just so, so incredibly hard that I can't stop doubting whether in some way or another I somewhat enjoy this. I couldn't be, could I?
That thought could wait as I had to swiftly react to the girls audibly approaching from either side of me. I couldn't let them see any of the pre. I grabbed my palm and put it on my cock tip and just rubbed it a bit. It felt really good but I had to be quick in order to stop any more being produced. I got it quickly and pulled off of my ‘bracelet condom’ covered cock as it lurched forward as if to beg for me to ‘pet’ it more. I couldn’t, at least not now!
I got myself into as much control that I possibly could and even straightened my stance to look as professional as I possibly could. My hands were at my side; albeit my right hand definitely felt wet with precum and even though I really wanted to cover up my crotch, with how it was looking now there was no point.
The girls came around and instantly started to laugh at my stance and at my cock which continued to bob around as if it were attempting to salute.
“Haha! Nathan still has a stiffy!” Belle laughed aloud.
“It's a rainbow stiffy now!” Kelly joined in.
“We should spank you again but we just did, haha! I can’t wait till Mum tells us the other rules, she and Kelly’s Mum were peeking through it the other day before they left and I saw their shocked faces when they read something about how we all get to be in control of him I think! How exciting!" Penny exclaimed.
I could see the physical change in each of the others' faces as they began to plot what the possibilities could entail. They weren't given much time however as Naomi decided to speed us up and ushered us out of the cover of the stand, not before making sure to let us know that we needed to sell all of the bracelets.
I shuddered as Belle and Penny, who were on each side of me, pulled me along, one with her hands on my thigh (close to my balls) and her other on my ass and the other had both of her arms wrapped around my left arm. Giving it a tight hug.
They were scouring to find people to sell to as they dragged me around in a circular motion in order to not stray too far away from the stand. As if to allow Naomi to nearly always have a view of us.
I couldn't hide the obvious nervousness that surrounded me. People turned their heads and pointed to laugh. I could even distinctly see a grandma pointing at and whispering in her granddaughter's ear as if making a joke out of it. I could imagine they thought it was a prop. It certainly looked like one with the covering on, its constant movement and sheer size. Kelly even pointed it out and pulled my balls down which made my entire cock follow through with the movement. Like a bell.
It was calling more and more attention from onlookers as I saw the granddaughter running over with something in her hands as her grandma followed slowly behind. The girl looked so happy as she shouted.
"Mister, mister are the bracelets on that stick for sale?!?"
My cock responded to her questioning with a bold nod as I had to respond that yes, they were in fact for sale.
"They are 2 dollars each!" Kelly smiled.
"Oh and I think Naomi said buy two get one free!" Lola added.
"Ooo!! Ooo!! Ok ok, I gotta get some for my sisters too then! I love the one with the small teddy bear… hang on mister, is that your peepee?!?" She giggled in disbelief.
The other girls around me giggled and tried to convince the customer that it was in fact my stiff willy.
Penny smirked and took a hold of her hands and placed them directly on my balls as her eyes shone up as she grasped the reality of my situation.
Her hands alone massaged my heavy balls as she began to gasp.
"No way! You have your weenie out here? And it's this big? Granny won't believe it."
"Granny won't believe what?" The old woman returned as she appeared in front of us finally coming round the corner to see what I'd assume to be her granddaughter with her hands cradling and juggling my balls.
"Granny, they are selling the bracelets from his big weenie!" She exclaimed, making the group once again laugh at my misfortune.
"Oh don't be silly deary, they never get to that size let alone half of that. It's a prop, all of us can see that. It's supposed to get our attention, shame on the young man for trying to rile up your curiosity." She chuckled.
At least people thought this way, heck if everyone thought this way maybe I could just keep these on and just pretend that everything is ok.
"Oh but surely you'd like to buy some of these lovely bracelets though?" Beckoned Penny, poking and prodding my covered shaft.
One look at her excited granddaughter sealed the answer for her.
"I overheard you girls having a sale, no? If so I'll buy that one, that one and then the last one is free right?" She had used her finger to point out the individual ones she wanted as the whole thing pulsed as I saw a confused look on her face which turned to wide eyed shock as she realised that maybe, just maybe, we weren't lying.
Belle smiled back and said
"Of course ma'am." as she ushered for Kelly and Lola to pick out the exact bracelets. Luckily they were at the top so after a bit of battling with the constant moving monster; the girls began to laugh at the exposure of part of the flared up purple tip and part of the shaft as it is now undeniable to any onlookers that this wasn't fake at all.
I could see the shift in the grandma's face and the granddaughter as the young girl shouted.
"It's really his peepee, isn't it!? His peepee is really huge isn't it!? "
My breathing gets heavier as I stand there. It's like just the idea of people seeing my huge penis keeps me riled up. On edge.
I peered down at my rigid cock for a bit as I studied. I could see my dick hole now more visible, gaping and closing as if it were breathing as heavily as I was. I knew this only meant I'd precum more so I took the initiative and started to march so I would have some quick time to wipe it all off, before any significant build up.
As soon as I had done it I felt arms loop around my own and drag me back. I looked at the culprits and low and behold I saw the smiling faces of Penny and Belle as Penny grabbed the base of my boner and started to wiggle the whole rod.
"You and your huge willy can't escape us, Nate! You gotta take some photos with the customers as they used the deal!" Penny said while twiddling my whole shaft. Her hand was now half way up my shaft as she dragged me back to the customers in time for Lola to pull out a phone. They positioned me in between the grandma and granddaughter. I tried to awkwardly smile but standing in frame with a raging boner definitely wasn't my sense of comfortability.
It was quickly over at least but not before they returned the phone to the granddaughter as she laughed at the pick.
"Thanks! I'm totally going to show all my friends, haha!"
"Right, let's set up the bracelets back before we sell anymore!" Belle exclaimed as she rolled down the bracelets. This had the consequence of exposing my whole glans to anyone who turned around. I also wouldnt stop bucking my hips while it happened.
"Whoa, Nathan. You're not a silly bull!" Kelly laughed as she patted my ass.
"The colouring of the top is so funny, it's so dark. It's like a little brain!" Lola exclaimed.
"Ewww, don't call it a brain. That's icky Lola, hahaha. Nathan has a handsome willy. It's just looking a bit different from yesterday."
Amidst conversation a new bunch of enthusiastic girls came along, they had seen everything and had a ton of questions.
"Wait so, that is his actual peepee?!?" The youngest exclaimed.
"No way!!! I've seen one before and this one is too big!!! I can't believe it!" The oldest spouted.
"But Mel, it's moving on its own! It has to be." The third added.
Lola and Kelly came to my side to grab and wiggle my hard on in a show of authenticity. I hope we sell all of these soon. I can only take so much touching and it was getting the better of me.
The girls only needed to do that to convince the girls to buy six each.
Everytime the girls removed a bracelet the girls squealed more and more as they now had definitive proof of it being the real deal and I could not have been more embarrassed. I could tell I was blushing all the way. Especially as I was positioned for yet another picture with more of my cock in view.
Currently the girls had sold a little over half the bracelets which was definitely a plus for me. If the bracelets had been thinner we would have been here all day. But things weren't over for me just yet. Penny, the little schemer she always is, decided to have a final laugh and make sure this event was going to remain in my mind.
"Hey Nate, we can't just stand around and wait for people to come buy from us, can we? So let's get our butt's moving!!" She exclaimed while slapping the back of my ass with quite a sting.
Hastily I was dragged by both arms and a hand grasping my cock right under the tip. I gave up even attempting to fight back. At the moment I couldn't. I couldn't even think straight. I just went with the flow. Letting the pleasure guide me. I even found myself thrusting a bit into Lola's hand which was grasping me. I was actually about to let it happen, I was going to allow myself over the barrier I said no to. I had to do it. I felt it building in my balls. It was going to be a big one. I closed my eyes and started to moan lightly. Oh it was going to be embarrassing but I can't wait any longer.
"Nathan? What are you…?" I could hear Kelly saying. They would all see it in a bit. I was going to start moving my boner more now. That was when I felt something bump into my tip or rather my tip being bumped into it. Where on earth were the girls taking me. I was so close to finishing as well. The girls were laughing hard now as I instinctively did a small thrust as my cock now rubbed along the surface.
"Omg, Nate you did not!!!" Penny
Oh, what did I do? I had to open my eyes. The view shocked even me. I could see my cock in all its glory pressed and rubbed alongside the face of a shocked girl sitting on a bench as her friends brought out their cheap polaroid cameras and started to take pictures. I saw the now deep red tip and bursting veins looking as though they were about to pop. Moments ago I nearly shot my load all over her face.
I was likely dragged to girls minding their own business on their bench as one of the girls got their attention and then I thrusted. Oh man, why wasn't I paying attention.
I once again looked at my hole gaping and closing as I quickly tried to pull off. Penny and Belle weren't having it as they pushed me from behind sliding my cock higher up the girls face as she now pulled back wide eyed as she saw my throbbing organ. I was actually scared the girls would push me even further as I knew one more thrust like that and I'd be spunking everywhere.
The girl whose face was just in contact with my engorged embarrassment quickly got out some words.
"Um… what!!! You had your… on my…"
Was all the 12 year old could say.
"Arianna, he really had his cock on you?" The oldest one called out.
"Haha that's a funny word… Cock!!" Lola giggled.
"Haha, cock. We should call it that more!" Kelly added.
"Oi you too. Mind your language!" Belle laughed.
"I think that's a bad word."
The girls all laughed now and my situation was quickly explained, much to the excitement of the new girls. Turns out that Arianna and the rest of the girls were all part of a baseball team staying in the exact hotel we were staying in. Just on a different floor. They all asked if I was going to be joining the buffet that night.
"Of course he is!!" Penny responded as they all stared at the tip of my dick fascinated by how red it looked and at the gaping and closing hole.
"If you buy some of the bracelets, we will be on time."
That got the girls pouting but eventually they agreed and by some miracle they ended up purchasing the lot meaning the bracelets were now ripped off in one go showing off all 11 inches even though now, and it could have just been me, it looked slightly bigger. I chalked it up to how close I was to letting out a load and then not finishing. Whatever, tonight I will deal with it so that there will be no accidents in the future.
The girls stared in shock after they saw my boner in all its glory as it pumped and pumped. It was too aroused. Clearly over excited as a dull ache filled my balls.
After their pictures, which included one of them tapping my cock, they went back to their coach as their free time was over. But they did leave with smiles painted and smeared across their faces. Even the 12 year old who in a moment of confidence said
"Next time I'll embarrass you!!"
It didn't make sense as I was the one naked but I guess I will likely never come under anything from her.
After the girls left Penny, Belle, Lola and Kelly dragged me back with my erection swinging and getting me a whole bunch of stares as people couldn't believe what they were seeing. So many eyes were staring at it bobbing as I walked. It was super embarrassing when a couple of older women in their forties cat called me when I was dragged past them. They whistled and shouted about how handsome my cock was and to go back and show them. I could see Penny contemplating it but choosing not to, at least for today.
Eventually we got back to Naomi's stand and heard a bit of bickering between two people.
"You should have told me you saw him yesterday!! Anyway they are helping me at the moment and I promised them some free stuff like some of the pretty things and even this thing." Naomi said.
"Hey, that was supposed to be for me and Jared when we were together. Just cause we never used it before we broke up doesn't mean you can take it. You don't even know what it is." A familiar voice called out.
"I know it's for wieners!!! Hahaha!" Naomi laughed.
"Hey, you can't give it to him. It'll embarrass him if it's used."
"He already was embarrassed without it, I can't imagine it'll be worse. I already saw him with a hard peepee!"
That was where the conversation ended as we finally strolled in with my pulsating boner on full display, unsheathed. That's when I saw Naomi and her sister, the very attractive waitress from before, standing there arguing over a box that I couldn't even make out properly. I see Naomi peer down and smirk but her sister's eyes went wide. I forgot that she only saw me hard when my foreskin covered my glans but now with them exposed I could tell it was as striking with her as with everyone else today.
She gave a quick cough before getting out a statement.
"Hey… Nathan… I realised I never actually told you my name yesterday, haha. Well I'm Madison. I see you are still having the same problems from yesterday just a bit more on the uhhh… extreme side it would seem haha." She sheepishly got out, she was clearly preoccupied with trying to seem normal as though there wasn't a massive elephant trunk in the room.
Eventually Penny asked something.
"Hey are we still going to get what we were promised? The pretty feathers and the willy machine?"
Even though the box was in Madison's hand Naomi somehow got a hold of it and pried it away and quickly gave it to Penny. I tried to get even a glance at it but it was to no avail. If it was a sex toy or anything I would make sure it wouldn't be near me whatsoever and more to that, how would they even get it on me cause no way Chelsea would let it happen.
Penny quickly stuffed it into her bag along with a couple long colorful feathers.
Madison looked very empathetic and wanted to get the box back but knew she would likely have to get it by force. She then turned to me with a sigh while looking at my exposed boner and just staring.
She then got ready to leave but not before mentioning that she has to work today and that she will call Belle tomorrow to arrange a day where she can take us around.
Naomi makes sure to say that she'll attend as well as the go over to whisper to her as I finally feel my cock letting up somewhat as I looked down and saw it resting at its 9 inch semi. Only issue was that the head was still bulging. Normally I would be able to roll my foreskin back around this time but it was different. I would likely have to wait till it went completely soft which I hope for soon.
The girls turned around and looked wide eyed as they studied my member. Yesterday Penny had seen me cover the head when it was a semi and saw today that that wasn't going to happen. She put two and two together. I wouldn't be able to hide it until I went fully soft which I have had yet to do most of the day. Her evil smirk could not have been more obvious.
I was then dragged as my cock bobbed and bounced on the way. I felt so much pleasure whenever my cock head vibrated or hit me. There was so much stimulation that it never went down and was actually getting harder. Not as hard as it was before but it definitely wasn't letting down as the head was now a beacon of sensation. I knew that in the future I'd have to be extremely careful unless I wanted to be in a constant state of hardness. Eventually we got to a quiet part of the beach and I was allowed to go swimming which did eventually soften me up which in turn allowed me time to roll my skin back over the dangerous tip. After a while of this and some lunch that the girls brought me we finally decided it was a good time to return back to Chelsea, if she had returned yet.
The girls loved watching my flaccid cock sway as we walked to our hotel and I did in fact feel less embarrassed now that I wasn't rampantly hard. I hoped it stayed that way for tonight. I really hoped it did.
Last edited by Themarble on Tue Sep 06, 2022 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Jeepman89
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Re: Nathan the Unlikely Nudist
Great episode, Marble. I can't see him lasting much longer with all this attention he's getting.
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Re: Nathan the Unlikely Nudist
Please don't tell me this story has been abandoned
What's gonna happen at the buffet! : D
What's gonna happen at the buffet! : D
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Re: Nathan the Unlikely Nudist
Definitely not abandoned, Billy. Just on a little hiatus until I figure out how I want to be uploading chapters (:. I am glad you enjoy this story.
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Re: Nathan the Unlikely Nudist
well that's good to hear, haha. Yeah the story is great. The slow steady build up, from one embarrassing situation to another, is fantastic. Great writing!
I'm pretty new to this forum. Just stumbled onto it the other day.
I wonder if you'd want to recommend any stories? There is a lot of forum to scroll though lol
... But maybe that is more of a new thread type thing.
I'm pretty new to this forum. Just stumbled onto it the other day.
I wonder if you'd want to recommend any stories? There is a lot of forum to scroll though lol
... But maybe that is more of a new thread type thing.
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