Piggy by Pig Girl

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Piggy by Pig Girl

Post by Morbidman »

Part 1

When I was younger it seems that I was the one that the other girls wanted to pick on. I don't know whether it was because I was a late developer or maybe because I was slightly chubby, not fat, just chubby, either way it was always me.

The other girls in the class, especially the tougher ones, used to make my life hell. There was this one girl called Tina, she was built like a pit-bull terrier with muscles on her muscles, she had a couple of cronies that hung around with her called Bernadette (Bernie) and Elsa. The three of them knew I was a soft touch and would use me for their entertainment whenever they were bored.

One day I was coming home from school on the train and was sat in the compartment right at the rear of the train, I thought there was less chance of getting disturbed while I did my homework on the way home. I'd just started my chemistry homework when I looked up and saw the gruesome threesome entering my compartment through the automatic sliding door.

As the door closed behind them Tina said "Ooh what do we have here? It's piggy girl doing her homework, what homework are you doing piggy girl?" Shakily I answered "Chemistry, I've got an exam in the morning".

I could see Tina's nasty mind working overtime, "I can teach you more than any book, let's see if you and me have any chemistry, because I certainly can't feel any at the moment". "Give me your rucksack" she added.

Tina looked in my rucksack and said "There's not much in here, we'd better put something into it".

"What sort of something?" I dared to ask.

"Let's put your shoes and socks in, shall we, that'll fill it up a bit".

"I'm not giving you my shoes and socks, what will I wear to walk home from the station?" I nervously replied.

"Look fat girl" said Bernie "Do as she says because Tina don't take any messing from anyone, certainly not piggy girls" see added.

I bent down and took one shoe off and then the other, "Put them in the rucksack, piggy" said Bernie, I dropped them in the rucksack and removed my socks, I didn't need to ask where they should go, the look on their faces said it all and into the rucksack they went.

"This rucksack is still pretty empty, I think you should put your skirt in it" Tina smirked.

"There's no way I'm doing that" I said "I can see other people through the other side of the glass door".

The reply meant nothing to Tina as she came over to me, grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and said "Look, pig, you'd better do as we say or me and my friends here will beat you up and you don't really want that, do you?"

"No" I replied.

"Anyway" Tina continued "We'll make sure that nobody comes in".

I unbuttoned my skirt, slipped the zip down and slid the skirt down my legs and off over my bare feet. Elsa snatched the skirt out of my hand and stuffed it into the rucksack. I hoped the high backs on the train seats were hiding me from any peering eyes.

"Now your panties" said Tina.

"What?" I replied.

"Do it or else" was the unmerciful answer.

Crying now, I put my thumbs into the waistband of the panties and slid them down and off. They were also snatched off me and placed into the rucksack.

"Stand up" said Tina. I slowly stood up.

"Kneel on the seat and face the window I want you to give some locals a show" I got on my knees and faced the window, with the bottom of the window just above my knees.

"Now unbutton your blouse" said Tina.

I knew there was no point arguing any more so I began unbuttoning my blouse. As I finished Tina said "Put it in the rucksack, along with your vest".

I removed the blouse, reached down and pulled the vest over my head and placed them both in my rucksack, I was naked, on a train, knelt on a seat facing the window in broad daylight, I looked down and was instantly embarrassed about my tiny tits and chubby belly. Luckily we were going through a rural area but pretty soon we would enter a town, my town.

"I want you to stay like that until we come back piggy" said Tina.

"Why where are you going" I said in a panic.

"The three of us need to use the toilet and it's half way down the train" She added, "We're going to take your rucksack with us and if we think you haven't stayed in view in the window when we come back, we may not give you your rucksack back at all."

Before the three of them left they took photos of me in my naked state, "This should come in handy for insurance, piggy the train flasher" said Tina and with that, they left.

I was knelt on the seat hoping they would come back before we entered the town, what if they didn't come back at all? suddenly crossed my mind, my thoughts were interrupted as the slide door opened, I ducked and looked through the gap between the seats and saw three boys from my class stood at the door, no no no no, this cannot be happening, I thought while trying to disappear into the train seat. Just as they were about to enter one of their friend's shouted and, much to my relief, they returned to their seats further up the train.

About thirty seconds later the three girls returned, Tina said "Did I see you duck when those boys were going to come in?"

"I had to" I replied "I would have hated to let them see me like this."

"Right, I'll tell you what I'll do as a punishment, You can have your blouse, skirt and shoes back, the rest is going into my bag" said Tina.

"No, please, give me my underwear too please, the blouse is a little see-through and the skirt a bit short" I replied.

"No, that's the deal" said Tina "and I'd hurry up if I was you because we're are just about to pull into our station - deal?" she asked.

"Deal" I replied.

She handed me the ration of clothing and said "We haven't finished with you yet" and with that the three girls left.

I scrambled into my clothes and put my shoes on just as the train pulled into the station. I got a few strange looks as I held one arm across my chest and held my skirt down with the other. Luckily when I got home my parents weren't back from work so I went straight upstairs, changed into my tracksuit and wept on my bed. What more horrors did they have in store?
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Re: Piggy by Pig Girl

Post by Morbidman »

Part 2

I woke up with my mother banging on my bedroom door, "Why are you always locking this door? I've been shouting up to you that your friend Tina is here, shall I send her up or are you going out on this fine summer's evening, it'd do you good, a bit of fresh air?" Friend? Tina? Those two words should not have been in the same sentence I thought. I had literally seconds to think, do I go out with her and get into untold embarrassing situations or do I bring her to my bedroom where the damage could be more limited?

"Send her up" I answered but what I really wanted to say was "Don't go, this girl humiliates me by making me take my clothes off in public and takes photographs of me doing it", but I was scared that the photos would go all around the school and I'd be known as the pervert that flashes on the train.

"Come on up Tina" my mother shouted and finished with a smiley "Play nice" as Tina came into my bedroom, shut the door and then slid the bolt across. "Why are you here?" I asked "Well, we had so much fun on the train earlier I thought that I would come to your house to have some more" replied Tina.

"So this is your bedroom, or should I say sty?" she continued "now let's have a good look around" Tina started going through my drawers, inspecting any odds and ends that interested her, she soon tired of this when she saw my wardrobe. Tina opened the doors of the wardrobe and rushed through the items on the rails, "Wow, you have some poor taste Piggy" she said and shut the doors, I thought she's getting bored now, maybe she'll go in a minute, I started to relax a little.

"Take your clothes off, everything" said Tina, it was like a knife in my chest, "Wwwwhat?" I replied, Tina then added "You heard, everything, shall I show your mother her little flasher daughter or maybe I'll save the photos for your dad when he gets home?" beaten, I said "Can I at least draw the curtains first?" adding "It is rather a large window and that young brat Jamie is playing football in his back garden across the way". "Sure you can" answered Tina to my great surprise.

I pulled the curtains together, something I always do while I change clothes as I never know who may be watching through the many windows that face into my bedroom. I started to undress as Tina turned on the main light and said, "Come on Piggy, let's get a move on". I pulled down my tracksuit bottoms, I was already naked underneath due to the previous actions of the girls, then I pulled my sweatshirt over my head. Again, I was completely naked in Tina's company.

While I was getting undressed Tina had pulled my work desk into the middle of the room and pushed it towards the window, "Stand on here Piggy, I think it'll take your weight" she said, I didn't dare ask why but I thought she just wanted a closer look at me and I put one leg onto the bed and then climbed up and stood on the table.
"Right" said Tina "Can you touch the ceiling with your fingers?" I reached up and if I stood on my tip toes I could just reach it with my fingertips. "Good stay like that now, if your fingers stop touching the ceiling you are in big trouble" said Tina

Tina then began to pull the curtains back very slowly "Noooo I said as I covered up by crouching into a ball, Jamie is still playing football in the back, I can hear his ball bouncing" "Stand up and don't stop touching the ceiling again" ordered Tina. I stood slowly stood back up and touched the ceiling.

She started to pull the curtains back as I started sobbing, one inch, two inches, six inches then Jamie came into view, the curtains were open by 18 inches now but luckily he hadn't looked up yet. Then just as the curtains neared fully open Jamie noticed the movement and looked up. Hardly able to believe his luck as he saw me in complete nudity in my bedroom window. "Don't you dare move Piggy or else" Said Tina taking a photograph, I stood there and closed my eyes, Tina wasn't in view of the window so it just looked like I was flashing again. I opened my eyes and noticed Jamie trying to get his phone on the camera function just as Tina closed the curtains "Only I get photos of you for the time being" she said "I want to be the only one doing the blackmailing, for now anyhow"

"Right time to take it up a notch" said Tina "While I was looking through your hideous clothing collection I noticed this monstrosity" She held up the long skirt I had worn at a family wedding six months ago. "Put it on" she said, I stepped into it and pulled the elasticated top up to my waistline, the bottom of the skirt was half way between my knees and ankles so it wasn't so bad without panties. "Nope" said Tina, "Pull the waistline above your tiny titties" I pulled it up my chest and the over my breasts, now the skirt didn't seem so long, in fact it only just came down below my pussy and ass, furthermore if I tried to make it cover my ass and pussy properly my tiny breasts popped out at the top. "Perfect" said Tina, "Put on a light coat and sandals, we're going out"
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Re: Piggy by Pig Girl

Post by Morbidman »

Part 3

I put on my long raincoat, slipped on a pair of loose sandals and we both went downstairs, I didn't want to make too big a fuss in the house in front of my mother as she would begin to suspect that, maybe Tina wasn't such a big friend, after all. "Are you two going out?" she said as she appeared in the hallway, "Yes" Tina answered for the both of us "We're going out to have some fun" "OK nice to have met you Tina, do come around more often" my mother said as we left the house.

We got to the bottom of the drive and turned onto the street, Tina said "Right, give me your coat" "What?" I replied "I thought you were going to allow me to wear a coat, I can't walk around in just this skirt that only respectively covers either my breasts or my bottom" "Sure you can, the coat was just to get us past your nosey mother" said Tina "Now put your coat into my backpack" she ordered. I took the coat off, gave it to Tina and she promptly put it into her backpack.

As we walked down the street I was continually trying to adjust the skirt to allow me maximum coverage in both areas but it was just no good, at one point I pulled it down a little too far and both my breasts popped out the top, I quickly pulled it back up before anyone near enough noticed. "If you keep messing with your skirt Piggy, I might start thinking you don't like it and may just take it off you all together" snapped Tina, "No no it's fine" I panicked and put my arms to my sides in fear of losing my skirt altogether.

As we turned the next corner, my heart stopped as I saw Jamie riding towards us on his bike, my face must have been bright red as he rode past shouting "Hello tiny titties, they looked like bee stings and as for that ass..." with a big cheesy grin on his face. Thankfully there was no-one else around to hear him and he didn't hang around but on the down side, we were approaching the busy high street.

As we walked along the main street my feeling of awkwardness intensified, it didn't help when Tina decided to flick up the hem of my skirt from time to time briefly exposing either my pussy or ass to whoever was around at the time.

As we approached a busy coffee shop she said "Stop" I stopped, to my right was the coffee shop, full of customers, the sort of shop where they all sit in the window drinking while on their laptops. "I might make you sit in one of those seats on the way back Piggy " she said, my heart sunk, if I was to sit there my skirt was that short, I would be flashing my pussy to anyone that went by the shop.

We still hadn't moved on and the shop's customers must have began wondering why we were stood there or maybe they were just too busy with their laptops to notice, I hoped.

Tina said come over here to the roadside and face the road" I walked the short distance to the kerb. "Do you see that pebble in the gutter?" asked Tina "I want you to pick it up and hand it to me" I crouched down and just as I was about to pick it up Tina shouted "Stop, without bending your knees Piggy and do it slowly" I pushed my knees together as tightly as possible and started to bend down, it wouldn't have taken very long for my ass to come into view to all the people in the coffee shop and by the time I'd bent sufficiently to pick up the pebble, the whole of my ass must have been on display. Tina came towards me and said in my ear "Stay like this a minute Piggy, I want the whole shop to see your ass, I want you to be as humiliated as possible"

After what seemed like an age, I handed the pebble over to Tina and stood up straight, she tossed the pebble back into the gutter and said "Look at the their faces in the coffee shop Piggy, they can't believe they've just seen a piggy ass and a little bit of pussy as well" I was mortified.

"Come on let's go to the park" said Tina and I scurried behind her not knowing what to expect next.

The park was pretty empty considering it was a nice summer evening, "Let's play on the swings for a while" said Tina. Just as I'd sat down onto the swings wooden seat Tina ordered "Give me your Skirt and sandals" "I can't do that, I mean we're in a public park and I ... I would be naked, what if someone comes along?" I replied. "They'd find you naked in a public park and think ole flasher piggy is at it again, now hand them over"

I pulled the skirt down a little, it exposed my breasts immediately, I then slid it over my hips, down my legs and off, taking the sandals off in the process, while simultaneously looking around for any sign of movement along the lengthy park paths.

I handed the skirt and sandals to Tina and as she stuffed them into her backpack she said "Let's swing some more and then we'll go on the slide, it's such a lovely evening"
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Re: Piggy by Pig Girl

Post by Morbidman »

Part 4

"Come on Piggy, start swinging properly, I want to see you get as high as possible" said Tina as I started to move my naked body backwards and forwards trying to gain momentum to propel the swing, "That's the spirit" she said. I think I would have actually enjoyed the swing ride, well, if I hadn't have been stark naked that is.

Tina jumped off her swing and started taking photographs of me, first from the front, then the back and finally from underneath when I was at the peak of the swing.

"Someone's coming" I shouted in panic, Tina looked around in a nonchalant fashion and saw four teenage boys at the far end of the park path. "Oh yeah" she said and did nothing. "Quick, give me my skirt, please, please....... please" I begged, trying to cover myself up in the process, I thought of making a run for it but where would I go? I'd be naked no matter where I went.

Tina slowly brought out the skirt from her backpack, thank goodness I thought, "Stay seated" said Tina as she slid the waistband of the skirt over my feet, up my legs, then to my surprise and great dismay, over the seat and chains of the swing and up to my chest. I could hear the fabric straining as it was being stretched to ripping point by the combination of my body and the chains of the swing. Then the inevitable happened, the stitching on the side of the skirt started ripping until it was only the elasticated top that was holding the skirt together.

"Stay like that" said Tina. The boys were only about twenty yards away from us now and looked like they were going to use the playgrounds facilities. Then, to my horror, I realised it was a group of boys from my class at school. "Well if it isn't Tina, oh and little Piggy" said Rob, the tallest of the boys. "What are you wearing Piggy?" he said, as I tried my best to clutch the ripped material together to make it look like my skirt hadn't split and the chains of the swing didn't really go through my only piece of clothing.

"We're here for a game of tennis" said Jordan and lifted the racquet in his hand as if trying to prove it. "Do you fancy a game with us?" he added. "No" I said bluntly, "I don't play tennis" but Tina said "Don't be so hasty Piggy, yes I think we will" and she started to walk with them to the tennis courts, of course I didn't follow, I'd have to slip the skirt off and over the swing if I wanted to follow and there was no way I was going to strip naked in front of four boys from my school class or any school class for that matter.

"Come on Piggy" shouted Tina "It'll be fun" she added knowing my predicament "No, I don't feel too good" I answered, hoping that would be enough to satisfy everyone. "OK boys, I'm going to have to stop with Piggy, we'll play tennis some other time maybe" with that, the boys turned and headed off to the tennis courts.

As soon as the boys had gone from view Tina clutched the waistband of the skirt and pulled it hard and fast, the last part of the skirt still connected ripped and the whole skirt was pulled off me in one swift motion. Tina ripped it up into shreds then placed it into one of the park's litter bins. Every bit of air in my lungs left me as I gasped in shock. I was completely naked again but this time with even less clothing to turn to.

"Let's walk" said Tina and started off down one of the paths. I thought of not following her but every second I loitered was another second I was away from my coat. I got up and ran towards her. "Give me my coat, give me my coat, please" desperate now. "In good time" answered Tina "I want you to walk naked for a bit and while we're doing it I want you to shout 'I'm naked, I'm naked' at the top of your voice", I'd learnt very early on in this awful arrangement that it was no good arguing with Tina so I walked along shouting "I'm naked, I'm naked, I'm naked" hoping that no one would hear me. "Let's go towards the tennis courts" she said.
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Re: Piggy by Pig Girl

Post by Morbidman »

Part 5

"I'm naked, I'm naked, I'm naked" I shouted, trying to be quiet enough so that no one would hear me, but loud enough to satisfy Tina, while all the time looking in twelve different directions for anyone that might walk along one of the paths and see me totally and utterly naked.

When I looked at myself it was like a bad dream, my chubby, puppy fat belly, chunky ass, hairless pussy and small breasts that I normally kept from view of everyone (I even changed for school sports under a towel) were in full sight of anyone that might happen to walk through the park. I don't know if getting caught or the anticipation of getting caught was worse.

"Come over here" ordered Tina as she beckoned me to a park-keeper's hut just this side of the tennis courts. "Right" started Tina "We're going to get you to do a grand finale before we go home for the night". My heart sank, how much worse could it be? "What's going to happen, is, I'm going to go back to the swings... with your coat...and you're going to wait here, when, and only when I make a signal you can come over for your coat and because I'm a really nice person I'll let you rush if you like, I want to see you running in all your wobbling, naked glory" said Tina.

I crouched on the floor covering myself up as much as possible as I saw Tina walking away with my coat. She arrived at the swings about 90 seconds later, I concentrated as much as possible so I could see her signal, ten seconds - no signal, twenty seconds - no signal, why is she doing this to me? I thought, then she shouted "Go" at the top of her lungs, I ran as fast as I could towards her as she held my coat in one hand and her phone in the other, she was obviously filming the whole humiliating scene.

Not far to go now, another twenty yards I estimated just as Tina put the phone in her pocket, grasped the coat tightly and started to run away from me. Noooo I thought, I had no other choice but to follow her. Where I would end up - naked - was completely in her hands. I dashed around the corner of some bushes and stopped dead in my tracks.

On the other side of the bushes was a small field where about six teenage boys were throwing a football around. I dashed back into the relative cover of the bushes. Tina was stood in the middle of the boys waving my coat around her head like a helicopter rotor blade. "Come on Piggy, come and get your coat" dared Tina while the boys just looked at her as though she was mad. "I stayed quiet, as any form of an answer would confirm to the boys that someone was actually in the bushes and it wasn't Tina that was crazy.

"Come on Piggy, wiggy you know you want this coat" Shouted Tina, I didn't move, I just stayed crouched down and out of view of the boys who had by this time completely given up their game of football to watch the crazy lady talking to the trees.
Tina started to walk over to me, please boys, don't follow her I prayed as she entered the bushes where I was trying to make myself as small as possible.

As she got within about four feet of me she handed the coat out in front of her and said "Here's your coat Piggy, put it on because I think those boys have realised what's going on and they're are starting to walk over" As I stood up and reached for it she stepped back, pulling the coat away from me and said "Not so quick Piggy girl" knowing that I would have to move forward and get nearer to the edge of the bushes and much worse - nearer to the view of the boys. I moved forward and she backed off again, I stopped but realised I needed my coat no matter what or the boys would see me in the bushes soon enough anyway.

Tina took three steps back, by now she was on the gravel park path - but far more concerning - out of the bushes and still she was backing off. "If you run for your coat now Piggy, I'll let you slip it on before the boys get too near, they'll think they've seen a naked Pig girl but they won't be sure". I mustered all the courage I could and ran for the coat, just as got near Tina turned and ran with it right through the middle of the boys. I had to carry on running as the game was now up, they knew there was a naked girl in the park so there was no way they were going to disappear. As I ran I could hear laughing shouts of "Little titties", "Large ass" and "Where's your clothes chubby?" I seemed to be running forever.

At the other end of the field Tina finally stopped and held the coat open for me, I slipped it on as fast as I could. Tina shouted to the boys "Show's over boys, nothing to see here anymore". A combination of the show actually being over and the menacing look on Tina's face persuaded the boys to go back to their football game.

As we got to the park's gates Tina said "Right Piggy, time to go home, you know your way from here." As she was walking away she added "We're going to go to school on the bus tomorrow so meet me at the bus-stop near your house" I was so relieved to be going home even if it was just dressed in a coat and nothing else. Then Tina shouted "Oh by the way, wear something easily removable, it'll make things a lot more simple"
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