The Strange Girl in Apartment 469_New July 10
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The Strange Girl in Apartment 469_New July 10
The Strange Girl in Apartment 469
Chapter 1.
It's a Sunday morning and Steven is stuck with doing the laundry. Steven was given the task the night before, right before his parents went
out for a late night and long lasting party. It's 9 AM and it will be hours till Steven sees either of his parents stirring from their bedroom.
Steven lives on the second floor of a four story apartment building. The laundry room is on the first floor, taking up a corner of the building next
to the mailboxes for all the residents, which is next to the fitness center. Steven has three baskets of clothes to walk down to the laundry room.
One basket has the family's white items such as underwear and socks and t-shirts, another basket has the sheets and towels, and a third has color clothes. Three baskets, three trips down the stairs. Not the easiest task in the world. Sometimes one takes several loads of clothes to the laundry
room only to find all the machines are in use. The laundry room has four washers and four dryers, not nearly enough when things get busy, which
happens in the late afternoon and evening hours. Get up early and get it done, that's the plan.
When Steven arrives at the laundry room with the first basket, the one with the whites, the four washing machines are free, thank
goodness. There is another person in the room, a really hot looking teenage girl who looks to be a few years older than Steven. He's never seen
her before. He would remember HER! She is monitoring the drying machines, two of which are busy rotating. The girl has on pajama bottoms that
fit snugly on slender looking legs and boyish like narrow hips. She has on a faded and worn pink t-shirt and this too fits tightly. The girl turns to
look at Steven as he comes in with the basket in his hands, holding it out in front of him. The basket covers up the shorts Steven has on, Hanes cotton boy shorts with no underwear on underneath. All his pairs of undies are about to be tossed into the washing machine.
Normally, Steven would have a shirt on when he walks around the apartment complex, but this morning he picked up several white and light
colored shirts off the floor, gave them the smell test, and tossed them into the clothes baskets. All he has left are nice shirts or button ups and
Steven isn't about to wear that with light blue athletic shorts. Anyways it's early on a Sunday morning and there was a chance nobody else would
be up and at it, so shirtless it is. And anyways, Steven is a good-looking lad (his own personal opinion) and he's not shy about being seen with no
shirt on.
When Steven gets a look at the girl in the laundry room, being shirtless doesn't cross his mind, but not having any underwear on does. The girl turned to look at him when he entered the room. She smiled at him. Girls don't always smile so readily, and it was a perfectly straight teeth, nice
n pearly white smile that can make a boy turn into a puddle of mush. After the perfect smile and bright shiny eyes on the girl's face, Steven looked at her pink shirt. The breasts are only of medium, maybe smallish size, but the two mounds with prominent smaller mounds poking out just screamed "NO BRA".
The girl has on no bra and Steven isn't wearing underwear, so it seems to him they already make a perfect matching pair.
"Do you have any laundry detergent?", Steven asks the girl. "I forgot to bring the soap." Steven has plenty of laundry soap in his apartment, and he
has two more loads of clothes to bring down, but this is a good excuse to talk to the hot chic by the dryers.
Chapter 1.
It's a Sunday morning and Steven is stuck with doing the laundry. Steven was given the task the night before, right before his parents went
out for a late night and long lasting party. It's 9 AM and it will be hours till Steven sees either of his parents stirring from their bedroom.
Steven lives on the second floor of a four story apartment building. The laundry room is on the first floor, taking up a corner of the building next
to the mailboxes for all the residents, which is next to the fitness center. Steven has three baskets of clothes to walk down to the laundry room.
One basket has the family's white items such as underwear and socks and t-shirts, another basket has the sheets and towels, and a third has color clothes. Three baskets, three trips down the stairs. Not the easiest task in the world. Sometimes one takes several loads of clothes to the laundry
room only to find all the machines are in use. The laundry room has four washers and four dryers, not nearly enough when things get busy, which
happens in the late afternoon and evening hours. Get up early and get it done, that's the plan.
When Steven arrives at the laundry room with the first basket, the one with the whites, the four washing machines are free, thank
goodness. There is another person in the room, a really hot looking teenage girl who looks to be a few years older than Steven. He's never seen
her before. He would remember HER! She is monitoring the drying machines, two of which are busy rotating. The girl has on pajama bottoms that
fit snugly on slender looking legs and boyish like narrow hips. She has on a faded and worn pink t-shirt and this too fits tightly. The girl turns to
look at Steven as he comes in with the basket in his hands, holding it out in front of him. The basket covers up the shorts Steven has on, Hanes cotton boy shorts with no underwear on underneath. All his pairs of undies are about to be tossed into the washing machine.
Normally, Steven would have a shirt on when he walks around the apartment complex, but this morning he picked up several white and light
colored shirts off the floor, gave them the smell test, and tossed them into the clothes baskets. All he has left are nice shirts or button ups and
Steven isn't about to wear that with light blue athletic shorts. Anyways it's early on a Sunday morning and there was a chance nobody else would
be up and at it, so shirtless it is. And anyways, Steven is a good-looking lad (his own personal opinion) and he's not shy about being seen with no
shirt on.
When Steven gets a look at the girl in the laundry room, being shirtless doesn't cross his mind, but not having any underwear on does. The girl turned to look at him when he entered the room. She smiled at him. Girls don't always smile so readily, and it was a perfectly straight teeth, nice
n pearly white smile that can make a boy turn into a puddle of mush. After the perfect smile and bright shiny eyes on the girl's face, Steven looked at her pink shirt. The breasts are only of medium, maybe smallish size, but the two mounds with prominent smaller mounds poking out just screamed "NO BRA".
The girl has on no bra and Steven isn't wearing underwear, so it seems to him they already make a perfect matching pair.
"Do you have any laundry detergent?", Steven asks the girl. "I forgot to bring the soap." Steven has plenty of laundry soap in his apartment, and he
has two more loads of clothes to bring down, but this is a good excuse to talk to the hot chic by the dryers.
Last edited by TeenFan on Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:10 pm, edited 54 times in total.
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Re: The Strange Girl in Apartment 469
The Strange Girl
Chapter 2.
When Steven spotted the older teenage girl, who looks so pretty and perky in her tight fitting hot pink t-shirt and pajama bottoms, he just has to
say something to her. "Hi, nice weather this morning" was considered and rejected. It sounds so cliche and dumb. "Nice t-shirt, it really looks
great on you" also goes through his mind. That's no good, can't admit right away that those plump peach size boobs tucked in that pink t-shirt is what he's ogling. Gotta be cool. Gotta be courteous. Fortunately, he comes up with an acceptable line of approach and asks the girl if she has
any laundry detergent.
"I have some soap I can give you," the girl standing in front of the clothes dryer machines says. "But I need to ask a favor of you first."
This is awesome. She is responding positively. Things are looking bright this morning. Steven takes a few more steps toward the washers and he
sets the laundry basket down. Then Steven straightens up and turns toward the girl, asking "Sure, I can do you a favor. How can I help you?"
The girl points to the two dryers that are currently in use, spinning round and round and humming loudly, bursts of colorful cloth moving in a
counterclockwise motion around the glass windows of the dryer doors. Both dryers look to be drying color clothes, possibly colorful undies. That
would be so awesome to see this girl's silky panties and bras, even if it's just for a second or two. And to answer Steven's prayer, she says "Can you
help me get my baskets of clothes up to my apartment? I don't want to make two trips."
Never has Steven been more thrilled to answer a question. Answering questions at school usually comes with a fifty percent chance of making
an erroneous answer. Queries Steven gets from his parents are equally frustrating trying to answer, questions such as "Where were you last night?"
Answering with barely disguised enthusiasm, Steven tells the girl he will be "Happy to Help".
The girl smiles, then she points to a bag sitting down on the floor in front of the nearest washer to her. "The detergent is in that bag. Have at it."
Steven looks into the bag. It's one of those reusable shopping bags one sees people carrying at the grocery stores. Inside is a small bottle of Tide.
Steven pulls out the bottle and sets it down next to the bag. Next he starts putting the collection of family underwear into a washer. Just as soon
as the first items go into the machine, Steven notices the girl is now standing right next to him, that she is watching intently as he shoves various
sized male and female undergarments into the washer. Instead of him getting a good look at the girl's clothes, she is getting an eyeful of the
underwear worn by every member of his family. Half the basket is into the machine, but before the rest can get tossed in the girl reaches into
the basket and she pulls out a small pair of yellow and orange flowered cotton panties.
"Are these yours?"
Steven laughs. He wasn't expecting that question when that particular item was lifted out of the basket.
"Those are my sister's. She's eleven."
"Oh, then these must be yours," she says, and she tosses the girl panties into the washer and picks up boxer briefs that have Pokemon characters
on them.
Steven doesn't know what to say. Nobody but his sister has seen him lately wearing the old, faded, and a bit stretched out Pokemon briefs, and
even the little sister makes fun of him when he wears it, calling him Picachu whenever she catches him. The Picachu character just happens to
be located right at the lower front and the yellow critter bulges out. Several times in the past Steven's sister poked the front of the Pokemon
briefs, poking right on the bulge with her index finger pushing on the penis as she says "Cute little Picachu. Aren't you adorable."
Steven gets so embarrassed each time his little sister does that, and he should toss the old boxer briefs away, but Steven has had these for two
years, and they were his favorite choice of underwear for the longest time.
"Ummm, yes those are mine. But I don't wear them much anymore. I got them years ago and they barely fit me now."
"I don't care how old you are. You wear whatever you want to. Comic characters...or's still better than boring old Fruit of the Loom's.
How old are you? I don't see how you can squeeze yourself into these things, but I'd love to see you in this," the girl says, still holding up the boxer briefs, and she then holds out her other hand. "I think we should introduce ourselves. I'm Myra. My friends call me Myra the Mysterious."
Chapter 2.
When Steven spotted the older teenage girl, who looks so pretty and perky in her tight fitting hot pink t-shirt and pajama bottoms, he just has to
say something to her. "Hi, nice weather this morning" was considered and rejected. It sounds so cliche and dumb. "Nice t-shirt, it really looks
great on you" also goes through his mind. That's no good, can't admit right away that those plump peach size boobs tucked in that pink t-shirt is what he's ogling. Gotta be cool. Gotta be courteous. Fortunately, he comes up with an acceptable line of approach and asks the girl if she has
any laundry detergent.
"I have some soap I can give you," the girl standing in front of the clothes dryer machines says. "But I need to ask a favor of you first."
This is awesome. She is responding positively. Things are looking bright this morning. Steven takes a few more steps toward the washers and he
sets the laundry basket down. Then Steven straightens up and turns toward the girl, asking "Sure, I can do you a favor. How can I help you?"
The girl points to the two dryers that are currently in use, spinning round and round and humming loudly, bursts of colorful cloth moving in a
counterclockwise motion around the glass windows of the dryer doors. Both dryers look to be drying color clothes, possibly colorful undies. That
would be so awesome to see this girl's silky panties and bras, even if it's just for a second or two. And to answer Steven's prayer, she says "Can you
help me get my baskets of clothes up to my apartment? I don't want to make two trips."
Never has Steven been more thrilled to answer a question. Answering questions at school usually comes with a fifty percent chance of making
an erroneous answer. Queries Steven gets from his parents are equally frustrating trying to answer, questions such as "Where were you last night?"
Answering with barely disguised enthusiasm, Steven tells the girl he will be "Happy to Help".
The girl smiles, then she points to a bag sitting down on the floor in front of the nearest washer to her. "The detergent is in that bag. Have at it."
Steven looks into the bag. It's one of those reusable shopping bags one sees people carrying at the grocery stores. Inside is a small bottle of Tide.
Steven pulls out the bottle and sets it down next to the bag. Next he starts putting the collection of family underwear into a washer. Just as soon
as the first items go into the machine, Steven notices the girl is now standing right next to him, that she is watching intently as he shoves various
sized male and female undergarments into the washer. Instead of him getting a good look at the girl's clothes, she is getting an eyeful of the
underwear worn by every member of his family. Half the basket is into the machine, but before the rest can get tossed in the girl reaches into
the basket and she pulls out a small pair of yellow and orange flowered cotton panties.
"Are these yours?"
Steven laughs. He wasn't expecting that question when that particular item was lifted out of the basket.
"Those are my sister's. She's eleven."
"Oh, then these must be yours," she says, and she tosses the girl panties into the washer and picks up boxer briefs that have Pokemon characters
on them.
Steven doesn't know what to say. Nobody but his sister has seen him lately wearing the old, faded, and a bit stretched out Pokemon briefs, and
even the little sister makes fun of him when he wears it, calling him Picachu whenever she catches him. The Picachu character just happens to
be located right at the lower front and the yellow critter bulges out. Several times in the past Steven's sister poked the front of the Pokemon
briefs, poking right on the bulge with her index finger pushing on the penis as she says "Cute little Picachu. Aren't you adorable."
Steven gets so embarrassed each time his little sister does that, and he should toss the old boxer briefs away, but Steven has had these for two
years, and they were his favorite choice of underwear for the longest time.
"Ummm, yes those are mine. But I don't wear them much anymore. I got them years ago and they barely fit me now."
"I don't care how old you are. You wear whatever you want to. Comic characters...or's still better than boring old Fruit of the Loom's.
How old are you? I don't see how you can squeeze yourself into these things, but I'd love to see you in this," the girl says, still holding up the boxer briefs, and she then holds out her other hand. "I think we should introduce ourselves. I'm Myra. My friends call me Myra the Mysterious."
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Re: The Strange Girl in Apartment 469
fun start she has a troubling vibe DANGER DANGER! i'm looking forward to more
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Re: The Strange Girl in Apartment 469
The Strange Girl
Chapter 3.
Myra, the mysterious maiden named Myra, shakes Steven's hand, while still holding onto the dirty Pokemon boxer briefs in her left hand. For some
reason the girl looked pleased to know that Steven still wore undies that were more appropriate for a boy aged ten. This is a cause for some
embarrassment and discomfiture, but no need for alarm. It's just underwear after all.
"I'm Steven. Um, how old am I...I know why you ask that. It's the Pokemon briefs. As I mentioned, I got those years ago. I'm fourteen now. I uh,
I only wear these when I don't have anything else to put on."
Myra smiles again, and she releases the handshake. She playfully tosses the Pokemon briefs into the washing machine. Then she goes back to
sorting through the remaining items in the clothes basket, holding up various underwear and bra types and tossing them into the machine. This
is something Steven probably would not have done. He can't imagine running his hands through a basket of other people's undergarments. Is the
girl not afraid of other people's germs? Apparently not.
All the items are in the washing machine. Steven reaches down and picks up the bottle of Tide detergent. Unscrewing the cap he pours some into
the machine without bothering to use the cap for proper measurement. The bottle is put back into Myra's reusable shopping bag.
"Straighten up and then turn around for me," Myra requests.
Steven was going to straighten up anyway. Standing up straight would be the normal next step here, but turn around?
"Turn around? Why do you want me to turn around?" Steven asks.
"I just want to get a look at you?"
Slowly Steven turns around in a full circle, as he wonders what is it that she is looking for. Steven completes his turn, actually a turn and a half,
as he finishes up facing her directly when he was turned away from her when he started rotating his body.
"Okay, what was that all about?" Steven inquires.
"You don't have any underwear on under those shorts. You must have dirtied up all your unmentionables. I don't see any seams showing under
those shorts, and with how tight those fit, I'd be able to tell if you had something on underneath. Going commando is so cool."
Steven feels himself blushing and he looks down. Steven has cause to blush even more. Not only is it obvious there are no underwear seam lines
showing along the sides of his tight blue athletic shorts, but the direction his penis is pointing can also be determined with a simple glance. He's
pointing toward the right thigh. And to top it off Myra can also get a good estimate of its length. There is a slight outward raised up area that
gives away where Steven's dick head is. The athletic shorts are tight, stretchy, thin of material and there is no liner inside the way a swimsuit
"Awe..he's bashful. That's so cute. Now don't you worry sweetcakes. What you have on fits you just like a glove. Do you run or play tennis?"
Steven looks up, but he can't look at Myra's face. He can't keep staring at the bulge in his own shorts. Also, he can't cover up, though he wishes
he could. That would be an admission that he is shy and embarrassed.
"I play some basketball. I have played tennis, but I really suck at it. I either hit the ball into the net or over the fence and I spend most of my
time chasing the balls down.
Myra is still staring at the shorts, as if she's contemplating how bouncy a different pair of balls are as he chases down runaway tennis balls on the
court, or chases down an opposing player in a basketball pickup game.
"I think it's only fair that I show you my underwear," Myra says, and suddenly Steven's gaze moves back to the girl's face. Myra points toward the
back wall, where one of the two dryers she had in use has stopped spinning. "Put my clothes into the basket. You can browse through them all
you want. You just might find something interesting."
Chapter 3.
Myra, the mysterious maiden named Myra, shakes Steven's hand, while still holding onto the dirty Pokemon boxer briefs in her left hand. For some
reason the girl looked pleased to know that Steven still wore undies that were more appropriate for a boy aged ten. This is a cause for some
embarrassment and discomfiture, but no need for alarm. It's just underwear after all.
"I'm Steven. Um, how old am I...I know why you ask that. It's the Pokemon briefs. As I mentioned, I got those years ago. I'm fourteen now. I uh,
I only wear these when I don't have anything else to put on."
Myra smiles again, and she releases the handshake. She playfully tosses the Pokemon briefs into the washing machine. Then she goes back to
sorting through the remaining items in the clothes basket, holding up various underwear and bra types and tossing them into the machine. This
is something Steven probably would not have done. He can't imagine running his hands through a basket of other people's undergarments. Is the
girl not afraid of other people's germs? Apparently not.
All the items are in the washing machine. Steven reaches down and picks up the bottle of Tide detergent. Unscrewing the cap he pours some into
the machine without bothering to use the cap for proper measurement. The bottle is put back into Myra's reusable shopping bag.
"Straighten up and then turn around for me," Myra requests.
Steven was going to straighten up anyway. Standing up straight would be the normal next step here, but turn around?
"Turn around? Why do you want me to turn around?" Steven asks.
"I just want to get a look at you?"
Slowly Steven turns around in a full circle, as he wonders what is it that she is looking for. Steven completes his turn, actually a turn and a half,
as he finishes up facing her directly when he was turned away from her when he started rotating his body.
"Okay, what was that all about?" Steven inquires.
"You don't have any underwear on under those shorts. You must have dirtied up all your unmentionables. I don't see any seams showing under
those shorts, and with how tight those fit, I'd be able to tell if you had something on underneath. Going commando is so cool."
Steven feels himself blushing and he looks down. Steven has cause to blush even more. Not only is it obvious there are no underwear seam lines
showing along the sides of his tight blue athletic shorts, but the direction his penis is pointing can also be determined with a simple glance. He's
pointing toward the right thigh. And to top it off Myra can also get a good estimate of its length. There is a slight outward raised up area that
gives away where Steven's dick head is. The athletic shorts are tight, stretchy, thin of material and there is no liner inside the way a swimsuit
"Awe..he's bashful. That's so cute. Now don't you worry sweetcakes. What you have on fits you just like a glove. Do you run or play tennis?"
Steven looks up, but he can't look at Myra's face. He can't keep staring at the bulge in his own shorts. Also, he can't cover up, though he wishes
he could. That would be an admission that he is shy and embarrassed.
"I play some basketball. I have played tennis, but I really suck at it. I either hit the ball into the net or over the fence and I spend most of my
time chasing the balls down.
Myra is still staring at the shorts, as if she's contemplating how bouncy a different pair of balls are as he chases down runaway tennis balls on the
court, or chases down an opposing player in a basketball pickup game.
"I think it's only fair that I show you my underwear," Myra says, and suddenly Steven's gaze moves back to the girl's face. Myra points toward the
back wall, where one of the two dryers she had in use has stopped spinning. "Put my clothes into the basket. You can browse through them all
you want. You just might find something interesting."
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Re: The Strange Girl in Apartment 469
The Strange Girl
Chapter 4.
Steven never thought helping with someone else's laundry could be anything other than a punishment. Doing laundry duty is about as boring a
chore as one can get. Normally that would be true, the whole sequence of gathering up clothes from the hamper, washing the clothes, drying the clothes, then dragging them back to the apartment for sorting and folding is a dreary way to spend half the day. There's been little boring or dull with laundry duty on this day since Steven stepped into the laundry room with his basket of family undies. And now Myra requested that he take
her clothes out of the dryer. Never before was getting hands on with another person's garments so exhilarating, such a turn on. All Steven knows, upon opening up the door to the dryer, that these clothes of Myra's are colored items and she hinted some interesting articles might be found.
Most of Myra's load consisted of tank-tops, half-shirts, mainly sleeveless garments for the upper body. Clothing items for the lower half were mostly shorts, sweats for running or just sitting around the house, pajama bottoms. At first Steven is disappointed. This is all regular stuff that everyone wears. But down near the bottom of the load Steven put his hands on something different. Indeed there were some strange and fascinating garments among the load of color clothes. Steven holds up what looks like a strip of cloth, almost like a towel. Stretching it wide he notices it has
a hole in the middle and it stretches easily. Not knowing what the heck the light purple thing is, Spencer holds the item out toward Myra.
"What is this?"
"That's a tube top," Myra says. "You have to be on the skinny side to wear a tube top and make it look good. I've seen chicks that look chunky like a pregnant monkey wearing tube tops and it looks ridiculous on them," and then Myra grabs the garment from Steven's hand. "Put your hands
together and stretch your arms out. I want to see what you look like wearing this."
Myra assists getting the tube top onto Steven's torso, making some adjustments to how the thing sits on the chest. "Lavender looks good on you. Turn around and let me see the whole effect."
Steven spins around. He wishes there was a mirror in the laundry room, but no such luck. The best he can do to see himself is to look at the
windows. A pale and mostly ghostly image reflects back from the window. The fluorescent lighting inside the laundry room just can't overpower
the natural lighting coming in from the outside. Now that he can somewhat see himself in the reflection, Steven can recognize what the clothing
article is. He has seen girls wear a tube top, it's just not a common thing to be seen on girls. Steven nearly laughs looking at himself, at his
nearly shoulder length hair in back, light brown hair that is slightly curly, with shorter cut hair up top and the sides...yep, Steven has a mullet
haircut. The combination of the mullet hair and the tube top almost makes Steven look like a girl.
"This thing is a little loose on me," Steven points out, grabbing the top of the tube and pulling it out some.
"Of course it's loose on you silly. You don't have any tits. That's what holds a tube top in place. Now you need something to match that with.
Pick something out from my clothes basket. Pick out some shorts that you think will go nicely with that top."
Pick out some shorts? Match the top? Hmmm, Myra called this color Lavender. Steven looks through the remaining clothes in the dryer and he
pulls out a pair of light gray-blue shorts that appear to be made of spandex or some other stretchy material. The shorts look like those a girl wears for a volleyball match, shorts that show all the leg and are tight all around, showing off the butt curves.
"This looks like a good match," Steven says, and he holds up the shorts.
"Great choice. Would you like to have them?"
Steven is caught off guard by the question. "Um, have them? You are going to give them to me?"
"Sure, I have several pairs like them. Put them on. I want to see how well they match the tube top your wearing."
For the second time in less than a minute Steven is stunned by what Myra said. The girl is offering to give him a pair of athletic shorts of hers, but
she wants him to wear them? This is nuts, it's insane, so of course Steven says "I don't know. I think I'll look silly wearing these and there's no place
to change these shorts. There's no place to hide behind."
"No problem. I'll just turn my back and I'll look out the window at the swimming pool," and Myra does just that, she turns around to look out the
window. "Hurry up now before somebody else comes in with a basket of clothes."
For a minute Steven stands undecided. Myra actually expects him to put on the girl shorts? But these are so thin and tight, they'd show things off
he doesn't want to be visible. Then Steven looks down at the shorts he is already wearing. The boy shorts are also tight and showing too,
what's the difference? Steven can see Myra's face in the window reflection, and he knows that if you can see someone in a mirror then they can
see you. Steven turns around and faces away from the window. All Myra will see is a half invisible image of bare backside. Quickly the boy shorts are yanked down. Leaving them on top of the closest washing machine, Steven slips on the volleyball shorts. They slide on easily, not fitting too snugly at all. Myra's hips are a size or two bigger than Steven's slender hips, which are of typical size for a fourteen year old boy. The feeling of the shorts is familiar. These feel very much like tight fitting boxer briefs, except the leg seams are much higher on the leg than boy's boxer briefs and closer to that of regular white briefs.
Steven turns around and faces toward the window, toward Myra. Steven feels the backside of the shorts, can feel the curvature of his butt and it feels like wearing underwear. I definitely does not feel like wearing shorts and undies combined. It's almost like naked skin to the touch. One
time Steven put on a boy's speedo just to see what it looks like and feels like. He did this in the school locker room. A buddy of his, who is on the swim team, challenged him to put the speedo on and walk around. Steven felt nearly naked as he walked up and down the aisle between lockers and he wondered how boys could go out like this at a public pool. Now Steven wonders how girls can walk around like this, but girls don't have to worry so much about the front of the shorts.
"Okay, you can turn around now."
Steven, standing facing toward Myra, holds his hands in front of the shorts to cover up the male parts that just can't be hidden. In shorts such as this there is no room in the crotch for a boy to conceal his junk.
Chapter 4.
Steven never thought helping with someone else's laundry could be anything other than a punishment. Doing laundry duty is about as boring a
chore as one can get. Normally that would be true, the whole sequence of gathering up clothes from the hamper, washing the clothes, drying the clothes, then dragging them back to the apartment for sorting and folding is a dreary way to spend half the day. There's been little boring or dull with laundry duty on this day since Steven stepped into the laundry room with his basket of family undies. And now Myra requested that he take
her clothes out of the dryer. Never before was getting hands on with another person's garments so exhilarating, such a turn on. All Steven knows, upon opening up the door to the dryer, that these clothes of Myra's are colored items and she hinted some interesting articles might be found.
Most of Myra's load consisted of tank-tops, half-shirts, mainly sleeveless garments for the upper body. Clothing items for the lower half were mostly shorts, sweats for running or just sitting around the house, pajama bottoms. At first Steven is disappointed. This is all regular stuff that everyone wears. But down near the bottom of the load Steven put his hands on something different. Indeed there were some strange and fascinating garments among the load of color clothes. Steven holds up what looks like a strip of cloth, almost like a towel. Stretching it wide he notices it has
a hole in the middle and it stretches easily. Not knowing what the heck the light purple thing is, Spencer holds the item out toward Myra.
"What is this?"
"That's a tube top," Myra says. "You have to be on the skinny side to wear a tube top and make it look good. I've seen chicks that look chunky like a pregnant monkey wearing tube tops and it looks ridiculous on them," and then Myra grabs the garment from Steven's hand. "Put your hands
together and stretch your arms out. I want to see what you look like wearing this."
Myra assists getting the tube top onto Steven's torso, making some adjustments to how the thing sits on the chest. "Lavender looks good on you. Turn around and let me see the whole effect."
Steven spins around. He wishes there was a mirror in the laundry room, but no such luck. The best he can do to see himself is to look at the
windows. A pale and mostly ghostly image reflects back from the window. The fluorescent lighting inside the laundry room just can't overpower
the natural lighting coming in from the outside. Now that he can somewhat see himself in the reflection, Steven can recognize what the clothing
article is. He has seen girls wear a tube top, it's just not a common thing to be seen on girls. Steven nearly laughs looking at himself, at his
nearly shoulder length hair in back, light brown hair that is slightly curly, with shorter cut hair up top and the sides...yep, Steven has a mullet
haircut. The combination of the mullet hair and the tube top almost makes Steven look like a girl.
"This thing is a little loose on me," Steven points out, grabbing the top of the tube and pulling it out some.
"Of course it's loose on you silly. You don't have any tits. That's what holds a tube top in place. Now you need something to match that with.
Pick something out from my clothes basket. Pick out some shorts that you think will go nicely with that top."
Pick out some shorts? Match the top? Hmmm, Myra called this color Lavender. Steven looks through the remaining clothes in the dryer and he
pulls out a pair of light gray-blue shorts that appear to be made of spandex or some other stretchy material. The shorts look like those a girl wears for a volleyball match, shorts that show all the leg and are tight all around, showing off the butt curves.
"This looks like a good match," Steven says, and he holds up the shorts.
"Great choice. Would you like to have them?"
Steven is caught off guard by the question. "Um, have them? You are going to give them to me?"
"Sure, I have several pairs like them. Put them on. I want to see how well they match the tube top your wearing."
For the second time in less than a minute Steven is stunned by what Myra said. The girl is offering to give him a pair of athletic shorts of hers, but
she wants him to wear them? This is nuts, it's insane, so of course Steven says "I don't know. I think I'll look silly wearing these and there's no place
to change these shorts. There's no place to hide behind."
"No problem. I'll just turn my back and I'll look out the window at the swimming pool," and Myra does just that, she turns around to look out the
window. "Hurry up now before somebody else comes in with a basket of clothes."
For a minute Steven stands undecided. Myra actually expects him to put on the girl shorts? But these are so thin and tight, they'd show things off
he doesn't want to be visible. Then Steven looks down at the shorts he is already wearing. The boy shorts are also tight and showing too,
what's the difference? Steven can see Myra's face in the window reflection, and he knows that if you can see someone in a mirror then they can
see you. Steven turns around and faces away from the window. All Myra will see is a half invisible image of bare backside. Quickly the boy shorts are yanked down. Leaving them on top of the closest washing machine, Steven slips on the volleyball shorts. They slide on easily, not fitting too snugly at all. Myra's hips are a size or two bigger than Steven's slender hips, which are of typical size for a fourteen year old boy. The feeling of the shorts is familiar. These feel very much like tight fitting boxer briefs, except the leg seams are much higher on the leg than boy's boxer briefs and closer to that of regular white briefs.
Steven turns around and faces toward the window, toward Myra. Steven feels the backside of the shorts, can feel the curvature of his butt and it feels like wearing underwear. I definitely does not feel like wearing shorts and undies combined. It's almost like naked skin to the touch. One
time Steven put on a boy's speedo just to see what it looks like and feels like. He did this in the school locker room. A buddy of his, who is on the swim team, challenged him to put the speedo on and walk around. Steven felt nearly naked as he walked up and down the aisle between lockers and he wondered how boys could go out like this at a public pool. Now Steven wonders how girls can walk around like this, but girls don't have to worry so much about the front of the shorts.
"Okay, you can turn around now."
Steven, standing facing toward Myra, holds his hands in front of the shorts to cover up the male parts that just can't be hidden. In shorts such as this there is no room in the crotch for a boy to conceal his junk.
Last edited by TeenFan on Mon Jun 05, 2023 7:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Strange Girl in Apartment 469
Putting on girl clothes (;. Perhaps he will have to put on the underwear too??
- Trundle
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Re: The Strange Girl in Apartment 469
Amazing how you manage to be so creative with so many different stories!
A boy being encouraged to put on girls clothing is a very intriguing concept, makes me wonder how he's going to end up losing those clothes, hopefully it's in public...
A boy being encouraged to put on girls clothing is a very intriguing concept, makes me wonder how he's going to end up losing those clothes, hopefully it's in public...
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Re: The Strange Girl in Apartment 469
Thanks for the compliment, Trundle.
I took 3 semesters of Creative Writing with a good instructor at a university, and one semester at a community college with an instructor who
had no idea what short story writing is all about (he was the journalism teacher).
The good teacher told us the key to writing a good story is not to write what should happen, but what "could happen".
That is the tricky part, to come up with situations that are creative and unpredictable, unexpected yet still believable.
I took 3 semesters of Creative Writing with a good instructor at a university, and one semester at a community college with an instructor who
had no idea what short story writing is all about (he was the journalism teacher).
The good teacher told us the key to writing a good story is not to write what should happen, but what "could happen".
That is the tricky part, to come up with situations that are creative and unpredictable, unexpected yet still believable.
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