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(This story is inspired by "The Lathe of Heaven", a book by Ursula Le Guin, and the 1980 movie by the same title.)
Chapter 1.
"Doctor Lathe, I just don't know what to do with him."
The woman sitting across from the doctor's desk is slightly disheveled in appearance, her wide brimmed white Kentucky Derby hat askew on her head, as if she is trying to hide her face. When the doctor can fully see her face, she looks perturbed. Several times Mrs. Havisham grabs hold of her son's hand, to keep the boy from fidgeting.
"My boy here, Spencer, said it started the night after his fifteenth birthday. That was two weeks ago. He says he had an awful nightmare. Ever
since then he won't sleep. He'll lie in bed and read a book, or mess around on his computer. I caught him taking a handful of NoDoz pills to stay awake. For the last few days he's been in a stupor, a zombie state. I'm worried he'll fall asleep while walking down the sidewalk and step into the street and get hit by a car."
Dr. Lathe looks over at Spencer, who is looking down at the floor or at his slippers. "You're worried he's falling behind in his schoolwork?"
"He's turning everything in on time. He keeps himself awake. He diligently does all his homework, and he even reads his textbooks...anything to
keep from going to sleep."
"And why do you think he's trying not to sleep?"
"It sounds so crazy. Spencer says he doesn't want to fall asleep...because...uhhh, every time he goes to sleep, the world is different when he wakes
up. That's what he told me. I know how ridiculous that sounds. Now just the other day he told me I used to wear pant suits to work. I've never
worn any such thing in public. He says what I'm wearing is wrong, but this is what I always wear."
Dr. Lathe takes a closer look at what Mrs. Havisham has on. She has a lovely red lace bra over her ample bosom, and matching lacey nearly see
through panties. Red stockings and white high-heels complete the attire.
"This is what you always wear?"
"Of course it is. No woman at the office would wear something as hideous as the article of clothing Spencer described to me."
Dr. Lathe then makes note of what Spencer has on. The teenager wears Marvel Comics boxers with images of Iron Man on them. He has no shirt
on. Spiderman socks visible above his slippers.
"Is there something wrong with what you have on, Spencer?"
Spencer finally looks up after the doctor asks him the question. There are slightly dark bags under his eyes, which have a haunted look. The
boys hands shake, but just a little, the tremors barely visible.
"I'm not supposed to wear this to school every day. I used to have a closet full of regular clothes. Two weeks ago I had jeans and jackets and dress
slacks. I had tennis shorts and tank-tops. But now even my bathrobe is gone. Everything is changed. I...I want things to go back to the way they
were before...before I went to sleep."
Mrs. Havisham places a hand on her son's leg, rubbing up and down on the thigh, which is firm and muscled from many hours of track practice.
"Spencer, you never had a bathrobe. You don't wear anything between bath time and bedtime...and you never did."
Dr. Lathe writes down in his notebook Spencer's reaction to his mother's words. The boy covers his face with his hands and it sounds like he's
(This story is inspired by "The Lathe of Heaven", a book by Ursula Le Guin, and the 1980 movie by the same title.)
Chapter 1.
"Doctor Lathe, I just don't know what to do with him."
The woman sitting across from the doctor's desk is slightly disheveled in appearance, her wide brimmed white Kentucky Derby hat askew on her head, as if she is trying to hide her face. When the doctor can fully see her face, she looks perturbed. Several times Mrs. Havisham grabs hold of her son's hand, to keep the boy from fidgeting.
"My boy here, Spencer, said it started the night after his fifteenth birthday. That was two weeks ago. He says he had an awful nightmare. Ever
since then he won't sleep. He'll lie in bed and read a book, or mess around on his computer. I caught him taking a handful of NoDoz pills to stay awake. For the last few days he's been in a stupor, a zombie state. I'm worried he'll fall asleep while walking down the sidewalk and step into the street and get hit by a car."
Dr. Lathe looks over at Spencer, who is looking down at the floor or at his slippers. "You're worried he's falling behind in his schoolwork?"
"He's turning everything in on time. He keeps himself awake. He diligently does all his homework, and he even reads his textbooks...anything to
keep from going to sleep."
"And why do you think he's trying not to sleep?"
"It sounds so crazy. Spencer says he doesn't want to fall asleep...because...uhhh, every time he goes to sleep, the world is different when he wakes
up. That's what he told me. I know how ridiculous that sounds. Now just the other day he told me I used to wear pant suits to work. I've never
worn any such thing in public. He says what I'm wearing is wrong, but this is what I always wear."
Dr. Lathe takes a closer look at what Mrs. Havisham has on. She has a lovely red lace bra over her ample bosom, and matching lacey nearly see
through panties. Red stockings and white high-heels complete the attire.
"This is what you always wear?"
"Of course it is. No woman at the office would wear something as hideous as the article of clothing Spencer described to me."
Dr. Lathe then makes note of what Spencer has on. The teenager wears Marvel Comics boxers with images of Iron Man on them. He has no shirt
on. Spiderman socks visible above his slippers.
"Is there something wrong with what you have on, Spencer?"
Spencer finally looks up after the doctor asks him the question. There are slightly dark bags under his eyes, which have a haunted look. The
boys hands shake, but just a little, the tremors barely visible.
"I'm not supposed to wear this to school every day. I used to have a closet full of regular clothes. Two weeks ago I had jeans and jackets and dress
slacks. I had tennis shorts and tank-tops. But now even my bathrobe is gone. Everything is changed. I...I want things to go back to the way they
were before...before I went to sleep."
Mrs. Havisham places a hand on her son's leg, rubbing up and down on the thigh, which is firm and muscled from many hours of track practice.
"Spencer, you never had a bathrobe. You don't wear anything between bath time and bedtime...and you never did."
Dr. Lathe writes down in his notebook Spencer's reaction to his mother's words. The boy covers his face with his hands and it sounds like he's
Last edited by TeenFan on Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dreamscaping
Chapter 2.
It took some time, but the doctor finally got Mrs. Havisham to agree to leave. The remaining time, and all future sessions will be only Dr. Lathe and Spencer. Spencer barely looked up when the doctor, a woman of around forty years old, got up to escort his mother out of the office. The doctor
has on modest white cotton underwear, white stockings, a white garter belt, along with a black and white corset. It appears the doctor likes to
dress old fashioned. Spencer has become an expert in what women wear underneath their clothes. Ever since the world changed women don't wear those clothes anymore. It's been a week since Spencer saw a dress or slacks on a woman. The high school girls don't wear jeans anymore!
Stepping back into the room, the doctor immediately tries to get Spencer comfortable.
"Would you like something to drink? I have a mini fridge in the corner over there. Want a soda or a fruit juice? Go ahead, help yourself. Then
come join me in the session room." Dr. Lathe opens a door at the back of the room. She motions to Spencer, pointing toward the fridge, then she disappears into the other room.
Spencer gets up from the chair. He opens the little black fridge, pulls out a Dr. Pepper bottle. He steps over toward the door, but before going
through, Spencer peruses the row of diplomas on display on the wall. Dr. Lathe has degrees from schools Spencer has never heard of. Brown
University? What kind of a school is that?
"Make yourself comfortable on the sofa there, Spencer," the doctor says. The lighting in the room is low, much lower than in the office room. Most
of the lighting is aimed toward the walls. There are spectacular paintings on every side. In the corner of the room sits a human sized statue of
a naked male figure. Spencer is no art expert, but the statue looks to be of a Greek style, but what looks weird is the wings that sprout from both sides of the statue's head.
"That is Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep," Dr. Lathe says, and she motions for Spencer to sit down on the sofa. "As you know, this is a clinic for
sleep disorders. I also have certification in hypno-therapy, but we'll discuss the possible benefits of hypnosis later." The doctor sits down in a
lounge chair on the opposite side of the room from the sofa. The doctor waits until Spencer finishes looking around the room. When she has
the boy's full attention she begins again. "For today, and however many sessions it takes, I want you to talk about yourself. Talk about anything
you want as long as it pertains to why you have difficulty sleeping, or why you don't want to sleep. Begin as soon as you are ready."
Spencer twists off the cap on his soda. He takes several gulps before re-capping it. He likes this room. He likes the low lighting which is soft and
yellowish, no harsh bright white beams of light that the insides of most business buildings have from those awful overhead fluorescent tubes. The artwork has a calming effect. Everything is so peaceful. Spencer looks down at himself. Even though he's nearly as naked as the Greek statue, wearing only these silly boxers and Spiderman socks, he feels safe enough to talk to this doctor, who appears to be genuinely interested.
"I suppose you want me to start at the beginning," Spencer starts off. "It was about two weeks ago...yes, it was two Saturdays ago. That was the
last day of the world being normal. You see, it was my birthday party. I'm fifteen years old. My mother organized a huge get together. Many there
are friends of hers, grownup friends of mom. I don't even know their names. My birthday is just an excuse for her to invite her office friends over
to swim in the pool...and drink. Mother and her friends drink a lot at these parties."
Spencer is silent for a minute. Dr. Lathe waits patiently.
"I did have some friends of my own there. Maybe I should not call them friends. Becky and Bessie are the twin girls who live next door. I think
they invited themselves. The two of them run the "Girl Power Gang" at school. They both claim to be bi-sexual, but the only people I've seen them
kiss is each other. And then there was Johnny and Clanton. They are teammates on the track team. They're not really my friends either. Their
mom is in my mom's Book Club. The only other person there close to my age is my cousin, Margie. I don't see her that often. Margie is only
twelve years old and she's a self-centered brat....oh, is it wrong to call my cousin a brat?"
"Not if it's true. Now continue with your story." Dr. Lathe is so understanding. It's like she really cares.
"Well, everything was going according to what's normal. Becky and Bessie were corrupting my younger cousin, probably trying to turn her into a
lesbo. Johnny and Clanton each snuck a beer, and after doing that were making fools of themselves in the pool, trying to out cannon ball the other.
Just trying to splash as many of the guests as they can. They were getting my mom upset, and that was making me happy. I just watched from the
snack table. I'm wearing only my swimsuit, but I didn't jump into the pool. Last time they were over, Johnny held me down in the water a long
time and I thought I was going to drown. At the snack table I was eating finger sandwiches when my mother started clapping her hands and getting everyone's attention. The back door opened, and my aunt brought out a cake. It was a small cake. It was probably the least expensive cake at the store, single layer with chocolate icing. You can tell it wasn't the good kind of chocolate. Everyone starts to gather round when the cake is placed on the snack table. Then I hear the dreaded words..." 'Who wants to spank Spencer? He's fifteen now, and that's gonna be a lot of swats.'
Chapter 2.
It took some time, but the doctor finally got Mrs. Havisham to agree to leave. The remaining time, and all future sessions will be only Dr. Lathe and Spencer. Spencer barely looked up when the doctor, a woman of around forty years old, got up to escort his mother out of the office. The doctor
has on modest white cotton underwear, white stockings, a white garter belt, along with a black and white corset. It appears the doctor likes to
dress old fashioned. Spencer has become an expert in what women wear underneath their clothes. Ever since the world changed women don't wear those clothes anymore. It's been a week since Spencer saw a dress or slacks on a woman. The high school girls don't wear jeans anymore!
Stepping back into the room, the doctor immediately tries to get Spencer comfortable.
"Would you like something to drink? I have a mini fridge in the corner over there. Want a soda or a fruit juice? Go ahead, help yourself. Then
come join me in the session room." Dr. Lathe opens a door at the back of the room. She motions to Spencer, pointing toward the fridge, then she disappears into the other room.
Spencer gets up from the chair. He opens the little black fridge, pulls out a Dr. Pepper bottle. He steps over toward the door, but before going
through, Spencer peruses the row of diplomas on display on the wall. Dr. Lathe has degrees from schools Spencer has never heard of. Brown
University? What kind of a school is that?
"Make yourself comfortable on the sofa there, Spencer," the doctor says. The lighting in the room is low, much lower than in the office room. Most
of the lighting is aimed toward the walls. There are spectacular paintings on every side. In the corner of the room sits a human sized statue of
a naked male figure. Spencer is no art expert, but the statue looks to be of a Greek style, but what looks weird is the wings that sprout from both sides of the statue's head.
"That is Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep," Dr. Lathe says, and she motions for Spencer to sit down on the sofa. "As you know, this is a clinic for
sleep disorders. I also have certification in hypno-therapy, but we'll discuss the possible benefits of hypnosis later." The doctor sits down in a
lounge chair on the opposite side of the room from the sofa. The doctor waits until Spencer finishes looking around the room. When she has
the boy's full attention she begins again. "For today, and however many sessions it takes, I want you to talk about yourself. Talk about anything
you want as long as it pertains to why you have difficulty sleeping, or why you don't want to sleep. Begin as soon as you are ready."
Spencer twists off the cap on his soda. He takes several gulps before re-capping it. He likes this room. He likes the low lighting which is soft and
yellowish, no harsh bright white beams of light that the insides of most business buildings have from those awful overhead fluorescent tubes. The artwork has a calming effect. Everything is so peaceful. Spencer looks down at himself. Even though he's nearly as naked as the Greek statue, wearing only these silly boxers and Spiderman socks, he feels safe enough to talk to this doctor, who appears to be genuinely interested.
"I suppose you want me to start at the beginning," Spencer starts off. "It was about two weeks ago...yes, it was two Saturdays ago. That was the
last day of the world being normal. You see, it was my birthday party. I'm fifteen years old. My mother organized a huge get together. Many there
are friends of hers, grownup friends of mom. I don't even know their names. My birthday is just an excuse for her to invite her office friends over
to swim in the pool...and drink. Mother and her friends drink a lot at these parties."
Spencer is silent for a minute. Dr. Lathe waits patiently.
"I did have some friends of my own there. Maybe I should not call them friends. Becky and Bessie are the twin girls who live next door. I think
they invited themselves. The two of them run the "Girl Power Gang" at school. They both claim to be bi-sexual, but the only people I've seen them
kiss is each other. And then there was Johnny and Clanton. They are teammates on the track team. They're not really my friends either. Their
mom is in my mom's Book Club. The only other person there close to my age is my cousin, Margie. I don't see her that often. Margie is only
twelve years old and she's a self-centered brat....oh, is it wrong to call my cousin a brat?"
"Not if it's true. Now continue with your story." Dr. Lathe is so understanding. It's like she really cares.
"Well, everything was going according to what's normal. Becky and Bessie were corrupting my younger cousin, probably trying to turn her into a
lesbo. Johnny and Clanton each snuck a beer, and after doing that were making fools of themselves in the pool, trying to out cannon ball the other.
Just trying to splash as many of the guests as they can. They were getting my mom upset, and that was making me happy. I just watched from the
snack table. I'm wearing only my swimsuit, but I didn't jump into the pool. Last time they were over, Johnny held me down in the water a long
time and I thought I was going to drown. At the snack table I was eating finger sandwiches when my mother started clapping her hands and getting everyone's attention. The back door opened, and my aunt brought out a cake. It was a small cake. It was probably the least expensive cake at the store, single layer with chocolate icing. You can tell it wasn't the good kind of chocolate. Everyone starts to gather round when the cake is placed on the snack table. Then I hear the dreaded words..." 'Who wants to spank Spencer? He's fifteen now, and that's gonna be a lot of swats.'
Last edited by TeenFan on Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dreamscaping
This link is to the 1980 "The Lathe of Heaven", starring Bruce Davison.
I recently learned this film was originally made and broadcast on US public television, the most requested program in PBS history.
I saw this as a kid and it made a big impression on me. There was a remake made around twenty years ago, but I don't think that
movie has the same dreamlike quality to it.
I recently learned this film was originally made and broadcast on US public television, the most requested program in PBS history.
I saw this as a kid and it made a big impression on me. There was a remake made around twenty years ago, but I don't think that
movie has the same dreamlike quality to it.
Last edited by TeenFan on Mon Apr 17, 2023 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dreamscaping
Chapter 3.
Spencer looks over the array of sandwiches on the table. There appears to be three kinds to choose from: Pimento cheese, tuna fish, chicken salad.
Picking up one Tuna and one cheese sandwich, Spencer turns toward the swimming pool. His track star teammate, Johnny, is jumping off the diving board. Making a cannon ball, Johnny enters the water. His splash sends a wave of water drops flying through the air like bombs. Some of them reach the VIP section of the party guests, the fashionably overdressed ladies sitting on the lawn chairs set up by the BBQ grill. The water bombs hit three of the ladies. They shriek and cuss about the state of their fancy floral blouses and pastel colored summer slacks, which now have large wet
Johnny's brother, Clanton, cheers the success of the bombing run. He hoops and hollers.
"You boys, stop doing that. You're upsetting my guests," Mrs. Havisham shouts toward the two boys.
Spencer's mother is right about that. The guests are hers. Not a single person here got a personal invitation from Spencer, even though it's his
birthday party. Mother is upset, and Spencer smiles. It's the best thing that's happened so far. Johnny climbs out of the pool and he high fives
his brother. Standing nearby, clapping her hands is Spencer's younger cousin, Margie.
"You were great Johnny. That last splash went a long way," Margie shouts toward the boy.
Margie has been ogling the two track star brothers. Not only are both of them superb specimens of young male athleticism, with firm legs and lean
torsos, each brother wears matching Red-White-and Blue spandex biker shorts. There is little left to the imagination concerning how curved their
butts are or the size of their bulges. Spencer thinks the display is nauseating, but his cousin is in hog heaven, probably dreaming of a way to see
the dicks on those two boys. No chance of the shorts slipping off during a dive into the pool, biker shorts are too snug for that.
Glancing over toward the two brothers, the twin sisters Becky and Bessie pretend such a display of toxic masculinity doesn't entice them. According
to their own words, both girls are bi-sexual with stronger leanings toward the girlie side of the fence. Spencer imagined it this way. There are
two pens with a fence separating them. Naked boys wrestle each other in one pen. Naked girls frolic and jump rope in the other pen. The twin
girls sit side by side on top of the fence, but they sit facing toward the pen with the naked girls while occasionally glancing back toward the boys in
the other pen.
After having a good chuckle, Spencer chows down on his sandwiches. It doesn't take long. Finger sandwiches are two bites and it's gone.
Spencer hears another sound of clapping. It's his mother, and she's clapping loudly to get everyone's attention. "Quiet Down," Mrs. Havisham is
shouting. In all there are twelve guests in the back yard, and it takes some shouting to get them all to shut up and give her their undivided attention. The back door opens. Spencer's Aunt Sarah comes out with the birthday cake. It looks like the cheapest cake the store sells.
Aunt Sarah places the cake on the snack table next to the sandwiches, and near the edge as there isn't much room left on the table.
The next thing Mrs. Havisham says are words Spencer was hoping not to hear.
"Who wants to Spank Spencer? He's fifteen now, and that's gonna be a lot of swats."
Immediately the twins girls rush over to volunteer their services. So to little cousin Margie, she's not going to miss out on spanking Spencer.
Mrs. Havisham shouts directions, "You two boys, Johnny, Clanton, grab hold of Spencer. He's going to squirm and try to run, so don't let him go."
Now Spencer knows why the two strong boys were invited to the party. They are part of the evil plan to embarrass him in front of his mother's
business friends. They are there to keep Spencer from running off. Johnny and Clanton grab hold of the party victim, each one holding onto an arm.
"I'm too old for this," Spencer protests. "This is silly."
"Hold him still...right there in front of the snack table...that's it, turn him around to face the other way. Margie, do you want to be the first to
spank your cousin?"
Of course Margie is thrilled to be the first. She gets in position to lay her hands on Spencer's bottom. The other two girls line up nearby. The
invited onlookers jostle for the best viewing positions as they stand behind the birthday boy. Margie pulls back her hand, but before the first blow
can fall Mrs. Havisham steps forward. Spencer's mother grabs hold of the swimsuit her son has on, and with a yank she pulls the back end all the
way down past his butt.
Margie squeals in delight as the shapely and firm bottom comes into view. Spencer's ass is also well muscled and firm and very white. Spencer's
backside is nicely tanned until the brown vanishes right where the waistband of the swimsuit used to be. Loud Ooohs and Ahhhs go up all around,
as everyone sets their sites on the white shiny moon before them.
"Okay, Margie, give Spencer five spanks. Then it will be Becky's turn, and then Bessie's. Don't rush it. Take your time."
Spencer looks over at Clanton. "I'll give you five dollars if you let me go."
Clanton just laughs and he shakes his head. Margie smiles. She's just beaming. With a loud whack her palm smacks the right cheek of Spencer's
bottom. Margie swats the ass, then she pauses and laughs as she looks over at the assembled guests. Spencer jumped with that first swat. Margie
hit him harder than he expected. Margie goes back to work. One by one, taking her sweet time, Margie swats the birthday boy's butt. Margie
wants to get a little bit of leg with the last swat, so she yanks down on the back of the swimsuit, bringing it down another couple inches.
Now the suit is just barely hanging on from the front. The suit hangs on because of something Spencer desperately doesn't want known to anyone. Spencer gets an erection when he gets spanked. He found this out the hard way. After skipping school one day to play around in the local stretch
of woods, Spencer got swatted by the Assistant Principal. Even though the principal was a man, Spencer got a hardon when he received the three hard and painful swats. After five swats have been laid upon the bare skin of his bottom, Spencer's dick is hard up and acting like hook, holding up
the front end of the swimsuit. The two boys holding his arms don't see it. Both Johnny and Clanton are looking at the backside, laughing along with the others as the blows fall.
With it being time to switch places, Margie steps aside and Becky gets into spanking position. Becky looks back at the guests, and as she does so
she primes the ass with a good firm rubbing, inadvertently pushing down on the waistband of the swimsuit. Becky places a hard swat on Spencer
and the birthday boy jumps again. The spank is a little harder and therefore it "Hurts So Good". Spencer squirms and squeezes his legs
together. Suddenly the swimsuit slips off the "Hook" in front, falling all the way down to the ground.
Margie isn't the only one squealing with delight.
Chapter 3.
Spencer looks over the array of sandwiches on the table. There appears to be three kinds to choose from: Pimento cheese, tuna fish, chicken salad.
Picking up one Tuna and one cheese sandwich, Spencer turns toward the swimming pool. His track star teammate, Johnny, is jumping off the diving board. Making a cannon ball, Johnny enters the water. His splash sends a wave of water drops flying through the air like bombs. Some of them reach the VIP section of the party guests, the fashionably overdressed ladies sitting on the lawn chairs set up by the BBQ grill. The water bombs hit three of the ladies. They shriek and cuss about the state of their fancy floral blouses and pastel colored summer slacks, which now have large wet
Johnny's brother, Clanton, cheers the success of the bombing run. He hoops and hollers.
"You boys, stop doing that. You're upsetting my guests," Mrs. Havisham shouts toward the two boys.
Spencer's mother is right about that. The guests are hers. Not a single person here got a personal invitation from Spencer, even though it's his
birthday party. Mother is upset, and Spencer smiles. It's the best thing that's happened so far. Johnny climbs out of the pool and he high fives
his brother. Standing nearby, clapping her hands is Spencer's younger cousin, Margie.
"You were great Johnny. That last splash went a long way," Margie shouts toward the boy.
Margie has been ogling the two track star brothers. Not only are both of them superb specimens of young male athleticism, with firm legs and lean
torsos, each brother wears matching Red-White-and Blue spandex biker shorts. There is little left to the imagination concerning how curved their
butts are or the size of their bulges. Spencer thinks the display is nauseating, but his cousin is in hog heaven, probably dreaming of a way to see
the dicks on those two boys. No chance of the shorts slipping off during a dive into the pool, biker shorts are too snug for that.
Glancing over toward the two brothers, the twin sisters Becky and Bessie pretend such a display of toxic masculinity doesn't entice them. According
to their own words, both girls are bi-sexual with stronger leanings toward the girlie side of the fence. Spencer imagined it this way. There are
two pens with a fence separating them. Naked boys wrestle each other in one pen. Naked girls frolic and jump rope in the other pen. The twin
girls sit side by side on top of the fence, but they sit facing toward the pen with the naked girls while occasionally glancing back toward the boys in
the other pen.
After having a good chuckle, Spencer chows down on his sandwiches. It doesn't take long. Finger sandwiches are two bites and it's gone.
Spencer hears another sound of clapping. It's his mother, and she's clapping loudly to get everyone's attention. "Quiet Down," Mrs. Havisham is
shouting. In all there are twelve guests in the back yard, and it takes some shouting to get them all to shut up and give her their undivided attention. The back door opens. Spencer's Aunt Sarah comes out with the birthday cake. It looks like the cheapest cake the store sells.
Aunt Sarah places the cake on the snack table next to the sandwiches, and near the edge as there isn't much room left on the table.
The next thing Mrs. Havisham says are words Spencer was hoping not to hear.
"Who wants to Spank Spencer? He's fifteen now, and that's gonna be a lot of swats."
Immediately the twins girls rush over to volunteer their services. So to little cousin Margie, she's not going to miss out on spanking Spencer.
Mrs. Havisham shouts directions, "You two boys, Johnny, Clanton, grab hold of Spencer. He's going to squirm and try to run, so don't let him go."
Now Spencer knows why the two strong boys were invited to the party. They are part of the evil plan to embarrass him in front of his mother's
business friends. They are there to keep Spencer from running off. Johnny and Clanton grab hold of the party victim, each one holding onto an arm.
"I'm too old for this," Spencer protests. "This is silly."
"Hold him still...right there in front of the snack table...that's it, turn him around to face the other way. Margie, do you want to be the first to
spank your cousin?"
Of course Margie is thrilled to be the first. She gets in position to lay her hands on Spencer's bottom. The other two girls line up nearby. The
invited onlookers jostle for the best viewing positions as they stand behind the birthday boy. Margie pulls back her hand, but before the first blow
can fall Mrs. Havisham steps forward. Spencer's mother grabs hold of the swimsuit her son has on, and with a yank she pulls the back end all the
way down past his butt.
Margie squeals in delight as the shapely and firm bottom comes into view. Spencer's ass is also well muscled and firm and very white. Spencer's
backside is nicely tanned until the brown vanishes right where the waistband of the swimsuit used to be. Loud Ooohs and Ahhhs go up all around,
as everyone sets their sites on the white shiny moon before them.
"Okay, Margie, give Spencer five spanks. Then it will be Becky's turn, and then Bessie's. Don't rush it. Take your time."
Spencer looks over at Clanton. "I'll give you five dollars if you let me go."
Clanton just laughs and he shakes his head. Margie smiles. She's just beaming. With a loud whack her palm smacks the right cheek of Spencer's
bottom. Margie swats the ass, then she pauses and laughs as she looks over at the assembled guests. Spencer jumped with that first swat. Margie
hit him harder than he expected. Margie goes back to work. One by one, taking her sweet time, Margie swats the birthday boy's butt. Margie
wants to get a little bit of leg with the last swat, so she yanks down on the back of the swimsuit, bringing it down another couple inches.
Now the suit is just barely hanging on from the front. The suit hangs on because of something Spencer desperately doesn't want known to anyone. Spencer gets an erection when he gets spanked. He found this out the hard way. After skipping school one day to play around in the local stretch
of woods, Spencer got swatted by the Assistant Principal. Even though the principal was a man, Spencer got a hardon when he received the three hard and painful swats. After five swats have been laid upon the bare skin of his bottom, Spencer's dick is hard up and acting like hook, holding up
the front end of the swimsuit. The two boys holding his arms don't see it. Both Johnny and Clanton are looking at the backside, laughing along with the others as the blows fall.
With it being time to switch places, Margie steps aside and Becky gets into spanking position. Becky looks back at the guests, and as she does so
she primes the ass with a good firm rubbing, inadvertently pushing down on the waistband of the swimsuit. Becky places a hard swat on Spencer
and the birthday boy jumps again. The spank is a little harder and therefore it "Hurts So Good". Spencer squirms and squeezes his legs
together. Suddenly the swimsuit slips off the "Hook" in front, falling all the way down to the ground.
Margie isn't the only one squealing with delight.
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Re: Dreamscaping
Chapter 4.
"My swimsuit, it starts sliding down my legs. I feel it slipping down and I try to spread my legs wider to keep it from falling. But I was too slow.
The suit was down at my ankles and...and I was naked. Naked and uh...sticking out, all hard."
Spencer stops his story. He looks down at the floor again. During the telling Spencer kept his face away from looking at the doctor. The feelings
are too intense in the re-telling, emotional energy bubbling up, threatening to spill out like a volcanic eruption. His hands are getting fidgety again,
clasping together and unclasping.
"The girls spanking you, your family and your mom's business partners, they can only see you from the backside. It's just your ass that's showing.
That's no big deal. Bare butts are seen all the time on tv, even on children's programming," Dr. Lathe says in a nonchalant manner.
"That's bad enough!" Spencer looks over angrily at the doctor.
Spencer is shouting. He surprised himself, not intending for that to come out with such emotion. Can Dr. Lathe really not get it? Maybe she is
just playing devil's advocate, poking and prodding to keep him talking...well...it's working...
"I don't like people looking at me. I...I guess I'm shy," and Spencer looks away, looks down again.
"That's why you are looking at the floor, or at the walls or the ceiling. Looking anywhere but toward me. My looking at you makes you nervous,
makes you uncomfortable...am I right?...Yes?...Since there is no answer, I will assume the answer is YES, my looking at you makes you uneasy.
Now why is that, Spencer? Are you ashamed of your body?"
Spencer glances up for just a brief moment. "I'm not ashamed."
Dr. Lathe sits up in her chair. Leaning forward, she reaches toward a desk lamp. Turning it on, the doctor rotates the lamp to point toward
Spencer. Like a spotlight on a prison camp wall, the beam of the lamp lands on Spencer's bare upper body. The boy blinks his eyes rapidly, but he doesn't place a hand over his eyes.
"You are ashamed. I see it in the color on your cheeks. You're blushing. I see it in how rapidly you are breathing. I don't have to slap a gage on
your wrist to know your blood pressure is elevated. Now I will give you a reason to not be so self-conscious. You have a nice body. You just turned fifteen, so you still have some growing to do, but you have well defined muscles on a well-proportioned skeletal structure. Broad shoulders, slender hips, just like a boy should have. I have not seen your butt yet, but it's probably firm from all the many miles you run in track and tennis. Maybe...perhaps having a small penis is the secret you try so hard to keep? Is that it, Spencer? Are you ashamed because you have a small dick?"
Spencer glances up again, eyes squinting against the glare of the desk lamp shining in his face. The question is so shocking he is speechless.
Can sleep doctors really expect patients to talk about their feelings about their boy parts? How does he answer that? Should he answer that?
Chapter 4.
"My swimsuit, it starts sliding down my legs. I feel it slipping down and I try to spread my legs wider to keep it from falling. But I was too slow.
The suit was down at my ankles and...and I was naked. Naked and uh...sticking out, all hard."
Spencer stops his story. He looks down at the floor again. During the telling Spencer kept his face away from looking at the doctor. The feelings
are too intense in the re-telling, emotional energy bubbling up, threatening to spill out like a volcanic eruption. His hands are getting fidgety again,
clasping together and unclasping.
"The girls spanking you, your family and your mom's business partners, they can only see you from the backside. It's just your ass that's showing.
That's no big deal. Bare butts are seen all the time on tv, even on children's programming," Dr. Lathe says in a nonchalant manner.
"That's bad enough!" Spencer looks over angrily at the doctor.
Spencer is shouting. He surprised himself, not intending for that to come out with such emotion. Can Dr. Lathe really not get it? Maybe she is
just playing devil's advocate, poking and prodding to keep him talking...well...it's working...
"I don't like people looking at me. I...I guess I'm shy," and Spencer looks away, looks down again.
"That's why you are looking at the floor, or at the walls or the ceiling. Looking anywhere but toward me. My looking at you makes you nervous,
makes you uncomfortable...am I right?...Yes?...Since there is no answer, I will assume the answer is YES, my looking at you makes you uneasy.
Now why is that, Spencer? Are you ashamed of your body?"
Spencer glances up for just a brief moment. "I'm not ashamed."
Dr. Lathe sits up in her chair. Leaning forward, she reaches toward a desk lamp. Turning it on, the doctor rotates the lamp to point toward
Spencer. Like a spotlight on a prison camp wall, the beam of the lamp lands on Spencer's bare upper body. The boy blinks his eyes rapidly, but he doesn't place a hand over his eyes.
"You are ashamed. I see it in the color on your cheeks. You're blushing. I see it in how rapidly you are breathing. I don't have to slap a gage on
your wrist to know your blood pressure is elevated. Now I will give you a reason to not be so self-conscious. You have a nice body. You just turned fifteen, so you still have some growing to do, but you have well defined muscles on a well-proportioned skeletal structure. Broad shoulders, slender hips, just like a boy should have. I have not seen your butt yet, but it's probably firm from all the many miles you run in track and tennis. Maybe...perhaps having a small penis is the secret you try so hard to keep? Is that it, Spencer? Are you ashamed because you have a small dick?"
Spencer glances up again, eyes squinting against the glare of the desk lamp shining in his face. The question is so shocking he is speechless.
Can sleep doctors really expect patients to talk about their feelings about their boy parts? How does he answer that? Should he answer that?
Last edited by TeenFan on Wed Apr 19, 2023 5:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- Trundle
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Re: Dreamscaping
Intrigued to see what Spencer answers.
Does he have a small penis or is there something else??
Does he have a small penis or is there something else??
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Re: Dreamscaping
Chapter 5.
With the desk lamp turned in his direction, partially blinding him, making him feel like a victim of kidnapping forced to tell his innermost secrets, Spencer can't tell if Dr. Lathe is looking down at his boxers. She just asked if he is embarrassed about having a small penis. The whole interrogation
is embarrassing. What difference does it make how big he is?
"Why I ask you this, Spencer, is you had no trouble telling the story of your birthday party, until you ended up with an exposed butt. You have to
work through any issues with body image before you can move on." The doctor adjusts the direction of the lamp beam, moves it downward. The
light is now centered right on Spencer's Iron man boxers.
Spencer is tempted to place his hands over the front of his boxers. He resists the urge, knowing the doctor will see it a sign of insecurity, of shame
with how he looks. Why did the doctor move the light to shine right where his dick is? Does she expect him to pull it out and show it to her? That
would show her, if he shoved down the front of his boxers and showed his dick that would answer the size question, and show he not afraid of a
little nudity. Spencer places his fingers on the front waistband. Tugging them down slowly...just an inch at a time...sliding down the boxers till some of his pubic hair is visible. Another couple inches and it will all be revealed...
Spencer yanks the boxers back up.
"I'm not small...I mean, uh, it's not...big...but it's not...little."
The desk lamp light goes off.
"Good. Now that we have that settled. You can finish telling your story without getting hung up on nudity. It's been established that you are not
embarrassed and ashamed of how your body looks, because you are a good looking boy. Quite handsome in fact. And even though you have been
made to be naked at the party and your penis might be seen by others, you can tell me the story...because in this room you are not ashamed of
yourself, not about the things you cannot control, such as the size of your penis."
"It's not the size that is hard to talk about, doctor. It's um...it's what it did. What happened with my dick. That's what's hard to talk about."
Spencer is glad the little spotlight is off of him. Having the light on him gave him the heebie jeebies. With the room returned to normal light
setting, Spencer can see why the therapy session room is kept mostly in the dark. So much easier to confess one's fears or sins or anxieties when
one is in the dark.
"The swimsuit fell off of me. It's down at my ankles" Spencer continues with his story...
Cousin Margie isn't the only one squealing when the swimsuit slips down Spencer's legs. Spencer can hear all kinds of comments, giggles, and
squeals of delight coming from the assembled party guests. Everyone is behind him, seeing only his fully exposed backsides. The worst sounds
came from Clanton, one of the two boys holding Spencer in place.
"It looks like Spencer is super excited. He loves this shit."
Spencer can see Clanton is looking at the frontside, the only one who knows just how excited Spencer is. So just how excited is Spencer? His
erection is what held up the front of his swimsuit, kept it up much longer than it would have stayed up otherwise. Now free of any constraints,
Spencer's dick sticks out, waving around and bobbing up and down. The tip is only a couple inches away from the birthday cake sitting on the
snack table.
It was on the first hard swat from Becky that his swimsuit fell down to the ground. Looking down in surprise, Becky lowers her arm.
Next thing she does is look back toward the guests, toward Spencer's mother. Does the suit falling down change things? Can the spanking continue
or will the whole thing be called off? Maybe there will be a reprieve.
"Keep going, Becky. Don't stop," Mrs. Havisham shouts out.
Getting the green light to continue with the birthday swats, Becky swings her arm back. But before Becky can resume with the spanking, Margie
dashes back in. Jumping into the fray, and reaching down to grab a leg, Margie grabs hold of the fallen swimsuit. Margie gives a hard yank, jerking
Spencer's leg off the ground. Spencer falls forward toward the snack table. Just as his foot settles on the ground, Margie yanks again, pulling the
suit away from around the other ankle. With only one foot on the ground, most of Spencer's weight in held by the two boys holding him.
Neither Johnny or Clanton let go, but Spencer's weight does pull then partway down and a little bit forward.
Margie comes up, swinging the swimsuit over her head, just as gravity and momentum shift Spencer's body toward the table. Spencer's eyes get
wide and he yells out "OH SHIT" as his erected penis slams into the birthday cake.
The hard dick plunges head first into the side of the chocolate cake. The amount of momentum toward the table was sudden and surprising.
The two strong boys holding Spencer's arms tighten their grips, but not in time to prevent Spencer's dick from plunging several inches into the cake.
"I got it I got it," Margie is shouting.
The twelve year old cousin is so pleased with herself. She is jumping for joy, and she runs around to the side of the table. The arm swinging the swimsuit slows and comes to a stop when the little girl sees most of Spencer's dick sticking into the cake. Before Margie can say anything, the next spank from Becky slams onto Spencer's butt, causing the birthday boy to squirm again and the rest of the dick gets shoved all the way in.
This is a disaster. Spencer wants to pull himself out of the cake in front of him, but each time he pulls back the next swat of Becky's hand
forces his dick right back in. The hole in the side of the cake expands with each thrust. Yellow pieces of sponge cake are pulled out each time
the dick nearly exits the hole. Margie stands motionless as she watches her cousin's cock slam into the cake, pull out halfway only to get slammed
back in. Both Johnny and Clanton see what's going on. It must be the funniest thing they ever say. Both boys are laughing, neither of them letting
go of Spencer's arms, neither one making an attempt to stop the proceedings.
Becky's five swats are done. It's time to change with her twin Bessie.
As Bessie gets in position, bringing her swatting arm way back, Becky moves around the table. She noticed Margie's bizarre expression. Soon Becky
has a similar expression on her face as she sees the predicament the birthday boy's penis is in.
Bessie lays on with her five swats. Being the last one to deliver, all fifteen swats will be given after her five are delivered, Bessie is determined
that her spanks will be the hardest. Spencer shouts out in pain as Bessie's hand wallops the bare skin of his butt. His ass must be turning as red as
a beet. It stings, it burns, and if feels horribly awesome. Spencer's dick hardens even more. If feels like it just turned into actual bone, it's so
hard. The feeling of the dick thrusts, the sensation of his head sliding against spongy cake is somehow erotic and thrilling. The pain itself is
With two swats to go, Spencer feels himself about to blow a gasket down there. He pulls back. His dick comes out of the cake. Free from the hole,
Spencer's dick springs up to point nearly straight upward, halfway between the 45 degree angle mark and straight up. The momentum of the next
swat moves Spencer forward once more, and his balls slam into the side of the cake. Looking down, Spencer sees the end of his dick is covered in yellow cake. The piece of cake doesn't stay there long, as it is blown off by a tremendous blast of what looks like white frosting being shot out
a frosting piping syringe.
Margie shrieks and Becky just opens her mouth in astonishment, as several spurts of cum redecorate the cake.
Bessie realizes that something is going on, and she runs around to see the cake splattered all over in white liquid, a large pearl colored pool in the center and even some oozing down a couple of the candles. A final oozing runs down from the tip to slop down on the chocolate cake near the
"OH My God," Bessie shouts out, and she puts her hands up to her face.
"What's going on over there?" Mrs. Havisham says. she can tell something of significance just happened, but what could cause such a ruckus? Spencer's mom starts walking toward her son. Spencer knows better than to look around. He doesn't want any part of seeing his mom's face.
Johnny looks over toward Mrs. Havisham.
"The birthday boy fucked the cake."
A series of commentary, of "What the.., and "You gotta be kidding.." goes up among the assembled party guests. The group moves forward, coming closer to Spencer and his captors, closer to the table. Johnny pulls Spencer over toward the side of the table. Clanton lets go, and with only one boy holding on, it would be possible for Spencer to attempt to make a run for it, but Spencer is too dazed and exhausted. He stands there, not
bothering to cover up.
The birthday cake on the table comes into view of the party guests. Also visible to all is the yellow cake smeared and chocolate frosted hardon sticking out and the blackened balls. A long line of gooey jism hangs from the end of Spencer's dick, hanging down several inches.
Mrs. Havisham, standing only a couple feet away, has a look of shock and dismay redecorating her face.
"Spencer, what have you done!"
Chapter 5.
With the desk lamp turned in his direction, partially blinding him, making him feel like a victim of kidnapping forced to tell his innermost secrets, Spencer can't tell if Dr. Lathe is looking down at his boxers. She just asked if he is embarrassed about having a small penis. The whole interrogation
is embarrassing. What difference does it make how big he is?
"Why I ask you this, Spencer, is you had no trouble telling the story of your birthday party, until you ended up with an exposed butt. You have to
work through any issues with body image before you can move on." The doctor adjusts the direction of the lamp beam, moves it downward. The
light is now centered right on Spencer's Iron man boxers.
Spencer is tempted to place his hands over the front of his boxers. He resists the urge, knowing the doctor will see it a sign of insecurity, of shame
with how he looks. Why did the doctor move the light to shine right where his dick is? Does she expect him to pull it out and show it to her? That
would show her, if he shoved down the front of his boxers and showed his dick that would answer the size question, and show he not afraid of a
little nudity. Spencer places his fingers on the front waistband. Tugging them down slowly...just an inch at a time...sliding down the boxers till some of his pubic hair is visible. Another couple inches and it will all be revealed...
Spencer yanks the boxers back up.
"I'm not small...I mean, uh, it's not...big...but it's not...little."
The desk lamp light goes off.
"Good. Now that we have that settled. You can finish telling your story without getting hung up on nudity. It's been established that you are not
embarrassed and ashamed of how your body looks, because you are a good looking boy. Quite handsome in fact. And even though you have been
made to be naked at the party and your penis might be seen by others, you can tell me the story...because in this room you are not ashamed of
yourself, not about the things you cannot control, such as the size of your penis."
"It's not the size that is hard to talk about, doctor. It's um...it's what it did. What happened with my dick. That's what's hard to talk about."
Spencer is glad the little spotlight is off of him. Having the light on him gave him the heebie jeebies. With the room returned to normal light
setting, Spencer can see why the therapy session room is kept mostly in the dark. So much easier to confess one's fears or sins or anxieties when
one is in the dark.
"The swimsuit fell off of me. It's down at my ankles" Spencer continues with his story...
Cousin Margie isn't the only one squealing when the swimsuit slips down Spencer's legs. Spencer can hear all kinds of comments, giggles, and
squeals of delight coming from the assembled party guests. Everyone is behind him, seeing only his fully exposed backsides. The worst sounds
came from Clanton, one of the two boys holding Spencer in place.
"It looks like Spencer is super excited. He loves this shit."
Spencer can see Clanton is looking at the frontside, the only one who knows just how excited Spencer is. So just how excited is Spencer? His
erection is what held up the front of his swimsuit, kept it up much longer than it would have stayed up otherwise. Now free of any constraints,
Spencer's dick sticks out, waving around and bobbing up and down. The tip is only a couple inches away from the birthday cake sitting on the
snack table.
It was on the first hard swat from Becky that his swimsuit fell down to the ground. Looking down in surprise, Becky lowers her arm.
Next thing she does is look back toward the guests, toward Spencer's mother. Does the suit falling down change things? Can the spanking continue
or will the whole thing be called off? Maybe there will be a reprieve.
"Keep going, Becky. Don't stop," Mrs. Havisham shouts out.
Getting the green light to continue with the birthday swats, Becky swings her arm back. But before Becky can resume with the spanking, Margie
dashes back in. Jumping into the fray, and reaching down to grab a leg, Margie grabs hold of the fallen swimsuit. Margie gives a hard yank, jerking
Spencer's leg off the ground. Spencer falls forward toward the snack table. Just as his foot settles on the ground, Margie yanks again, pulling the
suit away from around the other ankle. With only one foot on the ground, most of Spencer's weight in held by the two boys holding him.
Neither Johnny or Clanton let go, but Spencer's weight does pull then partway down and a little bit forward.
Margie comes up, swinging the swimsuit over her head, just as gravity and momentum shift Spencer's body toward the table. Spencer's eyes get
wide and he yells out "OH SHIT" as his erected penis slams into the birthday cake.
The hard dick plunges head first into the side of the chocolate cake. The amount of momentum toward the table was sudden and surprising.
The two strong boys holding Spencer's arms tighten their grips, but not in time to prevent Spencer's dick from plunging several inches into the cake.
"I got it I got it," Margie is shouting.
The twelve year old cousin is so pleased with herself. She is jumping for joy, and she runs around to the side of the table. The arm swinging the swimsuit slows and comes to a stop when the little girl sees most of Spencer's dick sticking into the cake. Before Margie can say anything, the next spank from Becky slams onto Spencer's butt, causing the birthday boy to squirm again and the rest of the dick gets shoved all the way in.
This is a disaster. Spencer wants to pull himself out of the cake in front of him, but each time he pulls back the next swat of Becky's hand
forces his dick right back in. The hole in the side of the cake expands with each thrust. Yellow pieces of sponge cake are pulled out each time
the dick nearly exits the hole. Margie stands motionless as she watches her cousin's cock slam into the cake, pull out halfway only to get slammed
back in. Both Johnny and Clanton see what's going on. It must be the funniest thing they ever say. Both boys are laughing, neither of them letting
go of Spencer's arms, neither one making an attempt to stop the proceedings.
Becky's five swats are done. It's time to change with her twin Bessie.
As Bessie gets in position, bringing her swatting arm way back, Becky moves around the table. She noticed Margie's bizarre expression. Soon Becky
has a similar expression on her face as she sees the predicament the birthday boy's penis is in.
Bessie lays on with her five swats. Being the last one to deliver, all fifteen swats will be given after her five are delivered, Bessie is determined
that her spanks will be the hardest. Spencer shouts out in pain as Bessie's hand wallops the bare skin of his butt. His ass must be turning as red as
a beet. It stings, it burns, and if feels horribly awesome. Spencer's dick hardens even more. If feels like it just turned into actual bone, it's so
hard. The feeling of the dick thrusts, the sensation of his head sliding against spongy cake is somehow erotic and thrilling. The pain itself is
With two swats to go, Spencer feels himself about to blow a gasket down there. He pulls back. His dick comes out of the cake. Free from the hole,
Spencer's dick springs up to point nearly straight upward, halfway between the 45 degree angle mark and straight up. The momentum of the next
swat moves Spencer forward once more, and his balls slam into the side of the cake. Looking down, Spencer sees the end of his dick is covered in yellow cake. The piece of cake doesn't stay there long, as it is blown off by a tremendous blast of what looks like white frosting being shot out
a frosting piping syringe.
Margie shrieks and Becky just opens her mouth in astonishment, as several spurts of cum redecorate the cake.
Bessie realizes that something is going on, and she runs around to see the cake splattered all over in white liquid, a large pearl colored pool in the center and even some oozing down a couple of the candles. A final oozing runs down from the tip to slop down on the chocolate cake near the
"OH My God," Bessie shouts out, and she puts her hands up to her face.
"What's going on over there?" Mrs. Havisham says. she can tell something of significance just happened, but what could cause such a ruckus? Spencer's mom starts walking toward her son. Spencer knows better than to look around. He doesn't want any part of seeing his mom's face.
Johnny looks over toward Mrs. Havisham.
"The birthday boy fucked the cake."
A series of commentary, of "What the.., and "You gotta be kidding.." goes up among the assembled party guests. The group moves forward, coming closer to Spencer and his captors, closer to the table. Johnny pulls Spencer over toward the side of the table. Clanton lets go, and with only one boy holding on, it would be possible for Spencer to attempt to make a run for it, but Spencer is too dazed and exhausted. He stands there, not
bothering to cover up.
The birthday cake on the table comes into view of the party guests. Also visible to all is the yellow cake smeared and chocolate frosted hardon sticking out and the blackened balls. A long line of gooey jism hangs from the end of Spencer's dick, hanging down several inches.
Mrs. Havisham, standing only a couple feet away, has a look of shock and dismay redecorating her face.
"Spencer, what have you done!"
Last edited by TeenFan on Wed Apr 19, 2023 6:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.
- Trundle
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Re: Dreamscaping
Oh Wow!
The birthday cake scene is one of the best things I've read on here! What an image that is. One of the more humiliating things I've seen so far, I loved it!
Keep up the great work!
The birthday cake scene is one of the best things I've read on here! What an image that is. One of the more humiliating things I've seen so far, I loved it!
Keep up the great work!
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Re: Dreamscaping
Some thanks go to Themarble.
Marble suggested to me a B-day party scene were the cake gets ummm, messed up.
Thanks for the idea marble, I think it went over well in this story.
Marble suggested to me a B-day party scene were the cake gets ummm, messed up.
Thanks for the idea marble, I think it went over well in this story.
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Re: Dreamscaping
Chapter 6.
Spencer sits quietly on the couch. Dr. Lathe looks on with rapt attention.
"That was quite the surprise you got at your birthday party. You literally revealed a lot about yourself that day. Even with this low lighting I can
tell your face is red. Hmmm, interesting. Either public nudity you find arousing, or the spanking did the trick. Cumming on a cake, that's a new
one for me, but I'm not a sex therapist. Now those people can tell some tales. As long as they don't name names, they can talk about their most
fascinating cases. Now did I hear this right...your cousin Margie has your swimsuit? Did you get it back?"
"She tried giving it back...but my mom wouldn't let me put it back on."
Spencer finds himself twiddling his thumbs, fumbling around with the fingers. Next, he notices he's knocking his feet together. He can't hear that,
he's wearing slippers instead of shoes.
"Spencer, this is important. More important than what you did, it's how you felt about it. How did you feel about standing in front of the party
guests while you are naked with your dick dripping?"
For a long moment Spencer stays silent, as his fingers continue to interlock, release and twist around each other again. Why does he do that,
playing with his hands this way? What does that say about him? His mom is just outside the door. Spencer knows she can't hear any revelations,
but it's still hard to talk, knowing she is nearby, waiting out in the lobby.
"My mom," Spencer starts off slowly. "Mother...she uh...she first was so shocked. Her eyes bugged out. I...I never saw that before...somebody getting all buggy eyed. All her friends were gathered around the table. They were looking at the mess on the cake. They were laughing at me.
That was the worst part of it. They laughed at me. They are all dressed in their fancy clothes and I'm standing in front of my ruined birthday cake...wearing nothing but my birthday suit. I heard a trick about standing in front of people, to be less nervous, imagining them naked...but
for me that happens all the time. I'm always imagining, seeing people with their clothes off. Even older and fatter people. I can't help it. I
see a waitress in a resaurant and suddenly I don't see her waitress uniform anymore. I see her bra and panties. Lots of times I don't want to
see people that way. And at the party I saw my mother with her clothes off, just standing there in a her undies. I've seen her real undies, during clothes washing days, but I never saw her actually wearing them. She never walked around the house with no clothes on until two weeks ago.
But at the party, as everyone was laughing at me...I saw her in her in skimpy underwear. The clothes melted away, disappeared off of her."
Spencer looks over at Dr. Lathe. She is scribbling notes on a yellow notepad. Spencer watches as the doctor furiously writes on the page.
The doctor looks up. How does the doctor not notice that she is wearing only underwear? It's the topic of discussion at the moment. Dr. Lathe
puts the pen down.
"You unintentionally see people wearing clothes. People who you don't find attractive. You might have what is called Cognitive disassociation,
a lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, and surroundings. Now Spencer, do you ever feel detached from your emotions? Like you should
be feeling a certain way about something, but you're like a different person, a different person who doesn't feel these things. Do people and
things around you seem unreal?"
Spencer is getting a little agitated. The doctor thinks he is seeing things.
"You just don't get it, Dr. Lathe. I'm not imagining seeing clothes on people. Clothes do exist...at least they did a couple weeks ago. Everyone
was wearing clothes. You gotta believe me."
"What happened two weeks ago? Spencer, you say the world changed two weeks ago. Now you see things differently. What made the world
change? What happened the rest of the day at the birthday party?"
Spencer looks back down at the floor. He can't look at the doctor as he gets ready to finish the story.
"Mom cut me a piece of cake. I..I was too stunned to say anything. She takes a plastic plate from the stack, puts the slab of cake on the plate,
and she hands it to me. She made sure to slice a piece that had plenty of...the uh, stuff all over it. The two girls, Becky and Bessie are staring
at me. How do you think I feel? I got no clothes on and my mom expects me to eat cake with cum all over it. I looked at that piece of cake.
Stared hard right at it. The white gooey streaks on the chocolate started spinning. The world starts spinning...and then I was in bed. I don't know how I got there. I still don't have anything on, but I'm in bed with the covers pulled up. I can hear the party is still going on outside. It made me glad to be away from them, but so mad they kept the party going without me. Anyway, I tried to forget about them and I fell asleep. And then I
had the dream. It was the dream that did it, changed the world. When I woke up everything had changed. All the clothes were gone."
Chapter 6.
Spencer sits quietly on the couch. Dr. Lathe looks on with rapt attention.
"That was quite the surprise you got at your birthday party. You literally revealed a lot about yourself that day. Even with this low lighting I can
tell your face is red. Hmmm, interesting. Either public nudity you find arousing, or the spanking did the trick. Cumming on a cake, that's a new
one for me, but I'm not a sex therapist. Now those people can tell some tales. As long as they don't name names, they can talk about their most
fascinating cases. Now did I hear this right...your cousin Margie has your swimsuit? Did you get it back?"
"She tried giving it back...but my mom wouldn't let me put it back on."
Spencer finds himself twiddling his thumbs, fumbling around with the fingers. Next, he notices he's knocking his feet together. He can't hear that,
he's wearing slippers instead of shoes.
"Spencer, this is important. More important than what you did, it's how you felt about it. How did you feel about standing in front of the party
guests while you are naked with your dick dripping?"
For a long moment Spencer stays silent, as his fingers continue to interlock, release and twist around each other again. Why does he do that,
playing with his hands this way? What does that say about him? His mom is just outside the door. Spencer knows she can't hear any revelations,
but it's still hard to talk, knowing she is nearby, waiting out in the lobby.
"My mom," Spencer starts off slowly. "Mother...she uh...she first was so shocked. Her eyes bugged out. I...I never saw that before...somebody getting all buggy eyed. All her friends were gathered around the table. They were looking at the mess on the cake. They were laughing at me.
That was the worst part of it. They laughed at me. They are all dressed in their fancy clothes and I'm standing in front of my ruined birthday cake...wearing nothing but my birthday suit. I heard a trick about standing in front of people, to be less nervous, imagining them naked...but
for me that happens all the time. I'm always imagining, seeing people with their clothes off. Even older and fatter people. I can't help it. I
see a waitress in a resaurant and suddenly I don't see her waitress uniform anymore. I see her bra and panties. Lots of times I don't want to
see people that way. And at the party I saw my mother with her clothes off, just standing there in a her undies. I've seen her real undies, during clothes washing days, but I never saw her actually wearing them. She never walked around the house with no clothes on until two weeks ago.
But at the party, as everyone was laughing at me...I saw her in her in skimpy underwear. The clothes melted away, disappeared off of her."
Spencer looks over at Dr. Lathe. She is scribbling notes on a yellow notepad. Spencer watches as the doctor furiously writes on the page.
The doctor looks up. How does the doctor not notice that she is wearing only underwear? It's the topic of discussion at the moment. Dr. Lathe
puts the pen down.
"You unintentionally see people wearing clothes. People who you don't find attractive. You might have what is called Cognitive disassociation,
a lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, and surroundings. Now Spencer, do you ever feel detached from your emotions? Like you should
be feeling a certain way about something, but you're like a different person, a different person who doesn't feel these things. Do people and
things around you seem unreal?"
Spencer is getting a little agitated. The doctor thinks he is seeing things.
"You just don't get it, Dr. Lathe. I'm not imagining seeing clothes on people. Clothes do exist...at least they did a couple weeks ago. Everyone
was wearing clothes. You gotta believe me."
"What happened two weeks ago? Spencer, you say the world changed two weeks ago. Now you see things differently. What made the world
change? What happened the rest of the day at the birthday party?"
Spencer looks back down at the floor. He can't look at the doctor as he gets ready to finish the story.
"Mom cut me a piece of cake. I..I was too stunned to say anything. She takes a plastic plate from the stack, puts the slab of cake on the plate,
and she hands it to me. She made sure to slice a piece that had plenty of...the uh, stuff all over it. The two girls, Becky and Bessie are staring
at me. How do you think I feel? I got no clothes on and my mom expects me to eat cake with cum all over it. I looked at that piece of cake.
Stared hard right at it. The white gooey streaks on the chocolate started spinning. The world starts spinning...and then I was in bed. I don't know how I got there. I still don't have anything on, but I'm in bed with the covers pulled up. I can hear the party is still going on outside. It made me glad to be away from them, but so mad they kept the party going without me. Anyway, I tried to forget about them and I fell asleep. And then I
had the dream. It was the dream that did it, changed the world. When I woke up everything had changed. All the clothes were gone."
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