Holiday Contest, 2020

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*Lady Lucia*
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Holiday Contest, 2020

Post by *Lady Lucia* »

Well, it's about that time of year!

Halloween and Christmas seem to always yield both quantity and quality in terms of stories, and I hope that trend continues this year. As Humilatron’s contest wraps up, I’ll give everyone an extra few days of writing as an early Christmas present! In response to a few discussions on here about how some writers prefer story ideas rather than incredibly vague holiday parameters, I’m going to switch things up and actually give some prompts this time (albeit vague prompts to hopefully split the difference). Do with them what you will:

1. Holiday Party Humiliation

2. A Sister’s Revenge

3. The Seasonal Gig/Job

I know the most common holiday celebrated is Christmas, but absolutely don’t feel limited when it comes to these stories. Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s, etc. are all welcome. Also, my prompts don’t have to be your titles. Take whatever twist you want on them! As always, I'll go with the voting route in terms of judging.

January 1st

Contest Rules:
-Only one story per writer.
-Begin your own thread, rather than replying to this one.
-Indicate that it’s for the contest either in the title or the forward.
-Complete your story by January 1st if you want it judged.

The Prize:

As usual, a surprise, as it depends on the winner’s preferences. For reference, “The Black Sheep” was based on Debbifan’s suggestion for her summer contest victory a few months ago.

Happy writing, and happy holidays!

Much love,
Lady Lucia
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Re: Holiday Contest, 2020

Post by Fun_Writer »

Can I use any age or an age range
*Lady Lucia*
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Re: Holiday Contest, 2020

Post by *Lady Lucia* »

Technically, no rules. I'd just take every story ever posted in this genre as a collective guideline: too young and/or certain extreme elements can make some readers uncomfortable. But it's ultimately to you if you want to take those opinions/preferences into account when writing.
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Re: Holiday Contest, 2020

Post by Cicero »

I have two parts of a three-part New Year’s story written, and a part three that isn’t quite done. If it’s posted on the 1st, will that make it in under the wire, or was the deadline midnight?
*Lady Lucia*
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Re: Holiday Contest, 2020

Post by *Lady Lucia* »

Today is fine!

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