BTFW - MissAriel's Pool Table Bet

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BTFW - MissAriel's Pool Table Bet

Post by MissAriel »

Part 1

My name is MissAriel. Okay, not really, but that’s the user name I post with on this site called GirlsPNS. It’s a place where anonymous users write erotic stories centered around people being embarrassed about their nudity. Anyways, the reason I’m here is because I recently made a bet with another user on the board. More about that later, though.

I first discovered this forum about two years ago by chance and found myself really enjoying the content the site had to offer. I must confess, it was not long before I began to read stories on GirlsPNS all the time. The idea of being forced to be naked was a huge turn on to me, and I began spending perhaps too much time consuming everything the site had to offer.

For a long time, I was only a lurker. I was too embarrassed to actually make an account and interact with the users. I was happy just reading in the background. Eventually, I began to discover there were certain authors I appreciated more than others. Over and over, they’d write fantasies that overlapped with my own kinks.

I like to think I have refined taste. I love stories where women are coercively stripped by another person, or when they’re tied up and tickled without mercy. One of my favorite themes is when a poor girl agrees to do something that sounds completely innocent, but she misunderstands the situation, and later finds out to her own horror that she actually volunteered to be naked. Again and again, I would read and fantasize about stories where a girl would be incredibly embarrassed by her own reluctant nudity, whether it be her own fault, the will of another, or some odd circumstance of chance.

However, one theme rises above all others when it comes to my kink. My absolute favorite trope centers around losing a bet. I love stories where a girl makes an incredibly ambitious wager; the kind of bet where the heroine puts everything on the line for a bet she just knows she cannot lose, only to later pay the ultimate price for her arrogance.

Unfortunately, there just weren’t enough good lost bet stories on the site! It did not take me long to devour and reread my favorites so many times that they’d gotten boring. The community was small and new stories weren’t posted often, so my lust remained unsatiated.

But one day, I got an idea. I mean, I knew how to write, I knew what I wanted. Why didn't I just write my own story? When you need something done right, just do it yourself. Thus, The Smash Bet was born. I created an avatar in my own image: an overly confident girl named Jennifer who could not turn down a good wager. My Jennifer would be willing to confidently put her body on the line for a bet with anyone, because she always knew she was going to win. But of course, she would always find herself stripped and humiliated when she later realized that her confidence was misplaced.

My first story was so popular that I began writing even more stories about Jennifer. While I had initially intended to only write one such story, I became addicted to the feedback. My private messages began to flood and it wasn’t long before I had to start deleting messages because my inbox was constantly full. I loved the attention and every comment only encouraged me to write even more.

One day, I got a message from a user called Executionus. We got to talking about random stuff, kinks, things we had in common, writing, how we came to start writing for GirlsPNS, etc. I was getting good vibes with him and began to think of him as a friend as time passed on. But one day, he really hooked me, and he told me that he loved my latest story, and that he thought I was an excellent writer. I must confess, I was star struck. I mean, this guy is like the king of the board. Everyone knows who he is. I couldn’t believe I’d attracted the attention of none other than GirlsPNS's most prolific author. And that he thought little old me, MissAriel, was an excellent writer! Me! In that moment, my ego was as big as the solar system.

But this user, this Executionus fellow, while I was charmed by his attention and compliments, I also found him incredibly aggravating. He’d send me messages where he’d analyze my kinks based on my stories. He would dissect Jennifer’s motivations down to the letter with such accuracy that it made me blush. This random guy who knew nothing about me other than some tidbits from the stories I’d written and a few brief message exchanges could somehow read me as if I was an open book. He knew my kinks, my motivations, my thoughts... it was as if he knew my deepest, darkest secrets without ever having even met me.

One day, this bold fellow proposed that we make an actual bet with each other. He said that he suspected that as much as I loved living vicariously through Jennifer in my erotic stories, he knew that the real me, the author behind Jennifer, MissAriel, craved a real life ENF experience. Now, of course, I was hesitant about his proposal and turned him down almost immediately. It’s one thing to write about my erotic fantasies, but an entirely different thing to live them.

Yet the frustrating thing was that I had to admit that Executionus was right. I did crave a real life ENF experience. It was just the thing that would tip me over the edge and fulfill me in ways I had only dreamed of in my stories. I couldn’t believe it, but I had started considering his offer, despite turning him down so quickly only moments ago.

I wrote him another e-mail and said, hypothetically, what did you have in mind? His answer shocked me on a level I didn’t think possible.

He proposed that he could write a post that would receive 50 likes from unique users and generate 20 pages of comments within one week. Now this sounds ridiculous, right? I mean, I’ve been on this forum for a while, and the most likes I’ve ever seen a single post get is around 10 or so. And while there are stories on the site that have generated over 20 pages of feedback, they were often long ones that had been going on for years. Such a thing was obviously not possible in only seven days.

I said, okay, I’ll take that bet. It’s clearly impossible, but if you want to lose a bet, who am I to turn you down? To which he once again read me like a book. It was infuriating to me that this random stranger acted like he’d known me my entire life, and even worse, that it actually felt like he had.

He said, of course, I know you’d only ever take a bet that’s a for-sure win. Your character Jennifer is exactly like you in almost every way – you’d never make a bet you think you could lose. You’d never chance your modesty on anything less than a 100% sure thing. That’s why I’ve chosen a wager that you are absolutely certain you will win.

Urgh, I thought! That Executionus guy, he drives me crazy. He doesn’t even fucking know me, what I look like, what I do for a living, who I am in real life, yet somehow, some way, he knows exactly what I’m thinking. It’s ridiculous.

At that point, he’d gotten me intrigued. He was certainly right; this bet seemed like a 100% for-sure win to me. The community just honestly isn’t that big. There’s no way he could get 50 likes. Just looking at historical trends, nothing on this site had ever been that popular. No matter how much I tried to envision it, I couldn’t see a universe where I lost such a bet.

So, I asked him, what are the stakes?

He asked me if I had access to a pool table like the one in my Halo Night At My Boyfriend’s House story. I said, of course, how did you know? Because you’re just like Jennifer, he said.

Well, not exactly, there are some differences.

None that matter, he said.

Crazy fucker. I began wondering if he was secretly some kind of stalker, yet I couldn’t help but feel there was some genuineness to the way that he understood me so well. Had I really been so transparent with my Jennifer character that I’d given him some deep understanding of the way my mind works?


What’s the pool table for, I asked. And then he hit me with it.

If I lost the bet, I had to send him a picture of myself fully nude on the pool table, which he would then post on the GirlsPNS board for one hour.

No way, I said. That’s crazy. Why would you think I would ever agree to do something like that?

Because if you win, I’ll send you $100. I’ll even say so publicly so that people will hold me accountable. You have my word.

Please. As if, I said. $100 is nothing.

And then he replied with something that made my blood boil.

I knew you’d be interested. It’s just a matter of negotiating the price, then?

I’m not that kind of girl! I’d never be able to post here again if the GirlsPNS board saw me naked. No, absolutely not. That’s too far. I can’t do it.


You can’t just buy me off, Executionus. It’s never going to happen, I said. I won’t do it. $500 is not worth the humiliation. Every user on this board would be able to read my Jennifer stories while staring at my body any time they wanted to. My real life actual naked body. I could never live down the embarrassment. If I ever posted another story, users would comment that they could really imagine what Jennifer looked like, that the story felt so real, and I would be humiliated over and over again. I just couldn't deal with that level of embarrassment. Not in real life.

Not. Happening. Pal.

$2,000. Final offer.

Okay. Remember when I said never happening? Well, like my grandfather always said, never say never, because never is a really long time.

This guy was offering some serious cash. I remember wondering how much I could get out of him.

I said, how about $5,000? I mean, go big or go home, right? That kind of money would really help me out in these times of soaring rent costs.

$2,000, not up for negotiation. Take it or leave it.

Could I really risk it? I felt so conflicted. That was a lot of money, and it was practically guaranteed. I mean, seriously, no one has ever generated that much hype over however many years the board has been active. I began to think that perhaps Executionus was just a really wealthy individual who wanted an excuse to give me a gift. Perhaps my exquisite writing skills had gained me an affluent fan. Who was I to turn down such a generous offer for nothing in return? I began to think about how such a gift could seriously help my financial situation. It wasn't even a particularly risky bet. Nothing had ever been remotely that popular in the entire site's history.

But then I thought, no, MissAriel, you’re smarter than that. This bet is obviously rigged. He's tricking you.

I asked this Executionus fellow what was stopping him from just creating 50 accounts of his own and flooding his own post with likes from his fake accounts? I’m not stupid. I’m not going to lose to a scheme like that.

Not a problem, he said. Only accounts with creation dates prior to this contest would be eligible for the 50 likes requirement.

Well, that sounded reasonable. Yet, I still couldn’t believe I was considering it. Did he really think he could just write a story to generate that much hype from the existing user base? Please. I just could not see any way that he could possibly win. I felt conflict within myself. I couldn't bear the humiliation of my nudes being posted to GirlsPNS, but at the same time, could I really turn down such a huge amount of money for what was certainly an easy victory?

I surrendered. I agreed to the bet on the condition that my username would not be revealed. I would pose for his stupid picture and agree to let him post it if he somehow met the ridiculous 50 like and 20 pages of content requirement, but I was still not willing to reveal my username. That was just a step too far. Like, okay, if he posted my nude, fine, at least no one would know it was me.

In fact, I began to think about clever ways around the bet if he somehow did win. Maybe I wouldn’t have to post my own body at all. Surely, there were plenty of naked models on pool tables out there, right?

Executionus, however, had a request of his own before we finalized the bet. He said I had to also send a photo next to the pool table holding a sign that said "For GirlsPNS." And he warned me that he knew how to use Photoshop, so I shouldn’t bother stealing some poor model’s photo and trying to edit in a fake sign.

This guy literally thought of everything. Crazy fuck. How did he always know what I was thinking? And how long had he been planning this? Nevertheless, I accepted his condition.

Executionus and I came to an agreement. The bet was on.

I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. I mean, king of the GirlsPNS board or not, there was no way he could actually win this. I felt like the money was already in my bank account. I was so confident, I began acting just like my character Jennifer, and started to taunt him about all the things I was going to do with his money.

Well, honestly, I was probably just going to use the money to pay bills and put the rest in savings, but that didn’t stop me from teasing him. I told him, I’m going to buy lingerie and cute outfits that you’ll never see, because you’re never going to receive an actual picture of me. Too bad, so sad, Executionus. But don’t worry, I promise I’ll describe all of my outfits in great detail to you, because I want you to know exactly what you’re missing.

Yet he was completely unfazed by my taunts, much like my story character Josh. Again, Executionus said something that made my blood boil.

You and Jennifer have a lot in common; you both love getting humiliated by losing a bet. Like Jennifer, deep down, you want to lose. Don’t worry, you will.

Unlike Josh, though, he was obviously bluffing, and I called him out on it. We both know that getting 50 likes in a week is impossible. Want to raise the stakes?

I’m not going to offer you anything more than $2,000.

No, I said. I don’t want your money. I want to humiliate you. I want to post your naked picture to the forum. I bet you won’t be so confident when you’re risking more than your money.

His reply came within seconds.

If I win, I can also reveal your username.

Deal, I said.

Executionus said there was one more thing we had to do before our bet was binding. Knowing how much you’re like Jennifer, you’ll try to talk your way out of this, but I’m not going to let that happen.

Attached with his private message was a formal agreement listing out all the stipulations of our bet. Under the spot where it said, “I agree to all terms and conditions outlined above,” I digitally signed: MissAriel. He, too, signed the document, and sent me a copy with both our signatures. The stage was set. Now both of us had been bound to the letter of the contract. It would be hard for me to argue later that I hadn’t fully consented to this later, and I'd be forever labeled as a filthy liar by the board if I reneged on our agreement. But still, I just didn’t see how I could lose, because the requirements didn’t seem remotely possible to fulfill.

Anyways, I’m so glad you’re caught up now, gentle reader of GirlsPNS.

To summarize, I just made the most unbelievable bet of my life. I’m actually living out a real life ENF wager. I bet Executionus that he couldn’t get 50 likes on a post he makes in one week’s time. If he wins, my full naked body will be revealed to the users of this site, posed to his exact instructions on a pool table, along with a secondary photo holding a sign to prove that it is in fact authentically a photo of me. Every single user will know exactly what I look like down to my last crevice and curve. It would be complete and utter humiliation. I would forever be branded as the only female author to ever be publicly stripped on GirlsPNS. And I’m not just some anonymous troll account, but an established writer with many fans. Such a loss would be the ultimate humiliation.

Yet I know I will win, because Executionus has bet the impossible. And when I do, I will gladly take all his money and his nude photo. A nude photo that I can post to the forum if I wish to. Which, of course, I will. Gleefully. Humiliating him will be delicious. I wonder if he has a nice bathtub.

So, for the last several hours, I’ve been refreshing the ENF page nonstop waiting to see his little story that will supposedly break the laws of the universe, but he hasn’t posted anything yet. I’m so excited. I mean, seriously, $2,000? For free? That’s so much money. This guy must be loaded to throw away that much on me. I mean, he doesn’t even have a clue what I look like. I could be ugly for all he knows. I’m not, obviously, but he doesn’t know that. This guy is completely off his rocker. And he signed a contract! I bet I could even take him to court if he refused to pay up. I can't believe this is actually happening.

Refresh, refresh, refresh. Oh, hey, red text! Notification! Yay! A private message from Executionus? I wonder if he wants to cancel the bet. Not a chance, buddy. You signed the contract. No backing out.

Posted my story. Good luck. :)

Huh? I don’t see anything posted. Refresh.

Oh, there it is.

Oh. My. God.

“Like this post if you want to see one of our most popular female authors naked.”
See my collection of stories here: MissAriel's Story Archive
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Re: BTFW - MissAriel's Pool Table Bet

Post by superevil7 »

Always read the fine print of a bet, MissAriel. I knew you were in trouble the second it said he only needed to make a post, and not a full blown original story 😂
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Re: BTFW - MissAriel's Pool Table Bet

Post by Executionus »

superevil7 wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:01 am Always read the fine print of a bet, MissAriel. I knew you were in trouble the second it said he only needed to make a post, and not a full blown original story 😂
I knew she was in trouble the moment I figured out that 98.6% of the reason she made this contest was in order to give herself justification for writing this exact story. The frightening speed with which I was informed of my likeness's role in her plot after the announcement post was made may have been a tipoff.

I'm certainly looking forward to it.
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Re: BTFW - MissAriel's Pool Table Bet

Post by MissAriel »

A/N: Have not been inspired to write very much since I started this contest. My apologies. Here is an effort to finish this story for the sake of the readers. I apologize that it's rather short - this is my attempt to wrap it up quickly, since I felt kind of bad that I hadn't finished my own contest. Thanks for your understanding.


Chapter 2


My eyes widened in horror as I read the post. For a moment, I could see myself being forced to unveil myself before *everyone*. No, no, no, no!

I messaged Executionus back. I protested. How dare he? The bet was for him to post a story! That wasn't a story at all. It was VOTE MANIPULATION! It was cheating!

And of course he replied... "It's not cheating at all. This IS a story. It's the story of how you became our first real life ENF author!"

THE NERVE! Unbelievable. My first instinct was to tell him absolutely not. No way. Not in a million years.


He had the receipts. I had signed an agreement. I had no choice but to continue the bet and honor it, lest I be taken to karma court, or worse...

As I went to bed, the story had only received a few comments and likes. The posts were mostly by confused readers. Is this real?

I decided to take matters into my own hands. I posted, this is just Executionus trying to get his old title back of "most liked" user on the site. He's a has been and he knows it.

Pleased with my little post, I went to bed. I figured if I could derail the post, make people think he's just using people for fame, well, it was sure to go my way. The post would quickly die out and I’d take myself a nice trip out to the mall this weekend.
Last edited by MissAriel on Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BTFW - MissAriel's Pool Table Bet

Post by MissAriel »

Chapter 3
When I woke up the next morning, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. The post had already half the required likes, and the comments had far exceeded the ’50 count’. Instead of the post dying out for the vote manipulation, instead, I had inspired the biggest controversy to ever hit the site. Angry people quoting each other back and forth, arguing vehemently, typing up intricate essays about whether the bet was real... on the one side, the pro-Ex team, saying that he was single handedly revitalizing the site with a story that would be remembered as legendary. And on the other, the ones who agreed with me, that this was a pathetic attempt to reclaim his glory, and that the story itself was just a make believe scam.

I am my own worst enemy. Somehow, rather than slowing things down, I had escalated the situation. By creating controversy, the post was sky rocketing in popularity, and now there was nothing I could do to stop it...

I begged Ex to take it down, that I had made a mistake. But he said, of course, if the post was a dud, you would have happily taken my money. Now why don’t you get a head start and take that picture. Here’s the directions on how I want you to pose...
Last edited by MissAriel on Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
See my collection of stories here: MissAriel's Story Archive
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Re: BTFW - MissAriel's Pool Table Bet

Post by MissAriel »

Chapter 4
So here I am, about to have my assets revealed to *everyone*. This is humiliating. I just sent Ex the picture. He was oddly specific in how I had to pose, which of course makes it all the more humiliating. Obviously, he won, in case you missed it. I can’t fucking believe it.

I see a new post on the forum.

“Miss Ariel’s Big Debut”


I will never live this down...

Every time I write a story... my readers won’t be imagining my descriptions of Jennifer anymore... they’ll be thinking of me. EVERYONE is going to see me naked now. I’m the only author dumb enough to have made a bet like this in the history of the site!

Oh, great, six new messages. My PM box is sure to be full soon.

“Nice tits.”


But you said one hour.

See my collection of stories here: MissAriel's Story Archive
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