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Visual Novel

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:38 am
by drew
Just wanted to let everyone know that CursedSavinkov has been working hard for nearly the past two years on a visual novel to my story My Sisters and Me. He has sent me renderings over this time frame and it looks amazing, I'm very excited to see the finished product! I figured I'd make a post here for those that don't frequent the story section or those that may miss updates there due to stories getting bumped a lot quicker than topics in the general discussion section. Anyway, the demo should be released in early 2024!

Re: Visual Novel

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 5:26 am
by CursedSavinkov
Hey Guys! Cursed Savinkov here!

Super excited to finally publicly announce the Visual Novel! Hope to have some of you guys play it when it releases!

For those who want to see the teaser trailer, here's the link: