Payback for a Perv

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Payback for a Perv

Post by Thesyguy »

Part I - Met Chloe

*Note* The full story of Payback for a Perv, is meant to take place over many years in Calvin’s life, starting somewhat early for comprehension.

Calvin had always been super shy and a bit of a prude. He preferred bathroom stalls to
urinals and always wrapped a towel around himself when getting dressed in the change rooms, having no desire to flash his junk around the room. He was below average height and weight for his age, nerdy looking, and a little socially awkward. However he is polite, kind and intelligent.

Now in the 6th Gr. Calvin is developing feelings he has never had before. An interest in girls. In fact the most beautiful girl sits directly in front of him. Her name is Chloe.  She is a short, pretty blue eyed blonde, who was very outgoing and also very charismatic, and popular. Chatty Chloe doesn’t always pay attention in class though, but much to Calvin’s delight she often turns around to ask him questions. There is just an amazing aura around Chloe, and Calvin always gushes every time she looks his way, or just talks to him. She is also always very kind to Calvin and thanks him for his help due being the sweet natured girl that she is.

But something else the last few months has been catching Calvin’s eye that’s begun to fascinate him. My gosh, it’s the top of her underwear! Chloe’s pants quite often hangs a little low, and frequently when she would sit down or bend over, the top of her panties would become visible. Usually she wore those trendy thick band CK panties, but every once in a while she would have on lace panties that secretly excited Calvin. More and more he would dream of how awesome it would be if she was pantsed by her friends in class.

Luck is on Calvin’s side one day when she asks him if she would partner up with her on a big school project assignment. Obviously he says “yes”, and It’s a dream come true when he gets to come to her house everyday for the week and work on the project. Calvin doesn’t even mind that he does most of the work, because she often chats with him the whole time, and makes nerdy Calvin feel far cooler than he really is.

“Ding” another text comes in for Chloe and she becomes distracted by her phone. That’s when Calvin turns his head and sees something he has been dreaming about for months. On the top of her laundry basket he can see a half dozen pairs of folded panties. To Calvin this is like finding a chest full of treasure. He looks at the homework and back at the underwear. Back at homework and back at the underwear. After months of seeing just the top few centimetres of her underwear above her jeans line finally he can see the whole thing. OMG.

However after about 20 minutes staring at them it was no longer enough. He needed to touch them too!  As beautiful Chloe increasingly gets distracted by her phone, she eventually wanders off and leaves the room. Calvin although, shy and reserved bounces on his opportunity. He reaches down and starts petting the underwear like it was a cat. Different styles and colours Calvin likes it all before quickly shifting back in his chair and pretending to look at the homework again, as Chloe re-enters the room.

“Sorry Cal’ I need to leave the house for an hour, the new girls soccer jerseys came in and I need to pick it up from AnnaSophia’s place.  You’re doing so awesome, with the project. But if you want to go now I can get my parents to drop you off back at your place?”

“Oh err no, uh I don’t mind staying here, I have a lot I would like to do still tonight” replied Calvin.
“Ahhh thanks dude, you’re the best”.

Chloe then put one arm around Calvin and gave him a half hug. Calvin gushed again and felt butterflies in his stomach. She even smelled like coconut oil and lavender, she was perfect. He hadn’t been hugged like that by a pretty girl before. With Calvin dreaming up in the clouds still  Chloe waved goodbye and left.

Now that Chloe was gone and Calvin home alone in her house he was like a ‘kid in a candy store’. He meandered around the room looking at everything. Her stuffed animals and soccer trophies were so cute. And the fact she had a few skateboards and was proficient at using them made her look cool too. Calvin was more the type who stayed home and played video games and not much else. That’s when Calvin approached her dresser drawer. He stood there for many moments knowing he shouldn’t. But he could no longer help himself, in fact a feeling inside his pants was getting stronger and louder telling him to ‘open it already’.

His curiosity was far greater than his willpower and he opened the top drawer. His eyes bulged, Panties, panties, panties, it was such a beautiful site.  He had to see more. Although Calvin at this time does not yet jerkoff, his dick had quickly become fully erect as he rummaged through Chloe’s underwear drawer. So many panties, the majority were boyshorts and CK thick band panties, but toward the bottom he found some of those laced ones he loved. He tried so hard to close that underwear drawer and get back to work but he couldn’t help it. A voice in his head just kept telling him to ‘take one, she will never know’. This was the moment Calvin went from gentleman to perv, and there was no going back. He reached in and grabbed a cute pair of green laced panties and hid it in his backpack. The naughty deed was done. Although it would still take about 10 minutes for his heart rate to drop back down to normal after such an event as this. He worked as best he could with his guilty conscience until Chloe returned and thanked him again with another sweet hug. 15 minutes later It was time for Calvin to leave and go home. Along with his secret treasure of course.

As he walked home, Calvin felt somewhat superior to Chloe for the first time, now that he had seen all her underwear, it was very satisfying that had gotten away with this. It was a blissful way to start his weekend, happy Calvin.

Calvin was a little nervous on Monday that Chloe would notice a pair of her underwear was missing, but when Chloe greeted him cheerfully when she came in, he felt at ease again. She even asked if he would come over again to help on the project, she even promised she would pay much more attention to the project herself. But of course Calvin can’t wait to go back.

That night when Calvin first arrived in the bedroom his eyes immediately glanced at the floor for the laundry basket but it wasn’t there this time, everything was neatly put away. He then glanced over at the dresser drawer and noticed it was open but nothing was inside this time. ‘Does she know’? ‘Did she hide her underwear somewhere else’? He wondered. With this still in the back of his mind he got to work. This time however Chloe was not on her phone. She closed the door and sat down beside him.

“So Calvin what girls do you like in our classroom”?

“Um err, I don’t really know, I uh never really thought about it”

“Ahhh come on Calvin, you can tell me”

“Well err that Kelsey girl that moved away was kind of cute” Calvin responded, it was a lie to get out of this conversation. Shy Calvin didn’t want to talk about this kind of stuff in front of the most beautiful girl in class, especially after secretly stealing a pair of her underwear last week. But this was not enough to deter sweet Chloe, she could easily see right through nerdy Calvin. 

“Hmmm, So Cal’ do you ever think about Kelsey in her underwear”?

“What, oh errr no no, I wouldn’t think of her, uh uh like that”.  Calvin was scrambling now, and his breathing slowed a bit.

“Oh come on, bet you do Calvin. Do you ever think of her naked”?

“Huh! Oh no. No no no. I’m not like that”.  Poor Calvin, Chloe was staring right into his eyes, his deceiptiveness was not fooling her still.

“Really Calvin? How about if I got naked would that interest you”?

“Um no, that’s okay I’m not like that. But then again if u want uhhhhhh go ahead.” “I don’t mind or anything”. This was just Calvin’s best way to try to see a naked girl and be a gentleman at the same time.

“I got an idea Calvin, how about we both get naked then”.

“Well ummm I don’t know, do uhhh I have to get naked too”? Calvin went from excited to apprehensive very quickly, he didn’t want to get naked himself. He was such a prude.

“Nothing to worry about, come on, stand up my dude” Chloe said, reaching her hand out. Calvin did as she said as it was hard for him to resist her Charm, and the feel of touching her hand for the first time was amazing.

“Start with your shirt” Chloe ordered. Calvin stood there stunned, he didn't want to go first. But under her beautiful gaze Calvin gave in, and shyly he took his shirt off, he didn’t want to but he was so excited he could finally see a girl strip so he went ahead.

“Dude you are so skinny, you need to eat more and work out or something”. Chloe stated. Next Chloe took off her own shirt, but unfortunately for Calvin she had a tank top on underneath so only some extra arm skin was exposed. This disappointed Calvin, but he lacked the words to complain to her about the unfairness in that moment.

“Okay pants” Chloe pointed at his jeans. He dithered for a second but reluctantly Calvin still took off his jeans now. At this point he was standing there in just his tighty-whities and socks while she was basically still fully dressed. But he was more excited than ever to see her now drop her pants. Oh boy. His dick was even now starting to get hard.

“Hey Cal’ what’s that” Chloe pointed at the wall behind him. The instant Calvin looked behind himself at the wall he felt his underwear drop right down to his ankles! He turned back around to see Chloe down on one knee staring at his dick laughing, and he was fully exposed.

“Gotcha” she laughed. Calvin quickly put his hands on his barely hairy penis to hide it. He was turning bright red, with embarrassment.

“You took my underwear mister and now I’m taking yours” Chloe grabbed his ankles and started pulling them forward. He tried to stabilize himself, but he was caught too off guard and lost balance. As Calvin fell down to the floor his sense of pride crashed down with him. She knew all along; and this was about to become the most embarrassing moment in his life. With Calvin stunned and on the floor she easily got his underwear off from his ankles, and started twirling it in the air like a trophy. Calvin had a full boner now, and was trying as best he could to hide his dick with his hands now.

“Come on show it to me again you little perv” Chloe giggled but Calvin was trying his best not to let go. No problem for Chloe though, she starts tickling Calvin and he lets go right away. ‘Boing’ there it is again out in the open and right in Chloe’s face. She immediately pinches the tip of his dick at the bottom and top. 

“Wow look at your pee hole, cool”. Chloe had moved in closer to examine, with one of her eyes just a few cm from the tip of his dick.

“Please no more, let’s do homework again” Calvin pleaded. With a cute face Chloe hesitated for a few seconds, still not letting go of his dick.

“Okay, maybe how about this instead. Put your hands on the wall and stick your butt out and twerk and I’ll let you off the hook, we will be even. And socks off too mister” Chloe told him. Humiliated already and unsure of what to do Calvin complied. He removed his socks, put his hands on the wall, looked forward and shook his skinny ass.

"Hahaha, it's not supposed to be like that, the cheeks are supposed to jiggle" Chloe was laughing with glee. Calvin tried to adjust really not knowing how to do it correctly. But after a minute or two he didn't hear anything. He looked behind him to see Chloe left the room, with all his clothes as well. He was now frantically running through her house naked from room to room. He didn't know what to do. He hoped no one else was hope but the two of them. His dick was still hard regardless of the embarrassment and slapped side to side as he moved frantically through the house. Calvin finally met up with Chloe at the back entrance kitchen.  Chloe who still was smirking and waiting for him, was half staring at his face and half staring at his dick when he entered the room.

“Nice twerking perv, but If you’re looking for your clothes now you are going to have to find them out there” OMG! Calvin looked out the door and could see Chloe had thrown all his clothes into a tree. Calvin was still no less embarrassed now then he was 10 minutes ago and stood there frozen not wanting to go outside the house.

“What’s the big deal Cal’ I already have seen everything. I’m pretty sure the neighbors have better things to do then see your lame twerking” she said and lightly flicked the top of his boner and said “boing”.
Leaving the last bit of pride he had left in the house he ran into the backyard completely naked and tried and tried to climb the tree. After a few minutes he admitted defeat and looked toward Chloe sheepishly. Only for him to notice she had been filming him on her phone the last few minutes. How shockingly embarrassing.

“Hahaha don’t worry Cal let me give u a hand” she turned on the garden hose full blast and sprayed his clothes out of the tree, every now and then spraying him with the cold garden hose water in the process.

“Hey, what happened to your weiner? It seems to have shrunk down to a thimble, huh”? Chloe quickly got down on one knee about a half meter distance from Calvin and took a close up dick pic of him. And then, why not A few more dick picks as he stood there stunned and cold. He really couldn’t even think of anything to say.

“Well, I think we are even now, naughty boy. I’ll even let you keep the panties we both know u stole”. Chloe said still giggling. Extremely embarrassed now Calvin started to get dressed slowly and shamefully putting back on all his wet clothes. Nearly in tears.

“Hey Calvin, don’t be so embarrassed. I guess I’ll finish up the project tonight myself, and don’t worry let’s keep your little naked adventure to ourselves” Chloe said in a compassionate tone, as sunken Calvin began walking out through the backyard.

“Okay then” was all Calvin could say, barely looking at her now. This time Calvin walked home feeling very much inferior to Chloe. He thought to himself I guess that’s payback for being a perv. That night Calvin laid in bed in those tighty-whities again just thinking about what happened, over and over again. This one little single event will go on to warp his young sexual brain for years to come……
Last edited by Thesyguy on Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Payback for a Perv

Post by Jeepman89 »

Nicely done. A very enjoyable story.
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Re: Payback for a Perv

Post by TeenFan »

Very good first post by a new member.
I hope for many more stories from you.
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Re: Payback for a Perv

Post by Thesyguy »

Thank u so much ☺️. I will try to continue the story when I get some time.
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Re: Payback for a Perv

Post by drtickle »

Nice start and welcome to the board! Hope to read more of Chloe teasing Calvin!
drtickle :mrgreen:
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Re: Payback for a Perv

Post by Thesyguy »

Part II - The Jerk-Off Bandit

*Note* This part of the story is focused mostly on Calvin’s Psychology after his ENM incident 2 years ago. For clarity Calvin is straight.

Calvin now in the Gr. 8, couldn’t believe he is getting these same urges again, it’s 2 AM and he’s got a test in the morning. But seeing Chloe at school completely overwhelmed him earlier in the day. He just can’t help it…..

Typically cute Chloe dressed like a tomboy, t-shirt, jeans and sometimes a ball cap. On a lucky day, the top of her CK panties might rise above the jean’s line a few centimetres. The site of some visible top of panties would drive Calvin wild, but rarely ever did he get to see any cleavage, although she seemed a bit small in the chest anyways. So on this day, he couldn’t believe it when he saw her in the hallway looking dazzling in a red cocktail dress. He meandered over closer to where she was hoping she would notice him. She did, and shot him a cute smile.

“Ummm wow, you are look very amazing today” Nerdy Calvin said trying to use his most confident and mature tone possible. Chloe and Calvin had still remained cordial 2 years after that first ENM incident, and as far as he knew she never mentioned his ‘little naked adventure’ to anyone.

“Thanks man, I did it because I’m performing in a school play today during lunch and I’m sort of the main character”.  “Hey Cal’, I hope you wore my lucky underwear today, I am really hoping for the play to go well”. Chloe winked. She never missed an opportunity to tease him about the time he stole a pair of her green panties, which she kept referring to as her ‘lucky underwear’.

“Uhh no. No no, I told you I don’t wear those” Calvin sheepishly responded although his confident tone immediately evaporated. He had in fact kept those panties even until today, although he never actually ‘wore them’ he just kept them under his mattress like a buried treasure.

“I really hope you come Calvin, what if I completely fuck up and forget all my lines? You could dash across the stage nude, and twerk your skinny ass for some comic relief”. “Don’t worry I won’t spray you with cold water this time”. “Hey, did your weiner ever grow back full size, or does a cold shower cause permanent shrinkage”?  Chloe could be relentless sometimes, it was all too easy and Calvin would always turn so red with embarrassment, red like the colour of her beautiful dress. It was all worth it though to Calvin, as she sweetly hugged him and said “wish me luck” then waved goodbye and walked away, leaving him super gaga all over again.

Obviously he later showed up to watch the play, Chloe not only looked like an angel, but she also stole the show with her acting talent. So much so, he turned green with envy throughout the play, green like those forbidden panties he wished he had never stolen.

…..So there he was standing in his bedroom at 2 AM. He has to do it again, he’s already fully erect before he’s even begun this time. He removes his shirt, waits 15 seconds and takes off his pants next. He’s replaying his ENM incident with Chloe in his head again. It was the most embarrassing moment in his life, but don’t tell his penis that, to his dick it was 10 minutes of pure heaven.

 He removed his boxers and laid down on the floor picturing Chloe twirling his underwear in the air. Before running to the wall to twerk. Just like the real incident He continues by running around his room and letting his manhood generously bounce around at will. He then taps his dick and says ‘boing’ just like Chloe did. But unlike the single tap Chloe gave him, and all the other times he played out this scenario he felt he needed to tap it again. ‘Boing’… ‘boing’….. ‘boing’. He couldn’t stop touching it, it felt amazing, the feeling and memory.  Soon he started rubbing it, and that felt even better. He started jumping up and down on his bed, rubbing faster and faster.  In no time creamy fluid began pumping out of his body flying all over the room. At this moment he realized he had just self discovered masterbation for the first time. And it felt Euphoric!

Soon jerking off became a nightly thing, and then a morning thing too. At first he just thought about having sex with Chloe but then one by one all the other girls in his class. It was fantastic to dream about naked girls for once and get ENM out of his mind for good, and his confidence was now boldly returning…..

A few months had now gone by since he learned to jerk off. He and a group of classmates were outside school sitting on the grass in their gym clothes, they were supposed to be practicing discus for track and field, but we’re relaxing instead. Calvins eyes wandered around the group glancing at the pretty girls who were with him. He really wanted to touch their smooth looking legs.

“Whoa, what the hell is he doing”? Calvin said to himself disgusted.
 “Huh, who just sits like that, move, move. Wtf, I can see the whole thing” he continued to complain to himself, but not actually saying any words out loud. But Mark just sat there with his knees elevated, seemingly oblivious to the situation. Mark's gym shorts were very wide and short, and Calvin had just inadvertently looked up his shorts and seen that Mark’s whole cock was visible and exposed. Just last year he accidentally saw fucking Tim’s balls the same way too.
“Is this a common occurrence”? “Do girls await for these types of male wardrobe malfunctions”? Calvin wondered. He looked toward the girls in his group to see if they saw what he unfortunately saw. And one by one it seemed like they did. Some glanced at it and looked away, others giggled a bit to themselves, and examined Mark’s dick a bit closer. But it was when Janelle pulled out her phone, and that caused Calvin’s dong to stiffen slightly. There was no way Janelle was texting with that kind of posture. She was clearly taking undercover dick pics for sure!  But it wasn’t till Janelle leaned over toward pretty AnnaSophia that Calvin completely lost his mind.

AnnaSophia was best friends with Chloe. At just 5’-0” height she was also a beautiful blue eyed blonde like Chloe. As Janelle leaned over and showed her phone toward AnnaSophia, she began to giggle. That exact same giggle that Chloe did 2 years ago. Oh no!

“I gotta piss, I’ll be back” Calvin quickly stated. Getting up and walking back to the school change rooms. He had to leave immediately, he was getting a hard on and he didn't know how to control it other than leave. ENM was back in his head for the first time in months. He thought he was over this, but it was all coming back hard. He couldn’t believe what sluts his male classmates could be flashing their junk around so recklessly like that.

“Maybe all the girls have dick pics on their phones” he pondered. “Maybe hundreds of them”. “Maybe Chloe collects them too”. “OMG, maybe Chloe shared my dick pics” “maybe girls gather around on the weekends and just trade dick pics like baseball cards”.  “Laughing and laughing away”.

Calvin thought he had recovered and gotten past ENM thoughts but they were back and stronger than ever. He was fully hard by the time he was 10 meters from the change room door, and by the time he got inside his shirt was already off. He moved into the secluded shower area and dropped his shorts. He couldn’t stop himself any longer, he pulled his dick out through the boxer hole and began jerking off right there during school hours.

It felt amazing, about ten times better than jerking off in his bedroom. He frantically imagined all of all the pretty girls in class surrounding him, pointing and giggling and his nudity. It was then he reached a point which he could only describe to himself as ‘peak horniness’. A moment when a person is so horny they have lost all sense of conduct or consequence. He pulled off his boxers followed by his socks, and was now fully naked. But that still wasn’t enough he started running in a circle around the locker room fully naked and completely out of his mind. He jumped up onto one of the benches in the middle of the room and started twirling around, like he was on a podium, for all to see.

The next thought that came to his head was to do this in the girls change room. That would feel ten times better again. However, that was one horny thought too many, his dick and brain was overloaded by that idea, and that's when he came. To date this was now the most exhilarating jerk off session of his life. As he twisted in a circle his dick started pumping and his cum flew in all directions around the room. It was tremendous.

As he snapped back to reality and began shamefully getting dressed. His mind was racing about what the hell just happened. He was also grateful that no one had caught him in the act. There simply would be no way for him to describe that kind of stupidity to any unfortunate onlooker if he was spotted. As Calvin finished getting dressed he remembered the time he stole Chloe’s underwear and how he lamented that he had crossed the line from gentlemen to perv in a single short moment. Now he realized with great anxiety he had just crossed the barrier from perv to deviant……
Last edited by Thesyguy on Sun Jul 16, 2023 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Payback for a Perv

Post by Thesyguy »

I wasn't sure if I had explained the concepts of; 'top of panties, above the jeans line' or 'Thick band CK underwear' too well in the first two parts, so im just adding this URL of a fully clothed adult girl wearing them on pinterest to avoid confusion.
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Re: Payback for a Perv

Post by Thesyguy »

Part III - Guys Gone Wild

*Note* it’s unbelievable what a beautiful pretty face and charisma can do to a nerdy perv, it’s actually quite shocking.

Calvin now in Gr. 10 was heading to a party, he was an hour late already, as he got somewhat lost. His mind was racing through all the infinite possibilities that might happen tonight. He had felt under control again, It had been two years since his secret jerkoff incident in the change rooms at school, and he happily hadn’t done anything like that since. He had matured and now just constantly fantasized about sleeping with hot girls in class.  Calvin no longer focused on that ENM incident with Chloe, that happened four years ago.

He still couldn’t believe Chloe and AnnaSophia had actually joined the chess club, he realized one day their High IQ's actually matched their beauty, lucky them. It was paradise for him and the other male nerds in the club. It wasn’t super common for Calvin, Chinwoo, or Sean to spend so much time around pretty girls from school, so they relished their group time together in the chess club. It was also very kind of AnnaSophia to invite the whole chess group over to celebrate their recent win over another high school club. AnnaSophia’s parents were going to be away this week so it was just going to be the 5 of them there.  2 girls and 3 guys.

“If we bring booze for the girls, who knows maybe there’s a chance we can see tits, it could be an amazing night” Sean and Chinwoo had told Calvin earlier. Calvin was an ethical guy but that all went all out the window for Calvin when his pervy thought to himself, 'they could be right. I might see some boobs tonight for the first time, holy shit'!

He was now just 20 meters from the house. He had finally found it, he had been wandering around for an hour now. Calvin started to breathe a little heavier, he was excited with anticipation. He looked at himself with his phone and fixed his hair, trying to look as good as he could for the girls. His appearance was nerdy of course but other than that his face was not necessarily attractive or unattractive.

Calvin knocked on the door and sweet AnnaSophia opened the door and hugged him. So far so good. She had that same amazing lavender and coconut oil smell that Chloe had. He adored this.

“Cool, you made it now” said Chloe entering the room and then hugging Calvin as well. He beamed with glee as he stood in front of the two cute blondes. Chloe had grown to be 5’-4” and AnnaSophia was at just 5’-0”. They were both holding a beer, but it appeared like they had barely drank any.

“There are snacks, and food around, and Chinwoo and Sean brought booze and everything, take whatever you like” added AnnaSophia.

“Nice, thank you, I can’t wait” Calvin says more at ease now. The girls had dressed modestly in jeans and t-shirts. But their modest outfits never slowed Calvins perverted mind. As they casually chatted with him, he was already imagining having a threesome with both of them.

“Yep, and if you are looking to say hi to the other guys, they are down stairs”. “ the guys talked us into playing a stripping competition or some shit like that”.  “You can come see”.  Chloe says in a super casual tone.

“Bla-huh-huh”.  Calvin blurted suddenly out. He could even form a single proper word.

“You-you are gonna wh-what?” Calvin tried to compose himself.

“Yeah we are going to play a strip game. It was totally the guy's idea. I think we are juggling a soccer ball or something”. “Are you coming too”?  Chloe asked, still remaining casual.

“Uhhhhh yeah, I’ll be down in a minute” Calvin said, still shocked, from what they had just told him. The girls left and went down the stairs with their partially drunk beers, leaving Calvin alone in the kitchen, with his mouth wide open. He couldn’t believe it. He’s actually got a chance to see these blondes naked. OMG. A full boner had appeared in his pants from just the thought of this opportunity. His buddy’s had really come through this time, it was incredible. It took 3 whole minutes for his dick to recede back to regular size, he was so excited.

Once deflated he began walking down the stairs he pondered to himself, 'didn’t the girls used to play soccer a lot when they were younger?' But once he got to the bottom of the stairs he realized the full extent of the situation. Chinwoo and Sean were completely inebriated out of their damn minds on their own booze. He knew right then and there the only boobs he was going to see tonight were his two idiot friends about to per take in a strip contest!  

“Ready my dudes”. “Oh Calvin, are you sure you don’t want any part in this”?  Chloe said with a shining grin.

“Um maybe not today” Calvin said, sitting down on the couch. He knew things were about to get ugly.

“Okay, just as you suggested then, we each grab a soccer ball and we’ll just juggle it with our feet as many times as we can, first person to miss on their juggle has to take off one item of clothing” Chloe said, quoting what the boys had told the girls earlier.

It went exactly how Calvin predicted. He wanted to cringe right through the couch and floor as he watched the drunk boys strip their clothes away item by item. Starting with shirts then socks then jeans. It was too easy. The girls had to even challenge themselves by doing fancy juggling moves Harlem Globetrotters style, but even with that, the boys were still no match. At one point Chloe finally screwed up doing an advance around the world move and trying to land it on just her toe. Finally the girls ball dropped first.

A gasp of excitement came across the boys. Oh my god some skin will show finally they all thought.

“Ah shit” Chloe reached down to pull off a single sock.

“No no no no, not that something else. The shirt, the shirt please!" the boys pleaded excitedly.
“Well okay” Chloe dramatically lifted her arms and pulled off her shirt while waving her head back and forth, letting her hair twirl around! But just like four years ago. Chloe simply had a spaghetti string undershirt underneath.

“For fuck sakes” Calvin accidentally blurted out. He was so disappointed, again.

“Whoa finally, I never heard you speak like a real man before” Chloe joked before turning back to the boys.

“Um Sean-e” your dick seems to have fallen out of your boxer hole”. “Well nevermind, they’ll be fully off in a minute or so it won’t matter”. The girls both giggled. And in one minute it was so. After the guys quickly lost again. The girls were given the ultimate honor. Chloe slowly pulled Sean’s boxers down and off followed by AnnaSophia pulling off Chinwoo’s boxers. Victory, the girls high fived each other, with gleaming smiles on their faces.

“Can we have sex now”? Chinwoo bravely asked.

“Hahahaha, with you”? “Hell no” the girls burst out laughing.

“Bj’s”? Chinwoo asked still looking hopeful

“Hand jobs”? He asked again.

The blondes moved close to each other and whispered something amongst themselves.  They were smiling from ear to ear.

“That depends on what you will do for us” Chloe said with a grin looking back at the two naked boys. They both pulled their phones out.

“Do jumping jacks”. “Faster”. The girls commanded and the guys complied.

“Twerk”.  “Push-ups”.  “Shake your dicks”. “Hand stand”. They guys did each of the girls commands as best they could in their drunken states. All while the girls laughed and cheered them on.

“Oh my god, it’s guys gone wild” Chloe shouted!

“No it’s more like nerds gone wild” AnnaSophia countered!

“How about perverts gone wild” Chloe yelled!

“Or maybe virgins gone wild” AnnaSophia said even more excitedly!

“Hahahahahahahaha” they chuckled together. Still filming everything with their phones.

“Okay, now sword fight, you know with what”. Chloe chuckled. As Calvin saw his two straight friends begin a dick on dick slapping fight he couldn’t take anymore.

“I think ummm I’m gonna go upstairs”.  He said, now he was embarrassed for his friends, and couldn't take it anymore.

“If you leave now, we won’t get our blowjobs” Sean proclaimed.

“What no, this has nothing to do with me” Calvin retorted.

“You should be naked too, you were into this whole idea too, it's your turn to play and get these girls clothes off” Chinwoo chimed in.

“What, No, I was not, i have errr no idea what is going on” Calvin said, mildly upset.

"Are you guys saying this was all Calvin's idea"? "Too you know, come here and see if you could get us girls to take our clothes off"? "My My, and then he doesn't even participate in the contest himself, hmmm" Chloe injects with a naughty smirk on her face.  Her ability to manipulate pervy nerds was unprecedented. As she looked back toward the naked guys.

 All of the sudden the boys moved toward Calvin as he tried to leave. Chinwoo pulled Calvin's pants down right there. In the boy's drunken logical state it was only fair if all of them were naked. Chinwoo started trying to pull Calvin’s pants off from his ankles now, while Sean started pulling off his shirt. Calvin couldn’t believe it.  He was slowly being stripped naked by two straight guys. First Chloe and now AnnaSophia is going to see him completely naked, this is the worst possible scenario he thought. He tried as best as he could to resist but he knew after a minute it was not going to be enough. They got His shirt off, followed by his pants and socks. As Calvin was down to just his boxers left he looked at the girls with puppy dog eyes. It was all he could do. AnnaSophia with a compassionate face looked like she was about to say something to stop the stripping.
“No, it’s alright he kind of deserves it, trust me” Chloe overruled AnnaSophia, putting an arm around her friend. A second later, with a great tug Calvin’s boxers were pulled off and his dick was exposed.  The last thing he needed was another ENM situation all over again, it was so humiliating. But probably well deserved.

“Can we get our BJ’s now?” Sean asked  

“Oh no, not yet haha. Your fun night is just getting started” Chloe replied……..
Last edited by Thesyguy on Sun Jul 16, 2023 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Payback for a Perv

Post by saiprakash »

Super story :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Payback for a Perv

Post by Thesyguy »

Thank u so much ☺️! I will try to write Part IV as soon as I get some time. I would prefer first to touch up some of the dialogue and descriptions to Part III, as long as doing that is not too frowned upon here.
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