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KWC--Caught in the boys changing rooms

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 12:34 pm
by angelcarter2022
Thought I's try and get this one in before the deadline. :lol:


Nancy retied her dirty blonde ponytail.

She slid past the table tennis table in the games room leading to the boys' outer changing area. Reaching the door, she paused, making sure the space was empty before scanning the abandoned heaps of clothes.

Nancy wore her school gym gear. She'd prepared for hockey practice as usual before sliding away off the back of the group and finding a hiding place until all the boys had left. Her uniform was a light white, cotton top with short sleeves and a black PE skirt reaching down just far enough to ensure they covered her black knickers.

White ankle socks and trainers completed the official PE kit of Barchester Towers, which often turned the boys' heads as she ran cross-country or played in the sports fields practising hockey and netball. Her cute oval face and petite nose had a sprinkling of freckles below her deep blue eyes. When she gazed upon virtually any man or woman, they melted almost to the point of hopelessness.

When getting changed, fellow girls remarked upon her small chest for a seventeen-year-old she'd mention it was because their designer spent so much time perfecting her backside. No boys complained about her shape, especially when she wore her gym skirt, and they could admire her long lovely brown legs. Everyone wished they could run their hands up before exploring beneath her short skirt.

Right at the moment, Nancy's heart hammered, and her body tingled with excitement and fear. She was the last of her group to complete the dare they came up with at a party a couple of weeks ago during a particularly raucous drinking night. The tasks sounded very simple back then. They wrote out items of clothing to be stolen from the boys.

The girls then drew both the garments and the order they would be stolen. Unfortunately for Nancy, she was not only last, but her item was a pair of underpants. The clothing had to be acquired during school time, so there could be no cheating and stealing it from a washing line or borrowing it from a brother. Neither could it be purchased. It had to be stolen.

Because of this, Nancy found herself deep in the boys' fourth years changing room, hunting for those who bought in spare underpants or boxers in case there's got ruined. At first, Nancy thought it wouldn't be such a terrible task as most girls brought spare underwear into the school for lessons. But it appeared that scummy boys were quite happy to wear the same pair throughout the day.

Finally, she found what she wanted, running through a pile of rather huge clothes which she immediately assumed belong to Spotty Bolger; Nancy found a garish pair of boxers. She gave a little fist bump, pleased it had proved so easy moved to leave the changing rooms and present her prize to her friends.

Thankfully, she'd been successful and wouldn't have to do a lunchtime streak that was the forfeit for any girl who didn't fetch their item. And having been given the hardest challenge, her status in the group would no doubt go up a notch or two.

Nancy suddenly realised she wasn't alone.

Five boys stood in the changing rooms spread across the area she'd been searching through and blocking an immediate escape.

"What's going on here!" It was Spotty Bolger. A large obese boy with glasses. He stared at the boxer shorts Nancy carried.

Nancy backed off towards the wall as the boys' eyes roamed her firm but petite body.

"We received a tip there might be another raid on the clothes." Spotty Bolger said. He folded his arms over his considerable bulk. "So we snuck back to find out, and it turns out it's Nancy Rosenberg."

"Yeah, who'd have thought you're the pervert stealing our clothes." Freckled, Kevin said.

"I'm not stealing them," Nancy said truthfully. They would typically dump them in the lost property early the following day.

"Then why are you holding a pair of my pants?" Spotty Bolger said.

Nancy looked at the pants, looked at the boys, and looked at the exit that seemed so far away with all the obstacles in between. "I was just taking these for a dare," Nancy said.

"What about the other clothes all gone missing?" Kevin questioned.

"I don't know anything about that."

"Bullshit." Spotty Bolger shook his head in disbelief. "Either you've taken those clothes, or you know who did. Either way, we've caught you red-handed and on camera." Tiny Tim held up his phone, which meant they'd they now had a video of Nancy stealing. Spotty Bolger's pants.

"Then give us the names or confess it was you?"

Nancy opened her mouth to speak, but didn't know what to say. Grassing on the rest of the girls would be considered a bigger crime than stealing the clothes. No-one would speak to her again, and it was likely there'd be more serious repercussions even outside of school. But there would likely be repercussions if she admitted taking the rest of the clothes. "This was the start of a new dare."

"On your own, or with somebody else?" Spotty Bolger said.

Nancy realised the position she was in. It would be stupid to consider that she was doing it on her own. She decided not to reply.

"We better get the teacher and headmaster then," Bolger said. "At least we've caught the culprit. I reckon it could be expulsion."

"That's what happened to Ted, remember." Freckled Kevin said, and the others nodded in agreement.

"It's what she deserves, stupid bitch." Nervous Derek with large blacked rimmed glasses. He puffed out his chest, keen to show how hard it was.

"Please, no," Nancy said, panicking. "It's just a bit of fun."

"It wasn't much fun when I had to walk around without trousers." Tall Eric said. "Especially when my mom wailed on me because we can't afford any proper new ones."

"Same as my jacket," freckled Kevin said.

"We put them on lost property," Nancy said.

"So, you admit knowing about the other clothes." Spotty Bolger said triumphantly. "And either you took them all, or worked with somebody else."

Nancy cursed herself for her stupidity. She couldn't say anything else about the others. Though the niggling doubt in her head was as if the other girls had given her away. If they did, should she be protecting them? Her mind raced with possibilities. But she was already in trouble, and to add to the repercussions she already faced felt like too much of a risk.

"If we tell the teacher, this is definitely expulsion," freckled Kevin said. He seemed obsessed with her getting out of school.

"Eric, you want to go find the head?" Spotty Bolger said?


"No, please," Nancy begged. "Don't tell them."

"Why shouldn't we," spotty Bolger said. "You've embarrassed the hell out of us, and I was going to have been running with no pants on. Why should you get away with it?"

"I'm really sorry," Nancy said. "I promise we won't do anything like this again and make it up to somehow."

"How?" Eric said, still on the brink of leaving.

"Do something embarrassing or something." Nancy had no idea.

The boys huddled together, heads close, so Nancy couldn't hear. The thought of what the teen boys might be coming up with filled Nancy with trepidation. It also filled her with little hope she might get out of this mess without being expelled or having to tell the other girls.

"You stole Eric's T-shirt." Spotty Bolger nodded towards Nancy. "He wants yours in return."

"In this one?" Nancy pulled at her top.

"The one behind you. Yes, that one right now."

"But.. but..." Nancy stammered.

"I told you she was too much of a prude." Spotty Bolger said to Eric.

"I'll go get the head then," Eric said.

"No. Don't. I'll do it." Nancy grabbed the hem of the T-shirt and hauled it upwards. She hesitated for a moment at the point she knew her black bra would be visible, but then quickly pushed the garment off her head and held one arm in front of her as she tossed the T-shirt to Eric.

"You stole Kevin's trousers," Spotty Bolger said. "He wants your skirt in return."

Nancy nodded, and Kevin folded his arms, his eyes as wide as saucers.

"You got your clothes back," Nancy said.

"And so will you," Spotty Bolger said. "We'll go put them on lost property tomorrow. And I'm sure your clothes are in the changing room, so you'll have to make it back there."

Nancy reached to her side and undid the buttons of her gym skirt before pushing it down her long, smooth legs. She bent down before stepping out of the garment and passing it to an eager Kevin. He took it up as some sort of precious stone. They studied her black underwear, her hands and arms covering the underwear, even though she had to admit it was revealing a lot less than some of her swimming costumes. It was at least how she persuaded herself to stay calm.

"You took Tim's jacket," Spotty Bolger said. "He'll take your bra in return."

"That's not fair," Nancy said.

"I don't think the whooping he got from his dad for losing his jacket was fair either. So come on, get on with it. Or confess to the head."

Weighing up her options again, Nancy still felt the best way was to comply with these boys that she'd wronged and have it all over and done with. She reached back and unhooked her black sports bra, slowly removing it with one arm, the other covering her small boobs. She tossed it over to Tim. The boys took an immediate interest in the girl's warm undergarment.

"And you took my pants," Spotty Bolger said. "So, I want yours."

"I didn't take them," Nancy said. "They are still here."

"Okay, that's fair enough. We'll leave them here, but I want them in my hands right now, or do I have to come and help you?"

She couldn't believe she was already topless in front of the boys, but the idea of revealing her most intimate parts made her squirm and be excited at the same time. Only that weekend she'd shaved below after discussions with the girls. Now she was almost as embarrassed to reveal her smooth naked sex to these hormone-charged boys.

"I'm waiting." Bolger tapped his foot on the floor.

Calling on a surge of bravery, resentment and titillation, Nancy grabbed her waistband and thrust her back knickers down her thighs past her knees until they pooled on the floor. She quickly bent to pick them up, tossing them to Bolger so her hands could return and cover her most intimate areas. Though the boys still saw an immense amount of naked flesh.

"We need a proper look," nervous Derek said. "He'd been lurking at the back, part of the group, even though he'd not had any clothes stolen."

"Hands by your side," Spotty Bolger ordered.

"Come on, guys," Nancy said, "You have had your fun. We are even now."

"No way," Kevin said. "Some of us got our bottoms beat. She needs to be punished too."

"A tie whipping," Tim suggested.

"A tied up tie whipping," Derek added.

"That sounds fair." Spotty Bolger nodded. "We strap you to the bar here." Bolger bashed the bar, which held the hooks to hang the uniform off. "We give you a tie whooping, then let you go, and we're all even."

"I don't really want to," Nancy said feebly.

"I didn't want to be spanked either," Kevin growled.

"And then I can go?" Nancy knew a tie whipping would sting, but it had to be better than the alternatives of expulsion and the repercussions at home.

"You have my word as a nerd," Spotty Bolger said, trying to sound cool. "Two minutes only."

"Then let's do it." Nancy heard herself say, but couldn't quite believe she had.

The boys eagerly helped the naked schoolgirl onto the bench and grabbed her arms, stretching them along the bar before securing them in place with chest bands. This left the rest of her lithe body exposed, both front and back. The boys delved into their clothing and produced their school ties, putting knots in them as if they were about to embark upon a tie fight.

"You ready, Nancy?" Bolger said as the boys surrounded her. They'd already had a good eyeful of her nudity; Kevin pointing out her smooth nude sex, which he thought was like a porn star.

Before Nancy could answer, Kevin unleased the first whack, his knot scoring a direct hit in the middle of a bottom cheek. She yelped, but a moment later, a tie knot slapped against her stomach and caused a red welt. Another whacked her bottom while Bolger managed to score a direct hit on her left breast.

Nancy shrieked as the rain of tie knots whacked and stung her nude body. The boys went to town until Spotty Bolger called the two minutes. Nancy wriggled and shook her naked body, trying to relieve the two dozen stinging spots all over her body.

"Can we touch her?" Derek stood right in front of her breasts. Despite two angry pink marks, they remained perky and firm.

"I've never touched a titty before." Eric drooled.

"And you are never going to." Nancy spat.

"And here I was going to put your knickers back on." Spotty Bolger held them up in front of her.

"You said you'd leave them," Nancy said.

"I didn't say where though." Bolger laughed, "I was wondering whether or not it would survive a flushing."

"That's not fair," Nancy said.

Spotty Bolger shrugged. "Or I can put them on you now, and everyone gets a free feel." He stretched them out down at her feet. "Your choice."

Thinking it would be good to be at least partially dressed, Nancy stepped insider her knickers, and Spotty Bolger pushed them up her creamy thighs until her sex was hidden.

His hands then slid up her stomach and took hold of the schoolgirl's perfectly formed breasts. Bolger groaned as he took in their lush feel, his chubby fingers rolling her red nipples and gently squeezing them.

Nancy succumbed to her own groan, her body responding to the schoolboy's stimulation. Then another hand joined in—freckled Kevin, unable to resist the luscious naked flesh on display.

Strapped in, parts of her flesh still stinging from the tie assault and topless in front of five horny schoolboys, Nancy knew she should feel degraded and humiliated. Instead, she felt incredibly aroused, glad her knickers prevented the boys seen how wet she was becoming.

Bolger stepped aside to allow different groping hands to greedily take in the perfect naked flesh. Kevin eventually groaned and rushed to the toilets. Nancy smiled at the power her body held over these mere boys. They were so rapt at the ability to fondle a real girl she thought she could probably make them do almost anything she wanted. Only her own body demanded attention, bordering on the willingness to do things herself she knew she shouldn't.

"Someone's coming," Kevin called out as Eric completed his allocated groping time.

"I thought we were playing all afternoon?" Tim said.

"The remedial training in the gym." Spotty Bolger slapped his head. "For those who didn't make the teams.

"Won't that be us too?" Kevin said.

"Cripes yes," Bolger said. "Well, it will be if we don't get back out there since we are a team."

The five youths ran towards the gym entrance, knowing they could use the old fire door to catch up.

"Hey," Nancy shouted. "What about me?"

Nervous Derek ran back in front of the topless beauty. Nancy breathed a sigh of relief after thinking for a moment she was going to be left behind. Then Derek grinned, grabbed her black cotton panties, and yanked them down. Caught by surprise, Nancy offered no resistance when he pulled them off her feet.

"Enjoy the next lesson, bitch." Derek gave an evil grin before he dashed off after the others.