Writer Problems

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Writer Problems

Post by Humilatron »

I dunno what to call this topic tbh. These aren’t really “problems” just me being quirky I guess but after writing the I Know What You Did story, I feel like I just need to put these thoughts out there.

The biggest flaw for me with real time stories or timely stories (christmas, valentine, independence day, etc) is that I hate sitting on a finished story and am just waiting to publish it. Maybe it’s my ADD, maybe it’s just a writer thing, but I so often just want to hit publish and it’s not that I just want to get it over with, nah. It’s literally just because I want to just throw it out there.

I am not a person who likes editing. I like to have good grammar, but I hate editing. Hence why sometimes you see occasional typos as I type all my stories at least the ones I post to the board and such on my phone, and I don’t like outlining either.

For me what happens is either I commit and finish the story early or I don’t. The problem with finishing a story early is that I have to wait afterwards and it’s like a painful wait for me. I prefer sites that have scheduled posts so at the very least I can set it up to publish on a time without having to wait to actually do it. I can just set a story to publish on New Years instead of waiting or something.

The problem if I don’t finish a story early/on time, I probably won’t finish it. I dunno why, it’s just a thing. I am very much a person who procrastinates to the very last second and works well but if I’m late, I tend to just give up. I don’t know if others ever feel this way, but I do. And sometimes if I don’t have plans to continue something, I’ll just sweep it under the rug and hope no one mentions it or remembers it. Even if it was a good story. It’s why I can never really do “long” stories because once I set the plan to do so, I just don’t do it. Maybe I just have a problem with schedules in general because my brain works in very mysterious ways.

The problem with I Know What You Did is I have it done. But it is supposed to be released in real time. And I’m just slowly pushing it out and I kinda just want to shove it all out there, but I can’t. I’m determined to be patient because the timing is important for this story. More so than the holiday tied stories. I will say I really hope I never do this again because it is just so painful knowing what I have completed and knowing you won’t see it “finished” until a few more days.

I will say, I think you will enjoy it. I hope you do. And I really mean that. I would ask that you preserve your comments until the 7th part is published. It’s not that you would influence anything, it’s already done, but just because I would like it to be read in one straight shot without comments in between. After Part 7 is published, I would highly posting comments as the initial story will be over and then it’ll be interesting how people react/think of it. It won’t be over after, but I really hope you enjoy this one because I loved writing it. It’s just the waiting part I don’t enjoy.
Last edited by Humilatron on Tue Mar 30, 2021 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Writer Problems

Post by Executionus »

I deleted my comment for you. Also let it be known that this is one of the only php boards that I've ever been on that actually allowed members to delete their own comments.

Can't say that I share your issue btw. When I was writing the Thirst Games I had a safety buffer of about 3 updates for most of it in order to keep steady updates even if I got busy, which came in handy once I eventually did exactly that.

I'd say that my big "writer problem" is introductions/exposition/90% of Part Ones. I hate when they're too long and drag on pointlessly (either in my own stories or in others) so it drives me up the wall when I have no choice but to do exactly that for plot purposes. Let's just say that I was the type of kid to fast-forward the Wizard of Oz until we got some damn color. I make it a point to at least include SOMETHING sexy in the first part, even if its largely unrelated to the later plot (like what I did with the dressing scene in Jessica Christ).
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Re: Writer Problems

Post by Humilatron »

Thanks, though I do find speculative comments funny/interesting, especially knowing the outcome. And I definitely have a feeling there’s going to be the urge to comment after Part 7 anyways which is totally fine and encouraged.

For me I definitely think my ADD is a huge factor to my problem. In fact, I know it is. It’s funny that it’s seen as one of those “no big deal” or “fake” disorders when it really does affect a lot more than people realize. -> Symptoms are here if you don’t know what the full details are: https://www.vyvanse.com/adhd-definition

It definitely makes it challenging sometimes because it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I literally can’t find the motivation to do it or something like that. So that definitely doesn’t help in this instance.
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Re: Writer Problems

Post by SDS »

Oh god... Seasonal stories are the bane of my existance... I've so many started and unfinished as I miss the deadline and think... "oh never mind ill post it next year" and then forget about them! Most of my posted seasonal stories were actually wrote for years long before haha.
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Re: Writer Problems

Post by Executionus »

Humilatron wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 7:54 am For me I definitely think my ADD is a huge factor to my problem. In fact, I know it is. It’s funny that it’s seen as one of those “no big deal” or “fake” disorders when it really does affect a lot more than people realize. -> Symptoms are here if you don’t know what the full details are: https://www.vyvanse.com/adhd-definition
Part of me is highly amused by the fact that the magic of the internet allows me to interact with people without my exceedingly obvious ADHD shining like Tienshinhan's Solar Flare. I understand all of the joys of that one myself. I do not hold still well, and I can be derailed in thoughts far too easily. I also get all of the wonderful object permanence problems, which leads me to leave visual reminders for tasks all over the place. I use whiteboards and text files to leave future me notes.

Luckily I can make myself hyperfixate for a while on something that I want to do, such as writing, but I HEAVILY dislike having to stop mid-chapter as it breaks my whole process. Usually when I feel a story and want to write it, my entire body wants to write the entire thing 100% no matter how long that takes. That doesn't work usually.

Either way, don't worry, ADHD is exceedingly common now, so don't sweat much.
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Re: Writer Problems

Post by Humilatron »

I kinda go through waves with my ADD and that’s partly because I technically don’t have the Hyperactivity, just the Impulsivity and it can make it a bit more challenging to control. I mean I can take medication for focus and I do, but when it comes to other stuff it’s trickier because I really don’t know what my brain is going to do half the time. And I seem to be allergic to commitment. Also I’m a bit of a perfectionist which also doesn’t help because often times well it means that if I’m not 100% satisfied whatever that means, then I just don’t publish it. Although that doesn’t mean I haven’t posted stories I have no real feelings or connections for. There’s times where I just sort of rip the band aid off and force myself to post it anyways. There are some, though rare, stories of mine that I just have 0 feelings for and just don’t connect to.
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Re: Writer Problems

Post by *Lady Lucia* »

If I wasn't so busy, I would suggest letting me be your editor!

I'm the exact opposite. As I believe George R.R. Martin put it - I hate writing. I love having written. The actual process of writing for me is the worst. It feels uninspired, monotonous, and usually just a total slog. The only time I enjoy it is usually in the first few parts of the story, as the allure of a new story and the inspiration of a new idea works wonders. But the discipline to follow through and live up to its potential/promise is a lot more daunting. However, seeing the words on the page the next day is a lot more fulfilling than actually putting them down in the moment.

However, I LOVE editing. When I have a whole section done, I can crush it afterwards. For me, it's not even typos, as I'm annoyingly self-vigilant as I type. Instead, it's all about pacing. Spacing when it comes to short/long paragraphs, making sure things aren't dragging or too repetitive, and sometimes reorganizing multiple thoughts/sentences so that they read more coherently. I actually like sitting on new story parts for a limited amount of time, as forcing myself to relook at them several days after the fact usually makes me notice something I wouldn't normally notice on a same-day read through.

Anyway, I don't think I actually have a thesis to this comment.

I just find it interesting how differently people approach writing, especially in this genre! I struggle to write, and excel at editing. Others are the opposite. Some probably split the difference. Then there's the whole outlining vs. not outlining vs. somewhere in between, but that's a whole different conversation!
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Re: Writer Problems

Post by Humilatron »

Typically I will have some sort of direction in mind. In fact, I’ll share some of that when I’m done publishing the 7th part of I Know What You Did. I tend to have certain scenes in my head that I want to happen and I just have to figure out how to get there. Sometimes it just doesn’t work so I have to go a different route and sometimes when I sit on it I get a different idea and trial it. Sometimes people ask for continuations that don’t really exist because my only idea was literally that on instance and while it could be continued, it probably won’t be because once I’m done with an idea I kinda just move on. The exception is probably my CHYOA stories which I like because I don’t have to be the only one contributing but I can if I want to and it just builds. Plus with CHYOA you can literally just abandon a route if you want to and move on to a different direction.
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Re: Writer Problems

Post by Juncker »

I kind write by the seat of my pants, so I’ll have an idea of what I want to centre a story around, dump the first part on these boards, leave for three weeks and then keep going to a resolution that I ultimately feel isn’t very satisfying. Or maybe that’s a limitation of me trying not to make my characters suffer too much, meaning they don’t end up reaching maximum embarrassment. But then you’d get like...embarrassmentcreep. Where can you take things if you’ve already done a story with somebody’s naked body being broadcast to the entire world against their wishes, for example?
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Re: Writer Problems

Post by Humilatron »

It’s funny because I have 0 real life experience when it comes to 99% of the stuff I write. I’ve never had an ENF moment, never had a romantic moment, never had a BDSM moment, definitely never had an ABDL moment, other than occasionally wetting my pants but that was when I was young so it was excusable. Outside of that never wet the bed, never had a true embarrassing moment other than like embarrassed by confrontation or some mild stuff. Most of what I learned from my stories comes through either reading other stories or watching scenes from movies, shows, and porn videos. I suppose that’s why they call it a fantasy. I am lucky because I have a very... imaginative mind. Sometimes I kind of just assume what things mean and so sometimes I’m just wrong about a definition because I used context and came up with my own definition without actually researching it. Other times I do a bit of research online like I did with It Started with Handcuffs. Sometimes my story titles are a bit literal. Like It Started with Handcuffs literally started with me thinking of a girl who gets stuck in handcuffs and then figuring out how to do it and also knowing I wanted to push it into a BDSM direction. And also the thought of what if this moment sparks an unknown kink? I mean I feel like that’s how a lot of people develop kinks is by reading or experiencing something that triggers a happy feeling. I remember accidentally stumbling on That’s Embarrassing and Your Embarrassing Moments and What-a-shame and just stumbling down the rabbit hole of ENF/ENM content. Back when there were all sorts of YouTube videos and xvideos all revolving around ENF/ENM content. Also stumbling on SDS and Hooked6 and eventually the Teen Stripping board (the original one). There was also Blondie’s work and that one Karen Wagner story and so on. And then there was the DeviantArt and Tumblr content back when they were both less strict about adult content. I remember there were literally boards dedicated to ENF captions and such and I would just scroll through them. What’s interesting is I was probably around 14 at the time I found That’s Embarrassing. It was like right after I watched the Hooky Spongebob episode or something coaxed me into looking for Embarrassing stories which somehow led me to That’s Embarrassing and Your Embarrassing Moments. There are certain videos and stories I remember distinctly. I didn’t really go ham though until I reached 18. Then I really explored a lot.
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