Fun With Mark’s Sister

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Fun With Mark’s Sister

Post by jojo12026 »

Can't wait for the KMart visit!!
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Re: Fun With Mark’s Sister

Post by MrMongo »

Riding down the sidewalk towards K-Mart Mark was impressed with Kelly's ability to keep her towel wrapped around her body while riding her bike.

"I am amazed at your ability to keep that towel on while riding your bike,' said Mark.

"If it falls it falls I have been naked most of the day," laughed Kelly

"You'll probably cause a car accident with everyone rubber necking to catch a peak," exclaimed Mark!

"Probably rubber necking to see if I was a boy or a girl," laughed Jenny.

Pulling into the parking lot of K-Mart Mark and Kelly groaned with they saw how busy K-Mart was. The parking lot was jammed pack with people buying supplies for cook outs and other outdoor activities. Just about all of the check outlines was massive with people with jammed packed carts.

"We need to talk to Chris over in the photo section. Chris has the hots for my sister, so he'll probably hook us up with some film cartridges and batteries! Let me do all the talking," Mark said excitedly.

"I wish they didn't turn the air conditioning up so damn high! My nipples are so hard right now they'll probably hold up my towel," Kelly whined.

Making their way to the photo developing booth Mark smiled when he saw Chris and Kimberly working the film section. Chris has the hots for Jenny and Kimberly can't stand Jenny so it's a win for win Mark and Kelly on scoring some free film supplies. Kelly was relieved to see other little girls and women wearing towels as they did their shopping allowing Jenny to blend right in. No would would notice the naked girl at all.

'Hey Chris! Talk to me over here," whispered Mark.

"We're making dirty Super-8 movies of my sister back at my house! If you give me free Super-8 film I'll let you fuck my sister if you let us film it," whispered Mark.

"You're full of shit! You got to show me some proof," Chris said with a skeptical look on his face.

"If I have to purchase the film myself there won't be enough film to film you banging my sister," warned Mark. Reaching into his pocket Mark pulled out some crumpled up polaroid's of his sister bound and naked on the floor and one with Kelly with her foot placed firmly on Jenny's furry pussy.

"GOD DAMN! Your sister has a fire crotch! Fuck it, I'll fill a garbage bad filled with film and batteries in a trash bag and throw it in the dumpster out back! Wait twenty minutes before you guys go going dumpster diving," said Chris.

"Your sister really making a dirty movie," asked a shocked Kimberly?

"She's so horny right now, she's begging for it! Like a bitch in heat," Laughed Kelly.

"You so have to fuck that pig, Chris! Jenny is mean to everyone in school," said a still shocked Kimberly.

While Mark and Kelly waited for Chris and Kimberly to load up a garbage bag full of batteries and film the duo decided to kill some time looking around. Walking through the aisles Mark found a pair of hair trimmers. It was bulky and black looking like the trimmers they use to shave marines heads for basic training.

"Kelly, you want to use this to shave, Jenny's red gorilla bush," asked Mark?

"Holy shit, I bet that would beat that red monster no problem," kelly laughed.

"Damn, I knew your sister was a slut, but this takes the cake," laughed Kelly.

After marveling at the hair trimmers Kelly spotted a black ski mask on the a clearance shelf. Running over to the ski mask Kelly yelled out, "Look what I found! We could put this on guys too shy to go on camera," Kelly yelled over to Mark! "It's on two bucks!" Kelly slid the mask over her head then stuck out her tongue at Mark.

When Mark looked over at Kelly making face while wearing the ski mask Mark saw a sudden smirk form on Kelly's lips!

"Come with me and bring your camera, Mark," a giggling Kelly commanded. Running over to a round display loaded with long women's dresses Mark saw Kelly disappear into the ring of dresses.

When Mark got close to the ring of dresses Mark could hear Kelly whisper, "Get the camera ready!" Mark brought his Elmo 1012 camera up to his eye then yelled, "ACTION!"

Suddenly Kelly jumped out of the mass of dresses with her towel tied around her neck like a cape and wearing the ski mask. All Mark could do was laugh and record as Kelly made a super hero like stance with her hands on her hips like a flat chested Wonder Woman! Kelly began running through the aisles making customers laugh and point. Everyone was shocked to see a naked girl wearing a ski mask and cape running through K-Mart. Once Kelly got to the end of the aisle she began doing naked cart wheels down the aisles as men, women, and children applauded the very agile streaker. The entire time Kelly was laughing at the top of her lungs.

A woman staring gobbed smacked while holding a baby doll her hand let out an odd squeak when Kelly yanked the doll out of the woman's hand then began humping the doll then handed back to the shocked woman. A weird fat guy couldn't stop looking at Kelly's naked body giving Kelly a sinister looking smile when Kelly ran up to the guy only to yank off the man's toupee. The man grabbed at Kelly as she held the toupee up to her vulva to pretend she had a bush. The man yanked his toupee back then ran off trying to use the toupee to cover his bald head back up.

Just as Mark and Kelly ran off security showed up barely missing the impromptu film crew. As Mark and Kelly ran off they could hear the customers still laughing and cheering at the show Kelly put on. Slipping back into the women's dress ring Kelly took off the ski mask and put her towel back on. while undercover of the dresses. Waiting for the right moment Mark and Kelly slipped out of the dresses and blended in with a large family walking by. No seemed to notice the duo or that Kelly his the ski mask under her towel.

When Kelly and Mark stepped outside they could not believe how the sun felt on them once they were out of the air conditioned store. Making their way to the back of K-Mart and heading straight to the dumpsters. Poking around the dumpster they found it! A doubled bagged garbage bad stuffed with two cardboard boxes filled with Super-8 film cartridges and batteries.

Mark let out a loud cheer when he pulled out his buried treasure. Inside of the bag was Chris's phone number and what time he clocks out of work.

"I am so letting Chris fuck me sister for all this film! I've never had this much film to work with before," exclaimed Mark.

"Jenny is going to be sore in the morning after all the screwing she's going to be doing tonight," laughed Kelly.
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