Extreme Therapy - Book 1 Complete Book 2 Chapter 18 Posted (May 13th)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Extreme Therapy - Book 1 Complete Book 2 Chapter 9 Posted

Post by edithdick »

Oh, and I certainly don't suffer from schizophrenia. I quite enjoy it. And so do I. - Emilie Autumn
More Therapy - Chapter 10

In addition to my enhanced hearing, my sense of smell was getting much better the longer I wore the blindfold. The delightful smells of a bakery we passed by were soon demolished by a very pungent garbage can that smelled like someone had dumped an entire diaper genie into it.

It was about a 20 minute walk from my school to Dr. Crowe’s office. In that time, we passed 6 restaurants, a nail salon, and two coffee shops, including the one in the strip mall that our office was located in. A number of cars had honked their horns as we walked. At first, I thought it was bad traffic, or an accident. Eventually I realized that they were honking at me.

Once in the office, Dr. Crowe helped me organize the patient records as I had done last Thursday. She also read the names on each chart, along with their appointment time several times. Once I told her I had it down, she tested me to make sure that I hadn’t forgotten any. This was my first time here on a Tuesday when I wasn’t just here for my appointment.

None of the patients had seen me before, and it would be an understatement to say that they were rather shocked to see a naked 17 year old sitting behind the reception desk. I had to explain over and over again how working blindfolded and naked was helping me cope through a mental health crisis. They seemed to understand that in theory, but I got the impression that they all thought I was pretty strange. Most of them then changed the subject to Becky. The common sentiment was that they wished her well in retirement.

When 10 am had rolled around, my appointment had not yet been filled so Dr. Crowe had an hour to herself. I thought she would want me to come talk to her about something, but instead she asked, “Do you know where the coffee shop is down stairs?”

“The one in our strip mall? Yea.” I said cheerfully.

“Do you think you could find it on your own?” She asked.

Easy enough. Even without my strong sense of smell, I have been walking past that place twice a week for the last two months. “Sure.” I said eagerly.

“Great, I placed a mobile order, but want to get caught up on some paperwork. Do you think you can go get our drinks?”

“Not a problem.” I said with a lot more confidence than I felt. It was one thing for me to be walking around the building, but this was the first time I went outside naked by myself in the middle of the day. I mean, Sophie went running around, but this was me.

She had prepaid for the drinks, so I just needed to go pick them up. I was now good enough to walk down the hall with one hand lightly touching the wall as I went. I knew it was 7 doors from Dr. Crowe’s office to the stairwell. I opened the door and quickly located the handrail. With that as my guide, I slowly descended the stairs.

I passed several people on the way down. I could hear from their murmurs that they were a bit surprised to see me. Of the ones I passed, it was the women who made me nervous, not the men. When the men saw me, they wouldn’t say anything directly to me, but to each other they would make comments about my breasts or my ass. It was all complimentary, so at best it caused me to blush a bit.

Almost all of the women were offended that I was there. A couple of them tried scolding me as I passed by. For a second, I was afraid one of them was going to push me down the stairs. Fortunately, I heard whoever was walking with her tell her to stop and then pulled her up the stairs and out of reach from me.

After I got to the bottom of the stairwell, I exited the building. The coffee shop was 4 doors down from the entrance to our office. I walked slowly, and just like on the inside of the building, I let my fingers lightly touch the glass wall as I walked. I counted the doorframes. The first door led into a bank. The next door was to an office that sold insurance. The third one was vacant, but when I first started coming here it had been a printing company. I had heard that they moved to a larger location a few miles away.

The next door was the coffee shop. As I approached, I heard a police siren sound a single blast. It sounded like it was coming from the parking lot. Instinctively, I turned around to ‘see’ what was happening. Of course, seeing anything with a blindfold on was not possible, but I thought I would try to listen to see if I could figure it out.

“Miss. Where are your clothes?” I heard a man’s deep voice ask. It took me a second to realize he was talking to me.

“My… I don’t have clothes, officer.” I said.

“I can see that. I am asking, why are you naked in front of this coffee shop?” He asked. I heard someone else who sounded like they were standing several feet away talking on a radio, clearly discussing me.

“I have a mental health issue. Look.” I said, pointing to my collar. “This is my psychiatrist. You can call her.”

“I don’t need to call your psychiatrist. I need for you to put some clothes on.” He said flatly.

“I don’t have any clothes!” I said. “Please, just call Dr. Crowe.”

“Miss, I’m going to need to have you remove your blindfold.” He instructed.

“I can’t.” I said.

“Why not?” He asked.

“If I… things get weird if I take that off.” I said. I had no idea how to explain Sophie or anything else that had happened up until now. “Please. Call my doctor. She’s just upstairs. Please!”

I felt him take hold of my right arm. “Miss, I will need for you to step this way.” He then guided me across the sidewalk to the parking lot. Next he placed my hand on the hood of what I assumed was his police car. “Please place your hands on the car. I am going to search you.”

I managed to put my left hand on the car just before he used his knee to push my legs apart. I then felt his hands feeling all over my body, as if I could somehow conceal something underneath my skin.

“Miss, I need to search your cavities.” He said.

At first, I protested that I have perfect teeth, but then I realized he was talking about a different sort of cavity when he proceeded to spread my butt cheeks apart.

“Miss, do you have anything concealed inside of your body that I need to know about?” He asked.

“I certainly do not! Gross!” I said.

I felt his hand press against my vagina and begin to spread it apart. By instinct, I began to squirm to get away from him, but his partner held me down to keep me from running off. Instead, I screamed as loud as I could.

“Calm down, it’s over.” He told me. “I placing you in handcuffs and taking you to the police station.”

“No! Please. Just call Dr. Crowe. PLEASE!” I begged.

I felt him grab my left wrist a lot rougher than he had the first time. I felt the metal bracelet from the handcuff press tight around my wrist as it clicked. Next he pulled my right hand behind my back and fastened the other bracelet to it.

He then spun me around to face him. “Miss, I need to check your eyes.”

“No. Please, do not remove my blindfold. PLEASE!” I screamed.

Too late, he took the blindfold off and pressed it into his pocket. I looked up in order to avoid seeing my own reflection in the window of his car.

He grabbed my face and pulled it down. “Look at me.” He said. I looked at him, as panicked as I was, my eyes were darting left at right. I really couldn’t control them.

“What are you on?” He asked.

“Nothing. I just… I can’t explain. Please call Dr. Crowe. Please.” I whispered.

“We’ll find out soon enough.” He said confidently. He then stuffed me into the police car. This was a problem, because he had to duck my head down and there was no way for me to avoid seeing everything. I had never felt so much fear and panic in my life. Everything was flashing before my eyes. I couldn’t stop it. Suddenly my vision became red and I knew what was coming. Next it faded to purple and finally black.

The next thing I was aware of was Sophie screaming and barking in a high pitched chirping sound. She was pulling on the handcuffs and banging my head against the back of the seat. The car was moving forward and the two policemen were in the front seat doing their best to ignore me. Sophie was having none of it as she kept trying to break out of the handcuffs. She was screaming and crying at the same time.

It was hard to gauge what was happening with Sophie making so much noise. When the car finally stopped and the police got out, we weren’t at the police station, but as a hospital emergency room. The cops had realized that Sophie was going crazy, so they opened both doors simultaneously. Sophie lurched out the right side, but the cop that was not behind us suddenly grabbed my feet and pulled us out the other side, backwards. From that vantage, he had complete control. Quickly the other cop had moved to the same side and lifted me by the shoulders.

Sophie kicked and thrashed, but the police’s grip was too tight as they carried us into the emergency room. The next thing I knew, they had taken two more sets of handcuffs and laid us of our back before locking us to the gurney. It was the most uncomfortable I have ever been in my life.

Sophie never stopped thrashing, even when they showed up to draw out blood. Somehow the two cops were able to hold us still enough to get a needle in and take out blood.

Sophie never stopped struggling. I have no idea how long it took for the blood results to come back, but by the time they did my wrists were sore and bruised.

I could hear the nurse telling the police officer, “Her toxicology came back negative. She’s not on any medication or any other drugs we can detect.”

Then talking to Sophie, I heard the nurse say, “Hold still. This should help calm you down.” Sophie screamed when we felt a needle poke my ass. After a few minutes, everything went black.

When I woke up, I was blindfolded again. I felt someone holding my hand. “It’s alright, Annie. I’m here now.” I heard Dr. Crowe tell me softly. I squeezed her hand to let her know that I was awake. Then, it took me a second to realize that I was the one who had squeezed her hand. Sophie had gone to sleep again.

I began to orient myself. I was still lying on my back but could no longer feel the handcuffs. Whatever I was lying on was different from the gurney I had been shackled to before everything went black.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“You’ve been taken to the police station.” She told me. “But don’t worry. I’ve taken care of everything.”

I nodded. “Do I need to put clothes on from now on?” I asked.

“No, that’s done for now.” She assured me. “I’ve written you a prescription that now counts as a medical disability. You need to keep it with you, but from now on you no longer need to wear clothes in public.”

That was not as assuring as she tried to make it sound. “How long do I have to go around naked then?”

“As long as you need to. This has no expiration date, so you may never need to wear clothes again.” She told me. “I just wish I had thought of this sooner, then I wouldn’t have needed to negotiate with your school. Ah well, what’s done is done.”

“Can we go back to work now? I don’t like it here.” I said.

“Work’s over for today. It’s already after 7:00 at night.” She said. “Let’s go get something to eat.”

Dr. Crowe helped me to my feet and led me out of the police station. My body hurt so bad from Sophie trying to pull free from the restraints. I was able to keep up, but occasionally Dr. Crowe heard me wince from the pain.

“I can give you something for the pain when we get home.” She told me. I thanked her. My arms, my legs and my back all were in agony. She insisted that we stop somewhere for dinner first, so we ended up eating hamburgers and French fries. She commented that she hadn’t eaten this sort of junk food since college.

The part of me that wanted to protest because I would rather get the pain medication first was quickly overruled by the part of me that remembered what she normally eats for dinner. I was grateful for some salty deliciousness instead bland chicken and vegetables.

When we got home, Dr. Crowe led me upstairs. “Would you rather I bathe you or Sophie?” She asked. I hadn’t told her yet that I can feel everything she does to Sophie, so it honestly made no difference which of us she bathed.

“Me please. I think Sophie needs more rest for tonight.” That was true enough. I could tell how badly that stressed Sophie out. I think she needs to be in a calm place for a while.

Dr. Crowe brought me into the bathroom. I heard the water running. “Have a seat.” She fold me and then guided me to sit on the toilet. “Do you mind if I…” I started.

“Go ahead.” She said cheerfully. I relieved myself while she stepped away. When she returned, she helped me into the tub. I felt as she got in behind me.

Guiding me down, she sat in the water with me. It took me a minute to realize that Dr. Crowe was naked too. That startled me for a second, but I remembered that she sleeps naked, and this was just another level of intimacy. Soon, she was rubbing body wash onto my back and arms. I had never had a massage before, it felt wonderful. She occasionally turned the water on to reheat the tub.

At first, she rubbed my back and shoulders, then my arms. I felt her reach around me and begin massaging my legs. This caused her breasts to press against my back. Don’t get me wrong, I am not attracted to women. But when I felt her pressing against me like that, and rubbing my body as she did, I suddenly became horny.

Dr. Crowe asked, “Are your arms very sore?”

I sort of crossed my arms slightly so I could rub my forearms where the handcuffs were. “Yea, they hurt a lot.”

“Do you need me to wash your front?” She asked gently.

I knew I could do that myself, but as horny as I was feeling, I responded softly with, “That would be nice.”

Dr. Crowe began lathering up the front of my shoulders and then between and under my breasts. I squirmed a little as she did my stomach because I was very ticklish. “I’m going to wash the rest of you, now.” She warned me.

I felt has her soft fingers caressed my breasts. I heard her make a tsk sound as she felt my erect nipples. “Annie, I’m just washing you.” She told me.

I nodded. Whatever she was doing, I didn’t want her to stop.

“Stand up, I need to wash your lower parts.” She said.

I stood and turned around to face her. Her fingers were way more gently than that cop’s had been. She put some lotion on my vagina and scrubbed it gently with her first two fingers. I began loosing track of things and my body began to convulse in rhythm to her movements between my legs. She was very thorough, and though it only took a couple of minutes, I felt a wave of excitement pass through from my head to my toes.

“All set.” She said.

I wanted it to last a lot longer, but she repeated, “Annie, we’re done.”

“Do you want me to wash you next?” I asked, hopeful to keep this experience going a little longer.

“That won’t be necessary. Here…” She said as she got up and quickly wrapped a towel around me. “We’ll wash your hair another night, but for now, dry yourself off and let’s get ready for bed.”

She helped me out of the bathtub, and after I had toweled myself dry, she handed me a toothbrush. I headed to my bed and curled up. After a minute, I heard the shower running. As I lie there, thinking of the way she had just touched me, I began touching myself the same way. I had never masturbated before, but even though it felt really nice to do, when I was done, I was longing for her to touch me one more time. It just felt better by her hand is all.

I fell asleep before she returned to the room to go to bed. I didn’t even feel when she removed the blindfold from my eyes. It was a very long time after that before I woke up thinking of myself as Annie again.
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Re: Extreme Therapy - Book 1 Complete Book 2 Chapter 10 Posted

Post by edithdick »

I may be a day or two before my next chapter on this one. This is the point in the story that Sophie learn to speak a bit. I need to spend some time discovering her voice.

I’ll probably keep writing, but until I decide what Sophie sounds like, I can’t really publish anything.

Oddly, I have a pretty good voice developed for a new character that I need to close out a different story, so I may also finish that while I’m thinking about Sophie
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Re: Extreme Therapy - Book 1 Complete Book 2 Chapter 10 Posted

Post by cradulich »

enjoyed both your stories. Hope you complete the second one soon. :D
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Re: Extreme Therapy - Book 1 Complete Book 2 Chapter 10 Posted

Post by edithdick »

cradulich wrote: Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:11 pm enjoyed both your stories. Hope you complete the second one soon. :D
Thanks for the encouragement. I’m glad you like the story. I’ve gotten busy with work and home stuff, but don’t worry, I will get back to work on this as soon as possible.
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Re: Extreme Therapy - Book 1 Complete Book 2 Chapter 10 Posted

Post by fuwafuwataimu »

I've been enjoying this sequel. I like the idea of a girl being comfortable naked in public as long as she can't see her own body - it's a fascinating and erotic idea. I especially like Annie's reaction to men giving her... erotic complements(?). But at its core, I just love the dichotomy of Annie feeling most comfortable in a situation where she has no idea how many people can see her, where they are looking exactly, etc.

That cop was... awfully well written. His lack of humanity combined with an utter conviction of the correctness of his assumption that Annie is simply some druggie lead to a willingness to use violence on someone who is bothering nobody and has committed no crime. Yep, sounds like an american cop to me.

I'm afraid that I had to skip the second half of the first book. I have little tolerance for reading about girls being cruel to a vulnerable person for no reason other than to be cruel. I only stuck around because I so thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of book 1, and I was hoping for more like that - public nudity, lots of embarrassment, no horrific behavior. So far, book 2 has been great! Hoping things don't get horrific again :)
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Re: Extreme Therapy - Book 1 Complete Book 2 Chapter 10 Posted

Post by Hooked6 »

For a different perspective many readers like it when girls take advantage of other girls and don't consider that "horrific" at all.

Just saying there are many perceptions of what fantasies people enjoy and what they don't. To each his own. I say let the author write what interests them whatever that may be. You did the sensible thing in skipping over the parts that you didn't find to your taste rather than bend the author's creative muse to your liking. ;)
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Re: Extreme Therapy - Book 1 Complete Book 2 Chapter 10 Posted

Post by fuwafuwataimu »

Hooked6 wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 9:01 pm For a different perspective many readers like it when girls take advantage of other girls and don't consider that "horrific" at all.

Just saying there are many perceptions of what fantasies people enjoy and what they don't. To each his own. I say let the author write what interests them whatever that may be. You did the sensible thing in skipping over the parts that you didn't find to your taste rather than bend the author's creative muse to your liking. ;)
Oh, of course. I'm not here to kinkshame! I only added the final section as I do remember the author asking for opinions on the direction of the story, though I'm having trouble finding that post now. If I've offended, I apologise - it was not my intention to disparage the story, simply sharing my experience with the uncomfortable parts. This is a forum, after all.
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Re: Extreme Therapy - Book 1 Complete Book 2 Chapter 10 Posted

Post by edithdick »

fuwafuwataimu wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:23 pm I'm afraid that I had to skip the second half of the first book. I have little tolerance for reading about girls being cruel to a vulnerable person for no reason other than to be cruel. I only stuck around because I so thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of book 1, and I was hoping for more like that - public nudity, lots of embarrassment, no horrific behavior. So far, book 2 has been great! Hoping things don't get horrific again :)
Actually, I am a little impressed that you were willing to take another go at the story. Normally, once I see something that is outside of my range, I don't take the time to see if the author has anything else to offer me. As you replied after, it isn't about shaming someone, but we all have our own weird tastes when it comes to these types of stories.
fuwafuwataimu wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:23 pm I've been enjoying this sequel. I like the idea of a girl being comfortable naked in public as long as she can't see her own body - it's a fascinating and erotic idea. I especially like Annie's reaction to men giving her... erotic complements(?). But at its core, I just love the dichotomy of Annie feeling most comfortable in a situation where she has no idea how many people can see her, where they are looking exactly, etc.

That cop was... awfully well written. His lack of humanity combined with an utter conviction of the correctness of his assumption that Annie is simply some druggie lead to a willingness to use violence on someone who is bothering nobody and has committed no crime. Yep, sounds like an american cop to me.
Being blindfolded/naked in public has always been a fantasy of mine. For practical purposes, it is usually also involving a guide to make sure you don't run into walls and lead you on the adventure, but it is quite erotic. One day, when I get better at writing out sexual feelings, I may revisit this trope.

As much as I hate to admit it, writing the original story broke something in me as an author. I intended to have Dr. Crowe take what Tabitha and Heidi did to Annie to the next level, but once I began writing, whether it was for integrity to the story (I'm not going to force anything in here unless it belongs) or for my own sanity, I have gone rather easy of her, and let Sophie take the brunt of the hardship, not that she sees it that way...
Hooked6 wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 9:01 pm For a different perspective many readers like it when girls take advantage of other girls and don't consider that "horrific" at all.

Just saying there are many perceptions of what fantasies people enjoy and what they don't. To each his own. I say let the author write what interests them whatever that may be. You did the sensible thing in skipping over the parts that you didn't find to your taste rather than bend the author's creative muse to your liking. ;)
Hooked, you've always been my biggest fan on this site. I truly appreciate your standing up for the genre. I think you are right, of course. One of the strengths to this site is the sheer variety of stories available. I know that the intent of the board was simple ENF, Pantsing and Stripping. But the opened-mindedness of the mods allow for us writers to push way beyond the original form.

By the way, I will be getting some free time to work on the next few chapters in a couple of weeks. With luck, I will reach a satisfying conclusion to Book Two in the series. The final book is in it's rawest concept phase, I just know where it exists on the timeline.
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Re: Extreme Therapy - Book 1 Complete Book 2 Chapter 11 Posted

Post by edithdick »

First sign of madness, talking to your own head. ― J.K. Rowling
More Therapy - Chapter 11

Sophie woke up first. I was aware of her scratching on the door. She had apparently decided to wait until she was taken for a walk instead of running off on her own to go pee. The experience we had with the police left her fearful of strangers.

In the urgency of the situation, I could see Sophie glancing around the room looking to see if there was a place to urinate that wouldn’t get us into too much trouble. I pleaded with her to wait. I’ve no idea whether she could hear me in her head or not, but she decided to go wake Dr. Crowe up first. She did this by sitting on her knees next to Dr. Crowe’s bed and making a squeaking noise that may have been an attempted bark.

Dr. Crowe was easily able to distinguish between me and Sophie, and not just because of the blindfold. Sophie acted very much like a puppy, boundless with energy and enthusiasm. I was the opposite. She got up and opened the bedroom door. Sophie sprinted down the stairs and began running in circles, impatiently waiting for Dr. Crowe to come down and take us outside.

I expected Dr. Crowe to take us to the back yard, but instead, she slipped on a bathrobe and her shoes and took us out the front. Sophie didn’t need long to decide where to go, as soon as our feet touched the grass, she squatted down and let about half a liter of urine spray onto the lawn. “Good girl!” Dr. Crowe said, patting Sophie on the head. “Do you want to go for a walk?”

Sophie did. She began wagging my butt and put her hands up like a dog begging for a snack. Dr. Crowe then walked us around the block. We passed several neighbors; none realized that Dr. Crowe was naked under her bathrobe. Though, they probably wouldn’t have thought much about it if they knew, considering that I was only wearing a small, braided collar around my neck.

It was a strange experience. On more than one occasion, Dr. Crowe would see a neighbor she knew and so she would stop to chat for a minute. She introduced me as Sophie and even let them pet my head while they talked. Thankfully, she didn’t let them pet anything else. Tabitha had been less restrictive with where she let people touch Sophie.

We walked for a good 20 minutes before returning home. Dr. Crowe had told me that she would be recording today, so there was no need to leave the house after that. When we got back inside, I saw Dr. Crowe hang her bathrobe on a coat rack next to the door. I was a bit surprised that she was staying naked today. Sophie noticed it too and took it as a sign that Dr. Crowe wanted to play.

“What are you doing?” Dr. Crowe exclaimed as Sophie crouched down like she was ready to pounce. I felt the glee in her heart as she attempted to romp into Dr. Crowe. For her part, she managed to sidestep us and we bounded forward onto the sofa.

Sophie turned to do it again but was cut off with a thwack across my head. “Sophie, no!” She scolded.

Sophie stopped, but I could feel her excitement as she was looking for another opening. “I said, ‘NO’” Dr. Crowe chided. Finally Sophie relented and bowed her head down. “Good girl.” Dr. Crowe said, finally. This brought Sophie’s mood back up. She hated being a bad girl.

“We can play later, but for now I need to work.” Dr. Crowe told us firmly.

Sophie followed her around the house until Dr. Crowe told her to go lay down. Sophie went back to our bed and took a nap. It was still pretty early, so I didn’t mind getting some more rest. Sophie fell asleep quickly. As I lay there, I began trying to regain control of my body. I gave up after about an hour and finally drifted back to sleep.

“Wakey-wakey, Sophie.” I heard Dr. Crowe announce. Sophie didn’t hesitate, but was on our feet in an instant, waiting for her next command. “Are you hungry, girl?” Dr. Crowe asked excitedly.

I heard my stomach growl, which sufficiently answered the question. Sophie was practically bouncing off the walls on our way downstairs to the kitchen. Dr. Crowe had fixed a grilled cheese sandwich that was sitting on the table. Instinctively, Sophie walked up near the table. She didn’t dare sit down or try to take the food, but expectations were high.

“NO!” Dr. Crowe scolded. “Down.”

Sophie squatted down and lowered her head. I felt her panicking. I wasn’t sure what she had done wrong.

Dr. Crowe went into the kitchen, but Sophie didn’t move. After a minute, Dr. Crowe returned carrying two bowls. She set them on the floor and ordered Sophie to “Eat.”

Sophie fell to her hands and knees, and crawled over to where Dr. Crowe had set the bowls. She sniffed them first before looking to see what was offered as food. The bowl on the left was filled with water, the one on the right was filled with what looked like dry cereal of some kind. It smelled off though.

Sophie looked up and Dr. Crowe nervously, then glanced at the sandwich on the table before giving Dr. Crowe a terrified look. “This is your lunch, now eat.” Dr. Crowe ordered.

Reluctantly, Sophie began eating the food. It tasted terrible. It took me a minute to realize that Sophie was eating dog food. Why would Dr. Crowe feed me that? Sophie didn’t like it either, but she was afraid of being punished again. After finishing the dog food, Sophie drank all of the water to wash that taste out of our mouth.

Seeing that Sophie had finished eating, Dr. Crowe, who had also eaten her much tastier lunch, was standing over us patting Sophie’s head saying over and over again, “Sophie is a good girl. Sophie is a good girl.”

Sophie had already forgotten the horrible taste of dog food. All she could think of now was joy from being called a good girl. She started shaking our butt in the air, as if she was wagging a tail.

“Sophie, up!”

Sophie stood on two legs as quickly as she could manage. It too me a minute to remember that I only have two legs and two arms.

“Good girl!” Dr. Crowe said.

Next, I saw Dr. Crowe pull out a small notebook and begin browsing through it. It looked like one of the notebooks she used to write in while I was her patient. Suddenly, her eyes lit up when she found the page she was looking for. “Now Sophie, I know you are out of practice. I want to help you remember your training so you can be a good girl.” Dr. Crowe said cheerfully.

“Sit, Sophie, sit.” Dr. Crowe said.

Before she had finished saying the second ‘sit’, Sophie was already squatted down, mimicking the way a dog sits, except our butt didn’t actually touch the floor.

“Sophie is a good girl.” Exclaimed Dr. Crowe.

“Stand.” Dr. Crowe ordered.

Excitedly, Sophie stood up again. This was easy for her. Dr. Crowe went back to the notes. I heard her comment about taking us for another walk to practice the directional instructions. Then she paused and studied the notebook for a minute. “Hmmm, does this still work?” she wondered out loud.

“Sophie, speak.” Dr. Crowe ordered. This time, Sophie began to panic again. Dr. Crowe repeated the command, but that just made Sophie start to tremble physically. “Hmmm, maybe you don’t remember this command.” Dr. Crowe pondered.

One more time, she said, “Sophie, Speak!”

Sophie responded by audibly whining and was on the verge of tears. “It’s okay, girl. You don’t remember how to speak. I’ll teach you.”

Sophie stopped whining but was still visibly nervous about this situation. “Sophie, say ‘Thank you’ now Speak.”

This didn’t seem to be a phrase that Sophie was particularly familiar with. In my head, I tried to coach her. I told her, ‘Sophie, say Thank You’. That didn’t help much, but it did get Sophie to try mouthing the word. No real sound came out, but she made the gesture. I repeated the first word several times and I finally heard her squeak out some squeaky sound that mimicked Dr. Crowe but sounded more like ‘ank ooo’.

Dr. Crowe looked overjoyed at this sudden obedience. “That’s close, Sophie. You are such a good girl!” Dr. Crowe said. “Try again, say ‘Thank You’.”

Again, in my head I began just making the ‘th’ sound. Over and over, I was sure she could hear me. Finally, I heard her say “Tank hoo”.

“Good Girl!” Dr. Crowe exclaimed. “Such a good girl! You deserve a treat.”

Dr. Crowe went back into the kitchen and returned with a brown paper bag. “Yes, you deserve a treat.” Dr. Crowe said. She then reached into the bag and pulled out a large chocolate chip cookie. “Here you go girl.”

Sophie was so excited as Dr. Crowe handed her the cookie. She didn’t even want to eat it, because it was her trophy for learning a new command. “Go on Sophie, eat your cookie.” Dr. Crowe said.

Reluctantly at first, Sophie took a bite. When she tasted the chocolate chips, I felt the thrill of having such a wonderful treat. Sophie quickly gobbled down the rest of the cookie faster than I thought possible.

“What do you say, when someone gives you a treat?” Dr. Crowe asked.

Sophie’s eyes widened, she didn’t know the answer. I started screaming in my head, ‘Sophie, tell her Thank you!’

“What do you say?” Dr. Crowe repeated patiently.

After a few seconds, Sophie decided to give that a try. “Tank hoo.”

“Yes. You ARE a good girl. If I give you a cookie, you tell me ‘Thank you’.” Dr. Crowe said in a tone that was excited as I’ve ever heard her. She then handed Sophie a second cookie.

Sophie didn’t hesitate on this one, she stuffed it into our mouth and gobbled it up. After a second, she realized what she had done and lowered her head before saying, “Tank you.” To Dr. Crowe. This time she actually got the ‘you’ to sound correct. It was still really squeaky, and Sophie had no idea what it meant, but she could speak two words.

Dr. Crowe was so happy with Sophie for learning her first words that she didn’t even bother scolding us for eating the cookie first. Instead, she patted Sophie’s head and told her she was a good girl.

I still wasn’t sure if Sophie was hearing me or figuring this out for herself. I tried an experiment. I began telling Sophie quietly at first but more urgently as I began repeating the phrase, ‘Sophie, say Dr. Crowe’

Dr. Crowe was patting Sophie’s head while I tried to get her to say those words. Over and over I repeated it. If I had had the ability to speak, I would have been screaming at the time of my lungs. Then I heard Sophie scream something back, “NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” It was so loud in my head that I lost access to my eyes. Normally, when I would transition from myself to Sophie, there would be a fading of red to purple to black. This one happened so quickly that I went directly to black and before Sophie had finished yelling at me, I was no longer conscious to hear anything.

I have no idea how long I was out for. When I became aware of myself again, Sophie was already asleep. I could hear Dr. Crowe’s deep breathing that indicated she had also gone to bed. I stayed up the rest of the night trying to figure out what had happened. Clearly, Sophie had heard me yelling at her, but somehow, she was able to kick me out of my own head for a while. Why can’t I do that to her?

When the next morning rolled around, Dr. Crowe took us to the backyard. She didn’t even bother with the bathrobe back there. I was starting to think she wished she could walk around naked all day instead of us. She did, however, bring a plastic bag with her. “Not forgetting this again.” She told Sophie with a chuckle. I guess I had missed that part. Whatever had happened, Sophie didn’t need the plastic bag this morning.

Once done, Dr. Crowe took us to work. Surely, she was going to put the blindfold on me and let me take over my body again. We walked to work with Sophie on the leash, though it didn’t feel like Sophie needed it. She had learned the way to Dr. Crowe’s office well enough that she knew when to stop, when to start and where to turn.

Once we got up to the office, Dr. Crowe sorted through the patient records and did all the prep work that I used to do. She then told Sophie each of the patients’ names. She repeated them again and again, each time asking Sophie to repeat them back. To my shock, Sophie didn’t seem to have any trouble with this command. Somehow, Sophie could check patients in even without my help. I began to worry about exactly how long I was out of my head.

Based on the patient schedule, about 2 weeks had passed since Sophie had banished me from my own head. What on earth had Sophie been doing with my body all that time? That thought caused me to shutter a bit. I considered asking Sophie directly about it. I was certain that she had heard me speaking in her head the last time, but then again… she was able to lose consciousness for two whole weeks the last time I tried to talk to her. I needed to figure out how she did that so maybe I could get control of my body again.

The bell chimed when the door opened. In walked our first patient, Mrs. Edna Johansen. She was a tall lady, in her mid 50’s. From the notes, I had learned that Dr. Crowe was treating her for depression. I always expected depressed people to be sad all the time, but Mrs. Johansen oftened seem quite chipper when she arrived. Today was no exception.

“How are you doing today, Annie?” Mrs. Johansen asked.

To my astonishment, Sophie responded with “I’m great!” It wasn’t my voice… Sophie all but squeaked when she talked, but she did talk. She responded like a normal person.

“That’s good to hear. You’ve been so excitable these past couple of weeks. I guess that therapy is doing wonders for you.” Mrs. Johansen said. “Maybe I should try going out naked a few times to see if it really does help.” She gave a loud laugh that caused Sophie to jump back a bit.

After a second, Sophie handed Mrs. Johansen the sign in form. When she had signed it and handed it back, Sophie stapled it to her insurance form and added it to her record. She had managed to learn my system and was doing everything I would normally do. I was really impressed by that. And scared…

I didn’t hear Dr. Crowe stading behind me until she spoke. “Good morning, Edna.” It startled Sophie too. She swung the chair around so quickly it made my eyes blur for half a second. Sophie eagerly handed the record to Dr. Crowe and smiled up at her expectanty. Her efforts were rewarded with a gently pat on the head and a “Good girl.” from Dr. Crowe. I felt Sophie’s elation from those words. She was a good girl, I had to remember that.

After a moment, Dr. Crowe went into her office with Mrs. Johansen. I watched as Sophie sat alone at the reception desk. I felt a wave of loneliness and nervousness from being all alone at the reception desk. It was unsettling, I honestly could no longer distinguish my feelings from Sophie’s.

Sophie was very fidgety, looking through the records to check who the next patient was. Going through the entire list of patients and starting over. She squirmed in the chair and twice got up like she wanted to go scratch on the door to Dr. Crowe’s office. I could feel the panic and a memory of pain that stopped Sophie in her tracks. Evidently, that was not being a good girl, and Sophie had learned not to scratch on the door when Dr. Crowe was with a patient.

After a while, the next patient had arrived. This was Mr. Aaron Lee. He was started coming here after his wife had died in a car accident about a year ago. When I first started, Mr. Lee was so quiet and reserved that I started to think he had lost contact with the world around him. Though, lately, he had become chatty and even flirted a bit. Of course, most of his change happened after I stopped wearing clothes to work.

It should have bother me to have him staring at my naked body like that, but Sophie really liked the attention and at the moment, my feelings were not my own. They were hers.

Shortly after Mr. Lee arrived, Mrs. Johansen emerged from Dr. Crowe’s office. Dr. Crowe collected Mr. Lee’s record and headed in with him. Sophie went from happy and eager back to sullen and near panic as soon as the door shut. And so the day went.

Dr. Crowe had set aside a couple of breaks to take Sophie for a walk, which she loved. My body had already started to be conditioned to want to go to the bathroom as soon as we left the building. Sophie didn’t hesitate to squat down at the first bush we reached and empty my bladder. People, all of them stranger to me, stared and gawked at us as we wandered around the streets with me being naked and led on a leash. Dr. Crowe and Sophie didn’t even seem to notice it anymore.

As we walked, several times a person on the street would confront us and demand to know why Dr. Crowe was walking a naked girl around the neighborhood. She explained to each of them calmly that this was a form of psychotherapy. Though they seemed skeptical at first, when she produced the court papers that permitted the behavior, they switched from outrage to intrigue that this was real.

She even received a couple of offers if she ever needed someone to take me for walks. She took their contact info, ‘just in case’ and we eventually headed back to the office. Dr. Crowe took Sophie back into her office during lunch. There were two bowls on the floor, one with water and the other with what looked like a brown cereal.

When Dr. Crowe sat at the round table in the middle of the room to eat her lunch, I watched as Sophie crouched down onto her hands and knees and slyly nuzzled up, putting my head on Dr. Crowe’s lap. Dr. Crowe began stroking Sophie’s head and feeding her bites of a sandwich she had prepared. I felt a flash of joy coming from Sophie. She liked eating people food so much better than what was in the bowl.

It suddenly occurred to me that I was seeing Sophie’s memories. And also, that it was not cereal in the bowl, but dog food. Why would Dr. Crowe be feeding me THAT? Sophie wasn’t always allowed to eat people food. Today, she was a good girl, so she received a treat.

After lunch, there were three more patients to see Dr. Crowe. Sophie continued to check them in. Each time Dr. Crowe would disappear into the office, Sophie would grow more nervous so that toward the end of the day, she was visibly shaking.

“What’s wrong, Sophie?” Dr. Crowe asked as the final patient of the day had gone ahead into her office.

Instead of answering, Sophie cautiously bowed her head and pressed up against Dr. Crowe’s hand. I could feel that she wanted some attention, but was afraid to ask for it. Dr. Crowe patted Sophie’s head for a moment. “It’s okay, girl. This is the last patient today. After that, I have a surprise for you.”

Sophie looked up, she liked surprises. Well, she usually liked surprises, but she decided to blot out the times that she didn’t like them and instead focused on being excited.

“See, you are already happy again. Here. Play with these for the last hour and then we can go.” Dr. Crowe handed Sophie a box of crayons and a coloring book. I could see that Sophie had played with this toy before, as some of the pages were already colored in. Horribly colored in, as Sophie was a bad artist, but she had at least understood the concept.

Once Dr. Crowe left us, Sophie began busying herself with looking through the pages of the book. She found a page that had not been colored on yet. It was a drawing of a huge bee floating over a tulip. Sophie pulled out a purple crayon. Her eyes focused on the bee for some reason, and then she moved the crayon down to start filling in.

That’s not right. Bees are not purple. As the crayon was about to touch the paper, I did… something. Suddenly, the crayon was now moving toward the flower petals instead. I have no idea if tulips ever come in purple, but I know for a fact that bees do not.

That’s when it occurred to me. I was controlling my arm. Or at least I was controlling the crayon. Sophie didn’t seem to notice. Slowly, I filled in-between the lines for the flower petals. Next I pulled out the green crayon for the stem, and the yellow crayon for the bee. Finally, I took a light blue crayon and filled in the sky for the background.

Sophie tried to resist, but I maintained control. I realized that she didn’t like coloring where there were no lines to guide her. But this was my drawing, and it needed a background. Instinctively, I took a black crayon and signed the drawing.

After we were done, Sophie stared at the thing. She didn’t understand why this one turned out so well, but she was proud of herself. All of the other pages, she colored outside of the lines and the colors she picked were nonsensical. On this one, she knew that this was what it was supposed to look like.

After Dr. Crowe came out and the final patient had left. Sophie showed her the book.

Dr. Crowe studied the page I had colored and then studied Sophie. A small smile appeared on her face for just a fraction of a second. Tilting her head sideways slightly, she asked, “Annie? Are you back?”

Sophie’s eyes widened as she shook her head. She crouched down and raised her butt into the air as if to prove that she was Sophie, not Annie. Dr. Crowe stood there and stroked my head for a while before securing the leash back to my collar. “Let’s go.”

“Home!” Sophie squeaked.

“Not just yet.” Dr. Crowe told her. “I have someone who wants to meet you tonight. Can you be a good girl?”

Sophie bounded around, so happy. She liked meeting people. She would be a good girl. Sophie is a good girl!
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Re: Extreme Therapy - Book 1 Complete Book 2 Chapter 11 Posted

Post by cradulich »

Glad you are continuing the story and keeping it very entertaining. :D
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