Hard Time at the Beach

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Hard Time at the Beach

Post by Themarble »

That was a great chapter and I agree with Trundle here. I really like hearing past stories of Jakub. We get to see exactly what he fears and as well as that as a story device, we are able to sort of guess what is coming next (;. I can't wait for the return of boner boy!
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Re: Hard Time at the Beach

Post by TeenFan »

Hard Time at the Beach
Chapter 57.

Jakub wishes he had drunk several glasses of mint julep, the stuff the volleyball girls had, the stuff that apparently incited the girls to get wild,
causing several to expose their breasts on the dance floor. He has firsthand knowledge of how a few tankards of ale can change his uncle from
slightly goofy to downright obnoxious. A bottle of bubbly will turn Uncle Bolek into a man who has lost almost all inhibitions. If it wasn't for the
presence of Aunt Lilka right next to him and keeping a leash on him, who knows what outrageous behaviors may have slipped out during the hours
on the beach. Jakub wishes he had some of that liquid courage of the type that makes people lose their inhibitions. Getting up from the table, Jakub is keenly aware that his dick is no longer at "parade rest" and has gone back to "present arms", sticking up like a rifle during and armed

Inga stands at the edge of the dance floor area. She still has on Jakub's t-shirt, which comes down low enough to barely hide the thong she got
from Eleni. Bouncing around on a dance floor will show flashes of the thong, but after having gotten up close and personal to Inga's pussy in a
most unique way, such a display doesn't have the same effect it would have at the beginning of the day. Perhaps she too will become bold enough
to toss the t-shirt and bare her breasts again.

Aunt Lilka and Jakub's mother clap their hands when Jakub steps over to take Inga's outstretched hand. The sound of the clapping gets the
attention of the volleyball girls still seated at their two tables. Several whistles sound out followed by colorful commentary.

"That little boy's got a big one."
"He's cute. I want to take him home with me."
"Hey Polona. Do you have your phone with you?"

Oh no...not more phones, more video shots of his "Longest Day" of vacation ever. Will there be no end to the attention? Guess not...not as long as
he flops the cock, and the fast beats of the pop hit songs playing over the speakers promises lots of flopping to come.

Inga leads the way as she pulls Jakub over to the space between the six girls sitting at the tables and the six girls dancing on the sand. Even
the tall volleyball girls dancing with each other turn their heads to look at the only boy to step onto the dance floor, a boy brave or foolhardy
enough to step out there naked and already at an erected state of arousal. Jakub glances at several of the girl's faces. Each one is smiling at him,
each one ogling his naked body. It's perfect payback for when Jakub was drooling from both mouth and dick when he stroked himself while gazing
in rapt attention at the rows of topless teenagers sunning themselves. However, looking at the girls was from a distance. These same girls get to look at him from less than ten feet away. They are getting to see his goods up close. Karma is a kick in the ass.

The song playing changes to a slow one. It's "I Want to Know What Love Is" by Foreigner. A slow song, a grab the girl around the waist and squeeze
her song? Jakub wasn't thinking about what he'd do if the music slowed down, but before he can do much thinking about it Inga grabs him around
the waist, pressing their bodies together. Inga wraps her arms around Jakub's shoulders. Jakub grabs around the midsection.

"A little lower. Hands down near my butt, but don't grab my butt," Inga instructs the clueless boy, and then Inga starts to sway side to side and she
presses herself even closer. Jakub's dick, which would have occasionally bumped Inga's thighs if he was flaccid, found itself pressing against the
fabric of the thong. Sticking upward five and a half inches, the head of his dick rubs the front of the thong, even a little way above the waistband. Inga must feel it, must know the dick presses against her barely concealed pubic mound. She must be aware when the underside of the glans slides up and down the lowest bare part of her abdomen, the foreskin motionless with the head sliding up and out from its hood. Inga has to know but
she keeps swaying anyway. The song is four and a half minutes long. Four and a half minutes of her thong or tummy skin grinding against Jakub's swelling head and throbbing shaft. An eternity as his dick goes from being asleep not more than six minutes earlier to fully awake and yearning for action, hardening to a level that Jakub knows means trouble if it persists, mainly trouble with leakage.

Doing the leading, Inga turns her body and this displays the little boy with the big one to other viewers. Jakub sees he's not alone on the dance
floor anymore. Peter is out there now, and his naked body is in the grips of the well-tanned arms of Eleni. With the height difference between the 12 year old Peter and the 16 year old Eleni being greater, Peters erect penis has no chance to rub up anywhere near the taller girl's pussy zone,
though Peter's dick is doing its best to reach for it.

Just when Jakub thought he couldn't take another minute of this slow dancing, feeling his balls start that strange tightening again, the Foreigner
song ends. Cheers and whistles sound out again from the girl gallery nearby and the dancing girls stop looking at each other, as there are more
interesting sights to see, mainly two horny underage boys showing just how long they can get.

The words of a 1950's song by Little Richard begins.

"A-wop-bop-a-loo-mop-a-lop-bam-boom...tutti frutti..." and the fast beat of the song starts to play.

Eleni and Inga let go of their partners. Jakub and Peter have nowhere to hide their hardons. They have no choice but to start moving their bodies
to the beat of the song.
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Re: Hard Time at the Beach

Post by Themarble »

I love this chapter. I wonder how the boys will react. Even the more stoic of the two, Peter, might now start to get a bit more embarrassed.

Perhaps we can see the boys beating sticks beat against their drums? I know that would make it impossible for the beating sticks to soften.
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Re: Hard Time at the Beach

Post by TeenFan »

I think the boys will end up beating more than drums by the time the night is over. At least they will want to, but will they get that chance?
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Re: Hard Time at the Beach

Post by Trundle »

So pleased to see another chapter of this amazing story.

It just keeps getting better and better, I thought maybe the slow dance to Foreigner would cause poor Jakub to explode again but luckily for him he managed to hold on, maybe doing it earlier on the beach helped him avoid it this time.

Maybe we can see a Mother and son dance at some point, how will Jakub's Mother react to that I wonder...
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Re: Hard Time at the Beach

Post by TeenFan »

Hard Time at the Beach
Chapter 58.

Tutti Frutti plays over the speakers. Jakub doesn't know what the words are but it doesn't matter. His naked body doesn't care about the words,
the body and mind getting caught up in the intoxicating piano notes that forms the rhythm instead of the melody. It's impossible not to get into
the groove and Jakub's boner does its own separate dance. Almost like a person playing hopscotch, the stiff member keeps moving up and side to side. Not knowing the words to the Little Richard song, the body has something else to say:

Got a hard dick, that's true
She knows just what to do
It's a real prick, that's true
She knows just what to do

She rocks to the east
She rocks to the west
But it's when she leaks
That I love the best...tutti frutti, oh Rudy

Jakub can't help but feel how much his dick is swinging and swaying, bouncing up and down with the occasional dick whops on the tummy adding
an offbeat syncopation. Earlier in the day Jakub walked across a stage showing his swinging boner. Several times he has run on the beach fully erected, but the act of running, either trying to win a race or running for one's life makes the motions happening in the middle not so noticeable,
not so relevant. But dancing on the beach is something else entirely. Jakub knows every eye is on him. Yes, Peter is also right next to him, also dancing to the song, but the much larger dick Jakub has on display means he's the star of the show. The spotlight is on him, and the girls are gathering round. The upbeat song playing gets everyone into a good mood and Jakub's subconscious mind continues with his imagined version of
the lyrics...

I got a girl, named Ingy
Her legs drive me crazy
I got a girl, named Ingy
Those tits drive me crazy

The girl named Ingy sways enticingly right in front of Jakub. She has her arms raised up high, lifting the t-shirt completely off of the thong.
Inga spins around. Her whole naked bottom rocks side to side. That firm ass jiggles with a sweet allure and the string of the thong disappears
down into the crack, heading toward the most hidden part of her. Jakub's dick, developing a mind of its own which will overwhelm the logical thinking of the almost teenaged boy, jerks several times as Jakub imagines where that string goes. Jakub imagines placing a certain part of himself where that hidden string lies, to bump up against that beautiful bottom and stick his hard thing down there and...A-wop-bop-a-loo-mop-a-lop-bam-boom!

Must take the eyes off of that ass. Jakub feels himself gaining one more level of hardness. The whacks of his enlarged head on his tummy are
happening more often. Must look somewhere else. Jakub turns his body to the left and...now he faces two volleyball girls and both of them
are topless. Only a few feet away those things are, four perky and perfectly formed breasts bouncing to the beat of Little Richards wild piano playing, the lithe and limber bodies of the athletic girls a swinging and a swaying... Too much of a turn on no matter where Jakub turns his head.

Jakub turns his head over toward the table where he was sitting at. Only Aunt Lilka and his mother remain seated there. Both of them have their
eyes on him and they are laughing about something. Something must be really funny and Jakub has an idea what it is. He can't take his mom
looking at him that way so he turns one more time, and now he faces toward Peter.

Peter has his own stiff penis problem, but for some reason the other boy doesn't seem to mind. Peter steps over closer and he shouts out, "Isn't this
great. Let's Rock-N-Roll," and in stepping up close to talk over the sound of the music Peter is close enough the dicks of the two boys tap against each other. Peter looks down and he starts laughing. Then suddenly he turns his hips side to side, making his dick smack against Jakub's two more times, once on each side. The closest volleyball girl drops to her knees. She has a request, and what she wants isn't a song selection but an

"Hey boys. Give us a cockfight."

The music changes to another fast song. It's a Cyndi Lauper song, "Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun". As the music starts Peter pounces, thrusting his
hard penis at Jakub's groin and landing a blow on the balls. First the crossing of spears had caught Jakub off guard, but the low blow landing
smack dab on his left nut got him woken up and ready to rumble. Jakub moves forward, hip thrusting, pushing his much larger end of the spear against Peter's more slender upright dick stick.

Jakub presses hard, mashing his opponents weapon up against the body. Then Jakub turns to the left a half turn, and before Peter can make the next move, Jakub swings the hips back to the right as hard as he can. The hefty meat club whacks Peter's prick hard. Peter shouts out "Ow!" and
he moves back a step.

The girls, and there's a lot of girls there, twelve volleyball girls plus Inga and Eleni, they surround the two sparring partners. Cheering and clapping their hands they close in to get good front row seats for the remainder of the bout.

"Come on Peter. Stick it to him," Inga shouts out.
"Beat him with that thing, Jakub," Aunt Lilka says. "You got the size advantage. Pulverize him."

Jakub looks determines as he grabs hold of the other boy's shoulder. Jakub is taller, weighs a bit more, has superior weaponry. When one has all
the advantages it's best to just attack. However, Peter doesn't look perturbed by such circumstances. He's grinning like the cat that eyes the
canary that's out of its cage. Peter might have the smaller weapon in a battle of the dicks, but he's up to the challenge.
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Re: Hard Time at the Beach

Post by Themarble »

We are in for a cock fight! Perhaps the girls could weild the weaponry themselves?? I imagine the boys will be super turned on of they did. Pera s a promise to the winner? So many ideas.
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Re: Hard Time at the Beach

Post by TeenFan »

The two boys are lucky that Jakub's mom and aunt are there. If they were alone with the girls, and they had to do the cockfighting, then the
loser might have been punished by having to choke his chicken.
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Re: Hard Time at the Beach

Post by Trundle »

Amazing chapter again going in a direction I would have never predicted.

Be interesting to see how they determine the winner of the cock fight.
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Re: Hard Time at the Beach

Post by MrDildont »

I need some more of this :D :D :D.

My predicktion: Peter will start to have some issues controlling his arousal. Will Jakub purposely get his friend in a pinch of trouble with it? Peter is the reason Jakub shot off earlier, even if he said it was going to happen anyway he still enabled it to be right in front of some family. Time for some Jakub revenge?
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