Accidental new career

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Accidental new career

Post by littl1p »

I have an ENM/sph story idea that I had fantasized about for years but felt I wasn't a strong enough writer. I still feel that after writing it :P. I will apologize up front for the bazillion run on sentences. If it gets hard to understand, I tried to take some of the advice a few folks gave me on my last story on here but not sure I fully accomplished it. It is also a lot longer than anticipated with the last 1/4 not even involving nudity. I never finish the story in my head, so sorry, but I hope I kept it still embarrassing enough to not take away from the purpose of the story. It's not a power dynamic but more of a wrong place, wrong time deal. Jake Little is a character I came up with years ago based very close to myself. He's the main character

Jake is the new science teacher at a fancy private school and today is his first day. One of the benefits of the new job is an on campus doctor(female), where physicals and other various medical treatments are paid for by the school. He is to report to a meeting with the Principle(female) at 11 on his first day, so he decides to schedule a physical since it had been a few years. He has always been very nervous and shy about getting physicals due to having a micropenis. He was used to his old doctor seeing him and she had never laughed, to his knowledge, but he always felt like she was holding back amusement at his shortcomings. This would be a new doctor and a new possibility for someone to laugh at him and bring back the humiliation memories of high school.

He arrives at the school around 9:45 to be sure he can find the medical office by 10. As he is wandering through the halls looking for the right room he sees an attractive lady walking toward him and is about to ask her where he should go when she speaks first. She says, "Good morning, you look lost, which leads me to think you are my 10am." He is relieved that she found him but immediately feels that ping of pending embarrassment knowing this pretty lady that looks to be in her late 30's is about to find out about his most embarrassing secret. He reaches out and shakes her hand, "Hello, I'm Jake Little".

She turns and says "You can call me Shauna, follow me honey", then leads him down several hallways and into a room that's dimly lit. There's classical music playing which is kinda nice and calming. The Doctor says something that takes him by surprise, "go ahead and remove all of your clothes, we need to get started". In any other situation he would hesitate at being told to strip, and though it seems odd to strip nude, its not the first time a doctor has had him do this for a physical. So he takes off all of his clothes and closes his eyes to psych himself up before getting to his whitey tighties . He pulls them down bravely and stands up and kicks them off his feet. Standing there fully naked, he feels kind of proud that he did that so easily as he is looking at the doctor who is fidgeting with something in a cabinet. She turns around and he is expecting the normal professionalism of most doctors in his life. She looks at him, her eyes open wide, her jaw drops for a second, and she says, "wwwwwow, that is suuuch a tiny penis" then smirks and says, "well I asked for something different, and I guess they delivered, this is going to be fun, you are a very brave man to come here with what you're sporting there little fella"

He's shocked at how she is blatantly commenting on how small he is. He considers saying something but he is not very confrontational and he is still in his "be brave" mode that he has tried to build for years. Trying to act as if he is not completely humiliated even though his whole body is blushing. She is still just staring at him, and not just him but directly at his tiny button of a penis, sitting there at about 1 inch, and unfortunately his testicles are proportionately tiny. To make matters worse he feels the air conditioner kick on blowing directly on him and looks down as he knows what happens when he gets cold. He watches along with the doctor as his 1 inch shrivels back into his foreskin a little leaving only about 3/4 of an inch sticking out and his already tiny balls pull up tight to his body. Since he always keeps it fully shaved he looks like a preteen standing there waiting for puberty to start. She simply says "oh", and covers what is obviously a huge grin with her hand. It feels like she has been staring for 10 minutes, when really it has been no more than 10 seconds, as she walks over to him and says "ok lets get you set up". She reaches out and moves one of his hands to the back of his head and puts the other on his hip, then puts her hand on his hip and turns him a bit then moves one leg into a slight bend while the other is straight. She says "now don't move". She walks away and leaves him there, the lights in the room go up allowing him to see that he is facing what looks like a curtain. He is looking at it confused and curious as to why this doctor wants him standing here like this and why does her exam room look absolutely nothing like an exam room.

Just then the curtain starts to open and his eyes are hit with a bright light temporarily blinding him. As his eyes start coming back into focus, what he sees sends shivers through his whole body.
A room filled with students, all staring directly at him, fully nude and showing at his worst due to shrinkage. His first instinct is to cover and run, but his years of working on "be brave" mode tell him covering shows shame, act like it doesn't bother you. He is so confused at what's happening. Is this a medical training room so they can learn from an actual doctor? He uses just his eyes to look around and sees what looks like easels, brushes, clay and other art tools. The reality of the situation hits him like a brick to the face. If it were possible for him to blush more, now would be the time.
The doctor, who he now realizes is not a doctor, walks up and stands right beside him and begins addressing the students, who all seem to be either giggling, covering their mouths, eyes wide mouth open, or just grinning. She says, "Settle down, settle down, we've talked about trying not to react to nudity, and its just like every other model that we've seen recently, well not exactly but still be mature please". Her face betrays her though as she is still grinning way to much. "So for the last few weeks we have been drawing the male nude form, we have worked on different color and shading techniques to show the differing skin tones. You all have been doing a very good job at capturing the different shapes and contours of the penis and the differences in circumcised vs non circed."

One of the students raised her hand then said, " I thought you said last week we would start with the female form today." Before the art teacher can respond another girl yells, "I thought that WAS a female". The class erupts with laughter. The teacher even laughed but calms her self and calls for order again. "Now that was a bit rude Stacy, this model can't help what he was born with, and I didn't specifically ask for a female model I just told them all the models so far seemed to have rather large genitals, so I take it they found this gentleman who is brave enough to admit he owns a smaller than normal penis and testicles, although it can seem funny because most men we see have much larger than the one we see here, I think it is important to commend him for not being ashamed, as likely most men in his situation would be. If you look at his penis and take away the sexual aspect of it I think we can all agree that his package is actually very cute and it is quite possible that he is what some call a grower meaning it gets much much bigger when erect and it gives a good study on the difference in size. Where all the penis's we have seen so far hang down and are pretty thick, this one differs greatly, move in closer and tell me some of the differences you notice"
The class consisting of 14 girls and 5 boys all seniors leave their chairs and come stand right in front of him. They start spouting off what they see. "It doesn't hang at all and just pokes straight out ", one girl says. Then another says it looks a lot skinnier then all the others", followed by one of the guys saying, " its hard to tell if he is circed or not". Shauna says "yes due to how very short his penis is, it seems like there is no visible shaft, causing it to poke straight out which is also why I think it is hard to tell if it is circed, I believe it is but his penis is so small it just hides back in the skin a bit. Yes it does look much much thinner than any of the others that we have seen", she looks back at his crotch and continues, " ok so we've discussed the extreme differences in the size of his penis compared to others, lets talk about his testicles". 2 girls say at the same time, "TINY!" then the class giggles. One of the guys says, "like no joke his whole sack is like, a little smaller than one of my balls", which make the class laugh harder.

At that Shauna says, " ok ok lets get back to our seats, and Chase, I don't think it is appropriate to talk about how much bigger your genitals are than our model here with you being a student. I'm sure he has been aware for a long time that most males he encounters will have a lot more in between their legs than him. If he wasn't confident with his tiny stature he wouldn't be here modeling and allowing us to immortalize it.

From the time Shauna first opened the curtain to her last comment, only a couple of minutes had passed. To Jake this felt like an eternity. When he realized the mistake both he and Shauna had made he felt so stupid. Now he is here standing fully nude in front of one of his new work colleagues and students that he will likely see in the halls everyday. That is embarrassing enough for anyone, but Jake had this other tiny issue. "Why didn't I just ask if she was the doctor, why didn't I just cover and run as soon as the curtain opened" his thoughts were zooming. "Oh my gosh they're talking about how its too short to hang down, and they're leaning in so close to look", he thought. He felt another gut punch as he heard the guy state that one of his balls were bigger than Jakes whole sack, and then Shauna drove it home saying most other guys dwarfed him.

Although he was currently in his smallest state of shrinkage, Jake felt a familiar tingle down there. As the students got to work drawing, he went into his mind to will his body not to respond in its normal way. How was he going to get out of this? How could he walk through the hallways here now with so many knowing his biggest(smallest) secret? about 10 minutes passed as he was thinking these things and much more when he saw Shauna walk up to him.

Shauna turned to the class and said, "ok we've spent enough time drawing this pose, lets change it up." She turned to him and grabbed both hands, put them on his hips, then turned him to the side and pushed back on his shoulders while pushing his hips forward. This left him in a pose that looked like he was proudly presenting his little doorbell. "begin", she said as she walked back to her desk. Her desk was now directly in front of where he was facing.
As she sat down the first thing he noticed is he could see under her desk and as she scooted in, he could see right up her skirt. "was she doing that on purpose?", he wondered. He had being doing so well at keeping his usual response to humiliation at bay, but this seemed unfair. As he looked, she spread her legs a little. He tried to not show the excitement on his face. He brought his eyes up to her face to see if she knew what was happening. She was looking directly into his eyes, with the most evil grin he has seen on a woman. He wanted to look away but it was like she had him in a trance. From where she was it wasn't easy for the class to see her due to the shelves beside her. He continued staring into her hypnotizing eyes, then almost had his breath taken away. She brought her hands up and gently started rubbing her C cup boobs, finding her nipple and pinching it, at the same time opening her legs enough to show her blue and white striped thong. This broke Jake's resolve to keep the blood out of his little area. His face turned to horror against his will as his eyes flicked down to watch what Shauna and the rest of the giggling students saw happening. Right before all of their eyes this little 3/4 of an inch nub of a penis started jumping and twitching and growing and growing and growing. Oh wow did it ever grow. Aaaaaaalll the way to a super hard, standing at a 45 degree angle, 2.2 inches. Now there was a different side of humiliation for Jake. Before, they all saw him at his smallest which based on some of the comments he heard from the students whispering, was smaller than some of their younger brothers. At least he could use the "its cold" excuse, even though non cold would have gotten the same amount of laughs. The worst part about his now rock hard state is there is no question or doubt about this being his best showing. They all know that this is how big Jake would get if he was trying to have sex or "impress" the ladies. Unfortunately the wide eyes and roaring laughter from the students and Shauna let him know how impressive they thought it was.

Shauna did nothing to quieten any comments at that time since she purposely brought his little guy to this state, as she did with every model so far. It's just all the other models made her a little flustered, staring at their long thick cocks standing at attention at a time when they wished it wasn't. This felt different though. Her panties were soaked. This added humiliation of what most women would consider an attractive man, having such a teeny tiny little thing that can't even be as long as her pinky finger, was....amazing.

It was now 10:40 and the bell would ring soon dismissing the class. Shauna said, "ok lets clean up, and say thank you to this weeks model. He has allowed us a great study on how much the human body can differ. Turn in your drawings, and you may go". As many of the kids exited they passed by Jake and whispered things to him, like "dude you have the smallest dick ever" , "I had no idea that a grown mans penis could be so little", "seriously my little brother is bigger than you" all while laughing and staring right at his penis. Jake was still stupidly standing in his pose, when Shauna said " you can relax now fella". He quickly covered his not so privates with his hand and went to get his clothes. Shauna saw on her phone she had a voicemail, she played it on speaker as it was only her and Jake left in the room - ((Hi this is Sara Watkins with Starlight modeling, I was told to be there at 10 today for a life modeling gig but I looked in the room and saw you already had a model. I didn't want to disturb the class but I guess there was a mix up, I'll call my agency to check on what happened.)) Shauna looked at Jake puzzled, " are you one of their new models? it sounds like you weren't even supposed to be here today".

Jake was now dressed and said so eloquently, " uh I uh...see I was uuh, I'm not, uuuuh well I'll see ya". Then turned to leave while Shauna looked at him slightly confused but still very amused. He still had time to make it to the principle office for his meeting. He luckily found just in time and walked up to the door as the principle walked out to greet him. Ms Henson was also very attractive with dark brown hair right below her shoulders, cute and perky B cups and some nice curves. Jake said, "Hi I'm Jake, its nice to meet you in person". She said the same and told him she would show him around a bit. They walked around the halls as she pointed out various classrooms and the cafeteria. Just then her phone rang and she said, "please excuse me Jake" and answered. He couldn't help but listen in.

"Hey Shauna, I'm giving our new science teach his tour, so be quick.......wait what!?, are you serious? way" she glanced at Jake then said " just a sec" and stepped around the corner. She continued her conversation in what she hoped was far enough that Jake wouldn't listen. " ok so like how small are we talking.......No. way! how was it that small?....ok you have to show me those drawings, I must see this"

Jakes eye went wide as he heard this. "What do I do? I mean what did I expect" he thought as he heard her hang up and walk back around the corner. He wandered, "Should I just admit what happened?", but couldn't bring himself to say it. So he just walked along as she said ok lets continue. They walked and saw a few more areas when they came to a door he was familiar with. They stopped and Ms Henson said , " hold on just a second Jake I have to go speak to Ms. Markel about something then I'll bring her out to meet you. He stood as she disappeared into the room. He told himself, "turn and run now, never come back, change your name", but he was snapped out of his thoughts by the sudden burst of sound. Here's what he heard:
((( "HOLY F*$%!!!!" followed by uproarious laughter from 2 female voices in the room. He couldn't help it he leaned into the door to hear better. "its literally like a baby", "How is it THAT tiny, like a little button", then a slight pause, then "OH.. MY..GOD!!!" and even more laughter. )))
They must have just looked at his erect pics. Then he heard what he really dreaded. Ms. Henson's voice said "wait a second" then went to quiet to hear. Jake started panicking internally. He had finally convinced himself to turn and just leave when the door opened.

Both women walked out to see a white faced Jake. Ms. Henson was looking at him with a slightly stern face. She held up a drawing of him by one of the more gifted artists. It had every detail of his first pose, as his eyes focused right on what looked like a tiny round circle where his penis was. Ms. Henson, said, " Mr. Little", which made Shauna have to hold back a giggle. She began the sentence again, "Mr. Little, I was going to introduce you to Ms. Markel here but it seems you 2 have already met. I need an explanation of why you thought your first best impression on a new job would be to pose naked".

Jake with his heart beating 1000 beats per minute gave the incredibly insane story of the misunderstanding and when he finished he fully expected to hear her say well you are fired. Instead, there was silence, then he saw smiles on both of their lips, then teeth in those smiles then both burst into laughter. Not at all how he thought this was going to go.
Ms. Henson said, " this has got to be the most unfortunate but hilarious mixup I have ever heard Mr. Little" and both burst into laughter again.

Ms. Henson said," sorry for the laughter Mr. Little, we've just never had this sort of little mixup, but hopefully we can put this tiny blip behind us and everyone can just laugh about it later". At that Shauna laughed again and reached out her hand to shake his, and said, " well you were one of our favorite models so far little Jake..I mean..Mr. Little. the students surely won't forget what they learned today".
Ms. Henson said," ok there's only 2 more inches..I mean 2 more rooms to see that you need to know about then I can show you to your class and introduce you to your first group of students". She looked at the list she pulled up on her phone. A grin spread across her lips. She said, "We adopted the Block approach here 2 years ago so the students change classes but stay with the same group. It looks like you've already met this first group during their art class. Both women glanced at each other and smiled. They turned to continue the tour as Shauna said, "well I need to make a bunch of copies of some stuff". She reached out and took the drawing from Ms. Henson. It was such a great drawing, you could see every minute detail of his body from about his knees up to his clearly recognizable face.

Jake walked though the rest of the tour not paying a bit of attention to what was being said. He was still thinking about how up til today only a couple of people had found out about his tiny secret since high school. Now 2 beautiful women he works with and a group of students in their last year of school have seen him completely nude. Knowing how this sort of thing works, by lunch time likely the whole school will hear about the nude model with the peanut penis. By the end of the day, they will all know that it wasn't a model at all, it was...

His thoughts were interrupted, "Hello class I'd like to introduce you to your new science teacher Mr Little, who will be taking over where Mr, Johnson left off by starting anatomy lessons today." Gigantic smiles filled the room.

It was going to be a long year.
The End

Hope at least a couple of peeps like it
Last edited by littl1p on Tue Apr 26, 2022 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Accidental new career

Post by Ryan »

I thought u did a great job with the story and think it has even more potential going forward depending on if u want to continue it and what direction u would want to go with it.
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Re: Accidental new career

Post by littl1p »

if anyone has any comments for atleast if they enjoyed the story, any feed back is welcome. I know a self depricate often but I do want to get better at writing. I have a ton of ideas but also super insane ADHD so its hard to stay focused on the story.
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Re: Accidental new career

Post by edithdick »

littl1p wrote: Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:01 pm if anyone has any comments for atleast if they enjoyed the story, any feed back is welcome. I know a self depricate often but I do want to get better at writing. I have a ton of ideas but also super insane ADHD so its hard to stay focused on the story.
Hi littl1p,

This is not a comment on this story, but in general for aspiring writers I recommend this book. ... GB_US_nodl

It will help you understand how to develop realistic compelling characters.
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Re: Accidental new career

Post by CaughtOfLore »

This was fun. I enjoyed how the reveal of the misunderstanding dawned on Jake in the very same moment that it was too late for him to do anything about his exposure to the class. It really helped make that realisation all the more impactful.

I'm glad you've taken the plunge after years of not feeling you were a "strong enough writer". It's going to be exciting to follow your writing journey. :D
Compromising Situation (MIXED ENM/ENF)
What About Charlie? - Expanding a Vignette (ENF/CMNF)
What a Time to Recall! (ENF/CMNF)
A Frame of Shame (ENM/CFNM)
Boyd vs Girls (ENM/CFNM)
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Re: Accidental new career

Post by swguy123 »

Great work, always enjoy a good SPH story.
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Re: Accidental new career

Post by BABYRYAN2121 »

fantastic small penis story!!!!!
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Re: Accidental new career

Post by Jennifer887 »

littl1p - You have sent me a message but the board will not let me respond to you because I am new here and need to have a certain amount of contributions to become legit here. I have a few things to share with you and do not know where or how to share with you. I have no problem giving you an email address if that is allowed here. Do you know of a way we can have a convo by using the phpBB board and its resources? Contact me any way you wish, including writing to me here. Ask me for an email address if you wish. Even though I am new here, I do have a lot to share with you that in fact falls right into your fetish interests.
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Re: Accidental new career

Post by Executionus »

Jennifer887 wrote: Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:17 pm littl1p - You have sent me a message but the board will not let me respond to you because I am new here
You can send messages now. It only requires 3 posts and you have 5 as of this moment.
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Re: Accidental new career

Post by Nonox »

Great story, any ideas for a sequel?
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