My Time In Physical Therapy (Complete)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: My Time In Physical Therapy

Post by NudeBaG »

“Excellent. This way.” Kelly steps out into the hall.
“Come on Xander, exercise time.” Katelyn smirks and I feel her hand on my lower back slide down and give me a gentle pat on the butt!
I’ve been completely naked now for at least 24 hours, but I was secluded in a room then!
My shoulders and arms are killing me, but as an athlete, I do understand the importance of this kind of exercise.
Especially in this situation.
I just wish I could have some kind of coverage!
Kelly guides me on stepping through the doorway sideways to accommodate my suspension slings.
“Very good. Ok, we’re going to go to the end of this hall and take a left.”
Kelly slowly leads us down the long sterile hallway, looking back every so often.
I glance at Katelyn as she helps me walk.
I cant tell if she’s looking at my feet to make sure I don’t trip, or if she’s looking at my semi-erect penis, which is wagging from side to side as we walk.
As we pass by an open doorway, I hear a gasp.
I turn my head to see a young girl in a hospital bed with a cast on her leg, suspended from a harness.
Fortunately, we keep walking.
But now, I’m wondering how many other rooms we’ll have to pass.
We pass a few more closed doors then Kelly has us stop by one of them.
“Just wait here a second, ok? I need to check on this patient.” Kelly picks up the chart from the holder beside the door and walks in.
Katelyn and I are left standing in the hall.
I some how feel even more exposed without my medical escort!
“Oh! Hahaha!” Katelyn laughs.
I look down, though I don’t need to to know what’s happening.
I’m nervous AND embarassed about my predicament, but I look down to see my penis starting to plump up and lengthen!
I hear Kelly talking as she walks back towards the hall from the room.
“You guys can actually come in and sit for a second. This is going to take me a bit.”
I’m going into another patient’s room like this?!
I mean,
I guess it’s better than being naked in the hallway, but still!
Katelyn guides me in through the doorway.
She guides me sideways down the short entrance into the room.
I hear a gasp from the bed.
I see a beautiful young woman with straight brown hair sitting in the bed, her leg suspended in a sling.
She stares, wide eyed and mouth agape as Katelyn ushers us to a small couch.
She helps me sit, but we are in full view of the young woman on the bed!
Kelly is checking the young woman’s chart, but notices her staring at me.
“Oh! Amy, I’m sorry, this is Xander and his friend, Katelyn. He also has a sports related injury. It’s a bit more serious than yours though. Xander, this is Amy.” Kelly introduces us.
Amy blushes and looks away, but keeps glancing over.
She appears to be in her early 20’s.
I try and keep my legs together, but I feel my penis stiffen even more!
I hear Katelyn chuckle and glance down.
My penis is sticking straight up in my lap!
Suddenly, I desperately want to be back in the hall!
I look back at Amy, and she is STARING at my lap!
Kelly is writing on her clipboard, glancing at the charts and screens around Amy.
“Ok Amy. I’ll check back on you later.” Kelly looks at me. “I know soccer and gymnastics are pretty different, but considering you are both athletes, maybe Xander can visit sometime. I know you said you’re new here and don’t have anybody to come visit you.”
Amy smiles.
“Um. Y-Yeah. I’d like that.” She smirks as she looks at me.
Kelly puts the clipboard down again.
“Ok Amy, I’ll check back in on you later.”
Amy is still looking at me.
“Um, yeah. Ok.” She mutters.
“Ok,” Kelly walks over to Katelyn and I. “we can keep going.”
Katelyn helps me stand up, and I hear Kelly AND Amy gasp.
My penis is fully erect again!
“Oh!” Kelly gasps. “Xander, we really do need to figure out the cause of this,” she pauses. “ ‘symptom’.”
Kelly ushers Katelyn and I back out into the hall.
Once again, Kelly is leading us down the corridor, with Katelyn at my side and my fully erect penis pointing to the ceiling.

We round a corner and I see an inset desk with various instruments and cabinets as well as a smaller exam chair.
“Ok Xander, step up on here please.” Kelly is standing next to a scale.
I step away from Katelyn and do as she says.
“Turn to face me.”
I turn and step backwards onto the small platform.
Katelyn smiles as my erect penis sticks straight up in front of her!
Kelly reaches behind and above me.
“Ok Xander, stand up nice and tall for me.” As she says this, she glances down and smirks.
I feel Kelly touch something to the top of my head.
“5 foot 9 and a half inches. A little tall for a gymnast, no?” She asks.
“Uh, I’m not sure.” I say nervously.
She looks down at the scale.
“Aaaaaand 165 pounds. Very good Xander!”
She writes the numbers on her clipboard.
“Ok! Now that we have your numbers, we’ll be able to track your progress much better.”
Kelly looks back at me.
“I’m going to take you to the gym now so you can get a bit more exercise. Then you can go back to your room to rest before dinner. Ok?”
I just kind of shrug and look down at my naked body.
Kelly smiles knowingly.
“Don’t worry Xander. I checked the schedule. You 2 will be the only ones there.”
I guess thats better than being exposed to more complete strangers.

Kelly leads Katelyn and I down the hall to an elevator.
We get in and the doors close.
I see Kelly and Katelyn both staring at me in the reflective surface of the doors.
The elevator stops before the floor that she selected, and the doors open to 4 young women in lab coats!
They all gasp and do a double take as I stand there naked between Kelly and Katelyn!
The young brunette in front looks at me and smirks.
It’s nurse Blanton!
The 3 other girls, who I assume to be other nursing students, smile and stare.
“Oh! Hello Nurse Kelly. Hello, Xander, was it?” Nurse Blanton says.
She gasps as she notices my erect penis.
I nod and absent mindedly shift closer to Katelyn, who must sense the tension and moves closer to me.
“Hello Jane.” Kelly says with a hint of disdain.
The informality isn’t lost on me.
Nurse Blanton narrows her eyes at Kelly.
“Going down?” Kelly asks, holding the doors open.
“Yes, actually. Come on ladies.”
Nurse Blanton and 3 other nursing students enter the elevator as Kelly, Katelyn and I squeeze towards the back.
Katelyn slips her arm around my waist.
While in the elevator, I try to just stare at the ceiling, but manage a few times to catch the young nursing students looking at me in the reflective surface of the elevator walls.
“You ladies are probably wondering WHY Xander here is-“ Nurse Blanton pauses. “well, naked. As you may know, this facility is currently undergoing some changes both in staffing and in resource management. As such, we have a shortage of supplies such as gowns and bedding, as our appliances currently need maintanence.” Nurse Blanton looks back at my erect penis, then looks at Kelly.
“I read your patient’s chart earlier, Nurse Kelly. Would you like me to check over things to help determine a cause of his-“ she pauses. “ ‘symptom’?”
Kelly responds quickly.
“That’s quite alright, Nurse Blanton. I assure you that Xander is recieving the utmost care.”
The elevator stops and opens.
“Alright- Xander, Katelyn-this way.” Kelly steps off the elevator.
Katelyn guides me passed the young student nurses, who are all staring and clearly trying not to laugh.

Kelly leads Katelyn and I into a decent sized workout facility.
There is a small circular track enclosing several exercise machines and weight apparatus’.
“Ok Xander. I know you can’t do a lot, but at least the track is enclosed here, and you are the only one scheduled to be here.” Kelly points to a small room off to the side.
“The bathroom is over there.” She then looks around at the different equipment.
“Obviously, dont do anything that requires your arms, and be careful with your back.”
She looks at Katelyn.
“You’re both gymnasts, so I’m trusting you to make sure he doesn’t over do it. Ok?”
“Got it!” Katelyn nods.
“I’ll be back in about half an hour to 45 minutes. Ok?” Kelly looks at us.
“Sure.” I say, still unsure of what I CAN do.
Katelyn chuckles as she looks at my still erect penis.
“Be careful.” Kelly exits, leaving Katelyn and I alone in the gym.
Katelyn looks around, then smiles at me.
She looks at my arms.
“Guess it’s leg day for you, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” I sigh.
“I wish I’d brought some gym clothes, I could use a good workout.” Katelyn says.
She looks back at me.
“But I guess that’s not what I’m here for. What do you feel like you can do?” She asks sweetly.
I look around again.
“I guess I’m just walking laps today.” I shrug.
I wince as I lift my shoulders.
“Xan! You dummy! Haha.” Katelyn teases.
“Yeah, I guess running would be bad too, huh?”
She looks and walks around and does a double take at the weight bench.
“What about sit-ups?”
I think about it.
“Here!” She pats the end of the weight bench.
I walk over and sit down.
She removes the empty weight bar from the rack, setting it on the floor.
She walks back in front of me and kneels down.
“Just try one first, and see if it hurts.”
She rests her hands on my knees and pushes down.
I lay back and realize the position I’m in!
With the way she’s holding my legs down, her face is less than a foot away from my crotch!
“Ready?” She asks sweetly.
“Um, I guess so.” I take a few breaths.
I sit up to 90 degrees and lay back down.
I do another.
“How is it?” Katelyn asks.
I do another.
“Hey! I think this works!”
I keep going.
“Good! At least we know you’ll keep your abs! Haha!” She laughs.
As I do the sit ups, I look at Katelyn’s face.
She really is pretty cute.
I guess being friends with her for so long, I never thought of her that way.
As I lay down and sit back up, I feel the head of my penis hit my abs.
Oh no!
I look down as I sit up.
Katelyn is smiling at my erect penis, which is right in front of her face!
I try to ignore it, but then she bursts out laughing!
I lay back and look down at her.
“You’ve got another boner!”
She keeps laughing.
“And your balls keep moving to the sides when you sit up! Hahaha!”
She takes her hands off my knees and scoots on her knees to my side.
“Your dick just keeps popping up dude! Hahaha!”
I scoot back and sit up, wincing as my abs cramp a bit.
“You’ve got cute balls too!”
She quickly reaches down and briefly tickles my scrotum!
“Ah! Ah! Aaaah! Ah!” I squirm, trying to stand up!
“Careful! Careful! Don’t hurt yourself again!” Katelyn rests her hand on my thigh.
She continues to laugh as I catch my breath.
“God you look cute when you squirm like that! Hahaha!”
I steady my breathing as she looks around the empty gym area.
“Hmmmmm.” She bites her lip and looks at me.
“What?” I ask.
She smiles at me.
“Nothing. Let’s walk around a bit, yeah?”
She stands beside me.
I swing my legs back over the bench and stand.
Katelyn puts her hand on my lower back.
We walk to the circular track that surrounds the gym and start going around.
“How are your arms?” Katelyn asks.
“They’re alright. My back is a little sore though.” I straighten up in an attempt to stretch what I can as we walk.
I notice Katelyn lagging behind me a bit and stop.
“Whats up?” I ask.
“Nothing!” Katelyn says cheerfully. “Just enjoying the view. Hahaha!”
I feel myself blush and keep walking.
“Awwww! Xander! Wait up!” Katelyn jogs until she’s back beside me.
“What’s wrong Xan?” She teases.
I keep walking.
“Fine!” She huffs.
She then walks in front of me and turns around, walking backwards.
“This view is MUCH better anyway! Hahaha!”
She keeps walking backwards, smiling at me the entire time.
She slows again to walk beside me.
“How are you feeling?” She asks.
“Fine, I think.”
We continue to walk around for a bit, but I’m actually getting tired.
“This sucks.” I sigh.
“What’s wrong?” Katelyn asks. “I mean, other than the obvious.”
Katelyn smiles again at my hard penis.
“Being injured like this! I can’t do anything!” I say, unable to mask how upset I am.
“Awww, Xan,” Katelyn and I stop by the bench near the entrance.
I sit down and Katelyn sits next to me.
“I’m definitely going to miss Nationals this year, and there’s no telling how much strength I’m gonna lose!”
Katelyn gently places her hand on my thigh.
“Yeah, I know you’ve been working towards that these past couple months.”
Katelyn scoots closer to me, being careful to avoid my arm.
She starts rubbing my thigh.
“There’s always next year, though.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I sigh.
I look down at Katelyn’s hand on my thigh.
I look at her face.
She’s smiling and staring at my erection!
Her hand slowly moves higher on my thigh!
Katelyn looks around the gym.
“Wh-What’s up?” I ask, unable to hide my nerves.
“Oh, nothing.” She smiles and shrugs.
Katelyn moves her hand over to gently grip my penis!
I feel my cock twitch!
Katelyn gently squeezes.
She just holds me like that for a few moments, looking into my eyes.
“Your heart is racing, Xan.” She says softly.
Katelyn smirks and looks down at my penis in her hand.
“So, um,” she pauses. “Do you want to jerk off?”
I just stare blankly at her.
I then look at my arms.
“What?” I ask dumbly.
“You’ve had a boner most of the day! Haha!” She laughs. “And with your arms like that-“ she nods at my suspended braces. “-you can’t, can you?”
“I, um-“ I squirm uncomfortably on the bench.
“DO you want to jerk off?” She asks again.
I shift uncomfortably.
“Xan, I’m already seeing you completely naked.” She looks down.
“I mean, come on dude! Your dick is in my hand! Haha!”
My heart is racing.
I can feel my own pulse as my penis throbs in her hand.
“I do.” I mutter.
“What was that?” Katelyn asks.
“I do.” I say a little louder.
“Xander. Are you telling me that you want to jerk off?” She asks softly.
“Yes.” I say plainly.
Katelyn releases my penis and relaxes back next to me.
“Ok!” She says cheerfully.
We sit in silence for a moment.
“What was that?!” I ask, confused.
“What was what?” Katelyn asks.
I look at my hard penis, then back at her.
She looks at my penis again and smiles.
“Oh! THAAAAAT.” She says with sarcastic realization.
“I just wanted to know if you wanted to jerk off. Thats all.” She shrugs.
“I mean, I could have guessed, just from looking at your boner, but I wanted to hear you say it.” She smirks.
My mouth opens in stunned silence.
“Squats.” Katelyn says.
“What?” I sigh.
“Squats. That’s an exercise you can do!” Katelyn excitedly stands up again.
“Come on Xan, your exercise time isn’t up yet.” She smiles.
I stand up in front of her.
“Ok! Come on! You know the position!” Katelyn stands in front of me with her hands on her hips.
I widen my stance.
“Give me AT LEAST 10, Xan.”
I always hated this exercise.
We usually do this after tumbling or trampoline work.
It’s soul purpose is to exhaust the leg muscles.
I squat and stand, squat and stand.
It isn’t that bad.
“Oh come on, you can go lower than that.”
Katelyn kneels and holds her upturned palm between my legs.
I squat a little lower and feel my balls gently land on her palm!
I quickly stand up.
“7 more, just like that Xan. Come on!” Katelyn encourages.
I squat until my balls touch her hand, stand, and repeat.
Seeing her kneeling in front of me like this has me incredibly horny!
But I’m also mortified that she is seeing me in this situation!
By the tenth, my arms are actually sore from the slight pressure the downward force puts on them with each squat.
“10! Good job!” Katelyn says.
As I straighten my legs, Katelyn also stands, keeping my testicles resting in her hand.
She slides her hand from my balls onto my penis and gently grips.
I feel her squeeze lightly.
We’re just standing there, looking into one another’s eyes.
“Your pulse is racing, Xan.” She says softly.
I feel something in my pelvis and abdomen.
Oh no!
I shift uncomfortably on my feet.
“What? Haha.” Katelyn chuckles.
“I-“ I’m not sure what to do!
“What is it, Xan?” Katelyn asks with a curious smile.
I look over at the bathroom.
“I, um- need to-“ I can’t bring myself to say it!
“You need to…” Katelyn says with anticipation.
“Pee.” I say, embarassment rushing through me.
Katelyn’s mouth opens in surprise.
“Oh. OH!”
Katelyn looks at the bathroom then back at me, and begins laughing!
“Hahahaha! Awwww! Does Xander need to go peepee?” She teases.
She’s still holding my erect penis in her hand!
I pull away as she continues to laugh.
“I can’t help it!” I say.
“Oh, I know! Just like you can’t help that boner! Hahaha!”
She’s belly laughing now.
“Can you even go with your dick like that?!” She points to my penis, which is pointing almost straight up.
I can, it’s just difficult to aim.
I continue to squirm as I stand there while she laughs.
“Hahaha! Ok! Ok. Whew! I’m sorry.” Katelyn composes herself.
“I know you can’t help it, Xan, but this is just too funny!”
She steps towards me.
“Ok.” She sighs. “How do we do this?”
“What?!” I gasp.
“You need to pee, right?” She looks at the bathroom.
“Come on.” She steps beside me, placing her hand on my lower back and guides me to the bathroom.
We enter and see 2 urinals and 2 stalls.
She looks at my arms.
“Okaaaaaaaaaay.” She steps behind me.
“What are you-?” I’m cut off as she places her hands on my lower back and guides my towards one of the urinals.
She stops me about 4 feet from it though.
She steps to my side and leans over, examining my penis.
“Let’s see if that’s right.” She says.
She smiles and shakes her head.
She looks at me.
“Go ahead Xan.”
I stare at her dumbly.
“Let ‘er rip! Hahahaha!” She laughs.
I can’t believe she’s just going to stand here and watch me pee!
I look down at my erect penis and try to relax.
“Come on Xan,” Katelyn gently places her hand on my lower back.
“don’t be shy now.”
She gently begins rubbing my back, moving down onto my butt!
I feel the release and urine begins cascading in an arch into the urinal!
This is SO weird!
“Aaaaaaaaaah.” I exhale.
Katelyn stares wide eyed!
My initial stream begins to die down, and I step towards the urinal, pumping the last streams of urine from my penis.
We stand there for a moment, then Katelyn starts laughing.
“Hahahaha! Nice job, Xan!”
I feel myself blush.
I look down as my penis begins to deflate, sticking straight out in a plump semi-erection.
Katelyn walks over to the wall and returns with paper towel.
“Here you go, bud.” She leans over and dabs and pulls my penis with the paper towel!
“Feeling better?” She asks.
“Y-yeah. Th-thanks.” I cannot believe that just happened!
Katelyn walks to the sink and washes her hands.
She dries them off and returns to stand in front of me.
“You SO owe me. Haha!” She laughs.
She then guides us back out into the gym.
We look around.
“Is there anything else you think you can do?” She asks.
I look around.
As much as I want to keep working out, I’m actually pretty tired.
“I don’t know. I think I’m done.”
“Here, lets sit down a bit then.” Katelyn places her hand directly on my butt this time and guides us to the bench.
I sit down and Katelyn sits next to me, almost hip to hip.
We just sit in an awkward silence for a bit.
Katelyn gently rests her hand on my thigh.
I feel my penis twinge!
I look at Katelyn.
She’s biting her lower lip and staring as my penis begins to plump, lengthen and point upward!

“Ok! How’d we do?” We hear Kelly’s voice from the gym entrance.
“Oh, he did great!” Katelyn says cheerfully.
Kelly approaches us.
“Good.” She holds up her clipboard.
“What all did you do?”
Katelyn looks at me.
“Let’s see. He walked some laps, did some sit ups and some squats.”
She turns back to Kelly.
“Very good!” Kelly writes some things down on the clipboard.
“I know that doesn’t seem like much, considering your gymnast background, but given your current condition, I’d say it’s more than acceptable.” She looks back up at Katelyn and I.
“Alright, well then, how about we get Xander back to his room and you guys can read or chat or-“ Kelly looks at my erection. “-whatever.” She smirks.

I stand, and Katelyn puts her arm around my waist again, and we follow Kelly back out into the hall.
We start back towards the elevator and I remember being trapped on there with Nurse Blanton and those student nurses!
I guess Katelyn senses my nerves, because I feel her gently rub my hip as we walk.
We pass the injured woman, Amy’s room, and I see Katelyn glance over.
Fortunately, Kelly leads us straight passed it.
Kelly hits the button on the elevator and turns to look at us as we wait.
“So,” Kelly says. “How has it been being able to spend time with your friend?”
She doesn’t direct the question at either one of us in particular.
“It’s been pretty great!” Katelyn says cheerfully. “I’ve been learning a lot about Xan. Haha!”
Kelly looks down at my erection.
“I’m sure.” She smiles.
Katelyn looks up at me.
“Um, yeah.” I say. “It’s been good catching up.”
Katelyn’s look changes a little.
“I mean, I’d prefer SOME things were different, but it really has been nice having someone to talk to.” I recover.
Katelyn looks back at my erect penis, which twitches a bit.
I see her smile slightly.
The elevator doors open.
Thankfully, it’s empty.
The 3 of us step on.
Kelly hits the button for my floor.
The doors close.
I catch sight of both Katelyn and Kelly in the reflective chrome walls of the elevator.
Kelly is looking from Katelyn to myself and back, while Katelyn still has her arm around my waist and is staring at my penis.
The doors open to my floor and we step out.
Kelly leads Katelyn and I back to my room.
We enter and Kelly sets her clipboard on the bedside table.
She walks to my other side.
“Ok Xander, lets get you back in bed.” Katelyn steps away as Kelly takes her place.
Kelly guides me to sit on the bed and helps me, swinging my legs up.
I wince as I sit up.
Kelly adjusts the pillows behind me.
“Ok Xander, lean back.”
I settle backwards against the pillows.
Katelyn stands at my bedside, opposite Kelly.
“Alright. I’ve got some other tasks to take care of, but I know you’re in good hands.” Kelly winks at Katelyn.
“I’ll check back with you in a little bit. Ok?”
“Yeah,” I sigh. “Thanks.”
Kelly exits my room, leaving Katelyn and I alone.
Katelyn looks at my penis and smiles.
She sits in the bed next to me.
“So,” she sighs and picks up one of the manga books from the table. “if your arms weren’t screwed up, I bet you’d be at home in your room with one of these. Right?” She flips through the pages until she finds a picture with a few naked women.
She sets the open book between us.
“Is that what you do? Find a page you like and jerk off? Haha!”
I sit in stunned silence.
“You already told me you wanted to, remember? So I already know. And it’s pretty obvious.” She nods at my erect penis.
I squirm a bit.
“Xander, seriously? I just helped you pee! Haha!” She gently reaches down and pokes my penis with her finger.
“Oh yeah!” She stands up.
“Are you comfy?” She asks.
I shift a bit on my pillow.
“Y-yeah?” I say nervously.
“Good!” Katelyn reaches down and begins gently tickling my inner thighs, taint and scrotum!
My body convulses and I buck my hips trying to move away from her hand!
She places her free hand on my chest to hold me down!
“Shhhhhh! Calm down Xan! Calm down!” She smiles and teases while she continues to tickle me!
She pinches my inner thigh, lets her fingers dance around my scrotum and gently runs her finger tips along the shaft of my penis!
These are my most ticklish areas, and their receiving a full on assault from my friend’s delicate hand!
She drums her fingers on the underside of my shaft, letting them slide off in rapid succession!
She delicately runs her fingertips along my taint and scrotum on repeat!
I’m in a state of excruciating ecstacy.
I can feel my face straining as it shifts between laughter and embarassment!
“K-Katelyn! I ca-! St-stop! Pl-please!” I’m gasping.
“Hahahaha!” Katelyn laughs. “Oh, you want me to stop? Are you sure?!” She teases.
“You may say stop, but I think your dick is saying ‘keep going!’ Hahaha!”
I look down as her fingers continue to dance on and around my cock and balls!
She gently begins running her fingertips up and down the exposed underside of my shaft!
I feel a tightening coupled with an immensely pleasurable tingling!
“K-Katelyn! Pl-please!” I gasp.
“Hahahaha! Are you su- Oh!” Katelyn’s hands freeze, fingertips on my scrotum and shaft.
I stare up at the ceiling, breathing heavy.
I look at Katelyn.
She’s staring down, wide eyes, mouth agape.
I shift my gaze down.
There’s a clear string of precum drooping from the head of my penis to my abs!
My penis is twitching on the verge of orgasm!
My body shudders repeatedly.
Katelyn leans in closer.
“Xan…did you just-?” Katelyn slowly smiles.
“Hmmmmm. Nah! No way! There’d be a lot more than just that, right?!” She smirks.
I close my eyes and turn my head.
She almost made me cum?!
From tickling?!!!
I feel her gently pinch my penis!
I open my eyes to look at her again.
“Hahaha! You must be REALLY ticklish down there, huh? I almost made you shoot!” Katelyn gasps, a sudden realization crossing her face.
She gently and slowly begins moving her thumb and index fingers along my penis, using the string of precum as lubricant.
“Tell me again, Xan.” She says sweetly.
“Do you want to jerk off?”
I look at her.
I glance at the manga, open to a splash page that I KNOW I’ve jerked off to a thousand times before!
“Yes.” I whisper.
“Speak up now, Xan.” She says sweetly.
I swallow and clear my throat.
“Yes.” I say again a little louder and more clearly.
Katelyn looks at my arms, sympathetically.
“But you cant, can you?” She asks.
“N-no.” I sigh.
Katelyn wraps her hand around my penis, and I feel it twitch.
She just holds it in her hand, gently squeezing and releasing.
“Hmmm.” Katelyn lets go.
She straightens up and moves the manga out of the way before sitting on the bed next to me.
She smiles at my hard penis then looks at me.
“Wh-what?” I ask nervously.
“Nothing.” She says sweetly.
I squirm as she just continues to stare at my exposed body.
She sinks down a bit and gently rests her shoulder in my armpit.
“This doesn’t hurt, does it?” She asks.
“N-no? Why?” I ask.
She picks up the stack of manga and pulls out a new one.
“I just want you to be comfy while we read.” She relaxes into me a bit.
“Oh wow! Haha!” She laughs as she looks at the cover.
There’s 3 scantily clad young women in masks around an equally near nude young man.
“M-F Magic Force?” She reads the title.
She looks at me sceptically.
“I-It’s kinda cool.” I shrug.
She looks down at my hard penis again.
“I’m sure.” She smirks.
Last edited by NudeBaG on Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: My Time In Physical Therapy

Post by TheBlushingPrincess »

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Re: My Time In Physical Therapy

Post by GeekGuy »

TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 7:26 pm I hope Katelyn gives him some "relief" soon! He has earned it!
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Re: My Time In Physical Therapy

Post by Neverborn »

Amazingly good content this update, thank you NudeBag!
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Re: My Time In Physical Therapy

Post by telebrace »

TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 7:26 pm I hope Katelyn gives him some "relief" soon!
You're far too nice. If it were up to me the guy would be balancing on the brink of orgasm for much, much longer still. And when he does finally get permission to orgasm, it's going to have to be very embarrassing for him to do so.

Hell, it would be so embarrassing he'd prefer to remain on the brink...
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Re: My Time In Physical Therapy

Post by Neverborn »

I hope this story get a continuation soon, I am really enjoying this one and cant wait to see what happens next!
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Re: My Time In Physical Therapy

Post by GeekGuy »

Neverborn wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:19 pm I hope this story get a continuation soon, I am really enjoying this one and cant wait to see what happens next!
I second this.
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Re: My Time In Physical Therapy

Post by NudeBaG »

“Oh wow! Haha!” She laughs as she looks at the cover.
There’s 3 scantily clad young women in masks around an equally near nude young man.
“M-F Magic Force?” She reads the title.
She looks at me sceptically.
“I-It’s kinda cool.” I shrug.
She looks down at my hard penis again.
“I’m sure.” She smirks.
Katelyn rubs her slight shoulder into my armpit.
She opens the manga and holds it in front of us so that we can both read it.
Just like with the other one, she reads along silently, only turning the page when I ask her to.
I’ve read this one enough times that I don’t REALLY need to read it.
I’m mostly distracted by the smell of Katelyn’s hair.
“Ooooooo! So he has to go to school NAKED?!!!” Katelyn looks up at me.
I look at the chapter she’s reading.
The main male protagonist and female protagonists are in the Headmistress’ office.
“Haha! Can you imagine if YOU had to go to school naked?!!”
She lowers the book briefly and looks at my penis.
She chuckles and we continue reading.
My eyes drift again from the book.
This time, I look at my bare feet and exposed legs next to Katelyn’s stockinged feet and smooth legs in her shorts.
I feel a twinge and realize that I’m getting hard again!
Being naked like this with my friend is making me THIS horny?!
“Wow. Haha!” Katelyn laughs. “These creature designs are crazy!”
I look at the book again as Katelyn holds it.
It’s a full 2 page spread of our protagonists staring down a small creature with a long penis that snakes all around the panel before stretching off the frame.
We keep reading.
“Ooooo! That’s kind of cool!” Katelyn says as she turns the page.
“Wait, so they have to jerk off to unleash their special attack?! Hahaha!” She lowers the book again to look at my naked body.
“Do YOU unleash a special attack when you jerk off?” She asks teasingly.
I squirm a bit.
Katelyn sets the book on the bedside table again.
She scoots down on the bed a bit and settles into my side.
She rests her head and hand on my chest!
“Your heart is beating pretty fast, Xan. I’m not even touching your dick and I can tell! Hmhm!” She chuckles.
We sit like this for a couple minutes in silence.
“Hey Xan?” Katelyn asks softly.
“Y-Yeah?” I ask.
“When you get out of here, do you think we could hangout more?” She asks.
I sense a tremble in her voice.
“Like, OUTSIDE of our gymnastics class?”
“Wh-what do you mean?” I ask.
Katelyn squirms.
She begins gently tracing circles on my chest with her finger.
“Like, we can maybe get together and go see a movie, or something?”
She pauses.
I feel my heart rate increase.
“We don’t even need to go to a theatre! I have that huge home theatre in my basement! We could just sit on the couch down there and watch whatever we want!”
Did she just ask me out?!
I smell her hair again and look down at her.
She really is cute!
I never thought of her that way though!
She’s always been my classmate, my friend.
But now?
Is she asking me on a date?!
She stops tracing circles and rests her hand flat on my chest.
“Xan?” She asks softly.
“Y-yeah.” I say.
I quickly gather my courage.
“Yeah. That’d be nice.”
I feel her nuzzle into me as she lets out a soft moan.
In that moment, I realize that if my arms weren’t in these suspention harnesses, I’d like to put them around her.
She again begins tracing soft circles on my chest.
I start thinking back to when I first started gymnastics.
My mom DID say it was a great place to meet girls, but I never went out of my way to actually try.
But now, I guess it turns out she was right.
“So when you get out of here, and we hangout,” Katelyn begins tapping her finger on my chest. “Will you get naked?”
“Huh?!” I gasp.
“Yeah. When we hangout and stuff, you should be naked! Haha!” Katelyn giggles.
“I can lock the door to the basement so my parents won’t catch us either.”
“K-Katelyn! Why?!” I ask dumbly.
“Duh! This place is one thing, but if my parents caught you NAKED with me, ALONE?! I don’t know how I’d explain THAT! Haha!” She laughs.
“No, I mean, WHY would I be naked?!” I ask, still stunned by her suggestion.
Katelyn rests her hand flat against my chest.
“Because,” she says softly. “I like looking at you naked.”
This is the first time anyone has ever said anything like that to me in my entire life!
“Especially now that I know what your dick, balls and ass look like! Haha!” Katelyn laughs.
She gasps and props herself up on her elbow to look at me.
“I’ll bring our gymnastics team next time I visit!” She smiles excitedly.
“They are planning to visit anyway! Might as well try and get them in here before they give you a gown and sheets! Haha!”
My heart skips a few beats.
She’d mentioned that earlier, but I half thought she was joking!
“Oh man! And if you have a boner THEN too?!! Ooooooooo! Haha!” Katelyn smiles in a way that I haven’t seen yet.
It’s less like her usual sweet, teasing smile, and more like a naughty, mischievous smile.
“Just think Xan! All of us in our gymnastics outfits, you in your-“ she glances back down at my penis. “-well, nothing. Haha!”
I again think of my entire gymnastics team (entirely female, btw) seeing me naked!
Just like Katelyn suggested, my mind pictures all of them in their tight fitting gymnastics wear.
I feel my penis twitch and hear Katelyn gasp.
“Oooooo! Haha!” Katelyn stares, still propping herself up on her elbow.
“So,” she again rests her hand on my chest. “Have you ever gotten a boner during gymnastics class?”
The blunt question has me stunned.
“I, um,” part of me is embarassed to answer, while part of me is actually thinking back on it.
“We all watch you during drills and routines. Sometimes your bulge looks bigger than usual, but it could just be the shorts you were wearing at the time.” She adds.
I think about my classmates in their unitards, shorts and tight tops.
I have DEFINITELY pictured them naked as they bounce on the trampoline, or do floor stretches.
“Um, maybe?” I say hesitantly.
“No.” Katelyn says bluntly. “Answer the question. Yes. Or no. Have you ever boned up during gymnastics?”
How should I answer?
She’s already seeing me naked AND erect.
“Yes.” I sigh.
Katelyn’s mouth drops open in a big grin.
“I knew it!” She says slyly. “I bet you picture us naked, don’t you?!Huh?”
I shift uncomfortably.
“Haha! You do, don’t you?!” Katelyn yelps.
She doesn’t seem upset, but more like she’s surprised.
The question is still embarassing, as I don’t want her thinking I’m some kind of pervert.
She seems to sense my nerves and places her hand gently back on my chest.
“Haha! It’s ok Xan. I mean, gymnastics outfits are pretty revealing anyway. Probably because olympic gymnastics was originally done naked.” She relaxes back into my arm pit.
We sit in silence again for a bit.
“Hmhm!” Katelyn chuckles.
“Wh-what?” I ask nervously.
“That means you’ve probably pictured ME naked too, huh?” Katelyn rubs her leg against mine.
My eyes automatically scan her body, picturing her naked!
If I didn’t already have an erection, I would have immediately gotten one.
I look at my penis.
It’s so hard, it’s pointing at my face, remaining lifted off my abs horizontally.
“Well, do you?” She stops moving completely.
Katelyn continues rubbing her bare leg against mine.
“Yes.” I say softly.
I just admitted to picturing Katelyn naked!
Things were actually going ok!
Did I just ruin something before it begins?!
My heart is pounding so loud I can hear it!
Katelyn squirms next to me.
What did she say?!
She’s moving her hand along my chest!
“Xan? Xan!” She looks up at me.
She’s smiling, but also looks concerned.
“Xander, I said it’s ok! Haha!” She chuckles.
My breathing slows.
“Jeez! Haha!” She laughs. “I didn’t mean to make you MORE nervous! I just wanted to know if you ever pictured me naked. Haha!”
She keeps her hand on my chest.
“Honestly, I think I’d be more upset if you DIDN’T picture me naked. Haha!”
“But,” she gives me a fake angry look. “Now I KNOW you picture me naked!” She then slowky breaks into that sweet, teasing smile.
She moves her hand down my chest, onto my abs and then gently grips my penis!
She glances down at my cock in her hand then looks back up at me.
I can feel it twitching in her grasp, so I KNOW she can feel it too.
“So, Xander. How about right now? Are you picturing me naked?” She bites her lip.
“Are you picturing me laying here beside you, WITHOUT any clothes on?”
I look down at her body next to me and instantly picture what she looks like naked!
She lets go and stands up next to the bed.
She holds her hands out to the sides and slowly twists back and forth.
“How about now? If I were standing here, naked, would you be jerking off?”
The way she asks it-
It isn’t sensual.
It’s very straightforward.
But still!
There’s now a sexually charged energy in the air!
“Yes.” I gasp.
She smiles and bursts out laughing.
She slowly walks back over to the bed.
She rests her elbows on the bed and places her chin on her fists.
“Good to know. Haha!” She chuckles, staring at my penis.

“Xander?” A voice from the doorway draws our attention.
It’s Jen, the brunette student nurse.
She’s carrying a clipboard.
“How are you feeling?” She approaches the bed.
Katelyn straightens back up.
“Um, I’m good.” I glance back down at my body.
I’m still rock hard!
“Good. No new pain or discomfort?” She looks up from her clipboard.
“N-no?” I don’t know why it comes out as a question.
Chen Wei then enters the room.
“Did you tell him yet?” She asks Jen.
“Not yet.” Jen says cheerfully.
Chen Wei looks straight at my erect penis.
“Oh!” She gasps.
Katelyn lets out a muffled chuckle.
“Um, right.” Chen Wei composes herself.
I hear a squeeking coming from the hall.
Kelly and Haley appear pushing in a second rolling bed.
“Xander,” Chen Wei says. “I promise this is only temporary, but you are going to be getting a roommate for a little while.”
My immediate reaction is relief, as sitting in bed alone CAN get boring and lonely.
But then I remember my nudity!
“Um, what?” Is all I can manage to say.
Kelly and Haley exit the room again.
“Relax, Xander.” Chen Wei says.
She looks at Katelyn, who also looks concerned.
“Here we go, this’ll be your room for a bit.” I hear Haley say.
I look at the door as Haley enters, escorting a beautiful young woman on crutches!
She is thin and pretty, with long straight brown hair pulled back in a pony tail.
She is wearing a hospital gown (which I immediately notice) and has her ankle in a cast.
I hear her gasp and look at her face.
She’s shocked and staring at my exposed body!
Haley notices that she has stopped moving and looks at her face.
She traces her gaze to me and then notices my erect penis on full display!
Haley smirks, but continues helping the woman to the bed.
“Jessica, this is Xander. Xander, Jessica. You 2 will be sharing this room for a bit.” Chen Wei says.
Jessica is still shocked and stumbles! But fortunately, she lands on the bed.
“Um, hi.” She says timidly.
“H-Hey.” I respond bashfully.
Haley exits again.
Chen Wei notices Jessica staring at me and tries not to laugh.
“Oh! Right!” She turns to Jessica, composing herself. “You lucked out and got the last gown. Poor Xander here has been naked practically since the moment he arrived. I hope you don’t mind.”
Jessica gulps and blushes.
“Um, n-no.” Jessica says quietly.
It looks like she’s trying not to laugh.
She looks around the room as she settles into the bed.
Kelly and Haley return, and help the young woman adjust herself so that she is comfortable.
“Ok, Jessica. Someone will be back this evening with dinner.” Chen Wei walks over to the TV in the corner.
She reaches up and retrieves the remote.
She walks back over to Jessica.
“Since you have use of your arms, I guess you get control of the TV.” Chen Wei turns back to me.
“Sorry Xander. You don’t mind, do you?”
I look at my arms.
“Nah. That’s fine.”
I look at Jessica.
She’s holding the remote as if she’s studying the buttons, but I can see her eyes moving over my body!
Kelly and Haley have been whispering and giggling this whole time.
“Ok, we’re going to get back to our tasks. Jessica, we’ll check by periodically to help you with the bathroom and things like that, ok? Do you need anything at the moment?” Chen Wei asks her.
“No, no. I’m good.” Jessica says.
“Ok then, I’ll be around if you need me.” Chen Wei then turns and exits the room, leaving me, Katelyn and Jessica alone.

We all sit in silence for a few moments.
Jessica finally turns to look at us.
“So, this is awkward, huh? Haha!” She lets out a nervous chuckle.
Her immediately calling out the fact that this situation is INDEED awkward makes things even worse!
Katelyn cheerfully speaks up.
“Hi, Jessica, right? I’m Katelyn. I’m Xander’s friend from gymnastics.”
Katelyn’s straightforward introduction cuts the tension.
“Yeah! Nice to meet you. Gymnastics huh? Is that how you-?” Jessica nods at my arms.
“Y-yeah.” I sigh, looking at my arms. “Stupid mistake.”
Katelyn rests her hand on my chest.
“Awww. It’ll be ok Xan.” She says sweetly.
“Hmhm!” Jessica chuckles.
I follow her gaze.
She’s again staring at my penis!
Katelyn also chuckles.
She then looks back at Jessica.
“What about you?” She asks sweetly, nodding at Jessica’s foot.
“Oh! I popped my Achilles at soccer practice.” She looks back at me. “Also, stupid mistake.”
I smile nervously.
Jessica then gasps.
“Oh! Um,” She looks at the blank tv.
I look back at my penis.
I am the hardest I’ve ever been and can’t do anything to cover up!
We again sit in silence for a bit.
“So, uh, how old are you guys?” Jessica asks.
“14.” Katelyn says.
“15.” I say.
“Really?!” Jessica seems surprised.
Neither Katelyn or I know how to respond.
Jessica picks up on our confusion.
“Sorry! I thought you guys were a bit older than that. I’m 17.”
Jessica looks at me again.
“15? Really?” She asks again.
She scans my naked body.
She smirks and looks like she’s trying not to laugh.
“Yeah?” I say, still confused.
I look at Katelyn.
She’s glancing from Jessica to my penis and back to Jessica.
Jessica is still shifting glances between the blank tv and me.
Katelyn sits back down next to me and leans into my side again.
This actually makes me relax a bit.

Back to sitting in awkward silence.
I look down at Katelyn as she gently caresses my chest.
I look over at Jessica.
She is just staring at me now!
She notices and lets out a chuckle.
“I’m sorry. Haha!”
“Wh-what?” I ask nervously.
“I just didn’t expect…” she looks at my penis again and nods. “that!”
“Haha!” Katelyn sits up and looks across me and the room to Jessica.
“Yeah! I know! But it’s pretty great!” Katelyn bites her bottom lip.
I shift uncomfortably.
“Are you ok, Xan?” Katelyn asks sweetly.
“Y-yeah. It’s just,” I unintentionally look at my penis.
I try and whisper to Katelyn.
“Could you maybe,” I look at the spot on the bed to my other side BETWEEN Jessica and I, hoping to move Katelyn between us for some coverage.
“What’s up?” Katelyn asks again.
“Could you sit on my other side for a bit?” I ask.
Jessica looks over at us again.
“Yeah. Sorry Xan! Was I hurting your arm?” Katelyn asks, concerned.
“Um, yeah.” I glance back over at Jessica.
Katelyn stands and notices me nervously looking at Jessica.
Katelyn stretches and smiles at me.
She looks at Jessica, then puts her hands on her hips, staring at my penis.
“Xander,” Katelyn whispers, but loud enough for Jessica to hear. “your dick is like, SUPER hard.”
I look at Jessica out of the corner of my eye.
She’s definitely staring.
Katelyn leans over and rests her elbows on the bed.
She then grips my shaft and tilts my penis so that it’s sticking straight up!
“Whoa!” Jessica says out loud.
Katelyn looks over at her and laughs.
“Katelyn!” I gasp.
“Shhhhhh. Relax Xan.” She whispers.
Katelyn releases my penis, and starts gently running her index finger along the underside of my shaft!
Her delicate touch tickles SO much!
I begin gasping and squirming, causing Katelyn to continue gently rubbing my shaft with her fingertips while tickling my balls and taint with the other!
“Shhhhh! Xander, calm down! Hold still! Haha!” Katelyn teases.
I’m breathing heavy and squirming and bucking my hips and convulsing!
My penis is spasming in response to Katelyn’s tickling!
I look over at Jessica.
She’s staring, wide eyed, mouth wide open!
I feel a tightening in my balls and pelvis.
I look back at Katelyn.
I can’t help but start laughing as Katelyn’s tickling is putting me over the edge!
“Hahaha! K-Katelyn! P-Please!”
I throw my head back against the pillow!
“Calm down Xan! Hold still! You’ll hurt yourself! Shhhhh! Shshshsh!” Katelyn teases.
I begin bucking my hips.
I feel my balls contract and my penis stiffens even more!
“Oh!” Katelyn gasps.
She continues to run her fingertips along my penis, making them dance all along my shaft!
My abs are killing me from repeatedly tensing up and relaxing as Katelyn brings me closer and closer!
“Shshshs shhhhh! Xan! The nurses are going to come in! Calm down! I’m right here! Hahaha!”
Katelyn’s voice is SO sweet, but she is clearly teasing me, putting on a show for Jessica!
I’m laughing so hard there are tears streaming down my cheeks.
I feel the pressure building-more, more and more!
Katelyn moves her hands away as I spasm.
She gently rests her hand on my balls and base of my penis.
Katelyn leans her face over mine.
She’s beaming!
“Oh, Xan!” She says with a breathy sigh.
I hear Jessica laughing and look over.
She was watching the entire time!
Katelyn starts giggling and sits back next to me, on my other side this time.
She again relaxes into my armpit, cuddling up next to me.
Katelyn reaches over to the side table next to her and grabs some tissue.
She gently grips my penis and dabs it off with the tissue.
“Oh!” Jessica gasps.
I tremble a bit more before relaxing again as Katelyn nuzzles her shoulder into me.
“Th-thanks.” I mutter.
“Haha! No prob!” Katelyn laughs, getting up and walking to the bathroom.
I look at Jessica out of the corner of my eye.
She’s still staring.
I look at my penis which is pulsing.
There is also now a dull ache.
I hear the faucet running in the bathroom and then Katelyn walks back out.
She comes back and sits next to me, snuggling up to me again.
“Hey Xan.” She whispers.
“Do you want to jerk off?” She asks.
I shoot my eyes over to Jessica.
It doesn’t look like she heard.
“K-Katelyn?!” I whisper.
She looks at my penis, which is absolutely BEGGING for release.
“It’s ok, Xan.” Katelyn whispers, bringing her lips up to my ear. “I already know you do.”
She then kisses me softly on the cheek!
She chuckles and picks up the manga again.
“Let’s see, where were we?” She asks.

We sit like that for a bit longer.
I’m not actually reading the manga.
I’m just trying to ignore my situation.
I choose to focus on the way Katelyn makes me feel.
Think about going on an actual DATE.
“You good?” Katelyn nudges me.
“Huh?” She’s holding the manga up to me.
“Oh, yeah. Thanks.” I say, pretending to remember where I was.
I glance at the page as Katelyn closes the book.
The protagonists had just gotten done defeating another creature.
“This story is actually pretty entertaining. I think I understand the whole ‘sexual power’ thing.” Katelyn says.
“Hey.” Jessica calls out from next to us. “Do you think I might be able to borrow that?”
Katelyn looks at me.
I shrug and nod.
She gets up and walks the book over to Jessica.
“Thanks! I haven’t read comics in a long time.” Jessica takes the manga and notices the cover art.
“Oh! Whoa!” She seems startled.
I then remember that we were essentially just reading a softcore porn.
“Haha! Yeah! It’s pretty…” Katelyn glances at me. “…interesting.”
“I bet!” Jessica starts reading as Katelyn skips back over and sits next to me again.
“This art is a bit different than what I’m used to. Haha!” Jessica laughs.
“What do you mean?” Katelyn asks.
“Oh! I like to sketch in my free time.” Jessica says, opening the manga. “Guess I’ll have a lot of time to do that now.” She sighs.
Katelyn cuddles up to me and I think about how nice it would be to take a nap with her like this.
“Aww.” Katelyn sighs. “Your dick isn’t as hard any more.”
I look down.
I had noticed that the pain had subsided, but hadn’t realized my penis was now completely flaccid.
Katelyn places her hand on my chest and slowly starts moving her hand down my abdomen.
Before she can touch me again though, my mom enters the room.
She seems confused for a moment, seeing Jessica in a second bed where before, there was just empty space.
Katelyn quickly pulls her hand away.
“Oh!” My mom looks around and notices Katelyn and I. “Ok, this IS the right room.”
Jessica waves.
“Hi!” She says cheerfully.
My mom looks at me, then back at Jessica.
“I’m Jessica.” Jessica says.
“Oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t expect there to be another person in here.” My mom walks over to Jessica’s bed.
“I’m Joan. I’m Xander’s mom.” She offers her hand.
“Nice to meet you!” Jessica says cheerfully.
As my mom shakes her hand, she seems to remember my situation.
“Oh! Oh my goodness! I’m assuming you’ve met,” she looks at Katelyn and I. “my son, Xander?”
“Haha! Yes. We’ve met.” Jessica laughs.
My mom then walks over to Katelyn and I.
Katelyn quickly scoots off the bed.
“Still no gowns I see.” My mom takes in my naked state.
“Well, how was your day?” She asks, thankfully choosing not to further address my nudity.
“Oh, it was great!” Katelyn said excitedly. “We had lunch, and I helped Xander get some exercise.”
“Oh? That’s good.” My mom seems content that I don’t have an erection, as she examines my naked body.
“Then we read some and just sat and talked. It was a really nice day!” Katelyn said, choosing to omit certain details.
She winked at me.
“Well, I hate to end such a nice day, but I need to get home. I have an early day at the office tomorrow.” My mom said.
She then notices that Katelyn is snuggled up next to me!
She gives us a suspicious look.
“Ms Johnson,” Katelyn says. “Do you think you could bring me back tomorrow on your way to work? I hate to think about Xan being here alone.” Katelyn says, completely ignoring my new roommate.
“Are you sure dear? It’s summer. Wouldn’t you rather be out with friends?” My mom asks.
Katelyn gets out of bed and puts her shoes on.
“I could, but how could I really enjoy it knowing poor Xan is cooped up here like this?” Katelyn says it so sweetly.
My mom thinks for a moment.
“Well, if you really think you want to…”
“Oh! Definitely!” Katelyn says cheerfully.
“Ok then.” My mom sighs. “I’ll bring you back tomorrow morning. But right now, we need to get going.”
My mom reaches into her purse.
“Oh yes! I thought you might want this.” She pulls out my cell phone and charger. “Though, I’m not sure how you’ll use it without arms, but you’ll have it, just in case.” My mon sets my phone and charger on the bedside table.
She then leans in and kisses my forehead.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then, sweety.”
“Th-Thanks mom.” I say nervously, as I’m still completely naked.
Katelyn then leans over and kisses me on the cheek again!
“See you tomorrow.” She whispers in my ear.
I see her smile and blush.
My mom smirks and nods.
My mom and Katelyn then walk to the room exit and leave.
I sigh and relax back, closing my eyes.

A few moments go by, and I’m almost asleep when I hear Jessica from the other bed.
“She’s pretty cute.”
I look over at her.
“Huh?” I ask, confused.
“Katelyn, was it? She’s cute. You guys make a cute couple.” Jessica says.
My heart and mind skip a bit.
“Oh! I don’t think we’re- I mean, not yet-? She’s a friend. But, I think we do, like-“
Why am I so flustered?
Yeah, I did JUST figure out that I like Katelyn, but we’re not a couple yet!
“So you guys AREN’T a couple?” Jessica asks.
“No. Not yet anyway. I don’t think.” I suddenly feel confused.
“Oh. Well then,” Jessica says. “Can you come over here for a second?”
I look over at her.
I’m sitting with my leg raised up so that she can’t see my crotch, but if I walk over there, she’s DEFINITELY going to see.
“Um why? What’s up? Do you need one of the nurses?” I start to wonder what she could want, then remember she can’t walk.
I look down at my naked body and remember that this girl has already seen everything.
I swing my legs over the side of the bed, stand and walk over to her.
I reach the side of her bed.
“What’s up?” I ask.
Jessica’s eyes grow wide as she stares at my naked body in front of her.
“Oh wow!” She smiles. “I thought so, but just wanted to see up close.”
“Wh-what?!” I gasp.
“You DO have a nice cock!” She blushes.
Before I can think or react, all of the events of the day flood back into my mind!
I feel myself starting to get hard and turn to go back to my bed.
“Wait!” Jessica practically yelps.
I turn back to face her, as her voice triggered me.
I look at her face, but she is staring wide eyed and mouth agape at my crotch!
My penis pulses and arches upwards faster than ever!
Jessica takes a sharp inhale.
“Oh! Oh my!”
I look down.
My hard penis is twitching right in front of her!
Jessica lets out a long sigh, and puts her hands under her gown, pulling her knees up to her chest!
I quickly walk back over to my bed and lay down, trying in vain to sheild my genitals from view.
I struggle trying to climb and hop back into bed, making my hard penis bounce with each movement!
“I’m sorry! I just had to see it up close!” Jessica squeels.
Frustrated, I resign myself to my exposure and lay on the bed short-ways on full display for my new roommate.
All I wan’t to do is jerk off!
It’s becoming hard to think straight!
No pun intended!
I hear my phone buzz, but cant really answer it with my arms like this.
“Ready for dinner Xander? Oh!” I look to the door to see Kelly coming over to my bed with a clipboard.
“Are you ok? Here.”
Before I can attempt to adjust myself again, Kelly lifts my legs and swings me back in the bed.
She adjusts my pillows and props me up.
She straightens the bedding, and gives the pillows behind me one more fluff.
“Ok. Now then,” Kelly pauses as she noticed my erect penis.
She quickly shakes her head.
“First, are you ok Xander? You know you could have called for help.”
“I’m sorry.” Jessica says. “It’s my fault, I was asking him a favor. I’m sorry Xander.”
Kelly gives her a confused look, then looks back at me.
“Xander, are you alright?” Kelly asks, concerned.
“Y-Yeah. I’m fine.” I sigh.
“Ok.” Kelly looks down at my erect penis.
“Oh! I thought for sure your friend was going to-“ Kelly mutters, barely audible.
“What?” I ask.
“Nothing.” Kelly smiles like she’s trying not to laugh.
“Right. Dinner. Options tonight are meatloaf and potatoes, or spaghetti with salad.” Kelly says, looking at both Jessica and I.
“There’s also your favorite, Xander, chicken tenders and fries. Hmhm.” Kelly chuckles.
“I’ll do the spaghetti and salad, please.” Jessica says.
Kelly looks at me.
“Meatloaf sounds good.” I say.
Kelly stands up.
“Alright. I’ll have that ready for you soon!”
My phone buzzes.
Kelly looks at it, then looks at me.
“Do you want me to…?” She nods at my phone.
“Oh. Sure. Thanks.” I say.
Kelly picks up the phone and holds it up to my face so I can read the message.
It’s a group text from my gymnastics team!
“Hey Xan, hope you are stable! We talked with Katelyn today and will be visiting tomorrow afternoon!”
My heart sinks.
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Re: My Time In Physical Therapy

Post by NudeBaG »

I edited the last chapter to add minor details that will come up later and make a correction that I feel makes this chapter more ‘in line’ with the others.
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Re: My Time In Physical Therapy

Post by NudeBaG »

Kelly picks up the phone and holds it up to my face so I can read the message.
It’s a group text from my gymnastics team!
I only read the 1st couple messages from my coach and a couple teammates.
“Hey Xan, hope you are stable! We talked with Katelyn today and will be visiting tomorrow afternoon!”
“Xander! We miss you!”
“Hey Xan, Katelyn said she got to check in on you today and says you have a BIG surprise for us!”
My heart sinks.
“Everything ok, Xan?” Kelly asks.
She could probably see all the color drain from my face in real time.
“Um, not really.” I mutter.
Kelly sits my phone back on the bedside table.
“Are you feeling alright? Are you in pain?” Kelly quickly goes into caregiver mode.
She places one hand on my forehead and one hand on my penis!
She gently squeezes!
“No fever,” she takes her hand off of my forehead and looks back at my hard penis in her hand.
Jessica gasps.
I look over and see that she has a clear view as Kelly holds my penis!
After a minute, Kelly lets go.
“82 Your pulse IS a bit higher. Hmm. Xander, ARE you feeling ok?”
I sigh and stare at my own throbbing penis.
“Xander?” Kelly repeats.
I then realize the question isn’t rhetorical.
“It’s just,” I sigh. “my gymnastics team is coming to visit tomorrow.”
Kelly smiles, looking relieved.
“Oh! Then why so stressed? You had a good time with your friend Katelyn. Aren’t you happy that your other friends want to check up on you?”
The expression on my face clues her in.
Kelly looks at my naked body.
“Oh!” It looks like she’s trying not to laugh!
“Um, well. Didn’t Katelyn say she was going to suggest you do gymnastics naked anyway?” Kelly tries to console me, as though thats any better!
I hear Jessica chuckle.
“Maybe this will be a good ‘team building’ exercise?” Kelly says holding back laughter.
I sigh and try to relax.
“Oh yeah!” Kelly says.
She picks up the tv remote off of my bedside table.
“Since Xander can’t move his arms, looks like YOU get control of the tv, Jessica.”
Kelly walks the remote over to Jessica.
“Oh! Cool!” Jessica takes the remote and sets it in bed next to her.
“Well, let me go get your dinners. I’ll be back in a few.” Kelly exits the room.
Jessica continues chuckling.
“So, Xander,” she says.
“Yeah?” I ask.
“You’re gonna do gymnastics naked?” She sounds like she’s trying not to laugh.
“I, um-“ My mind starts racing.
Will Coach Summers really go along with Katelyn’s suggestion?
Then the reality of tomorrow sets in.
My gymnastics class is going to see me naked!
“I-I don’t know.” I say timidly.
Jessica keeps laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I ask.
“Hahaha! Nothing, nothing!” Jessica calms herself. “I know I just met you, but I’m picturing you doing gymnastics naked now! Hahaha!”
I twist my hips, trying to shield my erection from her view.
“Awww! Come on man! Don’t get shy! The view is the best part of my new room! Hahahaha!” She laughs.
She again calms herself, and we sit in silence for a bit.
“Seriously though,” she says, picking up the TV remote. “I think I lucked out with my new roomie!” She smiles and turns on the tv.
She channel surfs for a bit, skipping through the basic cable channels.
She lands on some absurd foreign game show, just as one of the attractive female contestants is jumping up and down.
The camera pans out and shows all the contestants in a row.
It’s some kind of physical competition, but the speakers on the tv seem to be broken.
All of the contestants appear to be female, and ALL of them are wearing bikinis!
We can’t make out what is being said, but the set up of game seems interesting.
The camera focuses on a particularly attractive woman with purple streaks in her hair.
The male host of the show appears to be giving her instructions.
He steps away and a timer pops up in the bottom corner of the screen.
The woman stands straight for a bit, then the timer starts counting down and the woman begins doing jumping jacks!
“Ooooooo!” Jessica cooes.
I glance over at her.
She’s staring at me.
I look back at the screen to see a full body shot of the attractive woman doing jumping jacks!
My mind does what it normally does and pictures the woman WITHOUT her bikini.
I might not be able to touch myself, but my penis reacts on it’s own.
It begins twitching- lifting off my abs and pulsing up and down!
“Hmhm!” I hear Jessica chuckle.
I look at her out of the corner of my eye.
She’s staring right at my penis!
“Ok, guys! Dinner is served!” Kelly enters, wheeling a cart with our trays of food on them.
She positions the cart between our beds.
She then pulls out the attatched collapsable tray from the side of the Jessica’s bed, positioning it over her lap.
“Spagheti and salad for Jessica,” She turns and grabs one of the trays off the cart, then places it in front of Jessica, removing the lid.
“Thanks! Smells good!” Jessica says, picking up her fork.
Kelly walks over to my bed and pulls out the collapsable tray and gets ready to position it over my lap, but pauses.
“Hmm. Xander, you still have an erection.” She says, a hint of concern in her voice.
“If your penis is still like that after dinner, we may need to run some tests.”
I don’t think tests will do anything.
I just need to jerk off, but I can’t do that with my arms like this!
She positions the tray and sets my food in front of me.
“And meatloaf for Xander.” She smiles.
Kelly opens the pre-packaged silverware and turns to Jessica, who is already eating.
“Oh, good.” She says.
Jessica looks up. “Huh?”
“I didn’t think you needed help eating, but wanted to be sure.” Kelly turns back to me.
“Oh! No! I’m fine!” Jessica waves her off. “I get it!”
Kelly smiles at me sweetly and begins cutting my meatloaf, which smells AMAZING!
“Ready?” She asks.
“Yes please!” I nod.
She smiles and lifts the fork to my face.

In between being fed, the 3 of us have light conversation, about Jessica’s soccer injury, and my gymnastics injury.
The conversation then goes into more personal stories.
“Yeah, one time when I was 13, in the middle of a soccer game, a girl on the other team tripped while chasing me down the field.” Jessica says before taking a bite.
She chews and swallows.
Kelly gives me another bite of meatloaf.
Jessica continues her story.
“When she tripped, I guess she tried to catch herself, but she ended up grabbing my shorts from behind, and she pulled my shorts and panties down in front of everyone!”
I almost choke, but manage to swallow the bite.
“Oh wow! That IS embarassing!Haha!” Kelly laughs.
“I’ve been pantsed too.” Kelly says, holding another bite up to my mouth.
I take the bite and chew, waiting on Kelly to continue her story.
“It was a few years ago when I was in middle school.” Kelly holds up another bite, but I’m still chewing.
“It was the last year we had recess, and a small group of us were playing a game of tag or something.”
I take the bite and listen eagerly.
“Anyway, I was trying to get to the ‘base’ or whatever, and a large group of us were already there. One of the kids that was ‘it’ grabbed my pants from behind and yanked them down to my ankles, tripping me! When I stood up, I went to pull them back up, but the kid had actually pulled them all the way off!” Kelly blushes and shakes her head.
“Well, just like you, she managed to grab my panties too! I had to chase her down with one hand over my front and one hand behind! But I’m pretty sure EVERYONE saw my,” Kelly pauses. “ ‘you know what’. “
I look at Kelly and can’t help but picture her naked!
Kelly pushes her beautiful red hair behind her ear.
I can’t help but wonder if the carpet matches the drapes.
I feel my penis twinge.
Kelly blushes and chuckles.
Both Kelly and Jessica are looking at me.
I swallow.
I just look at my meal and awkwardly let my mouth hang open.
“Um,” I start.
My brain actually surprises me by allowing me to be a little witty.
“This one time,”
The girls both look at me in anticipation.
“I injured my arms and had to sit in physical rehab completely naked.” I say bluntly.
There’s a brief pause, then both Kelly and Jessica burst out laughing.
Kelly gives me another bite.
“Hahaha!” Kelly laughs, then, sarcastically adds “Wow! That DOES sound embarassing!”
Dinner continues with light, sometimes joking and teasing conversation.
“So you’re only 15 too?!” Jessica asks Kelly. “How are you a nurse already?!”
“Student Nurse.” Kelly corrects her. “And it’s a combination of things.” Kelly gives me the last bite of meatloaf.
“The pandemic, economy and a lack of interest in the medical field.” Kelly says.
She takes the tray and sets it on the cart.
“The program they have here will fast track me into medical school.”
Jessica acknowledges her with an impressed nod.
“Cool.” Jessica is staring at me again.
Kelly again turns to me and swings the collapsable tray out and away.
“Hmm.” She looks at my exposed body again.
Thanks to the stories during dinner, my penis is still very much erect.
Kelly collapses the tray and slides it back into it’s place.
“Xander, you still have an erection.” Kelly says.
I hear Jessica giggle.
Kelly then shocks me by reaching down and grabbing my penis in her hand!
She squeezes a bit and gasps!
“Very firm.” She mutters.
I look at her face.
She’s staring at my penis in her hand!
I can feel it throbbing!
“Whoa!” I hear Jessica whisper.
“Xander, does this hurt?” Kelly asks.
She then gives me 2 slow tugs!
I throw my head back and gasp!
“Xander?” She pauses.
Does she realize what she was doing?!
It absolutely does NOT hurt!
She holds my penis firmly.
“N-no.” I mutter.
“Ok, I just want to make sure there isn’t any pain.” Kelly sighs.
“Not really there.” I say timidly.
“But,” I hesitate to say anything.
“No pain here? But somewhere else? Your arms?” Kelly asks sweetly.
“N-no.” I mutter again softly.
“Xander, you need to tell me where it hurts so I can help.” Kelly says in her soft and sweet voice.
I look down at my penis in her hand.
Kelly notices me looking there and gently moves her fingers down my shaft onto my balls!
She lightly massages my scrotum and testicles!
They feel swollen in her hand!
I hadn’t realized how tender they were!
She gently manipulates my balls.
“Ah! Shhhhh!” I wince, inhaling through my clenched teeth.
“Xander?” She asks sweetly.
“Aaaaah! Um,” I feel embarassed.
“Are your testicles sore?” She asks.
She paused her hand, gently cupping my balls!
“Um, yeah.” I sigh.
“Hmmm.” Kelly pulls her hand away and rests her hands on her hips.
“I’ll be back. I’m going to take these trays down and see what to do about your-“ she pauses and looks at my throbbing penis and balls. “-symptom.”
She picks up the empty tray and turns and picks up Jessica’s tray as well.
“Jessica, are you ok? Do you need anything?” Kelly asks.
“N-no, I’m good.” Jessica says, staring at my naked body.
“Ok. I’ll be back in a few.” Kelly exits the room.

Jessica and I sit in silence for a bit.
“Hmhmhm.” She chuckles.
I’m just staring at my hard penis, which is just staring back up at me.
“So,” she says. “your balls hurt?”
I look over at her.
“Um, yeah.” I sigh.
“Hmm. Your dick looks really hard, dude. Like REALLY hard.” She says bluntly.
I close my eyes and try to will it away.
“Hmmmmmmm.” Jessica mutters.
“You’re 15, right?” She asks.
“Y-Yeah?” I mutter.
She thinks for a second.
“When was the last time you..” she pauses. “…you know?”
I look over at her.
She makes a ‘jerking’ motion with her hand!
I’m stunned!
First Katelyn, now this girl?!!
She must read the expression on my face.
She bursts out laughing!
“Hahahaha! Seriously?! Come on man! Look, I’m already seeing you TOTALLY naked! And your dick is so hard, I can see it twitching from here! Hahaha!” She keeps laughing.
I squirm uncomfortably.
She calms herself and we sit in silence again for a bit.
“15. Wow.” She sighs.
“Huh?” I ask.
“You said you were 15, right?” She asks.
“Yeah?” I say.
“Hmmm.” She thinks, staring at me.
“W-What?” I ask nervously.
“Nothing. It’s just, you look REALLY good for a 15 year old.” She says.
I feel myself blush and squirm again and apparently, she can SEE me blush!
“Awww! Hahaha! Are you really THAT shy?!” Jessica teases.
I sigh and again resign myself to my fate.
“Where do you go to school?” Jessica asks.
“Western.” I say.
Jessica sighs.
“You?” I ask.
“South Western.” She says, disappointed.
We sit in silence a bit more.
“Just so I’m clear, you and Katelyn AREN’T a couple?” Jessica asks.
I look over at her.
“Um,” I’m still flustered from earlier and still thinking about it myself.
“I, um,” I don’t want to speak for Katelyn, but I do like the idea.
Jessica starts laughing.
“Hahahaha! Relax dude! Hahaha!” Jessica laughs.
“I’m not in to younger guys, sorry.”
She laughs a bit more while I sit uncomfortably.
“But damn.” She mutters.
I glance over at her again.
She’s biting her lip, staring at my hard penis!
She notices that I see her staring, and looks quickly at the tv.
“Jeez!” I let out in frustration.
Jessica looks shocked.
She composes herself and actually looks concerned.
“What? What is it? Are you ok?” She asks.
“No! I’m not!” Something in me boils over.
“I’ve been naked since I got here! All the nurses have seen me, patients, MY MOM! Oh yeah, AND my friend!” I feel overwhelmed.
“AND now, my new roomie won’t stop staring!” I look at my arms.
“And I can’t DO anything- about ANY of it!” I throw my head back and let out an exhausted sigh.
Once again, we sit in awkward silence.
I close my eyes and try to think about Katelyn.
“Xander?” Jessica says timidly.
“Yeah?” I sigh.
“I’m sorry.” Jessica says. “I’m really not trying to upset you, OR get in between you and your friend.”
I sense something change from Jessica.
“I always do this! Every time! Whenever I get nervous or overwhelmed. I turn into a bitch!”
I continue staring straight forward.
“The truth is,” she pauses. “I’ve never had a boyfriend.” She sighs.
She closes her eyes and takes a deep, slow inhale, holding it for a second.
“I’m 17, and I’ve never had a boyfriend. Isn’t that pathetic?” She asks.
“This is the first time I’ve ever been in a room with a boy, ALONE!” She adds.
“I’m pretty sure my little sister has had more action than me, and she’s 12!” Jessica says.
“So I’m sorry if I’m weird, or whatever.”
I turn to look at her.
She has her head faced forward staring at her feet.
“It’s fine.” I sigh. “Really. I didn’t mean to get so upset. I just have a lot on my mind.”
She looks back at me.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asks sweetly.
I sigh.
She listens as I explain my injury and about missing Nationals.
I even go into detail about losing my gown and how I’ve been naked pretty much since I arrived.
“Wow. Yeah, that does suck. I’m sorry.” She says, a new softness to her voice.
“Xander?” She asks.
“Yeah?” I sigh again.
“I’m definitely not an expert, obviously, but,” she pauses.
“You do have a really nice dick.” She throws her hands over her face and starts laughing uncontrollably!
This beautiful 17 year old girl is turning into a nervous giggling mess!
I squirm again, suddenly re-discomforted by my exposure.
“Please don’t!” Jessica says sharply.
I freeze and look at her.
“Ok,” she sighs. “This is going to sound SUPER weird, and I know we LITERALLY just met like, a couple hours ago, but could you do me another favor?”
I sink into my bed as much as I can.
Jessica picks up on my body language.
“No no no! You can stay there! Just,” she pauses.
“Could I maybe, draw you?” She asks nervously.
“What?” I ask nervously.
“Remember how I said I liked to sketch in my free time?” Jessica asks.
I honestly don’t, as my mind has been all over the place lately.
“Not really, I’m sorry.”
Might as well be honest.
Jessica chuckles.
“Haha! That’s ok. Yeah, it’s something that I’ve always dabbled in, but with soccer taking over these past couple months, I’ve let it get away from me.”
I look down at my hard penis.
“So, can I?” Jessica asks again.
It’s not like taking a picture or anything like that.
How detailed could she get?
“I guess.” I sigh.
“Thanks! It’ll give me something to do other than watch TV.” She says, relieved.
“Um, do you think you could do me ONE more tiny favor then?” She asks sweetly.
“Um, ok?” I say.
She looks over to the entrance to our room.
I follow her gaze to the floor by the door.
There’s a small black backpack.
I hadn’t noticed it before, but I guess one of the student nurses must have dropped it there while helping Jessica into the room.
“Could you get my bag for me?” She asks sweetly.
“Um,” I look at my arms.
“You can use your foot, maybe?” Jessica gives a nervous smile.
“Yeah,” I sigh. “Hang on.” I swing my legs back down to the floor and stand up.
My penis, fortunately, is no longer fully erect, but is sticking straight out in a plump semi.
Jessica giggles as I walk over to her bag and hook one foot through one of the straps.
I slide it across the floor as I walk.
I make it to her bedside and carefully lift the bag with my leg, balancing on the other.
“Oooooooo! VERY impressive! Haha!” Jessica laughs as she takes the bag off my ankle.
I lower my leg, but before I can walk back to bed, Jessica stops me.
“Wait!” She says, unzipping her bag.
She pulls out her sketchpad and several pencils and erasers, setting them on the bed next to her.
“Might as well make the most of this, right?” She picks up one of the pencils and gently lifts my penis with it!
“Ah! Wha-?” I gasp as she runs the side of the pencil along the underside of my shaft, making me stiffen, lengthen and arch up again in a full erection!
“Whew boy!” Jessica gasps.
“It’s so smooth!” She pulls the pencil away as my fully erect penis twitches from the stimulation.
The picks up her sketch pad and I walk back over to my bed.
I carefully sit down and swing my legs in, resting my back against the pillows.
I look over at Jessica.
She already has her sketch book open in her lap and pencil in hand.
She’s looking at me and appears to be thinking.
“Hmm. Xander. Could you bend your left leg?” She asks.
Laying on my back, I do as she says, bending my left leg up while keeping my right leg straight.
This actually pushes my testicles up a bit as well as putting more emphasis on my penis, which I’m sure was Jessica’s intent.
“Perfect! Think you can hold that pose?” She asks.
I look at my arms and relax down in bed as much as I can.
“Yeah,” I say sarcastically. “I think I can manage.”
We sit in silence.
The only sounds are those of the machines from the hall, the hum of the air conditioning, the muffled words from the broken tv speakers, and the scratching of pencil on paper as Jessica sketches.
Time seems to be crawling, not that I know what time it even is.
“Hmmm.” Jessica mutters.
“Shoot!” She whispers.
I look over at her.
“Wh-whats up?” I ask.
“I’m almost done, but, um,” Jessica nods and points her pencil at my crotch.
I look down and notice that I am no longer erect, much to my relief!
My penis has shifted, and hangs limply to the side.
She looks at the tv, causing me to look as well.
It’s no longer the interesting foreign gameshow with scantilly clad women, but rather some kind of boring infomercial.
“Um, Xander?” She asks. “Do you think you can get hard again?” She smiles and blushes.
I feel myself blush at her request.
“Aren’t you almost finished?” I ask.
“I am, but I had started drawing you hard, and now,” she pauses. “It looks…different.”
I look down at my penis again, then back at Jessica.
“Can’t you just finish it like this?” I ask, embarrassed again by the whole situation.
“I mean, yeah, I COULD, but…” Jessica pauses again.
“It’d just look BETTER hard.”
I suddenly feel shame again and squirm.
“Don’t move!” Jessica gasps.
I’m getting frustrated again.
“Look! Just finish the drawing! I don’t even know why I agreed to this!” I start to lower my leg.
“Please!” Jessica gasps again.
I freeze.
“Please. Don’t move. I didn’t mean-“ Jessica seems flustered.
“I didn’t mean that it doesn’t look good, it does! Believe me! I just want-“ she pauses again.
“I just want you to be hard in this sketch.” She finishes.
I continue to look down at my naked body for a bit, thinking about the entire situation.
“Hmm.” Jessica mutters. “Ok.” She sighs.
“Xander.” She says my name, but I continue facing forward.
“I can’t believe I’m going to do this.” Jessica whispers.
“What?” I look over at her.
“I’m going to do something for you, ok?” She seems nervous.
“What do you mean?” I ask, also nervous.
She sets the pad and pencil down.
She looks at the entrance to our room, then back at me.
“Just look at me for now, ok?” She says.
She then bends her left leg at the knee, just like mine, leaving her wrapped injured right ankle at the foot of the bed.
She then gently creeps her fingers along her gown, exposing her bent left leg.
She keeps gathering the gown more and more until her entire leg and side of her naked butt are uncovered!
She holds the gown up, just under her chest, giving me a full side view of her naked lower half!
I can’t see any of her privates, but just the bare skin and knowledge that she’s naked under the gown are enough!
In record time, I feel my penis swell and stiffen!
“Hahaha!” Jessica lowers her leg and gown again, but not before I’m able to see a tuft of brown pubic hair!
“Aaah!” I moan as I feel my cock tense!
“There we go! Stay just like that!” Jessica says, picking up her sketchpad.
I stare down at my penis.
It feels like it’s going to explode!
I then think about the fact that Jessica is going to have a picture of me, NAKED!
Yeah, she’s already seen everything, but now she has a drawing of me!
The shame and embarassment of my situation makes my penis twitch and tense.
“Ah!” I wince.
“You ok?” Jessica asks.
“I-I don’t know.” I say.
She continues sketching for a bit as I sit in pain now.
“Oh! Hoooooooo!” I hear Jessica take a sharp, whispered inhale.
“Aaaaaand finished!” Jessica sighs.
I gently lower my leg, my penis throbbing!
I look at Jessica.
She’s holding her sketch pad up, studying her work.
“Wow.” She whispers.
She then smiles, biting her lower lip.
“Dude!” She gasps.
“Y-yeah?” I sigh.
“I’m totally going to jill off to this when I get out of here! Haha!” She laughs.

“Xander,” Kelly startles both of us as she enters the room again.
She makes her way to my bedside.
“Hmmmm.” She regards my erect penis again.
“I did some research and found some possible details and solutions regarding your, um,” she pauses, biting her lower lip. “ ‘condition.’ “
“So, it seems that given your age, frequent erections are pretty common.” Kelly brushes her red hair behind her ear and smirks. “Now, medically, there are a few options we could try. Some medicinal, others practical.” Kelly’s face shifts to concern.
She looks over her shoulder at Jessica.
She then leans in closer and continues in a hushed tone.
“Unfortunately, we don’t currently have any of the drug-I mean ‘medicinal’ options available. There IS a medical procedure we could try, but I don’t think you’ll like it.” She says with a concerned look.
“W-what is it?” I ask.
“Well, in the event of ‘priapism’, which is a prolongued erection of the penis without sexual stimulus as the cause, we would need to drain the blood from your penis using a syringe.” She says calmly.
I begin squirming and breathing heavy at the thought of a needle going ANYWHERE near my dick!
Kelly puts a hand on my chest.
“Relax, Xander, relax.” She says calmly.
“That would only be if your erection were constant.”
Her hand on my chest DOES calm me a bit.
“Since we HAVE seen your penis both erect AND flaccid, I don’t believe you are suffering from priapism.” Kelly says.
I let out a semi-relieved sigh.
“Now,” Kelly continues. “My next question might be a little embarassing, but I need you to answer honestly, ok?”
I look at Kelly as she continues to rest her hand on my chest.
I nod.
“Now, when was the last time you masturbated?” She asks.
My heart begins to race!
“Xander, it’s ok. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. But I do need to know, considering your condition.” Kelly looks at my hard penis again.
“And I mean ejaculation. When was the last time you masturbated to the point of ejaculation?” Kelly clarifies.
I hear a cough and glance at Jessica.
She has her hand over her mouth and is clearly trying not to laugh!
“I, um,” My mind is racing!
“Xander?” Kelly presses.
At least Katelyn isn’t here to hear this.
“A couple days before my accident.” I say timidly.
“Ok.” Kelly says calmly. “How many, would you say?”
I sigh, exasperated.
“Xander, it’s ok.” Kelly reassures.
“Maybe 4 or 5?” I sigh, defeated.
Kelly moves her hand off my chest and puts her hands on her hips.
“Oh! Really?” Kelly actually seems genuinely surprised by my answer.
“I see.” She says calmly.
She looks at my arms, then back at my penis.
It looks like she’s trying not to laugh!
“Ok. Try and get some rest tonight, but,” Kelly looks back at my face, shifting to her sweet caregiver smile.
“If you are still getting erections like this tomorrow, we may need to try ‘dexterous manipulation’ of your penis to relieve your ‘symptom’.” Kelly says.
My mind begins racing!
“Um, what does that mean?” I ask.
Kelly again looks like she is trying not to laugh.
“Don’t worry, Xander. Just try and get some rest. Remember, Katelyn and your gymnastics class are visiting tomorrow. Just try and look forward to that, ok?”
My heart sinks as I am reminded of tomorrow’s visit.
Kelly turns and steps over to Jessica.
“Now then, how are you feeling?” She asks sweetly.
“Actually, I need to use the bathroom.” Jessica says.
I immediately look over at her.
She looks embarassed, which makes me quickly look away.
“Ok.” Kelly says sweetly. “We still haven’t found any crutches that are your size, so I’ll have to help you, ok?”
“Yeah, thats fine.” Jessica sighs.
I watch out of the corner of my eye as Jessica swings her legs to the side of the bed facing me!
Unfortunately, she keeps her legs together, preventing any exposure of her own genitals.
She stands on her one good foot next to Kelly and they slowly start towards the bathroom.
As they turn at the foot of her bed however, I’m blessed with the sight of Jessica’s exposed backside in her open-backed gown!
As I already knew from earlier, she has a slim figure, but now I am granted a look at her perfect butt and toned runner’s legs!
Kelly looks back at me and lowers her hand, pulling the back of Jessica’s gown shut.
But I’ve already locked the image away in my spankbank- for whenever I get the chance to use it, that is.
I sit there with my eyes closed, thinking about Jessica naked!
How can I NOT, now that I’ve seen her from behind!
I lay there, trying to relax.
I hear the toilet flush, then the sink running.
“Alright, here we go.” I hear Kelly’s voice.
I turn and watch as she and Jessica come out of the bathroom.
Jessica is blushing and staring me in the eyes.
I act as though I didn’t see anything this time around.
I do glance over again as Kelly helps her into bed, hoping for another glimpse of Jessica’s privates, but no luck this time.
Jessica’s movements are quicker and Kelly’s body hides anything I might have seen.
Kelly helps Jessica get situated, and then notices her sketchpad.
“Oh! Wow!” Kelly picks it up.
“Did you draw this?!” She asks.
“Huh? Oh, yeah.” Jessica says.
Kelly looks back at me then back at the sketchpad in her hands.
“This is, um,” Kelly looks at me again and smirks. “REALLY good!”
“You think?” Jessica asks bashfully.
“Oh! Definitely!” Kelly says looking back at the sketchpad.
“Can I,” Kelly holds the sketchpad towards me and nods. “Show him? I’m assuming it IS him, right?”
Jessica bites her lip and looks embarassed.
“Um, yeah, I guess so.” She says timidly.
Kelly walks back over to me smiling and holding the sketch up so I can see.
I’m stunned!
It looks like a black and white photo!
I actually gasp when I see my penis as drawn by Jessica.
I’ve never seen a naked picture of myself before, but this is like looking in a full body mirror!
Is that really what I look like naked?!
Is that really what my cock looks like?!
“Whao!” I whisper.
“Isn’t it incredible Xander?!” Kelly asks.
“Um, yeah. Is that really-“ I gulp. “me?”
Kelly looks like she’s trying not to laugh.
She takes the sketchpad back over to Jessica.
“I’ll say! It certainly looks like you. Every inch. Hmhm.” Kelly chuckles as she hands the sketch back to Jessica.
I feel a knot in the pit of my stomach again.
That sketch is so good, it might as well be a photo!
If any of my gymnastics team were to see that?!
The reality of tomorrow hits me again.
My gymnastics team IS going to see me!
“I almost forgot.” Kelly walks back over to me.
“Come on Xander, up you go.” Kelly swings my feet out of bed and on to the floor.
She puts her hand on my lower back and gently pushes me towards the bathroom.
“Haha! Ooooo!” I hear Jessica laugh as I pass in front of her bed.
Kelly stops me in front of the sink,
reaches into her pocket and pulls out a long packet.
She pulls out a toothbrush and small tube of toothpaste.
“Can’t forget about the basics.” She says, prepping the toothbrush.
“Ok, um, I guess just, open wide? Haha.” Kelly chuckles.
I open my mouth and lean over the sink as Kelly proceeds to brush my teeth for me.
It’s such an awkward and strange process, shifting my head and mouth so that the much shorter Kelly can move the tooth brush all around.
“Stick out your tongue, Xan.” She says.
I do and she brushes it as foamy toothpaste falls into the sink.
“Ok, spit.” She gently pushes my upper back forwards, pitching my head over the sink.
I do as she says and she holds up a cup of water for me to rinse with.
After my teeth are brushed Kelly looks at me in the mirror.
She stares at my plump, semi erect penis.
“Lets try and do this before you get another erection.” She puts her hands on my hips and guides me to the toilet.
“Can you-?” She looks at my penis.
“Y-Yeah. I think.” I tilt my body forwards and aim into the bowl.
I stand there for a moment, trying to relax.
After a brief period of time, my bladder finally releases, and I empty it into the toilet.
Not being fully erect makes it MUCH easier to go.
“Good?” Kelly smirks after I give a few last squirts.
Kelly then takes some tissue and dabs my penis off, tugging a bit.
I feel myself getting hard again!
“Do you need to,” Kelly pauses. “Number 2?”
“No! No!” I say quietly.
“Ok. Tomorrow morning then.” Kelly then guides me back out to the room and we both freeze!
Standing next to Jessica’s bed is a middle aged woman with glasses and a young girl!
Both of them have a shocked look on their faces!
“Mom? MOM!” Jessica exclaims. “I TOLD YOU they were in there! Don’t make a big deal out of it!”
I instinctively try to hide behind Kelly, but she calmy and firmly guides me passed Jessica’s bed, as well as a middle aged woman with brown hair, and a MUCH younger girl, who I assume to be, Jessica’s younger sister!
“Oh! Oh my!” Jessica’s mother looks JUST like her, only middle aged.
She’s flustered and looking around frantically.
Not really looking for anything in particular, but rather seeming to try and look anywhere BUT at me.
The younger girl, however is giggling like mad, ogling me as Kelly guides me to my bed.
She helps me sit down and swing my legs up into the bed before adjusting the pillows behind me.
“Comfy?” She asks sweetly.
I look passed her at Jessica, the young girl and the woman.
Kelly glances over her shoulder at them, then looks back at me.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers. “It’s right at the end of visiting hours though, so they shouldn’t be here long.”
Kelly turns back to Jessica and her family.
“I’ll be back in a bit, to do the night check. Take your time.” Kelly says to Jessica’s mom before exiting.
I do my best to close my eyes or stare at the ceiling.
They’re talking in hushed tones, so I can’t really make out what is being said anyway.
After a good while, I hear the woman speak.
“I’ll be back Jessica, then Leah and I will get out of here.”
I here her footsteps exit the room.
“Leah! LEAH!” Jessica sharply gasps.
I open my eyes to see the young girl at my bedside!
“Ah! Um, h-hey?” I say as kindly as I can, but my startledness can’t be hidden.
“Hi! Haha!” Leah is staring directly at my penis, which fortunately, is flaccid, hanging to the side.
Leah beams.
“Xander! I’m SO SORRY!” Jessica calls from her bed.
I squirm uncomfortably, making my penis flop around a bit.
“Hahaha!” Leah laughs. “Wow!”
“Leah!” Jessica’s mom walks up behind the young girl.
“I’m sorry!” The woman gasps grabbing the girl by the shoulders.
The woman quickly ushers Leah back over to Jessica.
“Leah! Leave him alone!” Jessica says.
I look over at them.
Jessica’s mom has Leah in front of her with her hands on her shoulders.
Leah is smiling wide, staring at my body.
Her mom is talking quietly to Jessica again, and the 2 keep glancing over at me.
I raise my right leg to shield my genitals from view as much as possible.
After a bit more hushed conversation, I see Jessica’s mom kiss her on the cheek before ushering her little sister to the exit.
“Sleep well sweety.” Her mom says.
Leah looks at me and waves.
“Bye!” She giggles.
I just nod.
Jessica’s mom smirks at me and the 2 leave.
Jessica lets out a long sigh.
“Xander, I’m SO sorry, again! I didn’t expect them to visit!”
She looks at me.
“Are you ok?” She asks.
I don’t respond.
I’m frustrated and tired.
I just relax back and stare at the TV.
Jessica leans forward and pulls out her sketchpad from under her pillow.
She relaxes back and looks at it.
“I’m just glad my mom and sister didn’t see THIS.” She smiles as she looks at the drawing.
She looks back over at me.
“I’m also glad they didn’t see you with a boner! Jeez!”
I feel myself blush.
“Leah was hard enough to control JUST with you being naked! I can’t imagine what would have happened if you’d had a boner!”
I shift uncomfortably again.
“Remember what I told you about Leah earlier?” Jessica asks.
I think back to that conversation.
“Y-Yeah?” I say.
“Well, I promised her I wouldn’t tell my mom, but a few times while babysitting her and a her friends, I’m pretty sure I’ve caught her-“ Jessica pauses. “you know, ‘playing doctor’.”
The euphemism isn’t lost on me.
“It’s something I never got to do. I didn’t have guy friends growing up.” Jessica says.
Jessica probably isn’t wrong about her little sister being more ‘experienced’ than her after all.
“I’ve told her not to do it and to be careful, but I swear, she’s such a horny little brat! Haha!”

We sit in an awkward silence again for a bit.
Jessica is still staring at the sketch.
I hear my stomach rumble and feel a drop in my bowls.
This is going to be embarassing, but I guess it’s best to just get it out of the way.
I sigh, and swing my legs out of bed to the floor.
Jessica looks over at me.
“What’s up?” She asks.
“Um, nothing.” I stand and walk to the bathroom.
I stop in the entrance and look at Jessica.
“Um, if you see Kelly or one of the others, could you let them know I’m in the bathroom?” I say timidly.
Jessica looks at me suspiciosly.
“Yeah… sure.” She says.
I step sideways into the bathroom.
Using my balance and flexibility, I lift my foot and flick on the fan.
It’s so noisy, any illusion Jessica had of what I’m doing in here is probably shattered.
I sit down and do my business as quickly as possible.
I stand, and the toilet automatically flushes.
“Xander?” I hear Kelly’s voice from outside the bathroom!
“Y-yeah?” I ask, backing into the shower stall.
“Are you finished?” Kelly asks sweetly.
I sigh.
“Yeah.” I take a deep breath, bracing for the humiliating event that’s about to take place.
Kelly enters the bathroom and looks at me in the shower.
“Alright. No problem, Xander.” She says sweetly.
She removes her labcoat, placing it on the bathroom sink counter.
She then pulls her beautiful red hair back into a ponytail.
She opens the cabinet and retrieves more small washcloths.
“Since Katelyn is coming tomorrow, I guess it’s good to get this sort of thing out of the way, huh? Hmhm.” She chuckles.
She reaches into the shower and turns the water on.
I stand back as she adjusts the temperature.
“Ok, just like last time, yeah?” She watches as I soak my chest and lower body.
I then turn and soak my lower back.
Kelly takes the bodywash and lathers up her hands.
I step back out of the water as she leans into the stall.
She looks me in the eye.
“One, two, three.” She counts quickly, then I feel her soapy hand sliding up and down my buttcrack!
I close my eyes, tensing with embarassment.
“Relax, Xander.” She whispers.
She finishes scrubbing, then gently pushes me back under the running water.
I step backwards again.
Just like last time, she scrubs my body.
Her soft hands feel amazing as they move all around.
She begins scrubbing my penis and balls, gently gripping and running her hand along my shaft.
I feel myself starting to get hard!
“Hmm.” Kelly gently grips my penis.
“Xander?” She says softly. “Are you ok?”
“Mhm.” I mutter quietly.
“Ok.” She lets go of my penis, and scrubs down my legs.
I do my best to fight it, but I open my eyes and look down.
Seeing Kelly kneel beside me, running her hands up and down my legs, her head inches away from my crotch has my penis boning up again!
As Kelly moves back up my body, she notices my arousal.
“Oh! Um, ok.” Kelly stands and guides me under the water again.
After the soap is washed away, Kelly turns off the water and helps me out of the stall.
She takes 2 of the dry wash cloths, and proceeds to dry my body.
When she gets to my crotch, she drapes the washcloth over my penis and gently wraps her hand around it!
She gently begins drying by slowly moving her hand.
I close my eyes and try to ignore the pleasant feelings shooting through me!
“Xander?” Kelly quietly gasps.
I open my eyes and look down.
I realize I’ve been moving my hips, essentially humping her hand!
I pull my pelvis back, letting Kelly’s hand and the washcloth slip from my penis!
“I-I’m sorry!” I gasp.
Kelly also seems flustered, but quickly composes herself again.
“I-It’s ok. I mean, are you ok?” She asks.
“Yeah. I’m sorry. Can we just-“ I twitch my head back to the room.
“Y-yes. Of course. Come on.” Kelly brushes right passed what just happened, and gently places her hand on my lower back, guiding me into the room.
Jessica sits up and stretches.
It looks like she had fallen asleep.
My knees are shaking and I feel strange as I reach my bed.
Kelly helps me in, adjusting my pillows.
“Xander? Are you sure you are feeling alright?” Kelly places her hand on my forehead.
“You feel warm, but that could just be from the shower.” She gently grips my penis.
My body trembles as she holds it and gently squeezes!
She holds my penis for a bit, gently squeezing and releasing.
“Your pulse feels high.” She lets go, and my hips raise off the bed, as though to follow her hand!
“Hmmm.” Kelly looks concerned.
“I’m sorry, Kelly!” I gasp.
What is wrong with me?!
I can’t think straight, and now, I can’t even seem to control my own body!
“It’s ok, Xander.” Kelly says sweetly. “We just wan’t to figure this out.”
Kelly adjusts the pillows behind me a bit more.
“Try and get some rest, Xander.”
Kelly walks over to the doorway.
“I’m going to turn the lights down now, ok?”
“Oh? Yeah, that’s fine.” Jessica says.
I look over at her.
She’s got her hands in her lap and her sketchpad next to her.
Kelly turns the lights out, and the room dims as much as it can.
“Sleep well you guys.” Kelly waves and exits the room.
I settle into the bed and close my eyes.
“Goodnight Xander.” Jessica says softly.
I look over at her.
She’s holding the sketchpad again.
“Night, Jessica.” I sigh.
I close my eyes and drift off.
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